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  1. 1. Workers of the Last Hours Chapter XX Gospel According to Spiritism The Messengers - Paul & Stephen
  2. 2. Workers of the Last Hour The Spirits Teachings: The last shall be first The Mission of Spiritists Workers of the Lord
  3. 3. Symbolically, Spiritism is Jesus returning to the world, inviting us to individual growth through constructive and incessant work. Aulus In the Realms of Mediumship
  4. 4. Disseminating the Message Preach the Gospel Always Use Words Only When Necessary
  5. 5. The kingdom of heaven is like the father of a family, who went out at daybreak in order to hire workers to work in his vineyard. Having agreed with the workers that he would pay them one denarius per day, he sent them to the vineyard. (Mt. 20: 1-2)
  6. 6. He went out again at the third hour of the day, and seeing others who were in the square not doing anything, he said to them, You go also to my vineyard and I will give you what is reasonable. And they went there. Again, he went out at the sixth and ninth hours of the day and did the same. And having gone out at the eleventh hour, he found others who were without anything to do and said to them, Why have you stood around all day without working? They told him that it was because no one had hired them. He then said to them, You too go to my vineyard.
  7. 7. Spiritists are all workers of the last hour. The one who says, I began work at daybreak and I will finish only at nightfall would be very proud. You all came when you were called some a little earlier, some a little later to the incarnation whose shackles you bear; however, for how many centuries has the Lord been calling you to his vineyard, without your wanting to enter it! Now is the time for you to receive your wages; employ the time you have remaining well, and never forget that your existence, no matter how long it may seem to you, is only a fleeting instant in the immensity of time comprising eternity for you. Constantin (a Protector Spirit)
  8. 8. Many, many spirits are trained here to spread hope and consolation, and to provide instruction and counsel in the various arenas of the planets evolution. I dont mean just invisible emissaries, however. We also train tightly-knit groups for reincarnation, and mediums and instructors leave here by the hundreds every year. Those who will be involved in giving spiritual comfort are trained by our Messenger Center and are sent to the incarnate realms in considerable numbers.
  9. 9. Really?! According to what youre saying, their work of providing spiritual enlightenment should have made a lot of headway in the world by now! Andre Luiz
  10. 10. My dear Andre, you havent considered the fact that this preparation in and of itself doesnt mean theyll be successful. Thousands of qualified messengers leave here, but the ones who actually succeed are rare indeed. Some manage to accomplish their task partially, but most fail completely. Real service is not just an idea; it involves effort, without which the work can neither begin nor prevail. Ranks of mediums and instructors leave here for the physical world with special training because benefactors in the Higher Realms need selfless, altruistic mediums (collaborators) in order to enhance humankinds redemption. Tobias
  11. 11. We committed to Jesus before diving into the flesh to serve Him with resignation and devotion. We promised wed be faithful, even if sacrifices were required. We are invited not only to the applause, the enthusiasms, the joy, but also to the testimony, in the silent landscapes of our soul, the testimony of love for those who do not love us, the testimony of selflessness in helping those who still take pleasure in trying unsuccessfully to hinder the march of progress. April 18th 2010
  12. 12. Those messengers trained and prepared in the Spirit Plane, forget their missionary spirit and their dedication to their fellow beings, becoming worthless instruments. Just as there are plows and farmers, there are mediums and mediumship, doctrinal instructors and doctrine. A farmer may own an excellent plow, but if he lacks the desire to use it, the only thing the plow will produce is rust. The same applies to psychic faculties and great knowledge. Mediums, instructors, children & youth educators, SPIRITISTS may be endowed with a very powerful mediumistic ability, or other talents, but if they cannot see beyond their own interests, they will completely fail at their assigned task. Countless workers retreat just at the moment when the task offers the most valuable opportunity work carries with it its corresponding struggle. Those who endure the hardships and setbacks of the front lines are very rare indeed. TOBIA (The Messengers)
  13. 13. Lets be those Spiritist Spirits who demonstrate the greatness of the love of Jesus in our lives; let others complain, lament, and argue; we shall keep, in the intimacy of our soul, the commitment to love and to love always, bringing Jesus back with all the vigor of those days that go far and that are very close.
  14. 14. As far as my contribution and collaboration in the Spiritist Center (and out) go, am I being a faithful servant so that Spiritism can be that shining guiding light, or am I putting my feelings and immediate desires first? Do I want to join the vineyard?
  15. 15. At this moment, God is taking a census of his faithful servants () and these words will be fulfilled: The first will be last and the last will be first in the kingdom of heaven.
  16. 16. What can we do to acquire a perfect understanding of Christs designs? Paul of Tarsus Course of Action for Spiritists Love Work How can we proceed in order to grow richer in divine virtues? Jesus ordered us to love even our enemies. What can we do for our soul to reach such an elevated expression of effort in Jesus Christ? What measures could we adopt against destructive discouragement? Hope How are we to reconcile the grand lessons of the Gospel with human indifference, injustices and difficulties? Forgive
  17. 17. Paul of Tarsus Course of Action for Spiritists Jesus, dear sons and daughters, waits for us. Let Love be our shield, our tools. Let our life be a hymn of Love. Bezerra de Menezes LOVE WORK HOPE FORGIVE

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