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"Word Related to Abbreviated Communication/Brief Communication/Brief statement":-1. Abbreviated.2. Abridge.3. Aphorism.4. Brevity.5. Concise.6. Compendium.7. Curtail or Curt.8. Epigram.9. Laconic.10. Maxim.11. Pithy.12. Succinct.13. Syllabus.14. Synopsis.15. Terse!

"Words Related to support/Encourage/Assist"1. Abet.2. Advocate; Advocacy.3. Ancillary.4. Auspice.5. Bolster.6. Buttress.7. Champion.8. Chivalrous(One who supports women).9. Corroborate.10. Countenance.11. Espouse.12. Edifying.13. Fortify.14. Invigorate15. Mainstay.16. Partisan (supporter of a party or Group).17. Proponent.18. Promote.19. Substantiate.20. Stalwart.21. Sustenance.22. Undergrid.

ANTONYM OF ENCOURAGEMENT(Discouragement words)1. Discourage.2. Deterrent

Synonym List III."Words related to Amoral behavior/ Lacking Morality/Corruption/Wickedness1.Amorality.2. Bestial.3. Corrupted; Corruption.4. Debauch.5. Decadence.6. Demagogue( Is a corrupt leader).7. Depravity; Deprive.8. Dissolute.9. Iniquity.10. Immoral.11. Reprobate.12. Sordid.13. Sociopath.14. Vice.15. Vitiate.16. Vile.

ANTONYM OF CORRUPTION("Words related to Moral Values and one who is not corrupt):-1. Probity.2. Rectitude.3. Virtuous.

Synonym List IV:-" Word related to falsehood/ Cheat/ Deceive/ DisloyalityNote:- They will always play trick and mind games1. Ambiguous.2. Ambush.3. Artifice.4. Apocryphal.5. Beguile.6. Bacchanalian.7. Betray.8. Bluff.9. Bamboozle.10. Canard.11. Cozen.12. Chicanery.13. Deceive.14. Delude.15. Digress.16. Dissemble.17. Duplicity.18. Equivocal.19. Equivocate.20. Erroneous.21. Ersatz.22. Fallacious.23. Feigned.24. Guile.23. Gullible.24. Guise.25. Hoodwink.26. Illusion.27. Insidious.28. Mountebank.29. Meretricious.30. Mendacious.31. Prevaricate.32. Perfidious.33. Perjure.34. Ruse.35. Specious.36. Sophistry.37. Spurious.38. Subterfuge.39. Underhandedness.40. Unsound.

Synonym List V:-"Words related to Death/ Death songs(Mournful songs)/Killed/ Loss of function & non existing:-1. Bereave.2. Bane.3. Bemoan(sorrow song).4. Cadaver.5. Dirge(Mournful song).6. Decimate.7. Defunct.8. Defunct.9. Dolorous.10. Doleful.11. Disconsolate.12. Elegy.(mournful song)13. Jeremiad (mournful song).14. Knell.15. Lament(mournful song).16. Lugubrious (Mournful song).17. Macabre.18. Moribund.19. Melancholy.20. Mournful.21. Mortifying.22. Mortal ( Like Mortal combat).23.Plaintive; Pity(Sorrow)24.Obsequies.25. Wraith ( Like wraith of titans)

Synonym List VI:-"Words related to Criticize/Defamation/Disgrace/Dishonor/Attacking by Harsh words/ScoldingNote:- Are used by critics & used to scold.1. Aspersion; Asperity.2. Belittle.3. Berate.4. Blemish.5. Blot.6. Baleful.7. Castigate8. Chide.9. Calumny.10. Callous.11. Decry.12. Denounce.13. Denigrate.14. Derogatory.15. Defame.16. Disgrace.17. Disparage.18. Disrepute.19. Diatribe.20. Excoriate.21. Fell22. Fusillade.23. Harangue.24. Ignominy.25. Inveigh.26. Impugn.27. Libelous.28. Objurgate.29. Opprobrium.30. Obloquy.31. Rebuke.32. Revile.33. Scathing.34. Stricture.35. Upbraid36. Vehement37. Vituperative.38. Vilify.*Malevolent and Mordant can also be used as a harsh words*.

Synonym List VIIWords related to difficult to understand/ a puzzle/ a riddle/ Hidden/ It cannot be experimented/ not clear/ Dark & unclear/ Convoluted.1. Abstruse.2. Ambiguous.3. Arcane.4. Argot.5. Bent.6. Bemusing.7. Byzantine.8. Cache.9. Covert.10. Clandestine.11. Chary.12. Conundrum.13. Convoluted.14. Cryptic.15. Dialect.16. Enigmatic.17. Elusive.18. Esoteric.19. Entangled.20. Imbroglio.21. Inscrutable.22. Jargon.23. Labyrinthine.24. Obscure.25. Opaque.26. Perplex.27. Paradoxical.28. Quagmire.29. Recondite.30. Ramifications.31. Sinuous.32. Superficial.33. Skein.34. Tangled.35. Turgid.* Somber* Stygian.* Grim* Saturnine.* Hellish* Gloomy* words can also be used in the same context*

Synonym list VIIIWords related to easy to understand/ Simple/ Open/Clear/ without an art.1. Artless.2. Austere.3. Candor.4. Cogent.5. Evince.6. Explicit.7. Evident.8. Eloquent.9. Implicit.10. Limpid.11. Lucid.12. Overt.13. Pellucid.14. Transparent.15. Tacit.

Synonym List IX:-"Words related to young/beginner/ Beginning/Without experience/New.1. Amateur.2. Apprentice.3. Burgeoning.4. Callow.5. Dilettante.6. Engender.7. Fledgling.8. Inchoate.9. Incipient.10. Infusion.11. Neophyte.12. Novitiate.13. Proselyte.14. Puerile.15. Tyro.16. Yearling

Synonym List 10th (Sorry for the delay in post)"Words related to causing a bad mood/Disturbing/ Intolerable/ irritating.1. Agitate.2. Bilious.3. Dudgeon.4. Foment.5. Fretful.6. Galling.7. Irate.8. Infuriate.9. Irascible.10. Invidious.11. Peevish.12. Perturb.13. Petulant.14. Pique.15. Querulous.16. Umbrage.17. Waspish

Syn list 11."words related to Act quickly"1. Abrupt.2. Apace.3. Headlong.4. Impetus.5. Precipitate.

Syn List 12."Words related to Flourish"1. Bountiful.2. Thrive.3. Verdant.4. Verdure.

Syn list 13."Words related to Rub out/Wear out1. Abrasive.2. Effete.3. Efface.4. Slough.Syn List 14"Words related to Bold/ Fearless/ Courageous"1. Audacious.2. Affront.3. Brazen.4. Dauntless.5. Effrontery.6. Fortitude.7. Gallant.8. Heroic.9. Mettle.10. Plucky.11. Stentorian.12. Valor.

"Words related to Fear/ Sorrow & pain In FEAR/ Coward"1. Aghast.2. Apprehensive.3. Craven.4. Caitiff.5. Daunt.6. Distress.7. Diffident.8. Harrowing.9. Intimidated.10. Macabre.11. Pusillanimous.12. Redoubtable.13. Recreant.14. Timid; Timidity.15. Timorous.16. Trepidation.17. Xenophobia( fear of foreigners)

Syn List 16:-"Words Related to Bitter words/Harsh words/ Attacking by words/ Sharpen words (Also refer to the syn list of Scolding words too as those words will also fit into this category"1. Acerbic.2. Acidulous.3. Acrimonious.4. Astringent.5. Asperity.6. Caustic.7.Mordant.8. Trenchant.

Syn List 17"Words related to Mental keenness/ Good Judgment"1. Acumen.2. Discerning.3. Percipient.4. Sagacious.5. Wit.

Syn List 18"Words related to Adorn"1. Allure.2. Adorn.3. Embellish.4. Florid.5. Penchant6. Winsome.

Syn List 19:-"Words related to ruler/ dictator/ Leader1. Authoritarian.2. Autocrat.3. Didactic.4. Despotic.5. Hegemony.6. Imperial.7. Imperious.8. Majestically.9. Monarchy.10. Potential.11. Potentate.12. Plenipotentiary.13. Peremptory.14. Tyrannical.

Syn List 20:-"Words related to Lazy/Laziness"1. Dormant.2. Indolent.3. Lethargic.4. Lassitude.5. Lackadaisical.6. Languor.7. Languid.8. Quiescent.9. Sloth.10. Torpid; Torpor.11. Weary

Syn List 21:-"Words related to Making fun off/ Ridicule/ Making fun & showing disrespect" :-1. Amuse.2. Badinage.3. Bantering.4. Chortle5. Deride.6. Droll.7. Facetious.8. Flippant.9. Flout.10. Gibe.11. Jocular.12. Lampooning.13. Ludicrous.14. Levity.15. Mock.16. Pillory.17. Quizzical.18. Raillery.19. Riposte.20. Simper.21. Travesty ( Dress to appear ridicule)

Syn List 22:-"Words related to Simple/Simplicity":-1. Austere.2. Artless.3. Sober.4. Ingenuous.5. Chaste

Syn List 23:-"Words related to Praise someone/Flattery/Publicize" :-1. Accolade.2. Adulation.3. Approbation.4. Aggrandize.5. Becoming.6. Ballyhoo.7. Cajole.8. Coax.9. Commend.10. Encomium.11. Eulogistic.12. Eulogy.13. Entice.14. Extol.15. Fawning.16. Inveigle.17. Obsequious.18. Propitious; Propitiate.19. Palaver.20. Panegyric.21. Sycophantic.22. Toady.23. Venerate {also means to respect someone}24. Wheedle.

Syn List 24:-"Words related to Pacify/ Please/ Satisfy/ Making calm/ Reducing the intensity such as pain"1. Appease.2. Allay.3. Alleviate.4. Assuage.5. Balm; Balmy.6. Consolatory.7. Complacent.8. Equanimity.9. Emollient.10. Halcyon.11. Imperturbable.12. Lulled.13. Mollify.14. Mitigate.15. Nonchalance.16. Palliate.17. Placate.18. Placid.19. Plume.20. Phlegmatic.21. Quench.22. Sate.23. Satiate.24. Slack; Slacken.25. Succor26. Smug.27. Underpinned.28. Tranquilizer.

Syn List 25:-"Words related to Stubborn/ Uncompromising/ They are firm in their decision and cannot be waved off"1. Adamant.2. Bigotry.3. Cantankerous.4. Crotchet.5. Dogged.6. Grousing.7. Implacable.8. Inexorable.9. Intransigent.10. Obdurate.11. Obstinate.12. Perverse.13. Pertinacious.14. Recalcitrant.15. Refractory.16. Untoward.17. Unwavering.18. Vexing

Syn List 26:-"Words related to Arrogant Nature"1. Bluster.2. Bumptious.3. Fell.4. Ferocity.5. Hubris.6. Presumptuous.7. Stuart.8. Swagger.9. Supercilious.10. Truculence.11. Overweening

Syn List 27:-"Words related to Quarrel/Violence/Harsh words/Hard heated":-1. Altercation.2. Bellicose.3. Baleful.4. Belligerent.5. Boisterous.6. Brawl.7. Combative.8. Contentious.9. Coup.10. Dour.11. Enfilade.12. Exhortation.13. Feud.14. Fractious.15. Fracas.16. Obstreperous.17. Pugnacious.18. Querulous.19. Rant.20. Salvos.21. Seething.22. Strident.23. Squabbled.24. Tumult.25. Temerity.26. Turbulent.27. Vituperative.28. Wanton

Syn list 28:-"Words related to highest point/ peak"1. Acme.2. Apogee.3. Pinnacle.4. Vertex.5. Zenith.*apex*

Syn list 29:-"words related to lowest point":-1. Nadir.

Syn list 30:-"Words related to change shape/ change/ Mold":-1. Adaptable.2. Capricious.3. Ductile.4. Fickle.5. Fanciful.6. Kaleidoscopic.7. Labile.8. Mercurial.9. Metamorphosis.10. Malleable.11. Plasticity.12. Pliant.13. Pill-able.14. Unreliable.15. Whimsical

Syn List 31"Words related to Stupid/ Dumb/ Idiot":-1. Asinine.2. Fatuous.3. Imbecilic.4. Inane.5. Insane.6. Obtuse.7. Vacuous.

Syn List 32"Words related to respect/Example/Quality"1. Adore.2. Benchmark.3. Cannon.4. Credo.5. Deference.6. Doctrine.7. Dogmatic.8. Decorum.9. Extol.10. Epitome.11. Hail.12. Honored.13. Idol.14. Iconoclast.15. Paragon.16. Paradigm.17. Principle.18. Reverent.19. Naivete.20. legate.21. Timbre.22. Venerate.

Syn List 33"Words related to Lusty"1. Lewd.2. Lascivious.3. Salacious.

Syn List 34"Words related to Worthless/Wasteful/Useless/Not important":-1. Bootless.2. Dross.3. Dregs.4. Despise.5. Despicable.6. Debunk.7. Futile.8. Fritter.9. Haggard.10. Lumbering.11. Nugatory.12. Prodigal.13. Squander.

Syn List 35"Words related to Delaying"1. Dally.2. Dilly Dally.3. Procrastinate.4. Protract.5. Dilatory.6. Desultory.7. Dawdle.8. Impending.9. Imminent.10. Tardy

Syn list 36:-"Words related to Weak/Timid/Lack of confidence"1. Adulterate.2. Attenuate.3. Debilitate.4. Diffident.5. Emaciate.6. Enervate.7. Enfeeble.8.Etiolated.9. Exacerbate.10. Frail.11. Fragile.12. Flimsy.13. Fickle.14. Irresolute.15. Lean.16. Obviate.17. Rudimentary.18. Sap.19. Stultify.20. Subverted.21. Timid.22. Teeter.23. Tenuous.24. Undermine.25. Vacillate.26. Wane.27. Waver.

Syn List 37:-"Words related to Connected together":-1. Abut.2. Adjoin.3. Cohere.4. Coalesce.5. Intimate.

*Antonym of connected together:- Disjoint"

Syn List 38:-"Words related to Plenty/Excess/Overflown & sometimes waste":-1. Abstemious.2. Brim.3.Copious.4. Cornucopia.5. Flo's.6. Glut.7. Grandiose.8. Inflate.9. Jaded.10. Myriad.11. Multitude.12. Plethora.13. Prolific.14. Rife.15. Replete.16. Surfeit.17. Surplus.

Syn List 39"Words related to Dull/Boring"1. Banal2. Dull.3. Ennui.4. Fatuous.5. Hackneyed.6. Humdrum.7. Insipid.8. Inured.9. Monotony.10. Mundane.11. Obtundity.12. Pedestrian.13. Pariah.14. Prosaic.15. Platitude.16. Pondering.17. Stolid.18. Tedium.19. Trite.20. Quotidian.21. Vapid.22. Vegetate.

Syn list 40"Words related to Kind behavior/ Generosity"1. Affable.2. Altruistic.3. Beneficent.4. Benevolent.5. Clement.6. Largess.7. Munificent.8. Magnanimity.9. Philanthropic.10. Unstinting.

"ANTONYM OF KIND BEHAVIOR/ WORDS RELATED TO STRONG DISLIKE/OPPOSITION/Hatred."1. Animus.2. Animosity.3.Antipathy.4. Antagonist.5. Boorish.6. Churlish.7. Contestant.8. Curmudgeon.9. Denounce.10. Hostility.11. Inimical12. Inclement.13. Fulminate.14. Malevolent.15. Misogynistic.16. Misanthrope.17. Niggardly.18 Splendid.19. Uncouth.20 Truculent

Syn List 41"Words related to Poor without money/they will carefully use there money and also they will be sometimes referred to as miser"1. Destitute.2. Frugality.3. Indigence.4. Indigent.5. Impecunious.6. Impoverish.7. Penury.8. Parsimonious.9. Mendacious.10. Thrift.

Syn List 42:-Words related to Cancellation/Dismissal/Declare invalid/Cancel and make a lower position1. Abnegate.2. Abolish.3. Abrogate.4. Adjourn.5. Abjure.6. Annul.7. Rescind.8. Negate.9. Nullify.

Syn List 43Words related to Greediness1. Avarice.2. Covetous.3. Cupidity.4. Mercenary.5. Miserly.6. Rapacious.7. Raven.8. Payola.9. Graft.10. Venal ; Venality.11. Voracious.

Syn list 44Words related to Insufficient data1. Conjecture.2. Content.3. Extrapolation.4. Hypothesis.5. Notional.6. Surmise.7. Supposition

SYN list 45Words related to Zeal/Excessive passion1. Arduous.2. Chimera.3. Fanaticism.4. Fervent.5. Fervid.6. Onerous.7. Staunch.8. Travail.9. Zeal

SYN list 46Words related to Show off/ Decorative but show off1. Arabesque.2. Baroque.3. Bombastic.4. Flamboyant.5. Grandiloquent.6. Ostentatious.7. Opulence.8. Ornate.9. Raffish.10. Rococo

SYN list 47Words related to Causing a Disaster1. Baleful.2. Baneful.3. Cataclysm.4. Catastrophe.5. Deleterious.6. Extirpate.7. Inimical.8. Injurious.9. Impair.10. Insidious.11. Minatory.12. Perfidious.13. Pernicious.14. Obliterate.15. Raze.

Syn list 48Words related to sleep1. Drowsy; Drowsiness.2. Hypnotized.3. Narcotic.4. Sedate.5. Soporific.6. Somnolent.7. Slumberous

Syn list 49Words related to Careful/ fine details work/ examine and investigate carefully.1. Assay.2. Ascertain.3. Cautious.4. Descry.5. Fastidious.6. Meticulous.7. Lax.8. Gingerly.9. Prudent.10. Peruse.11. Pedantic.12. Punctilious.13. Wary.

Syn list 50Words related to Ancient/old1. Archaic.2. Ancient.3. Antique.4. Antediluvian.5. Bygone.6. Obsolete.7. Passe.8. Primitive.9. Prototype.10. Superannuated.

Syn list 51Words related to careless behavior/ untidy/carelessly spend1. Disheveled2. Fanatically3. Heedlessness.4. Inadvertently.5. Indifference.6. Prodigal.7. Profligate.8. Slack.9.Slovenly.10. Spendthrift

Syn list 52Words related to Overblown/wordy/talk at length1. Bombastic.2. Bloviating3. Contemplate(think at length)4. Circumlocution5. Expatiate6. Garrulous7. Grandiloquent8. Loquacious9. Litany10. Overblown.11. Periphrastic.12. Prolix.13. Verbose

Syn list 53Words related to Joy/pleasure/seeking of happiness1. Blithe.2. Continence.3. Elate.4.. Libertine.5. Jaunty6. Hedonist

Syn list 54Words related to forgive/Clear from a blame1. Absolve.2. Acquittal3. Condone.4. Exculpate.5. Exonerate.6. Feign7. Palliate.8. Redress.9. Vindicate.

Syn List 55Words related to Great knowledge1. Astute.2. Canny3. Erudite4. Omniscient.5. Perspicacious.6. Tacit

Syn List 56Words related to Protest/Disobedient/ Rebellion 1. Contumacious.2. Fulminating3. Mutiny4. Rail.5. Reluctant6. Sedition.7. Inveigh.

Syn List 57Words related to Stealing1. Embezzlement2. Filched3. Poached.4. Kleptomaniac.

Syn list 58Words related to Crying1. Acclaim.2. Exclaim.3. Maudlin4. Trumpet.5. Vociferous.

Syn List 59Words related to absolute/Complete1. Absolute.2. Complete.3. Plenary.

Syn list 60Words related to Marriage1. Marriage.2. Commingling.

Syn List 61Words related to Family1. Conjugal2. Consanguine.3. Distaff.4. Endogamous.5. Filial.6. Fratricide.7. Progenitor.8. Scion

Syn list 62Words related to copying1. Counterpart.2. Emulate.3. Facsimile.4. Factitious.5. Simulated.6. Vicarious.

Syn list 63Words related to deny1. Abnegation.2. Abstain.3. Ascetic.4. Spartan.5. Stoic.6. Temperate.

Syn list 64Words related to equal/equality1. Equal.2. Equivalence.3. Equity.4. Parity.5. Tantamount.

SYN 65Words related to Embarrass/Self guilt/Sometimes disappointment1. Abash.2. Chagrin3. Compunction.4. Contrite.5. Expiate.6. Foible.7. Gaucherie.8. Penitent.9. Rue.10. Vexation

SYN 66Words related to NAG/Warning/Issuing an order/Warn1. Admonish.2. Belabour.3. Cavil.4. Enjoin.5. Exhort.6. Harangue.7. Hector.8. Martinet9. Premonition10. Reproof.11. Remonstrate.

SYN 66Words related to Nasty/offensive/harmful/disgusting1. Disgusting2. Defile.3. Fetid.4. Invidious.5. Putrid.6. Noisome.7. Noxious.8. Odious.

SYN 67Words related to Truth/open1. Candour/candid.2. Dictum3. Fealty.4. Frankness.5. Indisputable.6. Indubitable.7. Legitimate.8. Probity.9. Sincere.10. Veracious.11. Verity.

SYN 68Words related to wandering1. Discursive.2. Expatiate.3. Forage.4. Itinerant5. Peregrination6. Peripatetic.7. Sojourn.

SYN 69Words related to conference/seminar1. Symposium.2. Colloquy.

SYN 70Words related to taste1. Delectable.2. Piquant.3. Palatable.4. Zesty.

SYN 71Words related to secretly leave or depart1. Abscond.2. Decamp.3. Escape.4. Flee.

SYN 72Words related to decency1. Etiquette.2. Mores.3. Propriety.4. Seemliness.

SYN 73Words related to Signal1. Harbinger.2. Herald.3. Insinuate.

SYN 74Words related to skilful1. Adroit.2. Dexterous {eg. Dexters laboratory}3. Devious.4. Raconteur.5. Virtuoso.

SYN 75Words related to wisdom/wise saying1. Adage.2. Aphorism.3. Apothegm4. Axiom.5. Bromide.6. Dictum.7. Epigram.8. Platitude.9. Sententious.10. Truism.

SYN 76Words related to Time/order/Duration1. Anachronism.2. Antecedent.3. Antedate.4. Anterior.5. Archaic.6. Diurnal.7. Eon8. Epoch.9. Ephemeral.10. Fortnight.11. Millennium.12. Penultimate.13. Synchronous.14. Temporal.

SYN 77Words related to Healthy/Useful for us1. Beneficial.2. Salutary.3. Salubrious.

SYN 78Words related to predict1. Auspice.2. Augury.3. Harbinger.4. Portentous.5. Presage.6. Prescient.7. Prognosticate.8. Omen9. Prophecy.

SYN 79Words related to Prevent/Obstruct1. Discomfort.2. Encumber.3. Fetter.4. Forefend.5. Hinder.6. Impede.7. Inhibit.8. Occlude.

SYN 80Words related to not in a straight line1. Askance.2. Awry.3. Careen.4. Carom.5. Circumvent.6. Circuitous.7. Gyrate.8. Labyrinth.9. Meander.10. Serrated.11. Sidle.12. Undulating.13. Vortex.

SYN 81Words related to gaps/openings.1. Abatement.2. Aperture.3. Fissure.4. Hiatus.5. Interregnum.6. Interstice.7. Lull.8. Orifice.9. Rent.10. Respite.11. Rift.

SYN 82Words related to Hatred1. Abhorrance.2. Anathema.3. Antagonist.4. Antipathy.5. Detestation.6. Enmity.7. Loathing.8. Malice.9. Odium.10. Rancour.

SYN 83Words related to Insincere1. Disingenuous.2. Dissemble.3. Fulsome.4. Frivolity.5. Ostensible.6. Unctuous.

SYN 84Words related to Luck/charm1. Adventitious.2. Amulet.3. Auspicious.4. Fortuitous.5. Fluke.6. Kismet.7. Optimum.8. Talisman.

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