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Page 1: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report





20TH DECEMBER, 2011.

Submitted to-

Rafia Tahseen

Course instructor

English Department

North South University

Submitted by-

Md. Samiul Ahsan Rabbani

ID: 091-0885-030

ENG105. Section - 8

Page 2: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report


This is my humble attempt to present gratitude in writing this “Research”. I have truly drawn

upon my own experience as a student of ENG105. I have also received help from number of

persons in preparing this research and I would like to thank them all.

My first acknowledge goes to the almighty Allah for bestowing me the patience and courage to

finish this huge task within its deadline.

I would like to express my gratitude to my honorable course instructor Rafia Tahseen,

lecturer of English Department, North South University, who have supported and giving me a

chance to prepare the research on this topic.

Acknowledgments must go to the NSU students, whose unflagging patience and astounding

capacity for creative work, and long hours made the research both possible and successful

under the pressure of knocking deadline.

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The most common hypothesis on the positive association between wives’ independence and

divorce is that the wife’s independence increases the risk of divorce. Critics argue that the

increasing women independence is responsible for increasing divorce. This competing

hypothesis was tested by me in this project. It is found that women have made a mammoth

step forward from traditional times and underwent a change in their roles and responsibilities.

Women have become financially independent and are able to raise their own social status. As a

result, people are easily pointing out to women independence for increasing divorce rate. But

the truth is that women are only asserting for their rights that they deserve and that they have

been deprived of in the past. The results lend weak support for my hypothesis that women

independence is responsible for increasing divorce rate.

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Table of Contents

Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02

Background--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04

Areas of Research------------------------------------------------------------------- 05

Hypothesis---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06

Methodology------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07

Data Presentation and Analysis------------------------------------------------- 08-25

Limitation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

Conclusion--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

Works cited ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28-30


I have conducted a research on the topic Is Female Independence is the main reason behind +

the increasing number of divorce rate? < . This research was conducted in the context of

Bangladesh only.


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The rate of divorce is rising due to increased female independence. High rate of divorce is a

common problem in western countries. Most of the women in Bangladesh are now following

the trends of some western countries where the divorce rates are comparatively high. It is

suggested that overall improvement in women’s position in terms of financial and social status

has changed the scenario. Women’s position is getting stronger. Now women are more

conscious about their rights, education and job facilities that they are receiving these days.

They have brought a revolutionary change in our culture. They now claim equal rights as men,

but as a consequence it is affecting marriage relationships. This overall change in women’s roles

is leading to an increase in divorce rate due to inequality in acceptance of women’s freedom.

Changes in economic conditions, social norms, and values have contributed to an increase in

married women's involvement in the work force. Married women's increased participation in

the work force may have many consequences. There are some kind of correlation between

divorce rates and married women’s involvement in the workforce. There may be several factors

with women’s involvement. Some consequences that these women face are like less time of

interactions with the family, lack of child’s mental development, egoistic problems grow within

the couple and many more. These consequences may negatively affect the marital relationship

and contribute to the increasing divorce rates because some people may be reluctant to adapt

their traditional beliefs about the roles they think men and women should perform.

More recently, changes in economic conditions, social norms, and in values (such as an

emphasis on togetherness has shifted to an emphasis on individuality) have contributed to an

increase in married women's involvement in the work force. Also large societal occurrences are

forcing women and men to change their roles.

Again, all the traditional ideas about women working that are still present can directly affect the

marital relationship. Many consequences follow from increased involvement of married women

in the labor force, but the reason these consequences effect the family in a negative way is

because the role of women has changed but traditional ideas about the role of women has not

changed at an equally rapid pace. Many men still prefer a traditional marriage in which the


Page 6: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

husband is dominant and the wife play a supportive role by taking care of children, house and

other family members. Typically, men who have difficulties with their wives working may be

men who have been socialized to accept traditionally defined gender roles. Thus, for men,

when the roles shift and values do not, their self concept and their self esteem suffer.

Considering current trends in divorce rates and the increase in married women's employment

are likely to continue, and understanding of their linkage may facilitate amelioration of any

further negative consequences and propel future adaptation and understanding between the

couples. So, in my research paper I want to find out if and how divorce is influenced by female


Considering all the data and information regarding divorce rates and the female independence,

I have tried to figure out if and how divorce rate is influenced by Female Independence.


Number of divorce is increasing significantly in Bangladesh and the trend has been steady for

the last two decades. Divorce is something that has become a dramatically more common

event in our society. Women are getting better education and job opportunities and hence are

gaining more confidence to stand out. They no longer want to depend solely on men, freedom


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of choice and speech helps them fight male dominance. They are getting more financial

freedom which they could not enjoy even from husband’s contribution. There is an overall

change in social outlook towards the concept of marriage and divorce. It is considered that

women’s outside involvement is affecting marriage relationships adversely. There is an

assumption that married women were not committed to working and only did it to supplement

her husband's income. However, the 1970s and 1980s showed a change in attitude about

women, work, and family, especially regarding the acceptance of wives working. It is expected

that women's labor force participation will remain high. Keeping a marriage relationship intact

is both the partner’s responsibility but sometimes egocentric differences create problems.

Traditionally it is the husbands who are considered the head of the family. Now due to

increased social awareness women are getting conscious and exposed to claiming equal rights.

Financially women are in a better position and this gives them the incentive to speak up against

any odds. Unfortunately, too much independence is making them overambitious and reluctant

to compromise and family values are being side tracked which is affecting marriage

relationships. Even if women are managing both family and work responsibilities side by side it

is the men who are not being able to cope up with the upcoming role of women as an

independent and equally deserving partner.

Society's cavalier attitude towards marriage and divorce is not a positive phenomenon and has

perpetuated a cycle of failed marriages and a lengthy list of associated social problems

detrimental to children and to adults. Divorce is not a solo act, nor is it a victimless

phenomenon. There is no debate that divorce has brought enormous physical, emotional, and

economic harm to families and to society at large.


My research paper mainly focused on whether the female independence is the main reason

behind the increasing number of divorce rate. It also focused on men who does not want their

wife to work, how is the changes related to the previous scenarios. I tried to figure out what


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does the people think of female independence. In this research, I wanted to find out the

relationship between the female independence with the divorce rate.

My research mainly focused on these questions –

Is female independence the main reason behind the increasing divorce rate?

Are the working women less dependent on their husbands as far as economic condition

is considered?

What are the general consequences that working women usually face?

Perceptions regarding female independence

How the role of women has evolved in recent times?


I think in today’s world most women in our country want to work. Many of them are also

working outside. Women’s position is getting stronger day by day. Women now want equal

rights in the society and in the family. But, a man does not want to give equal rights to a


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woman. These things make difficulties and conflicts in married life which are mostly responsible

for the increasing divorce rate.


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I have relied on the both primary and secondary data in order to do my research. Here I tried to

explain the methodology by gathering data in two different ways.

Primary Research:

For my research paper, I carried out a survey of a representative sample of 30 people of

Bangladesh in Dhaka. There were two type of questionnaire i.e., one for male and the other for

female. The representative sample was divided into two categories.

i. 15 male students

ii. 15 Female Students

I have conducted interview on six people which included NSU faculties only.

i. 3 male teachers

ii. 3 female teachers

Secondary research:

For my research, I have mainly visited many of the journals available in the web sites. Further, I

took some references as my secondary data from few of the articles from newspaper & books

available on the internet that supported my research topic & explain some of the issues

regarding Female Independence.


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Data presentation AND analysis

Questionnaire Analysis


Do you believe that women have come a long way from the traditional repression concept?

A. I think women have made a few steps forward but have a long way to go.

B. I think women have made a significant step forward.

C. I think the women are stuck in the same stage they were before.

D. I have no idea on the topic.


In order to find out the change in position/role of women from the past, the question “Do you

believe that women have come a long way from the traditional repression concept” was asked.

It will help me to find out whether women have come out of their repression or whether they

have gone nowhere as far as their independence is concerned.


Many people do not support the idea of working women. Why do you think it is so?

A. The idea that role of women has changed but traditional ideas about the role of women

have not changed at an equally rapid pace.

B. Men who have difficulties with their wives working may be men who have been

socialized to accept traditionally defined gender roles.

C. I don’t think such people exist now-a-days.

D. Other reason. Please explain________________________________________________


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To understand the reasons for not supporting working women the question “Many people do

not support the idea of working women. The Why do you think it is so?” was asked. This

question helped me to understand the reason for limited women participation in work place

and also help me to find the causes that are affecting it.


Do you support working woman?

A. Yes, because it is a source of income.

B. No, I do not support this idea.

C. No, because she will know more about her rights.

D. Yes, because she not only help her family financially but in other ways as well like

climbing up the social ladder.


The question, “Do you support working woman” was asked in order to mainly derive the

reactions of men towards women. This question would help me to identify how the values,

ideals and principles have changed in the recent times as compared to the past.


Would you prefer (your wife/ you) working outside?

A. Yes

B. No


The question, “would you prefer/ your wife working outside?” was asked. This question helped

me find out the percentage of people who do or doesn’t want women working outside.


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Do you think female independence is increasing?

A. The women have more independence than ever.

B. The women independence is still limited.

C. The women are still not independent.


To see how the people actually feel about female independence the question, “Do you think

female independence is increasing?” was asked. This question helped me to find out the

changing roles of women. This question help me identify that my assumption is correct or not

and serves as a base for my hypothesis as I have considered women are more independent

than before. It also helped me to identify whether women are really independent in reality or



Do you know that the divorce rate in our country is increasing? What do you think the reason

would be?

A. Increased awareness among women in our society.

B. Husband’s inability to provide basic needs for the family.

C. Lack of tolerance in women

D. Problems in adjustment

E. Husband/Wife gets tired of living with the same person.

F. Husband & the mother in law torture in-house


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The question,” Do you know that the divorce rate in our country is increasing? What do you

think the reason would be” was asked. This question has helped me to have an idea regarding

the reasons for increasing or decreasing rate of divorce. By this question, I would be able to

point out the most probable reasons for increasing divorce rate and will be able to find the

answer to a large extent regarding my thesis hypothesis.


Do you agree to the fact that the bond that once existed between a husband and a wife is

becoming weaker because

A. The wives are no more dependent on their husband in financial terms.

B. Now the wives are more conscious about their rights, education and job facilities

C. The bond is still the same as it was

D. All of the above


The question “Do you agree to the fact that the bond that once existed between a husband and

a wife is becoming weaker” was asked in order to find out whether the bond between a wife

and husband is decreasing or weakening or not. This would help me to find a relation between

changing women roles and their effect in their marriage bonds.


What are the consequences that working women face?

A. Less time spent at home

B. Less time of interaction with family

C. Changing goals for the future

D. All of the above



Page 15: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

The question that was asked was “What are the consequences that working women face”. This

question was set up in order to in to find out the difficulties faced by working mother. This

question would help me to identify the differences in role and problems in women life as

compared to the traditional times and their effect in working women married life.


Do you think that working women are less dependent on their husband now-a-days as far as

economic condition is considered?

A. Working wife/women have financial strength because of their job. So, they are less

dependent on their husband

B. The husband still controls the financial position of the family and everyone is dependent

on him.

C. The wife keeps the balance in the bank and does not want to share

D. They share their financial load.


The question “Do you think that working women are less dependent on their husband now-a-

days as far as economic condition is considered” was asked in order to find out whether

women’s dependence on men have decreased or not. This question will help me identify how a

woman contributes to family in financial terms and whether a woman is economically

independent or not.



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Do you think the ability of women to work, earn and raise their social status have made it

difficult for women to accept inequality of women’s freedom?

A. They are now growing wings.

B. They are claiming for their rights and what they deserve.

C. They are independent, how much independence do they want.

D. Other reasons. Please specify._________________________________


The question “Do you think the ability of women to work, earn and raise their social status have

made it difficult for women to accept inequality of women’s freedom” was asked in order to

find out the cause behind women not accepting male dominance like they did in the past. This

question was asked in order to detect any correlation between women’s work and earnings on

difficulty in accepting less or no independence.


Do you think divorce rate is increasing due to female independence?

A. Yes, it is the main reason behind divorce.

B. There are many important factors than female independence.

C. Why should only female be blamed?


The question “Do you think divorce rate is increasing due to female independence” was asked

to get a direct answer whether the respondent feel that whether women independence is the

main reason behind increasing independence. This question would provide me with a direct

answer keeping everything in mind.


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OPTION A OPTION B OPTION C OPTION D OPTION E OPTION FQUESTION 1 13 14 1 2QUESTION 2 22 4 3 1QUESTION 3 4 2 1 23QUESTION 4 25 5QUESTION 5 15 11 4 0QUESTION 6 5 2 3 14 5 0QUESTION 7 6 18 4 1QUESTION 8 3 7 6 13QUESTION 9 19 6 2 3QUESTION 10 22 1 7 0QUESTION 11 4 16 10

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Graphical Analysis

Question No. 1



3% 7%

Have Come A Long Way From Traditional Concept

A Few Steps Forward but have a Long Way to go.Significant Step Forward.Same StageNo Idea

The title of the graph is “Have Come a Long Way from Traditional Concept”. This is a pie chart

which shows the answer in percentage form. In order to find out the change in position/role of

women from the past, the question “Do you believe that women have come a long way from

the traditional repression concept” was asked.

It has helped me find out whether women have come out of their repression or whether they

have gone nowhere as far as their independence is concerned. I have found out that 47% of the

respondent answered that I think women have made a significant step forward. 43% of the

respondent believed that women have made a few steps forward but have a long way to go. 5%

believed that women are stuck in the same stage they were before.

Based on the answers, I found out that women have made strive forward compared to the past.

This change may have been caused by the increasing awareness among the people, especially

among men, that women should be treated equally and get the right that they deserve.

Moreover, increased literacy and increasing awareness have made independence of women



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Question No. 2





Idea For Not supporting Working Women

Change in roles but not ideas

Accept traditional gender roles

Does not exist now-a-days

Other reason

Other Reason: "In our country, women security is not in a good stage. they face many difficulties and problems in working with men. may be thats why many peo -ple do not support this".

The title of the graph is, Idea for not supporting Working Women.” This is a pie chart showing

the respondents answers in percentage form. I tried to figure out the reason for limited women

participation in work place and the causes that are affecting it.

73% of the respondent answered that the idea that role of women has changed but traditional

ideas about the role of women have not changed at an equally rapid pace. 14% of the

respondent answered that men who have difficulties with their wives working may be men who

have been socialized to accept traditionally defined gender roles. Another 10% thinks that such

people exist now-a-days. 5% of the respondent answered other reasons like lack of security in

workplace and outdoors.

Based on the response, I deduced that the role of women have changed like shifting from

household work and increasingly getting involved in workplace, but our traditional ideas

regarding women roles still persists. As a result, many women are still not being able to work.

Moreover, there are still a lot of people who have not moved from their traditional beliefs and

therefore still prefer women remaining at home.


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Question No. 3

Yes, Source of Income Do Not Support No, Know Her Rights Yes, Climbing Up the Social Ladder







42 1


Do you Support Working Woman

The title of the graph is, Do you support working women?” this is a column chart showing the

number of respondents that has answered among the several options. The x- axis represents

the options itself and the y- axis represents the number of respondents answered to the

options provided.

23 of them answered that yes, because she not only helps her family financially but in other

ways as well like climbing up social ladder. 4 of the respondent answered yes, because it is a

source of income. 2 of them do not support the idea of working women.

Based on the response, I have deduced that people ideas have changed a lot and people are no

more to the traditional beliefs as far as women independence is concerned. It is because people

are being increasingly literate and this had led to changes in our views and values.


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Question No. 4

Female Male



Would You Prefer Working Outside

Yes No



Would You Prefer Work-ing Wife Outside

The title of the graph is, Preference of women working outside”. There are two different pie

chart showing the number of respondents that has answered to the given options to the

question “Do you prefer/ your wife working outside?” As there were two types of respondents

i.e., male and female, that is why there are two different graphs.

87% of the female respondents would prefer working outside. 80% of the male respondents

answered that they would prefer a working wife whereas 20% of the male respondents do not

prefer their wife working out.

Based on the response I can conclude that people might have come out of the traditional

concepts (proved in question1). People’s views and beliefs over working women have changed.

So it is proved that people accept women that are working outside and females have proved

themselves that they would prefer working outside.


Page 22: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

Question No. 5


dent T

han Ev




Still L



Still N

ot Indep






Female Independence Increasing

The title of the graph is, Do You Think Female Independence Is Increasing?” this column chart

shows the different options provided along with the number of respondents. The x- axis

represents the options itself and the y- axis represents the number of respondents answered to

the options provided.

15 of the respondents answered that women have more independence than ever. 11 of the

respondent answered that women independence is still limited while the rest 4 of the

respondents answered that women are still not independent.

Based on the respond I can deduce that women have more independence than ever. The

reason could be that may be people have come out of the stereotype traditional views.. The

idea can be put in the way that the idea regarding the role of women has changed but

traditional ideas about the role of women have changed at an equally rapid pace. So, women

are independent.


Page 23: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

Question No. 6

Increased Awareness Among Women

Husband's Inability to Provide Basic Needs

Lack of Tolerance Towards Woman

Adjustment Problems

Tired of Living With the Same peoson

Torture in Law's House

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14







Reasons for Increasing Divorce Rate

The title of the graph is, Reasons for increasing divorce rate”. This column chart shows the

different options provided along with the number of respondents. The x- axis represents the

number of respondents answered to the options provided. and the y- axis represents the

options itself. By this question, I tried to point out the probable reasons for increasing divorce

rate and help me prove my hypothesis.

14 of the respondent answered that there is problems in adjustment among the married

couples. 5 of the respondent answered that husband/wife gets tired of living with the same

person and increased awareness among women.

Based on the response, I can conclude that the problem arises mainly due to the fact that the

married couples have problems in adjustment. In most of the cases, none of the gender is solely

responsible for the divorce. A possible factor for problems in adjustment can be increasing

employment of wife, conflicting values, temperaments, and desires for socializing, values,

ideals, division and may be spending of money.


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Question 7

Wives are No More depen-dent On Husband on Finan-cial terms


Wives are more

Conscious about their

Rights, Education and Job Facilities

18Bond is Still the Same


All of the Above


Bond between a Husband and a Wife becom-ing Weaker

The title of the graph is, Bond between husband and wife becoming weaker”. This is a pie

chart showing the number of respondents that has answered to the given options to the

question “Do you agree to the fact that the bond that once existed between a husband and a

wife is becoming weaker?”

18 of the respondent answered that the wives are more conscious about their rights, education

and job facilities. So, they are demanding the rights that they deserve and not taking doing

anything wrong to disrupt the relationship. 6 of the respondents answered that women are

financially dependent. Only 1 of them has answered ‘All of the above’ option.

From the responses, I have deduced that women are not doing any wrong in claiming their

rights that they deserve. Moreover, being financially independent can play a positive part as

well because they can now share the financial load.


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Question No. 8

Less Time Spent At Home

Less Interaction With Family

Changing Goals For Future

All of the Above

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14





Consequence Faced by Working Women

The title of the graph is, Consequences faced by working women”. This column chart shows

the different options provided along with the number of respondents. The x- axis represents

the number of respondents answered to the options provided and the y- axis represents the

options itself. The question was “What are the consequences that working women face”.

13 of the respondent answered all of the above which included less time spent at home, less

family interaction and changing future goals. 7of the respondent answered ‘less interaction

with family’ and 6 of the respondent answered ‘changing future goals’.

Based on the response, I have concluded that working women can face family problems

because of her busy work life than the house wives. Working women suffers from split loyalty

between her job and her family. This busy schedule often creates distance with her husband

and her family.


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Question No. 9




Working Women Less Dependent on Husband on Financial Terms

Financial Strength- Less dependentHusband Still Controls the Financial PositionWife keep the Balance in bankShare Financial Load

The title of the graph is, Working women are less dependent on husband in financial terms” .

This is a pie chart showing the number of respondents that has answered to the given options

to the question “Do you think that working women are less dependent on their husband now-a-

days as far as economic condition is considered”.

63% of the respondent answered that women are now financially strong than before because

of their job. As a result, they are less dependent on their husband. 20% responded that the

husband is still in control over family finance though women earn. 10% think that women keep

their earnings in the bank. The rest 7% of the respondents felt that wife keeps the balance in

the bank.

Based on the responses, I have deduced that women are now financially strong and

independent. They no longer depend on their husband’s for financial expenses as they used to

in past. This may be because of increasing women education and employment. This correlates

with my first question that women have made a significant steps forward and are independent

than before.


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Question No. 10

Claiming their Rights that They Deserve


They are Independent- How much Independence they Want


Have Grown Wings23%

Women's ability to work, earn made it difficult to accept Inequality of women's Freedom

The title of the graph is, Women’s ability to work made it difficult for them to accept

inequality”. This is a pie chart in percentage form showing the number of respondents that has

answered to the given options to the question “Do you think the ability of women to work, earn

and raise their social status have made it difficult for women to accept inequality of women’s


73% of the respondent answered that women are claiming or asking for the independence that

they deserve- the freedom that has been vested on them by the Almighty the moment they

were born. 23% answered that women have grown wings or have started becoming conceited

and arrogant as a result of their work and personal earning and 4% answered that women have

got enough independence and they cannot find any reason to give women more independence.

Based on the responses, I have concluded that the traditional psychology about women have

changed because people are getting more educated, there is increasing awareness about

equality and men might have become more supportive and encouraging towards their wife.


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Question No. 11




Do you think divorce rate is increasing due to Female Independence?

Yes, it is the Main ReasonMany Important Factors than Female IndependenceWhy Should the Females be Blamed

The title of the graph is, Women’s ability to work made it difficult for them to accept

inequality”. This is a pie chart in percentage form showing the number of respondents that has

answered to the given options to the question “Do you think divorce rate is increasing due to

female independence”.

54% responded that there are other reasons that are responsible for increasing divorce rate.

33% of the respondent answered that only females should not be blamed. Only 13% answered

that women independence is responsible for increasing divorce rate.

Based on the responses, I have deduced that only women should not be blamed for divorce.

Men are equally at fault as women for divorce. Women have been stereotyped as submissive,

so it is very easy for people to lay the blame on women. The emergence of other facts like extra

marital affairs, problems in adjustment have also heightened. These are also responsible for

increasing rate of divorce.


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The size of the sample was a limitation to the research work. As the sample size is small there is

much probability of having errors. Result of the research could have varied if we could have

conducted the research on the whole population of Bangladesh. Due to the sample, size of the

result may vary from the original answer which we may get from the whole population.

The interview was more a survey from the teachers as they did not have enough time to spend

being a part of an interview. So they agreed to fill out the survey. I was actually looking for

some aged people for my research. But due to limited time, I had to conduct the survey on the


Due to some silly mistake in my first 15 questionnaire, I had to make two different

questionnaires. In my first 15 questionnaires,

1. I had asked in question 4; “Would You Prefer Your Wife Working Outside?” this

question proved that it was specifically for male. So I had to create another

questionnaire which was specifically for female.

2. In question 1, options of B and C were combined. In the second questionnaire it was


3. The options for question 6 have been altered as the respondents were making fun. So I

had to rearrange the options.

It was projected that more magazines and printed materials would be consulted for the

research but enough resources were not available.


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In Bangladesh, the divorce rate has been increasing over the past few years. This is one of the

major issues that the Bangladesh government is actually facing. Female independence

enhances individualization which imbalances the traditional ideas of marriage and related

concepts, leading to an increased divorce rate. Economic independence acts as a catalyst for

divorce. Women’s working connection is making them more careers oriented. As a result, they

become too engrossed in official attachment, which sometimes hampers marriage and family

relationships. Not all women are moving towards workingwomen status and not all

workingwomen are facing divorce problem but it is creating a huge difference in the overall

social outlook towards the concept of divorce. Economic independence and greater equality at

work, improved birth control and smaller families, higher expectations of marital relationships,

and the isolation of the nuclear family are all seen as factors, which have contributed to the rise

in women seeking a divorce.

But in my research, I have found out that women independence not responsible for increasing

divorce rate. It is true that the changing roles of married women working produce many

consequences to affect the marital relationship because men's and women's ideas about

traditional gender roles have not changed as rapidly as the roles themselves.

In my research, I found only weak support for the economic independence thesis. I also found

out that women are seeking for their rights that are bestowed as a human being. Women are

working in order to prepare for a future of their own choosing, not depend fully on their

husband for financial reasons, to prepare for a career and to be fully able to function as an

independent and responsible human being and free to explore other experiences. In my

research, I found out that problem in adjustments, like conflicting values, temperaments, and

desires for socializing, values, ideals, division and spending of money, is mainly responsible for


My hypothesis therefore has been proved negative, which means that women independence is

not responsible for increasing divorce.


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Bremmer. D. & Kesselring. R. (2004). Divorce and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence

from Times-Series Data and Cointegration. Atlantic Econ. J., 32(3): pp.174-189. Retrieved from

This source talks about the increase in divorce which is accompanied both by growing

female labor force participation and rising female income. These changes were accompanied by

a significant reduction in the birth rate for married women. This book uses time-series data and

co integration techniques to determine the direction of causality between these variables.

Analysis of the impulse functions show that the divorce rate will increase if either female labor

force participation or income increases. Positive innovations to the divorce rate increase the

labor force participation rate of married women. Rising levels of income lead to greater female

participation in the labor market. This book proved to be of mammoth help in my research as I

was able to get much key information how women financial capability contributed to increasing

divorce. This information helped me to solidify my hypothesis.

England. P. & Farkas. G. (1986). Households, employment, and gender: a social, economic, and

demographic view. New York, NY: Hawthorne.

This book talks about how the role of men and women within a marriage has evolved

over the years. In the past the man was generally considered the breadwinner who went out to

work while his wife stayed at home and looked after the children. This has changed a lot over

time and there are no longer specific roles in this way. Education and employment can have a

big effect on a marriage. Statistics show that women with a high quality education are more

likely to get divorced. This is likely to be due to the employment opportunities that this leads to.

Work brings stress, and if both halves of a marriage are working then there may be more stress

within the home. It also means that each person is financially independent, so finance may not

be as much of an issue if the couple were to divorce. This means they are less likely to stay

together just because they can’t afford not to. More working women are thought to be why the

divorce rates have increased so dramatically. My research topic is ‘” Women Independence is


Page 32: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

the main reason behind increasing divorce rate.” This source provided me with valuable

information about how the role of women has changed and how these changing roles have

contributed to the increasing divorce rate.

Hendrix. L. & Pearson. W Jr. (2006). Spousal Interdependence, Female Power and Divorce: A

Cross-Cultural Examination. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. 26, 1995.

This book talks how women independence is responsible for increasing divorce rate.

The book talks about the balance of power shifts, woman’s greater earning power makes her

more confident and greater financial independence clearly makes the decision to divorce much

simpler. The book shows a statistics which proves that women’s growing financial success has

been a strong factor in the rising number of divorces. This book has been of immense important

to me in my research work. It talks about the changing roles, values of women overtime. It

shows the how these changing values, ideas and roles of women contributed to increasing

divorce rate, which is crucial information in my research.

Ludwig.F. Lowenstein, L. (2005) . Causes and Associated Features of Divorce as Seen by Recent

Research . Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 42(3/4), p153-171. Retrived from

This source points out many reasons for increasing divorce like economic factors, poor

intellectual and educational and social skills, liberal divorce laws, sexual factors leading to

incompatibility, role conflicts; but places women independence in top position. Regarding

women independence it went to say that marital disillusion often occurred when women had

the experience of working and following their own career. It women earnings however, that

increases in female earnings significantly increased divorce rates. In this source a vital piece of

information was also given that in a study by Finnas (2000) showed that in Finland an increasing

level of income of the husband also decreased the divorce risk, whereas the trend was the

opposite one in respect to the wife's income. This book proved of colossal help in my research

paper. The information given in the book provided the base on which my hypothesis was built.


Page 33: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

This source talks about the reason why divorce rate was not in the 30's, 40's and even 50's

divorce wasn't very frequent at all It went on to say how women in early times stayed at home

and depended on men for money but men depended on women for home cooked food and

clean clothes because women were the ones who did the laundry. Then it talks about the rise of

feminism and its effects on women like the opportunity to work and being independent and

don't need a man to financially support them. This book was relevant to my studies because

this book provided the contrast between divorce rates in early times and in modern times and

also provided the possible reasons. This information provided a valuable piece of information

for my research work.


Page 34: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report


(a) RESEARCH PROPOSAL: Female independence is the reason behind divorce rate.

Date: October 24, 2011.

To: Rafia Tahseen (RfT)

From: Md. Samiul Ahsan Rabbani, Eng: 105, Sec-8, ID: 091-0885-030

Subject: Proposal to do a research to find out if and how divorce is influenced by female



I plan to conduct a research on the topic Is Female Independence is the main reason behind +

the increasing number of divorce rate? < . This research will be conducted in the context of

Bangladesh only.

The divorce rate has been increasing over the past few years. This is because of the female

independence. Most of the women in Bangladesh are now following the trends of some

western countries where the divorce rates are comparatively high. It is suggested that overall

improvement in women’s position in terms of financial and social status has changed the

scenario. Women’s position is getting stronger. Now women are more conscious about their

rights, education and job facilities that they are receiving these days. They have brought a

revolutionary change in our culture.

Changes in economic conditions, social norms, and values have contributed to an increase in

married women's involvement in the work force. There are some kind of correlation between

divorce rates and married women’s involvement in the workforce. There may be several factors

with women’s involvement. Some consequences that these women face are like less time of

interactions with the family, lack of child’s mental development, egoistic problems grow within

the couple and many more.


Page 35: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

Considering all the data and information regarding divorce rates and the female independence,

I want to figure out if and how divorce rate is influenced by Female Independence.

RESEARCH QUESTIONS: My research paper mainly focuses on whether the female

independence is the main reason behind the increasing number of divorce rate. It will also

focus on men who does not want their wife to work, how is the changes related to the previous

scenarios. In my research, I want to find out the relationship between the female independence

with the divorce rate.

Area of focuses is:

1. Is female independence is the main reason behind the increasing number of divorce


2. What are the problems the husbands have been facing since their wives working


3. How the roles of women have changed in the society?

4. Are the wives less dependent on their husbands?

5. What are the consequences that working women faces?

HYPOTHESIS: I think most women in this country are much aware of their rights now. They

brought themselves to work force. They want equal rights as men do. They also want to

contribute in the earnings for the family. But, men do not want to give them equal rights. Men

want their wives to stay back at home and look after their family. At least for the children, it is

necessary that someone responsible and sensible should be there to take care of them and to

some extent teach them good manners. But when women want to contribute, problem arises.

These conflicts and difficulties in married life are basically the reason behind the increasing

divorce rate.



Page 36: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

For my primary research, I will conduct a survey and interviews of several personnel. I will

design a questionnaire that will be include several questions related to female independence

and ask them what they think of it. This questionnaire will be divided among three to four

sectors just to have clear understanding about the research.

For my secondary research, I will focus on magazines and articles that are focused on female

independence. I also plan to use the sources like library, government documents and online

sources like books, several reports, journals, blogs and some other sources that would help me

work on my research.

Organization: my paper will be divided in several sections, the most important of which are the

Introduction, Background, Data Presentation and their analysis, and summary of Findings.

Within these sections my organization will be based on my research questions and hypothesis.


I plan to complete my primary research by the first week of November and my secondary

research by the Mid-November. After both primary and secondary research, I shall complete

writing the final draft by the end of November and submit the research by the specified

deadline towards the end of this semester.


I hereby request your approval for my research proposal. If you wish me to modify or need to

make an improvement of my proposal then I shall resubmit the proposal after making

necessary changes. I would also be very grateful for your advice and help in conducting my

research and in completion of the research work.


Page 37: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report


The following survey consists of a handful questions regarding the women independence. The findings in this survey will be incorporated into a research paper regarding the female independence in Bangladesh. I would appreciate your honest answers to the given questions. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Gender ____________ Age:

1. Do you believe that women have come a long way from the traditional repression concept?

A. I think women have made a few steps forward but have a long way to go.B. I think women have made a significant step forward.C. I think the women are stuck in the same stage they were before.D. I have no idea on the topic.

2. Many people do not support the idea of working women. Why do you think it is so?

A. The idea that role of women has changed but traditional ideas about the role of women have not changed at an equally rapid pace.

B. Men who have difficulties with their wives working may be men who have been socialized to accept traditionally defined gender roles.

C. I don’t think such people exist now-a-days.D. Other reason. Please


3. Do you support working woman?

A. Yes, because it is a source of income.B. No, I do not support this idea.C. No, because she will know more about her rights.D. Yes, because she not only help her family financially but in other ways as well like

climbing up the social ladder.

4. Would you prefer your wife working outside?

A. YesB. No

5. Do you think female independence is increasing?

A. The women have more independence than ever.


Page 38: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

B. The women independence is still limited.C. The women are still not independent.

6. Do you know that the divorce rate in our country is increasing? What do you think the reason would be?

A. Increased awareness among women in our society.B. Husband’s inability to provide basic needs for the family.C. Lack of tolerance in womenD. Problems in adjustmentE. Husband/Wife gets tired of living with the same person. F. Husband & the mother in law torture in-house

7. Do you agree to the fact that the bond that once existed between a husband and a wife is becoming weaker because

A. The wives are no more dependent on their husband in financial terms.B. Now the wives are more conscious about their rights, education and job facilitiesC. The bond is still the same as it wasD. All of the above

8. What are the consequences that working women face?

A. Less time spent at homeB. Less time of interaction with familyC. Changing goals for the futureD. All of the above

9. Do you think that working women are less dependent on their husband now-a-days as far as economic condition is considered?

A. Working wife/women have financial strength because of their job. So, they are less dependent on their husband

B. The husband still controls the financial position of the family and everyone is dependent on him.

C. The wife keeps the balance in the bank and does not want to shareD. They share their financial load.


Page 39: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

10. Do you think the ability of women to work, earn and raise their social status have made it difficult for women to accept inequality of women’s freedom.

A. They are now growing wings.B. They are claiming for their rights and what they deserve.C. They are independent, how much independence do they want.D. Other reasons. Please


11. Do you think divorce rate is increasing due to female independence?

A. Yes, it is the main reason behind divorce.B. There are many important factors than female independence.C. Why should only female be blamed?



Page 40: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report


The following survey consists of a handful questions regarding the women independence. The findings in this survey will be incorporated into a research paper regarding the female independence in Bangladesh. I would appreciate your honest answers to the given questions. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Gender __________ Age:

1. Do you believe that women have come a long way from the traditional repression concept?

E. I think women have made a few steps forward but have a long way to go.F. I think women have made a significant step forward.G. I think the women are stuck in the same stage they were before.H. I have no idea on the topic.

2. Many people do not support the idea of working women. Why do you think it is so?

E. The idea that role of women has changed but traditional ideas about the role of women have not changed at an equally rapid pace.

F. Men who have difficulties with their wives working may be men who have been socialized to accept traditionally defined gender roles.

G. I don’t think such people exist now-a-days.H. Other reason. Please


3. Do you support working woman?

E. Yes, because it is a source of income.F. No, I do not support this idea.G. No, because she will know more about her rights.H. Yes, because she not only help her family financially but in other ways as well like

climbing up the social ladder.

4. Would you prefer working outside?

C. YesD. No

5. Do you think female independence is increasing?

D. The women have more independence than ever.


Page 41: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

E. The women independence is still limited.F. The women are still not independent.

6. Do you know that the divorce rate in our country is increasing? What do you think the reason would be?

G. Husband & the mother in law torture in-house.H. Problems in adjustmentI. Husband/Wife gets tired of living with the same person. J. Husband’s inability to provide basic needs for the family.K. Lack of tolerance in womenL. Increased awareness among women in our society.

7. Do you agree to the fact that the bond that once existed between a husband and a wife is becoming weaker because

E. The wives are no more dependent on their husband in financial terms.F. Now the wives are more conscious about their rights, education and job facilitiesG. The bond is still the same as it wasH. All of the above

8. What are the consequences that working women face?

E. Less time spent at homeF. Less time of interaction with familyG. Changing goals for the futureH. All of the above

9. Do you think that working women are less dependent on their husband now-a-days as far as economic condition is considered?

E. Working wife/women have financial strength because of their job. So, they are less dependent on their husband

F. The husband still controls the financial position of the family and everyone is dependent on him.

G. The wife keeps the balance in the bank and does not want to shareH. They share their financial load.


Page 42: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

10. Do you think the ability of women to work, earn and raise their social status have made it difficult for women to accept inequality of women’s freedom.

E. They are now growing wings.F. They are claiming for their rights and what they deserve.G. They are independent, how much independence do they want.H. Other reasons. Please


11. Do you think divorce rate is increasing due to female independence?

D. Yes, it is the main reason behind divorce.E. There are many important factors than female independence.F. Why should only female be blamed?



Page 43: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report


Topic: Female Independence is the main reason behind the increasing divorce rate.

12/15/2011Md. Samiul Ahsan Rabbani091-0885-030Section - 8

Submitted to-

Rafia Tahseen

Course Instructor



Page 44: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report


The divorce rate has been increasing over the past few years. This is because of the female

independence. Most of the women in Bangladesh are now following the trends of some

western countries where the divorce rates are comparatively high. It is suggested that overall

improvement in women’s position in terms of financial and social status has changed the

scenario. Women’s position is getting stronger. Now women are more conscious about their

rights, education and job facilities that they are receiving these days. They have brought a

revolutionary change in our culture.

Changes in economic conditions, social norms, and values have contributed to an increase in

married women's involvement in the work force. There are some kind of correlation between

divorce rates and married women’s involvement in the workforce. There may be several factors

with women’s involvement. Some consequences that these women face are like less time of

interactions with the family, lack of child’s mental development, egoistic problems grow within

the couple and many more.


Number of divorce is increasing significantly in Bangladesh and the trend has been steady for

the last two decades. Divorce is something that has become a dramatically more common

event in our society. Women are getting better education and job opportunities and hence are

gaining more confidence to stand out. They no longer want to depend solely on men, freedom

of choice and speech helps them fight male dominance. They are getting more financial

freedom which they could not enjoy even from husband’s contribution. There is an overall

change in social outlook towards the concept of marriage and divorce.

Traditionally it is the husbands who are considered the head of the family. Now due to

increased social awareness women are getting conscious and exposed to claiming equal rights.

Financially women are in a better position and this gives them the incentive to speak up against

any odds. Unfortunately, too much independence is making them overambitious and reluctant


Page 45: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report

to compromise and family values are being side tracked which is affecting marriage



I think in today’s world most women in our country want to work. Many of them are also

working outside. Women’s position is getting stronger day by day. Women now want equal

rights in the society and in the family. But, a man does not want to give equal rights to a

woman. These things make difficulties and conflicts in married life which are mostly responsible

for the increasing divorce rate.


For my research paper, I carried out a survey of a representative sample of 36 people of

Bangladesh in Dhaka. The sample was divided into two categories.

Young(ages between 18-25yrs): 15 male and 15 female students

Aged (ages between 35-50yrs): 3 male and 3 female.

Further, I took some references as my secondary data from few of the research journals &

books available on the internet that supported my research topic & explain some of the issues

regarding Female Independence.


Most of the data is presented with the help of graphs & pie charts. As a basis of measurement I

have chosen the percentage form. Percentage is widely used by many researchers & I think it is

easier to understand than any other statistical tool available.


Page 46: Women Independence the Reason Behind Increasing Divorce Rate. Report


From my research findings, I would like to recommend that Female Independence must be

controlled by the family so that they do not create certain problems like family interactions, ill-

growth of child’s mental development and the egoistic problems they usually face.


There has been a considerable increase in divorce rate in the past few years. Experts say that

divorce is a result of growing individualization in the society. Female independence enhances

individualization which imbalances the traditional ideas of marriage and related concepts,

leading to an increased divorce rate. Economic independence acts as a catalyst for divorce.

Women’s working connection is making them more careers oriented. As a result, they become

too engrossed in official attachment, which sometimes hampers marriage and family

relationships. Not all women are moving towards workingwomen status and not all

workingwomen are facing divorce problem but it is creating a huge difference in the overall

social outlook towards the concept of divorce. Economic independence and greater equality at

work, improved birth control and smaller families, higher expectations of marital relationships,

and the isolation of the nuclear family are all seen as factors, which have contributed to the rise

in women seeking a divorce.


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