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SA’s winning women discuss being part of the ICT industryWomen in ICT Awards Winners

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Innovator Recognition Award

Stephanie Cowper

CEO and co-founder of BeSpecular

I think women should work in ICT because there are so many opportunities and we as women view problems differently to people who are traditionally part of the industry. That being said, it does come with its challenges. Having a lot of male colleagues in the industry, I am often considered as a promo girl at conferences, when actually I’m there to attend. People talk down to me as if I’m their daughter rather than their colleague.

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Excellence in ICT Journalism Award

Thabiso Mochiko

Times Media Group

ICT is the future. Innovation starts in theICT sector, and there’s just no sector that is going to influence the economy more than ICT. It’s an exciting industry dominated by males, and we need to change that. Women should play a major role in that. The time is now; things have changed, but the representation of women is still very low.

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Community Builder Award

Dianne Broodryk

Jacaranda FM

Women should work in whatever field they want to, and there are so many possibilities in ICT. I think a lot of women don’t know about the opportunities that are available, and an award ceremony like this creates awareness that women are perfectly suited to working in this environment. We are resourceful; we are used to making plans, dealing with crises and coming up with solutions to make things easier.

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Graduate Award

Sharon Rao-Farista

Senior manager at MTN Business

As women, we bring a unique flair to the ICT industry. We look at things with very much a problem-solving capacity as well as leaving whatever we touch better than we found it. From the experience I’ve had working with other women, it’s always been ‘what can we do to make it better’ year on year? Women would add a little more dynamism to the field. As human beings, there is fear of the unknown, but I think the reason behind the lower levels of involvement of women in ICT is that girls, in their journey through school, don’t necessarily know how maths and science translate into jobs.

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Outstanding Women in ICT Award

Zimkhita Buwa

Account manager at Britehouse:Division of Dimension Data

Our industry is so dynamic, and there are such amazing opportunities available to women in this space. I think it’s important for women to come into the sector to make use of the opportunities and stay in the sector. There’s a lot of work that still needs to be done and a lot of support that we as women have to give to those who are coming in. It’s about mentorship. It’s making sure that we open doors for other women and not have that ‘I’m the only one’ syndrome. We must lift each other up so that we can all prosper and grow.

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Leadership Recognition Award

Aisha Mohamed


I believe women should get involved in the ICT sector because there are many facets to the sector as a whole. In terms of where I fall in, the broadcasting and media space, we find that a lot of young women are more interested in the on-camera work and behind the scenes has not been showcased enough. There is such a great need for really great South African stories, and I think women can play such a big role in this.

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Sponsor’s Leadership Award

Eileen Wilton

CEO of Gijima

ICT is a wonderful opportunity where women can perform on an equal stage with men. There are no barriers in ICT for women. This is a very special industry and a special place in the world. For us as women, we can’t really have emancipation unless we have financial freedom, and financial freedom comes from having a proper career. ICT is the best place for women to achieve that.

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