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  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    Why Most Care Management

    Programs Fail to Deliver Results

    By Kirit Pandit

  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    It is now fairly common knowledge that Care Management (CM)

    programs have had mixed success in reducing the Per Member

    Per Month (PMPM)cost for a population.

    There are many publications that site case studies and compile

    savings and ROInumbersfor care management programs across

    the country in the last 5 years.

    These research publications conclude that most CM programs

    that are successful are those that arehighly integrated, high

    touch programs.

  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    Are the CMs going after the right cohort of population?

    However, these studies mostly ignore the other important

    question.Our recent studies have indicated that most CM programs are

    not picking the right candidates for appropriate care

    management programs.

  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    VitreosHealth (formerly PSCI) did a recent study with a Medical

    Home population of about 11,000.

    We used EMR data for calculating clinical State-of-Health (SOH)risk scores and claims data for calculating utilization (PMPM)


    PMPMcost included both acute, ambulatory, post rehab, andskilled nursing facility.

  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    Fig 1 illustrates the framework we used to analyze the At-Risk

    population. We segment the population on the basis of clinical risk score

    and PMPM cost. The clinical risk score is a composite of the individual

    disease risk scores and is calculated from EMR (clinical) data that

    includes vitals and lab results.


  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    The top right quadrant (Critical)is the cohort of high cost, high

    clinical risk score patients. These patients are clinically risky

    based on the current state-of-health and are also high utilizers

    today and account for about 50% of the total population spend.

    The lower right quadrant represents the cohort (High Utilizers)

    that are high utilizers today even though they are relatively at

    lower clinical risk based on their State-of-Healthanalysis using

    EMR data.

  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    Typically, they are emergency room (ER) and medication

    abusers and are either hypochondriacs, and/or may have socio-

    economic and access-to-care problems.

    Both these segments are typically identified through claims

    analysis in most population and disease management programs

    and become high risk candidatesfor care management


  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    However, there is a far more important category of patients

    which is the upper left (Hidden Opportunity).

    This cohort comprises of members that are clinically at higherrisk today based on EMR data analysis, but have historically not

    been high utilizers, hence are not identified by claims based risk

    scores that are biased towards historical utilization costs.

    In most cases, they account for only 10% of the total spend and

    have very low PMPM costs, so most of these members are

    ignored by CM programs.

  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result



  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    However, through repeated ACO case studies, we have found

    that within 12-18 months, 15 - 20% of the Hidden Opportunity

    members transition to the Criticalcategory if they are ignored

    by care management programs.

  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    This is illustrated in Fig 2. Once they move to the right, they

    account for anywhere from 40-50% of the spend of the Critical

    categorythe following year.

    This means anywhere from a quarter to half the spend

    associated with the Criticalcategory comes from these new

    patients that did not exist at the beginning of the year in the


  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    Yet, the Hidden Opportunity category is largely ignored. Why?

    One reason is that most care management programs are driven

    by claims data analysis which cannot identify this Hidden


    However, predictive clinical risk scores that use both the harvest

    EMR data along with claims data can easily identify this hidden


  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    In addition to using EMR data, these 10-15% of the hidden

    opportunitycohort that are the future liabilities can be

    identified through a multidimensional risk model which

    combines this clinical risk with other risk factors such as

    compliance risk, socio-economic risk, access-to-care risk andmental well-being risk.

  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    VitreosHealth has been able to identify this population

    consistently in retrospective analysis.

    Once these are identified, published studies have proven that a

    high-touch, integrated CM program can successfully reduce the

    PMPM by 20-25% and potentially avoid the movement of this

    cohort to the catastrophic Criticalsegment.

  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result



  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    Fig 3 shows that an ideal Care Management program is one

    which- Prevents the 10-20% of the hidden opportunity category

    from becoming critical. Ensure the high clinical risk patients

    P1 do not move to the right criticalcategory.

    Makes sure the criticalpopulations health and acuity remains

    in check and reduce their utilization through effective case

    management and care coordination and move this population to

    the left.

  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    Identifies the causal factors for the High Utilizers(socio-

    economic, access-to-care, mental well-being) to design tailor-

    made care management programs address their unique mental

    and social well-being needs.

    Identify future high-risk patients early in the disease cycle (pre-

    diabetic, obesity, hypertension, anxiety, etc.) from the current

    Relatively Healthycohort and continue to keep them healthy

    through fitness, wellness programs and disease counseling.

  • 8/12/2019 Why Most Care Management Programs Fail to Deliver Result


    It is important to note that traditional claims based analysis can

    only provide a partial picture, since they lack clinical records such

    as vitals, lab results, family history, etc. which can be used in

    disease models to predict more accurate and segment the

    population more precisely.

    A combination of clinical, claims and demographic dataand a

    multi-dimensional risk modelcan segment the population more

    accurately and provide the correct candidates to put into a CMprogram.

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