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Why do people give charity?

Prepared: Maripkhan SaltanatGrade: 11 Teacher: Bakhtyorazova Elmira

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WHAT IS CHARITY Charity is quite popular nowadays. People have

become more open and kind-hearted. On the whole, charity means voluntary giving of help to those who are in need. Charitable giving can include the act of giving money, goods, time, attention and kindness to the unfortunate. Most forms of charity mean providing basic items of necessity, such as food, water, clothing, shelter, healthcare and else. There are so many charitable organizations in the world today. They allow people to donate either directly or online, through websites. Charitable organizations also include orphanages, food banks, religious institutes and hospitals for the poor. Donating things, you don’t use anymore is one of the forms of charity.

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Charity is to give to others that which belongs to you. When you give to charity you experience happiness. Do you know why? Because when you let go of the one thing that you love the most, you get happiness because you give happiness to others. For most people that one thing, is money.

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One gives because he wants something in return. 

A person gives happiness in order to receive happiness in return. People do not give for the purpose of liberation. When you give happiness to others, you will receive happiness. Whatever you give, you will get back. That is the rule. And the more you give out, the more flows back in; that is the joy of love in action, the manifestation of charity. As long as you feel compelled to do something because it is your duty or because you want something in return, there is no love.

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TYPES OF CHARITIES Money In-kind donations Sponsorship Estate gifts

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Why be a volunteer?It’s not for money, it’s not for fame

And it’s not for any personal gain.It’s just for love of fellow man.It’s just to lend a helping hand.It’s just to give a tithe of self.

That’s something you can’t buy with wealth.

It’s not the medals worm with pride.It’s just for that feeling deep inside.It’s that reward down in your heart.It’s feeling that you’ve been a part

of helping others far and nearThat’s what makes you a volunteer.


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• solidarity with the objectives of the Fund (the volunteer activities aimed at achieving common objectives and does not contradict its principles);

• voluntary (no one can be forced to act as a volunteer);• involvement in the Fund's projects (we are all - one

team);• gratuitousness (the volunteer work is not paid,

however, may be offset by the costs of volunteer associated with its activities);

• integrity (volunteer, who has assumed the obligation to perform a particular job, should bring it to the end)

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Charitable organizations in the world

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Charity in Kazakhsatan•“Baurzhan” Charitable Foundation –

steadily growing public organization whose primary aim is to make philanthropy efficient. Fund makes favorable conditions for philanthropy development in Kazakhstan and assists non-government organizations and benefactors who support Fund.

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“Kind-hearted friends” organizations

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•Though, we opened a social site on VK to transmit news which we have done and will do.

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This is our slogan CompassionHumanityAttentionResponsibilityInspirationToleranceYou can improve these skills!

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Our volunteers held a fair, sold some delicious cookies and school equipment. The collected money we gave to our school’s sociologist. He knows who needs money. We must communicate with our sociologist to help needy in future.

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As the representative of Amankeldi school’s kind-hearted friends’ committee. I will be very active to consider providing sponsorship for our event. If my school is agreeable, I’ll put sponsor’s name on banners along the school. This sponsorship will help needy people. This is my main aim.

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My future plans  After graduating from school, student time, I

will open an organization with volunteers that will help children, elders, disabled people and orphans. The organization will call UVK: United Volunteers of Kazakhstan. This will create for those people who are voluntarily willing to help. And to give a piece of love and light to those who need it. We will open a fund which volunteer can donate money, and we will hold auction. Raising money give to needy people, orphanage and nursing home. Volunteers will delight kids with fun games, unusual tricks and show bubbles. These are not just my plans, but my future aims. I want to see all people to be happy.

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  To conclude, I want to say that my

main aim is to work and to do charity in future. While I'm working I'm doing charity. It means in future I will work and give my help to other people as I can. I hope this aim will be your aim to. 

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