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Fiction genre, attends conventions, dresses

up, collects memorabilia, and shares his views

with like-minded fans via the internet. The

representation of his character as a socially inept

loner also hints at the psychological and social

compensations that cult fans crave for whom the

benefits of social interaction and shared interests

can lead to feelings of security; acceptance and a

sense of belonging.


Cult fans enjoy speculating about

philosophical questions posed by Science Fiction

films facilitates. Films with complex narratives

that are open to multiple interpretations often

appeal as they stimulate cult fans’ thoughts,

conversations, and searches for meaning. DonnieDarko (1999) is a challenging film requiring

multiple viewings, interaction with the film

website and fan forums to clarify understanding.

Fans can explore themes such as the possibility

of tangential universes and time-travel, and

In a high risk industry where predictable is

more likely to guarantee profit, can cult fans

wield their power and demand something


Study Cult film for the WJEC synoptic unit

Fandom and it’s inevitable that you will compare

the relative power of fans and the film industry.

A quick scan of your local cinema listings shows

that the multiplex is dominated by a menu of 

high concept films, genre and star packages,

and sequels. Does this offer reflect all film fans

preferences? Not necessarily, as there are groups

of fans that seek out quirky, off-beat films that

defy categorisation and that stimulate and

challenge the spectator in a myriad of ways.

 These are cult fans that look to UK independentor arthouse cinemas to cater for their needs.

How do cult fans express their

fascination with film and what are the


Cult film can be defined in opposition to

the mainstream as: a small devoted group of 

fans’ response to a film; who can be identified

by the intensity of their response and

particular behaviour and motivations.

Social interaction

Comic book guy from The Simpsons

epitomises the stereotype of the cult fan andmakes fun of this. He runs The Android’s

Dungeon comic book store; prefers the Science

Cult fansversus the filmindustry

Elaine Homer asks

you to consider what

type of film fan you

are and how you could

influence what is on

offer at your local


Donnie Darko courtesy


 Star Wars

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enhance their understanding of the film through

repeated viewings. Some fans relate the trials and

tribulations of the central character to their own

lives, seek solace and affirmation of their values.

Donnie Darko fans describe the impact of the

film upon them as profound or religious. Visit the

Donnie Darko official website to test your skills in

navigation and commitment as a fan. The rewards

are further insight into the film and additional

information such as press reports about the fate

of the characters that were not included in the


Rituals and enhanced participation

Cult fans watch the same films over again,

quote lines verbatim and participate at

screenings. For example, midnight screenings of 

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) helped

secure its cult status with students and gay and

lesbian fans who cross-dress like the characters,

bring props and copy the actions in particular

scenes. In doing so, straight fans safely transgress

gender expectations and social norms; for some

fans this provides fantasy and escapism; for

others self-validation.

Ironic readings

Cult fans read films ironically ; for example,

they ridicule low-budget 1950s Science Fiction

with poor production values and stilted acting.

The Sound of Music (1965) has become a cult hit

with gay and lesbian audiences because of the

‘sing-a-long’ events that celebrate gay sexuality.

Ironic or camp readings of films are important

for gay audiences whose sexuality is under-

represented in mainstream cinema.

Defy the critics

Despite critical reviews when first released,

Donnie Darko gained popularity with cult fansfollowing international exhibition. The film was

popularised through midnight screenings in

New York City’s East Village for 28 months and

secured $10 million in the US from DVD and VHS

release. A follow-up Director’s Cut was released

by Newmarket films after imaginative marketing

in the UK using an artist’s hand-drawn stickers

helped find its niche as a cult movie with British


Imaginative extension

Cult fans engage in independent creativity and

imaginative extension. For example, Star Trek  

fans act in and produce their own films inspired

by the original, faithfully reproducing characters

and scenes. Sites l ike YouTube have helped to

democratise exhibition and provide an outlet for

fans to show their own products.How does the film industry create cults

or seek to capitalise on their existence?

Although there is often a contradiction

between what’s on offer in mainstream cinema

and what cult fans want, at times the industry

does take notice of their desires. The following

are examples of ways that the industry influences

and seeks to exploit cult fans, some more

successfully than others.

Use the web for marketing

 The film industry has attempted to take

advantage of the critical dialogue between

fans and industry personnel opened up by

the internet. Film fans contribute to blogs, chat-

rooms or social-networking sites to share their

views. This can be used by the industry for covert

market research, to create hype about a film

before it’s in production; or to circulate possible

endings to judge fan response. Famously The

Blair Witch Project (1999) website established

before a distribution deal, was used to build

interest amongst potential fans. This low budget

flick proved extremely profitable owing to thehype generated by this fan speculation and

recorded the highest profit-to-cost ratio.

Yet, attempts by the industry to use fan input

is not always a success. Snakes on a Plane was

heavily marketed by New Line Cinema on the net

prior to release and they used fan feedback to

extend shooting by five days. Despite this the film

was a disappointment at the box-office.

Profit from an existing cult fan base

Cult is a cross-media phenomenon applicable

to TV and comics; and the film industry seeks

to exploit this already loyal fan base. Since Star 

Wars (1977) revealed the profitability of tie-ins

and merchandise, the industry invests heavily

in comic book adaptations with potential for

toy and game licensing to capitalise on comic

book fans’ penchant for collecting. Tie-ins are

authorised products based on the movie that

provide additional income and synergy through

cross-media promotion.

 Targeting cult fans can sometimes be a risky

strategy as they bring high expectations, and

box office losses can ensue from adaptations

that fail to meet them. For example, although

the distribution deal for Judge Dredd (1995) was

clinched because Stallone committed to the role,

using his persona in the film conflicted with fansexpectations of the original comic. In the comic

Judge Dredd does not take his mask off but

Stallone does this early on in the movie.

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Be independent

Films that are different from the mainstream

are a risk for production companies. Richard Kelly

did well to get this low-budget independent film

Donnie Darko produced and into cinemas. The

film was made because of a number of factors

including Kelly securing an agent; working for

independent film company New Line cinema and

the fact that Drew Barrymore signed up for the

movie secured the finance.

Ban, censor or restrict a film’s release

Restrictions imposed by the censor can gain

kudos with fans and help a film progress to cult

status. Similarly, withdrawal of permission by

the director Stanley Kubrick for  A Clockwork 

Orange (1971) to be screened in the UK added

to its appeal as cult fans watched foreign video

with subtitles. Cannibal Holocaust (1980)

courted controversy with rumours that scenes of 

torture, mutilation and murder were footage of 

real events, which encouraged fans to watch to

decide for themselves.

Have you got the power?

Next time you pay to see a film, or purchase

the DVD, merchandise or tie-in, remember you’re

contributing directly to its commercial success

and encouraging the industry to repeat the

formula. If you act as a cult fan it is likely that

you persuade the industry at least to consider

investing in something different in the future.

Elaine Homer is an Advanced Skills Teacher for Media at

Kidbrooke School, South London.

Donnie Darko and Snakes

on a Plane courtesy of

Clockwork Orange d.

Stanley Kubrick (1971) Credit: Warner Bros/TheKobal Collection

 Star Wars

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