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  1. 1. What you cant miss this week at Fiestas de la PALOMA! (August 13th - 16th)
  2. 2. August 13th! At Calle Paloma 20:00 Msica castiza (traditional Spanish music) 21:00 Free lemonade 22:00 Msica variada (music of varied genres) At Plaza de las Vistillas 23:30 Artist of the day: MIKEL ERENTXUN!
  3. 3. August 14th! At Plaza de la Paja 20:30 A dibujo rpido competition (fast sketch)! 20:45 An abanicos competition! 21:30 Performance from the artistic group of Agrupacin Castiza el Orgullo de Madrid At Plaza de las Vistillas 23:30 Artist of the day: BONGO BOTRAKO!
  4. 4. August 15th! In front of Colegio La Salle La Paloma; c/ Paloma 10:00 Wreath to Virgen de La Paloma At Calle guila 14:30 Capoeira by Grupo Galera 15:00 Complementary paella with a drink! At Iglesia de la Virgen de la Paloma; c/ Isabel Tintero 20:30 Procession Virgen de La Paloma
  5. 5. August 16th! At Calle de la Paloma 22:00 Discoteca Castiza with Iaki y sus chulapos At Plaza de la Paja 22:30 Artist of the day: AMPARO SNCHEZ! At Plaza de las Vistillas 23:30 Artist of the day: ROSENDO! 00:30 Disco
  6. 6. But dont forget these are just some of our recommendations, but there are plenty more events to enjoy at Fiestas de La Paloma Madrileo style! To see the full program and learn more about its origins, read our blog Celebrate the Da de la Paloma, Madrileo Style! at AIL Madrid Spanish Language School Blog!

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