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Microsoft Word - Paper article FEb 2017 vax and cytopoint.docxBy Dr. Maria Krenz, DVM – ZimmVet-763-856-4848
What is New in Veterinary Medicine
At  ZimmVet,  we  are  always  evaluating  new  and  updated  products  and  technologies.  We  want  to  offer  products  that  are   safe,  easy  to  give  and  provide  the  protection  pets  need.  Talk  to  your  veterinarian  next  time  you  are  in  about  what  is  best  
for  your  pet.  
Cytopoint Allergy Injection
ZimmVet is excited to offer Cytopoint. This is another tool to help pets with allergies.
• CYTOPOINT  is  a  monoclonal  antibody  that  specifically  targets  and  neutralizes  canine  IL-­31,  an  important   cytokine  involved  in  sending  the  itch  signal  to  the  brain  in  pets  with  allergies  
• Because  it  is  highly  targeted  to  a  specific  cytokine  involved  in  canine  atopic  dermatitis  (allergies),   CYTOPOINT  has  minimal  impact  on  normal  immune  functions  
o Benefits  include:    Quick  acting  within  24  hours;  A  single  injection  lasts  4-­8  weeks;  The  injection   can  be  given  at  your  veterinary  clinic  or  at  home.    At  ZimmVet  we  offer  to  teach  owners  how  to   give  it  at  home  as  well;  Safe  for  all  ages;  No  interaction  with  other  medications,  including  other   allergy  medications  
Cytopoint treatment eliminates daily dosing, and is safe with other medications. In pets with severe allergies, we can combine Cytopoint with other allergy medications to provide even more relief.
Read more about Cytopoint at:
Influenza Vaccination
Many  pet  owners  remember  the  dog  flu  outbreak  in  2015.  This  outbreak  was  a  new  strain  of  dog  flu  to  the  United   States,  H3N2.    We  now  have  a  canine  flu  vaccine  that  covers  not  only  the  original  H3N8  Flu  strain,  but  also  the  new   H3N2  strain.  This  vaccine  needs  an  initial  vaccine,  a  booster  vaccination  a  few  weeks  later  and  a  yearly  booster  vaccine.        
Should  your  dog  get  the  Flu  vaccination?  Any  dog  that  is  around  other  dogs  is  at  risk.  Talk  to  your  veterinarian  if  you  
should  vaccinate  your  dog.  High  Risk  activities  include:  Puppy classes,  Doggie day care, Boarding,  Grooming,  Dog shows, Dog sports events,  Dog park visits,  Contacting  other  dogs  in  your  neighborhood,  Visiting any gathering of multiple dogs.
Many people are familiar with the human flu vaccine. The main difference is that there are only two strains of dog flu vs. many strains of human flu. This influenza vaccine covers both strains, and is available at ZimmVet.  
Read  more  about  canine  Influenza  at:  
Lyme Vaccination
Everyone  knows  there  are  a  lot  of  ticks  in  Minnesota,  and  those  ticks  carry  diseases  such  as  Lyme  disease.    The  State  of  
Minnesota  just  reclassified  Lyme  disease  as  a  year-­round  disease.  That  means  that  your  pet  can  be  bit  by  a  tick  in  
January,  if  the  temperatures  are  above  freezing.  Once  Lyme  bacteria  is  inside  the  pet,  it  changes  the  proteins  it  
expresses.  Now  there  is  a  vaccine,  which  battles  these  everchanging  bacteria.    VANGUARD  crLyme  vaccine  contains  
antigenic  material  from  seven  different  types  of  proteins,  which  create  antibodies  capable  of  killing  Lyme  bacteria  inside  
ticks  and  within  your  dog.  At  ZimmVet,  we  recommend  dogs  receive  a  booster  vaccination  in  3-­4  weeks  after  the  initial  
vaccination,  followed  by  annual  booster.  
Read  more  about  Lyme  Vaccination  at:­crlyme/  

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