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Page 1: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

You can’t get it right the first time

Lean Startup Pecha Kucha

Page 2: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12
Page 3: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

$800 Million

$200 Million

$5 Billion


Page 4: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12
Page 5: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12
Page 6: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12







Page 7: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

Define Plan A

Page 8: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

What are the assumptions

Page 9: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

What are the risks?

Page 10: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12
Page 11: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12
Page 12: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

Qualitative and Quantitative

Page 13: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

Vanity metrics

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Page 15: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

Plan B

Page 16: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

The danger of Stelth Mode

Page 17: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

The Problem assumption and the solution assuption

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Page 19: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

MVP is not a buggy product

Page 20: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

Where else can Lean Startup be applied?

Page 21: What is Lean Startup? - Pecha Kucha - AgileIL12

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