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Page 1: What is Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed

What is Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed

Page 2: What is Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed

Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed

Look at these numbers: 27+ nutrients. Six times more calcium than milk. Forty-one percent of

your daily fibre, and 100% more Omega-3 fatty acids than salmon. The cost in calories?

Forty one and a quarter, per tablespoon. Convenient? Uh, yes!

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Science Organic Chia Seed is a convenient way to boost health, feel great and get the most out of life.

Brace yourself for some jaw-dropping numbers of unrivalled nutrition and health benefits to follow

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In the pecking order of super-foods, you've got to earn respect. Salmon has done that. So have

spinach and blueberries. But there's another food making the rounds for its numerous health

benefits that, quite frankly, may soon be at the top of that list.

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The food is chia. And in the pantheon of super-foods, it's a stud.

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What's a super-food? Think of foods that are loaded with phytonutrients, including antioxidants,

omega-3 fatty acids, essential vitamins and minerals. Also, any super-food worth its weight

should be a good source of protein, healthy fats or fiber.

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About Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed

Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed is an unrivalled source of all three. In fact, it's packed with enough nutrients to have extensive and far-reaching health benefits for those from all walks of life and degrees of health. Benefits include:

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more energybetter digestionreduced food cravingsincreased lean muscle massbetter

sleephealthier skinThink of Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed as

a high-octane fuel for your

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Think of Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed as a high-octane fuel for your body – the kind that will

transform it from a Pinto to a Ferrari.

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Granted, the term "super-food" is reaching pretty high, and any food that claims to wear that title

needs some serious nutrients to back it up. Let's break Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed down

further and evaluate if it's good enough for that lofty title.

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Nutritional Breakdown

Chia is 16% protein, 31% fat and 44% carbohydrate. The latter is 38% fiber (both soluble and insoluble),

and most of the fat content is the heart-healthy essential omega-3 fatty acid ALA (alpha-linolenic

acid). And as a complete vegetable protein with nine essential amino acids, you've got enough protein for

a health-boosting, low cholesterol snack or meal.

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Getting back to that fiber, two tablespoons of chia packs over 42.5% of your daily recommended

fiber intake and three to four times what you'll find in a competing dietary supplement. Considering that most Americans get less that half of their

recommended fiber each day, chia's a fast and convenient way to boost your fiber intake and

minimize digestive problems.

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In ancient times, the Aztecs used chia to nourish their messengers as they ran through the

mountains. With over 27 minerals, vitamins, amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids, it's not hard

to see why.

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Who Should Eat Chia?

Let's be honest, it's a lot easier to grab a Big Mac for lunch than it is to eat well. And no offense to the fast food industry, but it's not

good for your health or your waistline.

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Chia's been used for hundreds of years by South American cultures for its health-boosting and

endurance-building nutrients. And with enough protein, healthy fats and fiber content, it's a true

super-food and convenient way to supplement the nutrients so often missed in the average diet.

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Chia is ideal for athletes, diabetics, pregnant women, children, vegetarians, people who want to lose weight, fight signs of aging or simply want to

eat like professional athletes and achieve maximum health with the convenience of a seed

that's easily integrated in your diet.

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Everyone can eat chia. And frankly, everyone should.

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Eat Like a Champ, Feel Like a Warrior

The Aztecs knew the benefits of chia and gave it to their leaders as an annual offering. Now you can enjoy the same benefits, including

more energy, greater endurance, better digestion and sharpened mental outlook. Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed is health and virility in the form of a seed.

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Click Here To Order

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Chia's had plenty of media coverage too, from Fox News to Oprah Winfrey magazine. People have heard of the health benefits of chia, and how it offers superior nutritional value to other super-foods including salmon

and flax.

more energy

better sleep

increased muscle tone

improved digestion

great skin tone

mental sharpness

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Order Chia Now

Review My ProfileJoseph F. Botelho

And when you offer Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed, you offer the convenience of nutrition on the go. Want to stay healthy but don't

have time to cook? No problem! Add a teaspoon of Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed to your morning cereal and you're off and running!

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