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Page 1: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

What classroom assessment techniques make the difference?

School beginnings with an end in mind.

Dardanup PS

Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark

Page 2: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

What classroom assessment techniques make the difference?● How do we involve students in the classroom

assessment process?● How do we increase the amount of specific, descriptive

feedback students receive?● As a school how do we decrease the amount of

evaluative feedback students receive?

Page 3: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Giving and receiving feedback to and from students.‘The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.’ Sandra Herbst, Canadian educator and presenter.

Page 4: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Begin with the end in mind

With students:

●Explain the purpose

●Show samples

●Talk about possible evidence

Page 5: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Begin with an end in mind

Explain the purpose

Showing and setting goals

●Using the oral language continuum

●What can Laela tell us about what is required in her own oral presentation?

●I articulate criteria for a successful presentation.

●I can tell you what is required about my presentation and my own measure of success against this criteria.

●I know what success looks like and sounds like.

●I have proof.

Page 6: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

The Next StepUsing an approach that focuses on showing students how to take small and measurable steps on the cusp of their learning so that they can move forward to achieving quality against criteria.

Recording with student two or three steps that they can make in their individual learning that they can take to move forward.This approach helps -●Extend ideas●improve their current work●Revising specific aspects of the work●Practising new skills

Source- Knowing what counts- Setting and using criteria (2nd ed). Kathleen Gregory, Caren Cameron, Anne Davies

Page 7: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Next Step Teaching

Page 8: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Talk about possible evidence.

Page 9: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Students need to have clear expectations of what is required of them.

Finding success for students

Assessment- The word actually means to sit beside….

Evaluation- The core message at this word is VALUE/ judge or assign WORTH

Page 10: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Assessment- Do they understand what QUALITY looks like?

Co constructing Selection Criteria

Common assessment

Point of inquiry- Learning from our learners

Collaborative inquiry

Foundation- Teacher to student

Self Monitor

SA- self assessment

PA- peer assessment

Page 11: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

What specifically do you want to learn better?As staff we questioned this and decided we wanted our practice to reflect this instead of this ….

● Teachers professional judgement is more reliable than any text.

● From an Australian perspective educators want high school leavers to have the ability to work as a team, be able to communicate and have the ability to be innovative.

● STOP to listen to kids once in a while.

Page 12: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Making thinking visible

Page 13: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Hitting the target- How did we know we were hitting the target?

Page 14: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Hitting the target- How do you know you are hitting the target?

Some examples-●Only co-construct criteria with your students

●Make a list of criteria you think you will need if you are going to have a well written criteria.

●List the targets

●Highlighters and squiggly lines

● Students have to demonstrate evidence of quality work

● They match it against the criteria

● Sticky notes/stickers to show where the evidence is.

Page 15: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

How many chances would you give a kid …..


If a second chance at work is to be considered the student must provide evidence of what they have done differently according to the criteria.

Page 16: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Second chances……

If a second chance at work is to be considered the student must provide evidence of what they have done differently according to the criteria.

Page 17: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Rubrics- Not a dirty word but lets consider…..

Rubrics are and were so people could come to decisions on summative evaluations

BUT how do we get that group of kids to do much better because they are capable?

Page 18: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.
Page 19: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

The Sweet SpotThe spot where the teacher and my parents are all happy……The rubric- for students- Thank you for showing me the path to lack of quality…

Collaborative inquiry that is between the teacher and the studentIn an authentic way……Supports an incredible depth of learning…

Page 20: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Assessment FOR Learning

Lets co construct criteria on what good enough isn’tCo constructing is not a means to an end- it’s the means to an understanding where we indulge in critical thinking, represent, analyse, compare, contrast, interpret.

Page 21: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Lets do this beside each other….● Taking a stance with your

leadership.● What did I do to get them there?● About the ways we create

leadership.● Some teachers can adjust with

change● Leadership- How do we teach

our teachers to act their way into believing? Give them a reason to try …..

● First of all teachers need to see us as leaders engaged in this type of work.

Page 22: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Relationships with students● If you could not come to school today what would

you not miss?

● Teach within relationships

● Canadian example- Personal relationships with our kids

● Instructional shaking our fingers at students does NOT work

Page 23: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Show proof of learning…..

Page 24: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Reliability and Validity● Triangulation

● Collecting triangulated assessment

● Orange book page 33

● Before and after PROOF

● Identified 8 things the student can show they have PROVED

● Creating pathways to next steps…..

● Putting the kids in the DRIVERS seat

Page 25: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Triangulated assessment



End product

Page 26: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Resources for educators

● The 6 day cycle $2.99

Parents want marks….Lots of marking does not necessarily improve results.

Parents expecting what we have always given them.

Giving parents an alternative.

Leaders- What do your staff see you doing in your own practise?

Page 27: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Proof Cards

Matching criteria to expectation…..

Just giving kids exams and tests does not prepare them to take exams and tests.

Page 28: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

● Visual continuum of samples

● O-K Partners● The Muddiest Point

Page 29: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Exit Interviews● Friends

● One teacher

● One administrator

● One supervisor from ingoing school

● Students respond to 5 or 6 evaluative questions

Exit Interview PresentationRationale Exit interviews with students who are leaving primary school and embarking on secondary school should be considered as part of personal development for all transitioning students in this schoolThis initiative entails minimal cost and possibly identify program areas in need of enhancementPanel members will learn new and surprising aspects of the student making the transition and this method provides a rich opportunity for panelists to learn about some students they may have not taught or worked with. Prescribed Learning OutcomesStudent will:· Show they have the knowledge, attitudes and positive habits they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle after graduation from primary school and entry to secondary school· Demonstrate they have the confidence in themselves and the plans they have made for the transition from primary school to secondary school They must show they are able to communicate their interests and concerns re the transition from primary to a secondary setting· Participate in a prepared ‘Show and Tell’ interview which encompasses their achievements and represents themselves as learners and as people· Share their individual skills and experiences via a chosen media

Page 30: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.
Page 31: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

At Dardanup Primary School, the Exit Interview consists of:· A prepared presentation showing personal, academic and/or employability skills they see themselves as developing for the future that begins with the sentence ‘Five things you should know about me….’· Additional evidence showing personal characteristics and attributes that make you unique and those important qualities you feel that secondary school teachers are looking for you to succeed· Students will weave their experiences with their scholastic and career ambitions throughout a fifteen minute presentation

The Presentation:Students will include in their presentation:· A freestanding poster board neatly labelled with their name, words that describe themselves and captions for pictures or documents on the board. Make sure all pictures or documents on the poster are framed in colour and everything is presented in a neat and orderly fashion OR a scrapbook containing the sake information above OR a Powerpoint/Prezi/ Keynote presentation OR a video presentation· Items or artefacts that show what is important to them in all areas of their lives. This includes school, extracurricular , hobbies, family, friends and the community· Pictures, videos, samples of work, music, and art, any hands on experiences such as mechanics, woodworking or electronics can also be worked into the presentation in the appropriate area of the school.-think of the possibilities! Any interest will try to be accommodated· YOURSELF-you must be present during the presentation and be prepared to answer questions and talk to the Panellists who will be there to meet with you and watch your presentation. Students should know -this presentation is not a speech so you do not have to prepare one- however, you must be ready to answer questions about yourself, your interest areas and future plans. Students must come appropriately dressed to this interview

Page 32: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

CriteriaCriteria One: The student demonstrates a thoughtful selection of achievement or interest evidence.

Criteria Two- The student demonstrates thoughtful reflection on their primary years and achievements. The student can explain how the achievement evidence or 5 things you should know about me provides proof of their growth and learning as part of primary school.

Criteria Three- The student will express what is important in their life today- such as family, friends, education, community service, sports, extra-curricular, volunteer activities…. And tell the panel how and why these things will remain important to you once you have exited primary school.

Criteria Four: Demonstrates effort, initiative and commitment to learning.

Criteria Five: The student will reflect on their time in primary school, past and present.

Page 33: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.

Life long learners…..● Describe yourself● How they want people to see them● How do you learn best?● Something you are good at….● What do your teachers for next year

need to know about you?● Special skills and interests

● What have we learned from our mistakes and previous experiences.

● Dealing with disengagement.● Recognition of own growth● Reflect and take something away● Students 15 minutes of fame● Dissolving the fear of getting lost

Page 34: What classroom assessment techniques make the difference? School beginnings with an end in mind. Dardanup PS Presenter- Principal Melanie Clark.


Assessment for learning

Classroom management on Pinterest

From Knowing What Counts:Setting and Using Criteria, by k.Gregory., C.Cameron, A.Davies

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