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Inside this Newsletter:

Next Westminster Faith Exchange meeting - 2nd December 2008 New Faith Communities Development Officer Thank you from Westminster Police Mental Health training for faith leaders - report Faith Exchange meeting on the environment - report Westminster Green Faith Week Faith Exchange meeting on parking and planning – update Training opportunities Can you help Westminster schools? Faith Exchange Art Competition for Children and Young People LINking Westminster The Sunset Walk Important information from the Fire Brigade £££-FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES-£££ Upcoming festivals

Next meeting of the Westminster Faith Exchange -2nd December The next meeting of the Westminster Faith Exchange will take place on Tuesday 2nd December 2008 at the newly restored St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square. The topic for this meeting is the use of prayer in different faith traditions. Please put this date into your diary now! More details of the meeting will be sent to you in due course. A Faith Exchange meeting was scheduled for the 13th October. However, because this date clashes with a very busy period of religious festivals, the Chair of the Faith Exchange has decided that it is appropriate to cancel the meeting. Therefore, the next Faith Exchange meeting is on the 2nd December as noted above.

If you would like more information on the Westminster Faith Exchange please contact Clinton Geeves on

020 7641 3247 or at [email protected]

Westminster Faith Exchange Newsletter – August 2008

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Please note that Council officers responsible for the Westminster Faith Exchange will be unavailable until the 25th of August and will respond to all queries then. If you have an urgent inquiry and/or wish to contact the Chair of the Faith Exchange before 25th August, please contact Lisa Hayes at the Westminster City Council on 020 7641 2890.

****** Need help with a funding application? ******* Introducing the new Faith Communities Development Officer at Voluntary Action Westminster Laila Zaghari takes on the role of Faith Communities Development Officer at Voluntary Action Westminster. Laila will be working to support faith organisations and faith communities in Westminster be more involved in local decision-making, develop their organisational capacity, and find funding. Laila will also work to engage faith communities in positive social and educational activities and build closer links between Westminster’s faith communities and the statutory sector.

Thank you from the Westminster Police Diversity Unit In the May newsletter PC Dan Finn (Faith Liaison Officer at the Westminster Police Diversity Unit) asked Faith Exchange members for help to ensure Police custody areas in Westminster have holy books available to help people in custody practice their faith and to provide a source of spiritual guidance and inspiration. Dan received a very positive response to his appeal, and would like to extend sincere thanks to Faith Exchange members for their very generous contributions. Dan said: "I would like to thank everyone who contacted me about providing books and other materials from their respective faiths to use in our custody areas. We

To find out how Laila can help your organisation, please call her on 020 7535 0483 or email [email protected]

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are now well on the way to having a complete supply, having already received 20 Bibles, 30 copies of the Qur'an and 18 prayer mats. As a result we are now better able to cater for detainee's beliefs whilst in custody. This would have been very difficult without the support of your communities".

Mental Health Training for Faith leaders – Report On 25th June the Westminster City Council and Westminster Primary Care Trust held a day-long training workshop on mental health issues that was specifically tailored for faith leaders. The need for this training was identified at a Faith Exchange meeting in 2007. The workshop covered a number of areas, including an overview of mental health service in Westminster, recognising signs and symptoms of mental distress, day services in the community, stigma and discrimination and spirituality and mental health. Mostafa Ragab from the Egyptian Association attended the training and said: “The training was very well attended by many different faith representatives. I know mental health is becoming a very serious issue in the Muslim community with today’s way of life, and particularly for young people. The presenters helped us to understand what affects a person’s mental health, how to identify a person who has mental health issues, how to handle the case and more importantly, where to seek help. The training was very informative and useful. Hopefully we can now help our community members who may be suffering from mental health issues”. Given the success of the workshop, the City Council and Primary Care Trust are discussing arrangements for another workshop for faith leaders in the future. Details of this workshop will be promoted through the Faith Exchange.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding policing in Westminster please contact Dan Finn (PC4273CW) on 0207 321 9710 or at [email protected] Dan is based at the St John’s Wood Police Station, Newcourt St, London NW8 7AA.

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Faith and the Environment - Update on the last Faith Exchange meeting The last Faith Exchange meeting on 12th June was hosted by West London Synagogue and looked at the environment. The meeting included keynote speakers from Vital Regeneration, the Conservation Foundation and the Church of England’s ‘Shrinking the Footprint’ campaign. The meeting also included small group discussions which looked at the similarities and differences between faith traditions in terms of perspectives on the environment, and how places of worship can ‘go green’. During the plenary session at the end of the meeting, Faith Exchange members suggested that the Council could assist places of worship to ‘go green’ by: Providing more recycling bins and collecting recycling at no charge from

places of worship Providing free or low cost energy efficient light bulbs Actively promoting what the Council is dong to enhance and protect the

environment. Leith Penny (Director of Environment and Leisure at the Westminster City Council) attended the meeting and thanked Faith Exchange members for their suggestions. In response, Leith made the following points: In the future, places of worship will not be charged for the collection of any

waste; whether recycling or otherwise (this will not apply to waste from trading activities such as cafes and bookshops). Additional recycling bins can be obtained by calling the Council’s Recycling Team on 020 7641 2000.

At the moment the Council does not provide energy efficient light bulbs, however, they are provided by the major energy utility companies.

If you would like to receive copies of the presentations from the workshop please contact Clinton Geeves on 020 7641 3247 or at

[email protected] If you would like information on mental health services in Westminster please contact Alison Evans at Westminster Adult Mental Health Services on 07967 739265 or email [email protected]

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The Council’s ‘Go Green’ website ( provides information on what the Council is doing to create a more environmentally friendly City. The handout that was distributed at the Faith Exchange meeting on 12th June also contains information on Council services and activities that aim to enhance and protect the environment in Westminster.

Sign up to Westminster’s Green Faith Week!! At the end of the Faith Exchange meeting on 12th June, Cllr Keen announced that a number of places of worship in Westminster (including Westminster Cathedral, West London Synagogue and New West End Synagogue) have signed up to holding a Westminster ‘Green Faith Week’. This proposal involves getting as many places of worship as possible in Westminster to give a sermon in the same week on the importance of protecting the environment. If your place of worship would like to get involved and sign up to the Green Faith Week, please contact Clinton Geeves on 020 7641 3247 or email [email protected] A suitable time for holding the Green Faith Week will be considered when more places of worship have signed up to take part. Update on special Faith Exchange briefing on Parking and Planning On 7th July the City Council hosted a special briefing for faith communities to discuss Council policy in relation to parking and planning (for places of worship). The briefing was arranged in response to concerns raised by faith leaders and their communities on both issues. The briefing was very successful. Alastair Gilchrist (Director of Parking at the City Council) attended the meeting to give a presentation and field questions. Alastair has this message for Faith Exchange members in follow up to the meeting: “Thank you for the opportunity to attend the Faith Exchange briefing to explain parking and explore the parking issues that faith groups experience. I hope I was able to explain the pressures on parking that are unique to Westminster, how we aim to meet the varied needs of many different groups and the parking policies and processes that are in place. The briefing certainly provided a useful

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forum for me and members of my team to understand the problems faced by faith groups. A number of issues were raised at the briefing and these are presently being addressed. General issues raised centred on the availability of paid for parking. We will look at the provision of paid for parking near places of worship (the first area to be reviewed will be around Harrow Rd) and ensure that the availability of parking near places of worship is taken into consideration as part of scheme developments. We will also investigate what other facilities central London boroughs are providing. We will provide updates on these actions in future Faith Exchange newsletters, however, changing parking bay designations can take 5 - 6 months as it requires consultation. Individual issues raised with me and members of my team will be addressed directly with the people who raised them.” If you have any queries or would like further information on the Council’s parking and planning policies, please contact: PARKING: Customer services on 020 7823 4567 (24 hrs) or visit PLANNING: Each of the Council’s area planning teams has a nominated officer as a first point of contact for proposals from faith groups: North (W2, W9, W10, NW1, NW6, NW8) - Amanda Coulson - 020 7641 2875 or [email protected] Central (W1) – Zulekha Hosenally - 020 7641 2511 or [email protected] South (SW1, SW7, WC2) - Godfrey Woods - 020 7641 2930 or [email protected] Alternatively, you can contact Clinton Geeves on 020 7641 3247 or [email protected] or Nazia Mirza on 0207 641 3047 via [email protected] with any queries.

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Training – Voluntary Action Westminster (VAW) VAW are running a number of training programmes over the summer, including:

Health and safety (Friday 15th August) Strategic Planning (Thursday 21st August) Negotiations and Effective Representation Skills (Friday 5th September) Public Speaking (Wednesday 10th September) Financial Planning (Friday 12th September) Fundraising Strategy/Plan (Friday 19th September)

For more information on these courses, and to book a place, contact Rujina or Mariam at VAW on 020 7723 1216, email [email protected] or visit the VAW website at Can you help? Talks to Westminster schools and visits to places of worship Would you like to visit Westminster schools to give talks on your faith? Could Westminster schools visit your place of worship? The Faith Exchange Executive Committee and the Westminster SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) would like to provide Westminster schools with contact details for faith leaders who would be prepared to give talks to schools on their faith and allow schools to visit their place of worship. If you or suitable representatives from your place of worship would like to help please contact Clinton Geeves at the Westminster City Council on 020 7641 3247 or email [email protected] Faith Exchange Art Competition for Children and Young People Following the success of last year’s competition, the Faith Exchange will be running another art competition for children and young people this year. Details of the competition will be released in early September.

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The theme of last year’s competition was ‘What prayer means to me’. If you have any ideas for a theme for this year’s competition, please contact Clinton Geeves on 020 7641 3247 or [email protected] All ideas should be submitted by the 27th August 2007 please. It is likely that an exhibition and prize giving ceremony for the competition will be held at the Faith Exchange meeting on 2nd December. Westminster Adult Education Service – 2008/09 enrolment now open! Westminster Adult Education Service (WAES) is one of the largest providers of adult education in London offering full-time and part-time study in the daytime, evenings and at weekends. WAES are holding information and advice days on courses that are available for the 2008/09 Academic Year on Monday 8th September (12pm-7:30pm) and Wednesday 10th September (10am-4pm) at the Amberley Road Centre, Amberley Road, London W9 2JJ. Visit the webiste for more details:

LINking Westminster Westminster’s Local Involvement Network (LINk) is the new way for residents, patients and community groups to be involved in health and social care services. On April 1st 2008 legislation making Local Authorities responsible for establishing a LINk came into force. For the past five months, Voluntary Action Westminster has been building the foundations for the Westminster LINk. LINks will be made up of volunteers from the local community who are passionate about improving health and social care services for all. It will be a network of residents and people who use the services, community groups and voluntary organisations to give the people the strongest voice possible.

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So far the Westminster LINk has a membership base of nearly 150 people and is growing by the day. Anyone can join the LINk, no experience working in health or social care necessary. Two events were held in July to decide on a possible format for the LINk. There are two ideas about what it could look like, how it could work, how decisions could be made and how the statutory powers could be used: Model A – Periodic Citizens Meeting - a public meeting at regular intervals to allow members of the public or community groups to raise issues that the LINk could take on. Model 2 – Steering Group - a group of approximately 12 - 24 elected volunteer representatives form a steering group to meet regularly and make decisions about what issues are investigated and how to respond to local issues. A model has not been selected yet. We would like to hear your thoughts on the best model for Westminster. There is also an online discussion group, to enable everyone to comment on the two models and read other people’s opinions. If you would like more information from the July events, the opportunity to comment on the two models, join the online discussion group, register for more information about the LINk and how to join, please contact Gayle Muers on 020 7535 0499 or [email protected] The Sunset Walk Oxfam and Muslim Aid are organising a Sunset Walk on Sunday 14th September. The Sunset Walk is a short stroll with a big heart. It’s your chance to take part in the season of Ramadan, make new friends as you walk and talk, and raise money for poor communities worldwide. It’s the most sociable and laidback fundraising you’ll ever do. And when the sun goes down, you’ll share a fabulously tasty meal at the Central London Mosque! Where will the money go? The increasing costs of basics like rice, corn and wheat mean that the world’s poorest people are suffering most. Oxfam and Muslim Aid have already implemented many food and nutrition programmes across the world, and are committed to helping communities find solutions to food shortages. The funds raised through the Sunset Walk will be divided equally by Muslim Aid and Oxfam and used to support this area of work.

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Details of the Walk The walk will meander through Mayfair and Hyde Park, finishing at the London Central Mosque, Park Road, Regent’s Park. You can join the four-mile walk along the route at several points, including Victoria Embankment Gardens, Berkeley Square and Manchester Square Gardens. For more information and to apply to take part in this unique event, please visit or email Ed McGregor at [email protected] Remember to get your application in as soon as possible so Oxfam and Muslim Aid know how many people are joining in. Launch of the new Czech Scrolls Museum 17 September 2008 is the date to remember. At 7pm the Czech Memorial Scrolls Museum will be launched at Kent House, Rutland Gardens, Knightsbridge, London SW7 1BX. The newly redesigned museum tells the story of the 1564 Torah scrolls which were collected in wartime Prague from abandoned synagogues and their deported communities, arriving in London in 1964. There they were examined and catalogued before they could be distributed throughout the world. Damaged or worn scrolls were repaired by a scribe in the traditional way, with a quill pen on parchment. All these steps in the life of the scrolls are shown in the museum. The communities they were torn from and those they were sent to, who cherish their scrolls as a memorial, are all on display in the new museum. The Czech Scrolls Museum can be visited on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 4pm, or by appointment, from 17 September. Important information from the Fire Brigade All places of worship must now comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. There are guides available to assist ‘responsible persons’ with compliance. The guides you need are entitled ‘Small and medium places of assembly’ and ‘Large places of assembly’ and can be viewed or downloaded from:

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This website also gives advice on more general fire safety matters, including links to national Brigade websites: Westminster’s Local Development Framework The Westminster City Council is currently preparing a new development plan called the Local Development Framework. The first stage of developing the Local Development Framework is to produce a ‘Core Strategy’, which sets a clear vision for the pattern and location of development in Westminster over the next 10-15 years.

The Council has sought views and used the feedback recieved to draw up Preferred Options for the Core Strategy. All of these options are set out in a ‘Core Strategy - Preferred Options’ document, which is available on the Council website – or can be requested by phoning 020 7641 2503 or emailing [email protected] Copies can also be viewed at the One Stop Planning Desk (City Hall, 62 Victoria Street, SW1E 6QP) or at any Westminster library. This document contains a number of options, including those preferred by the Council.

The Council would like your views on the Preferred Options. You can express a preference for any option, or put forward an option not included. All options will be considered for the final Core Stategy to make sure it reflects the best strategy for Westminster. To put forward your views on the Council’s Preferred Options, you can: Write to: The LDF Team, City Planning Group, Westminster City Council,

City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, SW1E 6QP Online: Vist the Council website and complete the online enquiry form at Fax: 020 7641 3050 Email: [email protected] Call: 020 7641 2513

Please send any comments to to Council by 30th September 2008.

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LEAD Leadership Programme for young people L.E.A.D draws on London’s diverse community to build bridges of understanding amongst young people and develop them as young leaders for change. LEAD is holding a 6 Month programme, commencing November 2007, for 16-18 year olds to challenge themselves through leading the planning and execution of a successful community project. Outcomes LEAD are working toward include:

Enhanced communication skills Increased understanding of the diversity of London Communities Increased cross cultural activities Identification of strategies for reducing conflict Development of Role Models for other young members of the London

Community. The programme includes training, cultural trips around London and youth led research culminating in the production of an event and production of a DVD. There is no set academic criteria and applications are open to all young people living, working and studying in Greater London who fall into this age range. The deadline for applications is the 16th October. For further information and to apply for the training, visit the Windsor Fellowship website: Westminster Leisure Centres Courtney’s runs a number of Leisure Centres in Westminster on behalf of the Council. Discounts are available on a range of activities for ResCard holders, Youth Passport holders and Concession Card holders. The Leisure centres will be running a number of special programmes and activities over the summer, including Ladies Only Swim sessions, Kids Summer Activities, Senior Passport Activities, free swimming lessons for children and open days. For more information visit the Courtney’s website at or contact the Leisure Centres directly: Jubilee Sports Centre, Caird Street, London W10 4RR. Tel: 020 8960 9629 E-mail: [email protected]

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Paddington Recreation Ground, Randolph Avenue, Maida Vale W9 IPD Tel: 020 7641 4819 E-mail: [email protected] The Porchester Centre, Queensway, Bayswater W2 5HS Tel: 020 7792 2919 E-mail: [email protected] Queen Mother Sports Centre, 223 Vauxhall Bridge Road, Victoria SW1V 1EL Tel: 020 7630 5522 E-mail: [email protected] Seymour Leisure Centre, Seymour Place, W1 5TJ Tel: 020 7723 8019 E-mail: [email protected] Remembrance Day Service at Westminster Abbey This year’s Remembrance Day service at Westminster Abbey begins at 10.30am on Sunday 9th November. If you would like tickets to the service please contact The Chapter Office at the Abbey (20 Dean’s Yard, London SW1) on 020 7222 5152 or [email protected] ££££ - FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES - ££££ WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL ARTS FUNDING The Council would like to fund participative arts activities for children, young people and families in Church Street, Queen's Park, Harrow Road, Westbourne, South Westminster and the West End. Who should projects benefit?

Children and young people in areas where participation in cultural activity is lowest.

Vulnerable young people. Expected project outcomes:

Participation of children, young people and families in positive activities in areas of the city where participation is lowest

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Opportunities for taking part in theatre projects and digital / new media projects in local areas

Formal opportunities for volunteering. To download a full service specification with full details of expected outcomes, and information on how to apply, visit: For an application pack, please contact the Westminster City Council Voluntary Sector Unit on 020 7641 5921 or email [email protected] GRANTS TO TACKLE VIOLENT EXTREMISM Through the Community Leadership Fund, the Department for Communities and Local Government is offering grants to help individuals, organisations and communities to take the lead on tackling violent extremist influences. Key points:

National projects to support Muslim communities and organisations Local projects to set up forums against extremism and Islamophobia Expect no more than £10,000 for local projects Charities and not-for-profit organisations can apply Deadline for applications: 30th September 2008

The local priority is for projects that will set up a local forum against extremism and Islamophobia. The national priorities are:

Capacity of organisations and communities Supporting Muslim young people Supporting Muslim women Capacity of Muslim faith leaders

To get funding, you need to be a well-run charitable organisation, with a constitution, management committee, bank account, and financial accounts. For more information visit the Community Leadership Fund website: O2 - SMALL GRANTS FOR COMMUNITIES The O2 ‘It’s Your Community’ Awards scheme is offering grants of up to £1,000 for local groups and individuals for anything that will benefit your community. You don’t need to be a registered charity to receive grants, and you can apply any time. Apply for an Award if your project is:

Sustainable (it will keep going once this money is spent)

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Non-political and non-religious Based in the UK On public or accessible land Ready to go (Awards are granted every month, so apply when you are set

to spend) Small enough that £1000 will make all the difference...

‘It’s Your Community’ Awards cannot fund one-off events or workshops, fundraising activities, professional fees or school projects that don't involve the wider community. Apply online at For more information, or to find out if your idea is eligible, email [email protected] or call the helpdesk on 0800 902 0250. BIG LOTTERY - FAMILY LEARNING PROGRAMME Grants of between £10,000 and £500,000 are available for activities that encourage adults and children to learn together as a family. The closing date is 29th August 2008. Projects need to bring about all three of the following changes: * Family members participate in and enjoy educational activity more * Family members have more skills and knowledge (these may include confidence and effective communication) * Parents and carers are better able to interact positively with their children and support them in learning. If you have any questions about this programme, or you want an application pack and guidance notes, call the Big Lottery Fund Advice Line on 0845 4 10 20 30. BIG LOTTERY - YOUNG PEOPLE'S FUND 2 Grants of £10,000 to £500,000 are available for youth-led projects to improve the lives of young people. Key points: * Open to voluntary and community organisations * Youth-led projects only (young people need to be involved in planning, managing and evaluating the project) * For projects that change the lives of children and young people aged 10-18 years (or up to 25 years for young people who find the move to independence difficult) * £10,000 to £500,000 over one to five years

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* Deadline for applications is 16th October 2008 For more information call 0845 410 2030 or visit BIG LOTTERY - ACCESS TO NATURE GRANTS The overall aim of this grants scheme is to provide opportunities for people from all backgrounds to have greater access to the natural environment, enabling them to get more involved in looking after it, learning new skills and creating new places for people to enjoy. The scheme will focus on three themes: Community awareness and active participation Education, learning and volunteering Welcoming, well-managed and wildlife-rich places.

All projects must benefit one or more of the overall Access to Nature target beneficiary groups which are: Communities and individuals experiencing social exclusion People disadvantaged by where they live through a lack of accessible natural

environments People underrepresented in terms of contact with the natural environment

The Access to Nature Grant Scheme is now open for applications and grants will be made during 2008, 2009 and 2010 (all projects must be complete by September 2013). For more information contact Joanna Watson (Access to Nature London Region Adviser) on 020 7932 2242 or email [email protected] or visit the Access to Nature website: FUNDING FOR SERVICES AND ADVOCACY FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS Grants of up to £50,000 are available for direct services or advocacy on behalf of children and young people seeking asylum. The deadline for applications is 12th September 2008. The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund Refugee and Asylum Seekers Initiative offers funding for community organisations working with children and young people seeking asylum. The initiative aims to support direct services or advocacy focusing on: Detention

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Destitution Enabling access to services such as: healthcare, legal provision, housing, and

education Providing support to unaccompanied children.

How much funding is available? Around 20 grants are available The minimum amount you can apply for is £3,000 Most grants will be around £50,000.

The deadline for applications is 5pm on 12th September 2008. Successful first stage applicants will be informed by mid-October. For more information visit the website: NEW FUNDING PROGRAMMES FOR LONDON: CITY BRIDGE TRUST The City Bridge Trust is offering a new set of funding programmes for voluntary organisations that cover a wide variety of activities. In brief: No minimum or maximum amount to apply for No deadline for applications (apart from applications to the Young People &

Parents Tackling Violence programme) Funding for voluntary and community organisations, usually registered

charities and only for charitable activity. Fill in an application form to apply Email [email protected] or call 020 7332 3710 for more

information. More information and to download a brochure visit the City Bridge Trust website at HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS FUNDING Unlimited grants are available for housing and homelessness projects in Westminster. In brief:

Apply by the end of August No limit on the amount you can apply for Applications from voluntary organisations are welcomed Apply online at the Dolphin Square website -

Small projects and long-term schemes can be funded. Projects need to meet the aims of the Dolphin Square Foundation and the Westminster Housing Commission

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(details of these aims are on the Dolphin Square Foundation website). To apply, visit the Dolphin Square Foundation website: COMMUNITY YOUTH SPORT GRANTS Do you know a young person who wants to make a difference in their community by organising sport or recreational activities? UnLtd Sport Relief provides cash and support to young people who want to organise a project that:

Brings different communities together to increase understanding Encourages peace, understanding and respect amongst young people; or Solves conflict in the community.

For more information visit: CASH FOR COMMUNITIES – VIRIDOR CREDITS Viridor Credits has funding available to support environmental and community projects in your area. Viridor Credits is charged with distributing the landfill tax that Viridor Waste Management is allowed to retain to support environmental, conservation and community projects. Over the years, Viridor has distributed over £50 million to over 1000 community and environmental projects. For more information and to see if your project qualifies for funding please visit or email [email protected] UPCOMING FESTIVALS August 2008 9-18th – Muktads (Zoroastrian) 10th – Tisha B’av (Jewish) 15th – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian) 16th – Raksabandan and appearance of Lord Balaram* (Hindu) 16th – Lailat ul Barah (The night of forgiveness) (Mulsim) 19th – Shahenshai Navroze (Zoroastrian) 24th – Janmashtami (Appearance of Lord Krishna)

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24th – Khordad Sal (Shaenshai) 28th – Paryushana begins (Jain) September 2008 1st – Installation of Sikh Scripture in Harmandir Sahib (Sikh) 2nd – Ramadan begins* (Muslim) 6th – Fravardin Roj Parab (Zoroastrian) 7th – Radhastani (appearance of Srimati Radharani) (Hindu) 7th – European Day of Jewish Culture and Heritage (Jewish) 20th – Ardibehest Roj Parab (Zoroastrian) 21st – International Day of Peace 28th – Lailat-Ul-Qadr (Night of Power) (Muslim) 30th – Rosh Hashanah** (Jewish) 30th – Navaratri starts (Hindu) October 2008 2nd – Eid-Ul-Fitr* (Muslim) 2nd – Jashna Mehergan Half Year Festival (Zoroastrian) 7th – Pavarana (Buddhist) 9th – Last day of Durga Puja and Dusshera (Hindu) 9th – Yom Kippur** (Jewish) 14-21st – Sukkot** (Jewish) 20th – Anniversary of the birth of the Bab (Baha’i) 22nd – Simchat Torah** (Jewish) 22-29 – Interfaith week of Prayer for World Peace 23rd – Khordad Roj Parab (Zoroastrian) 28th – Diwali (Sikh, Jain and Hindu) 29th – Annakuta, Govardana Puja and Go Puja (Hindu) 30th – Chung Yuan (Chinese) * Indicates uncertainty as to the date – often dependant on lunar cycles ** Indicates that holy days begin on sundown the day before this date

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