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Page 1: Welcoming visitors...The Monthly Publication of the Bunbury Orchid Society Next Meeting Sunday 1st March All correspondence to Secretary PO Box 1074, Bunbury, WA 6239We began the year

The Monthly Publication of the Bunbury Orchid Society

Next Meeting

Sunday 1st March

All correspondence to Secretary

PO Box 1074,

Bunbury, WA 6239

Welcoming visitors

Page 2: Welcoming visitors...The Monthly Publication of the Bunbury Orchid Society Next Meeting Sunday 1st March All correspondence to Secretary PO Box 1074, Bunbury, WA 6239We began the year

We began the year with a small survey to gauge how members would like to see our meetings

run throughout the year. We had some very interesting suggestions, but overwhelmingly most

people wanted to have more orchid discussion and potting demonstrations.

This year the club adopted a new judging system under the direction of the West Australian Or-

chid Council. I am sure most members found this a simpler and less restrictive system than we

have used in the past. As an added bonus, Mike Baker, who is responsible for Judges training

gave us some very informative talks on the finer points of judging matters.

Once again the Barter Marts and Bunnings sausage sizzle were our major fund raisers for the

year. Thank you to all the members who contributed in any way to these events.

We had three Judged Shows and a display at Australind Shopping Centre and a small display at

Bethanie Fields Nursing Home, which was greatly appreciated by the older folk.

The Autumn Show at Australind Shopping Centre had a record number of entries and created a

lot of interest from the public, as a lot of these orchids are rarely displayed.

The Winter Show was again at the Forum Shopping Centre, and although not an ideal location

for us, it was well received by the public.

The Spring Show was held at our meeting venue, the Australind Hall. A free workshop was held

in conjunction for the general public, who could seek information and also have their orchids re-

potted for free. A steady stream of people took advantage of this free service. There was an in-

crease in plants entered for judging and a beautiful display was presented for the members and

public to admire.

Our bus trip this year was to Nako Lenkie’s nursery and then on to Araluen to see the spectacular

tulips. A very enjoyable day was had by those who attended.

We finished off the year with our now customary Christmas breakfast meeting, with lots of

prizes and giveaways.

Patron Arthur Buswell attended and presented Sashes and Trophies to our yearly competition


With a steady increase in membership and participation of members, I am sure the Society will

continue to grow and share our hobby.

Finally, I would like to thank our secretary, Meryl, treasurer/Orchid Talk editor, Laurie, vice

President, Norm, committee members, stewards, Margaret and her team of helpers in the kitchen

and all the members for their contribution and continued support throughout the year.

Warren Cruickshank.

Page 3: Welcoming visitors...The Monthly Publication of the Bunbury Orchid Society Next Meeting Sunday 1st March All correspondence to Secretary PO Box 1074, Bunbury, WA 6239We began the year

Minutes of General Meeting February 1st, 2015.

Meeting opened at 9.05 am held in Australind Hall.

Present and absentees were as per attendance book. There was one visitor, Peter Drake.

Minutes of December meeting are as per Orchid Talk and on our website. As there was no

business arising, it was moved the minutes be accepted by A. Light, seconded by B. Meade.

Treasurers’ report was explained and tabled for members’ perusal. Treasurers’ report was

moved to be accepted by R. Winch, seconded by A. Domoney.

Correspondence Outwards.

Advised Bunbury City Council our 2 representatives of the Bunbury Orchid Society for

their Australia Day Ceremony would be Joyce and Geoff Shilders (Geerling).

Letter to Steve and Marg Nelson congratulating them on their move from novice to open


Sympathy card to Joy and Mike Baker for the loss of Mike’s mother.

Letter to Eaton CWA to rebook hall for Committee Meetings.

Wrote WAROO asking for audio tapes or Skype connection.

Correspondence Inwards.

WAROO advised us their meeting dates for 2015.

West Australian Orchid Council advised Nomination Form and rules governing the Or-

chid of the Year.

Received letter from Harvey Shire regarding hire of Australind Hall which was paid 7

January 2015. The bond of $500 is held over.

Received Thank-you card from Mike and Joy Baker. It is on the table for all to see.

Correspondence was moved to be accepted by W. Hardy, seconded by R. Chambers.

Committee Report. This was a small report as we are starting the year.

1. There was a discussion on the Sausage Sizzle on the 14th February. Will discuss this

during general business.

2. With the resignation as delegate from R. Light, we are in need of a new delegate for

our WAROO meetings.

3. Our Barter Mart held in December was down on previous years, although $600 was


General Business

Rick stated on page 6/7 of the Orchid Talk, regarding the monthly meeting schedule, the

66% rule does not apply to monthly meetings. Sections are not corresponding to the

table sheet at the club.

Sausage Sizzle on 14th February. Volunteers are required to man the stall.

Delegate for WAROO is required. Please think about this position.

Rick stated perhaps a Teleconference with WAROO could be connected and organised.

Rose stated Ian is a delegate for Peel, and could he be Bunbury delegate as well.

Mumby Magic (raffle from December meeting) is available for pickup.

Trophies from last year were given out.

Jodie Hodges received New Growers pack as new member.

Norm gave a plant description on the small number of table plants displayed. New variety

from Japan gained extra interest, which was grown by Rick. Questions and answers fol-


Lucky number Plant Draw was won by Laurie, Raffle won by Warren; Judges Award went

to Graeme Winter, and Rick Winch’s raffles going to open member Warren, and novice Bill


Meeting closed at 9.55 to make way for AGM.

M. Atherton.

Page 4: Welcoming visitors...The Monthly Publication of the Bunbury Orchid Society Next Meeting Sunday 1st March All correspondence to Secretary PO Box 1074, Bunbury, WA 6239We began the year

Judging Results for December 2014

Class 1B – Laelinae – Std. Shape 0ver 90mm

Class 2B – Cymbidium – 60 to 90mm

Class 3A – Paohiopedilum - Species

Class 3F – Paphiopedilum – Multifloral Hybrid

Class 8B – Australian Native Epiphyte – Any Hybrid

Class 10B – Species – Not elsewhere specified

Class 11B – Hybrid - Not Elsewhere Specified

Class 13 Seeding

Class 20E – Oncidinae – Non Std. Hybrid

1st L & N Darlington C. Walkeriana alba ‘GJW’ x Blc. Donna Kemura ‘ASA’

1st I R Gilmore Cym. Golden Elf x dayanum

1st G & J Winter Paph. Moquet x Paph. randsii

1st R Winch Paph. Borenese

1st R Winch Sarco. Velvet ‘White Tips’

2nd R Winch Sarco. (Velvet ‘Holly’ x Elise ‘Goodwood’

3rd R Winch Sarco. Velvet ‘Speckled’

1st R Winch Neofinetta falcate

2nd I & R Gilmore Cym. dayanum

1st R Winch Prom. Dinah Albright


R Winch Prom. Florafest Cheetah ‘Browny Red’ x Stape-liodes ‘Gary’

3rd R Winch Prom. F F Cheetah x Michael Wilson

1st D Meade Onc. Sharry Baby x Onc. Dancing Doll

1st G & J Winter Prom. Limelight x Prom. guttata

2nd R Winch Masd. (Exquisita x Ionocharis) ‘Marita’

Page 5: Welcoming visitors...The Monthly Publication of the Bunbury Orchid Society Next Meeting Sunday 1st March All correspondence to Secretary PO Box 1074, Bunbury, WA 6239We began the year

All plants will be judged under the judging guidelines of the West Australian Orchid Council Judging Handbook

Open Bunbury Orchid Society Monthly Meeting Schedule Novice

Laelinae 1 A – Species

B – Standard Shape – over 90mm

C – Standard Shape – 60 to 90mm

D – Standard Shape – under 60mm

E – Cluster Type Hybrid

F – Non standard hybrid


Cymbidium 2 A – Cymbidium – over 90mm

B – Cymbidium – 60 – 90mm

C – Cymbidium – under 60mm




3 A – Species

B – Primary Hybrid (parentage must be shown on card

C – Maudiae Type

D – Non Standard Hybrid

E – Exhibition Hybrid

F – Multifloral Hybrid (3 or more flowers open)


Dendrobium 4 A – Species (Excluding Australian Natives)

B – Phalaenathe type

C – Ceretobium or intermediate

D – Nobile Type

E – Any Otyer (Excluding Australian Natives)


Phalaenopis /


5 A – Species

B – Standard Hybrid – Over 90mm

C – Standard Hybrid - 60 to 90mm

D – Standard Hybrid – Under 60mm

E – Non Standard Hybrid


Oncidinae 6 A – Species

B – Varicosum Type

C – Equitant Type

D – Odontoglossum and Odontioda Hybrids

E – Any other Oncidinae Hybrids


Vandaceous 7 A – Any Species

B – Any Hybrid


Aust. Native


8 A – Any Species (Phal.rosenstromii, Den. phalaenopsis,

Cym. madidum & suave) to go into this section.

B – Any Hybrid


Aust. Native


9 A – Any Species

B – Any Hybrid


Species 10 A – Phragmipedium

B – Not elsewhere specified


Hybrid 11 A – Phragmipedium

B – Not elsewhere specified


Specimen any


12 A – Any Genera 26

Seedling 13 A – Any Genera 27

Junior Mem-


14 A – Any Species

B – Any Hybrid

Page 6: Welcoming visitors...The Monthly Publication of the Bunbury Orchid Society Next Meeting Sunday 1st March All correspondence to Secretary PO Box 1074, Bunbury, WA 6239We began the year

Meeting Plants

March Zygo. Artur Elle ‘Essendon, x Zygo. Kiwi Choice ‘Ellen’

Zygo. (Black Magic x Kuitpo)

Onc. Kulnura Gold ‘Pepper’ AM/AOC x Onc. Dark Sun ‘Impact’

April Blc. Hsinying Leopard x C. Hsinying Cognac ‘Taispot’

Pot. Hisako Akatsuko ‘Volcanic Queen x Lc. Bonanza Queen

Sarco. ‘Flirt’ x Sarco. ‘Molly’


Cym. Fair Delight ‘Polar Bear’ x Cym. Green Spectacle ‘Shar’

Cym. Kirby Lesh ‘Pink Ice’ x Cym. Joan Byant ‘Harmony’

Cym. Flaming Vulcan ‘Kerwin’ x Cym. Blazing Fury ‘Hades’

Cym. Flaming Vulcan ‘Kerwin’ x Cym. Joan Bryant ‘Harmony’

June Zygo. Artur Elle ‘Essendon, x Zygo. Kiwi Choice ‘Ellen’

Zygo. (Black Magic x Kuitpo)

Onc. Kulnura Gold ‘Pepper’ AM/AOC x Onc. Dark Sun ‘Impact’

July Blc. Hsinying Leopard x C. Hsinying Cognac ‘Taispot’

Pot. Hisako Akatsuko ‘Volcanic Queen x Lc. Bonanza Queen

Sarco. ‘Flirt’ x Sarco. ‘Molly’

August Cym. Fair Delight ‘Polar Bear’ x Cym. Green Spectacle ‘Shar’

Cym. Kirby Lesh ‘Pink Ice’ x Cym. Joan Byant ‘Harmony’

Cym. Flaming Vulcan ‘Kerwin’ x Cym. Blazing Fury ‘Hades’

Cym. Flaming Vulcan ‘Kerwin’ x Cym. Joan Bryant ‘Harmony’

September Zygo. Artur Elle ‘Essendon, x Zygo. Kiwi Choice ‘Ellen’

Zygo. (Black Magic x Kuitpo)

Onc. Kulnura Gold ‘Pepper’ AM/AOC x Onc. Dark Sun ‘Impact’

October Blc. Hsinying Leopard x C. Hsinying Cognac ‘Taispot’

Pot. Hisako Akatsuko ‘Volcanic Queen x Lc. Bonanza Queen

Sarco. ‘Flirt’ x Sarco. ‘Molly’

November Cym. Fair Delight ‘Polar Bear’ x Cym. Green Spectacle ‘Shar’

Cym. Kirby Lesh ‘Pink Ice’ x Cym. Joan Byant ‘Harmony’

Cym. Flaming Vulcan ‘Kerwin’ x Cym. Blazing Fury ‘Hades’

Cym. Flaming Vulcan ‘Kerwin’ x Cym. Joan Bryant ‘Harmony’

Page 7: Welcoming visitors...The Monthly Publication of the Bunbury Orchid Society Next Meeting Sunday 1st March All correspondence to Secretary PO Box 1074, Bunbury, WA 6239We began the year

Hi All

Well, here we are again. I’m back as the editor for your Orchid Talk and as it is your maga-

zine please forward any suggestions that you have as to how to make it better, to me.

The committee for this year is as follows

President: Warren Cruickshank

Vice President: Norm Martin

Secretary: Meryl Atherton

Committee: John Palmer, Andrea Shine and Rick Winch

Stewards: Graeme Winter, Graham Atherton and Steve Nelson

A big thanks to Dick Light, who has retired from the committee and whose tireless efforts

given freely have aided the Society in its function in so many ways. However, he isn’t going

to stop growing orchids and no doubt has quite a few champions still hiding in his collection.

What would you like the club to be doing in 2015? Perhaps you would like to see bus trips

to other orchid club’s shows, or you have a guest speaker you would like to see or ……..

Please, we would like to hear from you to help our club continue be a dynamic and growing


The position of Registrar is still vacant if you are interested please contact the secretary,

Meryl for information regarding the duties involved.

Judy Shelley

A little light relief after all the serious stuff A smart London lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a Glasgow copper. He thinks that he is smarter than the cop because he is a lawyer from LONDON and is certain that he has a better education then any Jock cop. He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the Glasgow cops expense!! Glasgow cop says, " Licence and registration, please." London Lawyer says, "What for?" Glasgow cop says, "Ye didnae come to a complete stop at the stop sign." London Lawyer says, "I slowed down, and no one was coming." Glasgow cop says, "Ye still didnae come to a complete stop. Licence and registration, please" London Lawyer says, "What's the difference?" Glasgow cop says, "The difference is, ye huvte come to complete stop, that's the law, Licence and registration, please!" London Lawyer says, "If you can show me the legal difference between slow down and stop, I'll give you my licence and reg-istration and you give me the ticket. If not, you let me go and don't give me the ticket." Glasgow cop says, "Sounds fair. Exit your vehicle, sir." The London Lawyer exits his vehicle. The Glasgow cop takes out his baton and starts beating the living daylights out of the lawyer and says, "Dae ye want me to stop, or just slow doon?"

Page 8: Welcoming visitors...The Monthly Publication of the Bunbury Orchid Society Next Meeting Sunday 1st March All correspondence to Secretary PO Box 1074, Bunbury, WA 6239We began the year

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1 Meeting

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 Committee Meeting

17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31

March 2015



Society Meetings: 9:00 am –1st Sunday of Month

Australind Hall, behind the Australind Shopping Centre

(Next Meeting 1st March 2015)

Committee Meeting: 7:30 pm 3rd Monday of Month


Secretary: Mrs Meryl Atherton 9731 1161

Orchid Talk Editor: Judy Shelley 9731 0146

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