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Page 1: Welcome to the Pureit Family - Water Purifier...Welcome to the Pureit Family! We thank you for the trust you have shown in our product and we guarantee you that our product will live

Welcome to the Pureit Family



As Safe As Boiled Water

Page 2: Welcome to the Pureit Family - Water Purifier...Welcome to the Pureit Family! We thank you for the trust you have shown in our product and we guarantee you that our product will live



Welcome to the Pureit Family! We thank you for the trust you have shown in our product and we guarantee you that our product will live up to your expectations. Pureit is trusted by millions of users for providing safe water for their loved ones.

Our product is developed by experts and is designed to give you water that is ‘As Safe As Boiled Water’. Pureit adheres to some of the toughest standards of leading institutions both in India and abroad.

If ever you need to get in touch with us for anything, please call us at 1860-210-1000.

We once again thank you for buying our product and we look forward for a long and fruitful association with you.


{ªÉÉäÊ®ú]õ {ÉÊ®´ÉÉ® ¨Éå +É{ÉEòÉ º´ÉÉMÉiÉ ½è! +É{ÉxÉä ½¨ÉÉ®ä =i{ÉÉn ¨ÉäÆ VÉÉä ¯ ÊSÉ ÊnùJÉÉ<Ç ½è =ºÉEäò ʱÉB vÉxªÉ´ÉÉn +Éè® ½¨É MÉÉ®Æ]Ò näiÉä ½é ÊEò ½¨ÉÉ®ä =i{ÉÉn +É{ÉEòÒ +{ÉäIÉÉ+Éå {É® JÉ®É =iÉ®äÆMÉä. +{ÉxÉä Ê|ɪÉVÉxÉÉäÆ EòÉä ºÉÖ®ÊIÉiÉ {ÉÒxÉä E É {ÉÉxÉÒ ={ɱɤvÉ Eò®ÉxÉä Eäò ʱÉB nÖÊxɪÉÉ ¦É® ¨Éå ±ÉÉùJÉÉäÆ ={ɦÉÉäH É+Éå xÉä {ªÉÉäÊ®ú] {É® ʴɶ´ÉÉºÉ ÊEòªÉÉ ½è.

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+É{ÉxÉä ½¨ÉÉ®É =i{ÉÉn JÉ®ÒnÉ =ºÉEä ʱÉB {ÉÖxÉ: vÉxªÉ´ÉÉn B´ÉÆ ½¨É +{ɺÉä ±ÉƤÉÉ ´É ¨ÉvÉÖ® ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ ¤ÉxÉÉB ®JÉxÉä E Ò +ɶÉÉ ®JÉiÉä ½é.

As Safe As Boiled Water

World’s largest selling purifier#

Page 3: Welcome to the Pureit Family - Water Purifier...Welcome to the Pureit Family! We thank you for the trust you have shown in our product and we guarantee you that our product will live

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Pureit advantages {ªÉÉäÊ®] Eäò ¡òɪÉnä .......................................................................................... 3

Getting to know your Pureit +{ÉxÉä {ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÉä VÉÉÊxÉB ................................................................................. 4

How Pureit works {ªÉÉäÊ®] EèòºÉä EòÉ¨É Eò®iÉÉ ½è .............................................................................. 6

Setting-up Pureit {ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºlÉÉ{ÉxÉÉ ....................................................................................... 7

Ordering the Germkill Kit™ (GKK) VɨÉÇÊEò±É ÊEò]™ (VÉÒEä Eä ) JÉ®ÒnxÉÉ ................................................................ 16

Cleaning and maintenance of Pureit {ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºÉ¡òÉ<Ç +Éè® ®JÉ ®JÉÉ´É .................................................................. 18

Do’s & Don’ts CªÉÉ Eò®å +Éè® CªÉÉ xÉÉ Eò®å............................................................................. 23

FAQs+CºÉ® {ÉÚUä VÉÉxÉä ´ÉɱÉä ºÉ´ÉÉ±É ........................................................................ 27


{ªÉÉäÊ®] Eäò ¡òɪÉnä

Natural tasting water |ÉÉEÞ ÊiÉE º´ÉÉn

Great after-sales service ¤Éä½iÉ®ÒxÉ ºÉ̴ɺÉ

Auto Shut-Off™ +Éì]Éä ¶É]-+Éì¢ò

Strong and durable ¨ÉVɤÉÝiÉ +Éè® Ê]E É>

No gas MÉèºÉ EòÒ Wɯ ®iÉ xɽÓ

No continuous tap water needed ¤É½iÉä {ÉÉxÉÒ EòÒ Wɯ ®iÉ xɽÓ

No harmful bacteria, virus & parasite (Removes 1 Crore virus in 1 Litre of water)

EòÉä<Ç ½ÉÊxÉEòÉ®Eòú ¤ÉèC]äÊ®ªÉÉ, ´ÉÉ<®ºÉ ªÉÉ {Éè®ÉºÉÉ<Ç] xɽÓ(1±ÉÒ]® {ÉÉxÉÒ ºÉä 1E ®Éäc ´ÉɪɮºÉ ÊxÉEòɱÉiÉÉ ½è)

No undesirable odour EòÉä<Ç nÖMÉÇxvÉ xɽÓ

No boiling {ÉÉxÉÒ =¤ÉɱÉxÉä EòÒ Wɯ ®iÉ xɽÓ

Food grade plastic JÉÉt OÉäb {±ÉÉʺ]Eò

No electricity ʤÉVɱÉÒ EòÒ Wɯ ®iÉ xɽÓ

No chlorine taste

C±ÉÉä®ÒxÉ º´ÉÉn xɽÓ

No AMC Bä.B¨É.ºÒ EòÒ Wɯ ®iÉ xɽÓ

No plumbing {±ÉÆˤÉMÉ EòÒ Wɯ ®iÉ xɽÓ

Page 4: Welcome to the Pureit Family - Water Purifier...Welcome to the Pureit Family! We thank you for the trust you have shown in our product and we guarantee you that our product will live

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+{ÉxÉä {ªÉÉäÊ®ú]õ E Éä VÉÉÊxɪÉä

1. Top cover ]Éì{É Eò´É®

2. Top chamber ]Éì{É SÉé¤É®

3. Water discharge nozzle ´ÉÉ]® ÊbºSÉÉVÉÇ xÉÉäVÉñÉ

4. Micro Fibre Mesh™ ¨ÉÉ<GòÉä ¢ É<¤É® ¨Éè¶É™

5. Germkill Indication Plate VɨÉÇÊEò±É <ÆÊbEäò¶ÉxÉ {±Éä]

6. Germkill Processor™ VɨÉÇÊEò±É |ÉÉäºÉäºÉ®™

7. Cleansing Collection Chamber ÎC±ÉÆÊVÃÉÆMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É®

8. Overflow Port +Éä´É®}ñÉÉä {ÉÉä]Ç

9. Nesting Ring xÉäϺ]MÉ Ë®MÉ

10. Polisher™ Carbon Filter {ÉÉìʱɶɮ EòɤÉÇxÉ Ê¡Ãò±]®

11. Transparent Chamber {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É®

12. Tap Assembly ]è{É +ºÉ䨤ɱÉÒ

13. Legs {ÉɪÉä

If you do not have all these 13 parts, please contact Pureit Hepline 1860-210-1000.+MÉ® +É{ÉEäò {ÉÉºÉ ªÉä ºÉ¦ÉÒ 13 {ÉÚVÉÃæ / ʽººÉä xÉ ½Éå, iÉÉä EÞò{ɪÉÉ {ªÉÉäÊ®] ½ä±{ɱÉÉ<xÉ 1860-210-1000 {É® ºÉÆ{ÉEÇò Eò®å.


Pureit / {ªÉÉäÊ®]

Height / >Æ SÉÉ<Ç, Width / SÉÉècÉ<Ç, Depth / Mɽ®É<Ç 471 mm / 253 mm / 288 mm

Weight / ´ÉWÉxÉ 2.3 kgs

Total purifier volume / {ÉÚ®ä {ªÉÉä®Ò¡ ɪɮ E Ò IɨÉiÉÉ 12 litres

Water storage capacity / {ÉÉxÉÒ ¦ÉÆbÉ® E Ò IɨÉiÉÉ 5 litres

Germkill Kit™ / VɨÉÇÊEò±É ÊEò]™

Material of construction / ÊxɨÉÉÇhÉ ºÉɨÉOÉÒ

Food safe, non-toxic, engineering plastics / JÉÉt OÉäb, MÉè® Ê´É¹Éè±Éä +ʦɪÉÉÆÊjÉEòÒ {±ÉÉʺ]Eò

Purification capacity / {ªÉÉäʮʡòEäò¶ÉxÉ IɨÉiÉÉ

The Germkill Kit™ has been designed to typically give 1250 Litres (under standard testconditions^) of ‘As Safe As Boiled Water’ / VɨÉÇÊEò±É ÊEò]™ EòÉä ±ÉMɦÉMÉ 1250 ±ÉÒ]® (|ɪÉÉäMɶÉɱÉäªÉ {É®ÒIÉhÉ ÊºlÉÊiÉ^ Eäò +ÆiÉMÉÇiÉ) ‘=¤É±Éä {ÉÉxÉÒ ÊVÉiÉxÉÉ ºÉÖ®ÊIÉiÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ’ näxÉä Eäò ʱÉB ¤ÉxÉɪÉÉ MɪÉÉ ½è

Expiry period / VÉÒ´ÉxÉ +´ÉÊvÉ Two years from the date of manufacturing / ÊxɨÉÉÇhÉ ÊiÉÊlÉ ºÉä nÉä ´É¹ÉÇ

Germkill performance standard / VɨÉÇÊEò±É |Én¶ÉÇxÉ ¨ÉÉxÉEò

Meets stringent international criteria of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), USA, for harmful viruses & bacteria removal / BxÉ´Éɪɮ¨Éå]±É |ÉÉä]äC¶ÉxÉ BVÉåºÉÒ (<Ç {ÉÒ B), ªÉÚ BºÉ Bä, Eäò ½ÉÊxÉEòÉ®Eò ¤ÉèC]äÊ®ªÉÉ +Éè® ´ÉÉ<®ºÉÉå ÊxɨÉÚDZÉxÉ Eäò Eòcä ¨ÉÉ{É nÆbÉå {É® JÉ®É =iÉ®iÉÉ ½è

• Watertemperatue:23˚C/ {ÉÉxÉÒ E É iÉÉ{ɨÉÉxÉ: 23˚C • RelativeHumidity:55%to65%/ |ÉɺÉÆÊMÉE +ÉpÇiÉÉ: 55% ºÉä 65%

•Waterqualityparameters / {ÉÉxÉÒ E Ò MÉÖhÉ´ÉkÉÉ Eä {Éè®É¨ÉÒ]® -TDS : 300+/–10PPM ]ÒbÒBºÉ : 300+/–10 {ÉÒ{ÉÒB¨É -PH : 7.5+/–0.5 {ÉÒBSÉ : 7.5+/–0.5 -TOC : <IPPM ]Ò+ÉäºÉÒ : <I {ÉÒ{ÉÒB¨É -Turbidity : <INTU ]¤ÉÔÊb]Ò : <I BxÉ]ÒªÉÝ

^ Standard Test Conditions / ^ º]ébbÇ {É®ÒIÉhÉ ÎºlÉÊiɪÉÉÄ

Specifications and prices may be subject to change without prior notice.

Page 5: Welcome to the Pureit Family - Water Purifier...Welcome to the Pureit Family! We thank you for the trust you have shown in our product and we guarantee you that our product will live

6 7


{ªÉÉäÊ®] EèòºÉä EòÉ¨É Eò®iÉÉ ½è

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]äCxÉÉä±ÉÉìVÉÒ'' EòÉ <ºiÉä¨ÉÉ±É Eò®ä.

VɨÉÇÊEò±É |ÉÉäºÉäºÉ®™

Germkill Processor™

Uses ‘Programmed chlorine

release technology’ to target and remove

invisible harmfulviruses & bacteria.

Removes visible dirt.


o Fibre Mesh™

ÊnJÉÉ<Ç näxÉä ´ÉɱÉÒ vÉÚ±É ÊxÉEòɱÉä.

¨ÉÉ<ÇGòÉä ¢òÉ<¤É® ¨Éä¶É™


er™ Carbon Filter

Removes harmful parasites and



EòɤÉÇxÉ Ê¡Ãò±]®

½ÉÊxÉEòÉ®Eò {É®VÉÒʴɪÉÉå +Éè® EòÒ]xÉɶÉEòÉå EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉä.


er™ Carbon FilterRemoves chlorine and other contaminants to make water clear,

odourless and natural tasting.


EòɤÉÇxÉ Ê¡Ãò±]®

C±ÉÉä®ÒxÉ ´É +xªÉnÚʹÉiÉÉå EòÉä ½]ÉiÉ ½è

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VÉÉiÉÉ ½è.


{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºlÉÉ{ÉxÉÉ

Open the box. Remove the top cardboard. Remove the top cover

which is placed on the side of the box and keep it aside.

¤ÉÉìCºÉ EòÉä JÉÉä±Éå. > {É®Ò EòÉbǤÉÉäbÇ EòÉä ½]ÉBÆ. ¤ÉÉìCºÉ ¨Éå BEò +Éä® ®JÉä > {É®Ò Eò´É® EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉå

+Éè® <ºÉä BEò iÉ®¢ò ®JÉ nå.

Please read ‘Getting to know your Pureit' section before setting up your purifier.EÞò{ɪÉÉ +{ÉxÉä {ªÉÖÊ®ú¢òɪɮ EòÉä iÉèªÉÉ® Eò®xÉä ºÉä {ɽ±Éä '+{ÉxÉä {ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÉä VÉÉÊxÉB' JÉÆb EòÉä +´É¶ªÉ {ÉfÃå.


Remove the nesting ring and keep it aside. Remove the cardboard.

xÉäϺ]MÉ Ë®MÉ ÊxÉEòɱÉå +Éè® <ºÉä BEò iÉ®¢ò ®JÉ nå. EòÉbǤÉÉäbÇ EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉå.


Pull out the Cleansing Collection Chamber and keep it aside.

ÎC±ÉÆÊVÃÉÆMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É® EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉå +Éè® <ºÉä BJÉ iÉ®¢ò ®JÉ nå.


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8 9

12 3



{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºlÉÉ{ÉxÉÉ


Pulloutthetopchamber(theopaquechamber) and remove the cardboard. You will find the Pureit Logo on the chamber. Pull out the transparent

chamber. Now dispose-off the polythene liner from the transparent chamber.

> {É®Ò (+{ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ) SÉé¤É® EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉå +Éè® EòÉbǤÉÉäbÇ ½]ÉBÆ. +É{ÉEòÉä SÉé¤É® {É® {ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÉ ±ÉÉäMÉÉä ÊnJÉÉ<Ç näMÉÉ. {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉ訤ɮ EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉå. +¤É {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É® ºÉä {ÉÉì±ÉÒlÉÒxÉ ±ÉÉ<xÉ® EòÉä

+±ÉMÉ Eò® nå.


Remove the1. Tap Assembly,2. Germkill Indicator Plate (the plate

with safe, buy, replace symbol),3. Micro Fibre Mesh™ (marked as B),4. Germkill Processor™ Slide out

from the Cleansing Collection Chamber with clean hands and keep it on a clean surface.

1. ]è{É +ºÉå¤É±ÉÒ,2. VɨÉÇÊEò±É <ÆÊbEäò]® {±Éä] (ºÉä¡Ãò, ¤ÉɪÉ,

Ê®{±ÉäºÉ Eäò |ÉiÉÒEòÉå ´ÉɱÉÒ {±Éä]),3. ̈ÉÉ<GòÉä ¡ ɪɤɮ ¨Éè¶É™ ("¤ÉÒ" Eäò ¯ {É ¨Éå

ÊSÉÊx½iÉ),4. VɨÉÇÊEò±É |ÉÉäºÉäºÉ®™ EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉå +Éè® <x½å

BEò ºÉÉ¡Ãò ºÉiɽ {É® ®JÉ nå.

Sanitise / wash your hands before setting up your purifier.{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºÉäË]MÉ Eò®xÉä ºÉä {ɽ±Éä +{ÉxÉä ½ÉlÉ vÉÉ ä/ºÉÉ¡Ãò Eò® ±Éå.


{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºlÉÉ{ÉxÉÉ

Insert the tap in the slot provided in the transparent chamber from the outside. Ensure the tap is fully inside the slot.

+¤É <ºÉ ]è{É (xɱÉ) EòÉä {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É® Eäò ¤Éɽ® EòÒ iÉ®¢ò ºÉä, ÊnªÉä MɪÉä JÉÉÆSÉä ¨Éå ±ÉMÉÉBÆ. ªÉ½ ºÉÖÊxÉζSÉiÉ Eò® ±Éå ÊEò ]è{É (xɱÉ) {ÉÚ®Ò iÉ®½ ºÉä

JÉÉÆSÉä Eäò ¦ÉÒiÉ® ½è.

Take the tap nut for tap fitment. Turn the tap nut anti-clockwise from inside on the thread as shown in the picture to tighten the tap to the transparent

chamber. Ensure complete engagement.

xÉ±É EòºÉxÉä Eäò ʱÉB =ºÉEòÉ xÉ] ±ÉÒÊVÉB. xÉ±É EòÉä {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É® ¨Éå EòºÉxÉä Eäò ʱÉB ÊSÉjÉ ¨Éå ¤ÉiÉÉB +xÉÖºÉÉ® ¦ÉÒiÉ® EòÒ +Éä® ºÉä +ÉÆ]Éå {É® xÉ±É Eäò xÉ] EòÉä PÉbÃÒ EòÒ =±]Ò Ên¶ÉÉ ¨Éå PÉÖ̈ ÉÉBÆ. <ºÉEäò {ÉÚ®Ò

iÉ®½ ºÉä VÉÖbà VÉÉxÉä EòÉä ºÉÖÊxÉζSÉiÉ Eò®å.

Ensure tap assembly is as tight as possible to avoid leakage of water.

{ÉÉxÉÒ Eäò Ê®ºÉÉ´É ºÉä ¤ÉSÉxÉä Eäò ʱÉB ªÉ½ ºÉÖÊxÉζSÉiÉ Eò®å ÊEò ]è{É +ºÉå¤É±ÉÒ EòÉä

ªÉlÉɶÉÊHò EòºÉ ÊnªÉÉ MɪÉÉ ½è.

6a 6b 6c

If tap leaks, tighten the tap assembly from the inside.+MÉ® xÉ±É ºÉä {ÉÉxÉÒ Ê®ºÉiÉÉ ½è iÉÉä ]è{É +ºÉå¤É±ÉÒ EòÉä ¦ÉÒiÉ® EòÒ +Éä® ºÉä EòºÉä.

Fitment of Tap Assembly / xÉ±É BºÉ䨤ɱÉÒ EòÉä ±ÉMÉÉxÉÉ6

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{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºlÉÉ{ÉxÉÉ

You will find blue legs attached to the base of the Cleansing Collection Chamber.

Remove the legs and keep it aside.

+É{ÉEòÉä ÎC±ÉÆÆËVÃÉMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É® Eäò xÉÒSÉä EòÒ +Éä® xÉÒ±Éä {ÉɪÉä ʨɱÉåMÉä. {ÉɪÉÉå EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉå +Éè®

BEò iÉ®¢ ®JÉ nå.

Your transparent chamber is now fitted completely.

+¤É +É{ÉEòÉ {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É® {ÉÚ®Ò iÉ®½ ºÉä ±ÉMÉÉEò® iÉèªÉÉ® ½Éä MɪÉÉ ½è.

Now take each leg and press-fit it to the base of the transparent chamber

as shown in the picture.

+¤É ¤ÉÉ®Ò-¤ÉÉ®Ò ºÉä |ÉiªÉäEò {ÉɪÉÉ ±Éå +Éè® <ºÉä ÊSÉjÉ ¨Éå ¤ÉiÉÉB +xÉÖºÉÉ® {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É® Eäò xÉÒSÉä

n¤ÉÉEò® ±ÉMÉÉ nå.

Fitment of Legs / {ÉɪÉÉå EòÉä ±ÉMÉÉxÉÉ

7a 7b 7c



{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºlÉÉ{ÉxÉÉ

Fitment of Polisher™ Carbon Filter / {ÉÉìʱɶɮ EòɤÉÇxÉ Ê¡Ãò±]® ±ÉMÉÉxÉÉ

Take the Cleansing Collection Chamber.

You will find the Polisher™ Carbon Filter

(marked as A) in it.

ÎC±ÉÆÆËVÃÉMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É® ±Éå. +É{ÉEòÉä <ºÉ¨Éå {ÉÉìʱɶɮ EòɤÉÇxÉ Ê¡Ãò±]® ("B" Eäò ¯ {É ¨Éå ÊSÉÎx½iÉ



Lift the Polisher™ Carbon Filter

(marked as A) from the Cleansing Collection

Chamber and remove the polythene liner.

{ÉÉìʱɶɮ EòɤÉÇxÉ Ê¡Ãò±]® ("B" Eäò ¯ {É ¨Éå ÊSÉÎx½iÉ) EòÉä ÎC±ÉÆÆËVÃÉMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É® ºÉä =`ÉBÆ +Éè® {ÉÉì±ÉÒlÉÒxÉ ±ÉÉ<xÉ®

EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉå.


Now fit the Polisher™ Carbon Filter (marked as A) beneath the Cleansing

Collection Chamber in the slot provided.

+¤É {ÉÉìʱɶɮ EòɤÉÇxÉ Ê¡Ãò±]® ("B"Eäò ¯ {É ¨Éå ÊSÉÎx½iÉ) EòÉä



Turn the Polisher™Carbon Filter

(marked as A) clockwise as shown in the picture.

Ensure complete engagement.

ÊSÉjÉ ¨Éå ¤ÉiÉÉB +xÉÖºÉÉ® {ÉÉìʱɶɮ EòɤÉÇxÉ Ê¡Ãò±]®

("B" Eäò ¯ {É ¨Éå ÊSÉÎx½iÉ) EòÉä PÉbÃÒ EòÒ Ên¶ÉÉ ¨Éå PÉÖ¨ÉÉBÆ. ªÉ½ ºÉÖÊxÉζSÉiÉ Eò®å ÊEò ªÉ½ {ÉÚ®Ò

iÉ®½ ºÉä VÉÖbà MɪÉÉ ½è.



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{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºlÉÉ{ÉxÉÉ

Dip the Micro Fibre Mesh™ (marked as B) in clean water fully before fitting

it. Now fit the Micro Fibre Mesh™ (marked as B) inside the Cleansing

Collection Chamber in the slot provided.

¨ÉÉ<GòÉä ¢ É<¤É® ¨Éè¶É™ ("¤ÉÒ " Eäò ¯ {É ¨Éå ÊSÉÎx½iÉ) EòÉä ±ÉMÉÉxÉä ºÉä {ɽ±Éä <ºÉä ºÉÉ¡Ãò {ÉÉxÉÒ ¨Éå {ÉÚ®Ò iÉ®½ ºÉä bÖ¤ÉÉäBÆ. +¤É ¨ÉÉ<ÇGòÉä ¢ É<¤É®

¨Éè¶É™ ("¤ÉÒ" Eäò ¯ {É ¨Éå ÊSÉÎx½iÉ) EòÉä ÏC±ÉÊVÃÉÆMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É® ¨Éå ÊnB MÉB JÉÉÆSÉä ¨Éå ±ÉMÉÉBÆ.

Turn the Micro Fibre Mesh™ (marked as B) clockwise.

Exert some force and turn it by 90° till it is completely


¨ÉÉ<GòÉä ¢ É<¤É® ¨Éè¶É™ ("¤ÉÒ" Eäò ¯ {É ¨Éå ÊSÉÎx½iÉ) EòÉä PÉbÃÒ EòÒ Ên¶ÉÉ ¨Éå PÉÖ¨ÉÉBÆÆ. lÉÉäbÃÉ ºÉÉ VÃÉÉä® ±ÉMÉÉBÆ +Éè® <ºÉä 90° Eäò EòÉähÉ iÉEò iÉ¤É iÉEò PÉÖ¨ÉÉiÉä ®½å, VÉ¤É iÉEò ÊEò ªÉ½

+SUÒ iÉ®½ ºÉä EòºÉ xÉ VÉÉB.

Now place the nesting ring facing downwards

on top of the transparent chamber.

+¤É {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É® {É® xÉäϺ]MÉ Ë®MÉ EòÉä xÉÒSÉä EòÒ +Éä® ¨ÉÖƽ Eò®Eäò ®JÉå.

Then place the assembled Cleansing

Collection Chamber on top of the nesting ring.

=ºÉEäò ¤ÉÉn xÉäϺ]MÉ Ë®MÉ Eäò ¶ÉÒ¹ÉÇ {É®


EòÉä ®JÉå.

Fitment of Micro Fibre Mesh™ / ¨ÉÉ<GòÉä ¢ É<¤É® ¨Éè¶É™ ±ÉMÉÉxÉÉ

9a 9b 9c 9d



{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºlÉÉ{ÉxÉÉ

Take the Germkill Indicator Plate (the plate with the safe, buy, replace symbol) andplaceitinthesquareslotprovidedin the Cleansing Collection Chamber.

VɨÉÇÊEò±É <ÆÊbEäò]® {±Éä] (ºÉä¡Ãò, ¤ÉɪÉ, Ê®{±ÉäºÉ Eäò |ÉiÉÒEòÉå ´ÉɱÉÒ {±Éä]) ±Éå +Éè® <ºÉä ÎC±ÉÆÊVÃÉÆMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É® ¨Éå ÊnB MÉB SÉÉèEòÉä®


Place the top chamber (the chamber with the Pureit logo) on top of the

assembled Cleansing Collection Chamber.

+¤É +ºÉÆä¤É±É ÊEòB MÉB ÏC±ÉËVÃÉMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É® {É® > {É®Ò SÉé¤É®

({ªÉÉäÊ®] ±ÉÉäMÉÉä ´ÉɱÉÉ SÉé¤É®) ®JÉå.

Slide it downwards till it completely locksintothesquareslotprovidedinthe Cleansing Collection Chamber as

shown in the picture.

ÊSÉjÉ ¨Éå ¤ÉiÉÉB +xÉÖºÉÉ® <ºÉä ÎC±ÉÆÊVÃÉÆMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É® ¨Éå ÊnB MÉB SÉÉèEòÉä® JÉÉÆSÉä ¨Éå iÉ¤É iÉEò xÉÒSÉä EòÒ +Éä® ÊJɺÉEòÉiÉä ®½å, VÉ¤É iÉEò ÊEò ªÉä {ÉÚ®Ò

iÉ®½ ºÉä ±ÉÉìEò xÉ ½Éä VÉÉB.

Fitment of germkill Indicator Plate / VɨÉÇÊEò±É <ÆÊbEäò]® {±Éä] EòÉä ±ÉMÉÉxÉÉ

10a 10b 10c


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{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºlÉÉ{ÉxÉÉ

Fit the Germkill Processor™ into the single port in the Cleansing

Collection Chamber.


Place the top cover on the top chamber (the chamber with the Pureit logo)

> {É®Ò SÉé¤É® ({ªÉÉäÊ®] ±ÉÉäMÉÉä ´ÉɱÉÉ SÉé¤É®) {É® > {É®Ò Eò´É® ±ÉMÉÉBÆ.

By holding the Germkill Processor™ horizontally pointing to the left, insert it in the single port on the Cleansing

Collection Chamber. Push it in and turn it by 90° to the right till it locks.

VɨÉÇÊEò±É |ÉÉäºÉäºÉ®™ EòÉä ¤ÉÉƪÉÒ +Éè® ¨ÉÖƽ Eò®Eäò ±ÉƤɴÉiÉ {ÉEòbåà +Éä® <ºÉä ÎC±ÉÆÊVÃÉÆMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É® {É® ÊnB MÉB ˺ÉMÉ±É {ÉÉä]Ç ¨Éå bɱÉå. <ºÉä +Æn® EòÒ +Éä® n¤ÉÉBÆ +Éè® 90° Eäò EòÉähÉ ºÉä nÉƪÉÒ +Éä® PÉÖ¨ÉÉBÆ, VÉ¤É iÉEò ÊEò ªÉ½ ±ÉÉìEò xÉ ½Éä VÉÉB.

Fitment of germkill Processor™ / VɨÉÇÊEò±É |ÉÉäºÉäºÉ®™ EòÉä ±ÉMÉÉxÉÉ

11a 11b 11c



{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºlÉÉ{ÉxÉÉ

Pureit Intella is now ready to use.

{ªÉÉäÊ®] <x]ä±ÉÉ +¤É ={ɪÉÉäMÉ Eäò ʱÉB iÉèªÉÉ® ½è.

Once the top chamber is almost empty, again pour 4 litres of water

in the top chamber. After sometime you will start getting water in the

transparent chamber.

> {É®Ò SÉé¤É® Eäò BEò ¤ÉÉ® ±ÉMɦÉMÉ {ÉÚ®É JÉɱÉÒ ½Éä VÉÉxÉä {É® > {É®Ò SÉ訤ɮ ¨Éå Ê¡ò® ºÉä 4 ±ÉÒ]® {ÉÉxÉÒ bɱÉå. EÖòU nä® ¤ÉÉn +É{ÉEòÉä {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É® ¨Éå


Pour the First 5 litres of water in the top chamber. You will get very little water in the transparent chamber

after an hour.

> {É®Ò SÉé¤É® ¨Éå {ɽ±Éä 5 ±ÉÒ]® {ÉÉxÉÒ bɱÉå. +É{ÉEòÉä BEò PÉÆ]ä ¤ÉÉn {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É® ¨Éå ¤É½ÖiÉ


Discard the first 5 litres of water. Pureit Intella is now ready for use. Please note that it will take anytime between 1-3 hours for the water to get purified into the transparent chamber depending on thequalityofinputwater.{ɽ±Éä 5 ±ÉÒ]® {ÉÉxÉÒ EòÉä ¡òéEò näÆ. +¤É {ªÉÉäÊ®] <Æ]ä±ÉÉ ={ɪÉÉäMÉ Eäò ʱÉB iÉèªÉÉ® ½è. EÞò{ɪÉÉ vªÉÉxÉ ®JÉå ÊEò {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É® ¨Éå {ÉÉxÉÒ EòÉä ¶ÉÖr ½ÉäxÉä ¨Éå 1-3 PÉÆÆ]ä EòÉ ºÉ¨ÉªÉ ±ÉMÉäMÉÉ, VÉÉä ʨɱÉxÉä ´ÉɱÉä {ÉÉxÉÒ EòÒ MÉÖhÉ´ÉkÉÉ {É® ÊxɦÉÇ® ½è.

Fitment of germkill Processor™ / VɨÉÇÊEò±É |ÉÉäºÉäºÉ®™ EòÉä ±ÉMÉÉxÉÉ

11d 11e 11f

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VɨÉÇÊEò±É ÊEò]™ (VÉÒ Eä Eä ) JÉ®ÒnxÉÉ Pureit’s unique germkill life indicator displays when to replace the germkill kit.

Safe to Use / ={ɪÉÉäMÉ Eäò ʱÉB ºÉÖ®ÊIÉiÉ Indicatorshowsslightlyredandmostlywhite–

This means it is safe to use. <ÆÊbEäò]® ½±ÉEòÉ ±ÉÉ±É +Éè® VêÉÉnÉiÉ® ºÉ¢äòn n¶ÉÉÇiÉÉ ½è - <ºÉEòÉ +lÉÇ ªÉ½ ½è ÊEò ªÉ½ ={ɪÉÉäMÉ Eäò ʱÉB ºÉÖ®ÊIÉiÉ ½è.

Time to Order / +ÉìbÇ® Eò®xÉä EòÉ ºÉ¨ÉªÉ ½Éä MɪÉÉ ½è. Indicatorshowspartiallyred–Timetoorder <ÆÊbEäò]® +ÉÆʶÉEò ¯ {É ºÉä ±ÉÉ±É n¶ÉÉÇiÉÉ ½è - +ÉìbÇ® Eò®xÉä EòÉ ºÉ¨ÉªÉ ½Éä MɪÉÉ ½è.

Time to Replace / ¤Én±ÉxÉä EòÉ ºÉ¨ÉªÉ ½Éä MɪÉÉ ½è. Indicatorshowsfullyred–Unsafetouse,timetoreplace

<ÆÊbEäò]® {ÉÚ®Ò iÉ®½ ºÉä ±ÉÉ±É n¶ÉÉÇiÉÉ ½è - ={ɪÉÉäMÉ Eäò ʱÉB +ºÉÖ®ÊIÉiÉ, ¤Én±ÉxÉä EòÉ ºÉ¨ÉªÉ ½Éä MɪÉÉ ½è.

Once the Germkill life indicator™ turns fully red, please replace the Germkill Kit™ immediately. As an additional measure of safety, Pureit’s advanced Auto Shut-Off™ mechanism shuts off thesupply of purified water which ensures that no member of your family accidentally drinks unsafe water. VɨÉÇÊEò±É ±ÉÉ<¡ò <ÆbÒEäò]®™ {ÉÚ®Ò iÉ®½ ±ÉÉ±É ½Éä VÉÉxÉä {É® EÞò{ɪÉÉ VɨÉÇÊEò±É ÊEò]™ EòÉä iÉÖ®ÆiÉ ¤Én±É nå. ºÉÖ®IÉÉ Eäò +ÊiÉÊ®Hò ¦É®ÉäºÉä Eäò iÉÉè® {É® {ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÉ +ÉvÉÖÊxÉEò +Éì]Éä ¶É]-+Éì¡ò™ iÉÆjÉ {ªÉÉä®Ò¡òÉªÉ ÊEòªÉä ½ÖB {ÉÉxÉÒ EòÒ ºÉ{±ÉÉ<Ç ¤ÉÆn Eò® näiÉÉ ½è ÊVɺɺÉä ºÉÖÊxÉʶSÉiÉ ½ÉäiÉÉ ½è EòÒ +É{ÉEäò {ÉÊ®´ÉÉ® EòÉ EòÉä<Ç ºÉnºªÉ MɱÉiÉÒ ºÉä +ºÉÖ®ÊIÉiÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ xÉ {ÉÒ ºÉEäò.


Safe to Use={ɪÉÉäMÉ Eäò ʱÉB ºÉÖ®ÊIÉiÉ

Time to Order+ÉìbÇ® Eò®xÉä EòÉ ºÉ¨ÉªÉ

½Éä MɪÉÉ ½è.

Time to Replace¤Én±ÉxÉä EòÉ ºÉ¨ÉªÉ ½Éä MɪÉÉ ½è.


VɨÉÇÊEò±É ÊEò]™ (VÉÒ Eä Eä ) JÉ®ÒnxÉÉ You can buy a Germkill Kit™ in any of the following ways+É{É ÊxɨxÉʱÉÊJÉiÉ iÉ®ÒEòÉå ºÉä xɪÉÉ VɨÉÇÊEò±É ÊEò]TM (VÉÒ Eä Eä ) JÉ®Òn ºÉEòiÉä ½é

Visiting a shop nÖEòÉxÉ ºÉä

Calling up Pureit helpline {ªÉÉäÊ®] ½ä±{ɱÉÉ<xÉ {É® ¢òÉäxÉ Eò® Eäò

1860-210-1000Ordering on the website ´Éä¤ÉºÉÉ<] {É® +ÉbÇ® Eò® Eäò

The Germkill Kit™ (GKK) consists of 2 parts / VɨÉÇÊEò±É ÊEò]™ (VÉÒ Eä Eä ) ¨Éå 2 {ÉÖVÉæ ½ÉäiÉä ½é

There are multiple Pureit Germkill Kit™(s) available. Please buy the one that is recommended for your Pureit model.{ªÉÉäÊ®] Eäò +xÉäEò |ÉEòÉ® Eäò VɨÉÇÊEò±É ÊEò]™ (VÉÒ Eä Eä ) ={ɱɤvÉ ½é. EÞò{ɪÉÉ +É{ÉEäò {ªÉÉäÊ®] ¨ÉÉìb±É ¨Éå Ê¡ò] ½ÉäxÉä ´ÉɱÉÒ VɨÉÇÊEò±É ÊEò]™ (VÉÒ Eä Eä ) ½Ò JÉ®Ònå.


Polisher™ Carbon Filter / {ÉÉìʱɶɮ™ EòɤÉÇxÉ Ê¡Ãò±]®germkill Processor™ / VɨÉÇÊEò±É |ÉÉäºÉäºÉ®™

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18 19


{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºÉ¡òÉ<Ç +Éè® ®JÉ ®JÉÉ´É

Before cleaning the Pureit Intella system, remove the Germkill Processor™

{ªÉÉäÊ®] <Æ]ä±ÉÉ ÊºÉº]¨É EòÉä ºÉÉ¡Ãò Eò®xÉä ºÉä {ɽ±Éä VɨÉÇÊEò±É |ÉÉäºÉäºÉ®™ EòÉä ÊxÉEòÉ±É nå.

Remove the top cover.

> {É®Ò Eò´É® EòÉä ÊxÉEòÉ±É nå.

Keep the Germkill Processor™ upright in a hygienic place.

VɨÉÇÊEò±É |ÉÉäºÉäºÉ®™ EòÉä BEò º´ÉSU VÉMɽ {É® ºÉÒvÉÉ ®JÉå.

Clean the top chamber once every week to clear the water discharge nozzle.

{ÉÉxÉÒ ÊxÉEò±ÉxÉä ´ÉɱÉÒ xÉÉäVÃÉ±É EòÉä ºÉÉ¡Ãò ®JÉxÉä Eäò ʱÉB ½~iÉä ¨Éå BEò ¤ÉÉ® > {É®Ò SÉé¤É® EòÉä ºÉÉ¡Ãò Eò®å.

1 2 3


{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºÉ¡òÉ<Ç +Éè® ®JÉ ®JÉÉ´É

Clean the top cover under a stream of water.

> {É®Ò Eò´É® EòÉä {ÉÉxÉÒ EòÒ vÉÉ®É Eäò xÉÒSÉä ºÉÉ¡Ãò Eò®å.

Clean the top chamber under a stream of water. To unclog the water

discharging nozzle keep the top chamber under a jet stream of water.

> {É®Ò SÉé¤É® EòÉä {ÉÉxÉÒ EòÒ vÉÉ®É Eäò xÉÒSÉä ºÉÉ¡Ãò Eò®å. {ÉÉxÉÒ ÊxÉEò±ÉxÉä ´ÉɱÉÒ xÉÉäVÉÃ±É EòÉä ÊxɤÉÉÇvÉ ®JÉxÉä Eäò ʱÉB > {É®Ò SÉé¤É® EòÉä {ÉÉxÉÒ EòÒ iÉäVÉÃ

vÉÉ®É Eäò xÉÒSÉä ®JÉå.

Remove the top chamber. Empty out water completely.

> {É®Ò SÉé¤É® EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉå. {ÉÚ®É {ÉÉxÉÒ JÉɱÉÒ Eò® nå.

4 5 6

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{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºÉ¡òÉ<Ç +Éè® ®JÉ ®JÉÉ´É

Remove the Cleansing Collection Chamber and empty out water


ÎC±ÉÆÊVÃÉÆMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É® EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉå +Éè® <ºÉEòÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ {ÉÚ®Ò iÉ®½ ºÉä JÉɱÉÒ Eò® nå.

Remove the Micro Fibre Mesh™(marked as B) from the Cleansing Collection Chamber by turning it

anti-clockwise as shown in the picture.

ÊSÉjÉ ¨Éå ÊnJÉÉB +xÉÖºÉÉ® ÎC±ÉÆÊVÃÉÆMÉ Eò±ÉäC¶ÉxÉ SÉé¤É® ºÉä ¨ÉÉ<GòÉä ¢ É<¤É® ¨Éä¶É™ ("¤ÉÒ' Eäò ¯ {É ¨Éå ÊSÉÎx½iÉ) EòÉä PÉbÃÒ EòÒ =±]Ò Ên¶ÉÉ ¨Éå PÉÖ¨ÉÉiÉä

½ÖB ÊxÉEòɱÉå.

Clean the Cleansing Collection Chamber under a stream of water.


While washing the transparent chamber and tap ensure hands, cloth and water used are germ-free.{ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É® +Éè® xÉ±É EòÉä vÉÉäiÉä ºÉ¨ÉªÉ ªÉ½ ºÉÖÊxÉζSÉiÉ Eò®å ÊEò ½ÉlÉ, Eò{ÉbÃÉ +Éè® ={ɪÉÉäMÉ ÊEòªÉÉ VÉÉxÉä ´ÉɱÉÉ {ÉÉxÉÒ ®ÉäMÉÉhÉÖ-¨ÉÖHò ½è.

7 8 9


{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºÉ¡òÉ<Ç +Éè® ®JÉ ®JÉÉ´É

Clean the Micro Fibre Mesh™ (marked as B) in a gentle way under a stream of water to dislodge the dirt and grime.

¨ÉÉ<GòÉä ¢ É<¤É® ¨Éä¶É™ ("¤ÉÒ' Eäò ¯ {É ¨Éå ÊSÉÎx½iÉ) ºÉä vÉÚ±É +Éè® ¨Éè±É EòÉä ÊxÉEòɱÉxÉä Eäò ʱÉB <ºÉä

{ÉÉxÉÒ EòÒ vÉÉ®É Eäò xÉÒSÉä ½±ÉEäò ½ÉlÉÉå ºÉä ºÉÉ¡Ãò Eò®å.


DonotsqueezetheMicroFibreMesh™ while cleaning.

ºÉÉ¡Ãò Eò®iÉä ºÉ¨ÉªÉ ¨ÉÉ<GòÉä ¢ É<¤É® ¨Éè¶É™ EòÉä n¤ÉÉBÆ xɽÓ.

11 12

Tore–assemblePureitreferto‘SettingupPureit’section.{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÉä Ê¡ò® ºÉä +ºÉå¤É±É Eò®xÉä Eäò ʱÉB "{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºlÉÉ{ÉxÉÉ' xÉɨÉEò JÉÆb näJÉå.

Clean the tap with Pureit water, wipe the tap with a clean cloth at

intervals to prevent formation of scales. Clean the transparent chamber with

Pureit water and drip dry.

xÉ±É ¨Éå {É{ÉbÃÒ VɨÉxÉä ºÉä ®ÉäEòxÉä Eäò ʱÉB <ºÉä ºÉ¨ÉªÉ-ºÉ¨ÉªÉ {É® {ªÉÉäÊ®] Eäò {ÉÉxÉÒ ºÉä vÉÉäBÆ +Éè®

<ºÉä BEò ºÉÉ¡Ãò Eò{ÉbÃä ºÉä {ÉÉäUå. {ÉÉ®n¶ÉÔ SÉé¤É® EòÉä {ªÉÉäÊ®] Eäò {ÉÉxÉÒ ºÉä vÉÉäBÆ +Éè®

ºÉÚJÉxÉä Eäò ʱÉB ®JÉ nå.

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22 23


{ªÉÉäÊ®] EòÒ ºÉ¡òÉ<Ç +Éè® ®JÉ ®JÉÉ´É

Clean the top cover, top chamber, Cleansing Collection Chamber and tap regularly to prevent scaling on walls of these chambers

Clean with water and then leave the components to ‘drip dry’

Clean the tap with a mild hypochloride solution If necessary, use a plastic brush to aid cleaning Remove the Germkill Processor™ while cleaning and

keep upright in a separate dry plate Maintain good hygiene in the area around your Pureit.

General Do’s General Don’ts

CªÉÉ Eò®å CªÉÉ xÉÉ Eò®åå

Do not clean with soap or detergent, or any abrasive cleaners or tools like wire mesh

Do not twist the Micro Fibre Mesh™ while cleaning The Micro Fibre Mesh™ might change its color over

period of time. In case this happens do not remove the Micro Fibre Mesh™ instead continue using it.

Do not allow any foreign or unexpected material (like dust, ants, insects, other pests) to enter into the storage tank. The purified water in the storage tank may deteriorate in the process.

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dO’s & dON’TsPureit has been specially designed to give you water that is ‘As Safe As Boiled Water’ as long as the Pureit system is used in the way as prescribed in thismanual.Listedbelowarethethingsthatyoumusttakecareof:

DO’s DON’Ts The Pureit guarantee of getting water that is ‘As Safe As Boiled Water’ applies only if you ensure that the transparent chamber of the purifier and the tap are hygienically kept, and that germs are not introduced due to contact with hands, drying with a cloth, wash or any other means

You should only store water in the Pureit purifier, and not use other bottles and containers. If you do so, water may get re-contaminated

While washing the transparent chamber ensure that you have separated the Polisher™ from Transparent chamber and Cleansing Collection Chambers, so that there is no chance of water going into the Polisher™

Always use all components of the Pureit Germkill Kit™ together. Don’t drink water from the purifier if any one of the Germkill Kit™ components is not fitted

You should ensure that the area around and beneath the purifier is kept clean at all times

Keep all components of the Pureit Germkill Kit™ out of reach of children at all times

Ensure that the purifier is placed on a flat surface at all times, and never tilt the transparent chamber to take out water

If you ever want to shift the purifier, do so only after both the top chamber and batching chamber are empty. Otherwise the purifier may leak, and the purification process may get affected

Ensure that the nut in the transparent chamber is fully tightened by turning clockwise. If not, water may leak

Always clean the Pureit system only as described in the section on cleaning. Do not use any soap or detergent. Ensure that you don’t inadvertently introduce germs into the transparent chamber or the tap e.g. through your hands or by using a drying cloth. Always use purified Pureit water for doing the last rinse of the transparent chamber, and then let it drip-dry

Do not normally wash the Cleansing-Collection chamber

Don’t pour boiling or hot water (more than 50˚C) into, or on the Pureit system. Similarly don’t pour freezing cold water (less than 10˚C) into, or on the Pureit system

Do not pour hot water directly from an overhead tank or any other source in your Pureit as hot water uses up the Germkill Kit™ faster than normal. If required, allow the water to cool to room temperature before pouring it in the top chamber. For the same reason do not keep your Pureit in hot surroundings like direct sunlight, near a stove or near a fridge

Never buy the Pureit system, or a Pureit Germkill Kit™ from an unauthorised source. You can visit a store near you to buy a Germkill Kit™

Remember all you have to do is call us at the Pureit helpline, and we will deliver a new Germkill Kit™ to you at your home for a minimal delivery charge

Don’t in any way try to open the Pureit Germkill Kit™ components.

Never use the system once the Pureit Germkill Life Indicator™ shows a full red colour in the window, with no white colour visible

Don’t expose any of the components to fire

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dO’s & dON’TsPureit has been specially designed to give you water that is ‘As Safe As Boiled Water’ as long as the Pureit system is used in the way as prescribed in thismanual.Listedbelowarethethingsthatyoumusttakecareof:

DO’s DON’Ts Always rely only on the red indicator to replace the Germkill Kit™. The Auto Shut Off™ is only an additional assurance of safety – in some cases, the input water quality may prevent it from functioning

Freshly purified water should be used for drinking Output water may continue to have flora which are harmless and pose no health hazard to normal healthy adults and children

Over a period of time, you may find floating partilcles, scaling in the transparent chamber because of natural minerals in the source water, in such case just clean the transparent chamber with purified water

Don’t drop any of the components, or the purifier as a whole from a height. This may cause the components to fracture or break, and the guarantee of getting water ‘As Safe As Boiled Water’ will no longer be valid

Don’t put any chemical fluids in the Pureit system. This is meant strictly for drinking water only.

If the transparent chamber is full, please do not fill water in the top chamber, otherwise water will overflow from the transparent chamber

Do not try to open the Germkill Processor™ Do not pour water in purifier after Germkill Life Indicator™ turns fully red.

This will prevent water overflowing due to Auto Shut OffTM. This ensures no one is accidentally hurt by slipping on the water. Also, no household item kept near purifier would get damaged by leaked water

Do not use the Germkill Kit™ after expiry – which is post two years from the date of packing

Do not keep the Pureit purifier in direct sunlight as it may trigger growth of algae if input water is significantly contaminated

Do not use water not intended for drinking in Pureit system e.g., from abandoned or abused water bodies or water sources in which human, animal or industrial wastes are disposed, or water that is excessively acidic or alkaline

Water stored for more than two days should not be consumed

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There is condensation in the transparent chamber. Is this a problem?

This normally happens because of temperature difference. It does not affect the working of your Pureit and you will continue to receive ‘As Safe As Boiled Water’.

What happens if some part of the Pureit breaks accidentally?

If some part of Pureit breaks accidentally, please call Pureit helpline. We will arrange to send you a replacement part. You will however have to pay for the replacement part.

What should I do if it takes a long time to purify water?

a) You need to check if the water discharge nozzle in the top chamber has clogged. If so, please clean it as recommended in the cleaning section.

b) Also clean the Micro Fibre Mesh™ as recommended in the cleaning section.

What should I do in case of water overflow from the overflow port?

Pureit Intella will allow overflow of water from the cCleansing Collection Chamber overflow port

when the Micro Fibre Mesh™ gets completely choked due to dirt and grime. In such a case you need to clean the Micro Fibre Mesh™ as mentioned in the cleaning section of Pureit Intella instruction manual. If the problem persists, please contact your nearest dealer for a replacement or call the helpline.

Pureit didn’t fully remove the colour from the input water. Is the water safe to drink?

In some cases, as with colloidal clay suspensions and with soluble salts of calcium, magnesium, iron etc. the turbidity and colour may not be completely removed. In these cases please ensure that there are no deposits or scales in the transparentchamber–ifthesearepresentthencleanthem using a disinfectant. Rinse the transparent chamber thoroughly with Pureit water. Once this is done, the output water will be microbiologically ‘As Safe As Boiled’ even if some colour persists.

Can there be scaling in Pureit?

Dissolved chemicals in water can occasionally precipitate out of the water and deposit inside Pureit. This however, does not in any way affect the Germkill capability of Pureit. If scaling happens in the top chamber or transparent chamber, you should gently remove it with water (descaling). Don’t use any abrasive cleaners or tools.


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Will Pureit remove salt and oil?

Input water may contain many materials which affect the taste of water. Of these, Pureit removes materials like oil, sand, soil, clay, dirt, decayed animal and plant waste, and harmful pesticide impurities and is therefore likely to improve the taste of water. However, Pureit does not remove some dissolved salts that may contribute to taste like sodium chloride salt, calcium and magnesium. In fact, Pureit retains some ‘good’ dissolved salts present in drinking water. This may affect the taste of water.

Can one pour brackish water into Pureit?

Yes, the water will be free of harmful germs, but there may not always be an improvement in taste. However by pouring brackish/sea water into Pureit, there may be a risk of choking Pureit and the Auto Shut-Off™ mechanism may malfunction.

Can there sometimes be particles in the water stored in the transparent chamber?

The first 2 batches of water that gets purified in your new Pureit, or from a new Germkill Kit, should be drained away when it collects in the transparent chamber. This batch of water may contain some black particles that have got

loosened from inside the Polisher™ during transit. Black particles may also appear as a result of shifting or tilting Pureit or when you are using Pureit after several days. It should be noted that these black particles are a part of the polisher’s specially designed porous filter derived from natural coconut shell and are therefore completely safe, even if accidentally swallowed. To remove these black particles and rinse the transparent chamber with Pureit water to remove any particles that may be stuck to the sides.

How hygienic is the tap?

The tap will come in repeated contact with hands, bottles and glasses. You need to ensure that as a result of these contacts, the tap does not get contaminated with germs. In case that you do find that the mouth of the tap has become dirty, clean it with pureit water and wipe the tap at intervals with a clean cloth.

If my water contained a very large amount of visible dirt and turbidity, can we pour it into the Pureit system?

We advise that you let the water stand in another container for some time until most of the dirt settles down. Now pour the water into Pureit. This will ensure that the system does not get prematurely chocked.


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Page 17: Welcome to the Pureit Family - Water Purifier...Welcome to the Pureit Family! We thank you for the trust you have shown in our product and we guarantee you that our product will live

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Warranty Registration Card

Serial no. .................................................................................................................................... Date of purchase .........................................................................................................................

Purchaser’s name .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Telephone no. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Address ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Dealer’s name ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Address ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Note:1. Please retain the bill of purchase.2. Pleasequotetheserialnumber,modelanddateofpurchaseinallyourcorrespondence.3. Call Pureit helpline to upate your details into our database.

________________________________Dealer’s Signature

(with rubber stamp)

As Safe As Boiled Water

Page 18: Welcome to the Pureit Family - Water Purifier...Welcome to the Pureit Family! We thank you for the trust you have shown in our product and we guarantee you that our product will live

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Product warrantyThe Pureit purifier guarantees that you will get ‘As Safe As Boiled Water’ as long as the purifier is used in the manner specified in this manual. In addition, we cover your Pureit purifier with a six-month warranty against manufacturing defects.

GeneralFor the purpose of this warranty, the following expressions shall have the following meanings respectively:‘The purifier’ shall mean the purifier described in the invoice.‘The customer’ shall mean the purchaser of the purifier from the company or the company’s authorised dealer who is a party to the invoice.‘The company’ shall mean Hindustan Unilever Limited.‘Invoice’ shall mean the Invoice issued for the purifier by the retailer to the customer describing the purifier and indicating, inter alia, the total purchase price thereof, the name and address of the customer. ‘User manual’ shall mean the instructions for installation, use and maintenance contained in the leaflet published by the company, and delivered to the Customer at the time of sale of the purifier.

This warranty is subject to the following conditionsThe customer will notify the company in writing or by calling the helpline promptly of any defects noticed and give the company or its authorised agent adequate opportunity to inspect, test and remedy them for which the customer will deposit the purifier if so required by the company, with the company’s offer/service centre/authorised dealer along with the original invoice, in the city where it was sold.The company’s obligation under this warranty shall be limited to repairing or providing replacement of parts found to be defective. The company or its authorised agent will be entitled to retain any defective part replaced under the warranty.Inspection and test report of the company’s office/service centre/authorised dealer will be final and binding under the warranty for determining defects, repairs/alterations required or carried out, or certifying working of the purifier thereafter.

The company’s liability under this warranty shall in no event, and under no circumstances, exceed the price paid by the customer.This warranty is confined to the first purchaser of the product only and is not transferable.In the event of repairs of any part/s of the purifier, this warranty will thereafter continue and remain in force only for the unexpired period of the warranty. The warranty is issued at Mumbai, and courts at Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction over matters covered or flowing from this warranty.The company's obligation is only for effective repairs of any defective part of the purifier, and not for purifier replacement as such. Repairs or replacements will be carried out by the company’s office/service centre/authorised dealer from whom the purifier has been purchased.For purifiers installed beyond the municipal limits of the jurisdiction of the authorised service centre/authorised dealer, all expenses incurred in collecting the purifier/s, or parts thereof from the company’s service centre/authorised dealer, as well as expenses incurred with deputising of service personnel/ technicians towards conveyance and other incidentals etc. shall be borne by the customer.The warranty is void if any repair work is carried out by persons other than those of the company, or its authorised dealers.The warranty is void if the serial number is deleted from the bottom of the purifier. This warranty is valid in India only.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in, or implied by this warranty: The company’s liability under this warranty shall be limited only to defects in the purifier which occur under the conditions of normal operation of the purifier and it's proper and prescribed use as per this user manual. This warranty does not cover or extend to defects which are determined by the company or its authorised agents as occurring or resulting from or attributable to negligence, abuse, misuse, faulty care, operation or maintenance or repairs, alterations to the purifier or any part thereof by others.The two components of the Germkill Kit™ are not covered by the warranty and have to be separately bought by the consumer once their life is over.

Visit the Pureit website for more detailed instructions on cleaning & maintenance of your purifier.

Warranty doesn’t cover any damage/other issue arising out of ingress of external/foreign material (like dust, insects, ants, other pests) in the water purifier as it is the responsibility of the consumer to keep the area around the purifier clean and free of pests/dust.


Products covered under Hindustan Unilever’s intellectual property rights

Pureit™ Micro Fibre Mesh™

germkill Kit™ Activated Carbon Trap™

germkill Action™ germkill Processor™

germkill Life Indicator™ Polisher™

© HUL 2016

Page 19: Welcome to the Pureit Family - Water Purifier...Welcome to the Pureit Family! We thank you for the trust you have shown in our product and we guarantee you that our product will live

*Representation of the US EPA torture test of 4 log virus removed from 1 ml of contaminated water.#Based on Unit shipment sales for 2014. Excludes pitchers and faucet mount systems sales and includes only in-home point-of-use drinking water treatment systems.

Central Food

Technological Research Institute

National Environmental

Engineering ResearchInstitute

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Institution of Public Health


Indian Public Health



tifi ca


Setting benchmarks in water purification

Winning laurels across the world

No. 1 choice of families Worldwide

Pureit is the world’s largest selling water purifier brand#

- India- Mexico- Indonesia- China- Bangladesh- Nigeria- Sri Lanka

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