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7810 Cypresswood Drive Spring, Texas 77379-7101

Office: 281-370-3401 Fax: 281-605-1640

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Temporary Office Hours: Monday & Thursday.: 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:30 a.m.—8:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.

Continued on Pg. 5 & 9 (Español)

Liturgical Schedule for Livestream See inside for all Mass and Prayer for livestream, as well as hours when the church and reservation chapel will be open for prayer. (All public Masses are suspended at this time. Please note Fr. Norbert & Fr. Justin will be celebrating all Masses without a congregation. )

Pastor’s Column Fr. Norbert update about our Livestream, formation classes, financials, and how to stay in communications. Pg. 3 & 8 (Español)


Spiritual Communion We invite you to join us on Facebook and to make a spiritual communion as you do so. See inside for the Spiritual Communion Prayer. Pg. 5 & 9 (Español)

Faith Direct We encourage our parishioners to consider giving online to continue your faithful donations to St. Ignatius of Loyola. See inside for more information. Pg. 2



Very Rev. Norbert Maduzia

Jr., E. V., D. Min. Pastor

Rev. Justin Cormie

My Parish App: Text App to phone number

88202, or visit to download.

Flocknote: Keep in touch with us via email or

text. Parish Updates instantly. Text SILCC to

84576 or visit us at


Facebook: Visit us on Facebook for our Live

stream of liturgical events. See liturgy page for

more information. @ignatiusloyolacc



RECONCILIATION Wednesday: 5:15 - 6:15 p.m., and

Saturday: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. LIVE STREAMING ON FACEBOOK LIVE

Monday– Friday: 9 a.m. Daily Mass

12 p.m. Prayer of the Angelus & Holy Rosary 3 p.m. Prayer of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Sunday: 11 a.m. Mass (English) 1 p.m. Misa (Español)

Fr. Norbert & Fr. Justin will be celebrating the following Mass Intentions this coming week.

Bob (+) & Linda (LVG) Siurek Bob Siurek (+) John DiGiulio (+)

Mary Jo Gerland (+) Michael Curtis (LVG)

Larry (+) & Val (LVG) Lipke M. Guadalupe Ramirez Dávalos (+)

Adam West (LVG) Obdulia Hummel (+)

Pro Populo Juan Carlos Trujillo (+)

Vincent Daniel Du Dao (+) Rosser/Grohol Families (+)

St. Ignatius Prayer Group (LVG) Mary Nguyen (+)


Sent to Build Community Loan Redemption *(through 10/31/19) *Beginning Loan Balance $6,025,000.00 *Principal Payments $1,625,720 *Remaining Loan Balance $4,399.272.00 *Interest Payments $455,118.00

If you are new to the parish or have not made a pledge and wish to do so, please contact Ron Svoboda.

Ignite Campaign *Parish Goal $1,880,235.00 *Total Amount Pledged $14,155.00 *Total Amount Paid $4,911.00 *Total Number of Participants 5 *Total Number of Households 4026 *Average Participant Pledge $2,831.00 *Pledged Over (Under) Goal ($1,866,080.00) *Paid Over (Under) Goal ($1,875,324.00) *Percent Paid 0.26%

Diocesan Services Fund 2020 *Parish Goal $300,000.00 *Total Amount Paid $112,852.00 *Total Amount Pledged $76,910.16 *Total Number of Participants 271 *Total Number of Households 4374 *Average Participant Pledge $416.43 *Paid Over (Under) Goal ($223,089.84) *Pledged Over (Under) Goal ($187,148.00) *Percent Paid 25.64% Help provide hope and help for those among us who are most in need. To donate online, visit

Parish Financial Information February Faith Direct $ 93,219.26


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Well, here we are in another week of uncertainty. Thank you all for your continued support and understanding through this difficult time. As you know, life continues to change daily, if not hourly in some instances. As I write this, we have finished one week of live streaming Masses, as well as the Angelus, Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy; by the time you read this, it will be two weeks. I know I must sound like a broken record, but, the best way to stay informed is through the use of Flocknotes. If you haven’t registered for a Flocknote account, it’s easy to do so. Just go to and register. You can also set your own parameters as to how you will receive the notices as well as if you want “push notification” or for you to check your notes on your own. We will also use MyParish app when the message warrants immediate and precautionary information. (You can sign up at

I am meeting with the Finance Council on Wednesday, March 25th, via teleconferencing to review our financial standing. I’m not an accountant but have been around long enough in parish life to know that right now our head is above water financially. (I’m not sure how much of the head, though.) I have asked the staff to shut down all expenses at this time and, as hard as it may be to do, we will begin to furlough some of the staff. Our parish motto is to be a people for others. Therefore, we will keep enough staff going to fulfil our parish mission and motto. We have visually seen the work of the Worship Department through the use of Facebook Live. What an outstanding job they did to pull together all that was necessary to live stream our Mass last Sunday. I want to give a special shoutout to Luis Rodarte, the seminarian from El Paso that is working with us this year, to Jimmy Nguyen with “Your Tech Guys”, Peter Ramirez, and Ron Svoboda. They pulled together and each had a part to make the live stream more than just a wide angle, “I can’t hear” production. Luis learned the program and did all the graphics in one day! Luis is going to make a fine priest, if only we could keep him in this Archdiocese.

The Formation Department has worked to putting together some videos and live streaming for ongoing formation in the homes. They will send out notices via Facebook, MyParish app, and of course, Flocknote. I truly hope that you will use the opportunities to grow in your faith and as a family.

I encourage you to check our website ( for updates. We are trying to keep everything updated, but sometimes information comes in too fast from too many sources. I am grateful for your patience. Remember to pray. Remember that the Lord is with us. While the Cardinal has removed the obligation for Mass attendance, if able, we should still observe Sunday, the original feast day, by spending time in prayer; giving thanks to God for life, and our redemption in Christ; recalling our many blessings, praying for strength and healing; and praying for the needs of others. Reading and reflecting on the readings of the day is beneficial. The Scripture texts as well as an audio reflection are available at

In last Sunday’s live streamed Mass Fr. Justin pointed out that we priests are sort of numb at this moment because our lives are given to be of service to the flock entrusted to our care. We grieve the loss of seeing you in your spot each week. I want to end this message to you with some of Fr. Justin’s “maybes”:

Maybe, just maybe, God, in His providential care, intends to bring about a greater good from this for His priest… Maybe the priesthood, after having experienced this loss, will across the world be reenergized, will have a renewed spirt and zeal for souls – a revived spirit of service and sacrifice – to carry out what the Holy Father, Pope Francis had asked us several years ago, “to smell like the sheep.”… And for you at home watching, you have experienced the loss especially of the Mass and the reception of the Eucharist… But, maybe, just maybe, God in His providential care intends to bring about a greater good from this for all the faithful scattered throughout the world… Maybe you as well as our brothers and sisters throughout the Church will be reenergized, renewed with a zeal and a fervor for the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – that it will no longer be seen as a routine or something “I have to do”…but rather a great gift, and something I have the privilege to participate in…maybe, just maybe we will have a greater fervor for our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist, that we will long to come before Him in prayer and adoration, that we will be careful not to receive Him unworthily, that we will REJOICE In the Lord’s Real Presence in the Eucharist.

Know, brothers and sisters, that Fr. Justin and I have you all in our constant prayer. Pray for us!

Blessings and peace and a Lenten conversion,




Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT; THIRD SCRUTINY OF THE ELECT The nightmare is over The moment of waking from a nightmare is suffused with relief. Whoever was chasing you dissolves, and whatever threatened harm has vanished. Grief and loss, however, can be living nightmares from which we’re unable to shake ourselves awake. Yet as the Scrutiny prayers for our Elect this Sunday affirm, the “horror of sin, which distorts life” is indeed an evil from which we can escape. Death has an end, and love will have its victory. We pray with our Elect for freedom from all paths that lead to death and a greater attraction to the ways that restore life.

TODAY'S READINGS: Ezekiel 37:12-14; Romans 8:8-11; John 11:1-45 (34). “Whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live.”

Monday, Mar 30, 2020 LENTEN WEEKDAY Get into the Spirit On this day in 1990, Sister Thea Bowman, F.S.P.A. died but the voice that nurtured countless thousands was not silenced. Before Sister Thea, black Catholics were expected to give up their music, dance, and spiritual testifying because these were suspiciously “Protestant” customs. She restored their identity, shaped it through the Institute of Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University, and shared it with those of other backgrounds. Shortly before her death, Thea spoke to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops from her wheelchair. In the last five minutes of that talk, Thea the visibly moved bishops in singing “We Shall Overcome.” Thea called the spirituals she grew up with "bonfires to warm chilly nights." Such songs of hope warm a few hearts as well. Sing a spirit-filled song, today, in honor of Sister Thea.

TODAY'S READINGS: Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62; John 8:1-11 (251). “Neither do I condemn you.”

Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020 LENTEN WEEKDAY I am vs. I AM John’s gospel uses the term “I AM” to identify Jesus. That’s a reference to the Exodus story when God revealed the divine presence to Moses using the name “I AM.” So the presence of Christ in us, in our humanity, is the “I AM” who is with us. Of course there’s another “I am” who is the self, our ego. That’s the conflict. Just as John the Baptist said, “He must increase and I must decrease,” the best thing we can do is surrender the “I am” in us to the “I AM” who is Christ.

TODAY'S READINGS: Numbers 21:4-9; John 8:21-30 (252). “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I AM.”

Wednesday, Apr 01, 2020 LENTEN WEEKDAY Freedom’s not just another word “Truth will set you free” and other heady thoughts about freedom are abundant in today’s gospel. Across the centuries, the Catholic Church has had a lot to say about freedom (though, admittedly, it also has remained silent at times when it should have spoken out). A foundation for much of that thought springs from the concept that God has granted human beings freedom to choose between good and evil, and the “more one does what is good, the freer one becomes,” as the Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it ( In a world that often glorifies power and money,

it is hard to believe that truth and goodness are the keys to freedom. But have a little faith and see where it gets you.

TODAY'S READINGS: Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; John 8:31-42 (253). “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Thursday, Apr 02, 2020 MEMORIAL OF FRANCIS OF PAOLA, HERMIT Vegan before vegan was a thing The movement toward organic farming and more humane animal husbandry has helped raise our awareness of the impact of our food production on the vast chain of creation. Saint Francis of Paola intuited all this more than 500 years ago, when he founded the religious order of Minims, “the least,” in the spirit of the “Lesser Brothers” of Saint Francis of Assisi. In addition to the usual monastic vows, Minims take a fourth vow to abstain from meat, eggs, and all dairy products, not only to practice a “Lenten way of life,” but also in an effort to “do no harm” to other living beings. Bring a bit of the spirit of the Minims to your dining table and daily life.

TODAY'S READINGS: Genesis 17:3-9; John 8:51-59 (254). “They picked up stones to throw at him; but Jesus hid and went out of the temple area.”

Friday, Apr 03, 2020 LENTEN WEEKDAY; DAY OF ABSTINENCE Banish the bullying Growing up, it seemed that every school, every playground had that kid—you know the one, the bully. That child taunted, picked on, and terrorized others. Unfortunately, as adults, we see bullies too in our workplaces, our relationships, on social media, in political life, and so on. As Catholics, we have a religious duty to take a stand against bullies. “Life, especially human life, belongs to God; whoever attacks human life attacks God’s very self” (Evangelium vitae §9). The church calls us to stop bullying in all its forms, including the ways we might bully others. Pope Francis challenges us: “What is it within us that pushes us to mock and mistreat others weaker than we are?” Be especially conscious today of the way you treat others.

TODAY'S READINGS: Jeremiah 20:10-13; John 10:31-42 (255). “I have shown you many good works from my Father. For which of these are you trying to stone me?”

Saturday, Apr 04, 2020 MEMORIAL OF ISIDORE OF SEVILLE, BISHOP, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH Go down in history It is amazing the impact one learned person can have on the course of history. Because sixth-century Isidore of Seville was a dedicated scholar and shared his erudition with others in dictionaries, encyclopedias, and great histories, much of the ancient world’s wisdom was preserved during the chaotic Middle Ages. He was sometimes called the “Schoolmaster of the Middle Ages” because his writings were used as textbooks for nine centuries! Perhaps more remarkable, he combined this great learning with an equal sense of compassion and charity toward those less fortunate. Be wise and kind and you will earn your place in salvation history.

TODAY'S READINGS: Ezekiel 37:21-28; John 11:45-56 (256). “What are we going to do? This man is performing many signs.”




Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things,

and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment

receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Prayer for Vocations O loving and gracious God, Father of all, you bless your people in every time and season and provide for their needs through your providential care. Your Church is continually in need of priests, deacons, sisters and brothers to offer themselves in the service of the gospel by lives of dedicated love. Open the hearts of your sons and daughters to listen to your call in their lives. Give them the gift of understanding to discern your invitation to serve you and your Church. Give them the gift of courage to follow your call. May they have the spirit of young Samuel who found fulfillment in his life when he said to you, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer. Amen.

Digital Resources 031620.cfm

Public Masses are Suspended

Fr. Norbert and Fr. Justin continue to celebrate Mass for the posted Mass Intentions as well as for the intentions of the people of the parish, those of our community and of the world. Mass must be celebrated without a congregation physically present. Please see below for more information for how you can still participate via Facebook.

In Memoriam

Virginia Hitt

March 18

Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

10 a.m.—6 p.m. In the Lady Chapel

Limited to 10 people at a time




St. Ignatius of Loyola works with Northwest Assistance Ministry (NAM)

to provide to those in need. Please bring your non-perishable items

to the front of Outreach Office Monday– Friday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Please know that our counselors are ready to support you.

Given the importance of current COVID-19 precautions, we will begin

offering online therapy sessions through webcam or phone.

For details and appointments, call (844) 295-3167 or visit

COMMUNITY LIFE St. Joseph Altar Guild Thanks You! With special thanks to Father Norbert Maduzia, the SILCC parish staff and everyone who offered their time, talents and treasure with a good heart. Most of all, we thank you for your good wishes and prayers. For those of you who made donations, please know that we will still use those donations to help the poor in our community, just as we will do with the cookie and raffle sales. Now please pray to St. Joseph that this pandemic might come to an end soon.”

Knights of Columbus Fish Fry: Knights of Columbus Council 10861 thanks our parish community for a great Fish Fry season. Thanks to our team of Knights and volunteers who cooked, baked and served. Thanks to our parish community for joining us for dinner.



Save the Dates :



Registration is open for the 2020-2021

school year. We offer programs for

children 8 months-Kindergarten. New

extended hours until 4:30 p.m.

Registration forms available in the

office. NEW! Online registration

is available on the parish website at Contact

Kathy or Donna at 281-370-3401 for

more information.

Important Information for

Faith Formation Families

All faith formation for students

in grades PK-12 will be home-

based for the remainder of the

spring semester. Lessons,

resources, and updates will be

sent using our parish Flocknote


First Holy Communion

If you have not already

picked up your child’s First

Communion preparation

materials, please contact

Lucille Pavlock in the parish office as

soon as possible. As a reminder, the

dates for our celebration of First Com-

munion are on hold. We will notify

parents as soon as possible once a final

decision has been made.


Queridos hermanos: Bueno, aquí estamos en otra semana de incertidumbre. Gracias a todos por su continuo apoyo y comprensión durante este momento tan difícil. Como saben, la vida continúa cambiando diariamente, aun a cada hora en algunos casos. Mientras escribo esto, hemos terminado una semana de misas de transmisión en vivo, así como el Ángelus, el Rosario y la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia; para cuando lean esto, habrán pasado dos semanas. Sé que debo sonar como un disco rayado, pero la mejor manera de mantenerse informado es mediante el uso de Flocknotes. Si no se ha registrado para una cuenta de Flocknote, es fácil hacerlo. Simplemente vaya a y regístrese. También puede establecer sus propios parámetros sobre cómo recibirá los avisos, así como si desea "notificación automática" o para que chequee sus notas por su cuenta. También usaremos la aplicación MyParish cuando el mensaje garantice información inmediata y de precaución. (Puede registrarse en Me reuniré con el Consejo de Finanzas el miércoles 25 de marzo por teleconferencia para revisar nuestra situación financiera. No soy contador, pero he vivido lo suficiente en la vida parroquial para saber que en este momento nuestra situación nos indica que estamos a flote, económicamente. (Sin embargo, no estoy seguro por cuánto tiempo.) Le he pedido al personal que cancele todos los gastos en este momento y, por más difícil que sea, comenzaremos a suspender parte del personal. Nuestro lema parroquial es ser un pueblo para los demás. Por lo tanto, mantendremos suficiente personal para cumplir nuestra misión y lema parroquial. Hemos visto visualmente el trabajo de los Coordinadores de Liturgia a través del uso de Facebook Live. Qué trabajo tan extraordinario hicieron para reunir todo lo necesario para transmitir en vivo nuestra Misa el domingo pasado. Quiero dar un agradecimiento especial a Luis Rodarte, el seminarista de El Paso que está trabajando con nosotros este año, a Jimmy Nguyen con "Your Tech Guys", Peter Ramirez y Ron Svoboda. Se unieron y cada uno tuvo una parte para hacer que la transmisión en vivo fuera más que una producción o video. ¡Luis aprendió el programa e hizo todas las gráficas en un día! Luis será un buen sacerdote, si tan solo pudiéramos mantenerlo en esta Arquidiócesis. El Departamento de Formación ha trabajado arduamente para reunir algunos videos y transmisiones en vivo para la formación continua en los hogares. Enviarán avisos a través de Facebook, la aplicación MyParish y, por supuesto, Flocknote. Realmente espero que aprovechen estas oportunidades para crecer en su fe y como familia. Le recomiendo que consulte nuestro sitio web ( para obtener actualizaciones. Estamos tratando de mantener todo actualizado, pero a veces nuestras fuentes de información nos hacen llegar estos datos demasiado rápido. Agradezco a todos por su paciencia. Recuerden rezar. Recuerden que el Señor está con nosotros. Si bien el Cardenal ha eliminado la obligación de asistir a Misa, si es posible, aún debemos observar el domingo, el día de la fiesta original, pasando tiempo en oración; dando gracias a Dios por la vida y nuestra redención en Cristo; recordando nuestras muchas bendiciones, orando por fortaleza y sanación; y orando por las necesidades de los demás. Leer y reflexionar sobre las lecturas del día es beneficioso. Los textos de las Escrituras, así como una reflexión en audio, están disponibles en En la Misa en vivo del domingo pasado, el Padre Justin señaló que nosotros, los sacerdotes, estamos un poco entumecidos en este momento porque nuestras vidas están destinadas a servir al rebaño que se nos ha encomendado. Lamentamos la pérdida de verles en sus lugares durante la Misa cada semana. Quiero terminar este mensaje con algunos de los "Tal vez" del Padre Justin: Tal vez, solo tal vez, Dios, en su cuidado providencial, tiene la intención de alcanzar un mayor bien por medio de todo esto para su sacerdote ... Tal vez el sacerdocio, después de haber experimentado esta pérdida, se revitalizará en todo el mundo, tendrá un renovado espíritu y celo por almas, un espíritu revivido de servicio y sacrificio, para llevar a cabo lo que el Santo Padre, el Papa Francisco nos había pedido hace varios años, "oler a las ovejas" ... Y para usted en su hogar, ha experimentado la pérdida especialmente de la Misa y la recepción de la Eucaristía ... Pero, tal vez, solo tal vez, Dios en su cuidado providencial tiene la intención de lograr un bien mayor para todos los fieles dispersos en todo el mundo ... Tal vez usted, así como nuestros hermanos y hermanas en todo La iglesia será revitalizado, renovado con celo y fervor por el Santísimo Sacrificio de la Misa, que ya no se verá como una rutina o algo que "tengo que hacer" ... sino más bien un gran regalo, y algo que tengo el privilegio de participar en ... quizás, solo tal vez tengamos un mayor fervor por nuestro Bendito Señor en la Eucaristía, que anhelemos venir ante Él en oración y adoración, que tengamos cuidado de no recibirlo indignamente , que lo haremos con inmensa ALEGRÍA en la presencia real del Señor en la Eucaristía. Sepan, hermanos y hermanas, que el Padre. Justin y yo los tenemos constantemente a todas en nuestras oraciones. Bendiciones y paz y una conversión cuaresmal,



Domingo de oración de la mañana:

Aceso gratuito a nuestra versión online y nuestra App de MAGNIFICAT de forma excepcional. Por favor, ayúdanos a difundir este mensaje y comparte este email y enlace: con tantas personas como puedas. También se ofrece acceso temporal gratuito en inglés:



Domingo, Mar 29, 2020 QUINTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA; TERCER ESCRUTINIO DE LA ELECCIÓN La pesadilla ha terminado El momento de despertar de una pesadilla está cargado de alivio. Quien fuera que te perseguía se disuelve, y lo que fuera que amenazaba dañarte ha desaparecido. El dolor y la pérdida, sin embargo, pueden ser verdaderas pesadillas de las que no conseguimos despertar. No obstante, las oraciones del Escrutinio por nuestros Elegidos afirman que el “horror del pecado, que distorsiona la vida” es realmente un mal del que podemos escapar. La muerte llega a su fin, y el amor tendrá su victoria. Oramos con nuestros Elegidos para liberarnos de todos los senderos que conducen a la muerte y por una mayor atracción hacia los caminos que restablecen la vida.

LECTURAS PARA HOY: Ezequiel 37:12-14; Romanos 8:8-11; Juan 11:1-45 (34). “Quien crea en mí, aunque muera, vivirá.”

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