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Cultural Relics1UNIT


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Cultural Relics

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Unit Culture RelicsCulture Relics

Unit 7 Cultural relics 43

Page 5: Welcome To Jiangsu Houji High School Cultural Relics 1 UNIT Revision.

A word game :






1.something of or involving culture

c______ relics2. stand for or act as a spokesperson for r________ 3. one that is beautiful

a b_____4. a picture or description of a


a p_______5. a figure of a person in bronze a bronze


Page 6: Welcome To Jiangsu Houji High School Cultural Relics 1 UNIT Revision.

6. be combined into a unit get u______7. breathing very quickly or hard out of b ________8. destroy a building p___ ____ a building9. in pieces in r_____ 10. create the building again r_______ the building



ull down



Page 7: Welcome To Jiangsu Houji High School Cultural Relics 1 UNIT Revision.


uilt nder attack

ive in estroyed

ieces n ruinsebuild

ring ack

eplaced/recreatedestored ome true


The city-St Petersburg is built w① _____ there is a river--- the Neva River . Peter the Great, who was strong and proud, b② _____ this city. The city was u③ ____ ______ for three years during the Second World War, but people there didn’t g④ ___ __. The Germans d⑤ _______ the buildings and everywhere you could see paintings and statues lie in p⑥ _____ and the whole city was i⑦ ___ ____.   After the war, Russian people began to r⑧ ______ the city. They wanted to b⑨ _____ the city b⑩ ______ to life. Now, many m______ pieces, i________ a portrait of Peter the Great , have been r_________________, and the city has been r________. Dreams can c____ ____.



14 15


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1.under attack2. in ruins/ in pieces3. bring… back to lif

e4. with the help of 5. come true6. look out over (俯

视 ) 7. cause damage to 8. make one’s voic

e heard9. as wonderful as… 10. out of breath

Page 9: Welcome To Jiangsu Houji High School Cultural Relics 1 UNIT Revision.

Make up a story or a paragraph. 1.under attack

2. in ruins/ in pieces3. bring… back to lif

e4. with the help of 5. come true6. look out over (俯

视 ) 7. cause damage to 8. make one’s voic

e heard9. as wonderful as… 10. out of breath

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1. prefix: re-

re- + build = rebuildre- rebuildmeaning “again” meaning “build again”

retell rewrite

reexperience replace

replay rethink

Page 11: Welcome To Jiangsu Houji High School Cultural Relics 1 UNIT Revision.

③ A great many schoolmates got reunited for our school’s 50th birthday last Friday.

② Suppose the brain is a computer. … Dr. Jenner, in effect, by reprogram

ming his computer, erased the old way of looking at his smallpox problem and was free to receive new alternatives.

A. Change the program of his computer.

B. Look at his problem in a new way.

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2. give 短语give up

give in

give away

give back

give off

give out

1. He _________ his seat to an old woman. ______

2. The gas _________ an unpleasant smell. _____3. Our money soon ___________. _____

4. Have you _____ him ______ the money yet?____

gave up

gave offgave out

given back



Page 13: Welcome To Jiangsu Houji High School Cultural Relics 1 UNIT Revision.

1. Children who are always ______ by their parents soon became spoiled.

A give in B. given in C. give in to D. given in to 2. ---- Smoking is bad for your health. ---- Yes, I know. But I simply can’t ______. (2002

北京春招) A. give it up B. give it in C. give it out D. give it away3. (2003 北京 ) Don’t tell that at the beginning of the s

tory, or it may ______ the shocking ending. A. give away B. give out C. give up D. give off

give in to sb. 向某人屈服


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完型填空( 2004 浙江) 

  丈夫 Bob 和妻子 Pat 签定“ motherhood” 合同,在家照料孩子,做家务…… After 40 of the 70 days, he was ready to 39 .“I was beaten down,” admits Bob. “Not only is motherhood a difficult task, it is an impossible job for any normal human being.” …… 39. A. carry on B. give up C. break down D. find out

Page 15: Welcome To Jiangsu Houji High School Cultural Relics 1 UNIT Revision.

3. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Adverbial Clause where 引导状语从句

Where there is a river, there is a city.

Page 16: Welcome To Jiangsu Houji High School Cultural Relics 1 UNIT Revision.

1. I will go where I am needed.

2. Where there is life, there is hope.e.g. 请把信放在我容易找到的地方。

Put the letter where I can easily find it.

Have a try!

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1. (2006 四川 ) --Mom, what did your doctor say? --He advised me to live the air is fresher. A. in where B. in which C. the place where D. where

2. (2005 上海 ) If a shop has chairs _________ women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop. A. that B. which C. when D. where

Attributive Clause( 定语从句 )

( )

Adverbial Clause ( 状语从句 )

( )

先行词 (antecedent)

做题方法: 判断有无先行词 分析从句是否缺乏主干成分

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4.________________( 坚强、自豪、团结 ), the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.

Strong, proud and united


The goat rolled over, _______( 死了 ).dead

Page 19: Welcome To Jiangsu Houji High School Cultural Relics 1 UNIT Revision.

1. One woman was lying in bed, awake.

2. He approached us, full of apologies.

3. Unable to find the piece of paper on which he had written her e-mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory.

Let’s translate and enjoy the beautiful sentences!

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① ____________ , he agreed to give it a try . ②He spent 7 days in the wind and snow , (又冷又饿) _______________.

cold and hungry

Much interested

③ 坚定而努力,圣彼得堡人拯救了他们的城市和文化古迹。 (determined)

( 很感兴趣 )



Let’s have a try!

Determined and hard-working, the people of St Petersburg saved their city and cultural relics.

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Yuanmingyuan(The Garden of Perfection and Brightness)

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Should we rebuild Yuanming


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Should Yuanmingyuan Be Rebuilt?

参考词汇:国宝 national treasure注意:尝试运用所学知识

支持重建者的观点 反对重建者的观点 你的观点

1. 可以让我们重新体验它的美丽.

1 .  重建会破坏大自然的美丽. 

?2 . 我们的国家强大了,我们有能力重建.

2 .  耗时、 耗资.

3 .  不应该灰心;有志者,事竟成.

3 .  重新聚集所有的国宝似乎很难.

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Homework: Write your composition down.

( 注意连贯 )

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