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Page 1:,_Week_4.… · Source: Today’s Word with Joel & Victoria Osteen. Dr Johan Griesel Principal IMPORTANT DATES

Last Wednesday, the Year 3 students travelled down to the Urrbrae Wetlands and enjoyed the day investigating their Science

topic – Is it living? The program was comprehensive and allowed the students to have a hands-on experience.

ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 website: email: [email protected]

28 East Terrace, Strathalbyn, SA 5255 Phone: (08) 8536 3355Term 4 Week 4 - 6 Nov 2015






2015Term 4 Mon 12 Oct - Wed 9 Dec


Term 1 Mon 8 Feb - Fri 15 AprTerm 2 Tues 3 May - Fri 8 JulTerm 3 Mon 25 Jul - Fri 30 SeptTerm 4 Mon 17 Oct - Thur 15 Dec

TERM DATES 2015/2016

Week 6 - NOVMon 16 Yr 10 Photography Trip (Monarto Zoo)

Tues 17 final Buddy class (Rec - Yr 11)

Yr 9 Boys Fishing Trip (Port Norlunga)

Wed 18 SACSA Basketball Carnvial (Yr 4/5’s @ Morphett Vale)

Puppet Show (Rec - Yr 6 in Auditorium)

Yr 9/10 Drama Performance (7.00pm on Gym Stage)

Thurs 19 SACSA Basketball Carnvial (Yr 6/7 Girls @ M/Vale)

Reception Snow Play Excursion (Thebarton Ice Arena)

continued on page 2

Week 5 - NOVTues 10 2016 ELC & Rec Orientation Morning (9.00 - 11.00am)

Wed 11 Remembrance Day Service (Rec - Yr 12 @ 10.50am)

Thurs 12 YEAR 10 - 12 PRESENTATION NIgHT (7.00pm in the Auditorium)

Fri 13 Irene Gleeson Foundation Assembly* (Yr 7 - 11 @ 10.45am in the Auditorium) *Parents are welcome

Yr 12 Break Up Day (Glenelg Beach)

continued on page 5

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ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 website: email: [email protected]

The year is speeding along with a busy time awaiting our School Community. We have several exciting events taking place during the next couple of weeks. We are looking forward to the following events:

•Thurs 12 November, 7.00pm – Senior (Yr 10 to 12) Presentation Night and Year 12 Graduation

•fri 20 November, 6.00pm – Year 12 Formal, Currency Creek Winery

•Wed 2 December, 6.30pm – Primary Music Evening

•Tues 8 December, 6.30pm – Middle (Yr 7 to 9) Presentation Night

• Wed 9 December, 6.30pm – Primary (Rec to Yr 6) Presentation Night

Our Primary Music Evening will be a time of great celebration with our students displaying their years learning in Music.

Our 2015 Presentation Nights are taking on a different form this year. We will be celebrating each student’s individual learning with every student recognised on stage. A letter will be sent home with detailed information.

I received the following daily devotion from Mrs Anne Bryant and wish to share it with you. I trust you will find the message as supportive as I did.

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8, ESV).

He Teaches the Way

Do you need to know which way to go? Maybe you are facing an important decision in your job, at home or in your relationships. Know this: God Himself will teach you what you should do. He promises to show you the path you should take. He’s watching over you and giving you advice every step of the way.

God’s not just concerned with the goal, or end result. It’s not just about getting you from point “A” to point “B.” He is with you every step of the way during the entire process. He wants to see your character develop and mature. Most times, our growth in life happens when circumstances seem to be the most uncertain. Those uncertain times cause us to rely more on God.

No matter how uncertain things may seem, God still has His eye on you. He’s making sure that you make the right choices. He’s working with you to shape your character and attitude. Remember, He’s promised to never leave you nor forsake you. You may not always know the answer right away, but He’s always teaching you and leading you into blessing all the days of your life! Source: Today’s Word with Joel & Victoria Osteen.

Dr Johan GrieselPrincipal


Week 7 - NOVMon 23 Primary Swimming Lessons commence

Yr 10 Outdoor Ed Trip (Kuitpo Forest)

Thurs 26 ELC Excursion (Monarto Zoo)

Yr 9 Rite Journey Graduation Ceremony (7.00pm in Auditorium)

Fri 27 School Triathlon Challenge (Yr 3 - 7 & Adelaide Aquatics Centre)

Week 6 - NOVFri 20 SACSA Basketball Carnvial (Yr 6/7 Boys @ M/Vale)

Yr 12 formal (6.00pm @ Currency Creek Winery)

Week 8 - NOV/DEcMon 30 2016 Yr 3 - 11 Orientation Day

Yr 1 & 2 Excursion (Bounce)

Tues 1 2016 Yr 1 & 2 Orientation Day

Secondary Assembly (Christmas Theme)

WED 2 PRIMARY MuSIc NIgHT (6.30pm in Gym)

PRAYER cORNERPraise god for•PraisingGodforourhealth.•Newenrolmentsfor2016.•Godbeingourgreatprovider.

Please pray for•OurYear12studentswritingexamsandcompleting assignments.•Familiesofpeoplethatdiedintheairdisaster in Egypt over the weekend.•RemembranceServiceon11Novemberat the School and throughout the world.•CompletionofourELCbuildingproject

Regular opening hours during term:Monday 8:30am - 9:30amWednesday 2:45pm - 3:45pmFriday 8:30am - 9:30am


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ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 website: email: [email protected]


On Friday 30 October, the Graduating class of 2005 travelled from all over the country and gathered together at the Stirling Hotel to celebrate their 10 Year Reunion.

There was time for reminiscing their time at school as well as catching up on what each other have been up to over the last 10 years.

Jess Mumford (O’Connor) organised various items such as: photos, yearbooks, trophies and school uniform for their ‘memory table’. This was a great talking point for everyone who attended.

A majority of the members in the class are still close friends and catch up from time to time.

Jo Standford, Tanya Dalton (Sandford), April Perry &

Chloe Harradine

Jack Snell, Robbie Kay, Elijah Jewell & Nathan Kleinig

Kenan Henderson, Michael Wright & Jack Snell

Brooke Wheatley (May) & Megan Donald

fROM THE DESk Of THE OffIcE MANAgERAs I read through the newsletter each fortnight, proofing as I go, I am always amazed at how much opportunity our students have each week to engage in extracurricular activities that support their classroom learning. Thank you to all the staff and students who share these stories with the rest of us.

Welcome to our 2 new students this week, Madeline and Georgina. We trust you have found your way around and been made to feel very much at home.

Orientation Days are nearly here for our new students joining us in 2016 and also for our rising stars starting Pre School and Reception next year.

Letters have been sent home and the dates are confirmed again in the Diary section of this newsletter.

Booklists and Fee schedule for 2016 will be out very soon.

Thank you to the many of you that have come to

the School in the last few weeks to view the proposed Student Uniform in our Main Administration Office and Uniform Shop. Thank you for the feedback received up to this point. If you have not had a chance to look at what is being proposed, please come and visit the School, as we will be concluding the feedback process on Friday 13 November 2015.

Have a wonderful weekend. If you are looking for some things to do, come and support our parents Mark & Priscilla Bussenschutt on Saturday at the Walk to Cure Diabetes in Mt Barker and join us at the Annual Rotary Duck Race on Sunday where our School will provide free children’s games & activities for the morning. Come on down and say ‘Hello’.

Lynette WhittakerOffice Manager & Enrolments Officer

Saturday 7 November at 9.30amKeith Stevenson Park, Mt Barker


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ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 website: email: [email protected]

We had a guided tour of the Wetlands by Anne-Louise. She explained to us the importance of having an environment where native flora and fauna could flourish. Students took part in testing the Wetland’s salinity and clarity. One of the most exciting aspects of the trip was allowing students to catch their own Aquatic

macro-invertebrates. They were then placed under a microscope and examined for identification. Thank you to Mrs Cheryl Mountford and Mrs Paquita Wise for assisting us on the trip!

Cameron LockYr 3 Teacher


EATINg HEALTHY WITH JuNk fOOD JIMOn Tuesday 3 November our Reception to Year 3 students had a visit from ‘Junk Food Jim’.He had many characters and dressed up in costumes to match which made the presentation very interactive and fun for students.Students followed him as he went on the journey of trying to

join the ‘Flying Food Circus’. It

was a fun educational journey

for our students as they all

discovered many healthy

eating tips.

Thank you to OPAL (Obesity

Prevention and Lifestyle) for

allowing Junk Food Jim to

come and visit us.

Page 5:,_Week_4.… · Source: Today’s Word with Joel & Victoria Osteen. Dr Johan Griesel Principal IMPORTANT DATES

On Thursday 22 October our Year 4/5 and 6/7 students participated in the SACSA Netball competition at Golden Grove. The conditions were superb and all students had a lot of fun working as a team. All students wore black arm bands for the day in memory of Leila Baartse (Year 4) who had participated in all the sporting carnivals this year.The 4/5 boys showed great energy on and off the court throughout the day. Although many may have been inexperienced they made up for this with their effort. Some minor injuries were sustained but to the boys credit they soldiered on to the end.The passionate 4/5 girls gave it their all and you could not question their endeavor. With the one win for the day the team was excited to see the potential that they have. It will be great to see how they progress as a team over the coming years.The 6/7 boys team who were often outsized were definitely not out skilled with all of the boys putting in a real effort for the team. They boys gelled well as a

team and were often encouraging each other with advice and positive talk. Some of the 6/7 girls were still suffering from the Hairspray musical the previous evening and although tired, gave their best effort out on the court. With the limited training the girls had together they relied on their friendship and teamwork to get them through the day.All teams showed great sportsmanship towards the umpires, coaches, teammates and opposition. It was a long day and a huge thank you to parents who got their children to school early and picked them up late.A special thank you to Lynette Whittaker, Tracy Falzon, and Deb Conner for helping out on the day by coaching and supervising teams.Thank you to Brianna Rowett for being our photographer for the day.What a success and we look forward to doing it all again next year.

Jason SchulzPE Coordinator

5 letter - week 4


ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 website: email: [email protected]


As part of winning the Premiers Reading Challenge 2015 on Monday 26 October our Year 6 class went Ten Pin Bowling at Murray Bridge. Some students were very new to the idea but gave it a go and really enjoyed themselves. It was a great day out celebrating many strikes and scores. We had hotdogs and chips for lunch before heading down to Sturt Reserve to play on the playground as well as some classic fitness games.

A treat well deserved for all the hard work put into the Premiers Reading Challenge. Well done!

Jason SchulzYr 6 Teacher


Page 6:,_Week_4.… · Source: Today’s Word with Joel & Victoria Osteen. Dr Johan Griesel Principal IMPORTANT DATES

On Wednesday 21 October the Year 10 Geography Students from both Strathalbyn and Salisbury East went on a combined Geography Excursion to the South Coast. Together we visited Middleton, Port Elliot and Goolwa Beach, Barrage and Lock. This was an opportunity to put our geography skills to the test! We measured longshore drift, using oranges as floatation devices, drew field sketches and measured the distance from the high water mark to the primary dune, and it’s height. Highlights of the day

included visiting the famous Port Elliot Bakery & hanging out with fellow Tyndalians!

Ellie SihGoegraphy Teacher

6letter - week 4


ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 website: email: [email protected]

On Tuesday 27 October our Year 11 Biology class ventured to the Adelaide Zoo as part of their Experimental Design Practical observing Animal Behaviour. Students had designed their own practical investigation to study the behaviours of specific species in captivity.

They observed specific animals relevant to their hypothesis and recorded over specific time intervals the animal’s behaviours. Animals observed included: White-Cheeked Gibbon, Meerkats, Golden Lion, Tamarin, Hamadryas Baboon, Siamang and an Orang-utan. It was quite an enjoyable experience for all as they were able to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical scenario.

Clara TreglownBiology Teacher



Miss Sih with Salisbury East’s geography Teacher Suzie Rust


1 - Hayley Pohl Yr 11

2 & 3 - Blake Kwong DeBarro Yr 12




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ph: 8536 3355 fax: 8536 3097 website: email: [email protected]

ALL cREDIT TO THE MATHS STuDENTS fOR THEIR DISTINcTIVE RESuLTSRecently, 30 of our Secondary students participated in the Australian Maths Competition.The results are as follows: 3 Distinctions 13 Credits 10 Proficiencies 4 ParticipationWell done to all of the students involved as that is an outstanding result!All certificates were given out at the Secondary Assembly in Week 3.

Distinction Recipients

Proficiency Recipients

Credit Recipients

This year has been filled with so many sporting events, but it was the last one of the year that had everyone talking. The very first Ken Allen cup was to be held with the host team being the students. After losing the past three encounters against staff, students had a lot to prove and they came into the game as hot favourites. Seeing that the students lost last year they were given the choice of what sport to do and they were quick to choose European Handball, this would be the first time the staff and students had faced off in this sport. After dominating Tyndale Salisbury in the Tyndale Cup late in Term 3 our students were confident in their chances of taking home the Cup. What was to happen will go down in history as not only the first Ken Allen Cup but also one of the greatest student vs staff games in our history. The students had a very strong line up coming into the last day but with two of their female star players unable to play, students started to get nervous.

The atmosphere was electric and it was a while before the first goal was scored. The staff started fast but it was the students who struck first with the ball bouncing through Mr McGowan’s legs. The game looked as if it would go to the script but the teachers had another story to tell as they were able to reply quickly. It was goal for goal after that and the students were only up by one goal at the main break. After a quick refreshment the second half was underway. The students started to play their brand of play once again and bounced away to a three goal lead. But once again the staff came back fast with some great play that opened up the students defence. Both the staff and students pressed hard to get the goal that would give them the lead but the final siren went and the teams were tied eight goals all.

The captains from both teams went to the umpire and deliberated as to how they could determine the outcome

of the game. It was decided that they would play another three minutes of overtime and if there was still no winning side it would go to a golden goal. The ball went up and the staff pressed hard to give themselves the lead but with some great goal keeping by Wessel Van Wyk it was hard to score, but eventually the staff broke through and scored to give them the lead. The staff held onto the ball but after the ball was held onto for too long in the staff’s defensive zone a penalty was given to the students. They all lined up to see what would happen, the siren had gone, Mr Lock tried to take up as much space as he could. But it wasn’t enough as the ball went flying past him. Scores were tied!It was now down to golden goal, both captains once again discussed how they should do the last play and agreed on a ball up. Two stars of the game Marcus Allen and Rhett Perry stood ready to get up and tap the ball down to their team mates. The ball went up and it was Rhett Perry who slammed the ball forward to the wing, the ball was then lobbed from the corner of the court into the middle where Joe Goodman jumped up and slapped the ball through the goals! The students had won a thriller at Tyndale Strath!!!A huge thankyou to Mr Jones and his class for setting up chairs and posters and also to Mr McGowan and some of his students for setting up for the game. It was great to see the game played with so much determination and passion. And I would also like to give recognition to our illustrious former Principal Mr Ken Allen of which the cup is named after. Hopefully the students can take out the next clash of whatever the next game may be!

Ben FergussonSchool Captain

Photos of the game can be found on the School’s facebook page


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Come Swim With UsSwimming is a great way to stay fit and have a good time doing it. All ages are welcome.The summer season runs from October through late March with training Monday through Thursday evenings from 5.30pm to 7.00pm.Come and Try four times between October and Christmas. Ringing ahead will be appreciated so we can anticipate your attendance.Junior swimmers should be able to swim 25m in recognisable form in: - freestyle - backstroke Intermediate swimmers should be able to swim 50m in good form in: - freestyle - backstroke - breststrokeand have a recognisable butterfly.Senior swimmers should be able to swim 100m in good form in: - freestyle - backstroke - breststroke - butterflyWe ask that families commit to at least one training a week, but of course, the more training, the better swimmer.Competitions are held nearly every weekend around the state. Competing is not required and families choose which competitions work best for them. Registration Day is 17 October at the Clubhouse from 10.00am to 1.00 pm. For any questions, please contact Craig Dix via phone: 0439 890 941 or email: [email protected]

8 letter - week 4


keep your kids smiling!Dental care is Free for most school children and ALL preschool

children at the Mount Barker School Clinic.

All children aged 0-17 are welcome.

Call us now for an appointment on 8391 0858.

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