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Page 1: Webmarketing123: Tune Up Your SEO Strategy With 5 Tailored Tips for Q4_09-28-2011

Tune Up Your SEO Strategy with 5 Tailored Tips for Q4 Strategies for staying one step ahead of the rest

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1 Optimal Keyword Targeting Sustain SEO value with specific keyword placement and best practices

2 Create an On-Page Optimization Strategy Evaluate ways to better optimize the on-page user experience

3 Follow Content and Copywriting Best Practices Enable your call to action to compel users to click through

4 Establish A Crawl-able Site Architecture Ensure SEO-friendly link structures exist within your site

5 Set Up a Tracking and Measurement Schedule Integrate consistent and thorough tracking into your monitoring efforts

Webinar Agenda

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1 Optimal Keyword Targeting Sustain SEO value with specific keyword placement and best practices

2 Create an On-Page Optimization Strategy Evaluate ways to better optimize the on-page user experience

3 Follow Content and Copywriting Best Practices Enable your call to action to compel users to click through

4 Establish A Crawl-able Site Architecture Ensure SEO-friendly link structures exist within your site

5 Set Up a Tracking and Measurement Schedule Integrate consistent and thorough tracking into your monitoring efforts

Webinar Agenda

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Investigate Google Insights to compare long-term trends:

1 Keyword Optimization

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Select a mix of both “head match” and “long tail” keywords

1 Keyword Optimization

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• Best Practices

• Have a mix of both generic and

“long-tail” terms

• Do not focus just on search volume

• Google your proposed search terms

to see if the sites ranking on page 1

are relevant to what your business


• Look at search trends for your

proposed keywords

• Expand on your keywords by finding


1 Keyword Optimization Keyword selection is important because it determines the course of your campaign

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• Identify the traffic on EACH keyword

• Utilize the keywords that are MOST relevant to your product or service

• Look for keywords that have potential to bring qualified traffic

1 Gauge Your Keyword Potential Find low hanging fruit

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1 Identify the Keywords that Bring You Traffic How Do Keyword Phrases Affect Your Website’s User Experience?

Visitor Bounce Rate?

• Relevancy

Visitor Time on Site?

• Engagement

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1 Evaluate Your Best Traffic Driving Terms Analytics & AdWords

Keywords that drive ORGANIC traffic:

Keywords that drive PAID conversions:

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1 Optimal Keyword Targeting Sustain SEO value with specific keyword placement and best practices

2 Create an On-Page Optimization Strategy Evaluate ways to better optimize the on-page user experience

3 Follow Content and Copywriting Best Practices Enable your call to action to compel users to click through

4 Establish A Crawl-able Site Architecture Ensure SEO-friendly link structures exist within your site

5 Set Up a Tracking and Measurement Schedule Integrate consistent and thorough tracking into your monitoring efforts

Webinar Agenda

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2 Navigate Your Keyword Placement Strategize Keyword Placement in Content Silos

• Place 3-5 keyword iterations on each page of your site

• Determine which pages are best suited to each keyword

• Assign each keyword to a page in each website section

• Develop a cohesive theme across each page and section

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Other Relevant Internal Pages

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Page Titles are the most important page ranking factor!

2 On-Page Optimization Tips Set Unique Page Titles

• Include keywords at the start of your page title

• Use a clear and simple call-to-action

• Page Titles affect Click-through rates (CTR)

Bad Example!

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2 On-Page Optimization Tips Define H1 Tags and ALT Tags

Define at the page level to allow maximum SEO benefit: • Layout

• Length

• Content

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2 On-Page Optimization Tips Define H1 Tags and ALT Tags

Set ALT Tags at the page-level, not image library level for maximum SEO benefit.

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1 Optimal Keyword Targeting Sustain SEO value with specific keyword placement and best practices

2 Create an On-Page Optimization Strategy Evaluate ways to better optimize the on-page user experience

3 Follow Content and Copywriting Best Practices Enable your call to action to compel users to click through

4 Establish A Crawl-able Site Architecture Ensure SEO-friendly link structures exist within your site

5 Set Up a Tracking and Measurement Schedule Integrate consistent and thorough tracking into your monitoring efforts

Webinar Agenda

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• Continue to churn out fresh content for search engine spiders.

• Add more content that includes your keyword phrases and is composed in a natural writing style.


• Allow your website to be mostly based in Flash.

• Have cluttered pages with no clear call to action.

• Overuse keywords. People will notice and so will the search engines!

3 Create Content for Search Engines to Read If you have good content in your marketing collateral, use it!

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• Work to engage your visitors in your products and services:

• Blogs, Press Releases, Articles, Whitepapers and More…

• Speak the language of your audience

• Strengthen the call-to-action and promote in social

3 Engage Visitors in Your Offering If you have good content in your marketing collateral, use it!

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3 Extend Your Content Past Your Website Become a trusted, reliable source

Courtesy: SEOmoz

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• People tend to follow the eye path where the subject in the hero graphic is looking

• Make your subject look at your ad creative if you want people to look at it too

3 Capture User Attention Encourage eye contact through a hero image subject

Courtesy of:

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1 Optimal Keyword Targeting Sustain SEO value with specific keyword placement and best practices

2 Create an On-Page Optimization Strategy Evaluate ways to better optimize the on-page user experience

3 Follow Content and Copywriting Best Practices Enable your call to action to compel users to click through

4 Establish A Crawl-able Site Architecture Ensure SEO-friendly link structures exist within your site

5 Set Up a Tracking and Measurement Schedule Integrate consistent and thorough tracking into your monitoring efforts

Webinar Agenda

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4 How Google Crawls Your Website

• Spiders crawl your site:

• Daily • Weekly or… • Monthly

• With a focus on keyword:

• Consistency • Variation

• To recognize “ties” between:

• Links • Content • Keywords

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• Search on Google or Bing:

• Identify how many pages are being indexed

4 Establish a Crawl-able Site Architecture Examine your site pages indexed on the search engines

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Compare against Google’s Webmaster Tools

4 Use Webmaster Tools to View Crawler Stats

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• Check your cache to view crawl frequency

4 Baseline: How Often Your Site is Crawled Make sure site navigation links can be followed

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Google needs to fully understand the thematic path across your content, keywords, pages, and URLs. How to accomplish: • Carefully structure internal linking

• Create content silos

• Establish crawling pathways through a clear navigation structure

4 Develop Navigation & Linking Structure Guide Search Engines with Clear Content Silo Structures

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1 Optimal Keyword Targeting Sustain SEO value with specific keyword placement and best practices

2 Create an On-Page Optimization Strategy Evaluate ways to better optimize the on-page user experience

3 Follow Content and Copywriting Best Practices Enable your call to action to compel users to click through

4 Establish A Crawl-able Site Architecture Ensure SEO-friendly link structures exist within your site

5 Set Up a Tracking and Measurement Schedule Integrate consistent and thorough tracking into your monitoring efforts

Webinar Agenda

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Analyze goal paths and completion rates

5 Construct a Regular Monitoring System

• Traffic sources • Landing page visits

• Page visit duration • New visits

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5 Standardize Your Metrics Develop a routine tracking system to measure:

• Conversions

• Visitor Engagement

• Lead Growth

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5 Standardize Your Metrics Create a custom metrics dashboard

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• Optimize your keywords and strategize placement within your site content

• Undergo on-page keyword optimization to empower each call-to-action

• Practice content copywriting and avoid common SEO mistakes

• Secure a search engine crawl-able navigation and link structure

Key Takeaways

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Thank You!

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Contact Us about Qualifying for a Free Digital Marketing Analysis

Custom Analysis includes:

-Competitive Report: find out where you rank against your top

competitors and what tactics they’re employing

-Opportunity Analysis: learn how to improve your Digital Marketing

Strategy and see how much opportunity is available for your company

-Website Analytics: detailing the keywords, sources, and referrals that

visitors are using to discover your website

- Search Engine Friendliness Report: crawl-ability analysis of your site

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