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Lesson Plan 1: ELA

Task: Design an assessment plan to monitor student progress toward learning


Prompt: Describe your strategy for assessing student progress (pre, during, & post)

so that by the end of the lesson(s) you will have evidence of student learning.

Prior to this lesson, the students read a book called “The Recess Queen”. This was a book about

bullying, and how to get rid of a bully. To assess their prior knowledge, the students were given

a KWL chart and asked to fill out the “Know” and “What to know” section. This would complete

their pre assessment. During the lesson the class will come together to read the book “One”.

Once the book is completed, the students are to fill out the “Learned” section in their KWL chart.

This will allow the teacher to see if the students gained any knowledge from to beginning of the

lesson, and if they have understood what the term “bully’ means. For the post assessment the

students will receive a venn diagram to compare and contrast “The Recess Queen” and “One”.

At this point the teacher should see growth from the beginning and the students should be able to

identify different traits of a bully and how each character was alike and different. These

assessments are appropriate for second grade because they involve visual and kinesthetic


A: Overview of Assessment Plan:

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Lesson Objectives Assessments

Lesson Objective:After the bullying lesson, the students will answer questions and draw conclusions by comparing “The Recess Queen” and “One” with 90% accuracy.

Pre: The students will complete a KWL chart individually, then together as a class on the word bully.

During: The students will fill out the “L” column after the completion of the book “One”.

Post: The students will complete a venn diagram on the books “Recess Queen” and “One”

B. Describe the pre- and post-assessments that are aligned with your lesson objective(s):

Students Pre- During Post

1 Y + 5

2 Y + 5

3 Y + 5

4 Y + 5

5 Y + 4

6 Y + 5

7 Y + 5

8 Y + 4

9 Y + 5

10 Y + 5

11 Y + 4

12 Y + 5

13 Y + 4

14 Y - 5

15 Y + 5

16 Y - 5

17 Y + 5

18 Y + 5

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Students Pre- During Post

19 Y + 4

20 Y + 5

21 Y + 4

22 Y + 3

23 Y + 5

24 Y + 5

25 N - 4

Class Average Y + 4.6

• The student highlighted in green is the highest preforming student.

• The student highlighted in yellow is the average preforming student.

• The student highlighted in red is the lowest preforming student.

• Pre-assessment: This assessment was graded with a Y for yes and an N for no. The student

had to list at least one or more facts about a bully in the “Know” column on their KWL chart to

receive a Y. If a student did not write down any facts or did not write down a fact that made

sense, the student would receive a N.

• During: This assessment was graded with a + or a - sign. To receive a + the student has to

complete their KWL chart, and have three or more facts in the “Learned” column. If a student

did not complete their KWL chart, they received a -.

• Post: This assessment was graded with a scale of 0-5. For a student to receive a 5, the student

had to at least list four differences between the books (two bullets under each book in the venn

diagram) and one common trait. If the student received a 4 or below, this means the student

did not fully complete the lesson. One point was taken off for each missing part.

C. Discuss you plan for determining student progress during the lesson.

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• During the pre-assessment: During this assessment I walked around the room, making sure

the students understood the task. I made are students stayed on track, and answered any

questions they had.

• During the during assessment: I noticed all of the students on task and they had very few

questions. I allowed them to color their KWL chart if they finished early.

• During the post assessment: I gave examples prior to this assessment because the students

had never done this type of diagram before. One all directions were given, I walked around the

room monitoring their progress.

D. Post Assessment Results

**Refer to the chart in section B for post assessment results.

Lesson Plan 2: Community Helpers

Task: Design an assessment plan to monitor student progress toward learning


Prompt: Describe your strategy for assessing student progress (pre, during, & post)

so that by the end of the lesson(s) you will have evidence of student learning.

The pre-assessment involves the students answering a variety of questions on what

a community helper is and if they can identify them in their own community. The

post assessment is given after the students watch the presentation from the police

officers that came in to talk to them. The students must fill in a bubble chart about

a police officer’s characteristics. The bubble chart is already drawn so the students

know exactly how many characteristics need to be filled in. The post assessment is

a creative writing activity. The students will pick their favorite community helper,

and write a story about what they would do if they were that community helper.

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Once the students finish this assessment, they are to draw a picture of themselves

as that community helper and share it with their group. The assessments are

appropriate for second grade because it adheres to all types of learners in the

classroom such as visual, kinesthetic, auditory, reading and writing.

A. Overview of Assessment Plan:

Lesson Objectives Assessments

Lesson Objective:After the lesson, students will be able to explain what a police officer is, how to contact law enforcement in case of an emergency and name other community helpers with 90% accuracy.

Pre: A checklist will be created after asking

four questions about community helpers to the


During: The students will make a bubble

map about police officers.

Post: The students will write a short story

narrative about being one of the community


B. Describe the pre- and post-assessments that are aligned with your lesson objective(s):

Students Pre- During Post

1 4 S 8

2 3 S 8

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Students Pre- During Post

3 4 S 7

4 4 S 8

5 4 S 6

6 3 S 8

7 4 S 8

8 4 A 8

9 3 S 7

10 4 S 8

11 4 A 8

12 3 S 6

13 3 A 6

14 4 S 7

15 4 S 8

16 3 A 6

17 4 S 7

18 4 S 8

19 4 S 8

20 4 S 8

21 4 A 8

22 4 S 7

23 3 S 8

24 4 A 8

25 3 U 6

Class Average 3.7 S 7.4

• The student highlighted in green is the highest preforming student.

• The student highlighted in yellow is the average preforming student.

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• The student highlighted in red is the lowest preforming student.

• Pre-assessment: The pre-assessment was graded on a scale of 0-4. The student had to answer

each of the questions with a thumb up or down. If the student answered the questioning

incorrectly it was marked. For each correct answer the student received one point.

• During: The during assessment was assessed on if the students completed the bubble map.

The bubble map contained six spaces for the students to list characteristics. If the student only

put one or two characteristics, they received a “U” for unsatisfactory. If the students had three

or four characteristics, they received an “A” for average. If the students had five or six

characteristics, the received an “S” for satisfactory.

• Post: The post assessment was on a scale of 0-8 points. The writing portion required four

sentences, so each sentence the student wrote was worth one point. The picture was also worth

four points, two points for drawing and two points for coloring. Points were also taken away

for quality of work. If the student did not draw a detailed picture, or quickly scribbled a point

would be deducted. The students could also lose a point for improper sentence structure.

C. Discuss you plan for determining student progress during the lesson.

• During the pre-assessment: I asked the questions for the pre-assessment out loud for the

entire class. As I was asking these questions, I made sure to look at the students and encourage

them to give an answer.

• During the during assessment: I walked around and monitored the students as they were

filling in their bubble maps. If a student was struggling, I would ask him guiding questions

that would allow him to still come up with an answer of his own. I also helped students with


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• During the post assessment: I also walked around and monitored during the post assessment.

I did not help the students with their spelling, this allowed me to see what words they are

struggling with. As I walked around, I made sure the students completed their writing before

drawing their picture.

D. Post Assessment Results

**Refer to the chart in section B for post assessment results.

Lesson Plan 3: Social Studies

Task: Design an assessment plan to monitor student progress toward learning


Prompt: Describe your strategy for assessing student progress (pre, during, & post)

so that by the end of the lesson(s) you will have evidence of student learning.

The pre-assessment pulled prior knowledge from the students using a KWL chart.

The students had been learning about Ellis Island, and should know key facts before

the lesson, and should be able to fill the “know” and “want to know” section of their

KWL. For the during assessment, the students created a time-line based on the

book “At Ellis Island”, and completed their KWL chart. The time-line is created in

groups, this allows the children to collaborate with their peers. The post assessment

is a letter written as if they were on Ellis Island. This allows the children to become

creative and convey emotions in their writing. This allows the teacher to see if the

student understood what it felt like to arrive at Ellis Island, and the different

situations they have to endure before entering the United States. These

assessments are appropriate for second grade because they adhere to the most

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common learning styles in the classroom. These styles are visual, kinesthetic,

auditory, reading and writing.

A: Overview of Assessment Plan:

Lesson Objectives Assessments

Lesson Objective:After this lesson, students will be able to create a time line of events and write a letter with 90% accuracy.

Pre-: A KWL chart will be completed.

During: The students will create a time line of events based on the story about Ellis Island.

Post: The students will write a letter as if they were immigrants traveling to the U.S. through Ellis Island.

B. Describe the pre- and post-assessments that are aligned with your lesson objective(s):

Students Pre- During Post

1 Y 6 10

2 Y 6 10

3 Y 6 10

4 Y 6 10

5 N 4 9

6 Y 6 10

7 Y 6 10

8 Y 4 8


10 Y 4 10

11 Y 6 9

12 Y 6 9

13 Y 4 10

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Students Pre- During Post

14 Y 6 9

15 Y 6 10

16 Y 4 10

17 Y 4 10

18 Y 6 9

19 Y 6 10

20 Y 4 10

21 Y 6 9

22 Y 6 10

23 Y 4 9

24 Y 6 10

25 Y 6 8

Class Average Y 5.3 9.5• The student highlighted in green is the highest preforming student.

• The student highlighted in yellow is the average preforming student.

• The student highlighted in red is the lowest preforming student.

• Pre-assessment: The pre-assessment scale is based on completion and if the student had any

prior knowledge. If the student had prior knowledge and completed their “Know” and “Want to

know” section of their KWL, they received a “Y”. If the student did not have any prior

knowledge, the student received a “N”.

• During: The during assessment scale is based on the number of events the students placed in

correct order. There were six events for the students to put in chronological order.

• Post: The post assessment scale is rated from 0-10 points. The students got points based on

number of sentences, if the correct emotion was conveyed, and if the letter formatting was

correct. The students were required to write at least six sentences, and a point was given for

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each. The students received two points if the reader was able to tell what emotion was given

during the letter (ex: happy, sad etc..). The students also received points for letter formatting.

The format was presented to them on the board if they have never written a letter beforehand.

C. Discuss you plan for determining student progress during the lesson.

• During the pre-assessment: During the pre-assessment, I would walk around and ensure the

students were on task and understood the directions. I also helped with spelling if they had any


• During the during assessment: I walked around and asked students about what order they

were putting their time line in. I would also ask why they believed certain events happened in

that order. This was expanding their knowledge on the assignment they were doing.

• During the post assessment: I tried my best to not interfere with writing. I wanted to see how

creative the students got on their own. I also wanted to see if they fully understood what took

place at Ellis Island and the emotion felt as immigrants arrived. The students were excited

about writing these letters, as many have never written a letter before.

D. Post Assessment Results

**Refer to the chart in section B for post assessment results.

Lesson Plan 4: Science

Task: Design an assessment plan to monitor student progress toward learning


Prompt: Describe your strategy for assessing student progress (pre, during, & post)

so that by the end of the lesson(s) you will have evidence of student learning.

The pre-assessment is given to students and not much direction is given, the students are just told

to classify the animals in groups. The students will base their groups in their own way. There is

no right or wrong for the pre-assessment, the teacher is just observing whether or not the students

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understand what classifying means. After a video is watched, students are given more directions

and told to classify the animals based on their proper classification. The post assessment is given

in a worksheet and students are to answer the questions given.

A: Overview of Assessment Plan

Lesson Objectives Assessments

Lesson Objective:After the lesson on animals, the students will be able to group the animals based on specific characteristics with 90% accuracy.

Pre-: The students will try and place each animal in the correct classification based on their own opinion.

During: Have the students classify the animal cards into the correct groups based on what they learned in the video.

Post: A worksheet with questions about classification will be given to the students.

B. Describe the pre- and post-assessments that are aligned with your lesson objective(s):

Students Pre- During Post

1 Y Y 5

2 Y Y 5

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Students Pre- During Post

3 Y Y 4

4 Y Y 5

5 Y Y 5

6 Y Y 5

7 Y Y 4

8 Y Y 5

9 Y N 5

10 Y Y 5

11 Y Y 5

12 Y Y 5

13 Y N 5

14 Y N 4

15 Y N 5

16 Y Y 5

17 Y Y 5

18 Y Y 5

19 Y Y 5

20 Y Y 5

21 Y N 5

22 Y Y 4

23 Y Y 5

24 Y Y 5

25 Y N 5

Class Average Y Y 4.8• The student highlighted in green is the highest preforming student.

• The student highlighted in yellow is the average preforming student.

• The student highlighted in red is the lowest preforming student.

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• Pre-assessment: For the pre-assessment the students were graded on a yes “Y” or no “N”

scale. If the students understood what classify meant and groups their animals they received a

“Y”. All students understood, and received a “Y” for the pre assessment.

• During: The during was also based on a yes “Y” or no “N” scale. If the students demonstrated

understanding of classification after the video, and arranged their animals in their new

classification they received a “Y”. If the student did not understand after the video and did not

make any attempt to rearrange, they received a “N”.

• Post: The worksheet given for post assessment was based on a 0-5 scale. The students had to

answer five questions, receiving a point for each correct answer.

C. Discuss you plan for determining student progress during the lesson.

• During the pre-assessment: I walked around and asked students why they were grouping

their animals in a particular way. By doing this I was assessing whether or not they understood

what the word classify meant.

• During the during assessment: I walked around again, giving little instruction, allowing the

students to rearrange based on what they learned in the video. If a student was struggling, I

would use key terms from the video to allow them to come up with the correct answer on their

own. (Ex: “Humans have spines, what group had the characteristics of having a spine?”)

Students who really struggled were puled to a kidney table to work in a small group setting

with a teacher.

• During the post assessment: I allowed the students to work at their desks, as I assisted the

students who did not understand the words classify up to this point in the lesson.

D. Post Assessment Results

**Refer to the chart in section B for post assessment results.

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Lesson Plan 5: Math

Task: Design an assessment plan to monitor student progress toward learning


Prompt: Describe your strategy for assessing student progress (pre, during, & post)

so that by the end of the lesson(s) you will have evidence of student learning.

For the pre-assessment the students were given a a worksheet with four questions. This

worksheet will allow the teacher to see where the students are and their prior knowledge on place

value. The during assessment was a skittles activity, and the students were to count, graph, and

create their number based on their skittles. The post assessment was a partner activity, and the

students were to complete the assignment by giving each other numbers. This allowed the

students to challenge and correct one another.

A: Overview of Assessment Plan:

Lesson Objectives Assessments

Lesson Objective:After this lesson, students will be able to explain the place values in a number with 90% accuracy.

Pre-: The students will fill out what the individual place values starting at one’s place.

During: The students will use skittles to create a number up to the ten-thousands place and graph it.

Post: The students will complete a place value worksheet.

B. Describe the pre- and post-assessments that are aligned with your lesson objective(s):

Students Pre- During Post

1 4 4 C

2 4 4 C

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Students Pre- During Post

3 4 4 C

4 4 4 C

5 3 4 C

6 4 4 C

7 4 4 C

8 3 4 C

9 3 4 C

10 3 4 C

11 4 4 C

12 4 4 C

13 4 4 C

14 4 4 C

15 4 4 C

16 4 4 C

17 3 4 C

18 4 4 C

19 4 4 C

20 3 4 C

21 4 4 C

22 4 4 C

23 4 4 C

24 4 4 C

25 2 4 C

Class Average 3.72 4 C

• The student highlighted in green is the highest preforming student.

• The student highlighted in yellow is the average preforming student.

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• The student highlighted in red is the lowest preforming student.

• Pre-assessment: The pre-assessment was based on a scale of 0-4 points. The students were to

answer the questions on the worksheet with no help. For every correct answer, they were

given one point.

• During: The during assessment was based on a scale of 0-4 points as well. The students must

have colored in their graph and answered all three questions for full credit. Every student

received full credit, those who struggled were pulled into small group to complete the


• Post: The post assessment was based on a completed “C” or not competed “NC” scale. For the

student to receive a “C”, they had to be working consistently with their partner and show

evidence they were working. Every student received a “C” for their post assessment.

C. Discuss you plan for determining student progress during the lesson.

• During the pre-assessment: I walked around, and made sure students were on task. If they

had any questions, I told them to answer to the best of their ability. This is so I can see how

much they know prior to the lesson.

• During the during assessment: Students who were struggling were pulled to the kidney table

for small group instruction. The other students worked independently as I walked around

checking their answers. If they answered a problem incorrectly, they were told to correct it.

The students enjoyed the during assessment, and enjoyed using skittles to make their number.

• During the post assessment: I monitored the students as they worked in pairs. I encouraged

them to challenge their partners. This allowed differentiation in my lesson challenging every

learner in the room.

D. Post Assessment Results

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**Refer to the chart in section B for post assessment results.

Evidence of lesson:

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