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Initiation Science


Bovine Growth Hormone


Bradford RileyD'VAS

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Introduction: Dec. 1994

The Lakota people have, at this moment, a significant spiritual window opening onto the cyberspace world of our depleted eco-system. The prophetic gifts of the WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN are needed now by all of humanity to safeguard the untold generations of star children yet to come and walk the sacred prairies of our ancestors.

Two paths diverge, two warriors encounter the beautiful WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN. One path takes us into technological insertion of a 2nd creation, superimposed over the first nature which we have defiled. Science, in the form of one of the two youths who encounter WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN, rushes into her arms with a strong sensual attraction. In fact the young warrior intends to rape her. Since Francis Bacon the rape and plunder of nature and the slaughter of the sacred stewards of America, the Native Americans, were an orchestrated rape supported by the forces of white culture devoted to overpowering the sacred forces of nature under the pirate flag of SCIENCE.

While the warrior believes he is the sexual superior and aggressor overpowering WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN, he is lead into a dance of death, sowing the wind he has reaped the whirlwind, and the WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN takes him on a spin to the death. While the other warrior, our passive civilization watching, sees the first warrior drop as a clatter of bones, he finally shakes himself from his cultural passivity.

Beyond our passivity, we might awake someday, to realize that the bargain we struck in the rape of nature and the proliferation of technological forest devouring, water polluting, soil poisoning and decayed radioactive matter violations against the bio-psychic system of earth, has eaten our own immune systems. This was the message, and warning of the Lakota through the spiritual actions of WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN.

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Encoded in that message was the gift of a peace pipe for brotherhood. The red bowl was a carved hieroglyph of a buffalo, the representative of all the four-legged brothers in our ecological system. Female and male initiation into the mysteries and responsibilities required, in sustaining and raising creation and the four lower kingdoms, were included in the mysteries of the shared pipe and the rising certainty of powerful thoughts, that lived in the shared smoke. From the stem of the pipe hung TWELVE eagle feathers, that linked the lofty initiation of the human family with Grandfather Sky.

On August 20, 1994 in Janesville, Wisconsin the sacred alchemy of nature and spirit reproduced itself in the birth of a White Buffalo. Hand, a Lakota medicine man indicated that, "the return of WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN marks the arrival of a new era of reconciliation among races and respect for the Earth Mother." Many other Native Americans believe that the incarnation of this prophetic hieroglyph from the sacred foundation of nature's highest revelations is at least as cataclysmic an event as the return of Christ would be for Christians.

The icon WHITE BUFFALO is on the earth. The timing requires humanity to meet at the cross-roads, of the destruction of nature and the betrayal of the lower kingdoms, that the wise Native American elders had guarded against with their sacred stewardship. Science in its shadow form meets science in its highest form and the two must decide the destiny and divinity of the future spoils of creation. From this decision, the future of our human community will be determined.

"Buffalo gal won't you come out tonight, come out tonight, come out tonight. Buffalo gal won't you come out tonight, and dance by the light of the moon..."

Jimmy Stewart from: IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE.

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Initiation and the White Buffalo


Bradford Riley4

" What ails thee?.... Stand up fool! Never tell me that a breath of air can knock thee down like a felled bullock!"

Marie Corelli

" Truth, Sir, is a cow, which will yield such people no more milk, and so they are gone to milk the bull."

Samuel Johnson

" We milk the cow of the world, and as we do, we whisper in her ear, `You are not true.'"

Richard Wilbur

In Wisconsin the tribal Shamans gather to celebrate the cosmic birth of the messenger of the millennium, the pure WHITE BUFFALO. It has arrived like a prophet. This type of ecological living prophecy was last seen incarnated on earth in 1933 when humanity descended to the holocaust and slipped into the foothills of hell. In 1933 the great White Spirit began appearing as a visible friend beside the unjustly accused, among those suffering in hospitals, battlefields and inhuman chambers where the tortured found no human mercy. The WHITE BUFFALO has returned, can the divine brother of humanity be far away?

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The warning of the WHITE BUFFALO and its ancient and timely appearance at the end of this century is the subject of this work. We have reason to believe that the gulf between the created and creation; between our animal brothers and sisters and the human community has reached a critical breach. The WHITE BUFFALO is a signal for human insight and Initiation science to merge upwards toward our, shared, divine evolution. The WHITE BUFFALO signals the moment when humanity must decide to lift the lower kingdoms of nature and become the healing stewards of their fatal distress call. If humanity responds all the kingdoms of nature and spirit will once again unite on a journey to their creator. Their exile has been our exile, until their wisdom becomes our wisdom, the exile will continue.

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The west has as its proud national bird the eagle. The height of controlled strength and power lives in the American bald eagle who rules the skies. The sky lord is one of the great religious and ecological mysteries brought forward by the American Indians from the source of mysticism and harmony which the first Americans once held sacred. The sacred meaning of the eagle for the Native American was not linked with military might or financial forces but with the highest form of initiation and wisdom a chief, healer and warrior could attain.

A form of divine statesmanship, linked with the eagle's nature and spirit, matured and soared within the wise Native American elder. He gained vision, stature, elevation and mastery of spiritual attainments, bringing him ever closer and closer to the Great Sky Father as a conscious soaring servant. There in the lofty Eyry, the vision of tribe, territory, people; the dreams and longings latent in the hearts of the children; the ecological balance of the surrounding herds and the distant dangers in spirit, in soul, or in body were communicated to the priest initiate Native American elder. The halo of eagle feathers worn by the initiate revealed the highest office, the wisest and the loftiest position of attainment achieved, by any member of the tribe.

To have earned even one eagle feather was a sign and a marker in the destiny of the early Americans. The eagle feather was a link out of the fabric of nature and spirit. Those who earned this position could be trusted to carry out the intuitions and the actions required in the wise guidance and leadership of a tribe. The eagle feather was potent medicine in rituals because it stirred the sacred smoke that floated in the air, the air which entered every human, every animal breast. The feather was the key that connected the eye to lofty spiritual vision. In the West, the American eagle and the eagle feather bridged the Sky Father with the human soul.(a)

a ?. A whole eagle can be sold for as much as $10,000 and the single feather at around $50.00. In funeral rituals it guides the soul of the dead to the next world. Native American

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Balanced against the West's spiritual vision of the eagle is the East's spiritual reverence of the cow. The buffalo was the Native American's revered brother of the plains. The buffalo was the earth thunderer that matched the sky thunderer above. The bison were not only a staple food for the American Indians, they were the counterbalance to the soaring eagle. The sacredness of the cow for the Hindu priest initiate was equal to the sacredness of the eagle for the Native American. The cow allowed the Hindu to keep the gates of the spiritual world open. East and west are tied together by the mystery and secret wisdom contained by the cow and the eagle. In all true wisdom there is wholeness but we have inherited only fragments to fill our dry data-bases. The desert of materialism and the cracked, parched desert basins represent our ecological and intellectual poverty. The soaring Eagle and the focused Buffalo are joined in the sacred peace pipe of our world.

The eagle allowed vision and knowledge, freed from the body, freed from gravity, to soar as an astral projection that literally carried the Native American on a `vision quest' into the ecological interrelationships that connected the tribe to the fabric of creation.1 The eagle taught the Native American how the salmon arrived in time for the young eaglet to be fed abundantly. Like the eagle, the Native American initiate, saw ahead seven generations into the future. By practicing the vision that the eagle had, as a natural ability, the Native American used the enhanced psychic structure in the human being, and did in the spirit what the eagle did in nature. A practical comprehension of the journey of the soul and the return of the soul seven generations into the future prompted the Elder native American to state the law of ecology that could have safeguarded the industrial expansion of the American nation. The Elder said, `Do only that on the Earth which will insure safety and health seven generations into the future.'

children prize the feather of the eagle so that they will not lose their spiritual direction when impacted with adolescent life. The National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory receives nearly 30,000 requests a year for eagle feathers.

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"Methinks I see in my mind a noble and puissant nation rousing herself like a strong man after sleep, and shaking her invincible locks. Methinks I see her as an eagle mewing her mighty youth, and kindling her undazzled eyes at the full midday beam."2

America became short sighted and believed only in the bottom line of the next quarter. The eagle-inspired Elder believed that the integration of nature by supply and demand was already woven into the sacred patterns, migrations, plant/animal co-dependencies, and men should be caretakers of creation with vision for seven generations beyond their own. These revelations would have allowed Americans to comprehend how spirit is woven in nature and that ecological integrations compliment creation.

The cow, on the other hand, was a picture window for the Hindu, of the gravity and weight of Earth forces. The cow revealed to the Hindu priest/seer how nature's heaviest element, nature's most direct revelation of weight, density, sleepiness and sluggishness held down by the Earth, was pure spirit. Nature's pure image of the spirit lived in the solid warmth-bearing cow and spirit's true image in nature was captured in the soaring, gravity-conquering condition of the eagle. Between these two dividers, the sky lord, gravity defying, and the earth lord, gravity transforming, lived the middle equation of human life. Nature drew lines of ecological majesty connecting West and East. Between sky and earth, east and west, gravity determined and gravity conquering, a global community should not suffer claustrophobia but be able to stretch freely between heaven and earth. 3 The peace pipe could be passed from brother to brother within the global family because all creation is tied together by the same ecological laws.

The Native American revered the mass, weight and strength of the bison and sought its heart as the sacred food of the warrior and the skin-envelope, the hide, for shelter, bed and meat, with which his children were sustained in the world. The Hindu enjoyed the delicacies of other animals but held the heavy earthbound cow as a sacred gravity buffer against the pull, down below the Earth, into cosmic error. The cow revealed to the Hindu the bottom line, where spirit was retained by gravity. Below the bovine marker was unsafe for human spirits to trespass. Below the transformed spiritual marker of gravity that the cow represented was the underworld. In this

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underworld only the initiates trained in bio-psychical laws could journey. The young and immature had the healing pastures and wide purple mountains majesty of the earth to study and enrich their souls with until their vision was strong.

In the cow the Hindu priest had a working satellite dish with cable access to their lost homeland, the starry heavens. When the meadow flowers and grasses that were linked to homeopathic remedies in the planets and star patterns were eaten and digested by the cow, the gravity forces of the spirit created a living substance of milk white purity, transformed star substance. The clairvoyant Hindu could literally watch the mathematics of the stars being transformed and the cow creating milk as the answer to the equation. The cow was a cosmic calculator of number, measure and weight, transforming pounds and volume into quality and content. For, unlike the American Indian who welcomed the courage and weight and pain of the Earth, the Hindu longed to maintain a development away from the entanglements of the Earth. The wise gods had placed the most efficient model of factory production as a hieroglyph, riddle, key, whose solution would open a quarter of divinity. The eagle would unlock the other quarter of the mystery.

The cow did the work of the earth but the Hindu priest saw in the digestion and density of the cow the actual spiritual workings of their lost homeland. He clairvoyantly tuned into the key-code access configuration that connected the reality of the stars to the gravitational dialogue with the earth. The Hindus would no more relinquish their spiritual homeland than they would eat meat and drop into the deadly trap of Earth's gravitational field (b). The cow was there to do this. The Hindu understood that the Earth forces could eclipse and obliterate their connection to heavens. The beef diet, the hamburger and steak, were not on the Hindu menu. The Hindu stoutly refused to descend to the matrix of the earth, while the Native Americans dove heartily into Her courageous, turbulent inner fire.

b ?. "The Atharva-Veda chastises `cow killing' as the most horrific of crimes, and capital punishment was inflicted on anyone who harmed a cow in any way. Even the cow's urine and dung are sacred to the Brahmans." J. Countryman from, Atlantis and the Seven Stars.

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The Native American, while fully understanding his position as caretaker to creation, remained a guest and behaved in a polite ecological relation to brothers and sisters of the animal kingdom which allowed them to kill and eat them. The Hindu built a culture firmer than the Native American and with a strong religious architecture reflecting the floor plan and laws of heaven which they read in the cow. The Hindu also was a guest on the Earth but tuned in the network of their cosmic homeland through the transmission that radiated from the cow. The cow has a telecommunications secret to tell which is a revelation and danger to us all. The soaring eagle, the earthbound cow, each a sacred, lost insight that is now entering into an era of ultimate ecological and genetic betrayal. We must raise our intellect to wisdom if we wish to re-program the codes of creation.

" What the bird up in the heights has astrally out of its astral body, what works there...upon the formation of its plumage, this the cow has embodied in her flesh, in her muscles, in her bones. What is astral in the bird has become physical in the cow. ...On the other hand, if I reverse the process, and allow what belongs to the astrality of a bird to sink down, thereby bringing about the transformation into the etheric and physical, the eagle would become a cow, because what is astral in the eagle is incorporated into the flesh, into the bodily nature of the cow as she lies on the ground engaged in digestion; for it belongs to this digestive process in the cow to develop a wonderful astrality. The cow becomes beautiful in the process of digestion. Seen astrally, something immensely beautiful lies in this digestion. And when it is said... that the process of digestion is the most lowly, this must be indicted as untruth, when, from a higher vantage-point, one gazes with spiritual sight at this digestive process in the cow. For this is beautiful, this is grand, this is something of an immense entire world." 4

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The wisdom molded into the `playthings of nature,' divine cartoons of eagles and cows, snakes, lions, goats, sheep, the gamut of genetic species brought forward by Noah on the ark, were formerly invested with an inherent wisdom. In each one of the creatures that ruled the skies or ruled the plains; the deeps of the ocean or the deserts; the cliffs or the shores; tremendous ecological mysteries were literally made manifest and embodied in their secret rhythms and biological clocks. These unique rhythms and patterns in nature are only now being re-discovered. The tampering with every species and corruption of the delicate balance of migration patterns in butterflies and birds, plankton devastation, O-zone depletion and food chain link breaks, are the disrespectful and disgraceful symptoms of social codes that neglect and discard the sacred. Throw-away social ethics with a hamburger mentality drives the symbol of the eagle on our currency to all corners of the globe. The western surge of the information age now pollutes the shores of creation and divine nature.

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In 1850 Buffalo Bill Cody was learning the wisdom of the prairie and acquiring a skill in the slaughter of buffalos which grew into the commercial enterprise known as Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. Indian scalps, American entertainment and guffawing laugh tracks were inaugurated while the Native American looked on with horror at the wanton carnage of this vast and holy land. One hundred years later in the 1950's experiments were conducted on the effects of naturally occurring bovine growth hormones on treating human dwarfism. From the 50's to today Buffalo Bill is still slaughtering the financial market in a global glut on fast food beef patties on a bun. However the ecological devastation has now extended to delicate rain forests and biological and genetic genocide.

The blatant and frivolous extermination of the roaming buffalo and the mismanagement of ecological resources that were sacredly cared for by the previous tenants, the American Indians (the actual residents), resulted in the useless killing of millions of living hieroglyphs-of-gravity by ignorant `civilized' invaders. The slaughter of their human caretakers rivals any `ethnic cleansing' complaint in the twentieth century (c). The extermination of the bison was not done for food, or for pelts and skins, not for the horns and skulls (all of which serve a profound purpose). The bison were slaughtered by Buffalo Bill Cody for the fun of it (d).

c ?. Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse attempted a gracious retreat against the disgusting and ugly expanse of American Settlers. Custer betrayed them in the Black Hills by announcing a gold rush. The United States deserves now and in future to humbly account for its treatment of these noble Americans. Custer is hardly payment enough!

d ?. "Although the bison is about the same size and weight as the aurochs, the front of its body is exaggerated even more strongly, and is draped with a dense mane from which the thick, short, tightly curved horns barely protrude. At one time this animal was distributed throughout the northern regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. Of the four races still living at the turn of the century - the European lowland bison, the Caucasian mountain bison, the American plains bison and the Canadian wood bison - only the first and last have been saved from extinction." Man & Mammal by Wolfgang Schad

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The Native Americans were murdered for property. America is really built on the after effects of murder and ethnic cleansing for fun and profit. Today lucky children might get to see the wild and free cousin of the cow in some zoo or nuclear test zone national prairie park (if you check the wind drift of nuclear testing in the 1950's, much of it trails across the American plains). Today Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show is a place for a quick hamburger on any corner, in any city in the world, where you can again eat murder and ethnic cleansing while other regions and tribes in South America are quietly on the road to oblivion for the global hamburger.

"The cattle give physical expression to the importance of the nourishing, life-giving, and regulating functions of digestion. It is this power of metabolism that continually brings life on earth into being and sustains it. Thus, an abundance of life and peace emanates from these animals. Each of them protects and nurtures within itself an entire world. Secure in itself, the cow is able to pass on this security to others. Ancient cultures actually experienced these qualities in cattle and therefore worshiped them. ...For the cow, as a purely metabolic animal, so completely controls its dealings with matter that it is able to give full expression to its own being within the material world."5

The dairy cow is now a slave to our twentieth century, fast food, consumer ethics. Cattle are raised for quick hamburgers where covert defaulted nutritional idealism corrupts and invades new markets. The feeding of the cattle, as well as the soil and global biological functions sustaining them, have been tampered with. Preservatives used in the processing and fats used in cooking make it impossible for the body to transform the negative fat substances into positive. "When one wants to stabilize these fats so that they will not spoil, these unsaturated bonds are destroyed because they have a strong affinity for oxygen. But precisely these highly unsaturated fatty-acids play a crucial role in the respiration of the organism. Without these fatty-acids, the respiratory enzymes cannot function and the person suffocates, even when he is given oxygen-rich air. A deficiency in these highly unsaturated fatty-acids impairs many vital functions. ...I'm sorry to have to say this to the directors of the fat-solidifying industry...but we didn't

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know any better. Since 1902, the Western countries have resorted to chemical processes to destroy the `unsaturateness' of these fats. This was done to make them easier to handle; easier to market; to preserve them so that they wouldn't spoil as quickly; to make the oils `spreadable' because people in our countries, and in our time, want a `spreadable' fat. This chemical manipulation of the unsaturated oils destroys the electrical field, removes their ability to incorporate protein, thereby destroying their capacity to remain water soluble in the body fluids. ...The solidified fats which have lost their solubility and the ability to combine with protein, no longer have the ability to penetrate the tiny capillaries. They thicken the blood and cause circulatory problems. ...But, the fact that scientists who are in the center of this research and who understand these relationships then believe that they can sweep this truth out of existence, in that they are attempting to suppress the continuation of this scientific research, deserves condemnation."6 All fast food and major food chains are literally selling toxic, life threatening food stuffs with their fat fried cooking and preservatives. We rage for diets and fat free life styles only because the cultural forces at play today are designed for the sickness, the slickness and ease of market profits. Degeneration, disguised as wisdom, now infects the fatty tissue in the majority of the American population.

The American eagle initiate has been replaced by the CEO who no longer concerns himself with the welfare of humans seven generations into the future. The eagle has been harnessed to short term consumer glut(e). The cow is not revered as the handicraft and hieroglyph of a wise nature. The only ecological secret respected in the cow is the volume of milk it can produce and the amount of beef that can be processed into the sale of degenerate hamburgers, laced with toxic drugs and poisons. However, the secret of the bovine and its proper position in the balance of human evolution must be outlined. The secret the bovine carries has always been

e ?. One of the rare gatherings of the mighty eagle, who has been driven to starvation and extinction by humanity, is Homer Alaska. One lone woman, a rodeo horse lady by the name of Keen, feeds the mighty eagles and their young every year. Have we shrunk the wild icon and hunter to the rank of sea-gull and trophy?

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comprehended by mature and wise counselors as pivotal to the spiritual balance of human health, ecology and culture.

" On Friday, November 5, 1993, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) caving in to pressure from giant drug and chemical corporations, approved the commercial sale and use of foods derived from dairy cows injected with a genetically engineered hormone, recombinant "BOVINE GROWTH HORMONE" (rBGH), (also known as Bovine Somatotropin or BST). ...Monsanto, the giant chemical conglomerate that won (bought) the FDA approval to market rBGH to American dairy farmers under the brandname POSILAC, is pushing rBGH on the dairy industry as a way to squeeze more milk from every cow, boosting milk production by as much as 25% - & boosting its corporate profits. But rBGH is a disaster for the cows causing udder infections/mastitis and large amounts of pus in milk, great stress and disease, severe reproductive problems, digestive disorders, foot and leg ailments and persistent body sores and lacerations."7

I would not raise the red flag of warning on minimal cruelty to animals which is equal in poultry farms, beef and dairy industries or even zoos where magnificent whales are isolated from their species for the entertainment of the masses. Cruelty and experimentation is the hallmark of the CDC. Buffalo Bill Cody and America's laugh track echo through the centuries like the wail and agony of the long departed spirits of the Native Americans. The bovine has been the victim of a cruel joke for last the 100 years. My inquiry is, why the bovine? "rBGH is like `crack' for cows. It `revs' their system and forces them to produce a lot more milk but it also makes them sick."8

"The public buys its opinions as it buys its meat, or takes in its milk, on the principle that it is cheaper to do this than to keep a cow. So it is, but the milk is more likely to be watered."

Samuel Butler (1835-1902)

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In nuclear testing we used human guinea pigs: racial minorities, the poor, the handicapped, while both Truman and Eisenhower snowed the public with the lie that everything was safe. The nuclear issue is finally out of the bag, but the genetic issue is the new toy. Presently the cow, and us, and all of nature, are living in an undeclared, open season, for the latest on-line trillion dollar greed scheme. Chemical and pharmaceutical industries stand to gain enormous profits through genetic manipulations of nature's codes. In the case of the bovine, the illnesses that cows get for being `pumped' up is part of the marketing plan of major corporations which intend to supply the cure. The new pharma-cornucopia is meddling with the divine foundations of nature and creating a SECOND NATURE over/against the one we have depleted. The maintenance of this new unhealthy SECOND GENESIS will be sustained by the pharmaceutical corporate police. But they need guinea pigs (you and I).

"There's another fact to consider. The cutting edge of technology and industry has for some time been shifting in another direction, away from the electronics-based industry of the post-war period and towards biology-based industry and commerce. Biotechnology, genetic engineering, seed and drug design (even designing animal species), etc. is expected to be a huge growth industry with enormous profits. It's potentially vastly more important than electronics - in fact, compared to the potential of biotechnology (which may extend to the essentials of life), electronics is sort of a frill. "9

Humanity has been on a terrible moral slide called `progress.' We have proven we can put up with ethnic cleansing, spreading cancer and leukemia to innocent victims of nuclear testing, pumping up athletes, Olympic stars, high school students and Hollywood heroes with steroids; drugs and crime are rampant; ecology, (a warning too late) depleted soil and devastated forests, ozone depleting chemicals belching into the atmosphere increase the risk of death by skin cancer; child abuse...get the picture? Inserted man-made industries of genetics and bio-technology are now floating trial balloons, testing public concern on the issue of the cow. The lab brats want

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to know if they can genetically twist cosmic creation into an irreverent video game!

The seemingly harmless genetic tampering with the cow must awaken enormous suspicion. The cow is that concentration of nature's ethics and integrity which has revealed and reveals today one of the most important cryptic signatures in nature's book on ecology. Mother Nature's hidden mystery has appeared simple enough but science has insisted, since Frances Bacon, that she become our slave, our bitch, our whore. We were encouraged in every university science program that taught inductive research to lay her on the lab table and rape her. The subtle secret laws alluded to earlier were pooh-poohed as new age tripe. Corporations that have hired and funded the programs of bio-engineering and genome investigation are banking on another wave crest of depleted health and the failure of the entire planet's life support system. Gambling with the hidden forces of WHITE BUFFALO WOMAN and assuming she is whore and a bitch, here to serve our petty economic interests, is grotesque human hubris.

Underestimating the messge of the white buffalo allows the same `Buffalo Bills' to create an elaborate, unlimited new market, a SECOND GENESIS better than the first, which was so sacred to Hindu, Egyptian, and Native American cultures. This second genesis will be driven by the decaying health of society and the cures created by corporate pharmaceuticals. First with Einstein and then with Oppenheimer, we awoke to the horror and then denial, of the unleashed atom. Unleashed on unsuspecting men, women, children, animals, and the entire environment supporting them. Unleashed because the private club of materialism enjoys mocking any wise or previously comprehended vision of nature. Fatally unleashed under the same retarded thinking values that murdered the Native Americans, enslaved the Afro-Americans and rebukes homeopathy and medical insights that do not rely on synthetic pharmaceuticals. Now, this same mass-consensus thinking, sits idly by while nature's wisest hieroglyph is once again under fire, this time as a guinea pig to crack the ecological grip that nature holds hidden in the bovine.

The bovine holds the secret alright. Few people want to be poisoned by bad beef, e-coli bacteria, or steroids if they have a choice. To not eat beef is a

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choice. To not buy or consume dairy products from any market place is an option. The human taste buds cannot yet detect the difference between artificially produced genetic produce and the organic home grown kind. I certainly `taste' the difference between greenhouse grown, ethylene gas ripened supermarket tomatoes and the Earth enriched, vine ripened tomato from my own pesticide free garden. I have noticed such a bland taste and color in tomatoes from large food chain supermarkets, while my own are deep red and tangy. No longer can any child stand in a corporate profit-driven world and safely say to themselves, `what you don't see can't hurt you!' In mass we have become accustomed to the synthetic tastes evolved from non-natural sources. Economy has rail-roaded the sensitive taste organs of the soul into atrophied organs that believe chemical lies over nature's true taste.

Mother Nature and pharmaceutically recreated second nature are facing off, the one divine and the other man-made. The cloned Xerox copy of nature has been established on the basis of narrow and unenlightened consumer self-interest. Science adolescents are daring us to notice a difference or do anything to obstruct corporate progress. They are using countless reproductions of animal and plant species to `design' flavors and chemical compositions in order to fool the nature of our natures. Most envious are they, but rather than use their knowledge to help save the sinking ship of Earth, they will force us to pay for more backward and devastating social catastrophes equal to our fatal reliance on nuclear energy. The cow holds an immense secret, but if I tell you I have to kill you! The immensity is staggering and the implications terrifying but our thinking must tackle the beast. We are an ecological family of brothers from stone to four-leggeds, we must not let the ashes of the Native American fathers die out. A faint smouldering heat still lingers in the peace-pipe.

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Before I reveal the secret and you die, let's ask the simple question why would we need more milk? Do we need more milk? Is there any logical reasoning behind the need to addict cows to massive hormonal boots, while confining them from ever grazing in sunny open pasture land? Acknowledging the ethical fact that the production of milk in the cow, the purity, integrity of the product cannot be separated from the roaming nose, taste-bud choice of instinct (allowing the wild idea of pesticide free grazing land), rhythms of sun and dew, of rest and motion, of wide open stars with their delicate filtering rays, acknowledging that what we acknowledged is basically naive, the cow is now considered concentration camp victim 066325. Yoked to drudgery of species slavery, it must live out its pitiful existence without the satisfaction or respect of its enormous hidden divinity. We do not treat human beings today with any consideration of their innate divinity, why should a slab of beef be given a forum?

"In 1930 the average cow produced 12 pounds of milk a day. By 1988 the average had risen to 39 pounds. If, as proponents claim, BGH increases production by 20%, that volume could rise to 49 pounds a day per cow. ...The most persistent economic problem faced by the dairy industry today is over

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production. Every year farmers are driven out of business because milk production far outreaches demand. ...According to studies at the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment and Cornell University, widespread use of BGH would drive as many as 30% of American dairy farmers out of business. Those on the losing end would primarily be small-scale family dairy farms. These are farms which are much more inclined than corporate agribusiness to use humane, sustainable, and environmentally-sound farming practices."10

I wrote a play called FORECLOSURE(f) that dealt with the gradual extinction of family owned farms. By exterminating small towns and herding all the rural residents into urban, crime infested ghettos the United States could practice another very interesting form of cleansing: rural cleansing. People had to be forced to live in urban areas in order to support the massive corporate driven fast food, burger and supermarket chains with their accompanying mall mentalities, as well as to become fodder for corporate real estate moguls, which in turn supported tax bases that viciously eroded rural America in the Reagan era. The wholesome idea of living peacefully in one home for twenty or forty years, in a solid community, in a natural setting was annihilated. Family farms, passed along through the generations, became hindrances to those interested only in mass production for mass consumption, which could only be produced with major corporate support. What once was a source of great American pride became statistics, expendable communities bulldozed in the name of `progress.' Human beings are by Constitutional decree `natural resources' of the United States. What has happened is the deliberate dislodging of human wealth and human roots, so that human beings can be more easily maneuvered and sloshed from one side of the country to the other by market forces.

Farmers killed themselves; it was another wave of `Native American' genocide. We need the small farmer. We need the country town. We need

f ? Foreclosure premiered in Atlanta and went on to open in N.Y.C. at La Mama Theater. The furrows were female dancers, using BUTOH movement and Native American spirituality, the mysticism of the fading American farm family was portrayed.

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the rural ethics and land-based common sense. Without these colorful elements, our spiritual and educational roots to the earth and stars, planets and particularly the moon will be replaced by interactive information super-highways that leave us divorced from the wisdom that nature can reveal. Corporations are afraid of nature's wisdom because they cannot crack her code. But the cow has the code and now they are hell-bent on cracking her.

"Major drug companies have spent enormous sums of money on the development of genetic engineering. The industry is extremely anxious to get some positive results for its investors and has unleashed powerful forces in Washington to achieve this goal."11

Still, the economic logic escaped me. It seemed obvious that over production of milk was bad for farmers. But maybe not bad if large dairy monopolies got all the milk production contracts and the family farms got exterminated. "BGH would undoubtedly benefit a few large-scale dairy factories which, with BGH increasing their yields, could gain an advantage over other farms. But that advantage would only be temporary. In order to compete, other dairies would soon be forced to adopt the same technology. In short, BGH would trigger a pharmaceutical arms race, requiring milk producers to use more and more hormones, antibiotics, and other drugs." 12

But in this amazing `milk cartel' war, like the oil cartels of the 70's or the diamond and gold markets, over production and competition forces huge `take overs' and consolidations. Farms fall victim to enormous market forces. Small towns would further erode, rural life remembered only from outdated black and white movies, falling victim to the technological conveniences we worship which have already stolen our capacities to discern truth from mere data.

When all the shaking is done a few gigantic corporations like Monsanto, Eli Lilly, Upjohn, and American Cyanamid have patented genetic milk substitutes that taste and look like milk and in the mean time small farms would have been obliterated from the face of the earth. They win because humanity has been eaten away by diseases which were produced by their corrupt market practices, but they win again because they supply the antidotes which they have genetically engineered. The actual reasons

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behind the 'cow wars' are to bring radical market forces into the debate on the safety of something uncertain like beef, dairy milk or the wonderful and mystic constancy of the cow. To shift the confidence of the consumer into artificially produced genetically created milk substitutes that are better for you than the cow, serves the corrupt market logic now in vogue. Genetic nutritional substitutes will be a whole lot better for you than anything nature could do (g). Let's start with milk! Nature must be undermined and recreated from the basic food groups. The consumer must be de-g ?. In 1994 commercials began appearing nationwide extolling the wonders of shelf-life longevity in `new' milk. This new milk, "Parmalat" or permanent milk, becomes like other nuclear family products. Bomb shelter proof, with a toxic shelf-life of infinity. Unnoticed is how this product crept into our utilitarian minds. Gradually chemically tampered products appear that are divorced from the bio-rhythms of foundational nature and dairy and we convince ourselves that we are still within the safety of mother nature. Instead we are being dragged like children into the wicked step-sisters snares. Science and marketing rip humanity from the great Mother Eco-system as if it were natural.

1. Shakespeare in, Love's Labour's Lost, defines the relationship of how humans spiritually transcend the vision, insight and strengths that are sketched in natures warehouse. This ecological moral caretaking capacity is described as intimate to humans but not applied to our global ecological conscience by present science. However, in Initiate Science, this attitude is the core discipline of the soul. This training went into the American Indian, and all cultures. The results were a profound integration of all nature and spirit. A harmony that awakened in the soul of the Native American, Egyptian, Hindu, Greek, brought the scattered biological fields, into a cohesive ethical work of the divine. It awakened in the human soul, privileged to participate in initiation, the knowledge similar to what a lover has for his beloved. The creature with the created. Nature was not a cold bitch, but a being with symmetry, logic, patterns and beauty, to be divined by the human heart and mind. In Initiation the intelligence was not insulted, as today's science does, by shrinking nature's relation to the stars, the zodiac and the immortality of the human being, into abstract unrelated processes. Every detail of our shrinking ecological world is potent with human meaning and cosmic wisdom.

"But love, first learned in a lady's eyes,Lives not alone immured in the brain,

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If you were required to build an enormous profit base out of the destruction and corruption of nature by supplying a substitute for the illnesses caused by bad beef, milk, poultry, fish, you would certainly promote the scary and steadily eroding confidence base in `pure nature' so the tide of human opinion could be harnessed. Harnessing the market is nothing less than creating a disease (creating fear) so people will buy your cure. This has been America's answer to everything. The American Indians were

But, with the motion of all elements,Courses as swift as thought in every power,And gives to every power a double power,Above their functions and their offices.It adds a precious seeing to the eye;A lover's eyes will gaze an eagle blind;A lover's ears will hear the lowest sound, When the suspicious head of theft is stopp'd:Love's feeling is more soft and sensibleThan are the tender horns of cockled snails:Love's tongue proves dainty Bacchus gross in taste.For valour, is not love a Hercules,Still climbing trees in the Hesperides?Subtle as Sphinx; as sweet and musicalAs bright Apollo's lute, strung with his hair;And when Love speaks, the voice of all the godsMakes heaven drowsy with the harmony."

Apollo is the swift Greek sun spirit and nothing can compare to the cow, `drowsy with the harmony', of its living meditation on nature, the Logos, that sings in it's great and wonderful digestion. The Sphinx is the Egyptian monument to the riddle of man and nature. Both the subtle tastes of wine, that grapes, the blood of the earth produces, as well as the sweetest apples, or the highest wisdom, the golden apple, that only the mightiest and highly developed humans may attain, is perfected through initiation. Earth perfects separate departments and humans raise the perfection of nature in themselves to a `double power' because humans have love which nature truly envies.

2. Milton, 1643

3. The wild Yak of northern Tibet is related to the bison. "Between the contrasting aurochs and bison stands the yak. In earlier times it had a wider distribution than it has today: it now lives only in Tibet, where it can be found wild as well as

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dangerous devils that needed to be exterminated by John Wayne. But our own idol, Wayne, died from exposure to radioactive soil while shooting a movie. He and a half-dozen of the crew and cast were fatally exposed as wild west ghost town soil, that had been tested with nuclear detonations by the United States government, was hauled to Hollywood to finish the shoot. That is the punctuation point on human hubris that shadows the reckless idols we enthrone.14

tame... The masculine traits dominant in the bison and the feminine characteristics governing the aurochs are both present in a pure form in the yak:... In the domesticated yak...there is scarcely any difference between male and female animals: the male is no larger than the female...These races of cattle have, of course, been domesticated by man...The original, basic form was shown only by the wild aurochs, from which all domesticated cattle stem. This animal was completely extinct, however, by the end of the seventeenth century... (It is said that a female aurochs, killed in 1627 in the East Prussian Lake District, was the last of the species, though another aurochs (or urus, as it is also called) is reported to have lived in the Konigsberg Zoo until 1669)...We have also at our disposal unearthed skeletons of genuine aurochs. In addition, a wealth of material (cave paintings made during the later paleolithic period, pictures made by the Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, and Cretans, as well as the most recent ones, painted during the Renaissance) has come down to us from artists who actually saw these animals... The adult bulls of both species are of about the same weight (over 2000 pounds), but their physical proportions are quite dissimilar. The dorsal ridge of the aurochs is almost straight, while that of the bison is considerably higher in front because of the animal's high withers. The aurochs carries its head above the level of its back, while the bison's head is always bowed down. The bison, because of its enormous withers, is somewhat taller (about 6 1/2 feet) than the aurochs (about 6 feet); the combined length of the aurochs' head and body is a little longer (nearly 10 feet). So the prototype of the metabolic animal is not the aurochs but the bison; and, indeed, if we compare the four geographic races, we see that the highest development is shown by the American plains bison. It is even more compact, has a larger hump and heavier head than the European bison; its legs are shorter, and its horns are thicker and more compressed, scarcely protruding from its mane. These animals once lived in vast herds; on their far-ranging migrations they wondered over the endless prairies, ceaselessly grazing and depositing their dung, thus fertilizing the earth, so that they might return to

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On this turbulent and superficial see-saw, of media generated opinion, we swing from shock to relief. In most cases the same people who supply the shock are also secretly marketing the relief. Not only can you no longer remain confident in things you think you see but you also have to get naive `authority' and `trust' issues out from under our pressing desire to `wish' catastrophe away. If it looks like a better mouse-trap or Prozac than what nature makes, then we still imagine we can valiumize our fears away with addictive denial. Nothing is going away as long as our motives are consumer driven. They will only disappear when, like the Native American elder inspired by the eagle, we send our vision seven generations ahead in protection of both creatures and creation.

the same place a year later and feed again in phlegmatic peacefulness. The last surviving remnants of this group have intermingled with the better protected Canadian wood bison; although it is not quite so compact and powerful as the plains bison..." (From 130-132 of MAN AND MAMMALS by Wolfgang Schad) A warrior six feet tall would stand eye to eye with the plains bison.

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Covert Conversions of Nature

Much covert insight is buried in nature. The bovine hides a telecommunications bonanza. The human ecological and divine field has many specialized hi-tech potentials that are first explored by the military industrial complex and funded by tax dollars. Most of the stuff they want to rip from nature are secrets that could be put to use in some covert destructive weaponry. After the `idea' has been ripped from the guts of nature, thousands of employed geniuses perfect it behind top-secret doors. After the best patriarchal military mental cases have taken the secret from nature and tortured it into a gadget, way down the line consumers get a product. Inventors get a cut, and corporations market the new toy into a hunger to own. The media market war room now sets another covert weapon into the arsenal-class-weaponry modified for use as home entertainment. Technology and human invention certainly serves the greater good. No complaint can be made here, but instead of consumer driven greed, astonishment and wonder in the actual signature of divinity in nature should be the primary foundation of our drives. Otherwise nature's fading signature will be replaced by human typos.

"...the U.S. Navy and Air Force are investigating the ways in which living things receive information about the world around them, how they put the facts together and send them to the right glands, organs, muscles, and nerves, and how their behavior is changed as a result of this. ...The Navy is, therefore, interested in bees, bats, birds, and fish [dolphins] that can detect and recognize a very distant target and steer a remarkably precise course directly to it. Navy scientists wish they were able to build devices weighing only a few ounces like those of the animal super-navigators. ...The biological computer recently found in crayfish is an example of these remarkable natural devices. If danger appears, this living computer turns on to warn the crayfish, figures the direction and speed of the threatening object, and then switches off. If the menacing creature unexpectedly changes direction, the computer turns

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itself on again and relays new information to the brain of the crayfish."15

In the case of the dolphin and porpoise populations, which are now dying of viral diseases that humanity has unleashed into the formidable oceans, the Navy was teaching them to act as covert spies, attaching detonators and miniature explosive and listening devices to their backs, then sending them out on missions. What is the national interest of dolphins? Dolphins, too, are expendable natural resources of the United States, just like us. True, they were being trained to retrieve downed pilots from the drink or at least assist in their rescue with homing signals. That, at least, appears humanitarian. After all, since we know they have large, intelligent brains, we humans assume we can manage to stay on the dolphin's good side. What could they do, refuse to chatter, boycott sea-world circus audiences around the globe or strike for fresher fish?

" The hairs of flies are most unbelievably sensitive to certain chemicals. Some hairs detect salt; some are sensitive to acid, and some to alcohol. In fact, flies can smell so accurately that the nose, mouth, brain, and antennae are being studied very carefully by biochemists. Their discoveries are helping to build electronic detectors that search out poison gases or harmful chemicals, sort out the danger ones and set off an alarm. ...The spider has been found to have some `ears' in its legs, these hearing sensors are in very small cavities in the legs and evidently are used to tell the wing beat of a stinging bee from that of a harmless and tasty insect for the spider's dinner. ...The Defense Department hopes that engineers can build tracking systems as efficient and compact as that of the praying mantis. The mantis takes only about 60 milliseconds (60 times 1/1000 of a second) to combine all the information it collects on the locations of a fly, strike at it, and successfully capture it. ...The crab's eyes, for example, somehow step up the contrast between light and dark when it looks at an interesting object on the sandy beach, suggesting an electronic instrument for more successful study of X-ray pictures and photographs taken from airplanes or satellites."16

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With chemical and biological warfare, which man uses to exterminate man and impacts nature in the form of innocent bystander microbic detonation or lethal infusions via deadly human caprice, we definitely need to know what the fly smells. Micro-organisms, multiplied and released without the cooperation of the Earth's checks and balances, forces terminal adjustments in unpredictible species alterations. Certainly the men now suffering from Gulf War Syndrome (h), who hardly had time to get their gas masks on, could have benefited from the fly. A cheap imitation, of one of nature's living chemical sensing-tasting mysteries, would not have protected the immune system of our service men and women, from the subversive attack of Gulf War Syndrome.

"When American troops were first sent to Saudi Arabia in response to Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, the Department of Defense hastily began performing tests on military personnel with an obscure drug called pyridostigmine. At the heart of Saddam's offense was thought to be a host of biological, chemical and nerve gas agents - aerosolized anthrax, sarin, soman, and at least five other types of botulism toxins - and it was hoped that the drug would both protect troops against chemical weapons and ease congressional fears about a full-scale deployment of U.S. troops in the region."17

Aside from forcing the rest of the world to arm themselves with biological weapons, because the U.S. was perverse enough to supply them, our own military personnel, being national resources of the United States without human rights, were once again as with atomic testing, made into guinea pigs. Investigational drugs, used by our own military, on our own soldiers is the cause of the present Gulf War Syndrome. Where is the vaccine that would protect Americans from America? Immunization and vaccination in

h ?. At present 13 out of 15 children born to Gulf War vet's are suffering from a host of uncanny ailments that arise from covert biological, virological warfare tactics, passed on through the genes of Americans. All of which are unacknowledged by the United States who forced the rest of the world into keeping pace with progressive military models in biological warfare.

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our children as well as our military are rooted in a false belief in competency and the misguided manipulation of innocence. Compensation, on one hand, and admission to crimes against humanity should rightfully be accounted for in the very two-faced policies that America stands for.

Nature has been ever wiser than we. We have behaved in the twentieth century like a classroom full of adolescents. Suppose that the education of the human spirit, as it was understood in the past, were invested in? The wide track band of nature, her rhythms, migratory maps, biological clocks, dependency on the stars and planets, the sea and the moon and the sun's clock of 24 hours, would have produced experts in the field of wonder by now. Soon it would be discovered that for every phase of the moon, the spin of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, all the external rhythms that astronomy could detect within our solar system, related exactly to specific species of plant, mushroom, animal, tree, migratory signals; in the bear; in the frog; in bamboo; in the heartbeat and rhythms of reproduction; each have exact internal correspondences to things floating out in space. A profound inter-relationship exists that would cancel the wandering theories of speculative science and link it to concrete biological and organic studies. Eco-planetary sciences would be celebrating the fabulous integration of species with space, of mineral, plant and animal revelations in solar and stellar navigation and biological architecture. The wisdom of the Native Americans would be restored with honors and their sacrifice, the source, of a humble mind-set which they tried in vain to communicate to our ancestors.

People could, once again, merge consciously with the hawk, the frog, the eagle, the bison, the praying mantis, the spider, and they in their spiritual and scientific integration would consciously speak up for this magnificent body of integrated wisdom we live in. The wild flowers are visible mathematicians and all nature is numerically tuned to our solar community. What is hidden in biology is verified in the solar system around us. Classrooms would not be covert missile silos but globally shared invisible patterns connecting with each other, east and west, north and south, in the most miraculous and astonishing migratory and meteorological frequencies. We would not need a Global Positioning System to spy on our neighbors. The Global family would share the cranes of Siberia with the Florida

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everglades and a thousand other sea, air, global harmonies would affirm the universality of global ecological family ethics.

A documented story in early 1994 was truly heart warming. A young girl sent up a mermaid balloon from the west coast in honor of someone she loved who had died. It was her visible prayer meant to show how the spirit ascends to heaven. The mermaid balloon sailed clear across America to the Nova Scotia region, to a place called Mermaid. The message, letter, and balloon, received intact, was honorably answered with a wonderful card from the people of Mermaid to the little girl on the west coast, who now believes in deeper mysteries. Behind the heart-rending patterns that exist in nature, love ranks the highest. Connecting mysterious links, not just telecommunications highways that are highly taxed, but free by-ways that validate the old cliche about `messages in bottles'!

"It may even be possible that ways will be found through bionic instruments or through ways of causing physical regrowth - [regeneration] to build new human sight, hearing and other senses when they become old and worn out or diseased. ...Powerful instruments surely will be designed with the help of living blueprints to act as supereyes, -ears, -nose, -hands, and -brain to explore the surface of the moon and planets. And exobiology, the biology of space, may turn up some very unexpected discoveries. Living things may behave in completely surprising ways in outer space and may reveal some unsuspected connections within and between living systems."18

Super eyes, ears and senses are already built into the human psyche, but the psyche is the personal property of the individual. Before the twentieth century we took different paths to expansion of knowledge. It wasn't considered wisdom to build up a dependency on technology while destroying and obliterating our psychic and primal diplomatic relations with nature. We have higher perceptual organs, eyes, vortices that have contributed at this stage a hundred-fold more wondrous information on various planes of human knowledge then science cares to admit. The twentieth century seeks consistently to addict the populace to some form of second-rate social ritual either in pharmaceuticals or mind bending media

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games. Hubbel as a super-eye; listening for UFO's with super ears, has revealed endless streams of electro-magnetic babble. The Voyager was the most well-behaved and cheapest little hi-tech gadget and it sufficed to give us a little map of the solar system, our own neighborhood. It was humble, it was efficient and it took a snapshot of our solar family. The Voyager only confirmed what ancient Babylonian and Egyptian cultures mapped out already. Technology is wonderful; it is spiritual denial that leads to corruption, addiction and covert manipulation.

The Chakras, the astral body, all, are amazing instruments that humanity and society can cultivate. In just these two categories, people have at their disposal a private means of communication that make telephones, t.v.'s, beepers, airplanes and space shuttles completely obsolete. This is exactly the fear behind relinquishing the corporate strangle-hold on human society, the fear that we could all learn to co-participate in nature's higher library and learn freely. As nature adorned her creatures with their superb extra-physical sensibilities, so did she give us superior abilities to comprehend the eagle, or the cow. She also gave us the good sense to hold up a warning sign when humanity begins to drag the cow and the human family into an evolutionary sink-hole.

"In common with animal, bird, and insect life, all intimately close to Nature, he began to feel as realities those subtle currents of the Earth's personality by which the seals know direction in the depths of a thousand-mile sea, by which the homing pigeons blaze trails through space, birds fly south, the wild bees know their pathways, and all simple life, from the Red Indian to the Red Ant, acknowledges the viewless guidance of the mother's enveloping heart. The cosmic life ran through his being, lighting signals, offering service, more - claiming leadership. "With it, however, came no loss of individuality, but rather a powerful increase of life by means of which for the first time he dreamed of a fuller existence which should eventually harmonize and combine the ancient simplicity of soul that claimed the Earth, with the modern complexity which, indulged alone, rendered the world so ugly and insignificant...! He

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experienced an immense, driving push upon what Bergson has called the elan vital of his being."19

In order to get a sober insight into the danger that rBGH has for the cow and the human family it is important to begin meditation on the question that is primary to the cow and primary to the human being. If you have the keys to the problem, the unrelated bovine, nutritional and social issues stand out in bold relief. Since the idea of looking at a cow with the eyes of a farmer, and i ?. One of the great winning horses recently was named "Holy Bull". In the film MAPS OF THE HUMAN HEART, the name `Holy Cow' became the focal point of the navigators plot. The birth of the White buffalo to the Hieders in Janesville, Wisconsin spins a vast ecological and cosmological tale into end of the century Native American prophecy.

4. MAN AS SYMPHONY OF THE CREATIVE WORD by Rudolf Steiner, pg. 24

5. MAN AND MAMMALS, by Wolfgang Schad, pg.127

6. FLAX OIL AS A TRUE AID AGAINST ARTHRITIS, HEART INFRACTION, CANCER AND OTHER DISEASES,(lecture of November 2, 1959 in Zurich, Switzerland by Dr. Johanna Budwig, nominated for the Nobel Prize no less then seven times. "As the pioneer researcher in the areas of fats and nutrition. Dr. Budwig laid the groundwork for what has become one of the biggest breakthroughs in nutritional science in the last century. She has devoted her life to bringing truths to light and answering powerful opposing vested interests with indisputable, scientific facts... Still considered the leading expert on oils and nutrition..."

7.The Pure Food Campaign, (The Humane Farming Association) 1130 17th st. N.W., Suite 300, Washington D.C. 20036

8. The Pure Food Campaign, a project of the Foundation on Economic Trends.

9. CHOMSKY, from: The Prosperous few and the Restless Many, pg. 12

10. The Humane Farm Association

11. The Humane Farm Association

12. The Humane Farm Association

13.The Humane Farm Association

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The human being and the cow have a highly interesting mathematical relationship. The blood in the average cow is one to twelve: one part blood to twelve parts body weight. The human being is one to thirteen: one part blood to thirteen parts body weight. "...when one sees a herd of cattle replete with grazing, sees them as they lie there in their own peculiar way, their very form revealing that they are given over to earth-gravity, then all this is conditioned by the fact that this bodily form must assimilate daily an eighth of its own weight."20 This is instinctively understood by the dairy farmer. But now the measures and quantities are being jacked up. A faster processing speed is being pumped into the cow. The cow was set at a certain numerical frequency which the good sense of the farmer could easily understand. Nature herself had a very clear intention, which is only haphazardly appreciated by our current university seers. The butcher could look at a side of beef and tell you much more than an electrician. A dairy farmer could reveal a great deal more than an auto-mechanic about this or that cow.

Here comes science and revs up the engine on the cow. Certainly the cow can do better. Let's put a different ratio and frequency into the digestive and pumping system of the cow. Nature won't notice (she's a working Mom). Science never fails to imagine that it thought of the camera before nature thought of the eye. Science thinks it thought of the computer before creation conceived of the operative function of the human brain. The marketing scheme displaces nature and says the eye is like a camera. No (stupid), the camera is a poor imitation of the brilliant invention of the eye. Marketing (consumer brainwashing) pipes up and says the brain is like a computer. No (stupid), the computer is still a sloppily functioning poor imitation of the brain. Science insists that the heart is a pump, but it is certainly unable to create any pump that could even compare to the majesty of the heart. The heart, as it filters the emotional and intellectual, as it rides forward with the courageous Native American warrior into battle or surges with Dan Jansen as he wins the Gold Medal, ain't no clumsy pumping system.

If any doctor took the blood pressure of either of these two examples, his medical theories would be ridiculous because the blood pressure would appear to be blowing out the stops. It isn't just because the heart is not a

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pump, it is because we debase our wonderful organic component systems with our clumsy and faulty mechanical concepts in an institutional underestimation of nature and spirit. Concepts are lowered to simplify the slanderous intelligence that passes for our medical education. The result is a shrinking of divine wisdom to fit the dried up brains in our heads.

The heart is the eye of poetry, both physically in terms of sports agility, and its higher use as intuitive mentality. We can set the flow of our blood into rage or run as calmly as the wind...the heart can only follow our lead. The yogi can slow his heart to hibernation at will; in winter the tiniest squirrel can slow his heart (Nature has thought it out ahead) from its average of 360 beats during spring and summer to three beats a minute during winter hibernation. Yet nobody has applauded the secret system in the squirrel that has a 360 beat a minute ratio that directly corresponds to the circumference of a tree or the days in a year. Should we not be astonished at the transformation of time and rhythm into the living three dimensional geometry of the circular tree seer, the common squirrel?

We have discussed why corporations will create `milk cartels' and dairy farm take overs, but this still leaves the question as to what stands behind retuning the four pistons of the cow's internal running so that it can experience maximum engine stress, unanswered. We humans experience stress. We have revved up 500 channel cable access; media is in overload; our mailboxes are crammed full; telemarketers are ordered to invade our privacy, enter everyone's existence and pump up the stress, fast lane it, get on top of things. The cow might as well put on a business suit and become a CEO and feel the stress that science wants to infuse into all of nature's marvels. I've even recently seen a state lottery commercial with a cow sitting in a white stretch corporate limo, and the question being asked "Why does this cow look so contented?"

"...let us consider the ox or cow. In other connections I have often spoken of how enchanting it is to contemplate a herd of cattle, replete and satisfied, lying down in a meadow; to observe this process of digestion which here again is expressed in the position of the body, in the expression of the eyes, in every

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movement. Take an opportunity of observing a cow lying in the meadow, if from here or there some kind of noise disturbs her. It is really wonderful to see how the cow raises her head, how in this lifting there lies the feeling that it is all heaviness, that it is not easy for the cow to lift the head, as though something very special were within it. When we see a cow in the meadow disturbed in this way, we cannot but say to ourselves: this cow is astonished that she must lift her head for anything but grazing. Why do I lift my head now? I am not grazing, and there is no point in lifting my head unless it is to graze. Only look at the way she does it! All this is to be seen in the way the cow lifts her head. ...It lies in the form of the head. And if we further observe the animal's whole form, we see it is in fact what I may call an extended digestive system! The weight of the digestion burdens the blood-circulation to such a degree that it overwhelms everything to do with head and breathing. The animal is all digestion. It is infinitely wonderful, when looked at spiritually,..." 21

But looked at practically the cow must appear as some lazy good for nothing, soaking up sun and rain out there in the meadow. It is far better to harness the engines, revved up, to a stall, control the feed, never let it out of the office and let it feel the stress of its existence. Every office building in America was designed so the worker could be, would be installed. He is assigned a cubicle with his feed lines: telephone, fax, computer, to chomp the cud of paper and feel the stress as he races on command, on demand, through his day just like everyone else's, in his cubicle like everyone else's, then through obnoxious, dangerous traffic, aggressive people, to a home in the 'burbs like everyone else's, gazing and grazing on what everyone else is; two stressed adults sustaining the duplex, duplicated, xeroxed life `installed' by modern corporate society. Efficiency, profit, productivity and stress may seem reasonable for us, but certainly not for the cow. It has already been stated, we have more than enough milk being produced without revving up production, of even more milk.

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The cow is that organ of nature, like our eye, our heart or our brain that has been established by nature very purposefully. We know that science is sniffing around for ways to flush out the purposes of Mother nature, so it can claim them as new dysfunctional toys for a dysfunctional humanity. Our illnesses stem from stress, so now we force the sacred rhythms hidden in the cow to the beat of our pseudo scientific, consumer culture, driven drummer. Since when has this scientific drummer had any comprehension of the majestic insights that reside as sacredly in the cow as our hearts reside in us? In the twentieth century the shrinking vision, incapacity, and foolish, albeit political, choices made for sheer self-interest and greed are beginning to crack the world.

"Today cattle are brought into the world through artificial insemination, embryo transfers, and cloning techniques. Bred for market efficiency rather than species fitness, they are force-fed, injected with chemicals, monitored by machines, constrained and controlled, squeezed and molded to meet the prerequisites of factory farming. They are treated as industrial products from birth to slaughter. Although they contain more fat, weigh more, and mature faster than feral cattle, they are far less hearty, often less able to reproduce, and riddled with opportunistic and parasitic diseases, and they require an array of sophisticated technological and pharmaceutical supports to survive."22

Our own human domain is fast becoming an exact description of our maintenance of cattle. Our immune systems are comprised, our jobs, our hearts, careers and brains confined to limited pastures set by the stringent economic and technological edifice we have imprisoned ourselves and nature in. Our children ripen like Machiavellian clones refined by an advanced case of sick consumer ethics. We have become a fat and lazy, media fed society, chomping the cud of global forests for print-outs from our shrunken data brains. We are data dead-heads in a magnificent and mysterious universe, breeding a future of weak spirited numb-nuts. Further meddling occurs through interference biologically, regeneratively and genetically by planning and producing culturally programmed sterile

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replicas of our present pale social cowards. The wild diseases we have disturbed in rain forest destruction, massive pesticide, chemical, and toxic wastes that foul our own nest, have taken aim at our own immune systems. We are being bred like cattle by capitalistic, corporate white collar nazis. We abhorred the extermination of the Jews, but the extermination and ethnic, bio-cleansing and extinction of our global species is no longer a grotesque taboo, as long as its a media event thousands of miles from our doors.

Let's assume that I over estimate the covert meanness that is hidden behind this stressful butchery of the radiant and peaceful cow. Let's assume the intention is to see how fast the cow can vibrate and resonate. The cow is a gravitational resonator, an organ of perception for earth-forces. Nature has placed the cow in the ratio and frequency of digestion, weight and balance to buffer humanity against the forces that threaten it from the earth. The Hindu comprehended this. The Hindu looked deeply into the cow's resonating digestive structure and saw the earth forces from below and the divine spiritual forces from above, meet, in overlapping waves.

From below, the destructive forces of the earth (the type that led us to create a Hiroshima) and the divine, stellar, lunar and planetary forces from above, meet like two wonderful ripples in a pond, in the bovine. Nature created the cow as a receiver and buffer for those ripples. The same way that the eye is the raw organ designed to mediate between darkness and light, so the cow, as the two forces collide in its digestion, transforms the destructive and the creative frequencies into pure dairy, human nourishment. The cow sustains the physics equation tied between gravity and levity. Not bad for Nature. Pretty interesting. Join this with the fact that whatever the eagle was to the Native American, the cow is the complete inverse, an exact inner equation reversed, lives in the cow. Beautifully colored plumage, flight, the sky, lofty vision are the eagle's external capacities. The cow's internal capacities allows it to soar over the gravitational forces locked in the earth. Humanity stands between eagle and cow. The cow acts as the eagle for the hidden forces in the core of the earth, they are buffered from battering humanity by the blessed bovine.

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If an eagle tinges the golden sun in its wing tips, bathing in the essence of highly refined and lofty mountain light and air, how can this majestic feathered sharp-eye be inwardly the reversed cow? The eagle has a highly refined discerning eye. Dream nets are constructed from eagle feathers to filter the astral body of the Native American mystic. Miles away the eagle can detect the slightest ground movement and can, with absolute accuracy, swiftness and strength, grip its prey and bear it aloft. Eagles swim in rainbows of colors and light. Whatever sunset that a painter like Turner could conjure, the eagle soaks it into its bold feathery complexity. They discern the scents, sights, color tones, and invisible air signals which we can only grope at.23 What they perceive now, with microwave pollution, cellular phones and satellites jamming migratory and cosmic frequencies, would be an important study. But just as we have our acute hearing and sight carried aloft in our heads to discern the content of our hearts, so does the cow have the discerning eagle within it's digestion in an inverse field of form and physics. Nature contains massive physics equations and quantum polarities revealing modified form principles of inside out and outside in.

Within the cow, the lofty upper sense field of color-tone discernment that the eagle possesses, is operative internally, in their refining chemical intuitions. The link between chemical fields and light fields are drawn in the cow-eagle equation.24 Unencumbered by the physical aerobatics of the eagle, the inner digestion of the cow soars majestically with the alchemy of chemical substances. The delicate differences of light and air tasted by the wing-tips of the eagle are really transmuted into a mighty compendium, an encyclopedia of cosmic nutritional recipes that whisper the secrets of the homeopathy of the stars to the droll and mediative bovine. It listens so intently to the music of its chemistry that disturbing it is sacrilegious. The cow has a tremendous interior consciousness because its exterior consciousness is religiously slumbering and appears dull.

The earth is often depicted as a cube. A square. North, South, East and West, backward, forwards, up and down. The four-footed ones or the two-footed ones. These were complete compendiums of ecological wisdom when spoken earnestly from the heart of a Native American initiate. Earth's physics, and heavens alchemy are heated, mixed and rolled through the digestive lab of the cow. Its four stomachs thoroughly mix liquids and sort

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poisons, separating and rejecting, in complex patterns, filtering, stirring and brewing the contents that finally give extraordinary manure to enrich the earth and reinvest the soil, and on the other hand, magnificent pails of liquid calcium concentrate. No more profound process can be imagined or imitated, both for efficiency and purity. Nature, unfortunately, has the exclusive patent.

In the human heart are four chambers. The transformation of the number four in humanity reveals the moral essence, the emotional and intuitive central organ in humans that digests the ethics of spirit, good, evil, truth, fiction, beauty, ugliness, matter, sexuality, birth, life and death, through our hearts.25 Our hearts act as alchemical processors of the moral content of the universe. Our hearts, like the four stomachs of the cow, digest and transform hatred into love, ugliness into beauty, evil into good, death into life. The cow equivocates our digestion of ethics into the ethos of a healthy earth. Manure rich, with meadows studded with flowers, glowing with planetary and stellar riches, is to the cow, the same as the ideals, truth, beauty and goodness, to humans. Wholesome alchemical equations in the cow translate into the equation of T+B+G= F/L for the human. Humanity is required to reinvest FREEDOM and LOVE back into the exiled corners of creation. Humanity could enrich culture and leave behind for generations to come, pathways and passages lit with wisdom. Humanity has the high position of FREEDOM FIGHTER for the oppressed lower kingdoms within the domain of nature. We have the capacity to be true liberators.

The stomach of the cow acts as the heart and pulse of the earth. The cow catches the constructive and destructive emanations from below and the invisible stellar ELF waves from above, and in her position she changes the microwave pollution of humanity and the pesticide betrayals in the earth into substance. Is milk just milk? If the meadows and the stars no longer communicate to the cow and the dew is no longer captured by the loving tongue of the bovine and the first rays of sun are not drank from the cups of countless meadow flowers and savored and passed along to consumers...who are we fooling? This type of refined sensitivity is treated with the crudity of an off-color joke by the arrogant CEO's who scoff and snort over an employee's right to have maternity leave or day-care or basic insurance coverage. Milk is milk!

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What is the udder of a cow? Is it the faint, limp palm and undeveloped fingertips of a future hand? A hand that gives milk like our hands share love, friendship, support and assistance? Odd transformations, I know, but our imaginations cannot yet conceive of the mysteries still lurking in the bosom of nature. The metamorphosis from four-footed to two-footed allows the human breast and heart to be linked with the hands. Sometimes, our hands serve our hearts; sometimes. Perhaps the udder is the germinal seed of a whole new race, the access point for an entirely new zoological species that the cow is protecting. Hormonal regeneration, biological immortality and subtle resonating technologies are now zeroing in on the cow.

Bovine Initiation Science


METHYER, (The Divine Cow)

"Le boeuf

Ce cherubin dit la louange Du pardis, ou, pres des anges, Nous revivrons, mes chers amis, Quand le bon Dieu L'aura permis.

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The Ox

This cherub praises paradise, Where, near the angels, We will live again, dear friends, When the good Lord permits.

`This Cherub', among the celestial hierarchies devoted to the service and glory of the divinity, there are beings of unknown forms and surprising beauty. The Cherubim are winged oxen, not in the least monstrous.

`When the good Lord permits.' Those who essay the art of poetry search for and love that perfection which is God Himself. Would this divine goodness, this supreme perfection abandon those who devote their lives to revealing His glory? It seems impossible. To my mind, poets have the right to hope that when they die they will attain the enduring happiness that comes with a complete knowledge of God, that is, of sublime beauty."26

Is science aware that it can dig down deeper into the mysteries hidden in the earth by altering the cow? I think so. I think it has an intention to study the resonation that the rBGH has on both the earth and the sky. The cow resonates with a 1/12 blood/body ratio and the human with a 1/13 blood/body ratio. I believe science is making a move on `Methyer' Nature in a big way. Therefore, my estimation of the covert meanness used in cracking the code of the cow is not misplaced; if anything, it is underestimated. Now that the preliminary sentiments are addressed, it is time to give mature consideration to this cornerstone of creation.

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"People are certainly very clever, but they are still a long way from being as clever as the universe. And this is why things cannot become particularly bad so long as, in comparison with the universe, they go about the measuring, weighing, and counting in a dilettante way. But if present-day civilization were to be transformed into initiation, things would be bad indeed, if this attitude of mind remained. And this can happen if the civilization of the west, which stands entirely under the sign of measure, number, and weight, were to be flooded by what might well come to pass in the east, namely, that through initiation-science people might fathom what actually lives spiritually in the organism of the cow."

The Native American Elder certainly thought in terms of initiation-science. The Hindu seer also understood the cow from the standpoint of initiation-science. We were safe as long as the common breed of human intellect wasn't so cocky as to think it could look under nature's dress and have at her whenever it pleased. Today, with a profit-motivated military industrial complex and a consumer driven society, technology is beginning to enter unethically into the precincts of the profound. We have a breed of human in development today who is not in the least concerned with preserving the integrity of spirit and nature for seven generations in the future. Intellects have been trained formally in today's society, to betray with fragments of clever insights, the ethics of the human family. This training is anti-initiation-science, because no smattering of ethics will cover the sink-hole in creation that can easily open up before us now.

The call from initiation-science of the past, is now meeting at this crossroads, of our future. Two different styles of human are in obvious contradiction. Both are privileged to pry open the bovine like an oyster. One is without ethical stability. In this case the purpose for disturbing the sacredness of the bovine remains without ethical foundations. But, like shooting a gun near a glacier or kicking pebbles on a cliff, an avalanche is certainly possible. The village below may be sleeping, but we dare not lightly flick pebbles at the mountain spirit. The cow is such a signpost and doorway that hangs over our human spirit. A refresher course in bovine reverence left by humanity might give the genetic research scientist a

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smirking, skeptical second look, at the importance of this beast in the pattern and handiwork of nature.

"The biblical title translated `God' is EL, originally the title of the Phoenician bull-god called Father of Men." In the commonest terms of the Spanish bull-fighters who shout, `El-Toro' and the attack code used in the bombing of Pearl Harbor beginning of World War II, to the concept Elohim and our wise Elders. This El compliments, Micha-EL; Gabri-EL; Rapha-EL; Uri-EL; Ang-EL; Archang-EL; and even the rulership of he-EL, linking the divine and the human through the semantics of the bovine. On the ground of existence, the framework of creation used to build the human, was based on the cosmic models developed from nature/super nature designs in the Bull, the Lion, the Eagle and the Angel (). These four cosmic structures, in a watered down manner, were given to us through Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

"Yama, the Hindu Lord of Death, wore a bull's head and became the underworld judge, like Minos. Shiva was incarnate in the white bull Nandi. The real reason King Nebuchadnezzar `ate grass' probably was that his soul temporarily entered into the body of the divine sacrificial bull (Daniel 4:33)." Nimrod has been linked to Gilgamesh. In the most ancient story recorded on stone tablets, the legend of Gilgamesh and Eaboni, his dearest friend Eaboni dies, Gilgamesh desires to retrieve his friend from the underworld. His friend Eaboni, while living, was discovered with herds of animals. Eaboni had to be coaxed out of the animal world by a female priestess. Eaboni was part bull, the ancient petroglyphs outlining the archeological finds of Uruk and the Gilgamesh legend reveal a 10 foot tall genetic freak with horns,() that is half-bull, half-man. Since these are among (. The four square field of cosmic creative systems are cross cut by polarities like the bull and the eagle. But this means that the Lion and the Angel have mighty morpho-genetic field links between the hunger, heart, focus on its prey, of the lion; and the self-less, hunger/desire-free, maternal supervision of the angel over the human being. Forces in nature and hieroglyphic forms of species contain magnificent polarized correspondences. Jacob wrestling with his Angel or Hercules wrestling with a lion take on new meaning.

(. Michelangelo depicts Moses with the horns of a Ram and Eaboni,

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the most ancient records of human history, dating back nearly 6000 B.C., it speaks forcefully to the bovine roots in the human structure.

Gilgamesh and Eaboni, living near the point of time when the spring equinox was in the sign of the Bull and the Egyptian culture was rising, fought the gods for rights to possess the Bull of Heaven. Since they both were huge, great heros, not only the forces of digestion, bovine strengths, but also the will strengths of the mighty bull were apparently cultivated by both of them. Under the pre-historic spring constellations, where the mighty Bull of the stars, Taurus, ties into the fertility forces harnessed by culture to cultivate and tame the soil, plant and plow, Gilgamesh and Eaboni bent the forces of Taurus to their wills. Historically they fought the gods for the ascendency and power needed to found a civilization .

Uruk was a mighty city, built and run by two powerful heros. I visited the archeological dig site. The most important reference to bear in mind, is that the seer's vision, in those days, was able to link the biological realities to their divine sources. Biology was not separated from stars and the roots of existence as it is today. The same dynamic spiritual confluence of forces that humanity observed in the bovine, was also observed in Eaboni. Our mistake has been, underestimating ancient biological/astrological insights, for fable and myth. Initiation science restores current bio-rhythms in animal, plant and mineral to their psychic structural origins and blueprints, the stars.

"Bull worship was a large part of Mithraism. The bull's blood was credited with power to produce all creatures on earth without the aid of the cow, though her power was implicit in that the bull's blood was taken up and magically treated by the Moon." Here is one of the enormous clues lost in the translation to modern times. This refers to the ratio of blood to body weight that links human to bovine species.

on ancient stone tablets, has the horns of a bull. In the future it will be an astonishing revelation that there is a connection between Eaboni and Moses. However let that seed remain for some future consideration.

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A.C. Harwood in an article called MITHRAS AND CHRISTIANITY wrote, "Mithras was born from the rock as the champion of the Light God. Foremost among his exploits was the overcoming of the sun. Which he made his friend, and of the bull, the first living creature made by Ormuzd. He conquered the bull by mounting it and riding it till it was exhausted, when he dragged it to his cave. But the bull escaped and the sun sent a raven to bid Mithras recapture it. This time he again caught it with the help of the dog, and then seizing it by the nostrils plunged a dagger into its side. From its body sprang all useful plants, the vine from the blood and the wheat from the spinal cord. A scorpion, an ant, and a serpent endeavored to devour its genitals, but the Moon gathered and purified its seed, from which came all useful animals. The soul of the bull, accompanied by the dog, ascended into celestial spheres, where it became Sylvanus, () the guardian of flocks and herds." (This is different than the old fifties technological empire of Sylvania- blue dot).

Hidden in these mythic gems are the missing links to the magnificent mystery of the bovine. I would not credit the ethics of the present scientist with any faint desire to unravel this mystery in honor of his reverence to human history and the sacred cow. Science is attacking the guts and greatness of the bovine so that, at best, it will serve up specialized milk in large quantities on command. Engineering milk that is fat free or chocolate, genetically mixing the cocoa bean with cow DNA; plant species cross-bred with animal species, so that customers can have a variety of `trustworthy' tampered animal/plant produce, suits the profit motive. These are sciences exterior motives, but there are also ulterior motives. The ulterior motives are where the crossing points between created and creation, species boundaries, the heavenly and earthly, or the biological and the divine should ethically alert us to impending crisis.

"Egypt's savior Osiris was worshipped in bull form as Apis-Osiris, the Moon-bull of Egypt, annually slain in atonement for the sins of the realm.

(. The partial glimpse of the transformed ego identity, the personality and pipe playing harmonic resonating deity hidden and transformed out of the cow and waiting for humanity to release him from his exile and imprisonment within nature, is none other than Pan.

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In the ceremony of his rebirth, he appeared as the Golden Calf, Horus, born of Isis whose image was a golden cow. The same Golden Calf was adored by the Israelites under Aaron (Exodus 32:4)." The financial capitol of the world has reduced the golden calf to the `bull market' opposite the bear market of Wall Street.

"The goddess HATHOR, at the same time, had become patron of the Western Hills, and in one of her earthly forms-namely, that of a cow-she is often represented emerging from her cavern in the cliffs. At Memphis the tribal god was the little dwarf PTAH, the European Vulcan, the blacksmith, the artificer, and the potter of the gods. In this city also, as in many other districts of Egypt, there was a sacred bull, here called Apis, who was worshipped with divine honors and was regarded as an aspect of PTAH."

I mentioned earlier that a telecommunications gold mine existed in the cow. In order to arrive at a juncture where technological science and the organic forces cross over, the relation between PTAH and APIS had to be established. Technology and biological regeneration research have divorced themselves from the planetary rhythms. Arbitrary, mercenary consumer interests, lead egotistical corporate research scientists, toward cosmic evolutionary betrayals, affecting the two leggeds, the four leggeds, the plant and mineral brothers, linked to our current missteps. The paths of initiation science and deductive-analytical science differ only in how they incorporate and integrate fragments of the divine into the researches of the material world. The divinity that rules technology and all its aspects was PTAH-VULCAN. APIS, bovine biology and PTAH, covert misguided initiation science, converge at one of the most serious moments in twentieth century history.

I wrote a play outlining the history of VULCAN, titled THE WEAPONS MAKER AND THE GINGERBREAD MAN (). It was produced at the

(. This was considered an epoch `cult classic'. A 2 1/2 hr. musical that revealed the occult significance of why Christopher Marlowe was assassinated and the dawning the `age of technology'.

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Alliance theater in Atlanta in the late 80's. Genetics and molecular biology are now bumping the border lands where the organic and the technological overlap with the divine. Biological regeneration without the effort of individual education into the structure of immortality would be a coup d'etat for modern science. It would be an unforeseen catastrophe both for nature and for the mission of liberation and stewardship humanity is equipped to handle.

Our robotics for the Mars landing and our lost Mars observer are all secrets of PTAH-VULCAN, i.e. the entire body of knowledge we refer to as technology had its origin with the blacksmith of the gods (i.e. Tesla). In the Greek myths, Mars and Venus were having an affair. Venus is actually PTAH'S-VULCAN'S girl friend. But if you know anything about PTAH-VULCAN, you know that he is a limping gnarled troll, actually gnomish figure who is a strange marriage partner for the beautiful, well endowed VENUS-APHRODITE. A secret marriage of biological imbalance and over developed intelligence swerve into our corrupt ideas of modern glamour and beauty. A sociological lesson lurks in the mythic love triangle between, Venus-Vulcan & Mars. A society addicted to body-bound steroid enhancement and virtual reality, brain stimulating, pharmaceuticals is way out of line with the principles of initiaton and immortality.

Greek mythology often profiles the physical-biological results of specialized research, like that of Vulcan on the sciences, as well as pathological aspects and effects that carry over into personality. The classic nerd, Vulcan, is not the kind of romantic lover we imagine for Venus. Not very smooth with the ladies but brilliant in the lab. The Greeks knew that if the brain forces predominated over the life forces (thinking over digestion) all the life forces would be twisted up and sucked into grey matter. The result of this would be deformity and ugliness. PTAH-VULCAN, walks with a limp (he would wear steel rimmed glasses today) is nearly hunch-backed, his fingers are gnarled, his nose too long and his head so big that it hindered his body development. His body, a mere spindly, bony appendage of his mental forces. In this contrast, as in Egypt with Apis and Ptah, over developed digestion in the cow, is contrasted against, over developed mind. The extreme polarities, of acute analytical against harmonious synthesis, throw the beauty of form (VENUS) into disarray. Certain acute pathologies

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are slowly making there way into the former consolidated divinity of form and content that humanity relied on for sanity. What will alert an anti-science and an anti-education to its slow fall from the divine wholeness?

When Paris stole Helen and initiated the Trojan war, he set the standard of glamour and false beauty that western culture has maintained since that time. Paris is not only a city in France but the namesake of our representative human jock who had a choice between three goddesses. He could have wisdom, in Athene; beauty in Aphrodite; or power in Hera. He chose Aphrodite and as his reward he was able to nab the most beautiful woman on earth, Helen of Troy. Since this is the cornerstone of western civilization, media hype, glamour and Marilyn Monroe constantly de-rail our spiritual unity. Instead of just beauty, i.e. feeling, humanity is composed psychically of three goddesses and they were the test Paris failed for all of us. Athene is our thinking, Aphrodite our feeling and Hera our willing or power surge. As they say, the rest is history.

Our problem has always been a belief in the bimbo. Today the beauty of our bodies; the immortality of our flesh; the preservation of our youthful `appearance'; the shrinking of wisdom to juvenile adolescent video games and computer digital programming; and an easy solution in genetic regeneration, all hinge on the marriage of the cow with technology.

The Greeks warned humanity to remain balanced or a one-sided `specialized career' would actually deform effectively into the physical/biological. The unique thing about this relation to both cow and cleverness was the comprehension that the cow filtered and cushioned the deadly forces of over-developed brains that emanate, not from the sky, but from the center of the earth. The cow acted like sun-screen to, not only levity, but the powerful forces locked in the inner earth. "The god was a bull on earth, and a serpent in his subterranean, regenerating phase. The Orphic formula ran: `The bull is the father of the serpent, and the serpent is the father of the bull.'" Between the cow and the earth was the serpent. Below the cow, in the coils of the earth's gravitational field, was sly, seductive cunning, and cleverness. Below the Hindu seer's vision of the cow was the divorced intelligence that human beings would engage, that would link them to the final collapse of their divinity, the serpent. Everything echoing the warning

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of one-sided development of intelligence, as in science today, (which refuses to concern itself seven generations into the future) has become the whore to corporations and pharmaceutical monopolies.

So far within the picture, the Eagle which inspires the Native American initiate, frames the upper region of lofty intuition that spreads its vision seven generations in the future. The cow buffers the gravitational field of the subterranean earth. It is the last rung, below which, it is dangerous, if not fatal to tread. Intelligence becomes severed from life and Ptah/Vulcan (as specialized scientific training) treads unwittingly into the coils of the serpent.

Serpent seems so harsh a term, but I refer to unethical forces of intelligence, freed up from the body of human morals, intelligence that defines itself as the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: a covert, top-secret intelligence that operates outside the law, legally. From nuclear testing to a thousand other immoral researches in biological, bacteriological, viral warfare, including and incorporating hi-tech methods of intrusion into personal privacy that border on the perverted, this abnormal, sanctioned intelligence, coils around the mindscape of human ethics and has slithered into our eco-system. It is the serpent who slips in and out of dark and dangerous places and, without warning, strikes any innocent bystander who might be in the way of `national security.' Science is the whore this serpent sleeps with in over half of the brilliant careers which are directly tied into government and corporate contracts. Intelligence without ethics, beyond ecological caution, has crossed the cosmic line and will lead us to a truly dangerous frontier. We are currently corrupting what stands behind the hieroglyphic cornerstone of ecological formative forces coded into the four legged bovine.

"Egypt revered Mother HATHOR as the heavenly cow whose udder produced the Milky Way, whose body was the firmament, and who daily gave birth to the sun, Horus-Ra, her Golden Calf.... ...The name of Italy meant `calf-land.' This country too was the gift of the Milk-giver, whom Etruscans called Lat, Arabs called Al-Lat [Aladdin's lamp was a vessel that when rubbed-the cow's udder-would reveal the genie. Al-Lat and Al-

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addin are semantically tied], Greeks called Latona, Lada, Leto, or Leda. She ruled Latium, and gave her milk (latte) to the world. ...Earlier myths showed the universe being `curdled' into shape from the Cow's milk. In India, many still believe literally the creation myth known as Churning of the Sea of Milk. The Japanese version said the primordial deep went `curdlecurdle' (koworokoworo) when stirred by the first deities, to make clumps of land. The ancient Near East thought human bodies too were curdled from the Goddess's milk. One of her liturgies was copied into the Bible: `Hast thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese?' (Job 10:10). ...A favorite Roman emblem of the Goddess was the Cornucopia, Horn of Plenty: a cow's horn pouring forth all the fruits of the earth. The cow was honored as the wetnurse of humanity, and her image is still inadvertently invoked to this day as an expletive HOLY COW, or a pejorative SACRED COW."

With Eagle-like intuition the Native American seer or the Hindu would penetrate with refined vision into the passive picture of the resting cow: a large screen television link-up of unparalleled clarity with 500 channel, cable ready clairvoyant access. The cow revealed to them enormous healing secrets, mysteries having to do with the formation of our solar system and the higher origin of the human race; revealed not vague quips, but profound images, like the curdling of the solar system as the ripening of matter and life united in creation.

The Milky-Way and the origin of species, both animal and human, were shown daily on this global network which the seer could calmly enter through his meditation on the cow. All the way down the halls of time and the profound evolutions of the earth, humanity, plant and animal species were tuned to the biological and spiritual rhythms of warmth produced by the satisfied, un-stressed cow. The cow is a pivotal player in the organic higher functions of nature. To this day it is criminal, unethical, immoral to harm a cow in India. This was left over only because, beyond our clever intellectual collection of dreary data and our adolescent desire to crack the code of the cow, the seers and leaders of initiate-science kept us properly positioned and honest, until now.

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As strange as it seems, the horns of the cow have a profound relation to the restoration of soil composition. The sun that shines, as seen clairvoyantly by the seer, lives vividly in the cow's digestion. Secrets, completely outlawed by the current science jockeys, are studied in covert schools and incorporated in high level Defense Department projects. But these secret

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studies, once known as esoteric are now covert, spin doctored or ready to be marketed to the consumer. They are consciously divided into the information we are allowed to know and information too dangerous for the public to have access to.

Secrets that are too menacing and unstable for us to know are consumer bonanzas with absolutely cosmic implications for the elite who plot them out very strategically. Control of truth, opinion and heresy was instituted by the church. It is the church of materialism that now masks itself as our sciences. From the AMA to tabloid trash the general public is still treated like pampered children. Motives and agendas that can easily rip the earth out from under us are consistently studied as `projected scenarios'. It certainly is not aliens that have `mutilated cattle', with laser efficiency, in out of the way rural farms. It was men hunting for parts and pieces needed to complete and compete in racing global genetic deadlines. Which corporate conglomerate would be the first to win patents on creation? Perhaps the physical regeneration of the flesh could be ripped from the cow? Suddenly cloned Holsteins appeared at the 1990 Dairy Expo in Wisconsin.

"In February 1988, a front-page New York Times story announced Grenada's new-found ability to bring `factory-like efficiency to animal reproduction.' The article described how the company had successfully used a modified version of the nuclear transfer technique utilized in the Briggs and King frog experiment to clone cattle embryos. Grenada's accomplishment was a milestone in the history of cloning-after three decades of difficult research, the widespread cloning of HIGHER MAMMALS was seen as possible and profitable. The newspaper story described how Grenada's scientists had inserted the nuclei taken from a prize cow into the fertilized eggs of normal cows-eggs whose nucleic genetic material had been removed to make way for the new nuclei. Some of the altered fertilized eggs were transplanted into surrogate mother cows for gestation, while others were frozen for future research. "Throughout the 1980s, researchers and corporations competed in a publicized genetics race to clone sheep and cattle. ...The

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procedure for cloning mammal embryos was developed by [Danish scientist Sten] Willadsen as a result of research he conducted at the Agriculture and Food Research Council Institute of Animal Physiology in Cambridge, England. There Dr. Willadsen became most famous, or notorious, for his work in cell fusion, including the creation of the so-called geep ()-a bizarre animal resulting from the fusion of sheep and goat cells in embryos."

How far fetched an idea is it now when the whisper of ancient wisdom pin-points the cow as the access point to new creation and the origin of the human race? The cloning and creation of higher mammals passing through the cow gets very close to the cloning and creation of new human beings. It may seem like a clean new starting point, and happenstance that the cow became the lynch-pin, but it is not. The mutilation of cows for parts, for cells, for eggs and embryos, for the genetic and pharmaceutical corporations racing ahead for genetic patents on whole new breeds of animal forms, these things were never seen on earth before. We are witnessing the transgenic cross breeding of our species. A mind boggler that can easily harken back to Eaboni, the bull-hoofed human, 10 feet tall, that Gilgamesh had to seduce into becoming his friend. Eaboni was forced to leave the divine precincts of the animal community and befriend the half-god Gilgamesh.

"Willadsen's leading competitor, Dr. Neal First, is probably America's leading researcher in both the creation and cloning of transgenic cattle. Like Willadsen's, Dr. First's work also has resulted in breakthrough technology in cloning cattle embryos.

( Thomas of Celano (c. 1190-1260) who was the biographer of St. Francis of Assisi writes in latin, Inter oves locum praesta et ab haedis me sequestra statuens in parte dextra, which is: Among the sheep set me a place and separate me from the goats, standing me on the right-hand side. The fact to consider is St. Francis of Assisi, through the STIGMATA, raised himself to the THIRTEENTH. Celano recognized the future spiritual implications that biology and genetics were connected to a deeper moral universe. Humans can be divided between the sheep and the goats and a telling genetic tag is a Geep. A great deal more is implied here, such as the independance of the goat, as a opposed to the dependency the sheep has on the entire ecological picture.

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First's research has also been controversial. Wisconsin is dairy country, and First's research at the University of Wisconsin has been embroiled in the controversy over his attempts to create genetically engineered cows that produce more milk, cows that would overproduce milk in an already flooded market. As we have seen, hard-pressed dairy farmers are adamantly opposed to the use of genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (BGH) in cows to stimulate milk production. They are equally opposed to the concept, proposed by Dr. First, of creating thousands of cloned transgenic cows designed to excrete more milk; cows that would flood the milk market and lower milk prices for the farmer."

If human motives were contained by initiation-science and not slithering vampires of intelligence, coiling around one of the four key cornerstones in human ecological balance, America would be an easy place to live. But in America, the wild west, we have got to be on our toes. Why? We are slipping into a dangerous zone, more intensely dangerous than nuclear research ended up being, by dragging us into disaster after disaster. Genetics is already clipping along the by-ways of covert activity and ad campaigns are easing the idea into the comfort zone for the sleeping American mind. It was hoped that we would become so dull that we would miss the point when mythology and mankind met once again at the cross roads. Humanity has unloaded the extra baggage of myth as unwanted and unusable fairy tales. It scoffs at the ideas of myths, yet at the same time uses those myths to crack the code of the cow with the intention of opening an air-lock in the closet of creation (). Better look both ways before crossing this intersection.

However, it is not easy to crack the code of the cow, even though BGH is a preliminary diversionary tactic. Already the FDA is hiding its poker hand in this operation. Inevitable side-effects created by the bovine growth hormone and tabloid/news magazine television reportage of close-encounters are deliberate shockers intended to send the public chasing after small farmers and aliens instead of the corporate and governmental (. " Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals therof?" Revelations 5:2

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monsters creating the diversions. Meanwhile, while unsuspecting consumers follow that meandering trail, transgenic virus and species borders are being transgressed between human and animal, creating the potential for unthinkable disasters, latent 20 years down the road. The results of such indiscriminate crossing of boundaries, including residuals of BGH, which will internally affect the genetic and hormonal balance of our children seven generations into the future, should give our social and ethical sense something to ponder.

"As the creation of transgenic animals increases internationally, the United States remains the undisputed leader in the genetic engineering of animals. Over the last decade, American government and private researchers have spent billions of dollars, much of it provided by taxpayers, in the creation of a variety of transgenic animals. Dr. Pursel and dozens of other scientists have inserted a wide range of genes, including over two dozen different human genes, into animals and plants. Rodents and livestock containing human genes have become commonplace at several U.S. corporate, university, and government laboratories.

"[W.R.] Grace [& Co.], a massive multinational company specializing in chemicals and energy] was not alone in patenting the processes for cloning bovine embryos. Grenada had also secured several patents for cloning cattle. But in early 1992, just as the competition between the two companies seemed to be coming to a head, Grenada sold its operations and its patents to Grace. What had prompted the reported downfall of the highly touted Grenada? A few months later, one possible answer was revealed. In March 1992, international media stories announced that Grenada's heralded cattle cloning procedures had gone badly awry. The headlines were arresting: `Lab Trial Spawns Freak Animals.' One story went on to tell of `freak giant calves born on farms in Britain and America.' The stories described how Grenada's cloning process had gone `disastrously wrong.' The problems centered on the cloned calves' weight. Instead of weighing the usual eighty pounds, several cloned calves swelled

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up to 150 pounds in the wombs of their surrogate cow mothers - emergency cesarean deliveries were required to deliver them. The unfortunate calves were created as part of a joint business venture between a British firm, Genus, and Grenada. As part of the business project, Grenada had recruited Sten Willadsen to develop cloned cow embryos for mass marketing. ...But the project went under after it was found that one in five calves was emerging larger than normal, and that one in twenty was a giant. The freak calves have now been distributed to several American universities for study."

The instability of transgenic animal human transfers will obviously mutate down the line. Seven generations into the future could the BGH or other genetically altered natural systems give our children potential problems? To study nature more carefully without interfering for fun and profit would reveal incredible principles, timings, settings and rhythms that work together at present with the intimacy of the sun, moon and planets. In viral and epidemic mutations, for instance, the AIDS virus keeps jumping out of its predictable patterns. Mutations across the animal and human immune systems and the genetic key codes, once scrambled with active viral shifts, can trigger, and will trigger crazy mutated patterns within future generations. We are giving a whole generation of `God is dead' and `nature is a bungler' scholars an opportunity to really scramble a good system into a bad system. The present system of `nature' is only getting a bad rap because of the abuse on the whole system by the ecologically and genetic-nuclear adolescents who followed the pragmatic and cynical vision of greed-bent corporate players.

America is running out of opportunities to stop the speeding train and do a complete re-evaluation on ethical social denial. It lied to itself regarding nuclear dangers, DDT and other pesticide dangers; it lied to itself about cancer and crime; it lied about Viet Nam and Desert Storm. Genetics is the next step on the unblazed trail confronting us. Pharmaceutical/genetic industries are once again hoping Americans will play the fool and not insist on knowing and reviewing the entire realm of ethical implications of this enormous leap outside of nature. In the long term it is not only nature and

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the position of humanity in creation that is at stake but the actual personal real estate of our immune systems.

"First the cattle started going wild and dying. A dairy farmer in southern England offered the earliest reports, in 1986, of cows exhibiting weird behavior: agitation, fearfulness, aggression, and eventually the inability to stand. Within months other farmers reported the same strange symptoms, and it became clear that some infection was ravaging the herds of Great Britain and threatening the safety of the nation's meat supply... But what truly captured people's attention - even more than the eventual loss of thousands of cattle to infection or slaughter - was the death in Bristol of a Siamese cat. This was the spring of 1990; soon two more cat deaths were confirmed. Before they died, the cats had gone crazy just the way the cows had. Here was a disease, then, with no respect for species boundaries... The problem has continued into the 1990's. To date, at least eighteen thousand cattle have been deliberately slaughtered and burned, an unknown number of domestic cats have died, and dozens of zoo animals have become infected by eating virus-laden feed derived originally from sheep... Because of the way the mad cow virus seems to persist, the condition may remain a problem in Great Britain for the immediate future. Even though officials have determined what caused the epidemic and have taken steps to stanch its spread, they expect cases of mad cow disease to continue until the mid-1990s."

The crossing of species borders and transgenic covert operations are stirring up the human immune system. Bacteriological and viral warfare have already created secret avenues into people, deep cover avenues of flu and viral deviations. Methods and carriers are being adapted to carry human genetic cross-seeding with a variety of goals both in the private sector and the covert sector. The Washington Times on Saturday, February 26, 1994 thought the whole BGH scare a big joke. It is strange why people would worry about the trustworthiness of a gang of unethical adolescents who pose as `pure scientists'. It isn't that the public hasn't been completely betrayed before, but more likely most of us are just afraid to live dangerously, take

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chances and risk the earth and our childrens' future for the usual thirty pieces of silver. Leonard Larsen wrote, "The federal Food and Drug Administration has said Mr. Rifkin's central accusation - that udder infections among treated cows will threaten the health of milk drinkers - is false. But in the age of ever-present environmental alarm - even a false alarm - is about like sending the firemen back up the slippery pole at the firehouse. It can't be done and it's better to rush off again to where you know there is no fire."

I don't know what world these reporters are living in, but just to snap off some unresearched quip to quiet the rumblings of a society about ready to plunge into the next mega-billion dollar tiger hunt, is not following the story. I wouldn't want to imagine any organized conspiracy here. There isn't one. There is rarely an organized conspiracy. But in comprehending the positions that can be taken on humanity's future, `soul searching' is not something that corporations and science feel comfortable with. However, it is within the stance of the mind and the position of the human heart and the bent of greed or laziness on which the entire scenario of tragedies within humanity, have been played.

The insulting idea that what we see is what we are dealing with are the manufactured blinders of our age. The deck that humanity is dealing with is loaded with scientific and psychic insights that come with the territory of being one stage lower than an Angel. If you dream of humanity surviving long enough to reach the next stage, we had better begin thinking with the clarity of Angels.

Retro, as in retrovirus, is a prefix denoting the reversal of genetic tracks. Backtracking or reverse transcriptase literally means that from the RNA coding, a decoding and reversal has broken into the lipid membrane. Our genetic immune system laid out at the Garden of Eden, The Tree of Life, allows us to track upwards to immortality. Retro or backtracking literally implies that the genetic destiny from Adam to 2000 has now begun a reversal. Instead of heading upwards into an advanced bio-psychical revelation we have turned tail and retreated, unplugging and backtracking down the evolutionary ladder. This literally means returning backwards

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down the evolutionary Darwinian tree and skipping the higher metamorphosis of our spiritual-organic potential.

It is not divine will that has forced this sudden retro-backtracking of the genetic field, it is human science. Overcoming the collected genetic impurities since Adam has a great deal to do with science and the Angel. With the breakdown of ecological and genetic systems a forced issue of a Second Genesis has emerged. New tracks have been laid by immunization that will reverse the forces that would lead to a `natural' ascension from the gene to immortality. This physiological and mythic journey is being blockaded by a forced breakdown of the immune system in the human family.

The human family has the ability to rise upward to a plane that reveals the architecture and architects of our genetic and biological frequencies and rhythms. Research on ecological and biological realities would testify to this fact. Refinement of the human social, biological as well as psychic structure built into humanity would confirm this truth. Stagnant and coercive economic and medical strategies are uniting in a pharmaceutical coup d'etat to prevent humanity's ascension to the biological and environmental thinking of the Angel community. The cards are stacked against the human community making a consensus decision to pursue the mission of the Earth: Freedom and Love. It is in the interest of market and financial forces that humanity pursue a mission of degeneracy and egotism.

Our ecological and spiritual responsibilities extend into the kingdoms of nature to the center of the earth and out, further than the Eagle flies, into the far reaches of the stars. One Angel keeps the record and guardianship, the genetic planning and tutorship, of the spirit of one human being. One Angel per human being has the job of balancing and preserving the destiny of one person from their first moment of incarnation in aeons past to the present and future incarnations that will allow the fulfillment of the human spirit. An Angel's goal is to tutor an individual until the moment when they become spiritually free and the human divine being is fully conscious and born. How does this impact bovine esoterics?

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"No other animal has the same proportion between the blood-weight and the entire body-weight as the cow; other animals have either less or more blood than the cow in proportion to the weight of the body. And weight has to do with gravity and the blood with egoity; not with the ego, for this is only possessed by man, but with egoity, with separate existence. The blood also makes the animal, animal - the higher animal at least. And I must say that the cow has solved the world-problem as to the weight of the blood and the weight of the whole body - when there is the wish to be as thoroughly animal as possible... You see, it was not for nothing that the ancients called the zodiac `the animal circle'. The zodiac is twelvefold; it divides its totality into twelve separate parts. Those forces, which come out of the cosmos, from the zodiac, take on form and shape in the animals. But the other animals do not conform to the zodiacal proportions so exactly. The cow has a twelfth part of her body-weight in the weight of her blood. With the cow the blood-weight is a twelfth part of the body weight; with the donkey only the twenty-third part; with the dog the tenth part. All the other animals have a different proportion. In the case of man the blood is a thirteenth of the body-weight... The cow has seen to it that, in her weight, she is the expression of animal nature as such, that she is as thoroughly as possible the expression of what is cosmic... one sees from the astral body of the cow that she actually manifests something lofty in physical-material substance - this comes to expression of itself through the fact that the cow maintains the partition into twelve in her own inner relationships of weight. The cosmic in her is at work... In the cow earth heaviness is obliged to distribute itself according to zodiacal proportion. Earth-heaviness must accommodate itself to allow a twelfth part of itself to fall away into egoity."

To the Angel and to human immortality, humanity is stepped up by one from the zodiacal number twelve. In the human, body weight to blood, is a ratio of one to thirteen. In this number immortality is focused. Who is the thirteenth? Twelve Knights of the round table and Arthur. Twelve animal

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forces streaming out of the Zodiac and the thirteenth is the Lamb . Leonardo Di Vinci's last supper, is twelve, with the thirteenth sitting in the center of the table-twelve apostles and Christ. These specific numbers are important to the immune system and immortality. These proportions are important to the Angel. Key-coded frequencies for the different four-legged species that access twelve, ten, twenty-three etc. are like unlocking a safe by listening to its tumblers. Once, or twice around the circle or a half-circle unlock different mysteries of creation. The tuning and settings in the bio-rhythmical fields of nature are still set by key relations to twelve.

It is essential to preserve our legitimate supremacy over the animal zodiac. This includes resisting the transgenic tampering with forces that alter and distort these highly intimate esoteric systems built in our DNA and immune system. It is obvious that science could find enormous numerical correlations in plant, insect and animal frequencies. It is obvious that science is snooping into this arena. To break the code and drop the immune system of humanity into the animal again would be a betrayal of the Angel and the future of humanity. If dropped by just one, our human consciousness would be imprisoned within the zodiac of animal instincts and unable to free up its immortality and link-up with the divine family above the human. Introducing different ratios, speeds and rhythms into our genetic compositions alters our formal relationships with immortality. In this delicate balance hangs the implications of BGH.

We may be standing on the back of the cow, and we certainly don't want the cow to give way under us. Tampering with the cow is really like meddling with the music of the stars and the tuning of the zodiac. None of these comparisons are suitable for adolescent sarcasm and cynicism. They just are the frequencies and harmonics from which certain very profound facts come to light. Milk is not just milk, it is the rhythm of the precise blending of the wonderful animality of the stars into the purity of a substance suitable for human consumption. Milk is the consumer's guide to immortality. Milk is the Holy-Grail of consumerism. It is the result of a symphony of music that functions as digestive and distributive harmonics within the organism of the cow. The greatest chemical genius, the brighest pharmaceutical technician is the cow. But the adolescent wants to rev up the engine of the

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cow and disturb the ecological symphony it hears, and create its own untuned, dis-harmonic, MTV version of divine rhythm.

Superstition around the number thirteen is epidemic. Not many elevators stop on floor thirteen. However, humanity has a powerful, deeply hidden, wondrous and immense mystery connected with thirteen. "Twelve is the number of signs in the Zodiac, of chief joints in the body of man, of the tribes of Israel, of the Apostles, and of the gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem. " Thirteen is that in the human being which pulls him up out of the animal circle into the functioning core point of Love. It is the Thirteenth element from which the model of immortality is fashioned. When humans achieve the high rank of Buddha, they never need to return to earth life again and they free their Angel. The individual Angel becomes an Archangel. Our human development impacts the ecology below us as well as the Angelic evolution above us. "There are twelve different pictures of every single Ego, and only after contemplating it from twelve different standpoints have we a complete picture. This view of the Ego from outside corresponds exactly to what is reflected in the relationship of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac to the Sun. Just as the Sun passes through the twelve constellations and has in each a different power, just as it illumines our Earth through the course of the year and even of the day, from twelve different stations, so the human Ego is illumined from twelve different stations in the higher world." Those stations are the lofty collegium of the 12 Bodhisattvas () who study the enormous psychic model of the divine immortal `I AM' of Love which stands outside the Zodiac, and is the basis out of which our little selves on Earth strut our stuff.

"For it is in this mighty sensible-supersensible Imagination that there is revealed before us the picture of the lofty collegium of the 12 Bodhisattvas, whose common mission encompasses all Earth development and who sit in state on the 12 thrones and contemplate unceasingly the Thirteenth in the center;..."

(. The Rockefeller estate in New York claims one national treasure. A statue of a Bodhisattva, just under five feet tall exists for America of the future to ponder.

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" Love was in the midst of them, a Face of the Triple Force in the Fountain and a Kanoyn (place of rest) which the Twelve Paternities surrounded, in which was hidden a mntshere (procreative force.)"

The milk of human kindness, compassion and forgiveness is awkwardly attempted by the bulky bovine as an indication of the Love that stands behind the cosmic model of the animals and the humans. While the cow manages to give a facsimile of this wondrous Love that exists as the food of the Angels and the goal of humanity, it never quite squeezes the wondrous intentions and immortal sustenance of Love that fuels heaven, out. It may be good enough for Earth but humanity is striving for the ultimate milk of human kindness, a lofty living journey each human being makes to the central unfathomable secret of the Thirteenth. Earth is a divine school where humanity borrows the nourishment of the cow and the zodiac to achieve something that is greater and transcends this zodiac.

"Weave a circle round him thrice,And close your eyes with holy dread,For he on honey-dew hath fed,And drunk the milk of Paradise.

"All thoughts, all passions, all delights, Whatever stirs this mortal frame, All are but ministers of Love, And feed his sacred flame." ( COLERIDGE )

"As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious." Peter 2:2 ()

(. The latin version of the Peter verse is; "Sicut modo geniti infantes, rationabile, sine dolo lac concupiscite."

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"Long ago, when the sea was milk, Narayana said to the gods of heaven, `Churn the ocean, and she will yield amrita, the nectar of immortality, and precious gems, and all manner of illusion and revelation.'"


"Originally, milk was man's main sustenance. As long as the moon was still united with the earth, man absorbed milk from all surrounding nature. It was mainly the plant kingdom which lavished it on him. Man truly still sucked the breasts of nature. When the Ephesian goddess Artemis and the goddess Natura were later depicted as beings with many breasts, this contained a reminiscence of a world condition which still possessed full reality in the Lemurian age. The image of the cow Audhumla in Nordic mythology is also a retrospective look into ages when mankind passed through its initial state of infancy and was nourished on the maternal breasts of creation. The great garden of nature did not yet require cultivation by man. He was supplied with everything. Then the world changed and only the animal kingdom still supplied the nourishing milk. This ancient time, when man found his food without having to toil, is recalled in the occupation of the shepherd. Abel, the shepherd, preserves the old world in which `the milk of human kindness' was man's only nourishment."

What lies latent in our transgenic meddling with immortality and biology? Dwarfism and gigantism are obviously something that will sneak into the mix. The Egyptian connection between Ptah and Apis jumps right back at us out of the ancient spiritual knowledge of biological polarities. From 1850 to 1950, from Buffalo Bill to a lab based research team to uncover the cure for dwarfism we have sported with the cow. Sliding out of synchronization with our immune system, in the 80's and 90's, is an indication of the slide away from our position with the Thirteenth. "Despite their close genetic similarity, HIV-2 seems to cause far fewer symptoms than HIV-1. People infected with it show fewer severe immune system irregularities, develop fewer opportunistic infections, and are more likely to

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live a normal life span and die of some unrelated disease. Some scientists explain this by saying that HIV-2 has a latency period of twenty years, very long compared to HIV-1's ten." Internal clocks and patterns are being slowly eroded, but seem, in the wide spectrum of events, unrelated. This is not true. We have merely forgotten how to guard the chicken coop.

Human systems and bovine systems are deeply related. Repercussions and reverberations down into the matrix of ecology and up into the mighty metaphysical maps of creation are now shaking our world. Modern education has deliberately divorced the interconnected relationships so that we can't single out the source of the shaking. The collapse of nature around our heads has been deliberate, organized and completely unconscious. One or two more pillars yanked out of the foundations and we will all beg for a `healthy, modern pharmaceutical placebo' just to sleep better at night.

"It is taken for granted that certain things must be known in order to understand a clock; [keeping in mind the cow's internal running system of twelve and our own constant reference to our Rollex] someone who has not the slightest idea of how the wheels of a clock work together, etc. will hardly attempt to explain, on the spur of the moment, the details of a clock's mechanism. Yet we wish to be competent judges of free will and necessity in all situations of life without having learned anything fundamental about these things. We prefer to remain ignorant concerning the most important and most essential things, which can only be understood if we consider their whole relationship to human nature, and we wish to know and judge everything imaginable, of our own accord... When it is shown that the human being is a complicated being, organized in manifold ways, a being that penetrates deeply, on the one hand, into all that is connected with the physical plane, and on the other hand, into all that is connected with the spiritual world, then people often object that such things are dry and intellectual... The world will have to learn how much lies hidden in man and in his relationship with the course of the world's evolution... We can differentiate roughly in man what we may call his physical nature, or his physical body; his etheric

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body, or the body of formative forces, as I have called it; his astral body, which is already psychic; and the actual ego... The following figures will make you realize this. A human being is, let us say, 7 years old; this means nothing less than this: - his physical body has reached the age of 7 years. His etheric body, his body of formative forces, is not yet 7 years old, for his body of formative forces does not maintain the same speed as the physical body and has not yet reached this age. We are not aware of such things just because we imagine time as one continuous stream, and thus we cannot form the thought that different things maintain different speeds within the course of time. This physical body which is 7 years old has developed according to a certain speed. The etheric body develops more slowly, the astral body still more slowly, and the slowest of all, the ego. The etheric body is only 5 years and 3 months old when the physical body is 7 years old, because it develops more slowly. The astral body is 3 years and 6 months old, and the ego, 1 year and 9 months... The ego undergoes a slower development on the physical plane... Hence if someone is 28 years old as far as his physical body is concerned, then his ego is only 7 years old... for instance, one human being may normally become 28 years old, while another child may grow more slowly and after 28 years be like a child of 7. Thus the whole matter appears at first like an abstract truth. But it is a fundamental reality in man... This means that during our development as human beings between birth and death we are indeed mere apparitions of a reality. We make the impression of being four times as clever as we really are."

Synchronized systems and biological clocks are intimately tuned. If you wonder about this ratio and you question the distribution of the ratio of visible and invisible rhythm patterns in the human being this can be easily clarified(). Nature is also on this four rhythm pattern in its structural

( Grimms tale of THE BREMEN TOWN MUSICIANS, exactly corresponds to the rhythms and synchronization described here. "The donkey and the dog lay down under a big tree, [this is the picture of the physical (donkey) and etheric (dog)] while the cat and

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foundations. The stone is merely a physical body; the plant is merely a physical and etheric body; the animal, (cow) is merely a physical, etheric and astral body. However the cow has its internal clock, ticks to the tune of the exact ratio of the sun in zodiac.

Each day, while we watch the clock, the internal digestive wisdom, implanted by nature, keeps exact time, precise time, in the cow. The cow is something to set our watches by. It changes in the human. Our culture wants us to remain glued to the clock. To become cow like in our daily lives, the human slipping down to bovine, would make life so simple for the boss. But the blessing of the human being is that it's internal clock is set on a higher frequency. It is not sucked down into the tempo of the cows efficiency, the human has a transcending tempo linked to the evolution of immortality and our physical body acts like a big old umbrella that shelters the tiny tempo of our immortal ego's under its spreading human arms. We are all harboring, nourishing and cherishing an unseen deity connected to the vast workings of the mighty and mysterious universe we abide in.

In our breathing and pulse beat we are tightly tuned to the steady tick of the clock of the sun through the zodiac. The spot where the sun stands at the instant of spring (vernal equinox) shifts among the stars, westward at slightly more than 50" arc a year. At this rate the sun will cover one degree in 72 years. So during our single human lifespan, the vernal point travels as far as the sun shifts among the zodiacal constellations in one Sun day. An average life is one solar day or in earth time, 72 years. It takes the sun 25, 920 earth years to pass once, completely through the zodiac. Our pulse and breath is at an average ratio of 4 beats, to 18 breaths a minute, is 72. Adding the total equation of pulse and breathing in a 24 hour period as (18 x 60 x 24)= 25,920.

rooster climbed up and settled down in the branches. [the astral (cat) and the ego (rooster) leave the body and go to the astral or star world in the branches when we sleep.] To be on the safe side, the rooster flew to the top. Before he went to sleep, he looked around in all directions, and it seemed to him he saw a light burning in the distance." [The fledgling immortal ego is the greatest force with the most commanding view of forces above the zodiac and tree of life.]

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In the human being, the ratio of the zodiac and the human heart and lung do not drag down the consciousness, as in the cow. The cow is mercifully without conscious thought, in order to run a hot system that tags the zodiac. The cow is running along with the pace set by the zodiac in order for humanity to be nourished. We run faster, higher and clearer than the cow and transcend the sun in the zodiac. We do this without the drag on the line that the cow must experience as it clicks along at nearly a human pace with its digestion. Our human responsibilities extend below us to the cow, the cow offers us the continued nourishment of the stars. The cow's four stomachs and the four chambers of the human heart and our lungs operate sympathetically with the sun and time.

" Our modern consciousness is so rooted in efficiency and the principle of gaining power over nature that we find it difficult even to imagine an alternative way of thinking about the body. But instead of pursuing knowledge to enforce efficiency, power, and control, we might just as easily use our new biological knowledge to become a better partner with our own bodies and the rest of creation... Most of us can remember empathetic, and intuitive lessons from our early science classes - lessons that undermine the mechanistic paradigm. For example, nothing seems more magical than the spontaneous regeneration of lost body parts. As children we were both amazed and envious at how starfish or earthworms could generate new parts for themselves when arms and other body sections were lost through accident or experiment. Early-grade-biology classes often conducted experiments in which students cut a flatworm into pieces and watched as each piece - a head, a tail, a side, or a mere slice - grew into a complete worm. We humans regenerate our blood and our skin, and even our internal organs have some regenerative power - if part of our liver is lost, new liver tissue develops to replace it... The ability to regenerate thus appears to represent a significant challenge to the `biological machine' mind-set... Empathetic consciousness about the body recognizes the limited value of the intrusive techniques of transplantation, reprotech, genetic screening, and genetic engineering, but does not idolize them. It notes that the majority of the patients for

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liver transplants are individuals who are suffering from liver disease due to alcohol consumption. Of the tens of thousands suffering from liver disease, transplants even at their maximum could save but a few hundred each year. The real solution to liver disease is not and never will be transplantation, but rather lies in prevention. We must change the stressful, efficiency-dominated work and life habits that lead to alcohol abuse and other compensatory addictions and develop those life habits that are more in tune with the rhythms our bodies need. The same is true of most heart disease. Heart transplants, again even at optimal levels, can barely make a dent in the millions suffering and dying from heart disease. We need to change our ways of working, living, and eating, which cause the vast majority of heart disease, and find daily routines that better fit our bodies."

Common sense and initiation science will always find a bridge in our humanity. The journey from regeneration to resurrection requires the transformation of genetic biological factors into the immortal blueprints dormant in our psychic-bodily relationships. These blueprints, when released to the general population, reveal how close humanity is to the angels. The substance of chalk that allowed, diagrams, sketches, prophecies and words to appear, were used on blackboards to communicate knowledge in universities and cultural centers everywhere on the planet. Now interactive computer graphics create holograms and vivid visual models we could hardly have imagined in the past. Limestone, chalk, animal and human bone formation were once ancient milk that, having hardened, now supports natures skeletal frame in a multitude of species. Before those ancient times, it was a fluid albumen of scented cosmic substance that sustained us. This last, vital trail on 1st nature's creative journey, links itself to the secretions we require either from the breast of a mother or from the udder of a cow. Therefore when the cow is under fire, (Motherhood already is reeling from social attacks) and creation is slowly reversing its gears down man-made transgenic highways; we must pause to consider if the blueprints of human immortality are being used without our knowledge or has society betrayed those blueprints for more tantalizing and profitable enslavement?

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I have only three things more to add to all that has been explored so far. The first is just a brief summation of the wisdom hidden in one of humanities fairy-tales, so scoffed at by our, data drowning, science jockey's. The second is the request that you help me unravel the hidden mystery that I have attempted here. I said that, if I told you the final equation or secret of the cow, I would have to kill you. After the short fairy tale; the deadly secret! You will see, that it is debatable if we should live long enough for our children to figure it out. But I will share it with you in the hopes that neither of us will have to die before understanding it. The third is linked to the second as a final footnote in the desert of ecological ethics.



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Initiate perception has had to hide itself in fairy-tales because the intellect rebuked, refuted and rejected deeper metaphysical and biological integrations. Ancient cultures and religions have built immense, lost, detailed insights into the bovine that were intimately associated with both planetary, stellar clairvoyant, realities and biological rhythms and systems. Our intellects are gradually growing out into the wider spiritual context which is our true biological/psychic environment.

Changes in our intellect by means of pictorial consciousness and intuitive revelations, sometimes through dreams, have started once again to awaken, even behind the present scientific brilliance. Many scientists can secretly attest to finding the answer to the most difficult problem, being resolved in a `teaching dream'. Not discounting the hard concentration and research that the intellect and heart have focused on a given problem, suddenly, the intuition fits the puzzle together in a day dream. We are meant, in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, to bring the two realities into harmony. The clearest intellect and the wide stellar patterning must meet in the middle of the growing and expanding human psyche. Intellect is just one little tight, short pants, phase, capable of connecting the dots and bringing the erector set toys together using the cosmic playthings that the gods left, purposefully, in the workroom of creation. The gods have gone on to other tasks, but we would have to be stupid not to get the message.

It is the story of THE SPECKLED BULL that caught my attention. I would just like to paraphrase the plot and let you experience the depth and underpinnings that is so often missed in fairy stories. The reason they are hardly used as educational tools is because the `intuitive' insights humans had as common daily sense, has dried up. Today the shrunken intellect is afraid of the rich panorama and moral mystery that surrounds the fairy tale. In THE SPECKLED BULL, the story is fairly easy to follow. The King and Queen of Ireland had a fine son, "the finest man that ever walked on green grass." There were two daughters in one family, one 7 years older than the other, the older one thought she was gonna get her man! He chose

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the younger one. He married the younger one and the jealousy of the older one wouldn't quit. "Sisters, and all though they were, the marriage made the eldest very jealous, and she wouldn't mind if she saw her sister drowned in a pool of water."

The eldest sister is the dried up intellect of science today. The younger sister is the mythic-intellect that is rejuvenating itself today. The younger sister has a child, but the older sister replaces the child, with a kitten. The Prince thinks his wife gave birth to a kitten, sort of switched at the maternity ward. Secretly, the jealousy was so great, that the older sister killed the first born of her younger sister. The younger tries again and gives birth to a second, and the older again, throws this one into a river. The second one is the one we follow through the course of the story. He becomes our own unique bovine Moses mystery .

The older sister, bent on proving the youngest completely useless, finally convinces the prince to let her get rid of her, so that she can marry him. The jealousy today between the mythic-intellect of synthesis, and the shrunken intellect of today's science is widening. Science today will rig the results of research in order to produce the `scientific agenda' it desires. This has been done in the careers of the scientific community who cried foul when asked about the damage of radioactivity to human beings. They gave exact answers and the government of the United States censored them and denied them lucrative contracts. The plot of the new version of THE FUGITIVE movie, was based on a doctor who scrambled the data for a lucrative pharmaceutical lie. Genetics is doing the same today, only with more devastating results than even nuclear ailments. Part of the party politics, of nuclear medical nightmares, is to give the public a scare about what liars "they were"- but smoke screen today's even more terrifying and deadly nightmares. These won't be known till its far, far too late. But to continue:

"At that time, some people had a thing called magic, and when they struck somebody with a magic wand, they could turn him into a green stone. That's what the eldest sister did. She struck the prince's wife a blow and made a green stone out of her and left her outside the door where every drop of dirty water from the house would be thrown on top of her. Then she and prince got married."

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The prince is the handsome commodities base of consumer interest. We can't really expect specific scruples from the mass of humanity, they go with the flow! However the `green stone' is not dead but dormant. In everyone today, the mythic-intellect could awaken. It is the `philosophers stone' or as is said about the Grail, a stone that fell out of Lucifer's crown. An emerald green stone, like the `emerald isle Ireland, or the mysterious beauty of jade (). The elder sister puts the cap on the stone. Public opinion and commercial and corporate ethics desires humanity to never awaken their inner immortal intelligence, and that is the battle today! Be prepared to have yourself slandered, because political power bases, like the elder sister, are vicious and uses the media to lash out at honest critics.

The fine son of the prince that was sent down river to die, is retrieved by a fisherman, who raises him. The elder sister hears about this and steals him from the fisherman and his wife and slits his throat. "The prince's wife took away the child and cut his throat immediately. It troubled her no more than if it were a chicken she were killing. Then she took the body out into the garden and buried it in a lonely corner." Corporate cut-throats and take-overs, where humanity insists only in the reality of the bottom line and ratings, are the ethics which the elder sister operates from. Now here comes the part about the cow. The blood of the son, that has it's throat slit, and the bovine forces, are so beautifully worked into the text, that it astonished me.

"A tall tree grew up from the child's grave in the corner of the garden, up and up to the sky in the space of a couple of nights, and it bent down to the ground with all the different fruits that ever grew on a tree." From the immortal blood, and the immune system link in the human being springs the transcendental image of the Tree of Life. From the Tree of Good and Evil, sprang the deeds of the elder sister against the younger. Evil suppresses the knowledge of humanities immortal origins and the (. The Emerald city in the WIZARD OF OZ, is the rejuvenation region for the mythic-intellect. A lion, a scarecrow, and a tin-man are the inner forces that Dorothy sees surrounding her during her near death experience. Courage, mind or brain and heart are needed by the American to reinvigorate their own mythic-sense. This is possibly one of the wisest modern fairy-tales America ever produced.

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THIRTEENTH. Science is hell-bent on denial of the super-mythic-intelligence, that each human soul possesses. Science is in the midst of transgressing the Tree of Life, by breaking un-ethically into the viral and transgenic species borders, thereby scrambling the coding of creation.

"Now, the prince had some cattle grazing on the fisherman's land, and one day they were driven into the garden where this tree was growing." It is very different if genetic engineering tells the tale of humanity becoming `fishers of men' then when the Grail legends describe the FISHERKING. This whole juxtaposition requires homework, however the story gives us specific clues. "There was a big speckled cow among the herd, and instead of starting to eat the grass like the others, she started to eat the fruits on the tree." Science is today tampering with the bovine, with BGH. Cloning of higher mammals interferes, without insights from initiation science, into the entire ecological systems tuning of creation and the psychic/biological systems they represent. The Tree of Life is being used to jump start the cow in a devious direction.

The balance of our ecological planet, the harmonics, the frequencies, the rhythms of plant, animal & human species are being arbitrarily mixed to gain access to the Tree of Life. The zodiac is the closed link that locks into the speed and function of the cow, but our immune system, and the Angelic community are tied into the Tree of Life. Nobody in today's educational institutes will teach the validity of the Tree of Life but science will go gang busters until the human immune system is so soaked with viral invasions that we have lost the identity of our own ecological function in the compendium of ecological and spiritual development.

"She began to give so much milk that they hadn't enough vessels to hold it. And then, although there was no bull, when her time was up she gave birth to a male speckled calf. Everybody was surprised at this - the prince as well as the rest. He made up his mind to go to see what kind of grazing the cow had, and when he entered the garden he saw the tree of fruits. He asked the fisherman about it, and he told him the whole story about the child as I have told it to you."

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"He took his cattle away from the garden and returned home. He said nothing about what he had seen and heard; he wouldn't give his wife that much satisfaction. As soon as he changed the cattle, the speckled cow was just like all the others, not differing in any way. Her speckled calf ran about after her, and in no time at all he was as fine a bull as there was in Ireland. They intended to castrate him, but there weren't enough men in Ireland to catch and hold him. They had to leave him as he was.

"The prince's wife heard about the bull, and she had a suspicion that unless he was killed, he would be the cause of her own death some day. She didn't know under God how to put an end to him. she remained awake at night, trying to think of some plan to get rid of him, and at last she hit upon one. She would pretend to be dying and would whisper to a doctor who was in the district that nothing would cure her but the heart and liver of the speckled bull to eat. She was sure that, rather than let her die, the prince would agree to that, and welcome."The AMA and the medical community and now the giant corporate pharmaceutical industries are playing this gigantic threatening game with the Tree of Life. We, like the prince, are having a great deal of difficulty in wrestling with the `bull of manufactured opinion'. The market place and the American psyche are wedded in an unholy union of manipulated misinformation and denial. This denial, is the devastating entrance point of all the other social infections. We must manufacture opinions, deceptions and lies to keep the denial fed in ourselves. The market place and corporate life know this, as do the universities that give doctors their degrees. "One day the prince went out hunting as usual. When she found him gone, she made off to the doctor and told him her plan. She gave him a big fistful of money, and he promised to do what she asked."

Now that all the betrayals are in, and the illnesses set in motion, the prince tries to get a rope on the speckled bull so that through `compassion' he might heal the elder sister's contrived agony. We have literally invented and marketed diseases as well as the more deadly force, denial, and the media wrings out our hearts in the sufferings and agonies we have produced, begging for cures. This speckled bull is a product of denial,

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greed, guilt and betrayal, but also the Tree of Life. Once we have created such viral factors in society, can we reign them in?

" He sent word through the kingdom, asking every man who could to come immediately to help him in his great trouble. The men began to assemble, and when he thought there was enough to hold the bull, they all entered the field and tried to catch him. One of them threw a rope on top of him. At that, the bull gave a roar and rose up into the sky, dragging along with him the man who held the rope, and he didn't touch the ground again until he was seven miles away. Off went the bull through the air, like the March wind, and never touched earth until he reached a field in the eastern world, where the cattle of the king of the eastern world were grazing." Here the bull does take off, just like an eagle, and lands, where Hindu's understand these things and we in the west deny them.

" The king of the eastern world had a very beautiful daughter, who was under geasa never to leave the palace unless her eyes were covered." This `geasa' is either a curse or a charm that was placed on her. The daughter of the king of the eastern world isn't allowed to use her eyes in the outside world to awaken her. Again, here is an example of `the clairvoyant eyes' of the human being allowed to remain detached from the outside world. She must remain in touch with her mythic-intelligence and not become infected by the opinions, theories and denials that entangle people in the outside world. Here the Hindu cultural stand point can be seen to this day in all its wonderful compassion and brotherhood and all its inability to be corrupted by the west. India appears to the western mind like a sanitary nightmare without descent facilities, or general cultural amenities available for its astounding mass of people. That is the strength of the geasa that has attempted to keep the cultural infection of the west from entering its people. (Except through the wonderful balance of devotion and intelligence that Gandhi represented) "If she removed the veil from her eyes, she had to marry the first man she saw, even though he were only a beggar. Needless to say, the king was afraid that she might have to marry somebody of lowly birth; so he always put the veil over her eyes when she went outside the palace."

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The training in Initiation-Science allows present day humanity to re-purify their mythic-intelligence and re-awaken the deadened intuitive forces of the soul. This insight will allow the daughter of the king of the eastern world to see, exactly what a bovine is. The bovine, I have been fumbling to describe here, is clearly observed by the young girl. Why? Because her visionary and intuitive sensitivities have not been corrupted by the present day educational shrinking process. Her brain and heart are still limber enough, and preserved, to be able to see through matter into the essence of the bovine. Our own visionary strength must be developed by matching conceptually what we know intuitively. I do not postulate a return to atavistic states of clairvoyance that have been preserved from the past, as is the case with the daughter of the king. The links between the biological and psychic are clearly available for us to study with initiation science. Intelligence must re-unite with the divine foundations of existence and the bovine is such a cornerstone in creation.

The king of the eastern world wishes to take his daughter to see this 8th wonder of the world that has landed in India. He tells his people to get far out of the way, so he can bring his daughter to the cow, and she can take her veil off. Obviously there isn't any danger, because the bull isn't a person. "He and his daughter, who was wearing her veil, walked toward the field. There was the speckled bull. The king had never seen an animal like him. He was as big as twenty of his own bulls. He was so filled with wonder that he thought it fit that his daughter should see the bull also. He looked around him, and as there was no man in sight at any point, he decided to take off the daughter's veil. As soon as she laid eyes on the bull, she fell in a faint at her father's feet. He couldn't understand what in the world had come over her. She lay in the faint for a while, and he thought that she might die on his hands. But she soon recovered, and her father asked her what had happened."

Now comes the difference in perception between Initiation-Science and the present intellect. The king is a man of common sense and intellect but his daughter is still a seer. The daughter is very upset at the father and the father defends himself saying, "But you don't need any veil in this place, there's no man here only the cattle and this speckled bull that everybody is

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wondering at. I thought that you should see the bull as well as anybody else."What does Initiation-Science see? "But I don't see any bull, said she. `What do you see, then?' asked her father. `I see a king's son, 'said she. `A king's son,' said her father. `I fear you must have lost your senses, or your eyes are affected since you fainted. Stand still for a while until you recover.' `Standing still won't do me any good,' said she. `I see a king's son out there in front of me, and he's the finest man that a young girl, or an old woman either, ever laid eyes on.' `That's nonsense!' said the king. `How could a man be there?' `Place your hand on my left shoulder, ' said she; `and I'll guarantee that you'll see something that will open your eyes for you.'

" He placed his hand on her shoulder and saw before him the finest and most handsome man he had ever seen. The moment he laid eyes on him, the king decided that here was the one man in the world whom he would like his daughter to marry. He was wondering how he could get a chance of speaking to him. Then, no sooner had he removed his hand from his daughter's shoulder, than he saw the huge wild speckled bull once more. The daughter said that she would go to speak to him herself; so the pair of them walked over to the middle of the field. the bull did not move until they were within speaking distance of him. Then the king put his hand on his daughter's shoulder again, and they both began to chat with the king's son. They conversed for a long time, and the upshot of it was that the king asked him would he marry his daughter."

So the daughter, as seer, can still see the mighty forces of the zodiac which are the foundation of nature and humanity. In the bovine system the outer form looks like a typical side of beef, but the interior is the zodiacal revelation of man! Man, meaning the full implications of male and female design that has fulfilled itself in the ideal of human beings carrying in themselves the immortal Thirteenth. The cow functions as the incomplete Thirteenth. Because it is capable of cloning the mega-embryonic zodical twelve animal species and higher mammal combinations, it stands as a passive warehouse of divine potential. Only by borrowing the clairvoyance of the daughter, can the king of the eastern world comprehend the

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incomprehensible logic, and behold for an instant, a cosmic fact. The final aspects of the fairy tale resolve and restore the hidden human from the interior of the bovine. The son of the king returns to Ireland with his Hindu bride, however, a few humorous interludes occur.

"And so the marriage took place. Whatever kind the geasa on the king's son were, they allowed him to be a bull by day and a man by night, or a man by day and a bull by night. On the day that they were married, the king's son asked his wife which would she prefer, and she said she would like best if he were a man by night." Smart girl! It sounds like a very satisfactory agreement. "To make a long story short, he kept coming and going in that manner for some years. His wife loved him more and more, and she used to be heartbroken when he left her each morning."

"Now at that time, every king had a druid, who knew everything in the world. the king of the eastern world had one also, and he made known his knowledge and remedies only once every seven years." The Native-American Initiate of the Eagle elder also looked seven generations ahead, to insure the health and sanity of creation, and that the ecological communities sharing earth, would continue to cooperate respectfully. Initiation science outlines the bio-psychical development of every human being through rhythms of seven and clearly outlines the changes of consciousness and awareness that these stages of development entail for all. We are at the stage in human history where universal laws of biography and biology can be integrated. "When the seven years were almost up, the king thought it a suitable time to ask the druid if there was any remedy in the world which would remove the geasa from his daughter's husband."

In Bio-dynamic agriculture, not only the skull of the bovine, but also the horns are used in the most profound and logical way to insure the health of the land seven generations into the future. Because Bio-dynamic Agriculture is so unique, everyone should be required to get THE AGRICULTURAL COURSE by Rudolf Steiner and penetrate into the mysteries of modern day druidism. This is pure science of substance using every aspect of sun, stars, planets, the earth's cycle of winter and summer that guarantees the rejuvenation of the soil without any abstract American

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pesticides or nitrogen theories. Just buy it and study it if you wish to re-awaken your vision and overcome the dead intellect we carry around with us. "Both your daughter and her husband are in a difficult position, but if you and he do as I tell you, his geasa will be over, and he will be a man for ever more. Tell him to start fighting with the other cattle the next day he is grazing; [please remember the mad cow disease that has killed thousands of head of cattle in England] they will all gather about him and half-kill him. His left horn will be broken and the fighting will stop. You must act quickly! As soon as you see the broken horn hanging from him, you must run to him and catch hold of the horn. Inside the horn will be a small drop that looks like water. You must place the little drop in a vessel. Have a small red cloth in your pocket. you must take this out and hold it toward the bull. He will be so mad when he sees the cloth that he will rush toward you immediately. `Tis then you must be wide-awake! when he comes near you, you must throw the drop at him, between his two eyes. If you succeed in that, his geasa will be over. If you don't, he will kill you."

My intuition tells me that in the horn, is a kind of zodiacal dew, the type of dew that allows the caterpillar to become a butterfly. The caterpillar spins itself into it's tomb, like a mummy or lazarus. A death takes place fully. The only thing that is left of the caterpillars essence is a `mist' of gold dew. It is this which produces a veritable resurrection. This is no fantasy, this is Initiate-Science and living nature. In the horn of the bovine is a zodiacal dew that is indicated in the AGRICULTURAL COURSE by Steiner. If you want to refer to cornucopia or the Horn of Plenty, feel free to do so. The horn is different from the antler, but both are mentioned in a study of agriculture. The antler of the stag is like antennae. The horns, might be considered like positive and negative conductors. (just attach the jumper cables to the horns)

Zodiacal fugues, music, and currents are projected inward, into the body of the cow as he plants his four feet on the ground(). From the earth and from

(. In MAN AND MAMMALS by Wolfgang Schad, archaeological relics have revealed that the Egyptians saw the shape of the horns as musical instruments. " The Egyptian cattle, known from many reliefs found in burial vaults and from mummies of the cattle

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the stars a chemical synthesis, like we have been discussing in the fairy tale, takes place. The result is dung that nourishes the earth and milk that nourishes humanity. I mentioned Al Laddin and the root word Al Latt, as in milk. We may have misunderstood the genie.

It was discussed earlier that the blood of the animal world, is not the same as the human being(). Science continued to dispute the fact, even when the

themselves, had a set of horns that pointed upward and was shaped like a lyre." But the marvel is that the upturned horns were often strung and sometimes used musically. The Egyptian understood the harmonics that invest the interior system of the bovine.

(. "No other animal has the same proportion between the blood-weight and the entire body-weight as the cow; other animals have either less or more blood than the cow in proportion to the weight of the body. And weight has to do with gravity and the blood with egoity; not with the ego, for this is only possessed by man, but with egoity, with separate existence. The blood also makes the animal, animal - the higher animal at least." R.S. Endnote #39

14. When the atomic bomb was brought secretly by the Navy ship, the INDIANAPOLIS, to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki, again secret destiny revealed its mighty hand. On the way back, without radio contact the ship was hit by a Japanese sub in shark-infested waters and went down fast. A thousand men floated in the shark infested waters and were eaten one by one. This is called world karma. Stephen Spielberg drew upon this historically mythic dimension when he created JAWS. It is mythic because humanity doesn't care to follow the obituary of its sordid tendencies to their final destination. It enjoys the rah! rah! but not the fatal reality that is pronounced as a death sentence for human hubris.



17 CREATIVE LOAFING, pg. 29, May 28, 1994, Vol 23, Number 1, Title- AFTER THE STORM by Robert Morris


19 THE CENTAUR, by Algernon Blackwood, pg. 136

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human immune system was in a healthy state. Egoity, and egotism are still short of the milk of human kindness. Egoity of the animal is the fact that the `red' blood indicates a separate existence, a selfish internal, instinctual existence, severed from the unity of the zodiac. Humans are the unity of the zodiac, its fullest harmonious expression in form, but also its transcending crowning achievement. Animals are isolated fragments of egotism, without self-consciousness. They cannot reflect on the Thirteenth, they must be happy in their specialized abilities. Yet the color spectrum of `red' sparks in 20 MAN AS SYMPHONY OF THE CREATIVE WORD by Rudolf Steiner pg. 41


22. Jeremy Rifkin, BEYOND BEEF, pg. 287.

23. Eugen Kolisko wrote a wonderful research paper called, THE TWELVE GROUPS OF ANIMALS. Regarding the Eagle he writes, "The most striking attainment of the birds is the yearly migration of certain species. It is carried out with the greatest possible intelligence. This is not the intelligence of the single bird, but a greater intelligence which is in connection with the atmospheric air currents and the constitution of the earth as a whole. The eagle is not only the symbol for the highest flight of human intelligence, but the same forces which work in the human brain in the activity of thinking are also at work in the flight of the eagle and in the formation of its feathers and wings. The whole bird phylum can be compared with the upper part of the human being-the eagle is, as it were, a flying head. The same power which forms the brain in the human being becomes the instrument of flight in the eagle.There are three great classes of birds: song birds, birds of prey, and the swimming and running birds. The song birds have undergone a further development in the larynx and of the finer organization of the senses. In birds of prey, the forces connected with the wings are the most developed. There is, in these birds, an intense connection between sight and movement, and the faculty of sight is specialized for the perception of moving objects. In the swimming and running birds the digestive system is more developed, and they therefore lose some of their possibilities for flight. Parrots, to a certain extent, have developed all the three faculties of senses, rhythm, and digestion, but they appear grotesque because they are a mixture of the three types and have not, as it were, made up their minds which to be.The two great types of the mammals, the lion and the cow, form together with the bird type, the threefold structure of the

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the bull a brute force reaction of primitive egotism. It appears to get angry! But that is ridiculous, unless the red egoity of the animal is filled with drives and passion only, but lacks the capacity to sort out motives and differentiate compassion, grace and love into its system.

"No sooner did the drop touch his forehead than there stood before the king the finest young man he had ever laid eyes on. The geasa had

higher animal kingdom. This enables us to understand how the human being has harmonized these three types in his three systems of nerves, thorax, and abdomen. The eagle, the lion, and the bull can be considered as the three symbols of these types... The Bull.... The animal with the most perfect digestive system.The Lion...The animal with the most perfect rhythmical system.The Eagle. The animal with the most perfect nervous system."

24. The form of male and female, or eagle and cow are massive formative polarities. In the sense of male and female, two different functions are closely matched. In the female and male sex live contrasting light and chemical ethers, or fields, similar to the eagle and the cow. For our gaze, untrained in super-physics that nature uses, the cow and eagle only appear unrelated.

The- "Male organism is so endowed that there are active at the corporeally creative pole - warmth-ether and Light-ether; at the spiritually creative pole, chemical-ether and life-ether;

The- "Female organism is so endowed that there are active at the corporeally creative pole - chemical-ether and life-ether; at the spiritually creative pole, light-ether and warmth ether." (from the 1934 text by Dr. Guenther Wachsmuth, entitled The Etheric World in Science, Art, and Religion - Man's Pathway to the Control of the Formative Forces, volume II, pg. 64 of the typewritten manuscript.

The most astounding riddle of the sexes is their polaric functions. The gifts of the female and the male are their ability to harness and focus different life ethers. Men cannot give birth to children from their wombs, yet. However the universe felt that the male and female should be an equal, etheric, physics match, so that the instruments, as nature models, would contain the entire force field spectrum.

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gone. The young man shook hands with the King and thanked him for his bravery." The bovine is where the science system of the zodiac,accesses, the hatch-point of a new solar seed. These new races of the future, I am speaking of, are the real reason behind our need to monitor genetics now as carefully as possible. The plant has no nervous system, that is what the insects are. The insects are the external nervous system of the plant. I mentioned that we must think as Angels if we would salvage the

The Eagle and the Cow translate wide field physics and natural spectrums of light and chemical tonal systems into apparently un-related dimensions. But in Wachsmuth's work entitled The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man, volume I pg. 39-40, he says, "The four etheric formative forces have proceeded phylogenetically one out of another, and proceed now ontogenetically one out of another; and, in reality, warmth ether has been metamorphosed - that is, has evolved into light ether; light ether into chemical ether; chemical ether into life ether."

Nature's advanced state physics allows the soaring eagle to breath and cultivate light ether and the cow to make use of chemical and life ether to deposit enriching, earth restoring manure or wholesome bodily nourishment applicable to the total human being, male or female, as dairy. The eagle certainly is not edible because it translates a host of highly refined formative cosmic ethers which are not meant to be taken in by the stomach. On the contrary, like the human being, the eagle lives in a refined light digestion, as we do when we perceive thoughts and refine our ideas. The light field of forces we use are neither edible or visible but become translatable into the wonders of our science, art and religion.Wachsmuth goes on in volume I, page 40 and describes how, "warmth ether and light ether, have the tendency to expand, the impulse to radiate out from a given central point; they act centrifugally; whereas the other two, chemical ether and life ether, have the tendency to draw in toward a center, the impulse to concentrate all in a given central point; their action is suctional, centripetal. This polarity of the two ether groups - the centrifugal, radiating, self-expanding will, and the suctional, centripetal will to draw inward, to concentrate - is an ultimate elemental principal lying at the bottom of all natural phenomena."

A tragic statement written in the compendium of our global ecological research is the unwritten texts and learning experiences of millions of human beings who could have studied

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ecological destiny of the future. The Bees and the Bee-hive is the ego of the plant world. It will be a part of our human task to eventually bring the species of plants forward to their next level. The plants shall have an internalized nervous system based on interconnected relationships of the insects. Certain insects are intimate to certain plants. Even the squirrel acts as a kind of eyes and ears of the giant tree spirits. All of the animal kingdom, as herds, have sent their emissaries onto earth. The animals have

whole ranges, of now endangered or extinct, bio-systems and discovered the connection between obscure and exotic species and their forms. Instruments and tools that nature designed to play and refine themselves in a particular spectrum of bio-psychical physics have vanished. All this is being lost because humanity would rather have an incomplete video documentary of former earth species then retain, admire, study and preserve the models, and systems that the Great Earth Spirit designed for herself within our reality. The information highway will be privileged to download disconnected zoo tours where we uuhh and aahh and remain ignorant tourists at our own terminal theme park.

25. In CULTURE AND HORTICULTURE, by Wolf D. Storl, in his chapter on EVOLUTION, the ascending evolution and complexity leading gradually up to the four chambered heart, outlines clearly how nature gradually moved the biological macrocosmic forces slowly and carefully towards a more refined, complex interior. With the interior of the human four chambered heart the microcosm was able to further interiorize the immortal design and embryo of a complete living spirit, with a consciousness separate and independent from its divine starting point in the periphery of the macrocosm. From one, to two, to three chambered hearts, to four, the reader can follow a gradual enhancement of moral and biological transformation.

26 BESTIARY, or THE PARADE OF ORPHEUS by Guillaume Apollinaire, pg. 60, first published in 1980 by David R. Godine, Publisher, Inc. 306 Dartmouth Street, Boston Massachusetts 02116.



THE WOMAN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHS AND SECRETS , pg,126- Yama, as the underworld judge, reviews acts of will imprinted into the universe by humanity. The will and metabolism is designed from

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nervous systems but no ego's, no immortal ego potential. They would have to be introduced through genetics or Initiate-Science insight. Genetics will scramble all the codes of creation, do we desire that? Do we know what it means?

The Native American tribes knew that the their brothers were in the animal kingdoms. They asked their brothers if they would allow themselves to be

the zodiacal physics of Taurus. The throat or bull neck, also located the powerful will forces used in Speech. By our speech we could also be judged in the underworld. Speech and reproduction are bull forces. However the consideration here looks down into the sub-creative regions where human deeds impact the next metamorphosis of the earth. The bovine, Yama, is the chief designer for the next zodiacal metamorphosis which will bring the lower animal kingdom forward to their human station. Our ecological mis-deeds interfere with the mighty metamorphosis existing as plans, in the underbelly of creation.

Yama, or the judge of the underworld, meant the tally of deeds humans accrued and how their morality interfaced with the great design of creation. Moses once held this position, he had two horns on his head as in the sculpture by Michaelangelo. These horns were related more to the Ram than the Bull. The Ram being the time on the zodiacal clock when Christ walked the earth. Therefore Moses had held the position of Yama before Christ came. Afterwards, the Alpha and Omega of the creative design inherent in the cosmos and human destiny, was transferred to the Christ. It is this Representative of Humanity that now shuffles our deeds in the karmic deck. Love and destiny replace the law of an eye for an eye.

The fairy-tale at the end of the text called, THE SPECKLED BULL AND THE KING OF THE EASTERN WORLD, reveals how a Moses type child is sent down a river and becomes a king. This Irish tale gives an amazing clue into the destiny of Yama to Christ.

. This mythic, titanic struggle of wills to guide a civilization is interesting to follow up through history. A Michael society finally evolves from the tragedy of the Gilgamesh story. Archangelic forces certainly were forming in embryo then but the results would only appear as a future kingly line with spiritual heirs to Michael in the twentieth century. Aristotle and Alexander reappear to continue the culture building forces begun by Gilgamesh and Eaboni.

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eaten. Why? Because the immortal, future beings of the animals, lived outside the zodiac, unable to transcend it as we do. They hoped one-day to be human but that day would depend on human maturity and Initiation-Science. The man who is freed from the speckled bull is one of the new race. In the bovine, many, many secrets were hid. Do you hear anywhere, in the voices of humanity, raising the alarm against the premature invasion by science, into the sacred threshold of a new race? Science is no kiddy-


. In further comments that give a far reaching spiritual rhythm insight into humanities present ascent from his unconscious submergence in nature, Harwood outlines the actual diagnostic of our premature birth into arbitrary genetic engineering and a Second Genesis. " There is almost unending meaning behind this fragmentary legend. Mithras is connected with the Bull-nature in man, and with the division of humanity which took place when the Sun left the earth and four different kinds of Mystery center were established, in which spiritual vision was directed to Bull, Eagle, Lion and Man in their macrocosmic forms - a division which later manifests in the sphinx of Egypt, and even lies behind the revelations of the picture of Mithras overcoming the bull and releasing from it the good powers which enable man to overcome his fallen human nature, and ultimately to bring redemption to fallen nature as well. For he says that this is a true vision of that great event in Lemuria when the backward, earth-bound angels had impregnated man's astral body with the result of the War in Heaven, and had brought him consciousness and self-consciousness before he was ripe to receive them. But those angels who had made their home on the sun endowed man with the germ of the spiritual ego by which he overcomes the gift of Lucifer, a victory already potentially expressed in man's upright carriage [spine]. The leader of these Sun Angels was none other than the Archangel Michael. Mithras then, is an aspect of Michael, even if he is not Michael himself. And Michael is the servant and countenance of Christ, whose presence in the sun the Ancient Persian contemplated in his vision of the Light God Ormuzd."

Not only Tesla, and the revelations of Medjugorje give evidence of something sacred that is being annihilated in Bosnia but also as Harwood points out in the same article, " A relief from a temple in Bosnia depicts two Mithraic participants reclining with a basket of sacred wafers, marked with crosses, in front of them, attended on one side by a figure with a raven's mask and by a second with a Persian dress- he is offering the wine - and on the

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theme park. Profound dimensions, yet unexplored, are now becoming exploited. Science knows that space exploration is a failure. But disappearing into the vortex and Alice in Wonderland world of molecular genetics holds immense profits. But this means that cosmic violations of ecological borders, some totally innocent, will have their futures undermined by a corrupt set of visionaries. The `Fall of Man' is based on one of these lofty COSMIC VIOLATIONS. Ask our boldest and brightest if they can make heads or tails out of the Fall?other by a soldier and by a figure wearing the mask of a lion." Certain sacred places that once protected and infused the land with mystery-initiate consciousness have been roused out of their slumber, cleansed and exterminated to make way for something very different.

The miniature version of genetics and Second Genesis is the first opening volleys in the remembrance of the War in Heaven. Our own astral human forces were definitely swept into an affair of Angels and humans. Today the arbitrary invasive genetic medical and probing fields of science are threatening to pull us back into a confrontation with this War in Heaven. Here we approach it with our tiny fledgling ego's as a gift of our immortal potential, fueled and inspired by the THIRTEENTH ONE, the Logos. Back in the Lemurian times it was a Luciferic approach and an astral disturbance that imprinted itself into our ancient psyche. Now the Persian deity and Sir Walter Scott's reference to a being called Ahriman, the counterpolarity to light and the antithesis to Lucifer is now answering for a large denominator of humans. The current answer now crossing into the 21st century is to split away from the divine guidance and the protective Love of the Solar Family and break away into our own pharmaceutically and technologically supported immune life system and man-made sub-nature. This is the answer from Ahrimanic science to the inception of the Luciferic force infused in our total human astral body during the Lemurian period. From Lemuria into the 21st century the answer from the War in Heaven which precipitated the FALL, is to fall deeper away from the divine because we have not created a clear social and educational foundation for our intrinsic immortality.


" THE LIFE AND TIMES OF AKHNATON by Arthur Weigall, p. 13


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Another recorded `cosmic violation' was the FLOOD. "The myth of a great Flood has been retained by all peoples of the earth like a common recollection; more than sixty different flood sagas have survived. Each of them has a central figure corresponding to Noah. The Indians have Manu; The Greeks Deucalion; the Chaldeans have Xisurthros; the Babylonian Gilgemesh epos has Utnapishtim, who there has a surname, Atrachasis,

THE WOMAN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHS AND SECRETS , p. 180-182 Aladdin and the genie in the bottle with at least three wishes gives a whole new meaning and twist to the milk issue. Below the human are three kingdoms, the animal, the plant, the mineral. Just suppose the genie is the udder of the cow and Lat or milk, as the milk of the universe and its potential wisdom, was fully understood back then. Then the popularity inherent in Aladdin and the popularity of genetics are intimate to the bovine. Culture often scrambles the hidden meanings behind events, even if they are linked, who could recognize them? Get your decoders out kids! The milk of human kindness produced in the divine human and that other milk produced by the cow are only separated by the numbers 12 and 13.

We could arbitrarily wish ourselves into the most bizarre Arabian genetic nightmare ever imagined. To free up our Genie is the human task. When that happens we bring three decisive things in us to maturity. The sexual identity matures to the personality and the personality ripens to spiritual identity. These three transformations are wishes. The physical body in us, the etheric or plant body in us, and the astral animal body in us, are individually transformed as spirit-self, life-spirit and spiritualized human. In the last phase, we skip genetics as a path of recreating ourselves but eternally tap the divine model of immortality and matter. This is called Resurrection. Our Angel is freed, our genie is let go of.

In the reversed dynamics, the Angel or Genie is enslaved to the service of our arbitrary wishes. The Angel and creation itself, bottled in the cow, is chained to willy-nilly genetic consumer demands. This is the formula that was handed down to us from the Arabian version of Aladdin. The cartoon text on how to suck your Angel down into your instincts and trap him in creation. Unfortunately Disney did not let us know that we forfeit our divinity and human progress and cripple or destroy those other creatures who have looked upwards to man as we have looked upwards to our Angel.

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meaning `the primeval intelligent one'... The MAHABHARATA relates that one morning a fish swims up to Manu as he is bathing and speaks to him. The god Brahma himself is disguised in the form of the fish. It predicts the Flood to Manu, but promises that he will be saved on the ship he is to board when the Flood begins... The Flood commences and Manu boards the ship together with the seven holy rishis, the wise bards... Manu takes with him seeds of every plant... The great Manu was the leader of a mystery center in old Atlantis, which stood out among all the others as a brightly shining

" THE HUMAN BODY SHOP by Andrew Kimbrell, p. 217-218.

THE HUMAN BODY SHOP , p. 218-219

" THE HUMAN BODY SHOP, pp.175-6; p. 220.

" THE DANCING MATRIX by Robin Marantz Henig, pg. 110-11


. In Revelations chapter 5, vs. 8; "The four beasts [bull, lion, eagle, angel or man] and four and twenty-elders fell down before the LAMB, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of ordours, which are the prayers of saints."

Revelations chapter 7, vs. 9; "A great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the LAMB."

Revelations chapter 7, vs. 11; And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, [bull, lion, eagle, man] and fell before the throne..."

Revelations chapter 7, vs 14; " These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the LAMB." The Immortal `I AM'. The THIRTEENTH, links itself to the ecologically humble and dependent and obedient LAMB.

" from Henry Cornelius Agrippa von Nettlesheim, year 1486

" MACROCOSM AND MICROCOSM by Rudolf Steiner, pg. 159


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place... The direct sun revelations were received only in the circle around the great Manu, and thus the mystery center of Manu, which was located on the eastern shore of Atlantis in the region where Ireland is today, was called...`sun oracle'... The expression `antediluvian' is sometimes used to characterize a particular lack of culture and primitiveness. In reality, it would be completely wrong to imagine that the culture of mankind before the Flood was crude and primitive. All social life and cultural institutions

" EGYPTIAN MAGIC by Florence Farr, pg. 57

" Emil Bock in his GENESIS, pg. 51/52 also leaves a small footnote at the bottom of the page. "During the Old Moon condition, creation reached the stage of the animal kingdom, as in the Old Sun condition that of the plant and in the Saturn condition that of the archetypal mineral kingdom."

These great evolutionary insights won from Initiation Science tell the tale of a magnificent ecological trend. It was the community of Angels who turned their attention, in humility and religious veneration to the fledgling humans who were mere animalic entities at that time of the Old Moon. We, like the four leggeds today, had no individual consciousness and no perception and tabulation of intellectual and cultural capacities capable of comprehending our future, as we stand today, in our present intellectual conceit. We owe our intimate nerve and sense construction to the Angel community, just as the present animals will look to us one day and require explanation of why we did not make the decision of our ancestors and elder brothers and sisters we lump together as god. In BLADE RUNNER the psychic and physical responsibility for creating new species is anticipated. The same refined or rough responsibility is what we have grown to understand in Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN. Humanity stands very near a premature consideration of these magnificent cosmic considerations only we culturally lack the depth perception and the divine analogies to weigh the value of Love and Freedom for the future divine communities. The Native American concepts raise themselves once again to profound majesty.

Further back in time, it was the Archangels, who stood above the Angels and took upon themselves the nurturing of the blind animals of the ancient Sun existence. Those blind animals were then the Angels and the mere plant like consciousness of the Old Sun evolution was our own humble station. Then, like us on Earth today, the Archangels were in their human phase and they made the decision to serve creation and serve those in creation lower and

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arose directly from divine inspirations. The gods rather than men were the founders of Atlantean culture... The growth forces of nature and man, with which astounding wonders of cultural life were produced in the good mysteries because of the great pliability of all physical substance, fell into misuse there... Finally, all that opposed the good Atlantean mysteries as decadence concentrated itself into a gigantic calamity. Just as all soul-spirit forces could still influence the external configuration of the physical human body, so they also gradually invaded the formation of the earth's surface itself. The black magical abuse of forces of growth and reproduction, which

humbler then themselves.

Further back still, when we humans were nothing but dull beings with the consciousness of our present stones the Archai chose to kindle the appropriate consciousness in their brothers the animals, who became the Archangels. On Old Saturn, the Archai went through their human phase, like we are at present on the majestic island Earth, surrounded by the Solar Community, nestled in the stars, we humans look up to our lofty elders, our brothers and sisters our grandfathers, just as the Native American pleaded and hoped that we would care for the future of the earth beyond, but at least for, seven generations into the future.

But we have so far, we have failed to grasp the mega-mythic decisions and responsibilities that our divine ancestors understood. So far, we have betrayed every kingdom, we have abused every privilege, we have mocked and decimated the Native American populations who brought us ancient Saturn wisdom and were Initiates of the west who handed America over to thieves and killers to rape, pillage and plunder without thought of tomorrow. If we don't stop this rampage we shall be denied the privilege of entry into our own divine responsibilities as caretakers to our children, the bird people, the four leggeds, the dreamy animals,


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catastrophes and led to the gradual sinking of the Atlantean continent. The majority of the human beings perished. Only small groups could save themselves through migrations eastward to Europe and Asia and westward to America into the new continents which only then began to assume their present form."

The problem with today's genetic manipulation and transgenic cross seeding experiments are the lack of pliability in matter. What we do will be driven deeply into matter and remain written in stone to haunt us. In every culture, throughout the globe, the Flood myth is known. In places like Mayan and Aztec cultures, the cosmic violation that caused humanity a catastrophic upheaval in the ecological re-balancing of nature, were recorded as a Flood myths. These were so ancient that they revealed a common cradle of civilization. The very best research document on this subject is Arnold Wadlers ONE LANGUAGE SOURCE OF ALL TONGUES. This time, what we do to ecology and the delicate balance of nature will be left standing as a witness to our own cosmic violation against matter. It will not be erased and the errors will back up human destiny so badly that we will beg the mountains to fall on us.

We were mere children, adolescent pre-Noahic, children. Our ego's had not reached the fulfillment of the THIRTEENTH. The secure structure of our immune system and the immortal revelation of love that transcends the gene was still hoped for. The Old Testament of collected mythologies and mythic-intelligence merged forward into the New Testament. Today, a SECOND GENESIS, out of present science will be a curse that generations of human spirits will have to live with. Why? Because we have the mythic-intelligence and ethical forces to assist the lower kingdoms, those below us, to come forward with us. We ecologically can assist the slumbering stone, plant and animal to unite their immortal dormant faculties in an upward direction. Otherwise we imprint a cosmic violation that rips the human

. In MYSTERY KNOWLEDGE & MYSTERY CENTRES, pg, 65 to 80, from the chapter entitled, Mineral, Plant and Animal Creation, lecture five, the curdle-curdle factor of creation and form process that

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community into divergent streams. We would fail our brothers and sisters below us and split humanity into the sheep and the goats ().

The entire scope of evolution takes on new meaning when the stages of mental and spiritual maturity are comprehended as a step by step unfoldment and ripening of the divine in physical form. The efforts of lofty Beings, like unto god, even the Angel community have sacrificed and offered enormous wealth for the foundation of our physical and psychic (. Gospel of St. Matthew, chap. 25. vs. 33; "And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left."

links crystal, silica, to milk, and ultimately to form principles and new bio-technology is sketched by Steiner.

L FOLK TALES OF IRELAND edited and translated by Sean O' Sullivan, pg. 117

. In this fairy tale, at this point the child is sent down a river in a basket to be killed. "She placed the child in a small box and threw the little creature, alive and all, out into the river. ...It happened that there was a man fishing at the mouth of the river the day the second child was thrown into it, and he saw the box caught in a bush that was growing on the bank. He threw out a hook and hauled in the box to his feet. No sooner did he lift it up than he heard the cry of the poor child. He pulled off the cover, and inside was the nicest little boy that he had ever laid eyes on."

Mythic intelligence and mythic investigation brings us into alignment with Moses and the bulrushes. Somebody is tapping a huge vein of ore in the history of cosmic intelligence. The oldest reference to the link to Moses is Noah. The signature of the historical personality of Moses is concretely linked to Noah and the sinking of Atlantis. Noah is set adrift, as an orphan of the world, in a bulrush boat. Mythically, most researchers agree that, if we sought out who Moses was, with his Ten Commandments of Conscience and his leadership in escaping Egypt in Exodus, we would be lead back to Noah.

But in checking the oldest records on the flood and the sinking of Atlantis, The Book of Enoch, we are led to a weird statement of how Noah was actually a bull.


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structure. In the scope of Alpha and Omega the entire human family could release earth and the kingdoms below us into a bright and divine future. We would share in their becoming as the Angels shared in ours. As each human being achieved their inner maturity and immortality and attained the highest human rank, Buddha consciousness, one more Angel could ascend to become an Archangel, with new tasks and a job well done. But no, here sits humanity un-able to disentangle the threads of wisdom and denial. Here

J. Countryman

" The Book of Enoch gives us a description of the flood itself. In this passage, Noah is referred to as being born a bull and become a man.

LXXXIX 1. And one of those four went to that white bull and instructed him in a secret, without his being terrified: he was born a bull and became a man, and built himself a great vessel and they were covered in. 2. And I saw again, and behold fountains were opened on the roof, with seven water torrents thereon, and those torrents flowed with much water into an enclosure. 3. And I saw again, and behold fountains were opened on the surface of that great enclosure, and that water began to swell and rise upon the surface, and I saw that enclosure till all its surface was covered with water. 4. And the water, the darkness, and mist increased upon it; and as I looked at the height of that enclosure, and was streaming over that enclosure, and it stood upon the earth. 5. And all the cattle of that enclosure were gathered together until I saw how they sank and were swallowed up and perished in that water. 6. But that vessel floated on the water, while all the oxen and elephants and camels and asses sank to the bottom with all the animals, so that I could no longer see them and they were not able to escape, (but) perished and sank into the depths.

"LXXXVI 1. `And again I saw with mine eyes as I slept, and I saw the heaven above, and behold a star fell from heaven, and it arose and eat and pastured amongst those oxen. 2. And after that I saw the large black oxen, and

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sits a humanity choking on false paper trails and rushing to `educate' the divine out of the consciousness of the child.

Behind the zodiac are waiting immortal humans of the animal world. Four races, like the four chambers of the heart, the four stomachs of the cow, the four seasons, four winds, (four wheel drive) stone; plant; animal; human; stand in the chain of command that will lift the geasa, the charm, the curse

behold they all changed their stalls and pastures and their cattle, and began to live with each other. 3. And again I saw in the vision, and looked towards heaven, and behold I saw many stars descend and cast themselves down from heaven to that first star, and they became bulls amongst those cattle and pastured with them. 4. And I looked at them and saw, and behold they all let out their privy members, like horses, and began to cover the cows of the oxen, and they all became pregnant and bare elephants, camels and asses. 5. And all the oxen feared them and were affrighted at them, and began to bite with their teeth and to devour, and to gore with their horns. 6. And they began moreover to devour these oxen; and behold all the children of the earth began to tremble and quake before them and to flee them."

Since this is the oldest record of the Atlantean event, a hint at the nature of the COSMIC VIOLATION that afflicted Atlantis at the time of Noah and also afflicted Moses at the time of Egypt and now in reverse order those ancient parallel time events are beginning once again in our era. Apparently it was reproductive and genetic experimentation that so rocked the ecological cosmic field of Atlantis that it sank. The Atlantean population created giants, because the mutated mixing and transgenic cross breeding of various species disturbed the entire zodiacal star field. Therefore Enoch could state that he saw stars fall from the heaven and become mutations in cattle. The normal ecological animal systems were repelled by these new invaders and the animals themselves struck back with a viciousness that alarmed and shocked the Atlanteans. The roots of the ecological world as we knew it were shaken to their core, because the biological and psychic patterns of creation are rooted in the various nature systems we see around us. Therefore any arbitrary consumer re-setting as well as species reduction, extinction and violations to the eco-system directly impact us by violent changes in the

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from creation. In the stomach of the cow is the chamber music of the zodiac. In the human heart is the chamber music of the Angels. Humanity is faced with a genetic-ecological dilemma.

Science is only good at half truths, and now we need something much greater. We need Initiate science to unite the genes of the right insects with their companion plants. We need the inner patterns and migratory

weather, orbit and pathology of our planet.

While these events actually were the cause of the destruction of Atlantis, and again the ecological disturbances that shook Egypt at the time of Exodus, it is far easier now to grasp the full impact of Michelangelo's MOSES, having Rams Horns. Either this individuality as the mythical Noah and again as Moses lead once in the sign of the Bull and another at the time of the Ram, that would be a simple matter of incarnation and astrology. We are moving now from Pisces to Aquarius.

If on the other hand, as the Book of Enoch is reporting, and this fairy-tale of the SPECKLED BULL relates, Noah had access to Tree of Life and the Atlanteans began disturbing the biological coherence in the Tree of Life, then the secrets of the bovine were a sacred and violated mystery that Noah was aware of.

Noah, represented by the Book of Enoch as the WHITE BULL priest of the non-violated forces of BGH and a preserver of the original plan and tracks of creation, is the signature personality of HE who preserves humanity from veering off into Cosmic Violations. The ancient memory of Atlantis must have surfaced again when the Egyptian culture had their sun disc and spring in the sign of the Bull. Moses seemed to lead humanity out of the dangers of the Bull into the Ram.

These mythic signatures of the individuality outlined in The Book of Enoch, Exodus, The Speckled Bull can be linked to the Rose. That my friend is no more a leap of faith than any other of these notes. Notes for researching the obscure biographical and dangerous thresholds that this individuality monitors. It would appear to this researcher that the personality fingerprint of this individuality could be associated to the BURNING BUSH of Moses, as the Rose, and finally to an obscure book entitled, THE CHYMICAL WEDDING OF CHRISTIAN ROSENKREUTZ. This, if correct, would bring wariness to the powerful genetic issues of our time.

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signatures of the animal kingdom to perform a miracle that began with Adam naming every creature of creation . We must decide if we are wise enough and responsible enough to initiate the animal into their own human evolution. Present day science would love to start this trillion dollar ball rolling, but would never even consider that it would entail the enslavement of a new race. Slavery and ethics that enter into the most sublime responsibilities of the human race are still unconscious in society today.

. In Steiner's Agricultural Course, " The cow has horns and hooves, What happens in the places where hooves and horns grow? There an area is formed that sends currents inward in a particularly strong way. There the outer is strongly shut off. Not only the communication through the permeable skin and hair is blocked off, but there the animal is completely cut off so that nothing can stream outward. The formation of horns, therefore, is connected with the entire shape of the animal...The cow has horns in order to direct back into itself the forces that need to penetrate all the way to the digestive organism; much work is thus created for the digestive system just because of what radiates inward from horns and hooves." This marks the meeting of gravity from the four footed below and the zodiacal from above, through the horns.

In MAN AND MAMMALS by Wolfgang Schad, he develops the horn observation further. " The horn, then, is what closes off the surface of the cow's body! Its outer layer is epidermis that, instead of growing hair, has thickened to form horny layers. These layers of lifeless, secreted protein form a sheath-like covering that surrounds the calcified bony core and is never shed. The slightly twisted core is permeated with blood and full of life; from its base it nourishes the tissue that slowly and steadily forms the horn throughout the animal's life. Anatomically, the hooves are formed in the same way and are also curved inward. The horns and hooves obviously provide physical protection for the animal when it is running or butting, but this is only their external significance. They also take part in the inner activity of the organism. In this capacity they act as a dam to intercept processes that stream outward from inside the organism. Like a concave mirror, they reflect them back again... in the ruminants these forces are held back, so that they may flow again into the digestive organs. It is this process that helps support the growth of bacteria in the rumen. From medical

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Even with the great human leaders like Martin Luther King and Lincoln, martyred for these issues, we still underestimate our range of potential in the scheme of creation. We still argue about ethnic cleansing. To begin this process, we as humanity must be mature enough to defend the animal as the Angel has protected us. Are we ethically that mature yet? If we fail, we lower the human we have become, back down, into animal and we can

science we know that infectious diseases are caused not by bacteria or other microorganisms alone, but chiefly by the affected organ's predisposition to infection, which allows it to serve as a medium for the growth of bacteria and viruses. In the ruminant organization the flowing back of unused forces provides in the rumen a medium for the development of benign microorganisms.

"Cattle need horns, then, in order to realize fully their special metabolic capacities. At the same time, however, the horns are formed by the overflow of this metabolic strength. So it is actually the intimate correlation of the two processes that gives the horns form. The one force consists in the exaggerated size and physical mass of the anterior body and the head; the front part of the body is completely closed off and forms horns as the best means of rendering the body's surface impenetrable. The other process is active mainly in the large cavities of the stomach and intestine, in the flowing back of unused metabolic forces that contribute to the extraordinary effort of breaking down the almost indigestible cellulose.

"...the horn's archetypal form: is an involuted spiral. This highly restrained, unramified, tightly curved form makes clearly visible the damming process at work within it. All horns curve around an invisible axis. The shorter and more tightly curved the horns, the more powerful are the damming processes that give them form.

"What kind of horns do domesticated cattle have? We can see that the bull's horns (but not those of the ox, since it is castrated and therefore unnatural) are more compact, that is, shorter and thicker, than those of the cow. His head, too, seems broader and shorter than hers; his whole shape is larger and at the same time more compact, with a greatly accentuated anterior body. The cow is more slender, and her horns are long and thin! If we include the form of the udder in our consideration of the body's shape, we can see that the damming processes are weaker in the cow than

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forget ever achieving an Angelic plateau. It is these moral dilemmas, that a sadistic science, will never let you discuss. The men of today are dwarf's of materialism! They gain no coherent respect or synthesis from the majestic merging of myth and science in our universities.

In the Irish fairy tale we were discussing, the man who is freed from the bull, recovers his mother who is hidden in the knowledge of the

in the bull. The bull holds back for his self-expression, for the development of his own bodily stature, all the strength gathered by his powerful metabolism, while the cow passes it on to others. She does not exist for herself alone but is open, for example, to the requirements of the calf whom she first gives form within her own body and later provides with milk... The horns grow largest in animals whose bodily form is least involved in the damming process; they are smallest, and even disappear into the skin, when this itself, because of the strong accentuation of the anterior body, is sufficient to perform the damming function necessary for the animal."

??. It was mentioned that the donkey or ass, "with the donkey only the twenty-third part," or 1/23 of the body weight is blood. But here is a mystery that very few have commented on. (Matthew chapter 21:1) " Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her:loose them, and bring them unto me... Behold, the King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass. And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them, and brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon." The mystery is this; This Thirteenth who rides on the ass, is literally the physical cosmic model that humanity is living in. St. Francis of Assisi made a great deal about `brother ass' his reluctant physical body. In A MID-SUMMERS NIGHT DREAM by Shakespeare, the most physically dense character is transformed by mid-summer into an ass. The creation of our physical bodies is on a frequency established by the ass. The physical universe, the zodiac that has produced it, and the components integrated in the physical body that support our immortal `I AM' immune system integration, were made by the very same being who is riding on the ass. What is overlooked is that the foal that Christ drags behind with HIM into the killing field, that begins with `Palm Sunday' and concludes with the birth of a new `gene free' human being, finally surfaces above

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philosophers stone. "He then went out into the yard with his magic wand and struck the stone which was his mother. The next moment she rose up as well as she had ever been. He wet her with tears and dried her with kisses and silks and satins."

Mythic-intelligence restored, Grail wisdom recovered, what happens to the elder sister who started all this? "The question was then put to the

the Zodiac as a Resurrected representative of humanity holding the prize of the immortal human form freed from physical death and decay on Easter sunday. The foal of the ass is the new cosmos that will be built to bring the animal, plant, mineral evolution forward.

Both the ass and the stag follow a 12 month reproductive cycle. In the stag, after the antlers are lost yearly, it hibernates or goes into retreat until the time when the potency of reproduction and the new antlers begin to reappear. The ass, without the antlers, follows a similar cycle, using the full 12 months, 4 seasons and zodiacal pattern that is more apparent in the stag. (We would need to double-check the ratio of 1/23 blood to body weight of the Ass in order to get a new setting on our second genesis resurrection.) Around Palm Sunday the first potency of spring forces would once again begin to rise like the sap in a tree. The universe is potent again because the big buck, the Logos, is riding in to impregnate the old cosmos with the new one. Noone has yet explained the meaning of the foal that was brought with the ass on Palm Sunday.

It meant that the LOGOS road into the physical universe on the ass, the physical universe HE CREATED (All things were made by HIM and without HIM was not anything made that was made) and HE had with HIM the foal, the special mini-model of the new cosmos that will be the amazing ground of existence that will serve the kingdoms below human when we have moved forward to our task as Angels. The Logos uses the Holy week and its seven planets to gather the forces of the cosmic word, the ethical and dramatic stations of the human psyche and bring about the voluntary death of the old cosmos so the new can be born. The Logos impregnates the EARTH as the seed of the new cosmos in the symbol of the ass and the foal. In many northern mysteries, between the circular field of forces that is formed from the Stag's antler shape, a vision of light, usually a Cross with Roses between the Antlers is depicted. Buckhead and Stag and Elk clubs have this ancient tie. A cosmos based on the principals of its parent, the

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stepmother. She said that she should be put up on the highest chimney top of the palace, faced towards the wind, and given no food but whatever small grain the wind might blow to her and no drink but whatever drop of rain she could catch on her tongue."

If we continue to listen to science today without Initiate-insight we shall all be sitting on top of a world so polluted, from vast chimneys blowing waste

Zodiacal Logos of Love or the THIRTEENTH.

But what of the genetic universe, devoid of our capacity to reach the THIRTEENTH and assist the kingdoms of plant, animal and mineral below us, how is that understood biblically? (The Epistle. Hebrews 9:2) " Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained external redemption for us. For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: how much more shall the blood of Christ, (THE THIRTEENTH), who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"

Far reaching genetic fingertips reach into the workings of our present cultural crisis. Things that cannot be understood by fundamentalism. The higher psychological architecture of the human spirit is able to assemble and disassemble, down into matter or up into the spirit, without hitching a ride genetically. The reproduction of the immortal self is not made by hitchhiking on the genetic line. Therefore not made with hands but by the projected cosmic model of the human spiritual form. This form is known as the Phantom. This form is described clearly in FROM JESUS TO CHRIST by Rudolf Steiner.

" GENESIS, Creation and the Patriarchs by Emil Bock, pg. 68 to 71

. Emil Bock in his GENESIS, gives a brief description of the Adam forces that we are dealing with in this text. "Vast, interpenetrating processes of evolution are concentrated in the pictures of the Fall into sin... The biblical account describes a scene for us in which the Divine Power himself leads man to the

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into the upper atmosphere, that the only thing available for growth on this planet would be wild seeds or bird shit that might fall. A destiny of parched, dried up starvation, awaits us in the direction of present day science. That is what will occur if the warnings of the Native Americans and the reverence held by the Hindu seers is denied. "And now, you have got the start and finish of the story that my father used to call `THE SPECKLED BULL AND THE KING OF THE EASTERN WORLD.'"

forbidden TREE OF KNOWLEDGE. It is the one in which man by divine command and through the power of God's nearness bestows names to the animal kingdom. This image is the biblical reflection of the miracle and power of the BOOK OF ADAM. By means of the BOOK OF LIFE, man bears the archetypes, the `names' of the animals, as essence within himself. The animals, who as yet do not exist at all in individual physical forms, permeate the ethereal-physical realm of corporeality only as species, as group-soul forms. Just as man can sense that he is perceived by the divine beings above him, they can feel themselves radiantly reflected and recognized by him, though he has by no means awakened to self-perception. If he is to progress to the faculty of conscious name-giving, the archetypes within him must first dim to mirror images. This takes place through the calcerous densification processes which the lunar element injects into the being of man.

Now a relationship begins between the human and the animal kingdoms. A lecture of Rudolf Steiner throws light on the scene of name-giving in the paradise legend. It describes how certain formative forces proceeding from the moon become active in earthly calcereous processes, and on the one hand bring about the forms of the animal kingdom, on the other, the faculty of reflective thought in the human organism.

Outside in space are the manifold animal forms; within us, in our intellect, are the thought-forms. These are, in fact, the animal forms projected into the spiritual...But as the animal kingdom needs the lime-formation to build up its forms in the outer world, so we need, as it were, a fine inner lime deposit, a lime formation in order to become clever.

In the scene of name-giving we see balance between sun and moon, between the BOOK OF LIFE and the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE. Between the condition when light-filled man still bore within him the archetypes and names of the animals, and the later state in which

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their mirror images become discernible in his consciousness, the Fall into knowledge slowly commences, and while it makes of man an individual being, it pervades him at the same time with physical density and hardness.

Michael's power bestows on man the BOOK OF ADAM, the sunlike revelation; at the same time in evolution it casts the dragon out of the spiritual realms down to earth and mankind. Therefore, simultaneously with the gift of revelation man confronts the danger of obscuration. In the spirit realms, Michael conquers the power of premature self-will and the solidification connected with it. On earth, man must come to terms with it himself. Michael gives him only the weapon for this conflict, the primal revelation. (The Revelation to St. John also points to the connection between the conflicts which arise for man through the fall of the dragon, and the armament he receives from the spiritual world for the battle. Here too, the image of a book is used. In Chapter 10, a macrocosmic world of angels hands man a little book which he is to eat. Chapter 12 describes how the Archangel Michael thrusts the dragon from heaven to earth. The book and the adversary force confront man at the same time.) Though the Book of the Sun has paled to the Book of the Moon through the power of the Serpent, man is able through the primal revelation to keep alive the substance of divine light in all earthly perception. The BOOK OF ADAM represents the great divine provision for consciousness. The history of humanity in the times of the Old Testament is one of the gradual consumption, of using up the gifts of this Book."

Initiate-Science works with the thoughts and revelations of the Angels. The time frame that reveals the link between chapter 10 and chapter 12 of Revelations are hidden in the North/South War between the States. During this time, 1840-1879 a great battle was fought in heaven. The Civil War reflects this on the earth. The further indication is that the battle lines were drawn for the United States to be the covert leader in disseminating the book of covert intelligence against the intelligence that

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humanity must attain through the BOOK OF INITIATE SCIENCE. Genetics appears on the scene as the breakdown of the old BOOK OF ADAM reaches its final disintegration of failed faith and betrayed knowledge. Church forces of faith have lost their power and only the new BOOK OF INITIATE SCIENCE can restore our intelligence to an Angelic plane.

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"For what would result from initiation into the organization of the cow? That is a question of utmost gravity, a question of immense significance. What would be the result?" We have established that the cow is running to a finely tuned chamber music of zodiacal harmonics. Inside the cow are frequencies and rhythms that are now being altered through the use of BGH. Cracking the code of the mysterious chemical ethers of life, known and used by the cow, means pulling up the umbilical cord of our own cosmic immune systems, which leads us to ecological resurrection or self-willed cosmic chaos. Do we sit back and assume someone else will take care of this problem or will we take the bull by the horns and require science to raise itself from greed to a view seven generations into the future? A vision that requires science to unite the ethical vision of Initiation to current education. Are we men or genetic mice?

"The whole way in which people construct machines varies greatly according to the nature of the machine in question; but everything tends towards the gradual development of these still imperfect, primitive machines into a kind of machine which depends upon vibrations or oscillations, by means of movements which run a periodic course. Everything is hastening towards such machines. But if once these machines in their co-ordinated activity could be constructed in such a way as can be learned from the distribution of foodstuffs in the organization of the cow, then the vibrations which would be conjured up on the earth globe through the machines, these small earth-vibrations, would so run their course that what is above the earth would sound together with, vibrate together with what is happening on the earth; so that our planetary system in its movements would be compelled to vibrate with our earth-system, just as a string tuned to a certain pitch vibrates in sympathy when another one is struck in the same room."

The law involved with sympathetic vibratory physics would rob the zodiac and planets of independent life. The solar system would become the slave of earthly materialism. There is a great deal of Air Force covert research already underway. The film SCANNERS, revealed how harmonics and inner resonation could be tuned to the interior of the human mind. This isn't what covert science of today is after. To make the universe our slave would betray all human, animal and plant frequencies that require the intimate relation of sun, moon and the solar wind, including earth's magnetic field. In other words ecology would be a mute point. A pharmaceutical and

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genetic SECOND GENESIS, (which is already fully underway) would overcome nature's laws and insert human caprice into a divine order that science has kept you in the dark about. Science would be free to produce arbitrary relations into every pattern and sequence of nature. That is how I understand it. Any naive faith, in sciences' past proven record on ethics, will fall far short of my own anxiety on this subject. Our entire cultural problem is that our faith in science has become our religion. But to continue:

"That is the terrible law of the sounding in unison of vibrations which would be fulfilled if the alluring call of the cow would so decoy [us]...that it would then be able to penetrate in an absolutely convincing way into the unspiritual, purely mechanistic civilization of the west and center; and thereby it would become possible to conjure up on the earth a mechanistic system fitting exactly into the mechanistic system of the universe. Through this everything connected with the working of air, with the forces of the circumference, and everything connected with the working of the stars, would be exterminated from human civilization. What man experiences, for instance, through the cycle of the year, what he experiences through living together with the sprouting budding life of spring, with the fading, dying life of autumn - all this would lose its import for him... A part of our present-day civilization is actually on the way to having this terrible element of degeneracy as its goal."

" And now you will wonder even less that a religious world-conception, which penetrates so deeply into the spiritual as does Hinduism, venerates the cow, for she is the animal which continually spiritualizes the earth, which continually gives to the earth that spiritual substance which she herself takes from the cosmos. And we must learn to accept as actual reality the picture that, beneath a grazing herd of cattle, the earth below is quickened to joyful, vigorous life, that there below the elemental spirits rejoice, because they are assured of their nourishment from the cosmos through the existence of the

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creatures grazing above them. And we would have to make another picture of the dancing, rejoicing airy circle of the elemental spirits hovering around the eagle. Then again one would portray spiritual realities, and in the spiritual realities one would see the physical; one would see the eagle extended outwards in his aura, and playing into the aura the rejoicing of the elemental air-spirits of the air. And one would see that remarkable aura of the cow, which so strongly contradicts her earthly nature, because it is entirely cosmic; and one could see the lively merriment in the senses of the elemental earth-spirits, who are thus able to perceive what has been lost to them because they are sentenced to live out their existence in the darkness of the earth. For these spirits what here appears in the cows is sun. The elemental spirits, whose dwelling place is in the earth, cannot rejoice in the physical sun, but they can rejoice in the astral bodies of the animals which chew the cud."

Ptah-Vulcan is king of the gnomes of the earth. He is king of technology. The earth elemental spirits, which science would laugh at, are the gnomes. Kobolds and gnomes create and maintain the crystal integrity of the earth. This fiber-optic network is the basis of modern telecommunications. Space experiments are attempting to grow crystals outside of earth's gravitational field. These crystals are called dirty crystals or doped crystals. The oscillations and speed, for quicker computer systems, are thought to be possible if crystals are grown outside of gravity. Gravity is a key factor in the cow and the earth-spirits, read the cow, like we read a computer manual. The gnomes() not only assist humans when they develop their baby teeth

( . The SEVEN DWARFS and Sleeping beauty are these same gnomes. In their number SEVEN they have always represented the days of the week, (Saturn-Saturday; Sunday-Sun; Monday-Moon; Tuesday-Mars; Wednesday-Mercury; Thursday- Thor or Jupiter; Friday- Freya or Venus;) The musical (scale of harmonic vibrations) and the color spectrum in nature all reflect themselves in the tale of Sleeping Beauty. The untouched question is: Is Sleeping Beauty the unawakened virgin cosmos and the next metamorphosis of human spiritual evolution?

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(milk teeth) but engineer the structure of crystals that contain the weight of ethics and the gravity of responsibility attuned to the psychic-physics of the human spirit. A vast network of fiber-optics based on higher frequencies already exists all through the earth. Miners all over the world have spoken of these earth dwellers, gnomes. They travel in the cosmic currents of the earth, which are the veins of ores.


s In October 1989 in Zurich, Switzerland Dale Pond outlined the leading researchers views of SYMPATHETIC VIBRATORY PHYSICS, John Ernst Worrell Keely. Keely, an American, was onto something really big and was about to crack open the highest energy source known to man. Already accomplished experiments revealed forces that transcended the atom. Keely was mysteriously killed. Both Tesla and Keely were the greatest pioneers in this unique realm. Here are some of the highlights of Pond's report in 1989.

"Unlike dogmatic, cold science, SYMPATHETIC VIBRATORY PHYSICS does not isolate one phenomena from another but accepts and shows the inter-connectivity between all things and forces. This interconnection between all things is vibration and related vibratory phenomena. To understand vibration we must develop a comprehensive organized science of vibration governed by laws and principles. Fortunately a great deal of this development work has already been done. We have a well developed science of music. Music is an organized art and science of vibrations found within the audible range of the infinite Electromagnetic Scale. A major segment of SYMPATHETIC VIBRATORY PHYSICS is therefore a study of music, its arithmetical and philosophical basis of development and how these may be applied to procedures for inventing new and useful devices.... Modern science is using some of these laws unbeknownst to itself. The laser, microwave, quantum physics (chip design), musical and audio component manufacturers are all using some of these laws in the design and construction of their products... SYMPATHETIC VIBRATORY PHYSICS focuses on the inner nature of vibratory phenomena. It is well known that vibratory activity contains within itself many differing characteristics and phenomena. These include: amplitude, velocity, mode, sympathy, number and periodicity... Herein lies the hidden power of SYMPATHETIC VIBRATORY PHYSICS as developed by John Keely. A concordant waveform, composed of

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"Quartz crystals are actually composed of silicon dioxide (SiO-2). While quartz crystals form the components of many electronic systems, it is the crystals of elemental silicon which have been used as primary components of computer and solar technologies. Scientists have learned to grow special silicon crystals which are infused with precise amounts of other elements during their formative stage. These added elements

harmonic frequencies, tends to pull subatomic particles together. On the other hand discordant wave forms will tend to split or explode the particle or aggregate. A simple analogy is that of dynamite, a harmonious substance when at rest, one which is held together by the molecular and atomic component frequencies. The introduction of a strong introductory impulse from a dynamite cap destroys it's homogeneous integrity and the component subatomic particles are liberated from their bonds."

Keely developed 40 laws, a whole set of new machines and discovered a deeper factor than the atomic table of weights. It is the frequencies at which specific matter vibrates. Octaves ranging out to the 63rd octave were developed. Keely could make the atoms dance by oscillating them. Just like a tone, or pitch, when sung or held can crack a wine glass. The tone resonates and begins a complimentary resonation and finally dismantles or explodes the wine glass. Because all matter is locked down, only by tonal harmonics. Keely tapped SOUND ETHER and did not operate his machines by on and off switches but by proximity of his own individual etheric tonal stamp. The etheric I.D. tag of the individual moral/physical collection of matter was wedded into the substances he used in the creation of his machines. This required a mastery of physics and music.

Dirty Crystals, would take shape outside of the earth's gravitational field and become imprinted, like a micro-chip, with the etheric tonal frequencies of the solar system. Once the refined crystal chips have been grown from gravity free conditions and imprinted with refined solar system `music', they can be returned to experimental devices, mass produced on earth in gravity free chambers by reproducing the same `imprinted' factors that are active in the crystals. These super chips would be tuned to highly refined cosmic resonating frequencies. By uncovering the physics, weight, mass and numbers used in the organic constructs of the cow, and by merging the two, would tune in the radio band of the zodiac and begin to arbitrarily funnel forces into highly questionable and unethical domains.

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produce variants of silicon crystals that demonstrate specific degrees of electrical conductivity, optical activity, thermal conductivity, etc. This process is known as `doping' and has allowed scientists to create crystals with specialized properties of energy transduction."

John David Mann comments on similar research as Keely and Tesla by Walter Russell. "Russell's atomic charts placed all the atoms as points along a continuous spectrum of increasing compression, much like the notes of an ascending musical scale. The musical simile is not casual: Russell's atomic scale is harmonically organized in octaves, with the inert gases (helium, neon, argon etc..) acting as the `keynote' of each octave. (Not surprisingly, Dr. Russell was also an accomplished composer... But what makes Russell's work so difficult for mainstream acceptance is that it spurns all divisions between physics and metaphysics, and proposes a comprehensive, logical explanation for God and atomic physics in the same breath... it is not hard to see why the great electrical science pioneer Nikola Tesla once told Russell he should `lock up his work in a vault in the Smithsonian for a thousand years' to keep it for future generations who might be developed sufficiently to understand it." Some of these insights can be explored in the book, THE SECRET OF LIGHT or the pamphlets of May and June 1989 of Solstice.

With Tesla an unlimited source of energy was available but people like Edison and J.P. Morgan, who knew the right thing to do, deliberately created short-life light bulbs but also developed economic empires against the generous free genius of Tesla. The world, the globe, became saddled with primitive, consumer generated pollution in order to fund massive covert projects that have ripped deeply into the fabric of nature and super-nature. Instead of wisdom and technology serving the greater interests of humanity, with very little cost, a general political and economical mind-set makes mockery of anything that does not include a payload of dollar signs and profit for somebody. Tesla, Keely, and Walter Russell, the greatest spiritual resources we have had are secretly the unacknowledged fathers of the age of this super-technology. The difference is that the men who discovered these great cosmic forces offered them freely and designed them with little cost, but the corporate and political empires have consistently used them to enslave our energies into

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Ores of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, iron, mercury (liquid metallic intelligence illustrated in TERMINATOR II) as well as Triclinic, Monoclinic, Orthorhombic, Tetragonal, Hexagonal, Cubic, Trigonal crystals are for these gnomes, the running rivers and streams of the stars. But for the gnome community, the servant of the roots of all plant life, the cow is their Sun. They maintain a direct vision, into the zodiacal frequency and functional harmonics, that exist in the organic combustion engine of the cow. The gnomes see the seasons and the path of the sun through the

consumer mazes and traps.

Finally Jorge Resines, commenting in September 89 of The Journal of Borderland Research says, "In the case of Keely himself we see that he chose as prime mover for his machines the manifestation of ether known as sound. By striking a resonant chord at his devices, he set them in motion and as soon as the machines collected ether from the immediate environment this kept them working until either their parts collapsed due to wear and tear or the operator struck a dissonant chord and stopped them. One thing I did find while calculating the sizes of Keely's devices from the data I was given, was that they had been built according to the mathematical parameters given out by Bruce Cathie in his books on the grid"

In the crystal system of the earth an already developed, `information super-highway exists'. The earth is structured on dodecahedron-pentagonal grid field of earth plates. Crystal is fiber-optics. We overlay the grid with our own network of fiber optics and tap in the dirty crystal chips into the newest technology, still enslaved to selfish consumer interest and profit, and you have a recipe to tap the resonation of the outer forces that flow through the system of earth creating seasons, migrations and etheric currents. These currents make earth a social body, within the solar system family. Our individual health depends on these forces. To emancipate ourselves from the solar family and skim off the etheric forces, steel and rob, the cosmic etheric forces will attract us into the total imprisonment of the eighth sphere. If you have questions about that idea, just keep meditating on an egg sucked into a bottle. The results will be more horrible than that mere idea. Technology sails the earth into desolate and inhuman regions of cosmic proportions, with a cosmic price tag and a cosmic violation that is equal to much, much more than life imprisonment for all of visible creation.

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zodiac and regulate their activities by the unfaltering timepiece of the cow. Altering the sacred timepiece of the cow, will undo the seasons and destroy vegetation, disturb the inner rhythms of the animals in nature and finally disconnect our `green' earth from the planetary community. In our silicon chip experimentation, humanity is inducing new programs into the sub-systems of creation. What spiritual slavery are we practicing with these Disney elementals? Are we forcing the gnomes into an unholy contract with human bio-technology? A community, shrouded in the fantasies of UFO's are, in reality, the sacred community of our own lofty elders and our `charges', within the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms below us. This responsibility extends into regions we have hardly begun to explore.

"Some of the effects quartz crystals are able to have upon humans relate to a particular resonance effect that occurs with our own crystalline structures... Science has recently begun to recognize a new class of crystals known as liquid crystals. They have a structure which is partially crystalline and partially fluid. Biology is beginning to understand that many substances and membranes within the human body appear to function as liquid crystals. From a subtle-energy perspective, a number of solid and liquid crystalline structures at the physical level are involved in the attunement of subtle energies within the nervous system and the flow of the life-force through the body... Certain aspects of the human energy system have the same transformational properties as natural quartz crystals. When one uses natural quartz crystals to heal the body, energy transference occurs partly because of a resonance effect between the quartz crystal and those cellular crystal systems with quartz-like properties. The same biocrystalline elements amplify certain aspects of the life-force in special energy circuits that run throughout the body."



" Vibrational Medicine, by Richard Gerber, M.D.

Ibid. Vibrational Medicine, by Richard Gerber M.D.

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Having an endangered immune system and a scientific community in economic thralldom to a military industrial complex with hidden agendas, certainly doesn't tally with new age idealism. New Agers are the ugly step-sister in the midst of consumer driven materialism. The broken thread of education, that once linked the wisdom of the ancients to the present university students, has served to produce a crop of self-satisfied yuppie knaves.

The idea that covert intelligence could smother cosmic intelligence is distasteful to most people. Without hilarious mockery, imagine how the precise gnome would feel yoked to the techno slavery of human intelligence? But freedom is not a video game, it has real stakes, real violations and real results that can impale and crucify humanity . Instead of a proud Second Genesis, we might be covertly spawning a Second Fall, worse than the first, which was buffered against our bank account of cosmic innocence. Measuring our growth, our insights, against our betrayals to our children, the earth and all kingdoms below our human one, it would appear that we are gathered together as a human global population to make a decision and witness the results. It had better be a seven generation line of healing and a restructured educational and medical agenda or the term `1st world' will become a cosmic curse instead of its present economic conceit.

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"Now, my brother is checking up on my father's visit. Calling me. I ask him what he's doing. He's working for NASA now, I think. I stopped understanding what he did for a living years ago. Science...`Oh, I'm just watching 192 varieties of crystals grow...' he says matter-of-factly. I blow lightly on my batch on the petri dish.

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`Me, too...' I say."

The crystal, our lowest mineral responsibility, runs secretly into the plant kingdom when the bee transforms the hexagonal crystal force into the honeycomb and this crystalline system finally terminates in our bone marrow and immune system white and red blood cells. "The blood cells, especially the red and white blood cells, contain more quartz-like

" YOU'LL NEVER EAT LUNCH IN THIS TOWN AGAIN, by Julia Phillips, pg. 426-27.

. While beings of a higher order than humanity, the angels, have been mentioned and a few of the pluses and minuses in the equation have been hinted at, the full force of the idea remains a rather unique mystery. I will illuminate here humanities real enemy. This being and its attendant dangers ranks with an Archangel and Archai force. If all the human beings in the world were inspired at once, towards dangerous goals, the inspiring genius behind this `conspiracy', would still not have laid all its cards on the table, but is about to. Truly humanity lives as a babe amidst `Principalities and Powers'. But we are not babes and this is not a game.

The real dangers for human evolution would evaporate if science knew of and studied Initiation Science with as much interest as it takes in denying the existence of these facts. As of old, like Ephesus and the statue of Diana, there is another statue carved in elm, called the Group. Certainly, as of old, this wooden image, carved from elm, carries the dilemma of the 20th and 21st century in its figures. Diana the many breasted, from ancient Ephesus, was a statue that carried the picture of NATURE and the bio-rhythmical nourishment received, connected to the mighty constellations, as the statue reveals, the rhythmical sustenance fed directly from the calibration and rhythms of our moon. THE GROUP is a twentieth century riddle and meditation for humanity to study and develop a navigational map of the human soul in regions formerly uncharted. Three titanic and profound Beings are rumbling under our impulses and instincts in this age. The one we are about to discuss has the task, and the goal, since Job to prevent humanity from elevating itself into position with the THIRTEENTH. Since the subject here is crystals and how liquid crystals can gain a beach-head in our organism, a brief introduction to that mythic being called Mephistopheles is a constant reminder to how we must course correct and balance our discoveries with the new maps of the human soul. Magellan and

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properties, and the nervous system contains more an electromagnetic current. The life-force and consciousness use these properties to enter and stimulate the physical body. There are various quartz-like structures in the physical and subtle bodies that augment the impact of vibrational remedies. In the physical body, these areas include: cell salts, fatty tissue, lymphs, red and white cells, and the pineal gland. These crystalline structures are a complete system in the body but not yet properly isolated and understood

the Information highway merge as the map of the human soul replaces the map of the world.

" These Ahrimanic beings - I have tried to present an image of this in the carved wooden Group which is to stand in our Goetheanum - these Ahrimanic beings can in reality only feel at home in the realms which surround us in the mineral world. They are predominately intellectually-gifted beings. The Mephistophelian figure which you see below in our wooden Group, that Mephistophelian-Ahrimanic figure is extremely clever, utterly and wholly permeated with intellect. But with what is really Jehovistic - with what lives in the human metabolic system, in so far as it does not deposit salts or is of a mineral nature but [rather] of a fluid nature, consisting in the metabolism of fluids, with all that lives in our breathing and in our warmth condition - with all this the [Mephistophelian] Ahrimanic element has no direct relationship. These Ahrimanic beings strive, however, to get into man. Man was created out of the dust of the earth. The mineral element is the true sphere [kingdom] of Ahriman, he can enter that sphere, and feel comfortable there; he feels very comfortable whenever he can permeate us through whatever is mineral in us. You secret salts, and through this you are able to think; through the deposit of salts, through all the mineral processes prevailing in you, you become a thinking being. Ahriman seeks to enter that sphere, but in reality he has a definite relation only to the mineral. Therefore he is fighting to get a share also in man's blood, in his breathing, and in his metabolism. He can only do this if he can inject certain characteristics into man's soul; if, for instance, he can inject into the human soul a special tendency to a dry, barren understanding which seeks an outlet in materialism and mocks all truths permeated by feeling. If he can permeate man with intellectual pride, then he can make the human blood, the breath and metabolism also inclined to him, and then can, as it were, slip out of the salts and mineral in man and slip into his blood and breathing. That is the conflict in the world being fought on the part of Ahriman through the very being of man. You

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by modern medicine... These properties in the body magnify the life-force of vibrational remedies to a recognizable level to be assimilated. Indeed, these crystalline properties are relay points for most ethereal energies to penetrate the physical body. This allows for a balanced distribution of various energies in correct frequencies, which stimulates the discharge of toxicity to create health. In a similar fashion, vibrations of radio-wave frequencies strike a crystal in a radio." Either the destruction and

see, when Jehovah turned to the earth and created man out of the earth in order to develop him further than he could have done within his own realm, he created man out of an element foreign to himself, and only implanted, breathed, his own element into him. But in so doing, Jehovah had to take something to his aid, something to which these Ahrimanic beings have access. Jehovah has thereby become involved, as regards earthly evolution, in this conflict with the Ahrimanic element which, with the help of man, seeks to get the world for itself by means of the mineral processes. As a matter of fact much has been attained by the Ahrimanic beings in this sphere, because when man is born into physical existence, or is conceived, he descends from the worlds of soul and spirit and surrounds himself with physical matter. But in the present state of our civilization and according to the customs of the traditional Churches, man would like to forget his existence in a sphere of soul and spirit before birth. He does not wish to admit it; he would like, in a sense, to wipe out of human life any pre-natal existence. Pre-existence has gradually been declared heretical in the traditional Confessions. It is desired to restrict man to the belief that he begins with [the gene] physical birth or conception, and then to link on to that what follows after death. If this belief in a mere after-death condition were to be fully and finally forced on to mankind, the Ahrimanic powers would then have won their conflict; because if man regards only what he experiences from his earthly nature between birth and death and does not look to a pre-existence, to a life before birth, but only to a continuance of life after death, the Ahrimanic element in his mineral processes would gradually overpower him. [fast food and fat forces have already taken careful aim into our culture body] Everything of a Jehovistic nature would be thrown out of earthly evolution, [reproduction would be taken over by genetic engineering] everything which has come over from Saturn, Sun and Moon would be wiped away. [this is only the tip of the iceberg regarding the alternative destiny of humanity as it is aimed into the EIGHTH SPHERE] A new creation would thus begin with the earth, which

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enslavement of the cosmos or the resurrection and renaissance of angelic wisdom is on the breaking wave. The weakening of the human immune system by pharmaceutical conglomerates and a consensus sterilization of the genetic structure bodes very ill for incarnating brothers and sisters of our human family. Our job is to protect their fragile destinies with wise guidance that allows their talents and abilities to merge with genetic potentials. These are the ultimate meanings of Love and Freedom that pertain to the mission of the human immortal THIRTEENTH within the zodiacal seed.

Over the psychic fiber optic system, that has allowed the earth to resonate and co-create with the heavens, that has also allowed humanity to approach

would deny everything that had preceded it." From: The Responsibility of Man for World Evolution, given in Dornach, Switzerland, January 29th - April 1st, of 1921 by Rudolf Steiner.

We are already leaps and bounds into the comfortable conceit of a pharmaceutical SECOND GENESIS. In this fatal attraction humanity will fail to achieve the THIRTEENTH, fail to free up our own faithful guardian Angels, fail to liberate the animal, plant and mineral in a correct and appropriate manner. Technology, has already over stepped the bounds of matter into the falsification and arbitrary crossing of biological fields. We are on ancient ground, with ancient beings looking over our shoulders.

Presently, by consensus, humanity is aiming for the utter denial of its pre-natal and higher genetic, hereditary origins by placing global humanity in line for an impending and overwhelming cosmic violation. The choice will take only a matter of years now. That is one reason for the potent sense of apocalyptic pregnancy. It is only by locking down all ethical fields into a safety net of seven generations into the future that we can prevent the DUI of careening science and pharmaceuticals from disrupting the entire biological, ecological and psychological steering mechanism of creation and driving her to a prophetic abyss.

" Flower essences and Vibrational Healing, Kevin Ryerson, (Albuquerque, NM: Brotherhood of Life, 1983,) pg. 8

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the immortality of the THIRTEENTH, we are imposing our own information super-highway. We create gravity free, `dirty crystals' and dope them, in order to by-pass (like a heart by-pass) the rhythm of our sacred immortal immune system link to the Tree of Life. Rhythms and patterns that gradually ripen humanity to lead the animal, the plant and the stone upwards, on our shared destiny with the divine, are being diverted and derailed.

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It is a telecommunications bonanza to find the sensitive tuning harmonics, from space grown crystals, that will be the new super chips for interactive telecommunications. When it is found and when the next rage of super computer or biological machine is revealed to humanity, will we feel the creeping enslavement of the stars or will we `get a cosmic rush of virtual reality' from the zodiac, as new genetic super animal instincts and passions

. NEWSWEEK, Sept, 5, 1994, pg. 10. TECHNOLOGY, (Storing a hologram in a crystal. By, Barbara Kantrowitz and Jennifer Tanaka.


"As HARD DRIVES get more and mo

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surge through us? Will we harness bio-technology to the regeneration of personal youth and immortality in the flesh? Will we embrace our descent from the immortal immune system of the Thirteenth down to the bovine twelfth with a giddy consumer glee? Will we so thoroughly scramble the codes of creation that humanity will be unable find its way home? Instead of the resurrection of the immortal human being into the Angelic community, will we feel the surge of what we have always promoted, that

re cramped, digital space is running

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we are only glorified genetic animals, imprisoned within our own self-made Darwinian illusion?

The beautiful WHITE BUFFALO, born in Wisconsin, is named MIRACLE. It will be a miracle if western sciences and political agendas pull out of the nose dive they have caught creation in. Creation and society will go down with us. The Native Americans were good stewards to creation. We of the

out. For decades, researchers have ho

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western world have so far failed miserably to live up to their lofty vision. WHITE CALF BUFFALO WOMAN would be unfavorably impressed with the direction our education has taken in considering the four-leggeds the plants, minerals and ourselves within the magnificent blueprints laid down by our Sky Elders.

ped that holograms created in the sub

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In the long run this cross-roads will be marked as the moment when humanity became divided and a society described as THE WHORE OF BABYLON took the place of the society envisioned by WHITE CALF BUFFALO WOMAN. The Native Americans were the Saturn race that stood on the far western shores, holding the seeds of how creation and created could be re-united by their common spiritual bonds. They had carried these seeds directly from the sinking of Atlantis, also due to

atomic structure of crystals might ho

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humanities early violations. Bonds we have shown, that go all the way down into the bio-rhythmical systems of all living creatures, were still alive in the Native Americans when white settlers first set foot on these western shores. The Lakota and elders like Chief Joseph attempted to communicate this vision.

ld an answer. Stanford University phy

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Initiation Science is fully available to steer humanity back on course with clear educational, scientific and artistic strengths. Wonderful deeds, with the great vision of our human brothers and those innocent ones below us who, are linked to us in an upward spiral dance through the world of the gods and immortality, are readied now for the greatest ecological decision humanity has ever made for its future. On the left hand path is the fast approaching enslavement of humanity and creation in a global consumer

sicists have demonstrated the first f

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trade-off. This path is the path of the political market place and the WHORE OF BABYLON. She is here along with WHITE CALF BUFFALO WOMAN.

Thank you for travelling this long road. I will leave you with the pending weight of the question I have raised in this text.

ully digital model of such a device,

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storing and retrieving the `Mona Lisa

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"Our present definition of technology may be too narrow. The paradigm shift that instigated the bio-revolution, in effect, recognized life as technology. Viewed from this angle, the distinction between man-made machines and living ones blurs. In fact they become one and the same."

.' The crystal held only 163 kilobyte

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Sharon and Kathleen Mcauliffe, LIFE FOR SALE

"What I see coming is a gigantic slaughterhouse, a molecular Auschwitz, in which valuable enzymes, hormones, and so on

s of memory - comparable to some earl

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will be extracted instead of gold teeth."

Dr. Erwin Chargoff

Included for your `grazing' (gazing) pleasure is the wonderful tale of THE SPECKLED BULL. Also the early warning from THE HUMANE

y home computers - but researchers th

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ink holographic units could hold a mi

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llion megabits. Crystals store in thr

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ee dimensions and could be 10 times f

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aster than today's fastest systems."

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The crystal world that carries the psychic stream of visual currents through the earth, our cells, and finally on the inner view screens of our higher visual consciousness is being developed for a storage dump. Not just any storage dump but a Holographic, memory enhanced storage dump. Virtual reality will certainly need a great deal of storage space if holographic sub-nature, sub-psychic journeys are to be programmed and vacations, games and excursions loaded up for consumer pleasure.

Enslavement of an entire system of cosmic co-workers, the gnomes, into sub-angelic, sub-human, sub-space will introduce Tolkiens worst nightmares. The adventure of the Hobbit will be even more frightening than Tolkien imagined. The cow, the manure, the soil and roots, the gnome activity is not a saturday morning kiddy cartoon show. A real planet, in a real planetary system is tracked and sustained in the family of planets by real, non-visible (sub-atomic) supports. These so called sub-atomic supports carry the holographic design of each little plant and the destiny of its ultimate mathematical revelation in the blossom via the crystal, mineral world.

Comprehending the tampering with the cow and the tampering with the crystal system and the doping and speeding of crystals and cows is moving humanity closer and closer to a covert divorce from supernature and a human default into sub-nature. The abuse of the etheric, astral fields that support nature would allow a decadent humanity to plug and unplug from the macrocosmic mother worlds. In this form of advanced technology the former running of the seasons on a quarterly basis and the position Earth takes in its seasonal cycles would be subject to arbitrary human control. The fluxuation and currents of the stars, the planets and the life on this planet would be divorced from an upward direction and be locked into the key codes synchronized to the codes and vibratory fields passing through the cow and the earth but also reverberating in the stellar worlds. Humans, trained in economic-animal management systems, would manage LIFE. Instead of humanity gradually maturing into cosmic living immortal

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systems and using higher, internal, spiritual telecommunications systems dormant in their psychic structure they would `down link' to a virtual reality sub-nature and forfeit Earth's great gifts. A great deal of economic enslavement of lofty spiritual principles would by advertised as our brave new world. The notion that we are little flesh gods that can slow or speed up life fields with a flick of a switch or for the right price, would embroil humanity in a completely new form of technological cosmic error. Allowing humans devoid of fully established immortal sensitivity to covertly enslave nature, visible and invisible, would bring a second fall to the doorstep of mankind.

Therefore, while the cow seems like an innocent bystander in a silly technological and consumer war, the larger picture, a darkening cosmic storm of awesome dimensions is slowly gathering over technological covert pirate vessels. The safe harbor of our sacred blue planet might become a blockaded siege stage for a war with heaven. It will come, by the immoral management of earth's resources, that independence will be declared against, the stars, the solar system, the sun, the seasons, night, day, our immortal family members and even god. This is the unfaltering track that is being developed unless humanity alerts itself to the cosmic implications of such immoral hubris within an unfathomable divine system. This is the brinkmanship humanity has adopted while rejecting organized spiritual integrity. It is already a fearful nightmare in the making but few have come to redirect human vision towards a more bountiful and healing system of thinking.

In epoch vision Steiner steers our crystal insights back through time in his MYSTERY KNOWLEDGE AND MYSTERY CENTRES, pg. 67-69.

"The primeval mountains of which I spoke yesterday were the first formations to emerge from out of the Cosmos. The quartz to be found in those mountains, with its beautiful structure and relative transparency, was as it were poured into the Earth from the Cosmos. When a seer endowed with Imaginative vision observes those

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primeval rocks which are the hardest substances on the Earth, they become the eyes through which he gazes out into the Universe - the same Universe which implanted these eyes into the Earth. It must be remembered that the quartz and silicious substances which permeated the whole atmosphere and were gradually deposited as primeval mountains were not as hard as they are today.

"Silica came from the Cosmos into the Earth with a consistency similar to that of wax, and then it hardened. I described yesterday how pictures of the Cosmos arise in clairvoyant contemplation of this hard, rocklike substance. These pictures represent a more spiritual aspect of the phenomenon that was once concretely perceptible as a kind of plant-form in portions of this transparent, waxlike silica emerging from the Cosmos. Any observer of Nature will know that in the mineral kingdom today records of an earlier age are still to be found. When you look closely at certain stones you will see something like a plant-form within them. But in that distant past a quite usual phenomenon was that pictures were projected from the Cosmos into the albuminous atmosphere within the wax-like substance, where the pictures were not only seen but were reproduced, photographed, as it were, within this substance."

In memory chips or data storage and telecommunications systems the path backwards from solid crystal to liquid crystal has begun. This journey takes humanity through the several phases of creation that produced, on the physical plane, animal, plant and mineral life. Since science has avoided comprehending how the human being grew out of three ancient cosmic conditions, Saturn, Sun, Moon, and how Earth allows humanity to step forward to his immortal genetic transcendence in the THIRTEENTH, creation is on the verge of a dangerous betrayal.

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Three systems below us, animal, plant and mineral are seeking to ascend with the immortal blueprints of human freedom. These blueprints are linked the psychic structure by the etheric, astral and ego components of the human spirit. Historically the transcendence of the gene, the defeat of the fall, the resurrection and ascendence of nature through humanity has already been delivered directly through human history. Science refuses to touch the point where religion and knowledge merge but cleaves desperately to the idea of a controlled genetic descent from immortality, through immune system breakdown, through collapse of nature and forfeiting of Earth's magnificent contribution to the evolution of our human family. Science leads the way in the descent but is numbed in its knowledge when the ascent is described.

Could it be that the materialistic systems of education, economy and human culture we cling to are impossible models and that a deadly numbness overtakes those who clear their minds? Stagnating intellectualism at universities are terrified by the reality behind cosmic logic and the wisdom of creation. The result is cowardly mockery of their own angelic potential. This cultural pressure constantly reaffirms the arrogance of who we think we are versus who we really are. It is the check-mate of creation, sink or swim, do or deny.

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