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Page 1: Wealth Star Location

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In the space of each building, whether a home or office, different types of energy

reside in different parts of the house, by using the concepts of Xuan Kong Flying Stars

Feng Shui, we can locate and evaluate the intangible energy which lies in your home, and

identify the location of your Wealth Star.

What is a Wealth Star?

In this current period (!!" to !"#, Star $ % is the most prosperous and vibrant

star. It can represent wealth such as your income, properties, other financial sources,

and prosperity of the premises and occupants. &his is also referred to as the 'rimaryWealth Star.

How to tap on and activate the energies of the Wealth Star to bring us more


ecause it is a Wealth Star, a water feature can be placed in that sector of your home

to activate the )wealth) energies to your advantage. Water features include a*uariums,

fountains, swimming pool, moving water, etc.

Where to place the water feature?

+any a time, people want to now where to place their water feature. &he correctplacement of your water feature is very important in that it may bring you your so

desired )wealth) if your -eaven uc indicates the potentiality. /n the contrary,

incorrect placement may bring you loss of wealth, and even banruptcy.

/ur service here is to help you determine the location of Star %, i.e. your Wealth Star,

in your premises (house, apartment, or office#.

0our home1s floor plan will be charted indicating the % main compass directions and the

location of your Wealth Star. 2t the same time, you will be given your " auspicious

directions for F344.

5opyright 6!!"7!8!

4mail9 :eannie;

Page 2: Wealth Star Location

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To locate your Wealth Star, we will need the following information from you (all

information will be ept strictly private and confidential#9

8# your house or floor plans, drawn accurately and to scale, if possible in <'= format>

# date when your house was constructed 7 please also specify any ma:or renovations

done after the completion date>

?# house facing direction with e@act degree using a compass (compass reading directions

are provided below#> also your address for checing on =oogle 4arth to ensure that your

reading is correct A if you1re in a 5ondo, please indicate which floor you1re in>

"# the e@act birth data of the breadwinner or main occupants (children e@cluded#.

ac to S-/'

5opyright 6!!"7!8!

4mail9 :eannie;

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