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Page 1: We went to the moon but we did not solve the ancient bow ...


We went to the moon, but we did not solve the ancient

bow and arrow problem.

By the Apostle Farid A. Chouery, P.E., S.E.

©2011, 2021 Farid A. Chouery all rights reserved

This book is about the future of humanity

which direction are we going?



This book aims to help people in their lives and shine some

light on our existence's meaning. And stop the arrogance of

making people believe and advertise that we have all the

answers in which is false and fake news and leads to be

delusional, destructive, and narcissistic. How do you say we

went to the moon, yet we do not have enough health care to

handle a pandemic or even have enough testing for a virus?

Are we fooling ourselves by being so arrogant? The facts

about the coronavirus in 2020 tell us how vulnerable we are.

The other matter is in science; we have not touched the

surface of understanding the Universe or our planet. Always

discoveries happen, confirming we do not have all the

answers. However, there is truth in science that is timeless as

in the three laws I give in this book in chapter 3: 1) we are

unique, 2) there is an internal and external negative feedback

loop; otherwise, the Universe becomes unstable 3) there can

be only one God. So, why are we so arrogant and fall into

this trap, and how going to the moon is so politicized

misleading us. God has always been with us and

communicated with us since Adam and Eve. The proof is the

existence of the Bible way before science. God is the answer.

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The book is tailored to Christian Meditation philosophy and

culture. The world may not be ready for this book; it may be

too much too soon. It is about giving some answers and

report my findings. I am just a vehicle of bringing our Lord

Jesus Christ's meditation to the world.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (A.S.V.)

3 For everything there is a season, and a time for every [a]purpose under Heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to

die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is

planted; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break

down, and a time to build up; 4 a time to weep, and a time to

laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 a time to cast

away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to

embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6 a time to

seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast

away; 7 a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep

silence, and a time to speak; 8 a time to love, and a time to

hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.

And a time to live forever in peace.



Chapter 1 – Introduction ……….………. Page 5

Chapter 2 - Unsolved Problems …...…… Page 31

Chapter 3 – Laws ………………….……. Page 48

Chapter 4 - The Domino Effects …...…… Page 81

Chapter 5 - Visualization and Music …. Page 111

Chapter 6 - Praying with the left and right hemispheres

of the brain ……………………..……….. Page 118

Chapter 7 - Suffering and spreading the truth,

discovering the truth, and living in an injustice world

……………………………………..……… Page 134

Final Words …………………..…..………. Page 151

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Chapter 1


God's nature is to create; therefore, He will create, every

second, a new start, a new planet, new trees and flowers, a

new baby, etc. God loves to create and did everything out of

love and because of love. There is a king for all of the

creations in all universes. His name is Jesus Christ, the Son

of the living God. Since Heaven is another universe or our

Universe, God can choose whatever He pleases to put in it. It

is His pleasure. When God creates something, it stays

because He is God. He did not destroy Lucifer, the fallen

angel He created with free will, but God can surely destroy

Lucifer and said there would be time for that. Only God can

destroy the body and soul see Matthew 10:24-33. See

Matthew 13:24-29 and Matthew 13:36-43 for the parable

of the weeds:

The Parable of the Weeds

24Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. 26When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.


27“The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

28“ ‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

29“ ‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time, I will tell the harvesters: First, collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'"

The Parable of the Weeds Explained

36Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”

37He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, 39and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.

40“As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and

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gnashing of teeth. 43Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.

It means there are other planets like Earth that have creation.

But the question is: did their Adam and Eve sinned? The sin

of Adam and Eve is they were disobedient to God and

wanted to be God. This sin is in our genes and causes death.

It does not make any sense we die, and the Universe is

practically empty. There must be a resurrection and a time to

occupy the Universe. So, are these creations in other planets

sinless and possess the body in Jesus Christ? As far as we

know, Christ said He has other flocks besides Earth

creatures. Or maybe He means beside His followers on


John 10:16 New International Version

I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring

them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall

be one flock and one shepherd.

Part of the reason logically, there cannot be multiple Gods is

the conflict of feedback from God to His creation, so there

has to be only one God. So, he punished Adam and Eve and


told them that it is a forbidden fruit to want to be God, and

they were disobedient.

The Bible cannot be written any other way. It says the surest

way to Heaven is to get baptized and become a member of

the club, and plant the good seed of the wheat, and get rid of

the original severe sin of Adam and Eve that cause death.

Because Adam and Eve's desire to be God would cause real

instability in the Universe, it is a requirement. It is

understood that having a conflict of feedback in the universe

from multiple Gods would cause instability in the Universe.

History shows this sin has repeatedly been happening,

causing punishment from God. For example: at the time of

Moses, Pharaoh thought he was God, and God punished

severely with plagues and freed His people, the Jews. There

are many other examples in history. Hitler was one of those

people who thought his race was superior to all humanity

and thought he was like God. Most likely, all the victims

went to Heaven because it was a war from God against Hitler

using God's people. Titanic's creator said April 15, 1912:

'God Himself Could Not Sink This Ship.' He thought he was

God and God acted. President Donald Trump won the 2016

election with foreign influence in the United States; he

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believed he was a superior leader and can do anything he

wants. He thought he was above the law1 and kept lying; he

was a bully and con artist. He conned the voters by saying he

will make America great again, and America was never great

in its history, and it depends on which people you are talking


Isn’t Hitler wanted to make Germany great, and Mussolini

wanted to make Italy great, and the result was a disaster. He

conned the evangelical church voters by saying he is born

again Christian, and he is against abortion. Now the

Christians say Trump is immoral. He says he believes in

God, but there is no communication with God since he keeps

lying, and his action is far from it. Trump and his follower

think Trump is a Christ-like figure that came to save the

country and the world, so they worship him. During the

pandemic, Trump said to the governors he would not call

them or help them unless they thank him and praise him for

his beautiful job. It is false; he was not doing a good job; he

wants them to worship him. On August 9, 2020, the White

 1. On July 9, 2020, the supreme court ruled the president is not above the law. A win for democracy and God. 


House wanted to put Trump's face on Mount Rushmore; they

still adore him. Enough BS that is what I say; what an ego?

New York Times: White House reached out to the South Dakota governor about adding Trump to Mount Rushmore.

Trump won the 2016 election with many conspiracies and

false advertisements. He was a cult leader to his followers.

During the pandemic, he does not care how many people die

from the coronavirus or the plague and take pleasure in

people suffering, especially in the blue state, his political

opponent. Trump had no interest in saving lives. He said it is

not my responsibility, and he lived up to it. Trump wants to

open the economy and schools despite the country's virus's

spikes. All he cares about is to be reelected at the expense of

death to the people. He is like Nero2 using fire to clamp

 2 Commentary by psychiatrist Dr. Lance Dodes2 on MSNBC on July 7, 2020, at 7:10 pm Pacific time said: Trump is a true sociopath, or in a common language, his is evil. On July 16 at 7:30 pm on MSNBC, Dr. Dodes said Trump exercise satanism, in which Trump has pleasure from

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down on the growing influence of Christians in Rome. Nero3

took pleasure in the suffering of people in Rome’s fire in the

year 64. N.B.C. News web reference March 9, 2020 death

toll in the U.S. was 26 and 704 infected cases:

Critics compare Trump meme during coronavirus crisis to Nero fiddling while Rome burned

It is now August 7, 2020, not March 9, and it is a very

accurate 164,094 deaths and 5,095,524 cases in six months,

and Trump is still playing with death and the violin and not

even mentioning the dead and advertise everything is going

perfectly and wants to reopen the schools. Trump has a

history of not caring. For example, Trump says he did not

ask Putin about suspected bounties to kill U.S. Troops in

Afghanistan. Amid no new signs of investigative

developments, the president also noted for the first time that

he would have acted had he known about an earlier C.I.A.

 other people sufferings and does not care how many people die from the coronavirus and call him a psychopath.  

3 The number of the beast 666 was Preterist theologians typically support the interpretation that 666 is the numerical equivalent of the name and title Nero Caesar


assessment. Trump has no empathy, and you cannot lead a

country you do not love. The fact is the economy is teetering

onto a depression. On July 31, 2020, the U.S. economy

posted its worst drop on record.


On August 3, 2020, Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo 

said Trump and the federal government's response to the

coronavirus is the worst blunder in modern history.

On August 4, 2020, the U.S.'s death toll was 156,000 dead,

and President Trump said it is under control and "It is what it

is." It is unbelievable to say that the virus is out of control

about the dead and the truth. He also said he did more for

African Americans than anyone, including President Obama

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and Congressman John Lewis. At this point, I believe he lost

it; he is delusional.

Trump has no plan for better testing for the virus. The

republicans in the senate about passing a bill on July 28,

2020, to help people not get evicted from their homes, saying

to the public, let them eat cake. A saying showing

insensitivity to or incomprehension of the realities of life for

the unfortunate.

President Trump has torn America domestically and

internationally. He is the most corrupt president in history.

Trump said he might not accept the 2020 election forecasting

a civil war and saying the election would be rigged because

of the mail-in voting with no proof. So, Trump is imposing

voting suppression by ordering the U.S. postal service to

slow down all mail delivery, including ballots. It will affect

millions of people delivering their medications and

paychecks; they would be messing with their lives. On

August 13, 2020, Trump said he would not sign the relief bill

for the coronavirus that includes funding the postal service

later; he said he would, nobody knows. Congressman Bill

Pascrell said we could not be polite to corruption.








He finally admitted that the virus might worsen on July 21,

2020, and wearing a mask would protect against spreading

the infection. He said wearing a mask is patriotic after he

was against it all this time. At this point, it does not matter

anymore; people's lives have been shattered. In July 2020,

Trump sent federal troops to cities like Portland, Oregon, to

fight crimes from the black lives matter, peaceful protests

that do not exist. There have been some riots by opportunists

but nothing the local police cannot handle. And it was

reported that the riot inciters are white supremacy supporting

Trump. Experts say the troops made things much worse. It

was a political stunt to detour the public opinion from the

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pandemic. Trump will lie, cheat, and kill to win the election

in November, and he does not care about the constitution.

Democracy relies on truth, and there was no evidence of the

truth from the white house. A president who believes in God

can share responsibility with God and not carry all the

burden and asks for God’s help. But not Trump: he thinks he

can do it all, even prescribing medications such as

hydroxychloroquine, the antimalarial drug, for the

coronavirus. The medicine shows it causes the death of the

infected people with the coronavirus. He also said

disinfectants, such as bleach, could be injected inside the

human body to fight the coronavirus. On CNN News July 9,

2020, 6:00 pm P.T., they reported people selling toxic bleach

to religious organizations and infected patients with the

coronavirus died, the F.D.A. charged them. On July 28,

2020, Trump promoted fringe "Alien D.N.A." and praises

“Demon Sperm," a doctor as respected who said diseases are

caused by dreams of sex with demons, masks are

unnecessary. Malaria drugs Hydroxychloroquine is a

coronavirus cure. Complete science fiction right out of the

medieval time full of superstitions and make-believe. Only


God can create sperm. Satan is a fallen angel and cannot


Trump failed to see what was going on in the rest of the

world and act early. He called it a hoax by his opposition

party. He also believed he could override the 50 states'

governors even if it is against the constitution. His failure to

contain the coronavirus because he wanted a political gain

caused the deadliest in the world as of June 10, 2020. The

news reported 115,112 deaths and 16% of the population

unemployed. On June 11, 2020, the jobless unemployment

claim was 44 million for 12 weeks total. By June 15, 2020,

the reported death of Covid-19 is 119,000 more than the

American died in WWI or 116,516 death. It is now July, and

the infection and death curve has not flattened; it is still

going up. While the curves in Europe, Australia, and Asia

already flattened and the infection started simultaneously

with the U.S., they had a lockdown as we did at about the

same time. On July 13, 2020, the death was 138,787, one day

before Trump ordered hospitals to report the death to H.H.S.

instead of the C.D.C. It is evident Trump wants to hide the

truth of how many people die before the election, and it is

tragic, so it is a cover-up. When the infection started in the

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blue states, Trump did not care because he is a republican

and divided the country into blue and red states. So, he let

the red states do whatever they want. It was the reason the

curve did not flatten; the red stated curves started to go up. It

is now July, and they have 50,000 infections a day.

A study has estimated there may have been 36,000 fewer

coronavirus-related deaths had the U.S. entered lockdown a

week earlier in March. (That would be March 8, where

Trump was playing Golf)

The Columbia University research also estimated that around

83% of deaths could have been avoided if measures had been

taken two weeks earlier. It suggested that 54,000 fewer

people would have died had cities begun locking down on

March 1.

President Trump dismissed the report as a "political hit job."

The study, which has not been peer-reviewed yet, covers

data up to May 3, at which point there had been just over

65,300 coronavirus-related deaths in the U.S.


Trump’s cabinet, the white house, and some Republican

senators, Republicans in Congress, and Republican

governors were just as corrupt and thinks Trump is a

demigod. Trump and some Republican governors have blood

on their hands; they are murderers. Trump is a coward and a

monster. I believe the pandemic is a punishment from God

for allowing it because of all the world leaders. They think

they are God or want to be God and want to hold on to

power at any cost; based on Adam and Eve's sin, God

punishes severely and commends death to a human. Again,

all the victims go to Heaven because it is a war by God

against those people. It was evident when Trump held a

failed rally in Tulsa the day after Juneteenth, and there was a

4.5 rector scale earthquake in Oklahoma after the rally.

Oklahoma is not a seismically prone country; this is too

much of a coincidence. I learned from the Bible God can

cause an earthquake, and nature can cause an earthquake.

Thus, God made His presence. In any case, I remain


On June 27, 2020, I heard God say to me, stay away from

politics, do meditations. So, I remain independent as I have

voted for Republicans and Democratic Presidents based on

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the content of their character and my evaluation from hearing

their voices. I developed this gift because I relied on all my

life on hearing because of my reading disability. And I was

right about my choices the presidents I voted for and that

have won delivered some peace to the world. I always

question when they say conservative or progressive.

Conservative in what? And progressive in what? I did not

vote for Trump; I figured him out long before running for

president; he is a con artist. So, I do not follow a political

party; I follow Jesus. Trump can con the voters, but he

cannot con God. On August 6, 2020, at Cleveland, Ohio

rally, he claims that his political opponent, Joe Biden, will

hurt the Bible and hurt God if he is elected. Trump falsely

says a practicing Catholic is "against God." That is how he

cons the evangelical voters with no religious basis, while Joe

Biden is a devout Catholic. Trumps' lies, cheat, blame, bully,

and belittle and hurt God in the Bible, and I do not think

Trump knows what is in the Bible. He is deceiving the


I searched images for Jesus on the internet using “visualize

Jesus” as a word search in two search engines. I looked and

prayed at all the pictures and arts of Jesus; this was around


early-May 2020, but toward the end of the picture’s gallery,

someone hacked the computer and put a pornographic

picture in each search engine image. It was taken out the

next day when they found it. This filth of repeated hacking

was repeated on June 7, 2020, and then it was taken out, then

again on June 12, 2020, and so forth. On October 18, 2020, I

searched pictures for “visualize Jesus” on the MSN search

engine, and toward the end, they had a picture of Trump,

equating Trump with Jesus Christ. So, some hacker did that.

On May 26, 2020, they reported hacking the computer and

adding child pornography to Zoom meetings. It was a sick

person, and I realized it is a war; immediately, I heard God

say it is not your war.

Why people obsessed with being more famous than Jesus

Christ. That will never happen. Jesus has been famous for

the last 2020 years and on. For example, about John Lennon,

a member of the Beatles, he said:

“Christianity will go,” Lennon said, according to Cleave's

article. “It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that;

I'm right, and I will be proved right. We're more popular than

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Jesus now; I don't know which will go first—rock 'n' roll or


Forty years ago, on 8 December 1980, the former Beatle

John Lennon was shot dead as he returned to his home at the

Dakota apartment building in New York.

The reality is Jesus is Alive and is famous forever. John

Lennon is famous for his music temporarily and cannot

save anyone. It is so stupid to compare fame to Jesus.

If you want to know the truth about the mafia or gangsters,

you need to talk to one of the gangsters that defected; he said

I am one of his bad guys. On August 13, 2020, we read



Bible reference revealing this sin:

John 8:44 English Standard Version (ESV) 44 You are of your father, the devil, and your will is to

do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the

beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no


truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own

character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Again, it is shown throughout history, including the biblical

flood, God did not care how many people die; it was always

to combat evil. In the event of war from God against an evil

man or people, the victims go to Heaven.

Trump was desperate to win the elections in 2020; it

caused too many conspiracy theories from Trump and

his supporter. I had to stop listening to the news all

together two months before the election. Trump asked his

supporters on September 2, 2020 (MSNBC Reports) to

vote twice in the election, which is illegal. These

conspiracies included propaganda that the NIAID head,

Dr. Fauci, started the coronavirus in China. False, no

man can do that worldwide without God, allowing it to

happen, especially the disease's evil spread. Dr. Fauci has

no interest in killing masses of people; he is a scientist

with high ethics with a verifiable record. He is to save

lives and not destroy lives. Why do conspiracy theorists’

film themselves refusing to wear face masks? It is

scientifically unfound, and Dr. Fauci promotes wearing

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masks. The white house promotes a conspiracy of herd

immunity, which would estimate 2.1 million death; they

do not care. Scare tactics saying the democrats are

communists, which are false and unfounded. They say

the democrat does not want people to go to Church and

spread the gospel. It is a cognitive bias.

Trump denies collusion with Russia in the 2016 election,

and the republicans now, on August 19, 2020, say Trump

miss led the F.B.I. Mueller investigation report. Qanon

the “big tent conspiracy theory" that falsely claims President

Trump faces down a shadowy cabal of Democratic pedophiles.

Qanon conspiracy theories are evil, and Trump embraced the

organization. On August 21, 2020, on CNN, Vise President

Mike Pence Echo Trump will be a miracle around the corner

to heal the coronavirus. On Friday, Vice President Mike Pence 

dismissed the fringe Qanon conspiracy theory, whose followers 

President Donald Trump embraced and praised earlier this 

week. And many other conspiracies spread by the internet and

republican FOX News Channel, the present means of

spreading false information in the 21st century and always try

to blame somebody. It is all evil tactics, and no doubt Trump

divided the country, and no political party wants that; most

people realize it. Many Republican senators and


representatives start to distance themselves from Trump, and

some said they would not vote for Trump.

Consequently, God and truth won the war as expected.

For believers, God already won. People know Trump is

in charge and responsible for all this death. It is Trump

with no doubt; it did not have to happen this way. On

October 2, 2020, the news announced that Trump and his

wife tested positive for COVID-19. He returned to the

White House sick on October 5, 2020, and removed his

mask for a photoshoot, irresponsible for infecting others.

He is so stubborn and arrogant, thinking he can beat this

virus. On October 13, 2020, he recovered the country's

white house strategy in herd immunity, telling people

they can recover from Covid-19 as Trump did. However,

in some records, people got infected for the second time

and died. WHO said herd immunity has never been used

in a pandemic and is firmly against it.

Trump lost his re-election in November 2020 and fell

from the 90th floor high rise, symbolically with repeated

scandals every day, a massive and crushing defeat with

an election not even close. The most embarrassing loss an

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incumbent president has ever suffered. Trump

historically never lost, which was the first time he lost,

but he vowed to fight. He cannot acknowledge that his

leadership led him to lose the election. He has never

admitted defeat his whole life, and now he had to; that is

God’s work. Trump said in the 2016 election that he has

always been successful; he has never been defeated. On

December 20, 2020, we had: “Trump Is Losing His


is-losing-his-mind/ar-BB1c5sBK?li=BBorjTa Despite the

pandemic, about 150 million people voted almost half of

the population: the most massive turn out in history.

Seventy million people voted for Trump, believing in his

lies and conspiracies. Unfortunately, when you tell these

people the truth, they hang on to the conspiracies because

they do not want to be wrong. God made Trump think he

will win the election, as the election was not close and

took a few days after November 3rd. Unfortunately,

trump conned many people to vote for him, telling them

the Democrats are socialists. He announced falsely

asserts election fraud on Tuesday at 11:56 pm Pacific


Time, and prematurely he said he won the election with

millions of uncounted votes.

Trump threatened to go all the way to the supreme court

to stop counting to not account for the remaining black

votes. Black voters were only 12% for Trump and were

the cause for Trump's defeat. The truth is voting has

stopped by November 3, 2020, but tallying those votes has

not. I don’t think the supreme court can stop the tallying,

and voting is sacred. As tallying was going on, the gap

widened. On Thursday, Trump spread disinformation of

fraud in the election and evidence of illegal votes; it is a

disgrace. Every state said there are no illegal votes. Vote

counting took so long, several days, until it was

confirmed that Trump lost. In my opinion, it took so long

because God was bleeding Trump and had no mercy on

him, a slow defeat, 90 hours after election polls closed.

God told me on November 7, 2020, I win, and love wins.

Trump may never accept the defeat because he is

delusional. On November 8, 2020, he spread the

conspiracies that the democrats counted dead people in

the election, a very twisted mind, and a sick mind. Do we

read in Mark 8:36 For what does it profit a man to gain

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the whole world and lose his soul? Trump lost his soul

because he cannot tell what is right from wrong, meaning

he does not have a conscience anymore. He tweeted on

November 7, 2020, that he won this election big. He

continues to spread conspiracy theory saying the election

was stolen from him. Mary Trump, Trump’s Niece, said

Trump is humiliating himself. Trump is not a normal

person; he is an overgrown child and will not concede.

The fact is America chose a leader that is Joe Biden, not a

liar. After many unsuccessful lawsuits by Trump to

overturn the election, Trump was removed from office

after an insurrection attempt on Capitol Hill, incited by

Trump’s speech on Jan 6, 2021. Electoral College makes

it official, and congress and senate confirmed the result

on Jan 6, 2021: Biden won; Trump lost.


On January 20, 2021, he will be indicted. Trump faces

civil and criminal lawsuits that will put him in financial

ruin. In God’s wisdom, God let go and shook His head

floor by floor until the 90th floor until He ran out of

patience. Trump was an embarrassment to the world,


just like Hitler. Unfortunately, 294,581 died by COVID-

19 by December 9th, 2020; hopefully, they are all in

Heaven. It was higher than the 104,404 troops killed in

every war since the Korean War in 1950 combined. It has

killed more Americans than the 1968 pandemic of

100,000 lives with the Hong Kong flu. And more than

World War I of 116,516 American death and World War

II of 291,557 American death.

When I say a club member when baptized, I cannot use the

statement “a member of the Christian religion” since

Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship and a way of

life. Meaning believing in Christ is all you need, plus

communicating with God. There are no steps to get to God

or Heaven, as some religions do. Get baptized and be

redeemed by Christ. For example, if you are Muslim, you

can get baptized Christian and stay Muslim. That should

work. I would like to believe that God will judge what you

have and not what you do not have. The only way to make

sure is to get baptized. On the other hand, that is not an easy

question to answer, “Who will get to heaven and who will

not?” If we know the answer to this question, we all get to

Heaven or the other Universe.

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Some people think that science will keep ongoing and will

be God someday. It is back to Adam and Eve's original sin.

That will never happen. Science will go far enough to realize

we cannot be God. The only way for our evolutionary

existence is by communicating with Jesus Christ, the

peaceful mediator, and agent. We are always going to need

God's feedback and cannot do it alone. Jesus will always

give us feedback through meditations and prayers. The voice

inside that tells what is right is from God. In my first

recommended deep meditation, I pray for Jesus to possess

my soul; thus, the voice from within in all meditation or

prayers is the voice of Jesus. Jesus was God made Flesh

when He came on Earth, but when He resurrected is just

God. So, it is essential in the meditation to view Jesus as

God. Mathematics, physics, and science are true, and Jesus is

the truth; therefore, Jesus will always give us mathematical

and scientific feedback. The physics is understood through

prayers and conversing with Jesus. The progression of all art

and science hinges on this statement. This statement is not

proprietary to the believer; if it is hard for you to believe

Jesus is God, then all you need to think is there is an element

of truth in the Universe and is done through Jesus. Jesus


came for the world, not just for the Christians but for the

whole world. In the 21st century, going to Mars is that I do

not think God will give us another planet after what we did

to Earth. We need to fix our planet before we go to another

planet. And the task is immense, and communication with

God is essential.

John 14:6 New International Version (N.I.V.)

6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the

life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

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Chapter 2

Unsolved Problems

Now the large deflection problem of beams and plates is

solved by Farid A. Chouery, and the bow and arrow

problems are solved after solving the Euler-Bernoulli

equation that has not been solved in 270 years. Ever since

primitive man invented the bow and arrow, they tried to

perfect it. We can also predict the deflection of the fishing

pole's behavior, but how about the dynamic problem? There

are more problems to be solved after this solution. We only

have scratched the surface. We have a new law of physics by

Farid Chouery, “To every load or weight, there is a unique

deflection curve,” presenting: we live in a unique universe.

God created everything special and love it, and all behave

uniquely. When we press on something, the curvature is

unique. We should find beauty in everything and feel

privileged to live in this Universe. Also, we know that upon

load contact with a surface, there is a contact shear proven

from strain energy by Farid A. Chouery, so materials behave

in a way like liquids adding more complexity to the

deflections, and material behavior shows everything is


connected. Also, the new findings of arching in materials

changed our perspective of loading on beams. These new

findings open the gates to years of research. It may take

several hundred years. Some unsolved problems in my field

are as follows: System optimization with beam arching and

shell arching. The solution of contact shear in 3D has not

been solved, and it is important. The general solution math

formulation of ultimate and linear buckling of plates and

shells has not been solved. The large deflection of shells has

not been solved mathematically. The large inelastic

deflection of beams, plates, and shells has not been solved.

Arching of plates and shells related to buckling effect.

Arches of materials in beams, plates, shells, and solid have

not been formulated, such as steel I beam. Finite-Element

does not have curves; only lines are permitted. The solution

is not accurate; for example, if we assume a circle as a

polygon, this assumption is made when analyzing the stress

under a bolt washer. I discovered the plates' deflection in the

plate solution is unique and came up with the universal law:

to every load or weight, there is a unique deflection. I gave

solutions as an example and an elliptical plate. One can

easily compare with finite elements to the exact solution and

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see the ambiguity. Also, 3D finite elements with inclusions

such as circular reinforcements in concrete are mind-

boggling; how do I believe the output. Soils are full of

problems that have not been explained mathematically and

physically. Fire or flame has not been explained physically.

If we can, then we can solve the energy problem. Slip

surfaces for ka, kp, and k0 in 3D has not been solved. Walls

with friction with different topography have not been solved

in 2D or 3D. Slope stability using variation calculus in 3D

has not been solved. Boundary value problem with curves:

finite element gives incorrect frequencies in dynamics in

shells with curved reactions. In physics, the Schrödinger

equation was only solved exactly for Hydrogen. So, I was

thinking about it when Jesus told me in my meditation, "You

don't have to solve the Schrödinger equation." On June 21,

2020, I told Jesus why I am dreaming about it in my

meditation. He answered that I want someone else to do it

and visualize me and give the answer. In psychology:

visualization, antiviruses, and placebo are still in their

infancy; when will man be able to self-heal by God? God is

the author of all healings. Why is it too hard? Biology,

Christ’s living water is the anti-germ and antivirus? During


the early apostles, Saint Paul was bitten by a snake, and he

survived. It was evidence of living water in his body. Saint

John was poisoned with no success, and they had him exiled

on the island of Patmos. Probably all the apostles had living

water. Most people could not read; it was all visual and

hearing God's word. I believe I was infected by the

coronavirus in early April 2020, had a temperature the day

before, and felt the illness in my lungs. I was healed in

twenty minutes, and I was 69 years old and taking medicine

for high blood pressure. I visualized living water going

through my lungs and Jesus' hand on my chest for 20

minutes, and the infection from the virus was gone. It was

not the first time I was healed by living water. My parents

have a history of heart disease and died early from it. I

continued to visualize Jesus's hand on my heart for years. On

September 2nd, 2020, I heard a preacher on the news

spreading a conspiracy. He was saying democrats do not

want you to go to church or spread the gospel. I sat on the

couch, trying to refute this conspiracy, and I passed out. I

went to the doctor and had many tests. Finally, I had an

angiogram, and the doctor said my heart is good and did not

need to have a stent. I realize it is Jesus who is taking care of

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my heart. My counselor asked me if I have an internal

feeling that I cannot put a word to it. I said yes, and I call it

living water. Jesus wants to give other people living water as

He gave it to me. I will try to prove living water in the

laboratory in my research study in clinical psychology.

However, that does not prove the existence of God. It proves

that we can use God, and there is feedback in the Universe

that promotes health, healing, and peace. No matter how the

intellect convinces us, God exists, we use faith, but we need

both. In the sermon of the mount, Jesus said that people with

a pure heart should see God, and I did. In my meditation in

early May 2020, Mother Mary confirmed and told me I have

a pure heart. Thus, I am a qualified apostle. On August 7,

2020, I did my music therapy meditation, and I heard God

saying to me in Arabic. I want to be partnering with you.

You may have heard of some hypocrites who call the Bible

fake news, then how does one account for living water in the

body? We do not need any proof; it is just faith. Also, a

research study in Christianity has not been done as outlined

in my dissertation GOD IS A MATTER OF SCIENCE AND



There is no unsolved problem that is not important, and

money should not be in the way. These were some of the

unsolved problems in my field. There are unsolved problems

in every field, and the reader is to find them and attempt to

solve them. The reader is encouraged to visualize Jesus in

meditation and work with Him to solve the problems. In

recent years there was a problem with lies from the White

House and fake news from some media, and social media

from other countries have infiltrated the world with a

misleading view on the coronavirus in 2020. It is an external

evil view that causes instability; it is time to resume God's

internal feedback and listen to the truth. Hacking and false

information altered the reality in our modern time, and God

gave us a way to verify using meditation. Question anyone

advertising the Bible, science, and history is fake news. For

example, data on the coronavirus infection and death is not

fake news. Before July 14, 2020, where the white house

attempts a cover-up, it is being verified by may even

worldwide before reporting, use your common sense. One

way to do that besides reading the Bible is Christian

Meditations and visualizing Jesus. To give an example of the

existing solved and unsolved problems, I went to the

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University of Washington Book Store to look for

engineering support books and codes; there were three

shelves of books to buy.

Then, I went to look for math books; there were three isles

back-to-back bookshelves of mathematics subjects. It spoke

to me about the oldest subject, "Mathematics." A history of

work dated human existence. Still, there is a lot of unsolved

problems in mathematics. When I took numerical analysis in

graduate school, a solution of the Exponential Tailor series

with matrices resembles the exponential series. The

professor said you could see this has some truth but has not

been proven. Then he said, “when this approximation will

ever be proven.” When will the computer solve mathematics

algebraically, not just numerically?

Similarly, the computer will design system components such

as an electronic circuit or mechanical parts, or chemical

ingredients. Again, not just numerically but system

components such as the human brain. Artificial Intelligence

(A.I.) can spot animals in a landscape or scenery; why not

spot cracks in concrete such as dams or bridges and help

inspection. I discussed this needed solution with two


Microsoft employees on January 18, 2020. Besides, finding

rust in steel structures such as bridges and help bridge

inspection using A.I. would be very desirable. My second

law of physics leads us to investigate systems in all aspects.

The system department in all universities should expand to

political systems, medical systems, and others, not

electronics and mechanical. The amount of work for

advancement in art and science in all fields is unimaginable.

Check this link

There is nowhere in the Bible that speaks of visualizing God

or Jesus, but does the Bible speaks against it? The question is

not that visualization is not in the Bible, but is there any

problem with it? Of course, it is natural to visualize and part

of the human dimension as in daydreaming. All parables by

Jesus require visualizations and meditations. I am sure St

Paul has visualized the appearance of Jesus that he had

throughout his life as I do.

Nevertheless, if visualization is in question, God already sent

another apostle 2000 years after Christ to clarify this issue,

and that would be me. It is essential to encourage people to

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pray with all their minds and strengths as science teaches us

how the brain works 2000 years later. From the Web, we


agination What Does the Bible Teach about Visualization?

Submitted by Mark Virkler on February 20, 2012 - 09:32

Question: A ministry I was learning from says that you are teaching visualization, which is not scriptural. What is your response to this? Mary

Answer: Thank you for your question, Mary. What we teach is that if man chooses what he wants to picture and visualizes that, then that is wrong. If God grants you a dream or a vision, or Jesus paints a parable, or the Bible tells a story, it is not wrong to picture these things.

We define "Godly Imagination" as picturing things the Bible says are true.

In general, I am quoting from my book “Visualize Jesus:

Ten Ways to Christian Meditation.

In a way, when you visualize God, you are asking for his

presence - similar to calling upon his name. So, His third

commandment applies: “You shall not take the name of

the Lord your God in vain.” Likewise, you shall not


visualize God in vain. God created us a free spirit, it is

silly to control what people imagine, and you hypocrites,

it cannot be done. When you visualize God or any of the

Trinity parts, do not do it in vain. Visualize your day

with Jesus. Meditation and visualization are to start in

childhood. When I was seven years old, Jesus appeared to

me, and I did not stop visualizing Him all my life; that is

my right. If visualization is not in the scriptures, ask the

Pope or the Bishop of whatever denomination you are or

use your mind to discern. The Bible is not made to bind

us; it is made to set us free.

It takes three disciplines, Clinical Psychology, Engineering,

and a Minister or pastor, to design deep meditation. Some of

these disciplines flourished 2000 years after Christ, such as

Engineering and Psychology. That is why it is time, as God

called time in my meditation. It is time to change your genes

with Jesus. Note: God did not say it is time for the second

coming of Jesus. God said that it is time to meditate for the

preparation of Jesus' second coming. God's feedback is

proper and is always on time. In His wisdom, God always

gives people time to reconcile with Him before the second

coming of His Son, Jesus Christ. Because if Jesus comes

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back, it is over. On December 1, 2020, I asked God isn’t

spreading Christian meditation is the Job of the Church? He

said, no, it is your Job. Historically, the deacons spread the

Gospel, starting with Deacon Saint Stephen, the martyr (c.

AD 5 – c. AD 34). The priest and pastors do not interact with

the public as the deacons. For example, of God’s message to

the world, on Sunday, December 12, 2020, God told me in

my meditation as He was speaking to all religions, “I declare


John 10:27-2827 My sheep hear my voice, and I know

them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal

life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck

them out of my hand.

Hearing Jesus's voice is exactly what happens in

Christian meditation. Visualizing Jesus and hearing his

voice prepares you for the future and doing God’s will; it

is not about altering reality. It is about visually praying,

so God would answer the prayers. Visualization is a way

we prepare ourselves before taking action. There is

nothing unbiblical about the tendency for humans to

visualize in this way. It is wise to consider outcomes

before taking action (Luke 14:28). However, modern self-


help gurus often promote visualization as a means to

alter reality and get what you want. That is not true; we

are not God. In the New Testament, we are told that

Jesus is the Image of the invisible God, and we are to "fix

our eyes upon Him" (Heb. 12:1,2). David was clearly

visualizing the Lord at his right hand (Ps. 16:8; Acts

2:25). So, in both the Old and New Testaments, God has

ordained imagery as part of our approach to Him. This

book's message is we can only be sheep; we cannot be

shepherd because we cannot be God. We always need His

feedback, no matter how you look at it.

Quoting, Robert j. Sternberg and Diane F. Halpern's last

paragraph in their book from their 2nd edition book © 2007,

2020 on “Critical Thinking in Psychology."

“… What is for sure is that the world now has more need for

critical thinkers than perhaps at any time in the past. Never

before have the stakes included the possible destruction of

the entire world as we know it. This would be an excellent

time to start emphasizing critical thinking, consequences in

our teaching, and in our lives,”

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Critical thinking requires analyzing information from the

external world and needing God's feedback in the inner

world using meditations.

So, what does it mean to be a sheep? It means receiving

feedback from the shepherd.

Toward the middle of August 2019, Jesus asked me in my

meditation to compose a deep healing meditation. I think

Jesus knew a pandemic is about to happen. I could not sleep

that night, worried about how I am going to do that. Then, I

composed a song a healing song with the angels' help and

called it "Jesus Healing Song." On the following Sunday, I

was in Church. The bible reading was according to the

Gospel; Jesus was teaching in the temple on the Sabbath. A

woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for

eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten

up at all. When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said

to her:

"Woman, you are set free from your infirmity."

Then He put his hands on her, and immediately she

straightened up and praised God. During the reading, I was

pulled back in history or in time, and I was there in the


synagogue standing and witnessing the miracle, and it was

real, and Jesus was holy. I was astonished by how Jesus

confirmed my song and encouraged me. I put together the

meditation script around mid-September 2019 and met with

Pastor Erik Wilson Weiberg later, and he recommended a

few changes to the writing and designed the introduction.

Well, the time elapsed, and the coronavirus came, and I

could not do the recording. So, I published a PDF version on

April 9, 2020, and updated it on September 4, 2020, on

Why God calls time for meditation: look around; you see

chaos worldwide for misleading information and the

desperate need for God's internal feedback. Our democracy

is at stake as countries like China and others switch to

computer algorithms and surveillance to control the

population. Switching for every citizen will receive a Social

Credit Score. This score not only measures financial

creditworthiness, as the FICO credit risk score in the U.S.

does. It also calculates a person's social trustworthiness,

political compliance, and interpersonal relationships, using

hundreds of millions of surveillance cameras, digital

footprints, and every possible data source. Crossing the street

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at a red light means losing points; visiting one's elderly

parents increases them. Those with high scores are rewarded

perks, as in a frequent-flyer program, while those with low

scores are punished.

With a low social credit score, one may be able to visit the

best schools. Even one's social circle's impact: friends with

low scores can pull down one's score. Social surveillance is

nothing new, but this technology can scale it up to levels

never seen before. Its goal is to improve people's moral

behavior, eliminate corruption, and create a culture of

"sincerity" and "harmony." Surveys indicate that most

Chinese citizens are in favor of this system, particularly

those with higher education. Many believe that it provides a

real alternative to democracy, fostering morality, harmony,

and economic growth. It is a system design against

democracy and God, the creator who wants us to have free

will. The people of China will be living to score points to

gain favor from the government. God wants us to be His and

gain His acceptance. So, now God is competing or waging

war against China as they replace God with the government.

They are making the government God. So, you know who is

going to win.


Visualizing Jesus causes an abrupt change and causes

evolution in the human body and the brain by solving the

unsolved problems and resolving fear and worries. Thus,

development is always disrupted by an abrupt change.

Visualization with Jesus requires having an experience with

the divine and cause physiological change. Visualization

without experience is like thirst without water. Every

meditation is unique because God changes them to make you

the astronomer of the inner space, and it is a mystery. So

instead of outer space, it is exploring inner space. Thus, the

external and the internal are unique, and God gave us a

beautiful tapestry to live. Music therapy meditation

conditions the brain to experience God’s presence. The

second law of physics by Farid A. Chouery shows the

Universe cannot function without God; otherwise, it

becomes unstable full of chaos. From science, there can be

only one God; otherwise, we have a conflict of feedbacks. I

solved many unsolved problems by discussing them with

Jesus. Mathematics is truth, and Jesus spoke to me in

mathematics and counseling. Jesus was a carpenter and was

proficient in math. He is truth, and Math is Truth.

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Finally, other unsolved problems are not necessary to deal

with science, such as poverty or homelessness, racism, and

social injustice. Also, the issue of greed, we have giant

corporations' business models to profit at all costs, even at

the expense of destroying civilization. These problems have

always been with us. I do not know if there is a mathematical

equation to solve these problems other than education,

medicine, food distribution, and medications. We need a

breakthrough in our economy. It is dealing with who we

elect in office. A profound meditation with Christ allows us

to find His consent about who we vote for and illuminate

greed. The Christian religion has been under attack by the

devil throughout history, causing it to have division. We

need to pray for the union of all denominations with their

differences. There have been differences from the beginning

throughout history, and still, the early Church was one

Church. We need to do the same. The web on the computer

facilitates the distribution of information and allow our

conscience to do something. We cannot say we were not

aware and rely on our ignorance. Jesus asks us to take care of

the poor, the sick, and visit the prisoners. His solution is to


tithe and use our time for His request. Jesus requests a

moment of our time.

The meditative solution can be Christian Meditation, and it is

not to have only one meditation to fix all, as in Mindful

Meditation attempts.

When you reach the point that there is no fault in the

Universe and not reject it, you become one with the


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Chapter 3


Everything is unique and loved; we should not see the ugly

in people, and we should find beauty in them if God loves

them. God gave us a beautiful tapestry to live in.

The rocks in the mountain erode, so even that is dynamic.

Everything is unique, has meaning, and is loved by God.

Since everything is dynamically unique, the Universe is alive

and has a heartbeat.


By Farid A. Chouery, PE, SE

We have a new law of physics by Farid Chouery

"To every load or weight, there is a unique deflection curve."

 4 This law was discovered in 2007 while working on a Structural Plate deflection solution by Farid A. Chouery.   


Presenting: we live in a unique universe,

God created everything special, and all behave uniquely.

When we press on something, the curvature is unique. We

should find beauty in everything and feel privileged to live in

this Universe.

What is the meaning of a unique deflection curve?

In structural engineering, everything we do is a philosophy

except deflection. Deflection is real and is not a philosophy;

everyone can see deflections and curvatures caused by a load

or weight applied to the material; unless you are blind, but

you can always feel deflection curves.

In mechanics, one can easily find no two sets of loads that

give the same deflection curve. For example, one can clone a

D.N.A. for sheep, but the behavior would not be the same.

Thus, they possess a different soul and spirit. It is like

identical twins; they have a different soul and spirit. You

may look at a bouquet and say they are all the same roses,

but they are not each with a different curvature. No matter

how you express the deflection curve mathematically for the

same load, the curvature would be the same because it is

unique, bringing us to a unique universe. How about our

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existence? It can be quickly concluded that we are all unique

and should not have low self-esteem but too high self-worth.

There are none alike; we are too valuable to ourselves and

each other. Galileo showed the Earth is not the center of the

Universe, and Man used to have great self-esteem, thinking

we are in the center of the Universe. Self-esteem was taken

away from us at that time, and now it is restored and will

never be taken away from us. Now we say I am something I

am dynamically unique since every minute, 30,000 cells

change in my body. There is only one in the entire Universe.

How about replicating deflection curves in the Universe? If

so, then these criteria must be met.

1- Topography must be the same as having the same


2- Gravity must be the same, or the mass composition

below the beam must be identical.

3‐ Gravitation influence from the Universe from all stars

and planets to the beam must be the same. 

4- The temperature must be the same.

5- The exact location of the load on the beam must be in

the same place.


6- The beam shape must be identical.

7- The beam span must be identical.

8- The beam composition must be identical.

9- The load's mass must be identical.

10- Beam Reactions must be in the same place.

11- Beam Slope must be identical

12- The atmospheric pressure must be identical

13- There should be no vibrations; the Universe has to

stand still, no Super Nova effect, the wind has to stop

blowing the tectonic plates has to stop moving, no

volcanic activity, no cars moving, no breathing

because of vibration presents different deflection in

the vibration gradient in each beam. Even if it

happens, gravity is not the same

14- The residual gravitational force from any star or

planet must be the same.

15- Magnetic field to match.

16- Electric field to match.

17- Contact shear must be the same underneath loads and


18- Add your criterion

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On item 18 above, I send my law to a physics friend of mine;

his name is John Barclay in England; here is what he said:

"I think it is amazing is how profound concepts like general

relativity are Pervasive, which I saw in your list (although

not framed in terms of general relativistic language, these are

the same universal physical laws!)"

So, one can easily conclude that it is impossible to replicate

deflection curves in the Universe. From an engineering

perspective, one can say they are close enough. From a

philosophical perspective, they are not the same, and how

about the deflection point distance when surveying a

distance? That presents a problem because the measured

distance will vary in two locations by the number of atoms at

the tip. Having the same distance is not likely but probable in

the Universe with a low probability number. It is also

inconceivable to say the law of deflection does not apply to a

different planet in this Universe. But I cannot do a laboratory

experiment on every planet, so I have to have faith.

From this law of physics, we can conclude every human is

unique in the entire Universe. But every minute, 30,000 to


40,000 skin cells change in the body, so we are not unique;

we are dynamically unique. All life is dynamically unique.

One may call that the Universe is random. That is not

possible because even at randomness, one could not get

everything to be unique. That proves the existence of a

creator that is so jealous of His work that He wants

everything to be unique, and it appears the uniqueness is

deliberate. It means that God has a database that can tell the

number of hairs on your head and has His Hand on

everything. Some people say that the Universe is unique is a

given, but now we have proof to confirm our intuition.

I do not think there will be a time where humans would say I

understand what is happening in the Universe. What the

bleep do we know?

Three conclusions we can observe from the current


1- We must live forever and have a new body to occupy

the Universe.

2- God must be with us physically to tell us what to do.

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3- Only trusted people can occupy the Universe – The

instability hypothesis: instability always happen from

small things.

It does not take much explaining to conclude that we need an

immortal body and that our present body has limitations, is

mortal, and cannot occupy the Universe indefinitely.

A simple example of our weakness to occupy the Universe

without God's help is imagining Earth's weather. With all our

technology, computers, and the history of scientists' work

past and present, we still cannot tell the weather correctly.

How can we know the weather of every existing and yet to a

new planet in the Universe? That is not possible, especially

when we also start asking about the composition of the

planets and the dynamic changes that are continually

happening. We need God's help! As it says in Mark 10:27:

Jesus looked at them (the disciples) and said, "For mortals it

is impossible, but not for God; for God, all things are

possible." There are many other impossible concepts to ask

about, such as learning every language on Earth or possess

all knowledge on Earth? These are impossibilities due to

being mortal, as we do not have enough time to learn


everything and our memory also decays, resulting in the loss

of memory over time.

In a nutshell, it seems that to occupy the Universe and

the new Earth indefinitely with our present or future

body and mind, we must believe in God. We are

infinitesimal; how can we occupy the Universe

indefinitely without God? There is nowhere else where

we can obtain the required feedback or communication

to exist in the Universe. Maybe that is why Christ said

that to enter the kingdom of Heaven, we must believe in

Him or God since He is God and saved (John 11:25)

(John 3:16). From this research, it will be apparent that

we can obtain God's feedback through Christian

meditation during the limited time we have on Earth. In

the new body given by Jesus Christ, the Bible refers to

the fact that, in Heaven, we will see clearly (1

Corinthians 13:12), but we will not know everything. In

Heaven, we will serve God (Revelation 7:15). The

service is not passive but active. It involves fulfilling

responsibilities, carrying out duties, expending effort,

and having the energy and creativity to work well. It will

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be work with lasting accomplishment, unhindered by

decay and fatigue, and enhanced by unlimited resources.

It will be like the work Adam and Eve did in the Garden

of Eden (Genesis 2:15) before sin brought the curse on

the ground, with its thorns (Genesis 3:17-19). It is

suggested that traveling through space will not take any

time, since we will travel in the fifth and sixth

dimensions, like Jesus entering a room with closed

doors (John 20:19).

10-dimensions/ It is clear that our new body will be

immortal and have other senses and dimensions will be

in constant communication with God because of the

instability hypothesis. For these reasons, the Bible

indicates that Heaven cannot be imagined but can be

implied, and therefore things can make sense, even the

long-standing question of "why is my life so short?".

The answer is that Adam and Eve's sin put us in jail, and

we cannot travel to places in the Universe. This sin can

cause instability in the Universe as it did on Earth,

shown with all the past wars because of arrogance and

wanting to be God.


Note: The current Universe has a problem with the second

law of thermodynamics. It notes that every system—whether

closed or open—at least tends to decay. The Universe itself

is "running down," heading toward an ultimate "heat death."

The Bible speaks of a new universe or new Heaven – see

Revelation 21:1-6 (N.R.S.) – and the Universe is Heaven

(see Deuteronomy 1:10 [ESV], Psalm 8:3-4 [ESV]).

Proof of unique deflection:

The Law: To every load, there is a unique deflection curve.

We will investigate a beam.

First, if one changes the beam composition or geometry to

produce the same deflection curve, then the beams are

already unique in materials. That is understood in the

Universe to have a uniqueness in materials. It is possible to

have a close enough behavior with two different

compositions by making P1/ EI1 = P2/EI2 in a beam with a

point load at some distance from the reaction. But to match it

identically, that would be impossible for lack of matching

too many parameters such as gravity, vibration, location of

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load, temperature, slope, shape, composition of materials,


We will investigate two beams with a point load and try to

match small deflection with the point load in a different

location having the same composition.

Two beams of distance L with a point load in the center and

the other at b distance.

Ref: American Institute of Steel Construction Manual

(AISC) see Beam Diagram and Formulas Table

Deflection 1: P1 x(3L2-4x2)/48EI

……………………………………………... #7 AISC

Deflection 2: P2 b x (L2 – b2 – x2)/6EIL

………………………………………. #8 AISC

Where E.I. is the elastic modulus and moment of inertial, x >

b or < L/2 and P1 and P2 is a point load on each beam.

It must happen for every x. To match, make x cancels out by

letting P1 = 2b P2 /L, then when cancel and solve for b, the

result is b must be L/2. And thus, P1 = P2.


If the load is not at the center, the result is the same, and the

solution is the loads, and the location will also be identical.

You cannot have two sets of loads at a different place with

the same deflection curve.

Now every load can be decomposed to point loads; thus, it is

valid for any load. If it is not a beam or a mass of material

with variation, it can be done with a free body diagram. A

large deflection gives an identical solution. If the beam is

inelastic or plastic, similar proof can be obtained following

the incrementally elastic stress-strain curve. And the law is

universally true.



(Genesis 1:1-31)

PRAISE GOD – read Psalm 139: 13-16 I will offer You

my grateful heart, for I am Your unique creation, filled with

wonder and awe. You have approached even the smallest

details with excellence; Your works are wonderful; I carry

this knowledge deep within my soul. – Psalm 139:14

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Since everything God created is good, we should not

reject any of it. We may receive it gladly, with thankful

hearts. (1 Timothy 4:4)

All of us are unique and have something to contribute; we

only need healthy competition and not destructive, full of

bullying, hate, intimidation, humiliation, discrimination, and



"To Every Complex System, it requires a

Mandatory (Positive) Negative Feedback Loop for Stability”

Recognized by most scientist

By Farid A. Chouery, PE, SE

First, we will discuss the instability hypothesis: instability

always happens from small things.

What causes instability? You will find it is one thing or a

choice of one of many possibilities. In general, it is a small

part of the system that causes instability.

 5 Topic is from “Visualize Jesus: Ten Ways to Christian Meditation” Book by Farid A. Chouery Copyright 2016 


For the instability hypothesis, it is seen in all engineering

subjects that the cause of instability is a small thing, not

something big. For example, in an electric circuit, one

burned or reduced value resistor or one burned transistor,

causing instability in the output. The column instability

happens by a load when exceeded by a small amount; the

column is unstable or buckles. Also, the structural one bolt

can cause instability, so they require redundancies. It has

happened before in collapsed bridges causing the domino

effect of one bad weld or a bad bolt. A chair or table

becomes unstable if one leg is broken. In geotechnical, the

landslide happens when a small added value of weight

causes the safety factor to be reduced. Slides also occur from

water when pore pressure increases. In computers, it does not

take more than one bug in the program to crash the program.

One bad chip or voltage spikes or transients, or heat can

cause the computer to crash.

Whether or not the atmosphere has stability depends partially

on the moisture content. In a car, all it takes for the vehicle to

be unstable is one lousy sparkplug. Oxygen (one element)

causes corrosion.

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Instability in investment happens when a stock begins

trading widely from highs to lows that are not within the

normal range. In politics, extremist revolts start with one

person. In political elections, one false propaganda about the

candidate can cause a landslide in the election. One person

can initiate wars. September 11, 2001, a terrorist attack by a

few people in the United States caused worldwide instability.

Bin Laden was one person that started a terrorist group.

Corruption in India has a terrible impact on the economy and

causes enormous social instability and riots. Local politics,

tribalism, and religious division can cause instability. It does

not take a lot to cause instability.

In psychology and medicine, one syndrome can cause

instability, not many syndromes. What causes emotional

instability? One of many things: a) overdependence on

someone or something, b) suppression of feelings, c) human

tendency to expect rather than accept, d) environment, e) one

gene. One injury can cause physical instability. In any

religion, all it takes is breaking one commandment to induce

guilt and instability. In music, one note off-key or out of tune

destroys the whole song or the musical piece. In


transportation, all it takes is one accident to cause a traffic

jam. In food, one bacterium can cause instability in the

stomach. If you eat a meal at a restaurant that serves terrible

tasting food or got sick from the food, what are the odds you

would go back and even think about it turns your stomach?

What breaks a marriage: one affair? What makes a plant or a

tree die: not enough water or sun?

Instability happens when someone hacks into your bank

account and takes all your money, even when it is a small

amount. Instability or panic occurs when the Bubonic Plague

appears, 14 people had it in September 2015, so unrealistic

fear becomes unstable. However, when someone got sick

with the coronavirus in December 2019 in China, a world

pandemic happened. It was confirmed on May 16, 2020,

CNN news started likely from animals. On August 4, 2020,

the World Health Organization (WHO) said

Coronavirus did come from bats, say WHO scientists sent to



On July 5, 2020, some news said is from sewage when

finding coronavirus in samples in March 2019, nine months

before China, a Spanish virologist announced:

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143843488.html. Usually, flies transfer the virus from

animals to humans, then how did it happen with the sewage.

Also, it was reported on July 10, 2020, coronavirus was

found in food.

points-shrimp-covid-19-081937694.html This question is

always under research. It is most likely that God allowed this

virus to develop naturally because of the world's corruption

and evil, as He did it before with the flood. However, China6

failed to tell the world of this severe virus disease in time.

But just as past pandemics as the bubonic plague, the

blaming game started. But the ultimate responsibility should

be God, not China.

Additionally, the political gain was delaying containment in

the United States, causing the U.S. to have the most death

and sickness in the world. It was one person who caused this

pandemic. The whole world became at war against the virus;

future wars will be against instability. All military must be

 6 Some political leader tries to take advantage of the situation and advertise that China did it to start the virus in the laboratory to convey another world war with China. It is evil and from the devil. We need peace, not war regardless of you believe, haven't enough people died?


equipped for these future wars that caused many deaths,

make us sick, and annulated us, including global warming.

Wars nation against nations is not desirable and should be

stopped. The main threat to humanity is enemies who cause

instabilities. And as you see, there are many issues in

instabilities. Jesus told me on January 7, 2021, “the war on

instability is the real war.”

Also, breaking the law causes instability and fear; breaking

one law will do it. Water Scarcity May Cause Global

Instability, U.S. Intelligence Agencies Say in Report March

2012. The rise of sea level by 10 inches in 2010 (a small

amount by comparison) and continue to rise even a slight

increase can have devastating effects on coastal habitats and

cause instabilities. Trace amounts of CO2 could cause

political instability, severe drought, famine, ecosystem

collapse, and other changes that make the Earth a decidedly

inhospitable place to live. So, what causes instabilities:

small things, the straw that broke the camel’s back.

One can also realize that stabilizing a system is done through

a negative feedback loop from control system engineering. It

is called a negative feedback loop because it reduces the

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input, but it is positive. For example, psychotherapy is

considered a feedback loop to stabilize a patient. In

medicine, medications, surgery, and blood tests are

considered a feedback loop for healings. In systems, it takes

something from the output and gives it back to the input to

stabilize the system. Some simple systems do not require a

feedback loop due to the necessary limit being small; these

systems are elementary and not complex. So, every complex

system must have an input definition, an output definition,

and a mandatory negative feedback loop to stabilize the

system see Figure 1.


In an electric amplifier or the neurons in a human’s brain

(considered as an amplifier), if there is no feedback, it will


lead to distortions, and the amplifier or the brain are not

doing their job.

Also, note too much feedback in an amplifier will not do its

job to amplify with reasonable efficiency, or it becomes less

efficient or worthless. When neurons in the brain get too

much feedback or no feedback from too many psychoactive

drugs or depressants, narcotics, alcohol, or hallucinogens,

instability happens. So, in a system, the feedback must be a

balance to give the best results. So, in any system, what is

the right feedback or the proper feedback?

The Perceptual Control Theory led to the Method of Levels

in which the therapist introduces the negative feedback loop.

The therapist works with the patient to resolve conflicts by

helping the patient shift their awareness to higher perception

levels to allow reorganization to occur. I believe external

negative feedback loops are not sufficient, and internal

negative feedback loops through meditation will expedite the


Another example: Kohlberg's theory for moral development

has been tested for many years, with critic agrees with the

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theory but complain there is no alternative. I find the theory

is sound and makes sense. It is consistent with the laws of

physics when we look at a system. The child's mind gets the

input for the moral development from external sources,

usually the parents and the environment. When the child

grows up, they develop their morals from the internal source,

as the output, making moral decisions by looking within

themselves. The feedback to the system for good morals is

peace of mind and having friends makes it a complete


Through Christian meditation, the negative feedback loop is

Christ himself, a higher power, and that becomes a primary

feedback loop to stabilize the human system. Thus, the voice

from within that Input System Output Negative Feedback

tells us right from wrong is remarkably from God. So, God's

voice is our feedback. In my Christian meditation, I get daily

feedback from visualizing Jesus and talking to Him, mostly

Jesus working with my fears and worries or helping me to

solve problems and do His will. However, a vision, an

apparition, or a miracle message does not happen very often,

only a few ones. This kind of feedback is rare because it will


cause a significant change in someone's life, and God knows

that, as it did to me. So that means for the human system,

there is a variety of feedbacks, not just one. There exist in

the Universe internal and external negative feedback loop

for stability; otherwise, the Universe will become



“Scientifically and Spiritually, There Can Be Only One God”

Recognized by many religions7

This law has to do with having scientifically no conflict of

negative feedback to creation to avoid chaos, which stems

from the first and second law, and spiritually, who can we

trust and have faith knowing who will answer our prayers

and be with us. There cannot be a clash with multiple gods in

deciding our destiny or give us our daily feedback. It is

 7 The broader definition of monotheism characterizes the traditions of Bábism, the Baháʼí Faith, Balinese Hinduism, Cao Dai (Caodaism), Cheondoism (Cheondogyo), Christianity,[10] Deism, Druze faith,[11] Eckankar, Hindu sects such as Shaivism and Vaishnavism, Islam, Judaism, Mandaeism, Rastafari, Seicho no Ie, Sikhism, Tengrism (Tangrism), Tenrikyo (Tenriism), Yazidism, and Zoroastrianism, and elements of pre‐monotheistic thought are found in early religions such as Atenism, ancient Chinese religion, and Yahwism.[1][12] from  

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understood that having a conflict of feedback in the universe

from multiple Gods would cause instability in the Universe.

Therefore, there is only one source of healthy or (positive)

negative feedbacks.

In the old days, people had many Gods for every wish they

made until the Jewish-Christian religion, Islamic religion,

and others came and told people there is only one God. We

read in John 20:17 that not everyone has a different God as


Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to 

the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am 

ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your 


About the Bible: The Bible is written by people that

walked with God; they enlighten you about God. They

did the best they can. So do not criticize the Bible; it is

not fair and is wrong. The Bible has helped people as

many as trillions of people throughout time. For 3000

years, whether the Old or New testament. If God exists,

He would be tending His creation from the beginning,

and the Bible is proof of His involvement. I do not like


(almost hate but not quite) people that use the Bible as a

weapon to hurt people. The Bible is not made for that.

The Bible has been manipulated, miss-understood, and

twisted to make money, steal, and kill people, especially

by tele-evangelical making money, when the TV was

invented. Also, before the advent of media, false prophets

were around throughout history.


Christ said in Matthew 7:15-23 (NIV)

True and False Prophets

15 Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's 

clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit, 

you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes 

or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good 

fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear 

bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree 

that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the 

fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit, you will recognize them.  

21 Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the 

kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my 

Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, 

'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name 

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drive out demons and, in your name, perform many miracles?' 23 

Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, 

you evildoers!'  

About God: God is simple. He is not complex and does

not need feedback. He is mighty and holy and fully

complete and must keep being simple so that all creation

can approach Him. He does not change. He is the same

yesterday, today, and forever. He told me in my

meditation on April 29, 2020: I am the head, Jesus is in

the heart, and the Holy Spirit is in the Gut (meaning the

gut feelings where intuition and inspiration occurs or the

gut-brain), and He said it is all one body. Thus, you

cannot separate his three expressions or organs from

each other they function as one God, and they cannot be

separated, and they all exist from the beginning. They

cannot function without each other. God wants His heart

to be for everyone, and that is why Jesus came for the

world or the cosmos. He is for everyone.

Jesus Christ proceeds from the Father; the Holy Spirit

proceeds from the Father, not the Son. Because the Holy

Spirit works with everyone, including non-Christians. I do


get living water feelings sometimes in the brain, sometimes

in my heart, and sometimes in my guts.

Why do we have wars? We are taken away, something that

could never be replaced. God has His Hands on everything.

The Universe is made to be occupied; the Universe is not

created, so it wants to be unoccupied.

Contact shear Poisson’s ration material behaves like liquid

changing our perceptions in loadings. Why is that important?

One finds we cannot isolate material loads; they affect each

other in all dimensions, and they are all connected.

There is a difference between Finite element and exact

solutions; why is it essential to have the exact solution?

Because we are never comfortable with approximations, the

search for accurate physics has always been derived from

precise mathematics. Repeating I previously said:

I do not think there will be a time where humans would say I

think I understand what is happening in the environment of

the Universe. What the bleep do we know?

To repeat three conclusions from above, we can observe

from the current Universe:

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1- We must live forever and have a new body to occupy

the Universe.

2- God must be with us physically to tell us what to do.

3- Only trusted people can occupy the Universe – The

instability hypothesis: instability always happen from

small things.

Christianity will surpass all religions even though

Christianity is not a religion; it is a way of life. The reason is

the Holy Spirit will tell us what to do, and He is always with

us. Scientifically and Spiritually, Christ's second coming is


Three things can happen Closed Universe versus open

Universe versus standing still to infinite time. Both forces

will not disappear. The endpoint is cyclic that means the

Universe will stop expanding and contracting, so it will

expand and contract in a small space, not extending all the

way and not contracting all the way.

Why should God give us another planet? How can we be

trusted? After what we have done to this planet and each

other, we can do it on another planet if we can destroy

ourselves on Earth. People think of the colonization of


planets in the future. Colonization is an act of hostility, the

only way we can occupy this Universe if and only if we can

be trusted and not cause instability.

The impossibility problem: the weather on every planet

cannot be known for existing or yet to come planets. Try

Earth; we are not there yet, maybe never. How about other

planets? Is it possible? But God can communicate with us

through meditations. In meditation, God may communicate

visually and not necessarily with words. I recall the day I

published my book on, price $2.99 book

title: “Visualize Jesus: Ten ways to Christian Meditation”

Christ appeared with a white robe in my meditation and kiss

me on my cheek. Note: Jesus did not take over my

visualization during my visual conversation. He appeared. It

is especially important in psychology what happens in life

compare to what people perceive. On Monday, July 21,

2020, Jesus told me, when I gave you the money for school

and research, you can change the book's price to free. So, I

waited to discuss it with my counselor on July 23, 2020. I

did my music therapy meditation before my appointment,

and I heard God saying to me, this is my book, and it must

have value. I realized Jesus and God must have discussed the

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book. So now, even if I have millions of dollars, the book's

price will not change. I was surprised God called the book

my book, so I became humbled.

Man has control through meditation to alter what is

perceived to walk on water and heal people. In my

meditation book, the technique allows having an internal

therapist, which is Jesus, to help the mentally ill and

everybody. Using my approach, you can become a faith

healer by exchanging living water. The only problem I have

is the suffering in the world, and the people from the past

suffering must stop, and there must be a resurrection. Jesus is

with us forever in the bread and wine, but that does not mean

there is no resurrection.

If the Bible says in the new life to come, we will know

everything because if God exists physically with us, we can

simply ask Him about the weather or anything.

Traveling in space and time, we need a new body, as

promised by Christ. The current body is mortal, and

temperature and radiations would evaporate in the cosmos.

Bible verse Daniel 3:19-30 Christ was the fourth person, and

the fire does not affect his body, and He caused the other


three believers to survive the fire. Also, Revelation 7:16,

Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst.

The sun will not beat down on them,' nor any scorching heat. 

Revelation 21:4 - And God shall wipe away all tears from

their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow,

nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the

former things are passed away. Jesus' appearance the act of

traveling in the seventh dimension, and the ascension shows

it Luke 24:31; Acts 1:1-11. Jesus is entering a closed-door

room, John 20:19-20. Elijah Ascends to Heaven 2 King 2. 11 Then it happened, as they continued and talked, that

suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire and

separated the two of them. Elijah went up by a whirlwind

into Heaven. We currently live in a transition to the next life

to come. We believe God is happy with His creation and

love it, and will provide a renewed creation using the old. He

will make things anew. The inter-dimensional space-time

portal is the dimension we travel in without the time


Roswell U.F.O. is portrait as a hoax or from the earth devil;

my reason is it is on the birthday of Isis where the star Sirius

was the embodiment of Isis, the chief God of the pharos,

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while the God of Israel swallowed the God of the pharos.

Christ's body that will be our eternal body does not look like

these U.F.O. bodies from Roswell. It was a false prediction

by the evolutionary theorist that we will be like that and have

other bodies than our own. Try to make us believe in the

evolution theory instead of the abrupt view and proven of

life. On the other hand, it may not be a hoax or from the

devil, but those beings are not human and not what we will

be. Because the devil cannot create so, they may be like

angles and holy from outer space. Now traveling through

time is not consistent with our promised body, and if we are

stable creation, we would not do it that is traveling back to

the past and cause instability in the Universe. Thus, all we

can do is observe if we go back in time and not change

history. Only God and His trusted beings can change history.

So, Roswell beings disrupted history; thus, they are holy. It

is fascinating that most U.F.O. sighting the U.F.O.

disappears in a split second, meaning they travel through

space in a different dimension, probably the fifth and sixth

dimension. It will not take millions of light-years to go back

home where they came from. An Earthly war against U.F.O.s

is a lost war because they disappear in no time.


The evolutionist has sinned against God because of what is

wrong with the body God gave us and the promised body in

Jesus Christ, which has the same shape. So why do the

evolutionists reject what God gave us? When the potter

makes a cup, you don't question the potter why a cup, in the

same manner, you don't ask God why you did not give us

three eyes instead of two; this is from the Bible. The bottom

line is those beings in Roswell are not going to be our eternal

body. Bible: a creature with six wings was covered with eyes

all around Revelation 4:8. Darwin's idea is that genes evolve

to more complex genes by adding genes, and we will become

like U.F.O. bodies from Roswell is wrong. It was portrayed

in a T.V. series by Carl Sagan 1980,

which is wrong, and the following article proves Darwin was




It was all fake news based on an unproven theory, make-


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Finally, in chapter 8 of my dissertation, I ask who enforce

the laws in the Universe? It would have to be the angels

making sure all the laws of physics are met. In our society,

we can see laws, and we have police and other agencies to

enforce the laws. Our society must function, and it is the

same in the Universe and how it functions. I found out this

truth in my meditation, and the angels told me afterward they

are happy God created us. The angels exist in a different

dimension other than our three dimensions necessary to

enforce the Universe's laws. Before the crucifixion, Jesus

said that He could ask God to send twelve legions of angels

to stop this criminal act by the fanatic Jews. It is evident in

these verses of the Bible and other verses that the angles live

in a different dimension, and they must be immortal to fulfill

this task given by God. The Bible also talks about the angels'

power to process energy to causing earthquakes and moving

the stone from the tomb. Jesus was buried in the tomb and

resurrected Matthew 28:2. Also, Acts 12-16.

Jesus Christ is the unique perfect expression of God, so He is

God. His love, His divinity, His sacrifice, His work, His

words, etc.


Chapter 4

The Domino Effects

In the future, people will have feedback from God through

meditations. God and Jesus told me I am the last and

preferred apostle of meditation; everything after that is a

domino effect. There is various type of apostle: St Paul was

the apostle of the soul. Pastors' deacons are the apostle of the

Bible; some preach, and some teach. Fr. Samir Abu Lail, a

Melkite Priest, realized I am an apostle when he visited my

house at the Epiphany, and he asked me what my mission is?

I said healing and peace. My counselor told me the Prophet

Moses did not see the promised land. That is how I will not

see the results of doing Neurotherapy meditations and Music

Therapy meditations, and she called me a prophet. God gave

Moses the ten commandments, and He also gave me three

physics laws shown in the previous section of this book,

chapter 3. Moses makes a prediction: “The LORD your God

will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you,

from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen” (Deut.

18:15). On January 18, 2021, God told me I created you for

that purpose.

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Domino effect for generations as God promised. In my

family or the Chouery family, there was a history of Saints.

As most of us in Cairo and Beirut, we went to a Melkite

school, College Patriarchal. We were taught ethics is before

education and science, and it was in our alma mater. We

were raised to be apostles. Starting with my father,

Alexander Chouery, he finished his study to be a priest in the

old city of Jerusalem at Saint Ann Seminary, then his father

died and went home to help his mother, and he was not

ordained. He followed Jesus' instruction to take care of the

widow. His mother had five children. But if we start going

back in history, there was a convent in the village of Dhour

El Choueir in Lebanon (Chouery means you come from

Choueir or Dhour El Choueir). The convent name Choueir

convent. People throughout the time have taken refuge in

Choueir when fighting the oppression of the Ottomans.

When the Turks found out about my family, they slaughtered

my grandfather's uncle, so the family fled to Egypt. My

grandfather Choukri Chouery he was nineteen years old at

the time. At my grandfather's time, Lebanese believed that

the Ottomans were unfair for occupying the country for 400

years, not helping Lebanese citizens a lot, and not interacting


with them as French people did. They killed too many

people, and the country was in danger because they were part

of World War I; they did many blockades that made people

more destitute and hungrier because there were no dealings

with other countries, and so many other bad things happened.

Even Ottomans used to hang Lebanese people in Downtown

Beirut; therefore, it is called ''Martyr's square''. Ottomans

considered them the Ottoman empire's traitors, but those

martyrs were the real voice of freedom. They wanted to

liberate themselves and the citizens of more than 400 years

of bad occupation.

The way my family ancestor named the first-born son alters

Elias and George to the old testament to the Prophet Elijah's

time, Elias (sometimes Elian is used) the same name Elijah.

George is a Greek name after Saint George (d. 23 April 303),

commonly an Orthodox saint. I do not know when the family

adopted the name George in their history. But the family

were Greek Orthodox; then, some became Greek Catholics.

The second-born can be a different name as Choukri, my

grandfather. This prompt me to do my DNA chart. On July

9, 2020, my DNA came 91.9% Arab, Egyptian (Coptic), and

Levantine. So, I am 89% Levantine, meaning Lebanon,

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Syria, Jordon, Israel, and Palestine. Thus, my hunch was

right, and I am both an Arab and a Jew. The Arab and

Egyptian came from my grandmother on my mother’s side.

Later, many Jews were converted to Christianity, so is my

family. During the old testament time, the whole area was

mixed with Jews.

If we go back to 1722, a deacon of Greek Catholic8 Melkite

Church, name Abdallah Zakher (el-Shammas), took refuge in

the St John monastery at Dhour El Choueir when he was

inspired to start an Arabic printshop. His first

attempt was in 1706; and developing the printing skills in

Aleppo, Syria, while helping the Greek Orthodox Patriarch.

He found all the convent documents and started printing the

Bible in Arabic with the monks' help. It was the beginning of

printing the Bible in Arabic by the Melkite Church and the

first homemade printer in Lebanon. He cut the type molds

and did the founding of the elegant typeface. He created the

 8 While the Melkite Catholic Church's Byzantine rite liturgical traditions are shared with Eastern Orthodoxy, the Church has officially been part of the Catholic Church since the reaffirmation of its union with the Holy See of Rome in 1724. 


first true Arabic script type in the Middle East. The first

book was published in 1733. Logically when you do

something like that, God blesses the family for a generation.

So, the Chouerys are blessed for giving refuge. And Finally,

here I am; it does not need an explanation about God

blessing me and gave me living water. After me, they will be

many Saints and many new findings in meditations and

science, and that is the domino effect. It continues with

publications in Living Water 3T 2M, LLC, following

Abdallah. Jesus told me in my meditation on July 1, 2020, to

publish this book on the web


St Paul and the third Heaven 2 Corinthians 12:2; The third

concept of Heaven, also called shamayi h'shamayim (שׁמי

or "Heaven of Heavens"), is mentioned in such השׁמים

passages as Genesis 28:12, Deuteronomy 10:14, and 1 Kings

8:27 as a distinctly spiritual realm containing (or being

traveled by) angels and God.

If God meant for us to go directly to the third Heaven, then

the first and second Heaven has no meaning and purpose.

We have already gone to the first Heaven and know most of

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it by flying airplanes and understanding most bird creation;

we are amazed by Heaven and can glorify God on His work.

So, if the purpose is to glorify God with his creation and

enjoy it, then going to the second Heaven, the universe, is in

God’s plan for men and animals to experience it. And as we

will be able to go from the first Heaven to the second

Heaven back and forth, so is to the Third Heaven, which I do

not know what it is. I do not think we need to worry about

the end of the universe because there is a third Heaven, and

God is with us. We go back to the nature of God: "If God

creates something, it stays." Thus, the new Heaven and Earth

are meant for men, plants, and animals to experience all

three heavens. In Heaven, the Melkite Church says we will

not multiply and have children, and your spouse is for you

forever. That is true in the third heaven, but in the first and

second heaven, we will multiply and have children.

Science is stumped and may conclude to occupy the

universe, we need the new body, live forever, and God is a

prerequisite to live among us to tell us what to do.

The resurrection is not a matter of choice for God; it is a

matter of justice and desire and fulfillment of God’s creation


and His Son's desire. Why the whole human race, past,

present, and future, be deprived of occupying the Universe

and the spiritual Heaven in both systems heaven and the

current universe? There must be a resurrection day for all

trusted people to enjoy God's creations and His promise to be

with us. So, God's desire for human is to continue to reveal

Himself and be glorified and praised. Spiritually and

scientifically, we can say the time is very, very near for the

second coming of Christ, and Jesus will judge based on

stability on who can occupy the universe and not cause


Unexplained phenomenon apparition dancing sun the last

days is the sun will stop shining or just like Fatima they saw

the sun dancing. I could say there will be an illness or a

disease that we will not see sunlight. It may not be an illness,

but God will blind us in the last days and change our

perception, and we will not see the sun, Mark 13:24-37. So,

it is an internal change, not an external one. God owns the

internal and the external in the universe. The star of

Bethlehem that happened when Jesus was born is likely to

be external where "wise men from the East" (Magi) are

inspired by the star to travel to Jerusalem. It is a miracle.

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Stigmata happens, and Jesus is alive. It is a contradiction in

evolution; evolution says it takes thousands of years to see

something happen, while the Bible says it happens right

away, the time adjustment theory.

Heaven and the seventh dimension are phenomena, and I do

not know there are too many unexplained phenomena in the


Evolution and the abrupt changes in the universe, the abrupt

change in time is not understood and contradicts evolution

because of miracles. So, for the time being, it is another

unexplained phenomenon only created by God. And the

reality is that the natural time domain is not the same as

creating time-domain two different phenomena, and much

research is needed.

How about our work in the universe reveals God's wondrous

creation with love and enhances his design as God reveals

Himself with the ability for humans to create and show his

glory. It is an ever-ending Happiness and challenge.

Flying saucers may disappear to another dimension traveling

to other stars in a folded universe. For example, in 2D, if a

point on paper wants to travel to another point and there is a


line obstacle preventing the travel, if one folds the 2D paper,

then the point travel happens instantly in 3D. Thus, adding a

dimension expedite travel.

With our present technologies or future technologies, we

cannot reach the universe; we need to travel in the fifth and

sixth dimensions, and God will give that. If we can expedite

the time (time/Gravity interchange Russell Humphreys Ph.

D. hypothesis), we can instantly be on a different planet.

With our new body, we can visit any planet with any

composition or atmosphere and possibly live on them.

We cannot look at these miracles and say it is not scientific.

It is like 1000 years from now; people look at our science

and say it is not scientific. All these miracles, including the

Bible, are to be examined scientifically.

Global warming:

I have no respect for people who do not believe in science

and claim it is fake news. There are countless pieces of

evidence showing they are mistaken. I do not have to say

much; look at all the buildings, stadiums, monuments,

pyramids, towers, dams, airplanes, cars, vessels, etc., built

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using science. Are those people blind? At this point in

history, not believing in science is like not believing in water

to drink. I learned in Structural Engineering that everything

we do is philosophy except deflections9 because it is real.

Throughout history, we have proven our philosophy and

deflection numerous times with all existing and past

structures, and the science we use is correct. Why are they

saying global warming is not true unconvinced what science

confirm. Why the anti-science sentiments? And three months

before the U.S. election, blaming NIAID director doctor on

the 2020 Pandemic. Is Trump must always have an enemy to

blame he cannot take responsibility? It is no way to fight the

battle to stop the disease. It is a narrow mind and a smear

campaign. Currently, the truth is voters are holding Trump

responsible for the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S.

Global warming came abruptly or not anticipated showing

the flaw in evolution theory that changes are not a continuum

of gradual change but are abrupt. We will have an abrupt

 9. The first law of physics I proved the existence of God with deflection. I cannot do a laboratory experiment on every planet, the universe. Thus, faith must be used. 


change in humanity and receive the new body promised by

Christ. With global warming, we will become extinct in 200

years, and that is it; you are mistaken; the universe is created

for a purpose, and we see it is practically empty; this

strongly indicates that there is a plan by God for us to travel

into space. Our new body will survive the heat and radiation.

So even if the Earth changes, we will be able to occupy it.

We are surviving global warming until the resurrection will

be challenging, but God gives manna to the Jews for 40

years in the heat of the desert.

The secret of time:

People of every generation thought they know everything,

and history proves otherwise. Do we know the secret of

time? Are we ever going to know, or maybe it is not allowed.

Gods expedite the time but not necessarily at the speed of

light, just fast for human comprehension.

God can change time and adjust the time, as seen in miracles.

If God gives us that power, we will be able to create. I got

accepted to the master’s degree program in mathematics at

the University of Washington in 1974. I went to my math

advisor and showed him the solution and proof to the

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Pythagorean new equations in the fourth dimension and an

alternative solution to the Quartic equations. He said it has

been solved before and broke my heart. The Quartic solution

has not been given before in which I tried to publish

unsuccessfully later in life, and it was published by someone

else ten years later after my attempt. Now, after 45 years, it

is recognized that I have solved it after suffering many

sufferings. When I found out, it made me sick to my stomach

for three days, starting on February 25, 2018. I was not

jumping up and down that I won. The story of why I had to

find an alternative to the Quartic Equation started in 1973. I

was working for a civil engineering firm, and I had a

conversation with a visiting contractor. I told him I am

studying at the University of Washington Electrical

Engineering, and we use imaginary numbers. He laughed

and thought I was delusional. I realized we are using the

Quartic Equation in Shoring and Foundations. So, I had to

develop a solution that does not use imaginary numbers and

guarantee real numbers. I told this incident to a math teacher;

he said you should have said complex numbers instead of

imaginary numbers. I realize I cannot educate the public;

they never understand. A few months later, in 1974, after the


bad news from the math advisor, I was hospitalized with a

mental break down after I enrolled in the master’s program

in Electrical Engineering and withdrew. When I recovered, I

enrolled in the master’s electrical engineering program and

left mathematics, and obtained my master was in 1979. Due

to circumstances created by God, I switched fields in

engineering. God took me from a rich department in research

funding (electrical and computers) to a poor department in

research funding (structural and soils), so you have to

research on your own, and I went to school and got my

master was in structural in 1984. I applied what I learned in

Electrical Engineering to solve Civil Engineering problems

using the Fourier transform and Fourier Series. Later, I

received discouragement from the advisor of the structural

engineering department of the University of Washington. I

finished my master's in civil engineering in the structural

program. I asked to enroll in the Ph. D. program when my

advisor said, we will kill you, we will make you work so

hard, and what is the use you are old (I was 33 years old) and

you will not find a professor job, but I was not interested in

being a professor just the research. I continued my research

on my own and tried to publish numerous articles, seven to

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be exact; in later years, the publisher said they are correct

and declined to publish for ridiculous and unethical reasons

comments by the reviewers. The world is corrupt even in

this. At this point, I feel like Galileo, but instead of the

church persecution, it is the academic community. They live

in a different world, just like the time of Galileo. Anyhow, I

am using my talents in this book, and I feel I am contributing

to humanity. So, I stayed with Structural and Geotechnical to

be of service. It is clear to me why I could not enroll in the

Ph. D. program in 1984; my research on arching of beams

and contact shear (published in was too far

into the future and changed the general perspective on

beams. General loading due to contact shear and the world

was not ready for my research at this time. The work on

contact shear was done in 1983 during college. When I

showed the solution for contact shear to my past advisor in

2009, he said it had been solved before, which was not true. I

send the article to an independent retired professor, Professor

Brown, who was my old teacher, and he said it is a potential

for publication, implying it has not been solved. I finished

the article on the Arching of Beams in April 2020 and

published it on my webpage When I


finished the synopses in 2012, I told my boss Sven Lie at the

Army Corps of engineers that I would not finish the article

because I did not want to be responsible for airplanes, ships,

and cars; actually, I was scared. On December 12, 2019, in

my meditations, when visualizing angels, I heard the angels

say, "we will protect you," followed by God's voice, "see,

you have nothing to worry about." Two days later, I did my

meditation and received an invitation from Jesus. He said,

"why don't you finish your article." I told him you must help

me. He did. I published the article, and I am not scared or

worried anymore. Jesus agrees with our human structural

philosophy of elastic materials. On April 21, 2020,

California Lutheran University asked me if I am still

interested in the PsyD in Clinical Psychology Program

because I was on their mailing list since December 2016

when I asked for an information packet. On April 24, 2020, I

spoke with a counselor on the phone, and she recommended

Fielding Graduate University because of my age (I am too

old to be a counselor; I am 69 years old). I emailed the

Fielding Graduate University and asked them if they have

research restrictions on researching Christian Meditation

related to the separation of Church and State. I received an

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email from the president saying there is no conflict, and I

will be the only one working on the research. So, I applied

for admission to Fielding Graduate University, and the

application was very challenging. I told them in the

statement of purpose that I was not interested in being a

counselor, just Christian Meditations publications. God told

me in my meditation, "it is needed; they will take you." I

negotiated the red tapes, and I was accepted on July 14,

2020, in Postbaccalaureate Certificate in Clinical

Psychology. A new chapter started in my life. It is for a one-

year study; after that, I should be accepted into the doctoral

program in clinical psychology at any university. I am

hoping to be accepted at the University of Washington in

Fall 2021. I completed the first term at Fielding Graduate

University on December 20, 2020, and passed with a good


I have been bullied all my life, starting in k-12 grade school

by the same students for ten years, in college by professors,

and at work by my bosses and work colleges. Jesus told on

June 24, 2020, that is the price of being an apostle. That day

when He spoke into my heart in the evening, I was

incredibly sad and depressed about my experience most of


the day. Jesus cheered me up and asked me to forgive; then

that night, I worked on the song that I composed in 2010, "A

Prayer on Mount Olives," finding all the different

instruments to put on the computer software. Even when I

was starting my career, I was working for a soil engineer

back in 1971. My boss Paul gave me a test he found in the

Seattle Times newspaper posted by NASA. The ad said if

you score from 90-100% on this test, please call this phone

number. I scored 99% and told Paul. He said I scored 100%,

and I am not going to call NASA. Well, I did not make

anything of it. I have been in the U.S. for a year and a half

and did not know the system or NASA. Years later, when I

figured out my boss and realized he was a con artist, he was

bullying me, and I lost that opportunity to call NASA.

I don't particularly appreciate picking on just Americans

only. I will tell you a story in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1967-68. I

had a band called the Night Riders, and I composed a song

called Crazy Woman. A street publisher paid for recording

the song and made a 45 Record. To escape paying the

royalty to the composer, they misspelled my last name on the

record on purpose; they put Shoueley instead of Chouery on

the record vinyl, and I did not get paid one cent for my work.

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We just performed the song on T.V. The song was an

immediate hit. It is probably still being sold in Lebanon.

They were crooks.

Time is unsolved, but we know it is in the fourth dimension,

and we need to explore the properties in the fourth

dimension using Pythagorean theorems and relations.

Ameba, to man, can be done in a split second. Startrack II

attempted to do it. If we have the secret of time, we can live

forever because we can reproduce ourselves. Christ has the

secret of time. He demonstrated in feeding 5000 people fish

and loaf of bread angles went to the sea collected the fish in

a split second. So, the natural time is not the creation time; it

is two different times. Time is a mystery. I do not know if

God will ever give us the secret of time. Most likely, it is not

allowed. However, the Orthodox Church of Christ believes

that God came as Christ so we can become Christ. That is

not true; we only will become like Christ. 1 John 3:2, Dear

friends, now we are children of God, and what we will have

not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ

appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. 

The secret of time and the secret of multi-dimension will

eventually be revealed. But we will not be Christ because


Christ's brain is male and female simultaneously, and He is

fully complete, as I explained in my dissertation in Jesus said a disciple could not be

above his teacher.

Luke 6:39-42 ESV

39He also told them a parable: "Can a blind man lead a blind

man? Will they not both fall into a pit? 40A disciple is not

above his teacher, but everyone, when he is fully trained,

will be like his teacher. 41Why do you see the speck that is

in your brother’s eye but do not notice the log that is in your

own eye? 42How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let

me take out the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself

do not see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite,

first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see

clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye.

Matthew 10:24-33 NIV

24“The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above

his master. 25It is enough for students to be like their

teachers and servants like their masters. If the head of the

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house has been called Beelzebul, how much more the

members of his household!

26“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing

concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be

made known. 27What I tell you in the dark, speak in the

daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the

roofs. 28Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but

cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can

destroy both soul and body in hell. 29Are, not two sparrows

sold for a penny? Yet, not one of them will fall to the ground

outside your Father’s care. b 30And even the very hairs of

your head are all numbered. 31So do not be afraid; you are

worth more than many sparrows.

32"Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also

acknowledge before my Father in Heaven. 33But whoever

disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in


Because occupying the universe requires communication

with God, if there are aliens, they would be holy just like

angels because of the instability theory.


God holds the key to time.

The secret of multidimensional space: God set us up in the

three-dimension space to remind us of Him Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit. The other dimensions will be revealed upon the

second coming of Christ. The number eight reflects a new

beginning. My reason for music is the next octave. This

number will be reflected upon Christ's second coming. The

apparition of Mother Mary from a different dimension has

been happening on Earth.

The parting of the Red sea is external feedback. Going

through closed doors, walking on water all has to do with

multidimensional space. A research scientist in psychology

experimented on sending waves or magnetism on the spot

where the brain is excited with God's belief. The people that

wore the helmet felt like floating in space. What if the

weight has changed? No one has investigated the weight.

Meaning we can walk on water with God.

If we say it is possible to walk on water, we break the barrier

scientists need to discover new things. You can always

conclude that Christ is God, and He can create a new

dimension and walk on water. We do not know everything

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that is going on in the universe. Breaking this barrier allows

us to go to other planets without using the time dimension to

travel in the fifth and sixth dimensions.

The idea of alien intruders is very human; it is shown in

many Hollywood movies this fear. If there is another

occupant in the universe that can travel to another planet,

they would be holy since they would be stable and cares for

the universe and do not cause instabilities in the universe; it

is a requirement.

Going through closed doors as Jesus did means using an

external dimension other than the three dimensions. It

includes Jesus walking on water. Everything in science is

questioned, including the history and facts shown in the


Beware of the sins of the scientist and witchcraft in science.

For example, being so fanatic about evolution's time domain,

skipping God from the evolution, and failure to see that

evolution is gradual and abrupt because Darwin thought it is

only gradual. Theory without laboratory experiment to prove

it is a fact remains an unproven theory and just make-

believe, and that is the bitter truth. See reference




Evolution: That Famous ‘March of Progress’ Image Is Just Wrong

Darwin's evolution is only a theory since it has not been

proven in the laboratory. Every theory used in science and

engineering was confirmed in the laboratory. It became not a

theory anymore, and it is a fact—the foundation of science in

the laboratory. For example, Dr. Albert Einstein believed

light has mass, where people of his time thought light is just

rays. He did a laboratory experiment and proved light has


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Consequently, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Now it is a

fact light has mass. Note: mathematics is not the foundation

of science; it is a tool to help us know what to expect in the


So, the Survival of the fittest theory is not proven in the

laboratory, and how can it be done? It is more believable that

God must act in the survivor of the fittest transition, and faith

must be employed. The continued existence of organisms

that are best adapted to their environment, with the

extinction of others, is a concept in the Darwinian theory of

evolution. I do not think humans, animals, or plants can think

themselves into new genes because of the environment and

survivorship. Mostly plants do not have a brain; they cannot

think. It must be abrupt and induced by God. New research

shows animal evolution often involves losing genes and

becoming less complex. DNA molecular structure (or

genome sequence) was discovered in 1953, one ninety-nine

years after Darwin's publication in 1854 "On the Origin of

Species." Darwin based his theory on observations. So,

science is now trying to verify the Darwin theory of

complexity due to adaptation to the environment. And they

could not and called it random, for lack of not knowing the


mechanism. My only critic of this article the statement, "We

consider this the perfect summary of evolution, a booze-

induced random choice between the bar and the train track."

My first physics law says nothing at random all is unique, so

adding genes or subtracting is a function of God, and it is

gradual and abrupt.

Darwin also said mating is done by chance, contrary to

physics’ first law, stating nothing at random. He is correct;

the genes change by mating. But everything happens for a

reason. It is an attraction that causes mating, and the time

and place are not random; it is meant to be. I believe my

imaginary friend in kindergarten in Egypt was my wife. I

was astonished when I saw her childhood picture; it was the

same person. As I explained in my dissertation in a miracle,

there is a lot of energy because of the new cell or repaired

cells; when applying Einstein equation E=mc2, we find the

energy is very high at the same time, there is a shift in time

because the cells have the exact age of the person. It is an

indication that at the start of the universe, where there was a

lot of energy, there must have been a shift in time. So, the

time domain is incorrect, and there is a lot of work to be

done. Therefore, the natural time does not coincide with the

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creation time. It is a fact in nature, and a laboratory

experiment is not needed; we have enough miracles records.

A current example is in a wound in the new flesh, when the

person is healed, matches the person's age. So, what is the

creation time? At the maximum of two months, two years.

What is natural time? The age of the person 20, 30 years, etc.

So, they are not the same. It happens in a tree growing

branches; the creation time for a branch to happen is in a

season; the natural time is the tree's age. So, they are not the

same. What if our universe is a branch and not a tree? Saying

the universe is 13.7 billion years old is not believable when

God's priority is Heaven and Earth. So, it is imminent, and

God is the water that gives life to the branch and the tree; He

is the living water. So, the creation's age is a mystery. While

the natural time is done using methods to measure the tree's

age, not the branch. Likewise, some trees have new leaves

and flowers every year. So, what is the creation age of one

leaf? It happens once a year. At the same time, the natural

age of the leaves and flowers is the tree's age. Also, the sea

creatures are many. We find an octopus has many arms; if

one arm is cut, the octopus grows another arm; there was lots

of energy. So, the age of the new arm is much less than the


age of the octopus. Thus, there is a shift in time because the

natural age is the original octopus’s age. So, why people

ignore the facts about the creation and see the shift in time?

Another example is about an abrupt change that happened,

and a volcano erupted, and a mountain was developed. You

ask the question of how old the mountain is? The geologist

says it is 507-million-years-old. So, he quotes the natural

time. But it was only two days ago and was accumulated in

several eruptions, so it was dynamic, not static. So, do

people care about natural time? They only care about the real

world and the new Earth. For example, Mt. Saint Helene

erupted in 1980, and the whole geometry of the mountain

changed, so it is a created mountain. Thus, the mountain

creation time is 40 years old; that is what matters to the

public because time is a mystery, and only God knows how

old geologically it is. Because of these examples, people start

saying science is fake news. In reality, Darwin’s evolution

wounded science because it is not proven in the laboratory,

and some people are still fanatics about Darwin and still

believe his theory. It is evidence of cognitive bias and


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Nevertheless, the physicists' task is to find the equation of

shift in time and becomes another unsolved problem. Jesus

told me on April 30, 2020, in my meditation, the most

significant embarrassment in history is your point on

evolution. It is about the truth and not make-believe. For

example, some human qualities are praying, cooking, and

playing musical instruments, so show me an animal that can

do that any time in history. We must take the human out of

the mammal kingdom and put them in the human kingdom

because humans can communicate with God, and God can

communicate with humans. All creatures with a brain can

communicate with God, except humans can talk and pray to

God. I understand the separation of Church and state requires

not mentioning God in public schools. It is an amendment in

the United States constitution, allowing people to have their

religion or choose not to have faith. But God does not need

to be mentioned; blame the finding on physics, start with

physics’ first law, and let the students choose to believe in

God. For example, say physics shows everyone is created

special, unique, and has something to contribute, and

everyone has a mission, and there is nothing at random. If


they choose to believe in God after hearing my three physics

laws, teach them the ten commandments.

Teach kids the golden rule

Matthew 7:12 English Standard Version (ESV)

The Golden Rule 12 “So whatever you wish that others would do to you,

do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Teach them there must be feedback for all creation, and God

will always talk to them. Teach them how to meditate.

In the 60s, they removed prayers from public schools; the

result currently is 3 out of 5 have a mental illness because

the internal feedback was not encouraged. We have to

change that.

Anyway, mathematics is truth; that is why Jesus talks to me

in mathematics. He is the truth. God told me in meditation

for releasing Christion meditation through Living Water 3T

2M, LLC: It is time!!! And that what He said to me in my

meditation. I do not doubt that my meditations cause humans

to evolve gradually. Only God can cause an abrupt change in

evolution. It will happen upon the second coming of Christ.

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The universe is alive with a unique deflection and a spirit,

and the universe has a heartbeat. Quantum Spirituality,

flying saucers, if they exist, they travel in the universe

through a different dimension. That is why people see them

disappearing into space.

In Heaven, it will be socialism, and God is on top. On Earth,

communist does not work since God is not physically present

on Earth, and Satan dominates the world; it will happen in

Christ's second coming. Christian meditation that I proposed

in my dissertation will cause a change in the gene, thus

evolving and preparing us for the day the Lord comes.

For the time being, the best is a democracy, and I believe

dictatorship is worse than communist and causes lots of pain

as I experienced it in the Middle East, both socialism and



Chapter 5

Visualization and Music

I played guitar in the Catholic Church, then in The Lutheran

Church (ELCA). I remember a situation I experienced in

Atlanta, Georgia, where the images have not left me since. I

was 22 years old in 1973. I had a summer job in Atlanta, and

I lived in a room by myself in a house. My landlord was a

woman. I decided to go to a movie, and I took my bicycle to

the theater. It was a Black neighborhood, and the movie was

about slavery, which was profoundly choking, and how this

black man fought and died for freedom. I was the only white

man in the theater; I am not quite white; I am neither black

nor white since I am from the middle east. I noticed

everybody in the theater looked at me in disbelief,

questioning why this person is here. Then I had another

experience because I play guitar in a Catholic church in

downtown Atlanta. The group of musicians wanted to give to

the poor. So, I pitched a couple of dollars, and they decided

to go to the ghetto to give to the poor. So, I decided to go

with them where our leader knew of a black family in need.

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We parked the van far away, and we walked to the ghetto. I

was surprised at how poor the living houses were. It was a

shock for me coming from Egypt, where there are minor

discriminations toward black. It was lower than the bottom

in the U.S., and like what I have seen in Egypt, where the

maids lived in one room on the terrace of our apartment

building. We went to the family and set the food on the table.

We made a circle, and we prayed in tongues. So, I prayed the

Our Father in Arabic. But I learned music and prayer heals

as I saw it in their facial expression as we prayed in tongues.

God wanted me to help people live the Bible through music

with Neurotherapy. After getting hurt at the Army Corps of

Engineers by my boss John, I stopped doing mathematics

and physics. He was no scientist; he was an interior architect.

He stopped me from using the arching graphs that I

published on my web page with Professor John F. Stanton at

the University of Washington. I finally told him this was my

thesis in my master's at the University of Washington. Years

later, I told him this was submitted to the State of

Washington in 1984, which they developed a table of

arching for shoring. I always thought that science articles are

self-explained. He told me he read my article and still did not


allow the use. Finally, he allowed the structural department

to use it years later. Now it is a document in the Army Corps

of Engineers. But the damage was done. I did not feel to do

any more scientific articles, and he finally retired in August

2018. Now I look at my articles in all fields and know there

is a lot that needs to be done, and it is left for the future to

complete. I told EEO (Equal employment opportunity means

freedom from discrimination based on protected classes such

as race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, or

genetic information.) about what happened. Before I left the

Army Corps of Engineers, I was discriminated against by my

old boss John (he had retired the prior year). She said we did

what we can with John. On Wednesday, December 11, 2019,

I told my wife Bernice how I feel about this; she said, you

are now making music. So, I was relieved; I remember

Brandon Southerlin, the Geospatial Production Specialist at

the Army Corps of Engineers, who is not an engineer. He

told me meditation, and everybody can understand, while in

mathematics, not everyone can understand. He told me that a

few months before I left. So, now I am dedicating the rest of

my life to write meditations with music following God's

request. God told me in deep meditation using music therapy

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in early 2018: "When I give you the money, it will be just

music with meditation" then I saw a white satin heart, a pure

heart, and there was nothing physical, all spiritual. Well, I

did not wait for the money, and I opened a new company,

Living Water 3T 2M, LLC, to do meditations and music. I

retired, realizing I cannot do the work at the Army Corps of

Engineers and work at FAC Systems Inc. and meditations

and music. So, I retired from the Army Corps of Engineers

on August 31, 2019. I told Colonel Mark A. Geraldi,

Commander of the Seattle District Army Corps of Engineers,

at the army corps picnic in July 2019 that I cannot do all

three assignments. He said meditation is not closing your

eyelids. So, he encouraged me. I told my counselor this is

typical of God; he asked Abraham to slaughter his son, and

there was a different plan. So, I am not waiting for money. I

start now. It was a coincidence of publishing the meditations

before the coronavirus pandemic, and God knows why He

asked me. I checked YouTube, one of my sponsors, in June

2020, and my published Christian Meditation was the most

popular of all my work. Later, this year in my music

meditation, Jesus asked me to travel the world and visit

churches and talk about my article and meditation published


in; I told Him I do not have the money.

He said it would come. Shining more light on the story when

on December 12, 2019, I was in the presence of angels, and

they said they would protect me, then God said immediately,

"see, you have nothing to worry about." It happened when

doing music therapy meditation. On December 14, 2019,

Jesus told me in my meditation that I will get back to

mathematics and physics shortly after He heals me, and you

can finish your article. I told Jesus you would have to help

me with the article, and He said I would. I believe Jesus was

interested in this article for the safety of the world. I am

excited to give God the glory, and I understood what God

meant on December 12. The article Jesus was referring to be

the "Arching of Beams, "published the synopsis on my web

page in 2012 on the FAC Systems web page. I did not want

to finish the article because I did not want to be responsible

for every structure, including airplanes, ships, and cars, and I

told that to my other boss Sven Lie at the Army Corps of

Engineers back in 2012. But now, God permitted me. I

started to work on it, and I had two solutions, one from

Jesus, and the other was mine because I did not believe

Jesus' solution. When my solution blew up, and the

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deflection went to infinity, I knew something was wrong

with my solution. Instantly Jesus said, go back to the

solution I gave you. By December 24, 2019, I finished phase

one of the solution, and everything was checked, and the

physics made sense. It took a week of meditation to

understand the physics in Jesus' mathematical solution, and

my head was hurting from thinking. I was incredibly happy

with Jesus' Christmas present. The article was finished and

published on my web page on April 4, 2020.

I took a psychology class on sleep on November 7, 2019. I

realized the problems people must fall asleep. I went home

and wrote some ideas for sleep meditation. I felt the Holy

Spirit in my guts asking me to write a symphony that people

can listen to it and fall asleep. Days in my meditation, I

realized God is not going to let me off the hook. A month

later, I could not come up with anything, but Jesus said to me

that the Holy Spirit is in you in my meditation, and I put my

hand on your left shoulder in the vision when I was 22; the

music will come. Finally, in November 2020, God allowed

me to consult with the music department at the University of

Washington when I am in the program. I told Pastor Elise at

Ballard First Lutheran about that.



“What is inner healing?

Christian inner healing is a unique form of prayer and prayer

ministry that attempts to free people from the negative

emotional and spiritual effects of prior traumatic

experiences. It uses various prayer techniques that encourage

people to acknowledge and remember past hurtful situations

and visualize Jesus with them at that moment, bringing

healing to those memories.”

On November 28, 2020, I told Pastor Erik we need

meditation for every Bible story in a phone conversation. It

is an effort to make people live the Bible, and I told him it is

a lot of work. He said yes, they need to be choreographed,

and I agreed. After I hung up, I saw the devil very mad and

said, you cannot do it. I told him with Jesus; I can. He

immediately disappeared. Most Rev. John Elya Archbishop

Eparch Emeritus for Melkite Church USA, who died in July

2019, read my book on visualizing Jesus in 2007 and told me

meditation goes across the board non-denominational. I

welcome all the churches to participate and help me.

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Chapter 6

Praying with the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Here is some information from the web

Left Vs. Right

Which Side Are You On? Or can you be on both sides?

Take the Hemispheric Brain Dominance Test

Basic Right-Brain and Left-Brain Characteristics

In general, the left and right hemispheres of your brain

process information in different ways. We tend to process

information using our dominant side. However, the learning

and thinking process is enhanced when both sides of the

brain participate in a balanced manner. It means

strengthening your less dominant hemisphere of the brain.

Listed below are information processing styles

characteristically used by your right or left-brain hemisphere

your brain processes information.

Linear Vs. Holistic Processing Logical Vs. Intuitive

Sequential Vs. Random Processing Verbal Vs. Nonverbal



Symbolic Vs. Concrete Processing Reality-Based Vs.

Fantasy-Oriented Processing

Linear Vs. Holistic Processing

The left side of the brain processes information in a linear

manner. It processes from part to whole. It takes pieces, lines

them up, and arranges them logically; then, it draws

conclusions. The right brain, however, processes from whole

to parts, holistically. It starts with an answer. It sees the big

picture first, not the details. If you are right-brained, you may

have difficulty following a lecture unless given the

big picture first. That is why a right-brained person must

read an assigned chapter or background information before a

lecture or survey a chapter before reading. If an instructor

does not consistently give an overview before he or she

begins a lecture, you may need to ask at the end of class

what the next lecture will be and how you can prepare for it.

If you are predominantly right-brained, you may also have

trouble outlining (You've probably written many papers first

and outlined them later because an outline was required).

You are the student who needs to know why you are doing

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something. Left-brained students would do well to exercise

their right-brain in such a manner.

Sequential Vs. Random Processing

In addition to thinking in a linear manner, the left-brain

processes in sequence. The left-brained person is a list

maker. If you are left-brained, you will enjoy making

master schedules and daily planning. Your complete tasks in

order and take pleasure in checking them off when they are

accomplished. Likewise, learning things in sequence is

relatively easy for you. For example, spelling involves

sequencing – if you are left-brained, you are probably a good

speller. The left brain is also at work in the linear and

sequential math processing and following directions.

By contrast, the approach of the right-brained student is

random. If you are right-brained, you may flit from one tack

to another. You will get just as much done, but perhaps

without having addressed priorities. An assignment may be

late or incomplete, not because you were not working but

because you worked on something else. You were ready to

rebel when asked to make study schedules for the


week. But because of the random nature of your dominant

side, you must make lists, and you must make schedules. It

may be your only hope for survival in college.

You should also make a special effort to read directions. Oh

yes, the mention of spelling makes you cringe. Use the

dictionary, carry a Franklin speller, use the spell checker on

your computer. Never turn in an assignment without

proofing for spelling. Because the brain's right side is color

sensitive, you might try using colors to learn the sequence,

making the first step green, the second blue, the last red. Or

you may want to "walk" a sequence, either by physically

going from place to place or by imagining it. For the first

step of the sequence, you might walk to the front door

, for the second, to the kitchen, for the third, to the den, etc.

Or make Step One a specific place or thing in your dorm

room or study place, and Step Two another. If you

consistently use the same sequence, you will find that this

strategy is transferable to many tasks involving sequence.

Symbolic Vs. Concrete Processing

The left brain has no trouble processing symbols. Many

academic pursuits deal with symbols-such as letters, words,

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and mathematical notations. The left-brained person tends to

be comfortable with linguistic and mathematical endeavors.

Left-brained students will probably just memorize

vocabulary words or math formulas. The right brain, on the

other hand, wants things to be concrete. The right brain

person wants to see, feel, or touch the real object. Right brain

students may have had trouble learning to read using

phonics. They prefer to see words in context, to see how the

formula works. To use your right brain, create opportunities

for hands-on activities, use something real whenever

possible. You may also want to draw out a math problem or

illustrate your notes.

Logical Vs. Intuitive Processing

The left-brain processes in a linear, sequential, logical

manner. When you process on the left side, you use

information piece by piece to solve a math problem or work

out a science experiment. When you read and listen, you

look for the pieces so that you can draw logical conclusions.

If you process primarily on the right side of the brain,

you use intuition. You may know the right answer to a math

problem but not be sure how you got it. You may have to


start with the answer and work backward. On a quiz, you

have a gut feeling as to which answers are correct, and you

are usually right. The left brain pays attention to mechanics

such as spelling, agreement, and punctuation in writing. But

the right side pays attention to coherence and meaning; that

is, your right brain tells you it "feels" right.

Verbal Vs. Nonverbal Processing

Left brain students have little trouble expressing themselves

in words. Right brain students may know what they mean but

often have trouble finding the right words. The best

illustration of this is to listen to people give directions. The

left-brain person will say something like, "From here, go

west three blocks and turn north on Vine Street. Go three or

four miles and then turn east onto Broad Street." The right


person will sound something like this: "Turn right (pointing

right), by the Church over there (pointing again). Then you

will pass a McDonalds and a Walmart. At the next

light, turn right toward the B.P. station." So how is this

relevant to planning study strategies? Right brain students

need to back up everything visually. If it is not written

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down, they probably will not remember it. And it would be

even better for the right brain students to illustrate it. They

need to get into the habit of making a mental video of things

as they hear or read them. Right brain students need to know

that it may take them longer to write a paper, and the paper

may need more revision before it says what they want it to

say. It means allowing extra time when a writing assignment

is due.

Reality-Based Vs. Fantasy-Oriented Processing

The left side of the brain deals with things the way they are

with reality. When left brain students are affected by the

environment, they usually adjust to it, not with right-brain

students. They try to change the environment! Left brain

people want to know the rules and follow them. If there are

no rules for situations, they will probably make up rules to

follow! Left brain students understand the consequences of

not turning in papers on time or failing a test. But right brain

students are sometimes not aware that there is anything

wrong. If you are a right-brain, make sure you constantly ask

for feedback and reality checks. It is too late the day before

finals to ask if you can do extra credit. Keep a careful record


of your assignments and tests. Visit with your professor

routinely. While this fantasy orientation may seem a

disadvantage, in some cases, it is an advantage. The right

brain student is creative. To learn about the digestive system,

you may decide to "become a piece of food! And since

emotion is processed on the right side of the brain, you will

probably remember well anything you become emotionally

involved in as you are trying to learn. These are just some of

the differences between the left and right hemispheres, but

you can see a pattern. Because left-brain strategies are often

used in the classroom, right-brain students sometimes feel

inadequate. However, you now know that you can be flexible

and adapt the material to the right side of your brain.

Likewise, those of you who are predominantly left-brain

know that it would be wise to use both sides of the brain and

employ some right brain strategies.

What Is Left Brain - Right Brain Theory?


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According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain

dominance, each side of the brain controls different thinking

types. Additionally, people are said to prefer one type of

thinking over the other. For example, a "left-brained" person

is often said to be more logical, analytical, and objective,

while a person who is "right-brained" is said to be more

intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective.

In psychology, the theory is based on what is known as the

lateralization of brain function. So, does one side of the brain

control specific functions? Are people either left-brained or

right-brained? Like many popular psychology myths, this

one has a basis that has been dramatically distorted and


The right brain left brain theory grew out of Roger W.

Sperry's work, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981.

While studying the effects of epilepsy, Sperry discovered

that cutting the corpus callosum (the structure that connects

the two hemispheres of the brain) could reduce or eliminate



However, these patients also experienced other symptoms

after the communication pathway between the two sides of

the brain was cut. For example, many split-brain patients

found themselves unable to name objects that were

processed by the right side of the brain but could name

objects that were processed by the brain's left side. Based on

this information, Sperry suggested that the left side of the

brain-controlled language.

Later research has shown that the brain is not nearly as

dichotomous as once thought. For example, recent research

has shown that abilities in subjects such as math are

strongest when both halves of the brain work together.

The Right Brain

According to the left-brain, right-brain dominance theory,

the brain's right side is best at expressive and creative tasks.

Some of the abilities that are popularly associated with the

right side of the brain include:

Recognizing faces

Expressing emotions

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Reading emotions





The Left Brain

The left-side of the brain is adept at tasks that involve logic,

language, and analytical thinking. The left-brain is often

described as being better at:



Critical thinking



How Do you Pray?

Best prayers are verbal with images, preferably with

background music or Left and Right use of the brain to


pray to God from all our mind and strength. On Sunday,

May 24, 2020, my wife and I were attending the virtual

service of Ballard First Lutheran Church, it was virtual

due to the coronavirus, and it was about the ascension of

Jesus to Heaven. As I heard the bible reading, I was

pulled back in history, or in time a second time since it

happens in the synagogue the first time, this time to be

with the apostles, and I was there with them it was real,

where Jesus was instructing them of what to do before

He ascended. He said to me, "Farid spread meditations

and visualization." I felt my heart is heavy, and I felt the

burden. I told my wife, and she said, do not be burdened;

you are just trying to perfect meditations. Now twice, I

traveled back in time, proving the other dimensions, and

have seen the five angles in a different dimension.

When my wife and I decided to publish the book Visualize

Jesus on, and I did that day. It was a

recommendation by Sister Laura Swan from St. Placid

Priory, a Benedictine Monastery in Lacey, Washington, after

she read my book. In the night, I did my music meditation

therapy. I visualized the sunset in Hawaii with warm

weather, and I was sitting on a log by the beach going

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through the day with Jesus, and there was a fire pit in front.

The log is out of respect for the cross. When toward the end

of that piece of music, I saw Jesus in a white robe approach

and kiss me on the cheek. So sometimes, with visualization,

God may take over the visualization scene and surprise you.

The right hemisphere of the brain is holistic and visual, right

brain versus left brain. Some people are threatened with

visualizing Jesus and persecuting and judging others that

imagine (some of those people are on the web; someone

wrote it is creating idols, why he or she is judging others.)

Christ commands us not to judge; see the log in your eye.

The Bible was written by people some time ago, and it was

always after the facts. Some people believe that all the

information from God happens only by the end of 2000 years

ago, and no more information can be given at a different

time. If they do not find it in the Bible, they are threatened.

Why? God can send another apostle in another time, just like

He sent St Paul. Christ appeared to me, and the Holy Spirit

asked me later to write a book on visualization. So, he asked

me for something specific if you visualize God, you are

asking for His presence, and thus the third commandment



Why did God not give that information 2000 years ago, or

did he and Satan steal it from us? And men lost their ability

to perceive Him using the eyes of their hearts and use the

right hemisphere of the brain. So, God sent me to correct this

problem as we have found out scientifically how the brain

works, and we can pray with all our minds. You may choose

not to trust a Priest or a Pastor, but you can trust me as a

Structural Engineer. The Holy Spirit is timeless and keeps

revealing Christ through time. Now the Holy Spirit calls

people to meditate and use visualizations and deep

meditations for the time for the Lord's coming is very near. I

wrote the book Visualize Jesus: Ten Ways to Christian

Meditation. I am a scientist, and I recorded my finding

accurately to the best I can and not worry about what people


Love is the connecting thing in the universe.

If we have a pill that makes us not sleep, the world will

become slaves to business capitalists or communist

government. They will make you work more hours for less

pay. It is evil to research such a drug. We need to pray for

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protection from God, and it is an urgency to meditate. That is

why ethics is before science.

Having education relies on each other knowledge and

expertise. But some research is not allowed. Music and

meditations only spiritual music and songs stay with us.

Meditations help compose spiritual music. It seems the only

music that stays with us is spiritual and kept in the House of

Worship and Universities, so if you want to compose a

timeless song or music or symphony, start composing

spiritual music.

I feel sorry for those who give their lives to science instead

of God and had no music, imagination, visualizations, and

daydreaming instead of going from A to B to C to D. It is a

very dry life.

Money and work: our call will always be to inhabit and

praise God as in Genesis 1. In eternity, as God continues to

reveal more of Himself, we will become happier.

The current physics theory and the universe are not found

from future technology and computers; everything we see

results from God's creation. We cannot live as in 2000 years

ago, God's creation is dynamic, and we need to live in the


present, and our genes are not the same when effected by

Jesus. God will always give information as before, starting

with Adam and Eve.

What is the reason for Christ or God's visit to Earth? So, we

become like God but not God or become the perfect creature

in Jesus Christ.

Why the world conned to thinks everything has been

discovered and nothing new is coming up. It is a false

perception and belief. God always works with one person if

you have an idea, most likely is from the Holy Spirit if you

do not give it away or make use, the Spirit ends up giving it

to someone else. God is not a dictator. He does not have to

be He owns the universe. If He asks you to do something, it

will be an invitation. If you do not do it, He gives it to

someone else. He does not have to force you to do it.

I wrote a meditation book on techniques to heal the body and

be creative. That does not mean you do not need or see a

doctor. If you then met God after death and asked him why

you did not heal me? He will simply say, I send you a doctor.

So, do not be fooled; God can heal you by anything.

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Chapter 7

Suffering and spreading the truth, discovering the truth,

and living in an injustice world

When God chooses someone to spread His word, then there

is suffering. But a suffering God can understand our

suffering. Jesus suffered physically and emotionally, and He

understands our human suffering and can help when we put

our sufferings on Jesus. I cannot cover all human suffering in

history, but I will pick and choose certain people for the sake

of revealing why this strengthen God’s people and keep

spreading the truth.

First: God chooses the Jews and the Arab and carries

Abraham's genes to be His people.

Genesis 15:1-5 New International Version

1After these events, the word of the LORD came to Abram

in a vision:

“Do not be afraid, Abram.

I am your shield,

your very great reward.”


2But Abram replied, "O Lord GOD, what can You give me

since I remain childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer

of Damascus?" 3Abram continued, “Behold, you have given

me no offspring, so a servant in my household will be my


4Then the word of the LORD came to Abram, saying, “This

one will not be your heir, but one who comes from your own

body will be your heir.” 5And, the LORD took him outside

and said, “Now look to the heavens and count the stars, if

you are able.” Then He told him, “So shall your offspring


Now, Abram's wife Sarai had borne him no children, but she

had an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar. His wife, Sarai,

took her Egyptian maidservant Hagar and gave her to Abram

to be his wife.

Genesis 17:19-21 New International Version

19But, God replied, "Your wife Sarah will indeed bear you a

son, and you are to name him Isaac. I will establish My

covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his

descendants after him. 20As for Ishmael, I have heard you,

and I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and

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multiply him greatly. He will become the father of twelve

rulers, and I will make him into a great nation. 21But I will

establish My covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to

you at this time next year.”

So, God made His choice. Theologically God can choose

anybody to be His people. But He must choose someone to

give His word; that is how God works. We cannot argue His

will. And the suffering starts because of acting on God’s will

and spread the truth.

In the old testament, the Jews suffered from being slaves in

Egypt and wandering 40 years in the desert, exiled by the

Babylonians and other wars they won. They demonstrated

the God they worship is the only true God, and consequently,

all the Prophets suffered.

After the first coming of Christ, they suffered wars with the

Romans and Masada's famous battle. The Arabs called the

nomad, and Bedouins lived in peace with the Jews during the

old testament time; some had the Jewish religion and others

were pagan. When Mohamed came, the pagan nomad and

Bedouins were converted to Islam and believed in the only

God. Again, the suffering began for the Arabs, and they had


wars trying to spread Islam's truth. Then they surfed the

crusades was from the Christian. And finally, the Arabs

suffered under the Ottoman Empire occupancy for 400 years,

and they were brutal and oppressor’s Arab supremacy within

Islam. In the Turks' early conquest, closed schools, only

Turkish schools were established, hospitals only Turkish

bath were established, burned libraries, and converted some

Churches to Mosques. They did not believe in advancing

knowledge or science, just astronomy, and architecture. The

Arabs before the Ottomans occupancy have already excelled

in science, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, poetry,

Arabic arts, calligraphy, carpets, medicine, hospitals, and

architecture and helped Europe come out of the medieval

time with the superstitions believe. It is called the Islamic

golden age. The Turks only used Arab discoveries. It is a

history lesson inhumanity of the consequence of not

believing in science. It put the Arab world hundreds of years

behind and stopped the scientific progress, and most of their

scientific journals were burned with the libraries. Most Arabs

despise the Ottomans since they believe they were

oppressed. The Ottomans stopped their development; also,

Arab nationalism is very big, so naturally, they dislike it.

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During that time, the bubonic plague hit Europe, and they

persecuted the Jews, blaming them for the epidemic. Then

Martin Luther came again persecuted the Jews for not

converting to Christianity. Well, history repeated itself in

2020, the coronavirus pandemic happened, and the blaming

game was on the rise, convincing people to start wars. At the

start, Trump called it a hoax manufactured by his political

opponent and started to blame them.

Finally, in WWII, the Nazis, The Holocaust. They killed

millions of Jews. In 1948, the Jews from all over the world

moved back to their hometown Israel. It was not done right

and caused conflicts with the Arabs, their brothers.

Currently, there is still unrest with terrorists and extremists

such as ISIS. The world is waiting for their everlasting peace

of Jews and Arabs. The reality is Jews, Islam, and Christians

are here to stay because the wars and persecutions in the past

have not destroyed them for spreading the truth. 

Second: Christian suffering:

Ever since Christ asked his disciples to spread the Christian

Truth, there was suffering. All the apostles (past and present)

and Christians suffered throughout history. The early


Christians were severely persecuted. They were given to the

lions to eat, burn them in boiling water, and throw them in

fire and crucifixions. After 400 years of suffering from the

Romans, where the Christians were praying in secrets, the

Constantine Empire adopted the Christian religion after

Constantine won his war using believing in Jesus's help. A

unified church was born, and the prosecution stopped at that

time. Three hundred years later, Islam came, and they

imposed converting Christians to Islam. Egypt was 100%

Christian Coptic became 90% Muslim. Three hundred years

later, there was a Chism because Rome did not send soldiers

to defend the Christians in Turkey. A war against the Arabs.

Turkey became Muslim, and the eastern Christians separated

themselves from Rome. They believed Rome did that on

purpose and did not function as one Christian Church. That

takes to the Plague in Europe and the weakness of the

Catholic Church to help the people. They made anybody a

priest and confessing because the clergy were dying. At that

time, it was 90% farmers, 5% Church, and 5% Lords. People

realized something is not right, and the Church needs to be

reformed. So, the Christian truth has been altered, and

Martin Luther had to straighten these false beliefs and posted

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his theses. On October 31, 1517, Luther wrote to his bishop,

Albrecht von Brandenburg, protesting the sale of

indulgences. In his letter, he enclosed a copy of his

"Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of

Indulgences," which came to be known as the Ninety-five


Hans Hillerbrand writes that Luther had no intention of

confronting the Church but saw his disputation as a scholarly

objection to church practices. The tone of the writing is

accordingly "searching, rather than doctrinaire.” The advent

of the printing press facilitated Luther's doctrine to spread in

Europe. The Indulgence started in the crusade war before

Luther, where the Pope promised the soldiers would go to

Heaven if they die for freeing Jerusalem from the Muslims.

These indulgences turned into money to build St Peter

Church at the time of Martin Luther. Suffering started with

the Christians with the Catholic Inquisition persecuting the

reformation. And here we are, a divided Church: Catholic,

Orthodox, and Protestants. What causes this division is the

devil imposing greed. 


Third: African Black people were chosen to be the root

genes of humanity.

Adam and Eve were black. I had a vision when I was 12

years old in Egypt at home, and I saw Adam and Eve, and

they were black. It was contrary to most art depicting Adam

and Eve to be white. Like the painting of Michelangelo in

front of this book, God and Adam are white. See the

following reference on the original genes of humanity.


“Until recently, researchers assumed that after human

ancestors shed most body hair, sometime before 2 million

years10 ago, they quickly evolved dark skin for protection

from skin cancer and other harmful effects of U.V. radiation.

Then, when humans migrated out of Africa and headed to the

far north, they evolved lighter skin to adapt to limited

sunlight. (Pale skin synthesizes more vitamin D when light is

 10 is a mystery because creation time is different from the natural time also, we do not know when the first communication between God and humans and humans started to pray. It was the advent of Adam and Eve.  

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scarce.) ……. The most dramatic discovery concerned a

gene known as MFSD12. Two mutations that decreased this

gene expression were found in high frequencies in people

with the darkest skin. These variants arose about a half-

million years ago, suggesting that human ancestors before

that time may have had moderately dark skin, rather than the

deep black hue created today by these mutations.”

It is embarrassing to be prejudiced against black and call

them not human beings when our forefathers were black. It is

a fact, and people should respect blacks. We all came from a

black family.

Contrary to what white people think and who portrayed Jesus

to be white, God loves black skin, and it was his first choice

and expelled Adam and Eve to Africa from the Garden of

Eden when their genes were changed, and God put the spell

of death upon them. The location of Eden is described in the

Book of Genesis as the source of four tributaries. Among

scholars who consider it to have been real, there have been

various suggestions for its location: at the head of the Persian

Gulf, in southern Mesopotamia (now Iraq) where the Tigris

and Euphrates rivers run into the sea; and in Armenia.


Logically, God would choose hotter weather for Adam and

Eve’s naked bodies and select a more barren area for their

punishment to compare to the beautiful Garden they were in.

Now, Jesus' mother was a Jew, and His father is God, and He

would have him blend with the Jews. And there no verse in

the Bible that says Jesus resembles gentiles. His skin is

neither black nor white. Also, God loves all His creation and

would not take favoritism on His Son's skin color. So why

are some people prejudice against skin color? As a result of

this prejudice against black skin color, they were taken as

slaves and called Negros. So, they suffered throughout

history. Even in the old testament, they were sold to rich

people, lords, and kings in an auction. African Black

Americans suffered for at least 400 years. But the problem

was going on for thousands of years. It is against humanity.

In Timothy, we read:

Since everything God created is good, we should not

reject any of it. We may receive it gladly, with thankful

hearts. (1 Timothy 4:4)

After Christ, authentic Christians were against slavery. This

Bible verse tells us to love all creation, including Asians,

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Black, and every creation. Every child is born or yet to be

born, born in the image of God, and we are to love God’s

creation. So, why people do not follow Christ's message is

mind-boggling. This Bible verse was not only intended for

Christians only but all who believe in God.

Britain abolished slavery throughout its empire by the

Slavery Abolition Act 1833 (with India's notable exception).

The French colonies re-abolished it in 1848, and the U.S.

abolished slavery in 1865 with the 13th Amendment to the

U.S. Constitution. People should be ashamed; it took that

long to wake up. After that, systematic racism was going on.

On May 25, 2020, the world reacted to killing a black man

unjustly in the U.S. name George Floyd in Minnesota by

police, and the world raises the flag "Black Lives Matter" in

solidarity. And protesters march in every state in the U.S.

and across the globe. Thank you to the media and the

internet; this media is the pride of the 21st Century; the whole

world witnessed the execution video of George Floyd by

three police officers, one kneeling on George’s neck. While

George was shouting, I cannot breathe for 8 minutes and 46

seconds. Trump accused the protesters of doing the black

lives matter protest to attack him personally. They also tried


to alter the facts in history about the confedered flag and the

confederates. To Trump, history is also fake news and can be

manipulated. Hopefully, this awakening and the seed of

Black Lives Matter have fallen in on the fertile ground and

abolish systematic racism in the world. Just a note on God’s

punishment to humanity, it is possible with Christian

meditation that the genes will change, and a longer life may

happen. With God, all things are possible.

Fourth: The American Indians and suicide rate. God chose

them for being hospitable and peaceful people.

I took a class in my undergraduate school at the University

of Washington about American Indians. I was surprised that

they were peaceful and hospitable, contrary to Hollywood's

portrayal in western movies. Hollywood did these movies to

make money. The American Indians were in touch with the

Spirit of God, called it the Great Spirit, and committed to

Earth's natural environment way of life. I grew in Egypt

watching these movies. I always played with my brother a

game called Cowboys and Indians. He would be the

Cowboy, and I would be an Indian, and he would shoot me

from the side of the bed or the corner of the door. I was

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wrong about Indians. I became in full agreement with actor

Marlo Brando's position on Hollywood movies when it was

announced to receive an Oscar award; he was called to

obtain it and decline to take it. It was racist, and they gave up

their land by force and lived-in reservations. When I was a

South Seattle Community College student learning English

(ESL), we took field trips to many places. I remember a field

trip to an Indian Reservation where we were fed salmon. I

think the list of injustices does not end. Recently, with the

coronavirus pandemic, Trump was not helping the

reservations, and I heard on the news they were sending

them body bags instead of testing the virus. The American

Indians do not have the same resources as the rest of the

country to fight the virus. It is upsetting; how ungrateful can

you be? We are all people, and the virus does not know

democrats from republicans from American Indians. We all

got sick and need help. I took a psychology class about

suicide and learned that Indian reservations have a high rate

of suicide due to living standards, health care, economic

disparity, education, and housings. We cannot turn our backs

on this and say they are a sovereign nation and say it is their

problem. It seems like we were doing the same thing when


we infected them with white man diseases, and they have a

lack of an immune system to overcome the diseases. It was

said time and time noted in all news media we are all in this


On July 4, 2020, President Trump held a rally at Mount

Rushmore: Controversy, fireworks, and personal fascination.

But the visit also came as the nation in recent weeks faced a

new reckoning of monuments around the country seen by

many as symbols of racism and oppression, rather than

freedom and greatness, and has raised both public health and

environmental concerns. Trump leaned into his criticism

Friday night to condemn those calling to remove

controversial monuments throughout the country.

While many view the Mount Rushmore monument with awe

and national pride, others such as Nick Tilsen, a member of

the Oglala Lakota tribe and the president of a local activist

organization called NDN Collective, see it as an insulting

reminder of how the land in the South Dakota's Black Hills

was stolen from Native Americans because of Gold, part of a

long history of their being mistreated. Trump did not have

permission from the tribe to hold this rally, and he was

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trespassing. But he did not care; he never had empathy. He

thinks he is God, and every land in the U.S. is for him.

More on Trump:

God told me in my meditation on July 7, 2020, Trump has

hurt many people by saying, “you are fired,” and being a

victimizer. He is not going to win with Me. Later, He told

me Trump abused the Spirit of business. It is not about hiring

and firing; it is about a wholesome relationship of people

working together in the ups and downs. When you frequently

hire and fire, it is a sign of greed. On the news July 6, 2020,

on MSNBC at 6:00 pm Pacific Time, Rachel Maddow said

Trump would suffer eternally in hell for separating 5400

children from their parents and putting them in cages,

mistreatment, and incarceration, all that because they were in

the U.S. illegally. God is not blind. And God does not look at

only four years of Trump's presidency. He looks at the whole

life of the person.

Trump's niece Mary L. Trump is a Ph.D. well trained

Clinical Psychologist who wrote about Trump and his father

in her book. The book's title is “Too Much and Never


Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most

Dangerous Man,” She said, “cheating and lying as a way of

life.” Paints Trump as a ‘narcissist’ who is ‘lost to his

delusional spin. On July 17, 2020, Mary commented on

CNN at 6:00 pm P.T. She said she did not write the book

about Trump as an act of revenge or vendetta. But because of

the coronavirus and racial inequality, Trump cannot fix the

problem because it means he would have to admit he made a

mistake. She said Trump comes from a dysfunctional family

and never had to face the real world. She also said Trump is

deeply psychologically damaged, and it will worsen because

he does not have treatment. Mary finally said Trump needs

to resign. The news interview, Chris Cuomo, concluded

Trump is a demigod and a bigot.

Commentary by psychiatrist Dr. Lance Dodes11 on MSNBC

on July 7, 2020, at 7:10 pm Pacific time said: Trump is a true

sociopath, or in a common language, he is evil. On July 16 at

7:30 pm on MSNBC, Dr. Dodes said Trump exercise

satanism, in which Trump has pleasure from other people

 11 Retired as an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

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sufferings and do not care how many people die from the

coronavirus and called him a psychopath. And so, we finally

heard from the professionals, and they confirm why the U.S.

is in so much trouble and why God must act. The expert said

back in March, the pandemic will have a worse effect on the

U.S. than WWII, from the MSNBC News 3:20 pm P.T.


Final Words

I am a Christian, and that suits me well! And I have done my

job as an Apostle, a Structural, Electrical, and Foundation

Engineer, musician, and a certified counselor, Meditation

specialist in pointing out these findings in this book.

The closest picture of Jesus appeared to me in the first

apparition when I was seven years old, shortly After 1st

Communion. It was an apparition meaning it comes from a

different dimension other than our three dimensions. As

stated in String Theory or Loop Quantum Gravity of higher


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and the shroud of Turin was shown in our dimensions. On

December 16, 1988, the second apparition was around 4:00

pm. It was five angels dressed in white singing and playing

electric guitars (that had no electric cords) and mandolin;

they were singing a Christmas song saying all the

descriptions of Jesus. I was in a different dimension, driving

my car that is usually a busy street with cars that cars were

not there.

I saw the shroud of Turin and Jesus


John 18:36 New International Version (NIV) 36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it

were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the

Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

John 8:23 New International Version (NIV) 23 But he continued, “You are from below; I am from

above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.

"Let all the angels of God worship Him!" - Heavenly

fanfare for Christ ascended

The five angels I saw were dressed in white and had no


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When I had the vision in 1973, I was 22 years old, where

Jesus was transfigured in my school Melkite Church in

Egypt; it was around Easter time then I wrote afterward my

first church song, "Jesus Christ I love you so."

In conclusion, I hope my experience with the divine becomes

your experience and enlightens the way to the truth,

whatever it may be science, medicine, art, theology,

philosophy, etc. Knowing this universe is like a plant; it

starts in the seed and continues to grow, and we smell the

expected flowers and enjoy every moment it grows along the

way. So, let the discoveries continue until we receive all the

universe's dimensions and have the new body upon the

second coming of Christ. Keep the universe in harmony and

never cause instabilities in the name of the Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit.

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