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Page 1: WE SHALL OVERCOME! Part IV Overcoming Worry & Pessimism Part IV Overcoming Worry & Pessimism Matt. 6:24-34.


Part IV

Overcoming Worry & Pessimism

Matt. 6:24-34

Page 2: WE SHALL OVERCOME! Part IV Overcoming Worry & Pessimism Part IV Overcoming Worry & Pessimism Matt. 6:24-34.

Introduction:A. We live in an “Age of Anxiety.”

B. Martha was “careful and troubled about many things” (Lk. 10:41).C. Every chest pain is a heart-attack and every lump must be cancer.

D. “Our concerns become cares, and our forethoughts become fear- thoughts.”

E. Anxiety needs to be thought of as sin for it robs us of godly qualities.

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I. Different Kinds Of Worry

A. People worry about things that have already happened.

1. Like trying to saw sawdust and putting toothpaste back in the tube.

2. We need to obey the laws of pardon and let God abundantly forgive (Isa. 55:7).

B. People worry over things that will inevitably happen.

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1. We worry about who our children will marry; it will happen (Heb. 13:4; Gen. 2:23-24).2. Many worry about dying; but they will anyway (Heb. 9:27).3. Out of curiosity, wonder if anyone ever worries about getting old?

C. People worry about things that will never happen

“I have worried over a great many things in life, the most of

which never happened.” ~ Mark Twain ~

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II. The Lord’s Classic Text On WorryMatt. 6:24-34

A. Lessons to learn from the text:

a. “Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things” (v. 32).

b. God knows all and feels for us.

1. Worry is unnecessary!

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2. Worry is cruel!a. “Look at the birds of the

air… Your heavenly Father

feeds them. Are you not of

more value than they?” (v. 26).

b. “The heirs of heaven are better than the fowls of heaven” (Delmar Owens).

c. It is cruel to believe that God would give more attention to animals and fowl than the highest of His creation—man!

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3. Worry is prohibited!

a. “Do not worry” (vs. 25,31,34).

b. The same Lord that made belief

and baptism a requisite to salvation (Mk. 16:16) is the same Lord who prohibits

worry!4. Worry is futile!

a. “Which of you by worrying can

add one cubit to his stature?”

(v. 27).

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b. “Worry is like a rocking chair; it will give you something to

do, but get you nowhere.”

c. The women worried about who would roll the stone from the grave, only to find that it had been rolled away already (Mk. 16:3-4).

5. Worry is heathenish!

a. “For after all these things do the Gentiles seek” (v. 32).

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b. Worry is then a characteristic of the sinner.

c. It indicates a degree of hopeless- ness.

6. Worry is faithlessness! a. “O you of little faith” (v. 30).b. Jesus used, “O you of little faith” four times:

Matt. 6:30 – Used in reference to anxiety.

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Matt. 8:26 – Used in reference to fear. Matt. 14:31 – Used to oppose doubt. Matt. 16:8 – Renouncing human reasoning.

c. Faith is the remedy for all the above mentioned disturbers of the heart (Jn. 14:1).

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Life As Viewed By The Pessimist & The

Fearful As Depicted By Artists

LonelinessFear Unexpected


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III. Why Worry Is SinA. It disregards the commands of God (Matt. 6:24-34; Phil. 4:6; I Pet. 1:13).

1. We place priorities upon less essential matters.

2. It helps to “look on the things of others.”

B. It deters and detours us from duty and is a futile waste of time.

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1. Results from a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin.

a. 40% about that which we worry never happens.

b. 30% are about the past, things which cannot be changed.

c. 22% over petty and needlessd. 8% over things legitimate.

2. The obvious waste of time could be better spent (Eph. 5:16).

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C. It impairs health.1. “He is worrying himself sick.”

2. Worry affects the beauty of countenance, the strength of your mind, and the vitality of your body (psychosomatic). 3. The Bible specifically teaches that it is wrong to harm your body (I Cor. 6:15-20).

D. It is a robber, robbing one of joy, happiness, and peace.

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1. The word “worry” comes from

Middle English, “worowen” or

“wiren,” which means “to strangle.”2. The Bible teaches us to rejoice

(Phil. 4:4; I Thess. 5:16; Prov. 17:22).

E. It is prohibitive against prayer being answered.

1. We must ask in faith if they are to

be answered (Jas. 1:5f; Mk. 11:24).

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2. e.g., Hudson Taylor’s (missionary to China) encounter with an unfriendly island and no wind.

3. Do not pray for rain and go out without an umbrella!

4. Do not pray for safety during the night, then stay up to see if He does provide it.

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F. It chokes the Word.1. “Cares” in Luke 8:14 choked the Word.2. The same word is translated “care” in I Pet. 5:7.

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Part IV

Overcoming Worry & Pessimism

Phil. 4:1-6

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IV. How To Overcome Worry?A. Make up your mind you are going to conquer it.

B. Form the right relationship with God and man.

1. “Be anxious for nothing” (Phil. 4:6).2. Brethren were told to “stand fast in the Lord” (v. 1).3. Two members were exhorted to “be of the same mind” (v. 2).

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C. Develop the right attitude of mind.

D. Do what you can and turn the rest over to God.

E. Live one day at a time (Matt. 6:11, 34).

F. Cultivate a faith and realistic trust in God and His promises (Isa. 26:3; Matt. 6:30).

G. Engage in purposeful work.

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1. God saw this need for the first man and woman (Gen. 2:15).

2. God’s servants will serve Him in the happy home of the soul (Rev. 22:3).

3. God wants man employed (2 Thess. 3:10; Eph. 4:28; I Tim.

5:8, 13-14).

H. Transfer your care to more worthy objects.

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1. The church and its work can become your major concern (Matt. 6:33; 2 Cor. 11:28).

I. Live your life free from a sense of guilt and shame.

1. Do not violate conscience (Acts 23:1; 24:16; I Jn. 3:20-21).2. Avoid secret sin (Ps. 19:12).

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3. Solution for freedom: Repentance (Acts 8:22) Restitution (Lk. 19:8) Reformation (Rom. 6:4). Rejoicing (Ps. 51:12).

J. Take it to the Lord in prayer (Ps. 55: 22; I Pet. 5:7).1. “An eagle soaring in the upper air does not have to worry about how it will cross the rivers.”

2. “Spread it before the Lord” (2 Kgs. 19:14).

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V. Key Texts:

1. Peace of mind results from trusting in God (Isa. 26:3).

2. Anxiety and worry are strictly forbidden of the Lord (Matt. 6:25, 31, 34).

3. The remedy for worry and subsequent results (Phil. 4:6-7).

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