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Page 1: WE GATHER AS GOD S PEOPLE - MHCUCC … · WE GATHER AS GOD’S PEOPLE ... all creatures here below; Praise God above, ... our planet amazes us. We give you thanks for the multiplicity


ORDER OF WORSHIP World Communion Sunday

October 2, 2016 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.

In order to unite with one another, we must love one another; in order to love one another, we must know one another; in order to know one another, we must go and meet one another. – Cardinal Mercier

All (people) are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be

until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

No matter who you are,

or where you are on life’s journey,

you’re welcome in this

United Church of Christ congregation…

*Those who are able, please stand.

Underlined items 8:30 a.m. worship.


Pastoral Greeting and Announcements

Prelude Largo from New World Symphony Dvorak-Sztuba

Introit Si Ya Hambra South African

Chancel Choir 20th century

*Call to Worship

One: From north and south, from east and west, we come: All: God's people are called to the table where simple grace nourishes us. One: From down the street to across the globe, from gated communities to thatched-roofed mud huts: All: God's people are called to community, where we live and serve one another. One: From every class, every race, every status; from little ones with sippy cups to elders with overflowing hearts: All: God's people are called to witness to God's hope, to offer peace to a shattered world.

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*Opening Hymn The Church’s One Foundation #272

*Prayer of Confession (by C. Welton Gaddy, Former President, Interfaith Alliance)

One: God, please forgive me. Forgive my incompleteness: not growing in Christ, not expanding my knowledge of the scriptures, not developing all my talents. All: God, forgive my disinterest: a lack of concern for needs around me, apathy regarding the lostness of missions, blindness to hurts I could help heal. One: God, forgive my dishonesty. Taking the easy way rather than the right way, speaking in one manner while living in another, silencing truth to preserve tranquility, settling for less than what is best, loving tradition more than obeying your pioneering spirit. All: God, forgive my loudness: talking when I should be listening, proclaiming when I should be studying, busying myself with new tasks when I should be finding a quiet place to rest. One: God, forgive my silence: feeling love and failing to whisper it, reeling with joy and not shouting hallelujah, knowing truth and forfeiting an opportunity to share it, sensing a need to share my faith and squelching the impulse. All: God, please forgive me.

*Words of Assurance (from the National Council of Churches in Bangladesh)

One: The forgiveness of God be upon you; the peace of Christ rest upon you; the grace of the Holy Spirit be the gift which is placed in your life, this day and forever. All: From this day to the end of eternity, we are God’s children: citizens of God’s realm. Thanks be to God. Amen.

*Hymn of Praise Halle, Halle, Halle A Caribbean Hymn

Hal-le, hal-le, hal-le-lu-jah! Hal-le, hal-le, hal-le-lu-jah! Hal-le, hal-le, hal-le-lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jah!

*Passing of the Peace

Anthem A Communion Invitation Martin/Courtney

Chancel Choir

Children’s Message

All children Pre-K through Grade 2 will leave following the Children’s Message for Church School and return to worship for communion. Children and youth 3rd—12th

grade will remain in worship.

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Scripture: Matthew 13:33 NT page 14 Reading: Yeast Thoughts, by Mike Hodge Large print page 18 Hymn: #393 One Bread, One Body, v. 1,2 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:14-17 NT page 161 Reading: Grandma’s Bread, by Sandy Bryan Large print page 210 Hymn: #414 Eat This Bread Scripture: Mark 14:22-25 NT page 48 Reading: Why Does Communion Divide, by Bishop William Willamon Hymn: #408 Come, Share the Lord Large print page 63 Scripture: Acts 2:42-46 NT page 112 Communion Meditation - Vicki McGaw Large print page 145 Hymn: #403 In Remembrance of Me


Call to Offering

(Please participate in the Ritual of Friendship using the pad in your pew.)

Offertory Prayer for Peace Richard Purvis

*Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host:

Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication (in unison) Praise be to you, O God, who calls us to imagine and believe that another world is possible, who calls us into covenant with one another. God of all times and places, remind us of the world as you intend it: free from hunger, poverty, vio-lence and oppression. Deliver these gifts to the work of bringing hope and wholeness to all our neighbors. Amen. Presentation of the Breads Invitation Table Blessing a poem by Jan L. Richardson

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Telling the Story Great Thanksgiving One: Loving and gracious God who summons galaxies into being, we give thanks

and blessings to you. We bless you for our world: from the prairies and

pampas of the Americas to the dusty deserts of Africa and Asia, from the

majestic mountains of Europe to the vast outback of Australia, the diversity of

our planet amazes us. We give you thanks for the multiplicity of humanity with

our complexity of color and culture yet called into oneness-of-being through

Christ. With many tongues, yet with one voice, we honor you singing:

All: (sung) Holy, holy, holy

My heart, my heart adores you!

My heart knows how to say to you:

You are holy, God!

Santo, santo, santo

Mi corazon te adora!

Mi corazon te sabe decir:

Santo eres, Dios!

One: Loving and gracious God who surrounds creation with abundant love, we give

thanks and blessings to you. We bless you for your love, made known to us

through Jesus, which reassures and reconciles us to you, to ourselves and to

one another. As Christ is our light to you, may we be lights to others

illuminating the path toward communion with you, the Holy Spirit and Jesus,

our friend and brother.

All: Amen. Words of Institution and Blessing of the Elements Sharing of the Bread and Cup Prayer of Thanksgiving Praise God from whom all blessings flow! With thanksgiving, Holy One, we celebrate our new life in Christ, and give thanks to you for this holy meal. Thank you for Jesus, for his all-inclusive love for humanity, and for the gift of this opportunity to worship and serve you. Amen.


*Closing Hymn In Christ There Is No East or West #687

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Today… This week… Bob and Maggie Watson’s popular Religion and Politics Discussion last session is

this Tuesday at 7:00 pm in FH2. Join us! The Welcome Team is meeting this Wednesday, Oct 5, at 7:00 pm.

Coming up… There will be a special Congregational Meeting next Sunday, October 9th,

following our 10:30 am service. Childcare will be available in FH2 during the Congregational Meeting. THERE WILL BE NO 8:30 am WORSHIP SERVICE next Sunday!!

Please contact Michelle Heffke ([email protected]) if you want a copy of your up to date statement on your outstanding pledge.

Serving Today 8:30 am 10:30 am

Reader Tom Ropas Tom Ropas Acolyte/Scribe Josh Pongallo Diaconate Assistant Shirley Kaiser Ushers Tom Planisek Jennifer Cristman Judi Pavisich Nancy Figula Pam/Ralph Heimburger Interpreter Lori Palmer Sound System Gus Fralick Bob Lewis Fellowship Hour Hosts Debbie Anderson Wally Boerke Greeting you this morning: Barbara & George Georgeff

*Commissioning and Benediction Postlude Melodia Espressivo from Finlandia Sibelius-Fricker

Please remain seated and enjoy the Postlude

Save the Date… Sunday, October 16, for an “Eat to Defeat” Luncheon in Fellowship Hall at 12:00 noon to help bring up our deficit. Luncheon tickets must be purchased in advance. Adults $15, Children $10 (10 yrs old and under). Tickets can be purchased in the Parlor on Sundays after 8:30 and 10:30 worship services on Sunday, September 25th, October 2nd and October 9th. All are welcome. Bring the family, your friends, the neighbors and your appetite. Looking for volunteers to help prep, set up, serve and clean up. Please contact Anne Harris or June Canute if you are able to help.

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The Church Council has made plans for the upcoming congregational meeting according to our church bylaws and in the interest of fairness to all who participate. For your information: 1. The business of this meeting will be limited to the topic of becoming an Open and Affirming congregation. 2. In order to vote, we must have a quorum, defined as 100 members*, present. If no quorum is established at the start of the meeting, we will adjourn. 3. Only members* of the church can vote. 4. During discussion, speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. No one will be allowed to speak twice until all who wish to speak have had a turn. 5. Speakers for and against the motion will alternate. 6. Votes will be cast by written ballot. 7. The motion passes only if a majority of the MEMBERS PRESENT vote for it. This means an abstention acts as a No vote.

*A member is an individual who has requested to join our congregation by Confession of Faith, Reaffirmation of Faith, Confirmation, or Letter of Transfer from another church, and has been received into membership in a public service.

The meeting is on Oct. 9 immediately following the 10:30 worship service. We hope you will attend and vote on this very important decision in the life of our church.

Calling all 3rd, 4th & 5th Graders!

Join the fun…Monday, October 10, 6:30-8:00 pm, FH2

On Monday, October 10, all 3rd

, 4th, & 5

th graders are invited to a kick-off Halloween-

themed event for a new social/service club at MHCUCC! Be sure to invite your friends!!

Michele Kanaris and Mary Densmore will be providing leadership for this group. Our vision is to meet approximately every 4-6 weeks. This club will include both social and service opportunities (both at the church and in the community).

At the first meeting, the participants will design a group covenant and make suggestions for a club name (yet to be determined!) We will have snacks, make a Halloween craft, and go on a church scavenger hunt.

Please sign up on the “Growing in Faith” bulletin board next to the church office (include the names of any friends you are bringing) by Monday, October 3 or RSVP to Mary Densmore ([email protected] or 440-570-4130).

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This week’s card corner person is Neil Kuhn

c/o Jeff Kuhn 17043 South Red Oak Drive

Strongsville, OH 44136

Please remember Neil by sending him a “thinking of you” card.


In the interest of being open, fair and accommodating to all members who wanted to attend the Special Congregational Meeting originally scheduled for September 25, the Church Council scheduled a two-part meeting, beginning after the 8:30 worship service, recessing after their vote, and continuing after the 10:30 service, adjourning after their vote. This format was used in our last special meeting when the vote was a simple yes or no to call Vicki as our pastor.

As we prepared for the meeting, however, it became apparent that procedurally, according to our bylaws and parliamentary procedure, this will not work for the ONA vote where the possibility of other actions taken in one part of the meeting will compromise the rights of the members who attend the other part of the meeting. So, it is with most sincere apologies that we have postponed the Special Congregational Meeting in order to plan ONE gathering on this important issue.

THE MEETING HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 9th AFTER THE 10:30 SERVICE WHICH WILL BE THE ONLY WORSHIP SERVICE THAT DAY. The sole item of business on the agenda will be to act on the motion below.


In compliance with our bylaws, the following motion is presented for your consideration at the congregational meeting on October 9:

Motion: Middleburg Heights Community United Church of Christ shall become an open and affirming congregation and adopts the following covenant statement: Middleburg Heights Community United Church of Christ affirms that every person has worth as a unique creation made in the image of God and that, as Christians, we should follow the command of Jesus Christ to love all people. We recognize, celebrate and give thanks for the many diverse God-given gifts among us. We welcome people of all ages, abilities, stages of faith, racial and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, family structures, marital and economic statuses to participate fully in the life, leadership, ministry and mission of this church. We believe through our diversity, we become stronger as a congregation and can grow and practice a faith that transcends our differences, enabling us to become a faithful community of worship and service.

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Vicki McGaw Pastor [email protected] 216.849.1942

Rev. Dick Berg Part-Time Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Leah Matthews Part-Time Pastor [email protected] [email protected] 216.789.9026

Mary Densmore Coordinator of Children & Family Ministries [email protected]

Suzi Foley Youth Leader & Communications Coordinator [email protected] Kate Whitecar Administrative Coordinator [email protected]

Michelle Heffke Financial Secretary [email protected]

Jarred Sorauf Organist & Bell Choir Director

Tom Foley Director of Music & Children’s Choir Director Barbara Gubana Sign Choir Director

Sandy Uhl Director of Middleburg Musicians & Music Administrator

Gary Canute Facilities Manager

Mary Mayse Moderator


JoAnn Lehman Jim Mayer Mona Lowery

Jennifer Cristman Eleanor White Judy Davis

Helen Bartels OJ Clinard Yolanda Adorni

Arlene Thompson Janet Kessler John Nelson

Kim Dennis Leanza Family David Witwer

Betty Van OsKeuls John Gregory John Jansma

Mark Donofrio Jim Poland Fay Gorgone Family

Anne Ziats Karl Kuhlenschmidt Jean Ehasz

Lynéa Pollock Bill Luca Linda Paller

LaVerne Dietrick Smoker Family Bob Bina

Mona Sazima Suzanne Battaglia Ron Shultz

Jessica Poe Doris Ruder Bill & Mary Kay Hertel

Nancy Helyes Larraine Nixon Missy Peck

Jane Gregory Loomis Family Ruth Eisenhauer

Marge Capek Neil Kuhn Nancy Figula

Walter & Hannelore Skot Unnamed members



Russ Bittinger Lenny Mascia Asha

Cayson Spray Margaret Knestrick Phillis Gugliotta

Laurie Walsh Randi Mokarem Cheryle & family

Karen Densmore Alex and Shelly Beth Cox

Peyton & Allyson Nathan Kress Jessie

Tommy & Eva Shidle Delores Ewald Schmidt

Alfonso Tina Langlotz Mike Nagorka

Jim Manning The Getty Family Eva Botskor

Sara Fielder Donald Doering Kevin Thwaites

Jo Ellen Sharer Adam Faubel Christine Jewell

Valery King Terrie Cochran Charlie Scarl

Don & Mary Kahoun Nancy Rotar Aholt Family

Maureen Harrah & family Jon Carlson & family

Michael Richter & family

Please contact the church office at 440-842-7743 or [email protected] or

indicate on the pew pad if you would like to add a loved one to the prayer list.

Our prayer list will be updated the first week of each month. Please notify the

church office if you would like your loved one to remain on the prayer list.

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