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We all want to sharpen our focus, enhance our memory and improve our concentration. Yet if you
believe what you read online, you’d think you need special foods, dietary supplements, online games, and
various apps to do it. It’s enough to make one’s brain hurt.
But don’t believe the hype. You don’t need special vitamins or flashcards or tinfoil headgear to maximize
your brain’s performance. These simple, everyday tips and four common foods will help you increase
your brain and memory power naturally.
Start the Day with Coffee
Coffee should really be defined as “The natural,
powerful brain-booster.” The effects of coffee and
caffeine on the brain begin with that morning cup of
joe, perking up the mind and energizing the body to
kick start the day!
along with staving off depression and reducing the
risks of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. The
increase of mental alertness, attention, and
concentration may also partly explain why coffee
can improve physical performance.
it comes to diet and brain health.
In fact, the American Stroke Association suggests a
heart-healthy diet is also good for the brain. So-
called “brain foods” include fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, fat-free and low-fat dairy products, beans,
and fish, especially varieties rich in omega-3 fatty
acids, including salmon, tuna, mackerel, and trout.
Keep the Body Active
benefits, including weight loss and heart health,
keeping the body active also upkeeps the brain.
Exercise boosts mood by increasing endorphins and
other feel-good chemicals in the brain and reduces
stress hormones, proving to be a remedy for
managing both depression and anxiety!
Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity most
days of the week and incorporate various forms of
movement, including cardio and strength training.
And really, some movement is better than no
your own home to boost brain power for now and
years to come. Challenging and stimulating the five
areas of the brain – memory, attention, language,
visual-spatial skills, and executive function – helps
keep the brain mentally sharp as it ages.
Have fun with a jigsaw puzzle
Research has shown that doing jigsaw puzzles
recruits multiple cognitive abilities and is a
protective factor for visuospatial cognitive aging. In
other words, when putting together a jigsaw puzzle,
you have to look at different pieces and figure out
where they fit within the larger picture. This can be
a great way to challenge and exercise your brain.
Try your hand at cards
When’s the last time you played a game of
cards? Researchers who conducted a study in
2015 on mentally stimulating activities for adults,
say a quick card game can lead to greater brain
volume in several regions of the brain. The same
study also found that a game of cards could
improve memory and thinking skills.
Try learning one of these tried-and-true card
• solitaire
• bridge
brain are involved in vocabulary tasks, particularly
in areas that are important for visual and auditory
processing. To test this theory, try this cognitive-
boosting activity:
the definition.
• Try to use that word five times the next day.
• Dance your heart out
notes that learning new dance moves can increase
your brain’s processing speed and memory. In other
words, bust a move on the dance floor and your
brain will thank you.
Want to test it out? Give one of these dance
activities a try:
dance class.
• Watch an online video with fun dance moves
you’ve always wanted to learn.
• Grab a partner and learn to ballroom dance.
• Gather your friends and go line dancing.
Listen to or play music
According to a 2017 study, listening to happy tunes
helps generate more innovative solutions compared
to being in silence. Which means, cranking up some
feel-good music can help boost your creative
thinking and brain power.
And if you want to learn how to play music, now is a
great time to start because your brain is capable of
learning new skills at any point in your life. That’s
why you’re never too old to start playing an
instrument like the piano, guitar, or even the drums.
Learn a new language
proven the many cognitive benefits of being able
to speak more than one language.
According to numerous studies, bilingualism can
contribute to better memory, improved visual-
spatial skills, and higher levels of creativity. Being
fluent in more than one language may also help
you switch more easily between different tasks,
and delay the onset of age-related mental decline.
Take up tai chi
It’s no secret that tai chi can benefit your health in
many ways, including your mental health. Plus, it can
also help center you when life seems out of
Taking up a regular practice of tai chi can help
reduce stress, enhance sleep quality, and improve
memory. A 2013 study found that long-term tai chi
practice could induce structural changes in the
brain, resulting in an increase in brain volume.
practice has proven to enhance nine key brain
regions to make us feel connected, boost creativity
and brain power, increase emotional intelligence,
subside depression, build memories, increase focus,
and just down right make us smarter, happier,
healthier beings.
may seem counterintuitive to highlight the
importance of rest… And even though your body
may feel at rest, the brain is quite active
throughout the night.
is key for mental health and actually necessary for
sharpening cognition and inspiring creativity.
During sleep, nerve cells are actively
communicating with one another and harmful
toxins related to Alzheimer’s disease are being
including the brain.
display a thinner cortex than those who never
smoked. The cortex is where important thought
processes such as memory, language, and
perception occur.
While the thinning of the cortex is a noted part of
aging, smoking can speed up the process. So if you
do smoke, there is no better time to quit!
Challenge Yourself
yourself, as such mental challenges keep the
neurons in the brain stimulated.
Challenges may include picking up a new
instrument, learning a second language.
But challenges do not have to be huge undertaking
and developing new brain networks can be as
simple as brushing your teeth with your non-
dominant hand or doing a crossword puzzle when
eating lunch.
but the flavor, of peppermint can enhance memory!
Evidence supports chewing gum can improve long-
term and working memory, along with increasing
alertness and intellectual performance. So if you
have a test coming up, boost brain power (and
maybe turn that C into an A) by popping in a piece
of minty gum.
Get a Fast Start with Breakfast
Don’t try to take a shortcut in the morning by
skipping breakfast. Studies have linked breakfast to
improved short-term memory and attention.
Students who eat breakfast perform better than
those who don’t. So start the morning with a
healthy breakfast. But don’t eat too much. A high-
calorie breakfast may hinder concentration.
Ditch the sugar
A diet high in sugar can be harmful to the brain,
inducing inflammation, oxidative stress, and poor
insulin regulation. Your goal, therefore, is to follow a
diet that helps you improve insulin sensitivity and
reduce inflammation. This means eating fish, some
meat, a lot of vegetables, some nuts and seeds, some
fruit, and very little grains.
Use all your senses
your senses may help strengthen your brain.
To give your senses and your brain a workout, try
doing activities that simultaneously engage all five
of your senses. You could try baking a batch of
cookies, visiting a farmer’s market, or trying a new
restaurant while you focus on smelling, touching,
tasting, seeing, and hearing all at the same time.
Focus on another person
observe the color of their shirt or pants. Are
they wearing glasses? Do they have a hat on, and
if so, what kind of hat? What color is their hair?
Once you decide on four things to remember,
make a mental note, and come back to it later in
the day. Write down what you remember about
those four details.
Focusing on your brain health is one of the best things you can do to improve your concentration, focus,
memory, and mental agility, no matter what age you are.
By incorporating brain exercises into your everyday life, you’ll get to challenge your mind, sharpen your
cognitive skills, and possibly learn something new and enriching along the way, too.

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