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  • 8/12/2019 Walkthrough Escape From Paradise 2


    Escape from Paradise 2: A Kingdoms Quest WalkthroughPosted on June 11, 2009 inWalkthroughs-- Share: FacebookTweet

    Welcome to theEscape from Paradise 2 GameWalkthrough

    Help your hero marry their true love by becoming the chief of the tribe! Collect wood and build shelters as you attempt to survive.

    Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, were pretty sure

    youll find what youre looking for here.

    This document contains a complete Escape from Paradise 2 Game game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!

    We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to

    whatever stage of the game you need help with.

    Remember to visit theBig Fish Games Forumsif you find you need more help. Have fun!

    This walkthrough was created by MargieB, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in

    whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.



    General Tips

    Escape from Paradise 2: A Kingdoms Quest has four islands to unlock and 22 missions to solve. From the main menu, under the options tab, you can adjust a variety of settings, like volume, music, and screen size. You can also choose

    the auto pause option which lets you decide whether or not to pause the game while you do other things on your computer.

    A new villager will automatically be added to your island each time a new hut has been built. When you send someone out to gather food or wood, place them close to the resource they are gathering. If you keep a short walking

    distance between the food source and the drop off point, they will gather the resources faster.

    You can assign more than one person to a task that is in the same spot. For example, you can have several people chopping wood orgathering food from the same tree.

    Your current challenge will always be displayed on top of the page. Some items will only be visible once the monkey is around. Drag the monkey around the island while your villagers are working. Click on

    the items that appear once the monkey is close by.

    Villagers will continue working while you play mini-games and listen to the challenges. If you see a green exclamation point with an arrow attached to it, i ts letting you know that you have a mission ahead. Head in the direction

    of the arrow in order to talk to the person who will give you that mission.

    Only one villager can sleep in a hut at one time.Moving Villagers
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    You need to move your villagers around the island so they can get certain tasks done. There are a couple of ways to accomplish this. Click on a person and you will see a green circle underneath them. That circle lets you know that person has been selected correctly. You can left-click your mouse and drag it to the area that you want that person to go to. The arrows that appear on the scene show you the steps youve outlined for that person. Let go of your mouse when youve reached the area you want your villager to go to. The villager will follow the path youve outlined for


    Another way to move someone around the island is to left-click on them. The green circle will appear. Then, right-click in the area that youwant them to go to.

    You will not see any arrows when you use this method. The villager will just automatically move to the spot you selected.Moving Large Groups

    Once your village starts growing it will be harder to gather all the villagers in one spot. There is a trick you can use that will save you time.

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    The second number shows you the maximum amount of wood that you can store at that time. The number of wood you can store willincrease once you build extra wood storage areas.


    In the lower middle section you can have two different types of information. You can view the map, or you can look at the happiness levelof the villager of your choice.

    To toggle between the map and the villagers statistics, click in the upper part of that area. The map shows you all the areas on the island, including areas that may or may not be accessible at the time. As you move around the island, you will notice a red square that moves around with you. That square indicates your current location. Since the island is so big, looking at the red square on the map will be helpful to you when using the walkthrough. When a hidden item is displayed in a screenshot, look at the red square at the bottom so you can find it in your game faster. You can click on any area on the map and the game will automatically take you there.

    Map Buttons

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    There are four buttons on the side of each map: a hand, an exclamation point, a question mark, and a monkey button. Each of these buttonswill have a different function.

    Hand ButtonClick on the hand icon when you want to locate your character in the game. Once you click on that hand, the game willautomatically move to the spot he or she is in.

    Exclamation Point ButtonThe exclamation point will show you the person that you need to talk to in order to get your next mission. Thegame will automatically zoom in on that person. This person will have a green exclamation point over their head. Only your character can

    talk to that person. If you drag anyone else to them, they will not give them any information.

    Question Mark ButtonThis button will help you find the villagers on the island that are standing around not doing anything. When youclick on that button, the game will automatically take you to those people.

    Monkey ButtonThis button will help you locate Taz the monkey. Click on the button and you will be automatically taken to wherever Tazis located. When the monkey is idle for too long, he will automatically go next to your character in the game.

    Character Info & Stats

    In the lower right side of the screen, you have the character info button. Click on any villager and the information will be available for thatperson.

    There are several types of information available in this screen. The total tribe happiness is located just above the character you selected. This lets you know the overall happiness of all your inhabitants. Please read the next few sections to read vital information for this section.

    Character Needs

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    On the left side of the screen, you will see the character needs. This info lets you know that inhabitants level of hunger, thirst, sleep, andsocial needs.

    You want the meter to stay in the green area as much as possible. Green means their happiness level for that particular need is pretty high. Once the meter starts falling into the orange or red area, that villager is deprived of that particular need. Make sure, once you return to the game, those needs in the red zone are taken care of or the villager will stop working and take care of their

    needs themselves.

    Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to look at the stats of the other villagers.Current Skill Levels

    On the right side of the character stats screen you will see the current skill levels for each villager. Each villager, with the exception of the Golden Tiki, will start at the beginners level. There are three skill levels that a villager can accomplish, level 1, level 2 and level 3. There are three different skills in which the villagers can obtain these levels, as a lumberjack, a provider, and a carpenter.

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    If you want to find a particular person on the island, keep the page on them and click on continue in the lower right side. Once you reenterthe scene, it will show you the location of the last person in the current stats screen.

    Each time a villager acquires a skill level on the island, the screen will automatically move to that villager. You will see colored lightsaround that person. Each color around that villager represents the type of skill level theyve just acquired.

    Feather Meanings

    Each feather sticking out of a villagers head represents their level at a particular skill. If they have one feather, then they have a level 1 for that skill. If they have three feathers of the same color, then they have a level 3 for that

    particular skill.

    The color of each feather represents the particular skill they obtained it for. The only character that does not have feathers of a different color is the Golden Tiki; all of his feathers are gold. Your character, the Prince or the Princess, does not have any feathers. You will have to look at their profile to see their skill levels. The green feather represents the lumberjack skill. A villager will obtain the lumberjack skill by chopping wood. The red feather represents the carpenter skill. The villager will obtain the carpenter skill for building huts and buildings. The blue feather represents the provider skill. The provider skill will be obtained when a villager gets bananas or goes fishing for food.

    Adjusting Skill Levels

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    Each time a villager obtains a higher skill level, they will be able to do their tasks more efficiently. Someone that has a level 3 skill at chopping wood will be able to add more wood to the storage area than someone that has a level 1 in the

    same skill.

    You can adjust the skill levels of the villagers by going to the character info button in the lower right side of the scene. That will take youto the character stats page.

    Click on the arrows at the bottom of the page until you reach the villager youre looking for. Click on the + sign that is at the end of the skill you wish to change. The amount of points available will be located at the bottom of that section under skill points earned. Keep clicking on the plus sign until you reach the desired level.

    Happiness Meter

    There are four things that you need to keep an eye on if you want your villagers to be productive; they have to socialize, eat, sleep and drink.

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    Each villager has a meter that shows you what their happiness level is. There are two ways of finding out what their happiness levels are.You can click on a person and look at their meter at the bottom of the page.

    You can also click on the character info tab in the lower right corner. From this tab you will be able to view the happiness level of all thevillagers by clicking on the arrows.

    If the villagers start running low on any of these things, they will stop working and take care of their needs on their own. Please read the next four sections to obtain detailed information on how to take care of all four needs.


    The villagers need to interact with one another in order to be productive in their village. Keep an eye on the progress bar of each villager. If you see that their socialization bars are low, drag them to another person as soon as you


    Once you drag them to another person, let go of the mouse as soon as you see the words talk in a green circle. If you dontsee the wordtalk, they will not socialize with each other.

    You will know that two people are socializing when you see the word socializing at the bottom of the page. You will also see greensmiley faces with a plus sign when two people connect.

    If their socialization bars are low, you may have to socialize people more than once in order to fill up their meter. Once two people are socializing, both of their meters will fill up simultaneously.


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    Make sure that your villagers get enough sleep. When their sleeping meters get low, drag them to one of the huts to get some sleep. You will see some ZZZ coming out of the hut once a villager is in there sleeping. You will also see a progress bar outside the hut, letting

    you know how long they will be in there.

    If you do not drag a villager to a hut when they are tired, they will find and enter a hut on their own. Only one person can sleep in a hut at one time. That is why you have a hut for each person on the island. A villager will automatically come out of the hut once theyve received enough sleep. You can also make a villager come out of a hut by

    clicking on it.

    Drinking Water

    Villagers will get thirsty during the course of the day. When you see their thirst meters getting low, give them some water as soon aspossible.

    Drag a villager to a water hole or a well; let go of the mouse once you see the word drink appear on the screen. A villager will automatically stop drinking once their thirst has been quenched.

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    Gathering Bananas

    Just like regular people, villagers need to eat in order to keep their strength. Make sure they are fed as often as possible so they can maintaintheir strength and continue working.

    There are two food sources on the island: bananas and fish. In order to obtain bananas for the villagers, drag a villager to a banana tree. Let go of the mouse once you see the words pickup appear on

    the tree.

    The villager will gather bananas and automatically take them to the food storage. Once theyve taken the food to the storage,they willautomatically go back to gather some more bananas.

    The villager will stop gathering food as soon as the food storage hut has reached its limit. You can also make a villager stop gathering food by dragging them to another area on the island.


    Once you receive the fishing pole, your villagers will be able to fish for food.

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    Drag a villager to the stream of water, click on the water once you see the word fish appear on the screen. You will also see a fish iconappear next to the word fish.

    The villager will take the fish to the storage area, and then begin fishing again until you pull them off that task, or the food storage hutbecomes full.


    To feed a villager, drag them to the food storage area and let go of the mouse once you see the fork and knife icon. A person will stop eating as soon as they are full. They will also stop eating on their own if the food runs out.


    Each hut takes 500 pieces of wood to build. To build a hut, open the build tab at the bottom of the page. Choose the hut and drag the outlinearound the beach.

    When the outline is red, you will not be able to place the hut in that spot. If the outline is green, click on the spot and the hut will land there. A villager should automatically start building a hut once you put it down. If a villager does not automatically go there on their own, you can

    drag someone there yourself.

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    All the buildings in the game (Museum, Plant Store, and Aquarium) will come partially built. All you have to do is drag one or more villagers to a building. Let go of the mouse once you see the hammer icon appear, and they will

    begin the building process.

    To build a well, open the build tab at the bottom of the page. Select a well and drag it over a water hole. To build a food storage hut or a wood storage hut, follow the same basic steps outlined for the regular hut.

    Population Growth

    Each time a hut is completed, a new person will be added to your village automatically. When a new person is added, you will see a signover their head alerting you that someone new has arrived.

    At that moment you can choose to change that persons name or leave it as is. To change a name, click on the banner with the name andenter the name you wish to assign to that person. Then click on the OK button.

    If you do not wish to change the name, just click on OK.Taz the Monkey

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    Taz the monkey will appear while you are still in the first part of the island. Taz will be the only one that will be able to help you locatehidden items on the island.

    Drag Taz around the island and you will see things appear that were not previously there. If you move Taz out of that area, the item(s) willno longer be visible.

    When you find a hidden item, place your cursor around it and you will see a multi-colored circle appear over it. Click on the item once the circle appears, and that item will either go in your items section or it will be added to the altar. All hidden items will not be visible until other actions have been performed. For example, you may have dragged Taz to a certain tree, the

    first time you did not see any hidden items. When you go back to the same spot later, you will find an item there.

    Make sure that you revisit some areas more than once with Taz.Mini-Games

    There are four mini-games in Escape from Paradise 2: A Kingdoms Quest. Five mini-games, if you count both variations of the Match 3game.

    It is necessary for you to play all the levels in the mini-games in order to complete the game. You do not have to play all the rounds in the mini-games in one sitting, or in any particular order. You just have to make sure that you

    complete them all.

    Each time you win a mini-game you will obtain skill points. Use those skill points on your villagers so you can improve their performance ata task.

    Taz is the only one that can play the mini-games. In order to play them, you have to drag Taz to each mini-game. The mini-game will start once you see a green game controller icon with the word mini-game over it. Once you see the green icon, let go of

    the mouse and the game will begin.

    To exit out of the mini-game, click on the exit button in the upper right side of the screen. Each time you complete a round for a mini-game, a yellow star will appear on the sand once you exit that game. Fill in all the stars to

    complete that particular game.

    Once you finish all the mini-games, you will receive a Tiki.Tiki Match 3 Classic

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    This mini-game is located on the first part of the island. It will be on the right side of the rock bridge that you built at the very beginning ofthe game.

    Drag Taz to the Match 3 board in order to gain access to it. There will be two different Match 3 games that you can play in this section.

    In this Match 3 game, you have to fill the meter on the right side of the screen. In order to fill the meter, you must make matches of three ormore like tiles on the blue tiles located on the board.

    When you make matches of four or more of the same symbols, you will earn a bomb symbol. When you make a match with the bomb tile, you will eliminate all the tiles on the board with the same symbol. You will be able to recognize the bomb tiles because they will have a fiery red tint on them. Certain tiles on the board will give you extra resources on the island. The banana tiles give you an extra five units of wood. The wooden log

    will give you five extra pieces of wood. The special Tiki symbol gives you an extra five skill points.

    Tiki Match 3 Topple

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    The objective of this mini-game is to collect the fruit once it falls off the plant. At the beginning of each level you will be asked to choose between two power-ups. Your choices include two types of sprinklers, a radio,

    and the mister.

    Choose whichever power-ups suit you the best. Keep in mind that some of the power-ups will be locked at the beginning of the game. Theywill unlock as you progress through the game.

    You will earn varying amounts of points for each fruit you collect. If you want to make more money on the fruits, you have to buy and plantthe more expensive seeds.

    While collecting fruits you also have to make sure to water the plants constantly. You can water the plants yourself and you can also addsprinklers that will automatically water up to four plants of your choice.

    While doing everything else, you also have to keep the bugs from eating your plants. When a bug appears in the garden, squash it with thebug swatter. Your cursor will automatically turn into a bug swatter.

    Pay attention to your goal in the lower right side of the screen. Once you meet or pass your goal, click on the Tik in the lower right side ofthe screen and give him your profits.

    The meter will reset itself each time the Tik collects your profits.

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    You can purchase upgrades that will help you in a variety of ways. Some upgrades will make the water refill faster, and others will make theplants grow faster.

    Each upgrade has several levels that you can purchase. Just look under the product to see how many upgrades it has and how much each onecosts.

    The upgrades will become more expensive as you progress through the game. In order to buy upgrades, you must have enough money in the bank. The amount of available money is on the lower right side of the screen.


    Your goal in this game is to place the right numbers, from 1 to 9, on the cells located on the grids. You cannot repeat the same number in the same row or column. The numbers can only appear once on a 3 x 3 grid. Some of the cells have numbers on them, those cannot be changed. Use those fixed numbers to help you solve the puzzle. Click on an empty cell and all available numbers will show up on a pop-up window. Choose the number that does not repeat itself on the 3 x

    3 grid or in the same row or column.

    If you make a mistake and you want to change a selection, click on the number and then click on the reset button located in the pop-upwindow.

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    In order for you to play these games, you have to drag the monkey to the areas in which the games are located. The first Hidden Object scene is located on the first piece of the island. It is in the lower left side of the scene. You will see a silhouette of a

    boat in the water. Drag Taz towards the boat to begin the mini-game.

    The second Hidden Object game is located on the second part of the island. It is next to the bird sanctuary that is located on the left edge ofthe island.

    These are standard Hidden Object mini-games in which you need to look for objects hidden within a scene. Some of the games will ask you to find five items that are related in some kind of way, like five spirals or five musical instruments. Others

    will ask you to find items from a list.

    If you cant find an item, you can use the hint which is in the lower right side of the screen. Each time you use a hint, you will have to wait for it to reset itself before you can use it again.


    The following section contains the complete walkthrough for the game. The first part of the walkthrough contains the solutions for the 22 challenges (missions) in the game. The second part of the walkthrough contains the locations of all the birds, jewels, and Tikis on the island. Towards the end of the walkthrough, you will be able to view a complete map of the island. This map will show you the location of various

    hidden items on the island.

    Some of the steps in the walkthrough have to be followed in the same order as described in the guide and others do not. Certain parts of the island will not be accessible until certain actions have been performed.

    ISLAND: PART 1Introduction

    When you first enter the scene, drag your character to the Prince or Princess, depending on the character you chose at the beginning. If you chose a female character, then you will drag them to the Prince. If you chose a male character, then you will drag them to the

    Princess. For the purpose of this guide, we will refer to that person as the Prince.

    Your character and the Prince will have a conversation. At the end of the conversation you will receive your first challenge, which will be togather 10 additional pieces of wood.


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    Drag your character to a tree until you see the symbol of an axe appear. Click on the tree while the axe symbol is present, this will allow youto chop some wood.

    As you chop wood you will notice that the counter in the lower left side will increase with each piece of wood that is added to the pile. You will start with 40 pieces of wood. To win the challenge you have to get a total of 50 pieces. Your character will automatically take the wood to the wood storage area on the sand and will return to pick up some more wood as soon as

    he or she has finished.

    You will get the hammer and 250 skill bonus points once this challenge is complete.New AbilityHammer

    You will automatically get the hammer as soon as you finish picking up the first 10 pieces of wood. The hammer will be used to build things around the island, like huts and buildings.

    You do not have to get the hammer from the inventory each time you build something. Just drag a character over to a structure that needsbuilding and let go of the mouse when the hammer icon appears.

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    Once you let go of your mouse, the person will start the building process.CHALLENGE 2CHECK OUT THE CRATE ON THE SHORE

    You will see an exclamation point over the Princes head once the first challenge is completed. Drag your character over to the Prince so you can have a conversation with him. The Prince tells you that each time you complete a task

    successfully you will be rewarded. He tells you to go to the shore to obtain your reward.

    Drag your character to the crate on the right side of the island, and a mini-game will appear.Crate Mini-Game

    In this mini-game your goal is to click on the stop button when the ball is on the blue bar. The stop button is located above the crate. The bar on the blue button will change shape and location each time you hit the target. Each time you click on the ball correctly, one of the boxes at the bottom of the page will have a check mark added to it. Obtain five check marks to win the game and unlock the crate.

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    New AbilityTaz the Monkey

    Once the mini-game is completed, you will gain a new ability (Taz the monkey) and 250 skill bonus points. Taz the monkey is able to see hidden objects on the island that no one else can see. Move him around the island and watch for things to start


    Use the monkey to play the mini-games. The mini-games will help you earn points and find jewels. If Taz is idle for too long, he will automatically go to your character on the island. He will always be beside you unless you move him



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    Once you get the monkey, drag your character over to the Prince and initiate a conversation. He will tell you that the monkey will becomeyour companion and it will need its own sleeping quarters.

    At this point, drag your character over to the monkey hut located on the right side of the scene to finish building it. Once youre done with this challenge you will receive a shovel and 250 skill bonus points.

    New AbilityShovel

    You will obtain the shovel once you finish building the monkey hut. The shovel will be used in areas in which you see a crack in the sand.You will uncover fossils when you dig with the shovel.

    You can have several people digging in the sand at once. The more people you have digging, the faster they will finish.CHALLENGE 4BUILD A WELL

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    You will see a question mark over the Princes head once you complete the third challenge. Drag your character over to the Prince until you see the talk bubble. The Prince will ask you to help him finish building the well. Click on your character or on the Prince. The build tab will become available in the lower right side of the scene. Click on the build tab, and

    a pop-up menu will appear. Grab and drag the well to the pool of water.

    You will only be allowed to drop the well on the island once you see a green tint over it. Click on the well with the green tint and it will lockinto place.

    The person you originally clicked on should automatically go over to the well and start building it. If someone does not automatically go tothe well to start building it, just drag someone to it.

    Have one person gather wood while the well is being built. Have them chop wood close to the wood storage so they have a shorter distanceto walk.New AbilitySnorkel

    The snorkel will become available once youve finished building the well.CHALLENGE 5BUILD A ROCK BRIDGE

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    Drag your character over to the Prince. The Prince tells you that you have to get to the other island to look for objects that can help you. In this challenge you have to build a rock bridge in order to get to the other side of the island.

    Pick Handle

    Pick up the pick handle that is next to the Match 3 mini-game board.Pick Head

    Click on the pick head in the lower left side of the scene, next to the palm tree, close to the wood storage area. If you dont see thepick head right away, drag the monkey closer to that area, in order for the piece to appear.

    Pick Axe Assembly

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    Click on the Items tab in the lower right side of the page, and your inventory box will show up. From the Items box, combine the pick head and the pick handle and you will form a pick axe.

    First Rock Piece

    Place the pick axe on the rock located in the lower right side of the scene, a piece of the rock will break off. Click on the rock to pick it up. The rock will go into your items tab in the lower right side of the scene. Leave it there for now.

    Unearthing Barrels

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    Drag someone over to the X mark in the sand that is located in the lower part of the island. Click on that location as soon as you see the shovel icon appear. You will also see the word dig appear over that spot. The person will start

    digging automatically for the barrels.

    As soon as you are done digging, the barrels will appear and go into the Items tab. If you want to make this process go faster, have your character and the Prince dig at the same time.

    Second Rock Piece

    Grab the barrels from the items section in your inventory. Place the barrels on the rock that is on the left side of the beach, and it will crack the rock. Click on the rock piece that falls on the ground and you will obtain the second piece of the rock.

    Completing the Rock Bridge

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    Open the Items box in the lower right side. Go to the part of the island that is close to the Match 3 mini-game. In the water you will see an outline for the rocks. Click on the Items tab, grab the rocks in there and place them in the water. This will complete your rock bridge.

    New AbilityMatch 3 (Round 2)

    Once you build the rock bridge, you will have the Match 3 Round 2 ability. You will also obtain 250 skill bonus points. The Round 2 ability on the Match 3 board means that you will be able to play the second round in that game. Once youve completed the second round in the Match 3 game, you will receive the second yellow star in the sand.

    ISLAND: PART 2Cross Bridge And Talk To Tiki

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    Once you cross the bridge, talk to the Golden Tiki. Only your character can talk to the Golden Tiki; you cannot send the Prince to do it. Heasks you to help him build five huts.

    Move the Prince and the monkey across the rock bridge and start gathering wood and building huts.The Golden Tiki

    The Golden Tiki will automatically have a level 3 in all skills. That means that you do not have to train him. He will automatically do thingsmore efficiently.

    The Golden Tiki will be the only one that will come into the island with all his skills at level 3. All the other inhabitants that arrive at theisland will have a beginners skill level.

    The Golden Tiki will be able to help you collect wood, gather food, or build huts. Make sure you use him to complete challenges faster.CHALLENGE 6EXPAND YOUR VILLAGE TO FIVE HUTS TOTAL

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    There are two huts that are partially built around the village. Finish building them first. Drag someone to a partially-built hut and let go of your mouse once you see the hammer icon appear. Once the partially-built huts have been completed, pick a spot on the island and finish building the last two huts. To build a hut, click on the build tab in the lower right side of the scene. Click on a spot on the ground once you see that the hut has a green

    tint to it.

    You had one hut on the first island, which counts as one. Finish building the next four huts to complete this challenge. As new inhabitants enter the island, train them to do a particular job. Have two people picking bananas. Train others to chop wood or build


    There will be some bananas on that part of the island. Send people to eat there before you assign them some tasks.New AbilityMonkey Net

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    Once you complete the five huts in your village, you will obtain the monkey net ability. You will also receive 250 skill bonus points. The monkey net will allow you to catch various birds that are around the island. Only Taz can catch birds on the island. If you send someone

    else to do it, they will not be able to do it.

    To catch a bird, drag Taz to a bird that is resting on the ground. Release your mouse once you see the word catch appear onthe screen. If Taz takes too long to walk towards the birds, they will fly away before he gets to them. The birds have to be resting on the ground in order for Taz to be able to catch them. If they are resting on top of the trees or on a building,

    Taz will not have access to them.


    Once the five huts are completed, drag your character over to Lou Lou. Follow the exclamation point icon in order to locate Lou Lou. You can also click on the exclamation point icon located next to the tiny map

    at the bottom of the screen to find him.

    He will ask you to finish building the plant store. The plant store is next to where Lou Lou is standing. Send some of your villagers to finish building the plant store.

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    While some people are building the plant store, make sure that others are gathering wood and food. Once the plant store is completed, you will be able to go in there and purchase flowers to decorate the island. The first five plants will be free; other plants will cost you pieces of wood. If a plant costs wood pieces, the wood pieces used will be deducted from your overall wood supply. To plant a flower, all you have to do is select it from the plant store and click it onto the spot on the island that you want to place it in.

    Playing Cards Locations

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    In order to play the Tripeaks Paradise solitaire game, you have to locate four playing cards that are scattered around the second part of theisland.

    The location of all the playing cards will be highlighted in the screenshots. If youre unsure of the location of the cards while looking at the screenshots, look at the red square on the map at the bottom of each


    The red square indicates the spot on the island that you need to be in. You can click on that same spot in your map, and the game will pan tothat location.

    Unlocking Tripeaks Paradise

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    Once you find the cards, give them to Tik, who is standing by the shore. To access the playing cards, click on the Items tab. Hand the cards to Tik, one by one. As soon as hes received all the cards, he will allow Taz to play some solitaire.

    New AbilityFive Free Plants

    When the plant store is completely built, you will receive five free plants that you can use to decorate the island. You can plant them now, or later on in the game.


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    Find the exclamation point and talk to Pela. Pela will ask you to build three more huts, so you can have eight huts in total on the island. Pick some spots closer to the north side of the island to start placing some huts. Try to place the huts closer to the next pool of water, that way the workers dont have to go far when they get thirsty.

    New AbilityFood Storage

    Once you finish constructing the eight huts, you will automatically have food storage ability. This ability allows you to build a food storage hut so you can stock more food at once.


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    Follow the exclamation point and talk to Pela again. Pela will ask you to build a food storage hut. To build the food storage hut, click on the build button located in the lower right side of the scene. Pick a spot on the island in which to build the food storage. Send several villagers to work on the food storage so they can be done faster. To increase your supply of food, place all your villagers on the banana trees so the food storage can fill up faster. While the villagers are picking food, send the monkey around the island to pick up hidden items and play some mini-games. The villagers

    will keep working while the monkey takes care of business.

    Once the food storage is built, you will be able to store additional units of food. Look on the lower left side of the screen to see how muchfood you are now able to store.

    New AbilityHidden Object (Round 2)

    You will automatically receive the Hidden ObjectRound 2 ability as soon as the food storage is complete. This ability will allow you to enter the second round in the Hidden Object mini-games.


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    Go back to talk to Lopaka. He is standing close to the aquarium. Build four more huts around the island. Pick spots that are not too crowded.

    New AbilityWood Storage

    Once your village has accumulated 12 huts in total, you will gain the ability to store extra wood for your village. The wood storage hut will be unlocked in your build tab located in the lower right side of the scene.


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    Follow the green exclamation point and talk to Alika; he looks like an owl. He will ask you to build a wood storage hut. You can build the wood storage hut in any spot that you like. It is preferable to build one close to a lot of trees. This will make the distance

    shorter for the villagers when they are dropping off piles of wood.

    New Tiki

    Once the wood storage is built, you will receive a Tiki and 250 bonus skill points.CHALLENGE 13FINISH BUILDING THE MUSEUM

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    Follow the exclamation point and talk to Alika. Alika will ask you to finish building the museum. Since you have a wood storage hut now, you can have six people chopping wood and six people building the museum. Once the museum is complete, you can help Alika collect fossils around the island. Place people on the areas in the sand that have cracks in

    the soil. When you see those cracks in the ground, it means that a fossil is underneath.

    To dig up the fossils, drag a villager to a cracked spot on the ground. Click on that spot as soon as you see the shovel icon appear. The fossils you dig up will be available in the museum. When you want to visit the museum, drag your character over to the museum.

    New AbilityGarden (Round 2)

    This ability will be available to you as soon as you complete the museum. It gives you the ability to play and complete the second level of the Garden mini-game.


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    Drag your character to Kiko, who is standing next to the large stone foot. He will ask you to build more huts for all the people who will bearriving at the island.

    Make sure that all your villagers have their sleeping, eating, socializing and thirst needs on a high level so they can work their way throughall the chores.

    At this time you should have 12 villagers. Assign four of them to gather food, four of them to chop wood, and four of them to build the huts.CHALLENGE 15FIND 10 SKULLS AND PLACE THEM IN THEIR HOLDERS

    You will get a skull as a reward as soon as you finish building your fifteenth hut. Drag your character over to Kiko, who is standing by the large stone feet. He says that once you find the 10 hidden skulls on the island, he

    will grant you access to the other side of the island.

    Some skulls will only be visible when Taz is around. Others will be given to you once you perform other actions. Please look at the next set of instructions and screenshots in order to find all the skulls.

    Skull 1

    You will automatically receive this skull once you finish building your 15th hut. This skull will go into your inventory.

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    Scythe Top

    Please look at the screenshot to see the exact location of the scythe top. Make sure that you drag Taz to this location; otherwise, the scythetop will not be visible.

    Scythe Handle

    Please look at the screenshot to see the exact location of the scythe handle. Make sure that you drag Taz to this location; otherwise, thescythe top will not be visible.

    Skull 2Combine Top & Handle

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    From the inventory box, combine the scythe top and the scythe handle. Both pieces will merge forming the scythe. Place the scythe on the patch of grass that is shown in the screenshot. Once you see the circle appear, click on it and the skull will become


    Click on the skull to pick it up. In order to get the next skull, you have to find the cauldron and the mushroom.


    Please look at the screenshot to see the exact location of the cauldron. Make sure that you drag Taz to this location; otherwise, the cauldronwill not be visible.


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    Please look at the screenshot to see the exact location of the mushroom. Make sure that you drag Taz to this location; otherwise, themushroom will not be visible.


    From the Items tab, combine the mushroom and the cauldron and you will have soup. The cauldron of soup will go back to the Items tab.Skull 3Place Soup on Fire

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    Open your Items tab, and place the cauldron over the fire pit. Once that is done, you will receive another skull. Before you can place the skulls on the wall, you have to locate three ink bottles: a green one, a blue one, and a red one. Please read the following sections for the location of the rest of the skulls.

    Blue Ink

    Drag the monkey next to the Tripeaks Paradise mini-game and pick up the blue bottle that appears in the sand. The ink bottle will go intoyour Items tab.

    Red Ink

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    Move Taz to the left edge of the scene and the red ink will appear. Click on the bottle once it becomes visible. The ink bottle will go intoyour Items tab.

    Green Ink

    Move Taz to the waterfall located on the north side of the island. Pick up the green ink that is visible in the top left side of the waterfall. Please look at the rest of the screenshots to view the location of the rest of the skulls. Make sure you drag Taz to those locations so the skulls

    can become visible.

    Skull 4

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    Skull 5

    Skull 6

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    Skull 7

    Skull 8

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    Skull 9

    Skull 10

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    Now you can place all the skulls into the wall that is next to the giant stone feet. Place all the regular skulls in the empty spots. Place the colored skulls in their matching slots. Click on the spots when you see a colorful circle appear around one of the holes. As soon as all the skulls are in place, the giant foot will lift up and you will be allowed access to the other side of the island.

    New Items Found2,500 Skill Points

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    As soon as you cross over to the other side of the island, you will receive 2,500 skill points for wood, food and build. You will also receive 250 skill bonus points. Use those points to increase the skill levels of your villagers.

    ISLAND: PART 3Symbols in the Sand

    When you first enter the third part of the island, you will notice three symbols embedded in the sand, a hammer, a piece of wood, and a fish. Your goal is to eliminate those symbols on the sand by having the right villagers stand on them. In order to accomplish that, you must only use villagers with maxed out skills for that profession. On the hammer symbol, place someone with a level 3 in carpentry. On the fish icon, place someone with a level 3 in the provider skill. On the wood symbol, place someone with a level 3 in the lumberjack skill. Click on the character info tab in the lower right corner of the scene. Look for three people that have a level 3 in each skill.

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    Place the villagers on their matching symbols in the sand and you will see those symbols turn blue. Let the villagers stand in those spotsuntil the symbol is no longer blue and has disappeared from the sand.

    If you place a villager on a symbol and it doesnt turn blue, that person does not have maxed out skills for that profession.You can increasetheir skill level if you have enough points, or you can find someone else.

    You can place the skilled villagers on those symbols all at once, or one at a time. You can also use one villager with maxed out skills in allthree areas to eliminate all the symbols.

    Make sure that the happiness levels of the villagers you use are full. If you dont, they will wander off before the symbols disappear off thesand.

    You will receive one jewel for each design that disappears from the sand. You will have two green jewels and one peach jewel.CHALLENGE 16PLANT 10 FLOWERS

    Cross to the other side of the island and talk to Iaki, who is standing in front of the temple. He will ask you to plant 10 flowers on the island.

    Picking Flowers

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    In order to plant flowers, go to the flower shop and pick out the flowers you want. The first five flowers will be free; the rest you will have to pay for with wood pieces from your supply. Once youve picked out your five free flowers, you will see the price of each plant as your mouse hovers eachone.

    Planting Flowers

    To plant the flowers, pick a spot on the ground; click on it and the flowers will be planted. Plant all 10 to move on to the next challenge.

    New AbilityMatch 3 (Round 3)

    As soon as you finish planting the flowers, you will receive the Match 3Round 4 ability.CHALLENGE 17BUILD YOUR WOOD RESERVE UP TO 2,500

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    Drag your character to Iaki, who is over by the temple. He tells you to go back to the temple and visit the places you missed. To complete this level you will have to build several wood storage huts. Each additional wood storage hut will allow you to store more


    Build wood storage huts until you can reach the 2,500 units of wood you need to beat this level. Once this challenge is complete, you will notice that your wood supply has been depleted. That is because you just donated all of the wood

    you had to the temple gods.

    You will have to start gathering wood all over again.New AbilityGarden (Round 3)

    You will obtain this ability as soon as youve accumulated your first 2,500 pieces of wood.CHALLENGE 18BUILD YOUR FOOD RESERVE UP TO 2,500

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    Go back to the temple and talk to Iaki. He tells you that the temple gods are happy with all the wood you donated. Now, he wants you to store additional food on the island by building other food storage huts. Build food storage huts until you reach the goal of 2,500. The amount of food huts you have to build will depend on how many you

    currently have.

    Look at the food counter in the lower left side of the screen to see how many units of food you can store. Whatever food you gather from either side of the island will be accessible on any of the food storage areas. Once this challenge is complete, you will receive a yellow jewel. Your food supply will be depleted after this challenge. Make sure that you continue gathering food so you can bring your food count backup.

    New Jewel

    You will receive a yellow jewel as soon as youve stored 2,500 units of food.CHALLENGE 19EXPAND YOUR VILLAGE TO 25 HUTS TOTAL

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    Go back to Iaki who is standing by the temple and talk to him. He will ask you to expand your village to 25 huts total. Build the huts on any spot on the island. It would be preferable if you built the huts in areas which are not overpopulated. If you built some huts ahead of time, you will reach your goal much faster.

    New Ability5,000 Skill Ponts

    Once youve built your 25 huts in the village, you will receive 5,000 skill points. Use these points to boost the ability levels of yourvillagers.

    Unlock Last Part of the Island

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    Once the last part of the island is unlocked, drag your character to talk to Yuri, the villager with the exclamation point over his head. Hewants you to build two huts and a well on that piece of the island.

    Theres already one hut that is partially built on that island, finish building that one. Place another hut somewhere in that part of the island. Build a well over the pool of water in that part of the island. You will get a Tiki once you finish this challenge.

    Collect 10 Gold Coins

    Once you reach the third part of the island, you can start collecting 10 gold coins. In order to see the gold coins, you will have to drag Taz around different parts of the island. The gold coins will only be on the third and fourth part of the island. Please look at the screenshots for the locations.

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    Place 10 Gold Coins

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    Open the Items tab and drag the coins on the statue that is on the last part of the island. Click on a spot when you see a colorful circle appear. All the gold coins will automatically go on the ground, next to the statue.


    You will receive a jewel once youre done feeding the coins to the statue.Find Symbols

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    Place Planks

    Once youve collected all three planks, place them underneath the large statue that is in the water. Once the steps have been replaced, Taz and the villagers will be able to climb the steps.


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    The letter P is for the planks. The letter S is for the skulls. The letter T is for the Tikis.

    Game Progress

    To access this tab, click on the player progress tab located in the lower right corner. In this tab you will be able to see how many items youve collected. There is a tab for the birds, the fossils, the fish, and the Tikis collected. You will also be able to see the Village Stats. This tab shows your mission progress to date, the size of your tribe, and how many mini-

    games you have left to win.

    You can also visit the museum and the aquarium from this tab.Location Of The 20 Fossils

    You will find the fossils in the spots in which the ground is cracked. To bring the fossils to the surface, you must send the villagers to digthem up.

    Drag a villager to a cracked spot on the ground; release your mouse when you see the shovel icon appear. You can click on the player progress tab in the lower right corner to see how many fossils youve collected. Please look at the next set of screenshots for the locations of all the fossils. Some of the screenshots will show you two locations, since some

    of the cracks in the ground are close together.

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    This screenshot shows you what the museum looks like once youve collected all the fossils.Birds

    Each time Taz captures a bird, it goes into the bird sanctuary located on the left side of the island. You can look in that section to see all thebirds sitting on their perch.

    The birds can land anywhere on the island but most birds follow a certain path and will always land in certain spots. The only one that can catch a bird is Taz, once he obtains the net. You can only catch birds when they are on the ground. You cannot catch a bird when it lands on top of a tree or on the side o f a building. Send the monkey around the island. When you see a bird on the ground, drag the monkey to it and he will capture the bird. The exact locations of the birds will depend upon which spots they land on.

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    Fish Locations

    There are 12 fish that Taz can catch on the island. The exact location of the fish may vary slightly, but most of them can be found around thesame area.

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    Tiki Locations

    There are 10 Tikis that must be collected on the island. Some will be given to you after completing certain tasks, others will be hiddensomewhere on the island.

    The next section contains the actions that need to be performed in order to earn a Tiki. You have to catch 12 types of fish on the island to receive a Tiki. You must complete all the Hidden Object levels. You have to catch 10 birds on the island. You have to collect 20 fossils on the island. You have to complete all levels in the Match 3 mini-game. You will earn a Tiki once you complete challenge 20, which is to build two huts and a well on the last island. You will earn a Tiki once you build your first wood storage hut. The next set of screenshots will show you the location of the hidden Tikis on the island.

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    In order for the Tikis to be visible, Taz has to be close to the area in which they are hidden. If Taz is not around, those i tems will remainhidden.

    You can also look at the map to see the location of the Tikis. Some items may be in a different location once the game is released.

    Jewel Locations

    There are 20 jewels that need to be collected on the island. Some will be given to you after completing certain tasks, others will be hiddensomewhere on the island.

    The next section contains the actions that must be performed in order to obtain some of the jewels.Three Jewels

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    You will receive three jewels after you eliminate the hammer, wood piece and the fish icon on the third part of the island. For a completeexplanation on how to achieve this, please read the section marked Unlock Last Part of the Island in the guide.

    You will receive a jewel after you feed 10 coins to the statue. Once you complete challenge 17, which is storing 2,500 units of food, you will receive a jewel. You will receive a jewel after you plant your first 15 flowers on the island. When you complete challenge 20, having 30 huts on the island, you will receive a jewel. You will receive a jewel when you complete the Tripeaks Paradise mini-game. Some of the locations are in the screenshots below; all of them are on the map.

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