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In today’s dynamic business environment having a well thought out business strategy is essential. Planning and implementing a successful strategy for the future mitigates risks and opens opportunities for growth and sustainable profits.

At VSC Growth we help businesses produce strategies that increase potential. We help you clarify your goals, engage your key personnel, assess the current state, explore possibilities for the future, and identify boundaries. Our services can help you develop practical implementation plans that engender the commitment of the organisation and lead to improved bottom line results.

Should Mergers & Acquisitions form part of your growth strategy, VSC Growth can assist. We provide support services in the areas of M&A strategy, due diligence, and integration that are focused at increasing value.

Questions that you might be asking…

• What will my business look like five years from now?

• How will we grow in a dynamic economy?

• What impact will market changes and competition have on my business?

• Which are the most important actions I need to take to implement our strategy?

• Who in our business should I engage to help implement the strategy?

• How can I be confident that I will get positive returns from M&A?


Steve Coote, Director Phone +61 412 148 428 [email protected]


To protect and grow the future earnings stream and market value of your business

Strategic Planning

• Review Current Strategies and Capacity

• Facilitated Strategic Thinking and Planning

• Strategic Plan Documentation and Communications

More clarity and confidence within the business around your goals and what is required to achieve them.

Strategy Implementation

• Implementation Plans

• Capital and Operating Budgets

• Monitoring & Evaluation

Effective action plans which help you and your people implement the plan and get results.

Mergers & Acquisitions

• Strategic Targets

• Cultural & Technical Due Diligence

• Integration Plans and Implementation Support

Greater confidence and improved skills in achieving the 1+1=3 synergies that M&A’s promise but often fail to deliver.

"Steve was heavily involved in assisting me to develop Cardno’s Strategic Plan for 2005 to 2010 including midterm updates"

Andrew Buckley Managing Director Cardno Limited (ASX:CDD)

"To assist me with this (USA) expansion, Steve provided M&A due diligence, M&A integration, and business operations assistance"

Michael RenshawPresident Cardno USA (ASX:CDD)

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