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Page 1: VS ONLINE June 22 26 · When I was a little girl, I was “Daddy’s girl.” You know, the one that just had to say “Daddy” and my Dad melted like butter. ... Waiting Patiently


’s Fish


Delphi United Methodist Church June 2020

Vacation Bible School will be ONLINE this year.

We are still planning to go on an excellent mountaintop

adventure and experience new ways of learning about God.

More details inside!


June 22—26

6:30 PM

Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through!

Page 2: VS ONLINE June 22 26 · When I was a little girl, I was “Daddy’s girl.” You know, the one that just had to say “Daddy” and my Dad melted like butter. ... Waiting Patiently

Letters home Hi Mom and Dad, Change is all around us. Wow, we just celebrated graduation and it was gloriously……..different. Masks, an empty room, not a gathering of the class. It was hard to experience. At the same time, Jordan received his diploma, we still celebrated with a worship service, we still enjoyed awards night and we found each other.

It really isn’t any different for worship. It is so different online, yet we are still singing, praying, honoring God and looking for growth. I can tell you this much—people are amazing in their faithful support of the ministries of this church. The ministries are changing, as in the Jamaica trip, now virtual as we are sending the money down and at the right time, the Jamaicans will build the house. And we will participate in connecting in whatever way possible. Why? The Value is to build homes for Jamaicans in need. And the Value is for us, as Americans, to learn, connect, and recognize the need and the way Jesus brings us together.

Vacation Bible School is online and is more of a worship experience. We will still connect with children and their families so they can do ministry in their homes and other places. Why? The Value of connecting children and families to Jesus is Christ still matters, even if it is done in a different way. To be done in our building, with children who don’t understand social distancing, would be impossible. So we are adjusting.

I love talking about, discovering, and living the Value that Jesus loves me this I know. Why? Because we are called to LOVE ENOUGH BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED US. You do great at loving your neighbors, so keep it up.


Pastor Todd

Happy Father’s Day to all the men who wear and share the name Dad, Stepdad, Grandpa, Uncle. When I was a little girl, I was “Daddy’s girl.” You know, the one that just had to say “Daddy” and my Dad melted like butter. He once told me nothing sounded better than to hear me call him “Daddy.” As I got older, “Daddy” turned to “Dad.” Our relationship changed to an adult relationship and I couldn’t use my cuteness to get what I wanted anymore. We were both growing up and, although it was supposed to be this way, it was sad. Our talks evolved from stories at bedtime to the dangers of boys. The countless hours of silliness and fun turned to seriousness and an expectancy to mature and grow up. Our relationship with our Heavenly Father is much like this. We start out telling Him EVERYTHING, with a childlike innocence. We’re all in, with 100% zeal! And He delights in that relationship. We talk to “Abba,” “Daddy,” all the time, thanking Him and praising Him about everything. Then something in us changes. It’s not God who changes, but US. We grow up and become aware of “our” own strengths and we try and separate ourselves from a reliance on God (nothing’s changed since Adam and Eve). Such arrogance! My earthly Dad knew where, when and what I did my entire life and could tell it to me in full detail. What a blessing that God, our Heavenly Father, our Abba, continues to forgive us that arrogance and every other sin, never keeping score. Thank you. Let’s find our way back to Abba, Daddy, trusting Him with our lives. Let’s hear Him tell stories through His Word. Let us come to Him, in times of need and joy. Let us Thank Him for EACH thing in our life, from the wonderful air we breathe to the family and friends He has placed in our lives. Let us sing songs of Praise, Honor and Love. A child will simply tell you that God loves them - no qualifiers. In the words of that child, God loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so... Thank you Abba, for being the best Father this child could ever have. Ruth Miller

Just a thought

Page 3: VS ONLINE June 22 26 · When I was a little girl, I was “Daddy’s girl.” You know, the one that just had to say “Daddy” and my Dad melted like butter. ... Waiting Patiently

In June, we have a series called “Origin Story”. In this 4-week series, you'll see that you have the potential to help save the world too; when you embrace who God made you to be, care for the

people in front of you, rely on your team, and are heroic in ordinary situations.

We will meet on Sunday nights in June from 5 to 7pm in the Teen Center! Make sure to sign up for our Remind

app below in case this needs to change.

For up to date information on DUMC Teen meetings during June and

beyond, please join our text reminder group (adult and/or teens).

Or, search for “dumcte” class on the Remind app.

Our meetings this summer will be determined on a week by week basis. So, join this group and/or our online

Facebook page to get best information.

Grief Care Class Saturday, July 11th 9:00AM

Grief is difficult no matter when it happens or how long it’s been. We are pleased to offer a Grief Care class, called “Hope Beyond

Today, Navigating Life After Loss.” The class will begin Saturday, July

11th at 9:00AM and run for 6 weeks.

Anyone is invited to attend and there is NO charge for the class. To maintain confidentiality, anything shared in the class stays with the


If you are interested in joining the class, please call the church office at 765/564-3791 and we will reserve you a place. We hope to see

you there.


Sunday morning worship—We are so excited to be back worshipping in person, but we also understand the need to continue social distancing for those at risk. So that we may continue to worship together, we will offer our worship services 1) in person, 2) on Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, and 3) our website ( every Sunday at 10 AM. Online, we will be able to watch the worship service, see who's there with us, leave comments, and in general, interact with one another. We hope you'll join us on our Facebook page (Delphi United Methodist Church). Please be sure and go to our website and fill out the Connect Card with any prayer requests and next steps you’d like to follow. Be sure you click the “Submit” button, so we get your information. We’ll see you in person, starting Sunday, June 14th or online!

Tuesday evening—Check our Facebook page for a monthly worship night at 7PM.

Weekly devotionals— We want to offer hope, faith, peace and connection, so we are hosting a weekly devotional. Be sure and check our Facebook page for those devotions.

DVD’s—To those of you without internet access, please let us know; we will be happy to get you a copy of the Sunday morning worship services on DVD. We will continue to monitor health concerns and ever-changing statistics. We will abide by all state and CDC guidelines, in an effort to protect each of you. Please be patient as guidelines for in-person worship and facility use may change with very short notice. We trust you will make the safest choice for you and your family until we are together again in person. In the meantime, take care and know you are missed!

Page 4: VS ONLINE June 22 26 · When I was a little girl, I was “Daddy’s girl.” You know, the one that just had to say “Daddy” and my Dad melted like butter. ... Waiting Patiently

Congregational Care Ministry: Caring for mind, body and spirit of all

Health Ministry

Caring for all parts of our body: Waiting Patiently for God “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently of Him.” Psalm 37:7 During this unusual time of this health crisis we are now in, I hope you have learned that the total body needs to be well taken care of. Eating good and healthy food makes us feel better and gives us more energy. Some form of exercise (moving in some way) also makes us feel better and gives us more energy. Sleep is also a vital element to being healthy, both emotionally and physically. But what about caring for our soul, the spirit part of our body? Being still is total surrender of our body----sitting quietly, no serious thinking, mind not wandering, body not moving, except to breathe slowly and deeply, no music playing, no interruptions from anything. Wait patiently for feeling God’s presence right there with you. Let Him direct your thoughts and your feelings. When you feel like talking to Him, don’t start asking Him for something, but tell Him what He means to you and your life. Recall all those times He has blessed you in the past, always been there for you in those good and bad times. This give you more confidence that He is with you in this COVID crisis and He will be with you in whatever happens in the coming days. Waiting is a very hard part of taking care of ourselves. In our world today, everything is mostly instant in character and the habit of waiting is not one of our best attributes. That’s one reason why this health crisis has been so hard. Most everything came to a screeching halt and we didn’t know how to live this way. Just as the Israelites spent many years wandering around and not going to their planned destination, God was trying to teach them some valuable lessons. The main one was to trust Him and rely on His timing and His way. I hope you have been spending more time with Him during our time away from others because He wants us to trust Him and deepen our relationship with Him.

FINANCES: Thank you for continuing to care so much! Your tithes and gifts may be made in person (starting back June 14th), mailed to

the church, made online.

For the month of May 2020 General tithes/offering:


Giving Online Quick

Response Code:

ד הוה אח ינו י הוה אלה ל י רא ע יש מ שHear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one

Thanks to Pastor Ben for sharing The Sharma, written in Hebrew, with

us. This is the language of our Lord. Each month we hope to share something new with you.

6) Before giving an elbow bump, please ask permission of the other Person and respect their wishes if they prefer not to touch. Other ministry/building areas: 1) Children’s ministry portion of the building will initially remain closed

and all children will sit with their parents in the sanctuary for worship services until we deem if is safe to restart those ministries.

2) There will be a children’s message during the service and a children’s bulletin provided. Parents are encouraged to bring their own pens, crayons or pencils.

3) Nursery service and rooms will not be provided at this time. 4) Once Holy Communion resumes, it will be offered using

pre-packaged communion wafers and juice, until we agree that it is safe to return to our past communion practices.

5) As of now, Sunday School will not be offered. We are researching options to allow Sunday School groups to meet at alternative times and days.

6) On Sunday mornings, the church office area will not be assessable. This will cut down on multiple surfaces needing to be cleaned and sanitized.

7) Restrooms will be available. Please use extra precaution in washing hands and touching door handles.

Page 5: VS ONLINE June 22 26 · When I was a little girl, I was “Daddy’s girl.” You know, the one that just had to say “Daddy” and my Dad melted like butter. ... Waiting Patiently

As we come back to worship in person on Sunday, June 14th, we have new guidelines to keep each of you safe. We understand if you choose to continue to worship from home, and we look forward to the time when we’re all together again.

We respectfully ask you to stay home and worship if: 1) You have tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days or had direct

contact with a person who is positive for the virus. 2) You are displaying symptoms of illness. 3) You have underlying health issues making exposure to COVID-19

more dangerous. 4) You are 65 or older. Following CDC and state guidelines, be

mindful of the exposure you will experience in worship. Limiting personal touch in the following ways: 1) Exterior doors will be opened by a masked/gloved greeter to

minimize touching handles. 2) Interior doors will be propped open to the sanctuary, and other

interior areas, in order to minimize touching handles. 3) No ushers will be used, however the Welcome Center Desk will be

staffed so questions may be easily answered. 4) Sanctuary seating will be laid out for social distancing. 5) We ask that family units leave six feet of distance between

themselves and the next family in the same row. 6) Connect cards and pencils will be removed from the chair backs.

We will continue to use online connect cards, for attendance, prayer requests and needs.

7) Collection boxes will be placed at the back of the sanctuary for your use as we will no longer pass offering plates down the rows.

8) Please do not congregate indoors before or after service. If you need to speak with someone, we kindly ask that you step outside.

Personal awareness while in worship: 1) Hand sanitizer will be provided in the Rotunda and sanctuary. 2) We recommend persons attending worship wear face masks, which

you supply. 3) High touch areas will be sanitized before all services. 4) We will suspend printing and handing out a worship bulletin and

other materials. 5) Delphi UMC will be a “no handshake” zone.

Prayer Ministry

Porch Angels Don’t forget our Porch Angels.

If you need anything from the grocery store, our Porch Angels will get what you need and deliver

to your front porch. Please call the church (your calls are being answered) and we will

connect you. Your list may be 2, 3 or a dozen items. We are here for YOU!!!

In this time of isolation and social distancing, the Holy Spirit brings to mind the words 'patient endurance.' There are things lately that we have had to endure such as staying home, not seeing friends and loved ones, not going to church, not going on that planned vacation to name a few. We need to ask

ourselves, Am I enduring with patience all of these things? Am I persistent in prayer? Am I trusting God patiently? Is He revealing to me what is in my heart? Am I a content person? Colossians 1:10-12a says "And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father.” I purpose to endure patiently, to turn my concerns to prayer, grow in the knowledge of God, and joyfully thank and trust Him in prayer.

June Food Pantry Item: Cereal

Hunger knows no season. We are still here, accepting your gifts of food for

our local food pantry. Your continuing, generous donations ensure that there will continue to be enough

food for the families in our community. All donations stay right here in Delphi. Thank you for caring enough…

Page 6: VS ONLINE June 22 26 · When I was a little girl, I was “Daddy’s girl.” You know, the one that just had to say “Daddy” and my Dad melted like butter. ... Waiting Patiently

Delphi UMC Vacation Bible School will be

We are still planning to go on an excellent mountaintop adventure and experience

some new ways of learning about God. We will have awesome music, fun skits and

incredible Bible-learning experiences, as we look for evidence of God all around us

and discover how we see evidence of God in everyday life.

Be sure to check out our Facebook page or Church Website at

We are looking forward to exciting ways to grow our children.

Delphi UMC Vacation Bible School will be ONLINE this year.

We are still planning to go on an excellent mountaintop adventure and experience

some new ways of learning about God. We will have awesome music, fun skits and

learning experiences, as we look for evidence of God all around us

and discover how we see evidence of God in everyday life.

Be sure to check out our Facebook page or Church Website at

We are looking forward to exciting ways to grow our children.



June 22—26

6:30 PM

Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through!

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