Please tick the box to continue:

Page 1: (Vou Din A Watch 1 I - · (Vou Din A Watch 1 I Likely its a pretty good watch too-but you surely aren t going to expect It to run " lifetlmo without nllention, That's

tl'ibutol's in a u"1'''~I'"

ware Advertisi '5",,«'~'~~~'

1'\0. 39.

(Vou Din A Watch 1 I Likely its a pretty good watch

too-but you surely aren t going to expect It to run " lifetlmo without nllention,

That's unreasonable-nnd you will find It costly, I

-r:~ ;. ~

·~tiile they , -,

Because no watch cnn go On

for years neglected without wearing Itself out.

We've n repair department here waiting to give you tha best posslblp sel'vice In ke.eping lour lime.plece running smootll nnd right,

" .... ". '·Iast at . .



H.nd It In and let us take n , look at it anyway.


ItlS!lKII OF IIARRIAGE Ll0a:NtlF~'l , __ d • .....;". ____ 01



NG COPPE~S ? ill carl'y twice as n1uch ·mail

u»"<llIy put in an envelope: dOll't aIr yourl stamp-Enclose circulars .

. - See the Treherne Time,s abolit the f them, .

, •

\ . .





, I I I

j i !

1 I 1 I I I



.. \

.. I

Page 2: (Vou Din A Watch 1 I - · (Vou Din A Watch 1 I Likely its a pretty good watch too-but you surely aren t going to expect It to run " lifetlmo without nllention, That's

HOrSe Owner •• worthy of the and commend

his" horse III

""""".:'CCIIIOlltl'on. .\~7i1.1" sensible feed. and a' rCl180nable

, • there IS no trouble Under sucn conditIons

's9.lllld':':l1.~?r81!,looks fine - and fllels r~arty for servICe nnd price when sold.'

l ;i~~~ii;~~:~;~~!~~;~:\llll happen: n sligh,! a cut, or some un' resuli 111 lameness.

rirlR!b'ones, cu~bs or spltnt.d ter to every ,tnhll'

und treated propurly troubles are serll'l~

n~~;~:~~.c:ii~!i~~i!~~f or given the wrong quickly decreMP' n for work as well l4 It IS moaL Importnn~

horse oitner knowledge of

t~ft~~'1:.i ~,I!Ji~;I~~ 11111 ellts n nd diseases, to npplie\:l.. He ,~n'Oul(! ju~t how to trent all '6Jd:I~~~:;~s:ri:~~nt~. nnd Just when It i: to call In the greater

of c the veterlllary. • of tho qUIckest and hest ways

posted on thiS mOiller IS.tO e little book, "A Treahsc on

Horse and HIS DJSaRSeS," pnb· jlished the Dr. B. J. Kendnll Co., ~~~~~;~~ •. , FnHs, Vermont. The 111· ~( whleh It !lIves is slmr,lc,

ILnd MSY to find-Il 'I'll U!l' In Il book of reference

s book elln be had froe of ohnrge Slmply writlllg the publtahers or nsklllg for It at any drug siore

WhM~ Kendall's Spnvm Cure is Thllt me'nns almost any drug

I'~~orle;'fol 'Kendall's Spavin Gure IS almost evary druggist III the

Iltry. • ,

See Our Dealer.

Out of Bab.s· Meuths. One fine. sunny nfternoon a man mounted Il soap box on Il street cor· Dor and began n SOClohstlc speech YOll kDO<W the kmd of speech-nil about the poor IlIlln \lorklng IUllIself to death \whlle the 10~lll,lg, champIIgl16 drtnklng rich mOll profited

"Hola up your hands," he sudden Iy Cried. "you who arc III favor of :;Ocl8l1sm, ..

A couplo of hundred hands "cut UIP

·'Ah. our tIme is comlllg" shout ed tho spel1<ker ... exultanUy 'Where are your antl·.,ocmhsis now 0"

''Dhey're workm·. They re holdm' down thea Jobs. That's IIhere they nrc," shouW '\ small boy . -

Vcry ma.ny pdrlldns die annun.lIY' rrom oholera and kindred summor COtnpilLlUtH. who might. have boon saved it propur ro-­medicil had been uscd. If "ltn.oked do not. dolay In lIottllllr a bottle of Dr J D K,I 10illl'9 Dysentory Oordlal, the mcdlcln) that. novor tnita to effeot a oure 'IhOlH who havo used it Bay it ncts promptly nod thorourhly subdue. the pdln ulld disCB.80

"Would you marry (or mon,'Y?' uskod one gul of another

"No.t I, I wllnt brains" \Ins t.he reply

"Yes, I should thlllk so," Mill the first speaker, "If you dont' want to marry for money I"

"'!R!.V!l\~~I!~!'E.!!y '~I'~tJLATEDEYEUDS. Murine Doesn 'tSmart-Soothcs EycPain !Inr ..... Sol ..... I,. ...... , u,.w.lS<. sa.. II • Murine E,e S ..... I .. A .. ".ic Tu ..... 25c. S I 00 EYE BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE BY rUIL MurineE4-eRemedyCo .. ChicasQ

"Don't you feel like \Hlt1l1g poetry when sprmg dru"s nunr?" oskL'<.l thl! entJlUslllAltc person

"Cert,mnly 110t I'm 11 phYSICIan. I'm too busy wntl1lg preSCfll,tlOna for the gnp "-Wuslunglon StILr.

Minard'. liniment used by phYSician.

Donnld (who IS seeing hiS moro prosperous coUSm off by tJle tram) -Yo mlcht Itke tile leave me 1\ 11O~ or twa tne drink ya a S!lfu Journey, Wullie.

Wllllte ~fC1gning tegret)-Man, I cum,a A' my spare shullill's T gIG tae my nuld milher

Donald-Thnt's strange. HecnUM ycr mit.her told me yo never gle her onj'tJllllg.

Wulhe-Weel, If I dmnn gle lilY auld mither anything, whnt sort o· chance dne ye think ye'vo got?-Punch. ~

~----and debts stutler



';'II.f.I;'~ , ,. ,:""wr.:.1 Your Mon., If It Ever ... iI ••

YOUR HORSE or Cow WIthin ono have Ihls remedy reudy for Instnnt USol.

,horses than all other dIseases com-·U'~I;"ri' need a remedy you must have It

wait for veterinary or 1ll.lke a trip nd when you return.

fnils we will refund edy ever sold on

II a regular drench-



... \

~ I

Page 3: (Vou Din A Watch 1 I - · (Vou Din A Watch 1 I Likely its a pretty good watch too-but you surely aren t going to expect It to run " lifetlmo without nllention, That's



Takes Emphatic Stand With Refer· ence to the Celebrated Decre.­Warns Members to AVOid .IYIIl"'"

r Marriages-Records Wish for Leg islation which Will End Problem


H~w the'Trusts Have Seized Great "Market of Ninety

Millions." 1\[r. C. J .. SIbley, 01 Montreul,

hns recently returned from a tonr of the Eastern Stllte~ whero he w:rote n serIes of artIcles !or the Mon ~r('fll Stllr Oil "Descrted Farms In tJie UlIlted States," snys In referrlog to Reclprocliy -

Ottn,,·a. Ont -A stronl!' pronollllce· Do the CanadIan fllrmers Im~glne

t • h N d thnt they {lun mvade the mnrk,t~ of men ngmlls. I. e e 1 eml're ccree the Umted StMcs nnd succeed IV lere nnd 1\ wllming to the pcople of thc so mllny Amerlclln fnrmers fmi? If

'c:1l1lrch to nbstaw lrom nllxcd mar· so, let t.hem mnl<c a S1ITVey of '1Irm' :nnge.s tl\1 the 81\'uniton lS clenred 109 cdndltlons enst of the Jl[ISSIK~lppl up, was passed unnmmollslv by the In the· Umted States If Ihere "ere

Winnipeg C Whent-,.;;

No. 1 northclO .. No 2 northern No. 3 norlhern

~~_~:J~:!~~J~1)1~~r'::~r··CI'".'1 No FIve .- • lleed 1 Onts-

No.2 white Flnx-

~!!C~I~].s_1 No. 1 .N. W. .. No.1 Man ••.


'. ..

Liverpool Market.

96 oa BUY, 79 02

nny vIrtue In ths cry of free ncoess Presbyterinn jienernl n_scmbly nflter Lo !l mnrket 01 mne\y mllhons of pco· Dr. Dnvm of WlnOlpeg, rlOd Prine!· pIe, or If tho United Stutes hnd "V en Jlal Senmger 01 M(lIItrcII1, hod spoken begun t<l hl/ve renched Its hnnt at In favor of the rCJlOlutlOn It lwei pTodnclion, surely flit esc fnrmt!rs hO('n announced thllt the matter would at lea~t hal e begun to ~lIIelntyre states Im.uII. would b~ (hscllssrd. lind the chllr<l!1 lhe benefit 01 it Exactly the r~verse 15 the first MCMlon on

No 1 nor spot 7s 5d No. 2 nor spot •.. 7s 3d No 3 nor. s'Pot ... 7s ld

Above quotlltlons Ilre per 100 lbs ApprOXImately per. ollshel they arc 1I1nll No I noriJlern ]06;( Man. No 2 northern, . 101Y, Man :No. 3 northern . 102

was filletl to ell'TInclty 'rhe nc1optlon IS the cnSl' ~ .1 hich oJl the S<lhool chlldrcn of lhe or 1Ju, 1'1 "OhlllOll \Ins greeted With lhe UnIted stntcs ccnsus reports of cIty hnve bel'n assembled together loud I!.ppinllsp. hv 1111 pre_ent. The Iho 20 year period from 1B80 to ]000 smcc 26 YMrs ngo, w'hen thoy were r<'",,;ul1on8, n!'~r elllp!Il'NI7.l1l1! the show tl11't to thnt time no fewer'lhan all gathered togcther 10 Dufferln HOCI (oJ nature of the murnngc tIe, 1L.344 lunns in Nc;w Enl:lnnd went Pnrle They were alilo assembled 10 W('l1t on' Ollt of P.xlstcn('.e, that there lVere olle body 2B years ngo next Septem'

"InnsllIuch liS marrwg~ mvolvp~ 17,000 It.s fnrmers In these Siates ller when they all '\lent to Selkuk Stock Prices. huth soollll IIml property righi, Jl IS lit the ent! 01 the pCrlod than at the for n piclllc ,t;l~,;~:~~er~: nnd ncccssurv llwl Ihe cOlltrocls be en .. bcglll1nn!!. nnd Ihllt some 5,000,000 Mrs Brostedt, supervIsor 1'>1 mUSIC, ,I .... $5 75@~6 011 tered in"lo lIrH\< r the full snncilQ.n n.ores 01 Innel thut were 1Il cultIVntlon WIll be m ehnrge of \Jle RII1glllg, nnd cattle de· nnd sceurlty of Ihe cll'll go\'crnmenl In 1880 \\ ent out of hUnge nnd cnltl' Llent .. Col Billmnn will command the 4 75@5 25

"We d~'epl, regret thllt nny de vn.hon BentOr boys' bu.tLahons "ho WIll pllr II)I!~~~~~~I b'uidher 'eotil~, de· nOlTlinntlOll should I'reAnIn" to refleel And thnnlts to the tll'llsts thc pro tl{llpnte J11 the generRl pnrnde. •• . •.. .• 3 75@4 25 upon, or 1I10rn11y or matcnnlll' dnm' O~5 of the Jlll'mers III the grent mnr In prepnrnllon for coronntlon dny, choice ll~t...... ;; 00®5 50 nge, any pprson" thllt lOlly be united kets now to be plllced open the instrnctlOn is bcwl: gIVen the pupIls heavies •..•••• •• 400 450 In mllrrw[!'c n(1OO1 ,hn/! to the pro,' .. pcople of Cn.nndn nrc so small In tho menning and hlst<lry 01 the I·H.og:s, selee~ •• . 6 50@6 75 lSlons 01 CIVIl Inw. Ilhcther I\le c1('Cllllc of fllrllllnll m New T.'nn,:t coronllton ceremony, the plaee of the HogB. heavier • ••••••• 5 'I'5@6 00 wit,h t'r WIthout III" RIIllcllon of nny lund IS shH progresslIlg despIte sovereIgn In the BTltlBh sCheme of Sheep .. • • ..... ....... 500 550 particular re!J\r\O\1s dpn?nlllllltlon. IIcce~s Lo the mlLritct of ntnoly nlll government, and a shor.t personal Lambs •. • • 660 600

Calls on Legislature. lions (If people Lllst year-the yeur sketch cf Gp.cme V. Wholesala Produce.

No. tllree .•• ..••.. . .• TImothy No 1 •• .. .. • Timothy No 2 .


Dr. J. A. Macdonald Tells Plain Facts About War.

11 00 I 1B 00 1700 1G 00 ]400

TImothy. No.3. • ........ Farmers' loose loads per ton •• ,

"The grent t"llIght zone of modern cI\'lhultlon I;; the IOtornatlOnAI nrPII, and Illere ~holll<l be 'uch 8 meeting

Concerning the Ddmlnion Exposition of nation-I! mInds /I- "oulel mnke law. Jessn~~s between two nnl1on~ II!'> tilt· at ReglOa, Saskatchewan, July


, lIeult and repreheTlOlve 115 cnm" 31st to Aug. 12th, 1911. 11!.!AIO-t II state The lIIternlltlOllll1

The Dommion Elq1osltlOn II hich is Hen mu~t be cIvIlized .. being held in Regmu, SlIskntche-wnn Thnt IS the vlgorou~ statement thIS yenr under the lLus:lICes of the mlld~ by Dr .lame< A Mnedonllid <)1 Regma Ali'rlcultllral nnd Industrlnl Toronto. Cunlldn editor of The Globe, Exhlbltlon ASSOCIatIOn LlI1uled, '1111 Irect(lr In the World Peac~ Foundll' be tbe lnrllesl and best faIr ever held tlon estnbllshed by Edwnrd Gilln. of III Wcrlem Cunnda. Boslon, lind It "", uttcred during "

Over hilS been expended on , of the propoced nrollrntlOn for the nccommodntlon trenty bctwecn the United Slnte.,

vnned CXlllblts In the Greut BrItain nnd France Dr Mac· Fln'ufu,ctILlrc'rs' BllIhhng \\111 be ~een donold thlllks th •• uhmtsslon of tho

IS best and nCIH'st m Clln treotly porticullirly hnwly. slOce thl. ndla11 Illdustry monlh mnrks till' looth, nnlllversory

The Agrlcultmnl sachon embrnces of the outbrenl, of the wor of 1812 th" most pcdect specImens of pro Two l enr, henc~ the centennml of ducts (10m Oanada's farms, cspeclfll pellce l>etween the two countrle5 will RUcnhon belllS pllld. to tllO fCllturlng be celebrated of the purebred stock, nttrnotl\e "Do VOll thinl' co long II pcrlod 01 pTlzes WIll b~ nwarded as nn incen· IOlI'rnalionnl IImlty IIollld have bren tIVC to obtnimng numerous elltnes po.slble." continued Dr Mllcdonnld

The Dog Show, Pet SLock nnd Poul· '1IIId the 4,000 Illlle- of Cllnndllln tr) exhIbIts WIll be composed of the frolllll'r hnstled wHh fortlflcntlon. 1lI0st ,n1unblc bleeds lind the Great Lnl<es betll patrolled

SpeCial Attractions. with hnttleshlps of the IlIa m.tlon.? The Olst RegIment HIghlanders "The burden of firmament· cnusl'<l

Bl!.ml. by the old unCIVIlized method 01 5:he selge of GlbraHn1'. 'cttJlIlg d'fference, hetwe,'n nllllOns l'he Flvmg Brm~ "rds hilS become SImply Intolerable Till' McKmney Asher l:lJJppodrome Co. wa-Ie cf rt'v~l\loe I' one of the grent One of the mORt 1I0vel nnd plensmg pot ob.tncles III the II av of Inrgo

!eaturcs-Rlchnrd 1{nrsy's Gznnt My' ooclIIl reforms Ther" 13 nece--anly rlophone ThIs !lnrtlcullir feature ns II lhllltiltlon III the amount of money presented b" MI. and Mrs Knrey IS Ihat rnn he npplled t<l IIlternnl lin· n great 1I0vdty. The MYTlophone lS prov('ments wht'n II nallon 11k" Grent an enormous Instrument deSIgned Britain fpend, $350,000.000 a yeur 011

and pn.t~uted by 1\[r. Kflrsy lum8el£ her wn r budget AI thou!!h beautJfully loned nnd "The II arlnre nga mot Ignornnca

21 cd "'llh much ,'xpre.sslon IIlls nnd cmne. nnd to ndvnnee Ihe cllu.e ]0 lIIstrumfnt can bc heard 01 CIVlltzlltlOn, nnd enilqhtcnment nnrl

"While recof(0\7.I\1f:1 [\1(' rIght of allY oi th~IT cnnsllR-therc were In Ne\\ Dill y Butter--ohurch to muk( rcgulntlOns for Ihe EI'nglnnd 187,4

t111 fnrms, wlllch IS 23 PRAISES CH I EF No. one... • ..•

di~lIp]lnl' of Its JIll mbers, It IS de- ess pur 0('11 ihnn tho num.ber nt -- No. two ..• • 81mble thflt lIIf1rrlwJ'.l \lnlOnR onc~ LI.e cenSllS of 1000 T1lo Lotlll ncrc No. three •• • lormed should noi be cnnceJlNl for age of thes(J fllrms In 1910 was 19, Eggs-lin)' but \Jle wclght\C5t etlllcnl rCII 674,000 ncrns and In' the Ilerenge MlllIltoba Eggs, strictly fresh iI(ln~ thcre had been ln the last ten yellrs Potatoes-

"Tltn.t ihe hlPslntlllcs 01 the ,nr· :t decrease of 43 per cent. Of tins Smnll lots, per bushel.. 101lB pre"lOe[.~ bp mgt'd to rtmlo,e totlll Ilerenge not qlule one·hlll!, or .New Potnto('s, per llj> .. flS fnr liS POS'lb.'" nil nmblgulty In to be exncl. 7,242,000 acres, \I flS 1m DresBed Puultry-In ~hc law rl Sll!'Ctlllg tlie vainlll;,' of (1rov('<1 land ' Fowls, per Ib • lOalrlt~e.a, /111<1 provlti(' thn.t the leglll Ht'lre nrc some of t.he prices 01 Dressed Chicken ••..•• Illndrllllees to l1Iarrlllgos should be fnrms actually on effer at thls mo' Dueks .•• ....,.. ., dc.llncd I.y the (>1 VII lnw enel not hy Ilwnt in tlte New Englnnd Stn.Les Geose.. .. '" (lny church or other bodY whose 1 n the town (or, as we coil It the T>urken .. " .,.... rules rio not Il!>ply to tho wholc com townshlp) of Bethel. Windsor Coun' Dressed 1\f(lIlts-'-IIII11ULy ty, Vermont n farm of 45 ItCrcs, HInd

And becnllse t.he pence> nnd I rmn. $700; another of "0 acres, $1,300, Ing 01 our Cnnllumn hfe h. A he~n an<rlher of 300 ncres. $2.600 In the greatly cii!ltllrbt'd and the rlvll fights townslllp <If Brnttloboro, Vt, 100 of the people !;rontly interfered WIth Ileres. $1 000; 100 ncres, ~800, III hy tJIC publlcniJon lind IItternpted Ohestor Depot, RnUnnd Couuty, 195 enforc['ment III Cnnadn of Lhe Ne 'Ie PC·,,". $2,000, nnot.her of 280 IICrC!I"-:~::;i lIIere decree by lhe Ohurch of Home, !or $2.500; !Lnother of 250 r.cres for \It! therelore III the common bondB of $1,600, another of 225 aeres for $1,300 frnt.erlllty so long and ha",n1ly se nnd unotller of 13n ncrcs lor $2,000 onred to 'us 11\ our belmed lund, re. Whnt, then, IS lhc mlltter? TJle I!~~~~~~~~~ cord ollr rc!>pcctJlIl protC'>St nglllnst ttouhlc IS thnt !lIlS mnrket Into 1~lo enforcolll{lllt oj that decrce In )Illich the Cnna(Ium farmer lS 10 be Cnnndn and cull I1pon all good Cltl mVlted 111 luck, IS In no nec.d :.ons I() r081.;t, Ule !WIme. nnd our Icg 01 Cun The trouble IS :susptlct, \eiuturcs to render It ImpOSSible b, t the wltlh Its grellt \,e~~~:li~~r Imv of lis chmnie, C oaTne-

• Warning Is Issued. 01 nU kinds "nut so long ns the No Tcm

cree IS attem'ptt'd t() be er,~o~~~,~~~~ Clllln.ln, and so long liS { Cn.thCJ\Jo church assumes Ity to Int('nero with and pence of those who con;Ll·B,~,~~~~ttI·~~· marriages, wIllIe deeply'-the n~ees&lly of suffering to Tllllt upon the socllll hnlrll1()ny s.hould exist 1\J\Ilong Ill! n,~tt~~~! in thls uomimon, the general: o

bly IS compelled, unhl the c!1'\isci qf !Jus ,1!s·h.\rmony IS removed Church of Rome, 10 wanl ]Joople to abstalll from enl>Cl'llng the mllrriage tie I\lth their a!ltJglance Lo the ohe Iluthorlty,"


.. .. .. ..

]B lfiClllty for t"o thousand feet. humnn welfare, requIres os much CII!piUln Webb's l?lve PerformIng couruge nnd SI!!f"lIcn!Jce n- ure need.

10 Scnls. ed en the bnttlefleld Cunndn cun· Morns' pcriornung pontes. not nlford the co"1 01 IIlor 1 do not

00 Mnd.mle Altea't traIned dogs und meun -a much the money co-I II> Ihe 7 len.plI1g grpy hounds cost m men We need ull the bml'l

Stemer l'rlo, comedy ocrobats. and brawn, tllP courage and putrk" Zernld's belnnee nct IIsm of our people lor the helds an(1 Prm{le Albert's rlpers Band. shop3 and to curry on ~h'J worlt 01

Tn nddillon to these the spc{llnl nt· government. before the grnnd stand "The some qunhtivs of un.eIO.h

alternooll and evening should nc'_ nnd s.lcnhce thut nrc dru" n out , lIlclIJtloncd-.Tn.mes E Hnrdy's ... ~--'( nnd ol\mulnted by WHr nrc needed In

derful wlro act lI[r Hardy IB knm\D the fIght agllm.t tho loeo of horw-t throue}lOut the world ns the "HIgh comm~rc;nl nnd mdllst rial bfe, tho WIre Kmg " gront orguJllzed nnd IL'agued forces of Ther~ are many olher nels wIll ell greed rhe ver~ tNm 'captliln of

l4Y. ]7 20 ]S 23

space \\111 not permit mentIon of. IIlduslry' I" t!lken Irom the 1I11htury Icxlcon, nnd perhups ullcon"elOu-l~ -cI'enl. the hehe! that mllily of alIT gront<'-t corporatIOn, ure orgulll'ccl to de/eat th" IlltertlSt· of the pcople ,lOd to prevail at tbo expensu vf our pub Ioc wclrnre


Porduces 34.95 Pounds of But ter in Seven Days' Test.

,~l)}]!;~r:;,:~t~W)~lP'Sh -JessIe Fobes nes n , ,l four year old .pure n{""'L~!"-FrICSllln C()\I, (lwnod

~(\Inroe of Spokane, 1S the 's champion, hnvllIg pro

9& !lounds of huttm 1lI n sevon dn.ys IIndcr the super

~il;.I.ojl: 01 t\\O eX1Jerts from the Stllte 01 Wnshlllst<ln Tlle form~r

34 75 Jessie's n clllY show

"One of the thmgs 'hul hilS haunt· cd me, e~pec,"lIy sInce 1 "a~ In Eng· land last IS the reuctlon of wllr on the hfe 01 the people Whnt "as Irue of Rome under the Cn!'slIrs nnrl of I'rance follo\nng the Nnpolconlc wnr3 I. true to .. doy The stondnrd 01 tlw nlillOn" manhood hus wlfured 1 n Scotlund I lound It Iwd been neec~· .nry to 10llcr the pby.lcnl reqmrJ menls threl' lIn1l'< Within Ihe Infl century to secure men'to complete

rcgllnent;! "In wat the Inw of evolutlon-Iho

!:urvlval of the littest-works Inverse· Iy 'It IS the Iltte.t who ure slIcnflced nncl woo do lIot survIve The unJu<t Innd Inws 01 Great BritRIO sent many cf ber most umbillou •• on. over tho sens nnd formed one 01 the b.g foc· tors In Ihe BaCillI degenerollon of th~ country A more Important loc·

however, \"IS the loss of capnbl· vITIle men .IUII1 on the field <If

Model Farms Far North. l'he stage whIch lelL Edmonton for

Atliubosca I.nud\!lg on tl. recunt cluy carried nmong 110 pnsoe ngers M.essrs G ellrd lind A. J. Bcll, lormerly of Ouel and Prllloe Albert, respective· iy WIll plllnt. Ilnd mnintlllll lor

to'come Iltons the lonely shores Muckenzle HI vcr the mo.t

lIe.r.L/tE!r·l), demonstrlll:on farUl. in the


FOR JUNE 26, 1911

Text of the Lesson, R Comprehensivo Qun"~erly R."iew- Golden Text, Mic VI, S-Commentary Pr.pareo by Rev. D. M. St.arns.

LeBson 1 - Nn .mon hrnled, II R1I1gs v, 1·]4 Golden Text, Isn. xlv

• • 22, 'JAOIt unlo mc und bc Raved all , the cnus of the enrth, for I am'God, lind there IS none else" Leprosy, II.

peuhar typo 01 sm IIml SlDners. Great smners mny DC grellt 111 theIr own

Slghl ILnd 111 the e.teem of others bt'" 111 God's sight lost All c<tn bo ;aved Ii "llhng to submit to God and HIS way 1\I oney cannot Imy It

L( soon II -l~hshll s henvenly de. fendel s. 11 I\lIlgs, VI,' 8 17 Golden Text. PR XCI, 11, "lor Hc shall gwe HIS nngels chllrge over 1hpu to kcClp t.hee 11\ nil tJly wllY"'~ bod 1010"3 1111 our 1\11)" lind our gOlllg out lind our COllllng 1\1, lind IIlso our thoughl ... If God Le for us who can be ngnlll~~ us? God \\ Il'h liS IS IIIOle thlill all 11"110 clln be nglllnst 115 OpClwd 0Yl'8 ;to sec the unseen 15 our gn nt nc()!1 Hc cnn do It

Lesson IT 1 -Jo Ish 1110 boy kIng II KIngs XI, !l20 Golden'J, xl J's' CXIX, 2, 'U1rssl-u mc they thllt 1(CU'p IllS testunolllcs nnd i,hllt scpJ. JIlin \I lUI ~hc wJlole henrt" '1 en tnllcs 10 tillS ehllplcr we lIlHI th" hOllse <If the ]-ord, or the temple <If the I.ord 01 the I.ord's people God WIll tllke Cllre of HIS chosen klllS. whetlll'r It. be DIIVld, or JOllsh or HI5 MessllIh

LeSSon IV -Tho tem",le re-pnlred II KlI1gs, XII, 4 .. 15 Goldt'n ~l'ext i Ohron XXIX, 0, "l'hen the pe<Jl'le' reo JOI~d, Jar thllt they offered WII1Il1!: Iy" A ehcst Ibesldc the oltnr Lo re .. COIl c the wllhng offerings of the peo' pI" ~V/IS ,the method of obtlllllllljl lIIoney \I Illch t11c I,ord blessed At least Illelve tunes III th,s chnpter tho expressIon "the house of tho Lord" occurs. DevotIOn 10 the l.{)rd beclluse of I-hs s.lenllce '1111 brlllg /III needed {mid"

Lesson V -God B Plt~ lor Mlc hea· then, Innnh Ill, r, 10 IV II Golden '1'ext, lI:ll.~t xx VIII, ] 0, "l,o ~ c. I hero .. Jore, and lench IIll nntlOns ' ,l~slls belH'v('(1 the story oI .IOllldl lind those who quesllOn It questIOn thc vcr!lclly 01 .Iesus (iIlntt :Xll. 3!l '11) Jonah ~V/l" wllhng Ihllt 'Ihn people of NllIeveh should penah, the lH not wllhng Ihat nll\' should pon~h (II Putor 111. 0) Note the tlllngH \111\(:.Il (ood prepnred nnd ~Ised-I\ \I )1\(1, <t hsJ,. a II orm n gourd, nnd eVen rebellious Jonnh

Lesson VI - Uzzilih humbler! II Ohron XXVI, 821 Golden :I'ext, Prov XVI, 18, "l'nde goo!.h bcfom Ilcstruc.llon, nnd a hnullJlty apmt he­foro n fnl!." Some people do light only 115 long ItS they Ilin e a sll onf: VI&lolo humon 11elpcr The de\ II nl· wnys tempts to prt<lc nnd self "ufll CIOIICV, but "e crill ollly ue strong 111 the Lord, and UBlt only ns \Ie I now our own "enltness, lor lhs streugth IS mnde 'Pert!et III IVpal,nesR

I.esson VTI -Jamah'a enll to ser .. VIce, Isn VI Golden Text, lsn VI , "[ 1leard the vOle a of the T.{)r<i snymg, Whom shaH I send and wllO II III go Jor us? Theil sniCI J, Here am I. Bend me" A VISIOn of n mllll on the Ihronc, tho God mnn, ohI'O lorevermore what II e nil need l111B I\orks conVIctIon of 810 and sel[ nb horrence, thcn follo\\ a forglvoness ei 8105, tllld then n rcndlOcsS for ser' vIce, os Ho mny ~\11l

J.esson VIIIf 1-/30ng 0: the vme· l'urd, Isn ,,]')2 Goldon Text Isn v, 22, "Woe nnLo thCJl1 I.IIll,L nrc mighty 10 drmlt wine, nnd /lien of slrength 10 mlOgle strong drink" Slrong drlllk n<lta Ilppn the body as pnde does on the soul, the former cnUSlng n penstly drunkenness nnd !.he lntler the drunl<enncss of lsn XXIX, D]3 Only by the bloot! 01 Jesus Clmst Clln \Ie bo soved from either, nnd only us filled WIth the sptrlt can we bear IrUl t

LeBson IX.-UlllverBal .pellce, Mlc iv, 1·8, IGolden 1cxt, Mlc. IV, 3, "NatIon shnll not. hft up n sword ngrnnat natIon; neIther shnll they lenrn \I ar any moro" 1'h18 great saYing la alRo found in 'fan 11, 4, and It sholl be fulfilled \I hcn lie who came as a bl\Jbo t<l Bethlehem shnU al IllS comwg ngllln be ruler In Ismel (Mlo Y, 2), not by peaco conierenccs, nor by miSSIons. nor by nny prescnt agencIes, but only by H1mself lit .JTls second comrns

l.esson X -1'he promise 01 th~ Fn thor, .lohn XlV, 1527 Golrlen 'r~xt, .Tohn xlv, 16, "I "II! pray,lhe Father rmd He shnll !lIve yOll nnother com·

thllt He may nblde \nth YOll :for,,"'';r.'' Only by the Holy Spir,t" God In Chn~t· or 1'C' \Iord, amI only when tho

&hll11 110 p<lur~ u:non Is· h"ve Po truo convlc" Ilclcomc Jesus Christ

Page 4: (Vou Din A Watch 1 I - · (Vou Din A Watch 1 I Likely its a pretty good watch too-but you surely aren t going to expect It to run " lifetlmo without nllention, That's

The Treherne Times SUBSC::1If>'j'ION S 1 -- .

ADVERTISING RAT!: . ,. I wk. I mh.

Ono CulmJlI1, •••••••••• $.100 ,U .. OO '1 hl"t,·(JIIIlrl.ur Cnl..... :I j~, 12.:.0 Hulreul ......... i ...... ~.:,O ~.UO lJ.IIHtf'r Ut t r ••••••••••• l.~.o :,.00 y'IKhLh C:ol......... •••• .1:, :'1,00 Quo IULlh ••.•.•.••••••••

Tho ahHVtt flatr.,. du lint RlIl,ly tn HurttO" 8ulu&. ftutUttlt i IIUlUllt.,. tuU! lorll, IIlUOL 1II1C1l. lu.:u Iliut «':UII,

. or I,u)lhla'lt fir It tfltUfliturl' nlitOrt), l"'O~IlJ IImJ )lunl~llu: ,.dvorthtlu~. tint. illl~nrt.lou.l:! C'Olltli It Bile. 1I1I1.~t~I'IlWt 'IUlltlrl.lnll1l ~ cullt·! R liuo ~oU~u" III IUI'''I fttrR)'UII. 101111d. \\'tt.U1.Uil etc tiiU Cllllte IIrl\t IlItmrtiflll. or thru" illlltJrtl4lu!I

" for $lIMJ. L-.;...., ell", rllr cllnllllo elf Rtl\'ortlso· ,"uuli (UUtlL 110 l'oefJivol1 nol-tutor Limn Tuctsdu)' lIOOU.


Fkl:lAY, Jl!Nll 2:1, l!lJ I.

Rnthwell aifle Competitions '.

0p!!11 Competitioll. Don;illion ,)ul\~er, wall by \Y, '1'111'11-

bull •..•.•••• 318 piS.

Medal, \\". Smith ..• 312 "

Hnmlieap COlllpditioll. P. R. ~1cr.1ehlnll . 335 pl.S. W. Smilh , . , .331 ..

~ n. Caswell'. . . 327 .. W. N. Scn rrO\\'

Max SCArrow F. Slockd.;It! R. 1'. Birch.

. Geo. J; 01 iJc5 '

Geo. SlIIit Is • D. SII,urrt . . '1'0111 'FIIIsbcr

Chn~. O"II,ld C. H. llillchinsoll W. "1;11;11\'1111' .

" '

I~. llose, . 1. Sen II';'W

,; , " ',..---~-:-'

. Born "

·3 U) " · 3 18 " · 3 17 " • 3 15 " · 3 1 :! " · 3 1 [ " .3 '0 " .30 9 " .30 9 of

. 3°8 .. .306 " .30 3 " • 298 "

OIlAlIA:I!-Nenr Treherne, on Stln-do\', JUlie 4th., 191 [,10 Mr. nnd Mr~. W, J. Grllhnm, a son.

HU1'(:H1NSON-At Rathwell Cot-tnge Hilspital all SIIIIc\aV, June 181h, 1')1 [, to Mr. and Mrs. C. HUlchill50n, n dnl1ghter.

.:'IOROAUN'I· G., DUNDI\St,M. D. ; )1 U.e fi.l:!I\n .. I"N,.\.1.0:O:. .


kA1'IlWm.I. CO'r'I'AC'I, 1l0SJ'I"l'AL' W. A. Holt, H. D.,

~ho LroRtrnont. o~ Mf1(llcul. nnrltlcnl nlill ~===============:====::=============== ,;",."IIOhCI1IUIiL mlftUR. dB homu COlllrorLs.

'l""~IUt~ :-$2lllJr (lI(!~lI for nursing nad


Contrnct brtnking.

To Let

for' Abollt 10 a~res of Apply til

W:l1. ,MCCRHF.RV, '1'1·ehernc.

" For Sale'

LIVERY. STAB,LE A first class liv.:!r)' Ilnd feed busi­

ness; gonad reliable horses; stvlisb rigs-everything IIp-to-date.

Promp,t and ·obliging rervice. Draying and leaming'," . Special nttention to COllll1lercials:


In the villnge of Rothwell, two .··~~~~~~~~5:z=~EE~· lot~ each 50 x 120 ft. RIIlI n '~e\'cn roolller\ honse. For JlarliClIl~rs a~

<> pric~ nlH\ terllls npply on the pr~mbes to ,

, 111 kS. T!1I~O nln.\uI.1'. '\

Upholstering , --'

. Aft' killd5 of lIphol:;tciil1l{ done atmoclctnlc, price:; For particnlnr~ np!,lr at H. Kiekc'rt's hous~, Grif-lin St. "


1 -In pOlllid .011 sectioll lhree hor~e!l hetween four alld eight years old: I ligl;t roall, J

dark roan, I bay with white fac~. , JOliN HIRD,'

38-40e. Treh

. ,

Summer Tourist .Fares


Retllrn Li61ilS 30 days, 60 . dars and Ocl.,31st.

5 Upper ~aka SteamerHach WeBk ~ ..' '

mOllllo!nllollSIlUd rn"ltlclullB o:x:trll.

ollll.ron:-NURSE EM I·

J. J. KIU.F.UEU, B. V. sc. VI'!t'lmINAIIY SUIlGF.ON nllli Doutr.l- 01.

nco 111 ~l1Ilth'e Livery ~tnhloA. Brundwll)', I PIIUIIO No. 17.

• ,.. TnmmRSE, MilO.

Will 1,0 nt DrUg Stor~;'HnlhwolI, o,·ori· Frlll"Y. " .



OFFLCli:S on Rnllwll)! Avo •• Trohorno. l\(nn. ~llllcltnr8 ror tho CnlllullRIJ llnnk ur (;mu·

, "", .. u I\ll~ [or Muulclpnllly 01 $oll,h Norfolk.

I'. II. MI'l'~·Hltl.L, II. A. , I .

A T'l'0nNl~\, A'C 1",\ W. OlUeD Ilt A. Alnrtlu l 8 Jlg0UCY\ Brond,vu)', Trohorllo.


R[R)~, fInll. Liro Ilud Acohlont IUBnrnnco , ,\I(uut. Murt"ngu uncI Heul ];:lItnlo. Ol1len

111 Bl'otlthvtlY, 'l'rohcrllo'\ honrs. D till I). COIll­mlbatunur (or takltll{ AnI! nvk.a.

" '

WIIAI.gN-Near Treherne, on Sun­el ny, J till e II t h" J 9 I I, t () Mr. I ;.....,...;-,.;..;...,...;-'-'-'-':-c-':'-~'-__ '-'-;.;....,.

, and 1\1 rs. Will. Whalen, II SOli.

C. P. R. Time-Table . -, ,.,.~-.-

, Eicpr055 Dnily Except Sundny.

WHS1'li~,UNIl-I.v .. Win,nipeg 9:50. Lv. Rnthwell 12:23" Is, 'fre~ hem!!, 12 :41.

• EA~'I:I!o&Nn -'Lv. 'rrel;e;nc 18:43. J.'I, .Rllthwe\l 18:56. Ar.1 \Vini-, , ' peg 21: I.'i, ' . '.

';Tues., Thurs., nnd Snlul'dny:

EAS'J:IloUND--T.v. 'l'reherne 8;20. Lv. Rathwcll.8:33. 'Ar., 'Yinni; ISleelr;·" pru'perl p,cg 10:50. '.'

• , • • _ •. t' .".".,


IHE'tENTRAt STOOl WarlIl Weather Goods

Our' underwear stock is no~ corn plete with the best line of goods for warm weather, which we have yet been able to place before'our customers.

J tlst a fe~ lines are listed below, if what you want is not here, cornp in we can supply you.

[ildlts' lIndcrwcilr Half sleeve IIl1dervest price each .. . .. .. . • : ..• 1 UC

Fine . ribbed Yellt, with drawn lltring beading, hnlf-5leeves, each '. 25 I'I~d flne

Sleevelcfis ribbed "eslR each . 2iic

'Hnlf sleeves, silk finish, Lisle . . . . ,10e

Ladies' fine knit drawers each.. •. fl5 lind (jOc

, Children's MlIIlIIler \'ests, each. ., 120 to 20c

Whllewear corsel Covers

A good rallge mude of fine

clolll and lrimmed' with

fine 'Ince and embroiderv,

frolll . , • .. • ,10 to 75c


"Vhile ullder'skirts in extrn

fine cloth with deep frills,

ill regular lengths each

t "'I 'r <'1 ('0 gnrmell . . .,.. .~D, .;; . J ,

"'2 00 I 0::.9 C)-,~. ane "".~D

Men's underwear III extra fille BnlbJiggan per ga[ment. , .. 50c

.Another line of very fille Merino per gllrmcnt. 7,,)c

For the mnn who wants something n little heavier in fine wool lInshrillknble, IIsk to see au r Sovereign Bram!. Size 134 to ,H per garment. .. . $].25 Size ,Hi to ,18 . . 81 :j5

Blly light Ulltlerwcnr when SUlllmer STARTS. It pays.

See our showing. of, White Lawn showing- many pretty

Waists. design~.

We are

TROW,SDALf: i 'MCDONALD , '. "'" ~.,o r l

'" .', .. , ...... • r~ .~."'. •

j ,

. , . - .' • <I .' ."' •


() , ( )

( j

W l ) , , W


hot days if is hard for


m ( )

( , )

housewife- -to ,prepare her

a.nd serve up tasty



[ ,


, ,



.. ('


Page 5: (Vou Din A Watch 1 I - · (Vou Din A Watch 1 I Likely its a pretty good watch too-but you surely aren t going to expect It to run " lifetlmo without nllention, That's



" "

·' •• 4~ •• ~ •••• 4 ••••• ~ ••• ·~~ •• ~'~···'1 .. ',:- t , . ' : • • • : Finest assorted stock 011 the line. • ~! Lo~k at th is I ist and buy' the b. ·est. I_ '-Mr. and Y/;il .• McIvorrehirned to


Cannan on 'tuesday. , , .' Cement Wood Fibre Plaster, ::, f

Kell Island Lime, . Fir and Pine DimensIOn,. W .. O. Bnrkwcll re~l1rn~d r,?m I Pine and Cedal' Shiplap, Jubilee Tar Paper, • the CIt" on Saturday nl~ht 5 tram. !! Best Quality B .. C Spruce Siding, Clear, ' .: w .. K. Ranton returned 011 Tues· ! Kh'kpnli'ick's XXX B.C. Cedar Shingles. :- day frow n land seeking trip,to the - L k B I west.

,41 For Cheap Lines 00 II ~w: " : . .' 1 4 FI .' $21 00 C h 1 x6 Flooring $23.00 Cash, I' Mr. un? Mrs. Tllrnbull \\ent III

X oOllng . as '. . to the cIty on Wednesday e,'en-Suitable fOI' linil~g up buildil1gs, al:(\ cheaper than. ing's train.

ol'cltnal,), roofing lumbel 'Mrs. Hugh Hannnh, of Beacons-2000 feet of Tamarac Plank ' i' field, spent ~ few days visilin~ i

Tl' eherne. ' For stable 1100rs, Will wear ten years, ===========::;:========'=7;========. 'C. W. Barkwell was a visitor .to . i the city on Friday, returning early

. TREHERNE J. K. ROBSOII ~ANIT'OBA in the week. ' ,

. . Miss Aileen Uniac; of Rathwel.', , .~ ••• ";f" .. nft~.Hd ............. ~ ...... - visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

: 'r-~;-r:r-;;-l Cleaning time is now here and you will be wanting

'welnts will be attended to.


Straube .on Thursday.

Miss Fanny Robson left on Mon­day for a' two-weeks' visit in Morden ~nd other points.

Mrs. W. E. Staples. of \Vinni­pei!'. i~ vi~ilinl!: her pa,rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bark.well.

Mrs. W. T. Smith and ~on. WiI­ie. left fo'r Fillmore on Mouday's

noon, train, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Greenaway.

I some Painting or Paper­ing done, it so call up

-I'PHONE 64 and your

c I 1911 Wall Paper samp-. les. are on hand i new styles and strictly up to date,

Have yolt noticed tlte care· we take'to filease our CustOlll­ers? The best of attention' to your wants, to!:'ether with the best lllmber we can buy, is the fo;ce we use to~ h~ld, trade. ,

Wm. V. Galbraith, of Treherne, has been appohited a commissioner for taking affidavits for u'se in the courts of the province. '

H, KICKERT, Decorator Treherne. ~ .. ~. __ ~ ___ , ____ ~w _____ vI

, When you

M r~: Stpele weilt. in to Winn!peg on 1'h\lr~dny~ c\'ening's train. . . Ran Engli~h' .,retllrt1t'd from

Winnipeg all Satllrday evening.

E J. ~1cMillnil. ,of Moose Jill\', spellt the wt!ek·end.ill 1',eherne.

C. McI:onalrl \ was a visitor to the city no Wednesday evening.

R. A.' Gillis' wa~ a city·bound passenger 011 Wednesday eveninl(s train.

Mis5 Lizzie Miller ~pent a days this week at }her home ncar Somerset.

Miss Mallei, McCrearv came home on 'WednesClay frol11 ber scbool in Elgin. .

Miss Fairbairn. 'of Portage la Prairie. wa5 a guest at the home of Mrs. Frame Inst week.

Mrs.. StrAube letuflled with Mi~s Mary Sttali!JC frolll' Wim1ipeg 011

Thursday'S noon train. ., , Will. C. M. Grant retnrned to

Regina 011 Monday after spellding two weeks' holiday in 'freherne ..

Mi~s' Jean Palmer left on Thurs­day evening for Winnipeg where s,he will write on 1"lIsic examina­tions.

The effective timelille~s of Staples & Anderson's window·dre!<''iing was al!ain eKemplified in'their "corona-ation'day" windo\\'. ( .

J. S. 'Palmer retl1rned from Winnipeg ,Ol~ Saturday evening's train. Mrs. Palmer ,sp,ent the week-end iti the citYI . , :. Rev.W.R:Hl1ghes'lwas r~-elected district chairman fQr Carillan at

Never experiment with fool-cidorlllers. Cheap foot wear is dearly paid for ill the IIlischief it works upon illilOtCnl feet.

KnolViuj! the illlp()~tauce of good foot-wenr, ollr shoes hnl'c beeli made accordilig" to the l,il:hes!

standards of exellence. 'l'hey will never be a party to foollroilble fLlr ailY wcarer.



MIl L LIN E R Y Place tlte order 1I0W for your


PATTEHNS \V c Ita ,'c a com pletl~ stock of McCall patterns. Call in

alld get tlte Month!)' McCall Fashion·Sheet


Mrs. A. E. Smith, Railwar Ave.

Ph~ne No. 60 -

!!Illst .. <! rig h.t or it is no lise to

right. too, and chief of •

YOU W4NT --.n~·A--

COOK ,BOOK '1'0 be reliable or \·ou don't

wont it at nil. 'rhe qualltities

\'Oll. {rite it,l~rediellts mllst be ,

these is THE FLOUR. I Lumber: think of Corona

'. Remember 'the oratorical contest ~ll1der,the auspices of Ma~chettville Roval Templars' on Wednesday, June 28th .. at 8 1> •• m., in Matchett­ville churcb.

Wed Ilesd:iy' s sessiOlt" of the NU!tIlO-' I ~'i''!''i\!lil'!''i'~'i' _ .. ® i~'i'~'i'-!'i''''''i'~'i''-!,@ dis! conference in Winnipeg.

Tre/Jern~ Mill Flour is Always Reliable -

'p,hone It tdal order, if rOll nre 1I0t alrl'ad\' a rcgul"r custoIiH:r.

~i. .IElI u=~


~ Our Spring' Hats

iii ~ r,~·I.C

~ vVe have also pxev.",,~-

, special' dil\'iJlay, newest allCJ'. most

~ site Summer Millinery.

l.\\'I1rs, R. i~i Ii


Mrs.' "issot. of St. Claude. is seriouslv ill. Dr. Lamont, 01 Tre· herne, "and, Dr. Galliot, ·of·'Noh·e

I'Diii'mede'Lourdes. held Il c!>inStlll~a but decided an




C~n . Do Them Properly


Chopping will be cione at the Mill every afternoon but

Monday, after June 1 st.

c. Wie'chman, Trehel'l1e - - Manitoba

• 1I)oI-..... -----.---.• --a a__-.-------... -.--....


. .

Sp~cials . ' :.: ,

his eeh : .

again this:: weel~ some "of , -

store .is ~ fast beco1.I!iog .. variety; ,·NOJfICE that ev-. '\. ; .'

~ . s~asomible~' Ltit: please notice 've' dori.~·, 'ther PRICE~',

I r j ....

, . ..L".Lusl~n s cH:!ar.i ng '"":~~<4.~~ ... !ogs 'of some of

likely ,to be'

: : : • • i : • •


t r

\ ,



Page 6: (Vou Din A Watch 1 I - · (Vou Din A Watch 1 I Likely its a pretty good watch too-but you surely aren t going to expect It to run " lifetlmo without nllention, That's

CAMEO By Booth

Tarkington and Hany Leon



- ~f"rpnt1 In~tnnll\ IIlrn.d uutll !If

11111 d IIII' HI'(' '"I hi" rllllH I nil. n. Jllt ~I rtf( drill JoClllnlll t:1 IUI"'<o:lhltt ..:urrUlt

111 hl't utlt'nndll~ it'll \llIlluch (nt ~lrtl<lt'" ot Itg-rl t till lit (lllltd for II tlllJ 1m)) nlld sirl1l1UltllIlIIl'l 1111\ IIfll P Ill' \\ UI

"'''''''' Ihlll II t" t n~" r 10 Ilrt' trnrll I j1*td plltturll IIld IUt (!lfI"ffIU,lllll

«',1111' rllt 1\ 111111111 III- Il'fI 'no\lUI~' t'UU\\1J rnr\\ulfl ultd 1111 I"'" tit I t\ ..

"\\ IIh hl~ \I' \I" nnl,1 """ <II" ~rl ]"'rh.. \\ 'Hl 1111 111 1111 It III Of "Ii tUI t.,f U

fJr Htlllf'! It 1111\11111111:1' '"UIP ..:lIlItIIlr

'na: tn" nrtl hllil lilt rll.~ hI !III 1111 rlull ~1I111! fll .. 1t,.,. ... I\ III hi'" '*h' It .. ".h l\: hhHlh ... I til II If' ~JHrl HII II pli Ullllr~ tw l\ollld hili I' IInlt rt Ihfl totlll1~h~r lit ..

\ nllHlliUt (rol1l 111111, If IYlflllJ" 11I1t1 Int

jtlXll r ot PUrl'''RP III I hl' broodlug eyn!!, all ot wblc b \I,'1I1'1l liw ,bl'NV cllrol

I Aforenu RIUlI,lllIj: like II f(l!'k \\ 1I1cb dlsputl'd [Ile 'lIll"r~ Jlrtj.trl'>lH "ullee aud ,~u(chtd (JIU II hI IIlIllJ~ n Rudueu

"iolf!nt ruCl\t'III~fll III tile httpe of flrllwlug I,hul MUll' 11111 th' IIltter lU~' p-r beflfJ\ng (Ulllluu. U 111M loIet'lIUlIg

!Iv cnreltl'<lh Hd~lIlH(1 (h) IJ~ (UIIW Ihlr " I'u,,'. I \V1'l1l v 1111<1 ~I III no Hign 1rom I'lth,'r .nutl Mlt"'u ami Mo 1'f'aU S 1'1111£1 \\ hllplli II III rill' kllliC

111"" allel 111M 11111[1 '111111' .h)\\lr down tJR lip IfIIlHlIQlI 'III' (1Itu'r (lU Ilw f:l1J;lltN or hlR IllMlol Oil ,ullll' 1,lrll\, stili whlstlllJg 110 If 1111 u JIlt UMllru slr .. ,1 'he rlghl hUlld still dUllglllJ1! eUrU\(!SlIls tit Ills .Idu I Tit" urn OUR WII_ltln "119 fllot gro\\ llns Ullbt'nrll\1lP ~lnrl'JlIl M (11)01" loolCl'd /plnchpd, lIud tile IJrJutlJ whl~lle~ tthrollgb It On CUIll\! hlrlll - leu

lome menns of expl't'lOslng It, Raodnll 1l0W stOOP('(i to no octlon wblch dishonored his nnlne. ruce nud coumry In cooler 1I111IUI'nis lie would hOle rl'pudlatl'(1 lUI u<tlol1 which tor· fclled thl! r~Nppct ot nil dlel'llt Oleo' HUI he wns I1(1RIIIge to II tl'mpeHtnoU8 and vloleut pnHNlolI w blch counted not tbe IIIl'0ns to 011 end Ringle nnnded he mlp:bt not hope to bunt dow n Klr by flut It lie cOl1ld I'nllRI the nsslst· ance of Ihc authorilies mnke I!Hry mnn the I(nmfllt'f S cO(,lnY, tile lottcr's capture would he IIsRurl'd

Wltb dlf1l, ult. Inn"enll1g Mnrcnll's to>!t stll!'enlng nn,.:('rH frtlm their deuth grip IIpOIl the rl.tnl 100lng nandnll bns.lIs eOlll'pn Ipd I h" "I'upon IIpon bls jlI!rson nnd tim" fl~ n Rlnglp mO"cment trn 118(orll1<d \\ hll t lind hc.en 1111 honor Rblp and ralr Pllfnnlllpr Into 0 seem· Ingly dellbentte IIn<l • old blooded mur der 'rhe to('t t hnt MorPlln hml used tbe Intl' John Ilnndnll 8 weapon, leo •• Ing hfs own nt Mmp J)n'l'znc 8 would

Ille bot Addltlonlll prnM Ihnt Cnmeo Kirby hnd Rhnt do" n on unarmed WUD Hut one living witness other tblln 'rom floullall hnd IIl'Pn l.reRent at 'bls uc hnnl!:e of ITI'~1l0nll nnd be, Allroo. would Ill' ".IIl'( led to keep 81 lent.. Rev en!; ... inK. It I'Vl!r be able, but. bonornble or dlRbonorllblll. I't!vengl! at 1111 COKl8-~ucb W811 the bo;r's alogon,

ae bad bnrdly r .... umP<'l pO.IIClllon lit. tather'. weaPQ.n and tbll8 cast

tDC stlgmn of mur<ler upon J [{Irh, when severol men ottracted b~ Un­Hholl! nnd "b()s~ rupld ulJproncb bod spurred thp bo! tn In.tunt uullon, Cllllle rnllnllll; Inlo IIl1',,, t· 1'0 them Vo.lU~ Randllll br~nlhl"g"I' ncnunted bls 'er olou of thl' trUIIl'CIJ YoII Ree tbe gen· tleman bns uo .HllpOII ' he concluded, polntlu/; to ~1\lrE' III s hurren honds

1'h19 tbl'reCorc Is 11 d~lIucrule ond cu"'fnlh I'lnuIll'd IJII1l(J~r Ill ... your· BcllCS 1 lIOS nlllu<Jp,lltl lll" sho!."

'But tbur~ 1\ n. t \\ 0 ot 'elll for coum.d' Imt Iu 'JII~ "C the uewcome

I'he murLlclPr ,,\ III"nlh ItlISHed bls Olst Or" R lid I \lUI ~Iy unmo Itlln,!ull uf (,luIlllt'mln" 80 YOU may nClellt III \\(Ild thut I fOllnd tUe geo· rlemnu liS I hllH "tur~d 'rbls Is 1\

grellt 1I1It! \ IIll1hl()U~ 0111 rllge I Imppen to Imow lh. ,Il tllll, Il moot estlmuble lIlId bonornhll' !;elltlt IIl1ln "bo bnd the t11IHfuflnnl! tu lueur tbe eumlty of the notorluus rh pr glllllbll'r Co h Irln 1 hI! Itlll~r K" or'" [0 get 1111<1 ttwrc IN no dllnhl he hnR CuI

ud' COW11I·dllv

At rbls t1me of the YPor, wbeo tbe • bOrRt~ IIr~ workluG blud plowlull aDd

prerllrlnl( tbt! land ror tbe crops, Bore pblJuld~rM lIud sore necks oflen become vt!ry trouble~ome Wblle Home borse. bove Tery tcndl!r sboulderll aDd ore bnrd to keep tree trom sores, yet 0111 ny sucb sores are co uspd by poorly , Hued coil Drs

led Kirby Dr Since tbe Rel"\"lce or tbe borse 18

;·~~:!II~"ri,~~~ .Clra\'III.',·'.'Y"U nil R loteu lorl(ely occompllsbed by tbe sboul nil s rcspl'N d"rs It Is or tbe utmost importllnce

I YOU oil there thot the collnr lit tbe Deck lind sUoul· s some m 'I'h~ I(entiemnn I hnd d~rs properly I!ltUnIl tbe collllr Is :be good tortune to kill entlrelv merit ru,ue, 0 dllllcult tns~ In tbe monu oil bls end Moreover, he ~os not un fllcture of collllrs tbe leother Is sooked

"rmed. but mnd .. nn enrnest nod sin nntJI It 1M OS limp 8S n rug nnd tben ce ..... e/Tort to sertle m< till I u .. Uort Is Uued over 0 steel torm rcprcsenLlng

Ihl! sbllpe of Ibe bOl'Be s nec" Wilen ours" UM n fllir 111,,1 bonnrnbll' meellu!(, d tb 11 dad tl'" • IJ eKI! co IIrs orc 00 rm lin " u null 118 sucll ",UtlH. IIr" uot problblled lhnt uSlIlllly It IN lmposslllle to buckle b~ IUC Mtnlmes I r('III1) full 10 ~el! UU\~ Ihe burncK. tlgbl enollgb to bring It concerns ~Oll 1I11-(ol1le" "Itbln tbe th m t tbp "1lllpe of tllft 1IIIIm II" e U ~ ~ I,

.. cope or J uu nil" ""rth\ 1I"!'hllu('". Detk nnll IU" sbolliders lire thcrctor~ ThpUl ~I/-: \\ord. IIIIU mllkln tun ot atl.Jns[ed to tbe collnr ruther lUnD lUe

Inllgl'ld!(!J dllll I ,Illlug!! Ihe "liS(! collllr 10 Ibe RllOulderll, wltb sore .nlLl IIJtl fllrnler I;r11l11\ I ",,'n J 1111 ~hollldpr" a. fbp result It Is tllere nil s ,Ictlm \V1t hill' I \I 0 '.'''" 11 n.u fore net 1!""lIry, 10 u void t hla SUren""" did illS buy uud II Itll IOIh, r< H,' dIdn't ,·,n,1f II srll1 ,ollar be ndJu~leCl to rUe buve no ,\('l1lJou nt 1111\ Idnd 1111 111111 .II0l1ldl'r9 ut Ive norse tur wOlCb It I. \\ ,. kin pro\" I~\ II' Illn I. II" gl".d [or IBlended. ~Ull ~Ir 1,lrb~ 1111 ,ull 1111 kllll\\ II..' 1'0 IIdJu"t Ihe collar to the borse's

1hp de,ll \I Is flplI~,f 1{lrbv sllnnldp,r rnkp Ihu puorly 1111(\ cOllllr, 'You Ilre Iho vI< tllll or II 1111"111111' ~Ir new or olCl plll<e In tbret! lUI D"S or Fllrmer, nod I In "\ 1<ll'n II v Illl \ I, tim \luler lind Ipt It remoln overmgtlt, 10 .. r lin ell. III V I' ho hU" "II' "lIlt'd my Ibe morning ,put Ibe collur ou Ibe lute oppnrll'lIt R \\I'IIPIIII I \\'tlllIl)l I"r Uursl' IIna "lib bnm!! strollS drnw It mit sour 1j.tllorIlU' ~ In .\\ Ill/: II'" from onw:l,)' 10 [be Rides or tbe o"CU BI! tbe end o.r lI...rnpe Rllre that [be baWl! strops urI' prol,,'r

'Tom, rllll fur /'",1\1 I II hnlll [bl. fel Iv adJl1alPd then work lbe DOr-t moll low,', rll'd Ihl' r .. rlll<'r And 11" IIII' hO' ernll'ly Ibrough [he Cluy Atler "1I11k Inu oil Iht' 1I111111rllil 1("uIlllllllln Uunll 1111( In Ibl. WII' tbe collnr Will odjusl III" "In 1Ir11l" 1I1111UI (,Irb) ItR~lt to p:l'ery Inl'quollty or tbe ~t1oul

A UN' I! IIml Ilr"IfIIlIi'(1 ~truggll' I'n der .. , lIud thl' burs~ wlll seldom btl <1ll"1 Klrb\ rtllll1.IUI! tillil he "11" nol trol1blpCl \\lIb ~l,Irl'neKM .. 111\ tlglllhig tur II11Htv bllt life III Sinle the "buuldprs ot DO two h~rAeR th ..... rims 1\111 II In\\ \\I\K (1111, 1011 ore nllk!! eucb borsl! sbould bove blM '0111111 .. 11 (Illd Iw klle" \\ hilI 10 "<pen o\\n (ollor 'rbe eollur should be II I ht 11I11Id- or nn In fll rill II (I Iguornnr wn[ebpd cloRely as n ('ollnr thut w1ll IIlId UIIIIII""UIIlj: lIIub A 1111 In Ihe pitH fit In th. cllrl" Aprlnl( wbplI tbe borst' I lit 111"111'" I! 1111 "'I.lnulltlull \\ould Is rut will be too lar~e later wb"n be l~

\lolk.d dO\\11 Vi hlle tbe nd,IAublllty at IIRlnl( ~W('ll t pn d. IR 0 mm II dlR' URR

Ilue<lIulI ,,'I It the ('ullu r Is 100

""' h pnd" mil" pr~' ellt ~or('neH9 c·'r ..... ·. (ollur "hunlrl \Ie kt'llt "crllillt

('I,nn lit nil tIm"" It I. not pos 10 IJrl" PilI Ror,' .houlder" It the

,-,,,.,'.' 1" rmllll d to betume dirty, \\111 I""UIIRP of rhe Rweat

ondJlil.lldlrtlfT unit'"" the" arl' cllre(1llly nnd r"'::lIll1rly eleunl'd Much

care Rllol1ld b .. IlIkpD to cll'un the col Inr b ... rore bliroesRlng In the WorDing or bt'tter "tlil, Immedlotelv otter r&­D1o"lng I he hnrn,,"" III tbe eVI'nlnll­M. W Bnrper, COl nell University.

THE NAME STUCK. And V.t tho Man Who Owned It Didn't

Fe.1, They bod beeD speak1Dg of DO:!!"

nnll onll or the group nnd mt'n "_'ft";" "Itb pride that not ooly were

oepbews nod two grond~onM bls bllt thot a IlUsln~~" block

built In bill nntlvo to" n IIIICI ktlD Irs nome trom bim. "A nd I II ko It,' be enid ben rtll" 'I

,0nRlder It on bonor. "You know bow I f~t'I.' be nCldl'd. turnIng 10 un" ot DIM friends. "I blldo't been In rour lilt II' tOWD more tbon nn bour be furl' ( "II \V your Dume lit the turD of n ruad BOlVnrd 8 Corner. ) ou mllst o.+mlt

It 8 ~ tirvlng , "lIIoy be to YOII." "old rhe otbN mlln

dryly, "bllt. as It bO(lJlllnR 10e r' ,,"un tbut s COiled 'Howard s Corn,'r IN "" cau~e. wb~n I WU8 obout twelllv tlmt ItDe\V more thlln I eVl!r hn v .. ,Inre I look tbe girl thnt I WII" conrtlnj: unl In II Ill'W top hUJ!A"Y wll b II 11\"" "1IIhl~ bor.e nnd tried to "bow oil' bo" "bnrp o turn I rould mlllt~

'I tll'Pp.d ber out JI1~1 a" • pnrlv of Flummf<lr honrdtarR (,IHUt' nluru! I h .. bU~J:v n:IIM !ilmn~llPd lIP !'Ionw nnd fill'

girl roll" olT "lth thl' hunrtl ... t"'I 1111,,111. II horll~t.. I twrp \\I1R II \-oUII&.: I1l1In

nmQog them wborn Mb~ nt1l1r\\urd wllr rh'd

'1 dC1n t bfl.l!rlldJ!E' hPf In him tor I got n r1Ut'r C'trl luttar on tllil \\ It 11 PH' oump fhp hf\lIrdl'r~ J!'n\ P I hnt pUtt tI In [nl' rOfld ~nll k flllCl t>v Iinel III \\.a I"ll np Oll t lw "'t).:uhUIl ro whU{J I \\ II'" IIUI

w~Rt I CliO t "'nv Hun It p\"~r .ztrm.'n mt!' Rfill nnr q""",'nl cUU"e tor prlClt! t_

YoU[b 9 Cowpunlon.

PREVENTED TOOTHACHE, :rile O'd Rom.n. Old It bv Oevou.lng

Two Rat. a Month It It h .. Irllt" Ilwl !lUI It lit (pm,",,)h' ..

nr~ nIWH~)t U.ll' t ~"'t It 11111 V Iw ul IU

IPIP~t 10 thu"' .. IItlllttp(J \\1111 uflltn troublflM to kWH\' how tlu fU1C"IPllt

Itomllu" dl'lIl1 wlln -u, u 1I1~ I h~ ~1'1I rltlt'!4 rt'( oJ,!nl1.1 C1 t\\: u t\ lit" lit II ~I t

meut. rtu lJ1uJ!1cnl nna Ih~ 111 .... 1111 nl Ttu~ folio', Ing, url "'OIJIl' ot tilt' rH~!'<I' lip

tlon~ nd\ hwd hv ttl~ III11L!1C I llJ!'4

lukp ttl'" IIl"eJ ur II dll! Ihnt hit" dlpd of rlll,I," 1111. tlw a-I, ,,1.11 oil OIl c'I"\I~ Blld IIIJt.11 Ihtt JII )tlUt ' .. lUlU lilt

~nr Of lite ul1", 1 ... 11 .Idt A \\1It1 I 1'\1IJ11tP~ \t-'Il.-brn "III "'.r\f

10 ~,urlfr til" I!lflll JllUlld ,I 'IIUI It It_ obtnlrud from II "hUe;. OoIkIIUU'U ..:nul .. or fur the !'4l1l11e pllrpo"lt.l IJIUV lit" 11"'t'(1 1I llzurd!'( frutH II tJUIlt1 ulJtulIl .. d \\ tWIl

the fUOUU I" rull or It !II II [ rull II • blrkl'u 11I1tI~ "III do jl",old '<I I1UIl It III! 1111,1.1 111 II halt: lu It ,,"IIIIUd IUIO\\II HWHV Itlllllt' nrtt'r U!-IN.l

It I" j.toml 1f<lIlt11t'U[ to lu)", t lu[o nn nt tllllg rnr ull ·nt Itlmnu lu whit h bove b~~n lIIurrrlltr 11 mnllow IIIIJl" I'V"O ~hould tlll~ III~t ,:1\~ rl!'Ct; 10 lit hlllJ.,:

A \Vorll! f'd OD II pll rtl< llll1r IH'rll or ft cnblllUlP IIjlt!rplliHr (1111 c.:OUvt-lIllJontlr

De pili •• U III tI ntlliow WUlb 11111 It I. QI1t1I1Y '1/U ph. tu ellt'''' II 0 udder'.

""tI rl 111.0 'llrP. n


M.d. Mu.k Supplied bv Manl' Varlet.e. 01 C,vet Cat.

Most "omllll \\ bo mdul,:e rreely In tbe usp of eb.nll (ll'rfUIUP9 du not know of \Vbot til ... urt! eumpouuClI'CI rho prlncl(llll"dlent at lu\V prl, ... d pertumes I. wll~k uullIIlIl IIIU.k WilleD ts obtnlnpd rrotJJ ril·t;~rnl cr~8turl'''

Tbe mllskrllt Is prubnblv In. bt·.t Known ot th .. ~e nud t\ fl'\v tll'~ntl ... s sgo the" Ivt-s nud NWPtltbpnrl~ ut IlIt-U

who set tropR around dill hp. Ulld ponds In I be couutrvslde curn .. d prllllr! Iy I h" bog~ or 11111"1, .. brn hu'd trum t bl~ JourC'c. AA no article ur CUUlllJt>n p U1H

mURk ~lIppll .. d b~ M~v~rnl \llrl,·tl ... uf elTet CO[" Is probnlll,)' Ibl' b,'.! kn""D 10000y 'Tbe oClor I" Rtronl! II ud • \\ I'"t. Tbe strength \II tbe pnrtlcUlllrl, no· Uceoble relltore tlnd Is tbe rt II .... D \Vby It I~ [lie rounolltlon tit [he per· lumes In the !lUIIllt Ullimmol l)lJu .. e Dt tbe zooloJlICtil !(lItdt'na ore Iwn "11."" of Cil"etH nod nn\ nUlt Wlill tin lll't"!of,

tll(ntlo/-: tllrn of mluCl mn:l' .lIlna n.llr tbe cu~es nnd clltC'h tbt: U111~l\\ (lChll

Tbe musk Is u~"11 In U1!! 'b~1I P llPr rume" 0" Olll> n IJtUI! I. o~ .. d,·d to 1(1\ 0 ~ most laMtlng "dar to lin otlll'" or pertutDPrv bllt tlw mu"k IIs"lt I. nut rbenp "nr! It I~ one ot thv Clutll'" or Ibe oUl'nClllnt ot Ihe mnmmlll IIUII-" tu rolh'ct It. It I. Ih"n ~()Ia tllruu,ltI rea: ulnr chnnncl~ Dna L'i ODt! ot ttlP ~OU'I t'lt

or r~venll. In till' Z\lu Illlb()Ul:b a .w~11 une.-PblllldclpOln H .. ,or(l.


Seamen Don't Lllco Them and Codg. Them It Th.y Can

Wben Aollors jolo n sblp ulmosl tbe Ol'Bt QUl'!!tlon u-Iwd by ell<'l1 ODI! a" bll lokI'S the wbp,,1 tor to" "rst tIm ...... 'UO!!S she kIrk 1

I,lcklng 119 It I~ onllpd by Ibe .~fl·

meu Is Clue to thp ncUoo or Ibl! woter unCler I hI: Ire or I he ruCld"r w blm tbe te .. el s stem wlll( U Das for 0 mOo ment bl'en born. ~I<\'\\'n,d on the crest Dt a Wilt'/'. rnll~ bUC" lignin Into tbe Irougb "Itb RIIt b [erMU" foroe n. IU mate ber Ir .. mOIIl fore and nft null J1erbop~ ,vrHnrb tho wbeel trow tb .. ~rRKp or lhl' Sl€er.mnn.

t:!ometllnPs It nlll'fJPna Ihot he III Inllen unu\\arl'" linn. belnl( Ilnnllie ttJ 101 go In time I- \lUll/-: ngbt 0\ lOr tbe wb.el [0 tl>~ otlwr side or [ll .. dl",k, oftl1n rp, el"ln!: ."rlOus Injllrlt!!l !lome­IIm~" n lIIan will he 1.llell.,1 flj:ht oVl!rbonrd Inlo th9 8"R nnd B r"'l!llt rose Is kno\\ 11 or " mflU who rpcplvpd 1 blow uoder thl! .bln Crom on .. ot [ho ,pokes and dl.d 0 rew dOlS IOler trolD Ibe e!TectM

10 som .. of the wo .... t t,l'p. of kIrk­!ra kickIng strnp. ore osed rl'l:UlllrlY In neorly 011 wenillers. noCl mnOl Rull· Bra refllRP to ~o to ~en ID sblps wblcb Ire known to bo cootlrmeCl klckers.­London 'TIt·Blts. 1

I Dumu' Riot of Extravagance,

Dumas Monte CrIsto v\lln wall a lordly pleasure bouMe. tropical In ltfl IlIIlte nnd Its extrnVUl!:on, e-a weIrd ~ooruslon or Bohemlu uod tbe Arnblnn NI/tbtll. The --"lllIlIM ot tbe rs or A.I/terln Bnd Tunis IllY nbout tbe bOuse, ~mmlngled wltb ~o~tly (reORUres ot home mODufnctllre. In II Rnllreme dl .. order, "nd there WII. every embelllsb­ment wblcb tbe cnpMces of 8 IUlurl­Int and undlKclpllnl'd Imog\ontlotl ~ollid RUl(geMt-lrotblc turret. 1)(1 vU­Ions, mlnnrets, on nrtltlclnl Inke whit an Island ond n cnRcade, a plcturo 1(01-lery, a studIo, n n 0 vlo ry. n UlOII key bouse. a .tnble a blJou tbeotpr a klo~1C wltb n blue' ~lIInll' studded wltb .tors to s@rve as R workroom tor the mos·

wbo boil the tltlett of bla prlncll'ol "I.'''.'nnd 8torle~ gra ven conRplcuool­

tbe .toueft of bls d well log -·P'aitiBlo,os· Df the Frencb Rom8Dtlca."

For the Children p.lnce WIllIam, Heir Apparent to the Gorman Throne

• J~ •• Ii" H

, Photo by Amt!1"(cnn Pr~S5 Assoelntlon.. 1

1.'bo IlIn",ellt lookIng little boy ber ... willI plclllr~d Is the "Id~"t "00 ot Ibo crown prince of GermllnJ It be OUto lives bls fot her lie will probllbly .It 00 the Germlln throne He docA" t looU mucb like II knlser DO\\, bllt III' lOll'

IIrow up [0 \)p n greut \\ IIr lord Ills nllme 1s Wilhelm, und be was nnmed ofler bls Iml'<rhll gilludflllher I,nl"eI Wllbelm HI. gleul greut gruodta[ber. Wilhelm ( \\ u" [he flrst emperor of tbe G~rmnn C.u"rutloll IIl1d UDolbel ancestor \\fiR ll'rederl( It tUe Gren4 a noted soldier, or w bOBe deeCls mnCl! bUB bueD \\ rltten

• The Oldest Tr ••••

Therl' Is n \ ew Irl'l! III n cllUrehynrli at I"ortlngol III Perth.blre, \\ bleb De Ca.H]olle n"nrly n bundr( d senl9 ngo pro led to be 01 er ~ (iU() ~ ell," old nnd one nt Hedsor, Bucills \\ bleh 19 3 !l~O SOllr. of uge

Ho" De Cnndolll' nrrh ell nt tbls eg, tImnte ot tho ngo ot tbese livIng treeD 19 n slmplo thing

This yew, OR "ell ns most olhel trees a<ld9 nbont Oile lenlh ot nn Incb In clrrumCeren<o n \ enr Elumboldt mnkes rorcrC!u~o to no onorIDOUS bao­bab trel' In conlrnl Afrlcn us tlte olClest orgnulc monumenl In lhe "orld ltD tmnlt Is t\\ eray nille feet In diameter, nnd AdnlllRon pro\ cd thnt It hnd Dot Uved les9 than» 1f.O yenrs.

'rills "OA n mlstnlte, bowever, tOI 1I1exlcnn scientists bovo ploved thn' tbe Montezllma cypres8 nt Cboplllt ... pee, with n trunlt 118 teot. Is older by n tbou~no'l ~ en rH The glgnntic Cnll­tornln redwoods nro Impressive by ren. eon ot theIr number, greot DgO nod .Ize

Tbe .equolns of the Mariposa, Cala. veros nnd Soutb porle woods nro more thno 1,800 In numbor

Tbe "grizzly gla nt' In tbo MnrlpOo 8n group 18 4 G80 yenrs old \VbUo Lho tnlleo "totber ot lho torest" Is very mucb older.

;J, Look. Impo •• lbl ••

Tbo possibility at putting 0 bUlk os Inrge ns tweoty qunrters, weighing four ounccs, Into n wlneglns9 nlr_ndy tall to the brim" Itb "nu r 80,'1119 rOo mote, yet It enn be done First pro­cllre n w(oeglnss and \\ Ipe It perfectly dry InsIde nnd Ollt. espeelnlly I1rOUIl<) tbe rim. Pour the wlltor gontly Into It tram n .pouted pItcher, using "pring woter It obtnlnuhll', UDIU tbe glnss 119 tull to tbe brim 'rhen drop 000 qun ... tor Bt n time, edge"IIYs gently Into tbe glns8 As M'lon nR the edge of tbe qunrter tOllch(!ll rue wnter let It drop. being cnretul nol 10 wet tho edge ot the glnss MilCh to :vOUI' ~urprise, tbe WAter now slond" nbove tbe level ot the ,Ias8, but does Dot spill.




.. \

.. I

• 1/

Page 7: (Vou Din A Watch 1 I - · (Vou Din A Watch 1 I Likely its a pretty good watch too-but you surely aren t going to expect It to run " lifetlmo without nllention, That's


, •

" ,


Upon the S~!,"dard You Raise . pend. Vour Future Career. at we make of niirRo,lvEls depl!nd

'1."O'Hl the ideals wrllccJnh~·~:.j~ll~i~~u~;;z~1 Our lives are s

men till ml?dels. II t.l}ose hIt is 10fty;,U low·it,groveis. no bettcr thun his idenls. The SLrCU'"

CllilDOt rise. higher than ils Our work can n~vcr overtOp

IImbition. It is n great the con~tant suggestion of,.: of lhings that are grand noble In hUiDan achievement, in mind. it tellds to make: us love

and hate 'the. wiong'k '

Nature Imitating Art. ,,()hnrlc3 Frohman was talkng about

a>. fumous young ~ctrClls.' "She is su,pc~b" sad Mr. Froh'

mlln, ,lIghtng n hJge cigar. "but she • G8 nlso'll Iittlc-er-but I won't call

, !her' conceited. • . "Once though, at a rehearsal. af.

tei: ,she' h nd eoncl uded a renlly wonderful soene, 1 ventured to ob· i6<]}. •

"It WIlS nil divine ,except thnl :) hilffirsnllka People don't shnke hends

like thnt in rt'lll life.' "'Ah, but they Will: she IInswer'

'oed, 'Illter the)' have scen me.' Mr. Frohmnn smiled. I

" '''A.nd hy Jove," he suld. "they :did, too."

It H •• Manv Qualltl ... - Tho man who 0110lI80 •••• a bottlo of .Dr. Thom .. s· Ealee· 'trio Oil I. armod !llrllinst mllny Ill.. It ",til cure ~ cough, brcB.k fL cold. prcvont .. oro throat; IL will roduco tho ."olllnit from a spra.ln. ouro t he most. perelatent tlorCII nnd will .pocdily hoal outs Ilnd .cont.uslons. It ie n. medioino chost in St.l!Cil ... Ild can bo 10L for .. quartor of a dollar.

"Now you two children go \.0 your .room and seo thnt you don't move 'tor an hour." said the womnn, out <Jf patience. .

"We mny piny chess. then, mnm· DlII?" inquircd !.he larger bov.­Yonkers Statesman. , ,

Egyptologist-Here IS a pnpyrus O!l wllich the-chnracters nrc so budly traced thnt they nrc indecipherable. How shall you class It?

Keeper of Museum'-Oh. I shnll just clIll it II doctor's prescription In t.he time of Phnroah. '

Keep Minard'. Liniment In the hou ••

"I onn trace my descent frem; Ho· mer," said T,or<1 Sintey proudly.

"Indeed." replied MISS Oresse. who didn't seelD to .lie at, all impressed. "'It is ce~tainly n great descant."

·1'1i •• ~ Is one thing we ought lo bold in sllch SIlcrecincss that no considerA. tion could induce us to diluw·lt, and that IS the qUlllity of the life, the qual. Ity of our Ideals. Whatever else Wd arc careless about. we cannot aHara to cllrry through life low ond class p~r.onalities or demo,ralllzl,ng mentalities. However humble our homes or ordinary our environment. We should keep the quality of the hIe. the personality. at the lughest l>os~ibJe stundard, We should ollow nothing to 'deteriorate it.

Yet 1II0st penple I are careless lind ImHfferent regarding the quality »1 their lives. 'l'here IS a s1ipshodne~~ in'their living. a slovenliness lD thei! mentality, which tend' to deteriorate the quality of the hfe and make iI cheap .. nd commonplace.

Whatever your cureer, guard ideal liS the apple of your eye, pearl of greut price, for everything de. penus upon the direction 111 which thllt points. If It Jlolntd downward ne amount of money or influence cUI,·,re··1 deem you from mediocrity or suve you, from a degra<k>d lIfe.' is so mode, that he IllUdt Inllow hia idell\.' He cannot go up if hiS :deal powtli down:-Orlson ewett ~larden ..

Saving Their Clothes. "I have noLtccd." tile manuger 1)1

hotel said. almost every mao who stOl's h~a:s~d;~\!~~Jds~ mn.n one ~ -or n

"Xes." said Miss McBluff, "I've !lad nina Jlro~sals since I ~aw you last."

".Indeed?" replied Miss Wise. "lind did you reward his perseverance by

'flnally l,ccepting him?"-Tha Calho' lic SLnndard lind Times.

.'---'---,-- ". "Did you ever tell·th~ nTflnn;piLlr

room lellked?" asked

. ,

.-.-"--- • ,

, ~E MAXIMS. • Sir Hiram, Hu3,;..on and Hiram P. An

. ,RemarkablNrwentors.

To. Get Poisons Fro~ the Blood


Itrlm., and Directrflft~f Witt­nipea Pla~er' .

, Those who b~liEive1b-.u. there is vir. lult ju the "heredl tar, prl.ici,Ple" may

nt in triumph to the'8cblewemerltli three famous inventors nawed

M,Elii m. who are all near relations. nllra:m, Stevens being father of

l'er·cv. and brother of Hudson. .Mbifiy SU!>pose.wnen they hear of Max·

all are the invention of but there 'nre no less than -,. ....

. . You Have to Depend on the Filter

In, process of tho Liver .nd Kidney •.

TIllie Organ. Alone Can Purify th. Blood, and They Do Their Work.

Welt when Helped by


Miss Edna Landers, the handsome ind' clever young prIlDa donna of .ilie recent performllnce of "The Chlmes·o! Normllndy," which WIlS presented b, the Winnipeg Amuteur Operat~c Co. In the Earl Grey MUSical Ilnd Dram ... Lic Trophy contests. held in Winrupeg. is In her very early twenties.. She III a real Western Canlldlon gul, havlnl been..!!orn in Winnipeg. Her fllther. Lhe late J. D. Landers. WI18 a very

NOT the fIOrt..M. .I"d. but •• 11.

cf'ln"""cted, wann, ,uMta.,tlal rn m_ bulld'~. You .:IIV. u·ehlt.ct _ .~, builder', fO% Ind Itlmber _Ier'. blC rroft.h b, ~u.,I.' A I.Lm"IC' •• aJ~4Ire4l from OW' calli.. ..

who. without col· ing independent.-

~:~~~~~~;;~r~!~~~'~~~~i~~~death-dealing ·KIDNEY,- LIVER PILLS well.known Tlulroad' mlln.. . .. Edn~. when quite young, develo~ a strong soprano,voice'und much hiS' 'rionie ability Ilnd WIlS frequently seen ILnd heard fn Hllrvcst HOnle and oth. er similnr festivals. Some five seasons ago she sang the dillicult role of Jos· ephine. in Pinafore. scoring a sue· cess. Two years later she IIppeared ~, "Serpolett.e." with the WlIlmpeg Amateur Operatic Society. in '''l'he Ohlmes of NOrlDundy." when her IUC' cess amounted to Il veritable tnuruph . Shortly I1fter, the slime Ilmbltaous op­era com pliny pul on "The Gondoliers." 10, which Miss Lunders played "Glan· etLa." again her abilIty to both SIng Ilnd IIct primll donna roles. The following season "The Ser· enade" was produceu by this aspiring company. lind MISS Lllnders appeared as "Yvonne.JI once more Uluklng an excellent impreSSion. She WIIS cOl1ch. ed in these tHree roles by Mrs. O. P. Walker, stage directress of the Win­uipeg Amllteur 0l.' Co.,

Other Houlel, Bunl.lowi. Cottagel, Barnl, School •• 2 to 12 Room.-· $175 Up B •• ,.,lhl" •• t _0 .... '. eo.t-Iu .. ~ trimmed. flit" and mark.d; rootlnll. doo .... _Indo .... 1 .... Cllalt .. hoard. Interior trim .nd "nllh. hardware .hlt the •• lIe and paint.. AI-a planl, ~h.I. print. _nil del ailed bulloll ... .a.tnu;tloa .... U au clor ,~·U ... rot .0 ... 111 ...........

a I II <I K K:Illll e He had but a common

ealllCBmCln, and obtained his sci.­emlllC by studYing lind at.­L~IlIlIng lec:twrCs during ,the lour. yellu

-,....... 118 lin npprentice to a ooach· DUI,lu.:r. and afterwllrd3 liS a mnohlll'

in hjs uncle's shop. and foreman other shops. His first invention

an automatic mouse.trap. then ed engineering devices and IIUto·


, Poor Stuff. "But do you think," aske~

itor in the local option town. Pl'Qhlbltion really preven.ts?" I

"Well." replied the native. "it pre' vents. a jellow from setting the best of whiskey. but it doesn't' prevent whiskey getting the best of him." , -,

Illume gas. engines. In 1878 he in., 'vented I1n incandescent electric lamp that would burn for a hundred hours. He made his debut in Europe by ex· hiblting at the Paris Exhibition 01 1831 the first electriolll current regula·

ever Invented for reducing the at~nos,pn,ere to the utility of the elec. tric lamp. Puris WI18 delighted and charmed. and Maxim was mllde a Ohe­vlllier 01 the Legion of 'Honor Two 'yeurs Inter he brought out hi~ automa' tic, gun: Mr. M.axun'3 nlaXJm bmng "Kill quickly and kill lurgely.'· In this" inyention the recoil IVI18 utilized to'relQud and fire the gun. Ilt the rate oi 770 shol.s a minute. He also in. vented the gun known as lhe "Porn.

" and in recent yeurd he hilS de· time to Ilerilll naviglltion.

Cle'~la~oo las\ yenr that the Wrighl "bllck numbers" and

Av • .rv·th:in';' ill the Wright machine wa.sco])ied from his. 'l'wu weeks Ilgo

,hiS posillon liS a dIrector Sons &: Mllxim. wjth the

expressed it, f)f "return· firsl love-tlyi ng mn·

Bilter (at servant's agency)-Have Grnhnrne·White and you got n cook who wilL go to the has II syndicate

No mediclIl treatment olin possibly purify the b10cd excopt liS it sets in thealthy working order' the .kidneys. liver and bowels.

To these organs is nssigned the duty of filtering hom the blood the poisonous waste IDa1iter which is lefJ!. over when the nutritious elements

extr"lICted from the food you eat they are not overcrowdpd or slow

and sluggish in nctlon they keep the .blood pure nnd healihy.

;For thiS renson Dr. Ohase's Kidney Liver PiU~ are the most sHotisfactorY treatment you cnn pOssibly obt.nin to purify the blood.

Their effeot.a are prompt. definite nnd certllin. The liver acllon is quickened. the kidneys are invigor' ated the regular movement of the bowels is assured. It is only a mat· ter of n few bOUTS until you begin to feel the benefits'ol this ~reat med· 101De. Further usc. as often 8S IS neoes&llry . to keep these organs' IIC' tlve will clennse and 1)Ilrlly the blood and enable the dige&tive sys' tem lo groperly do its work.

Bll<lkache. headache. lind bodily pains will disappear. and the fatigue which is an accompaniment of POI' sons in the system will give wny to new vigor and' energy. One pill a dose. 25 cenls 0. box, at all deniers, or I£dman80n. Bates & Co., Limited. TcrontO.

A Bit of Store News. Salesman-What may I have tJhe

']llp.agure of showing you. madllm? Lady Visitor-Oh, l'm not

at the moment. I'm merely around. taking stock, as it you know.

Salesman-I'm glud you mentioned ilt, t.he \:uv'nor said. he thought that was your "litl1le" game." , ----r--

Her marked IlbiLity. hllndsome IlICe Bnd figure lind general personal mag· netism fit her admirably for a career on the professional stage. and she has already been the recipient of several ~ntlclng oUers. Wheilier or not gifted young woman Will devote her tllients to the stuge, is undecided. but there is a rUlllor to the effect that a certain prominent producer 01 mlL'!icni comedy IDlly secure her ser· vices for nexl season. She is such a greit favonte. however. With the young set in Winlllpeg. that even the gillmor of the stage wily not ",111 her trom her lrlend~ lind Bdmuers of Weal.

Book of 60 Houae Plan. FREE rhotot. planl, deec:rlptlonl Ihn_ •• _cU,. .... tallt c(lmpl-.. t-l)UU;' 'ook like lind lel1_ , ... ctlrltlelt' ,,"III • cud ~ I_at .nol .... lut' "Ia. Book N.., ,.

10 • ,,- . Co. ItNl..llmt4_"Id6 ............... t.ructiOa '1~.OJl'lo.. 0._

Would Make a Horse Laugh. He was a raw recruit. just enrolled

In a crack cavalry rogiment, and pnyin!>; his first vlsrt to the rid lDg

school. .. 'Ere's yer !toss." sllid ~he in

struotQr. The recruit advnnced, look the

l~rldle gingerly nnd clComineu his mount wi~h great care

"'Whot's it got this strap around it lor'" lie asked. pomtlng to the ,girth.

"'Veil," explOlned the instructor. solemnl,.. "you sec, 1111 our hosses ' II keon sense 0' humor. an' as. they somctimes 'ave sudden fit.a o· laughter when they sec the recruitli. we pu.t bands round 'em to keep 'em 110m bursUn' tiIleir sides."

rStop That

Chan&,C' that lImpiDC. ".elen horIC into a ,ound, healthy hOllie, , .. l11\al and carer to do .. 10000t day's work..

Don't tel a SpaviD, curD, Splint, Sprain, Ringbone or :lay other t.aUle­IU!!i!l keC'p your horsc in the stable. CUre it with

coun,try? ' '. • all kmd. of ?Ianuger (caUln" oult to girls in the I ~:~h~r~~al~~~:~ri including

next room)-ls, J!.here anyone. here I' aIV,ay·s:(JeS;irE".d;;,t~~o"i~;,n:~.

Pili. Df Atte.ted Value. - Parmelee'. Velletable Pilla, are~tbo :rooult of careful study of the·propertle. of certain rooto and herb •• and the aotlon of .uoh B. seda· tive. and laxatives aD tbo dilosUVe ap· paratus. The IIUCCOS8 tho compounders h!> •• met with "tt •• ts the value of their work. Tho •• pill. havo he.n roo.llolzed for many years as t.ho best cleansers ,>1 the system that co.d. be aot. Thelr ex· oellence waa recOi'Dlzed from the fi.rst and they &row more popular dal!y. O. P. Walker. stage directress of the WjnDlpeg Amateur Operlltlo Co .• wus formerly a ptouune'nt prima donn.u. and wiil doubtless be remew· bered by mnny tneatre·goors of Cao· ada. as beforc she left the stage. sowe fifteen y"ars ago. she toured &5 tht! ID many prominent productions. ~'or twelve yellrs or more she h .. s been II resident of Winmpeg, devot.­ing her time nnd attenlion to dOIng the press work for her husband's tt.eutres-the Walker. an Winnipeg; the Metropolit.nn. in Grand Forkd. N.D.; aod !.he Fargo Oper.. House. Forgo. I5he Is also part olVUer of WlDnipeg Town Topics. a bright 80·

ciety. music and drama weekly. 11\ which. she has for years writtlln "The Matinee Girl" letters.

Kendall's Spavin Cure

who w()uld ",like· to ilpend a day in rl the country?"-Lile.


The art photograph. ,had viSited the (arm. "I want to maJte an ex' hllustlVe study of this 'particular landscape." he said. "and would like

•• , .... c hired man to retllin his present rneao. the fence there. Onn he


111 Ius

. "]'Qr days IIot n time .... repIled hhe farmer.-Exchnnge,


OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS • Mrs. Allim Milson. Carleton. N. B • wrLtes: "I hllve used Bll>by's Own TllIblets ever smce I have had child, ren lind that is going 011 fifteen years. I haye a,lwllYs 'found thc.m entIrely sntisfnctorily for al! the ail· ments of little ones and feel thnot I connot oprnise them too highly." Mrs. Mason's praise is just thflt of tho~' slInds of mothers who. consider Boby's OWll Tablets the' only Slife and Bure rem~dy to keep in the house jor their little ones. The. Tablcts nrc sold by ,medicine denIers Qr by mllll Ilt 25 cents ~ box from The Dr. WH·

n,,,, •. ,lIllmS' Co., Brockville, Ont ..

Mrs. Walker is honorary president 01 the Canadian Women's Press Club; president of the women's commltte~ of the Winnipeg Humllne Society; Vlcc·Presldent of the WInnipeg Sun· shine Society: Ilnd is also on the board of !.he 'Winnipeg Childron's Hospital.

.... Imonte's Heroine.

It curci without le •• lnr • scar. btcmbh ur white it don not bU:6ler. \

l'orl Kan., D.C •• June IHb tOO9 ulIllvl! been \l~lnl: your I.iutment rOt

ye.~ and find It aU that yon represent. Ua1C Dol been without It r()rlOyea~"


It •• boUte-6 for ,,'l. Itxtellc:nt tor ho\U.~hohl U!5C Sold by all tlealcr.t. A!lk Cor (ree book: itA Treatise On The Horse" or write: u. Cor copy. 5S

D •••• J. .all .. VL

1'he town of Almonte. Ont .. recently had II very costly fire. Ilnd inCidental· Iy dlscovered thal It has a beroine. Miss Eva Dennult. IlIght operator ID Lhe Bell Telephone Company's ollice. sho\\ed a struin of pluck Similar to ' thllt of the engllleer who sticks to hiS enginll when to stick means danger of dellth, and to that of the captalll who stuys 'with Ius sltlking ship.


MISS uenllult was wakened by the flumes, and nltnough-the room slle was in wns lull of smoke she dldn't lose her heod; she guve the nillrm belore trYlllg to save llerseU. I

MISS Denllult's own account of her eKperience. as given to a reporter of The Ottawa Journlil. is interesting.

"I WIIS sleeplDg on the bed t.hat IS p'ovided for l'S. 115 wc arc not often very busy lit Illght," she said. "The

must hllve been burning, for quite time in the upper s~ory. but I wu,

awukened al Illst by the bursting of the wlIldow panes caused by heal outSIde. ~ 1 Jumped up aud lound the 01 smolie~ It WIlS 111·


Girls, we will give you this hand­Borne gold·plnte Extension llrlLcele4> nbsolutely FUBE. for selling onl,. $,1.00 worlh of our lovely ellroa at l for IDe. , .

l.~~~ .i~ll~:?~S~I~.~: to breatne. but 1 mun· ottler, acros, tho room to tho

ca1IeJ up the Town Hall and the alarm. 1 had not time to

speak on the telephone. and dld even hllve time to get my wlltch fhe books. How~ver.' 1 don't .. 1 Lhut. 1 WIIS glud enough to get oul myself.


. ....

I '





Page 8: (Vou Din A Watch 1 I - · (Vou Din A Watch 1 I Likely its a pretty good watch too-but you surely aren t going to expect It to run " lifetlmo without nllention, That's


MAN Land of .Opporturi.ities

t , . ,~" jll't n' few of the great advantage~ offered bv the Province of 'lIIallitolm. !lhowing why those who desire to better tbeir coudition :shoui(1 H~ck homes within her borders :-

1'0 'rI-IH FARMER- Fertility of soil Ilnd climatic cOllllitfons '. have given the Prlwince of, r.lnnitoba world-wide fame as the Home'o£!No. 1 I'lard Wheat. ..

To the ilons of her farmer,; l\[nnitobn (}lT~r~ flee agricultural eel­ucation ill :111 Agricuttllr,ll College secolld to ilone 011 tile contincnt of Alllcricn.

"1'0 TIlB AR'r[SAN AN' 0 LARORER-Flourisbillg' industries in rapidl)'. progressing cltit:s have placed, n_ premiul11 II po II e\'erV lI!~cripti()n of skilled alld unskillcd labor. There is UII­

IImitcd allll rel11unerative work for all. '1'0 TIlE INVESTOR-Abundant hydro·electric power at low

prices for lIIanuhelurinl{ unci other purpoOtJs. Fertile lands. Var­ied anll illll11ltnblcd natural rc~ources. Adequate transportation facilities. All olTer to I~aill. capital and energy opportunities And returns unparalleled anywhere, and beyond highest expectations. We invite YOIl to come and share in ollr prosperity and future grealness. , '''rite for information to :- .

JAS. HARTNEY, i7 YOlk St.. 'toronto, Ont. JOSEPH BURKE, 178. Logall A\·c .• Wlnnip~g-. Man, A. A. • LARIVIERE. 22 Alliance Building. Montr~al, Q. J. F. TENNANT, Grl!tno, M,lIIitoIJll.

J. J. GOLDEN, Deputy ~linist~r of Agriculture and .llllllligrqtion, . Winnipc~ --..

On.tario 'House Rnllwny.AvD .• Trehcrn~

Illeutqd hy [lot Air, Lighted by Electricitv. ~

SpeCial attention tl' ,

Mrs. Needham, of 'l'reherne. is \'i~iting tlit: 'PlIlmDng for .a few dn'ys.

SIdney Martin, of Lnvcnhnl11, paid Robert Cnin' a visit O\'er Sunday.

Harfr Preciom; hns pllrcllnsed II

threshing olltfit, with which he in­lel1d~ to do a streak of l.ll1sineRs this fall:


The Mm;sev-Hllrris ngent at Lavenhalll ,was busy tnking' orders het;e last Mouday.

Mrs. Wilkinson, who has been viSiting her dnughter at Viscollnt, Su~k."has returned,

Claude Grogan, Clarence Dobbin, and Elsie O,borne are in 'l'rehcrne' wlltilig on enlrance class exam-t ions. ' .

Lad ysmilh and Ro~selldale' held a meeting 011 Tuesday e\'eniilg­with regard to a' picnic. The rc­suit will not be knolYn till il('xt week.

\Vhooping cough is not danger­ous when the cough is kept loose lll~d expectorRtiOli easy hy giving Chamberlain's Coug-h Remedy. It has heen uspd ill lIlallY epidemics ot this dl~ense with perfect success.

or sale by dealers everywhere.

The Commercial Trade Sat11pl~ Rooms in c011ncctioll

AS'Y por~(JD who Islho RIIlo " (lr IUIY mulu nvor IS )'nnrl! d,II!!')',I."".'!"·1 HLoliti 1\ '1UUNONlontloll

I11lIlion JUlllt hi ltilluitobn. ~" "lhurL". 'JILIn IlPI)lIcnnt. must-It IlL thD IJomlnlnu Lnnd" J.' E. L(}ppard

Pho'1c No. 1 u _ Proprietor -Ch ' b Ii' Colle. Cholern nnd am er a n 5 llinrrhoell Rellledy. Ne~'er rlllig. lJuy it HOW. 111UIlY &lUre: IHe.

ror tho dlslr:ut. lCntrl' :;".:,·c,· .. Ill. UU.1 1\J.lunC)', em (';nrtulu nlOthaf, ~(ln! thmuhttJr. Itrfl,.""r lutond lu", 1IOII\IJIJt"u.d"I.

Duties-Mix mrJILt.hti' tlvutlou ofthu tumt In .... " ...... homobtcnil ,r 11111)' lifO hUlJln8tou't.l Ull Ii tnllll soltll) OWIICU und fnLhpr. moLllul t

S,atu~dl!y and Sunday, Tune 10 and Hit. were davs or': great' rejoiciug

at Notre Dame de'Lourdes, for tbe residents ~f tha't prosperous.district had' in their midst for a few short

, ' f IlrS on those days, .the beloved

and veuerable Archbishop. His GraCle Philippe Adelard 'Lange\'ilJ, O. M. 1. It~s been Archbishop of st. BO!li face' for only 16 Y'enrs,yet his loving anxiety for'tb~ spiritual aud len,,·, 1C ral welfare of his faithful children of this' part of the Pem­bina Mouutain I"rollght him amlIn· gsllhem again for the t:levcnth time.

His Grnce, accompanied by the Rev. Father Prud'hommc, of St. Boniface, son of hi. HOIl'lr Judge Prud'homl11e, aud Chancellor of the Archdiocese, and secretary tl1 his Grace. arrived at Cardinal station about 1'. o'clock. They were met at once and drive1J,to the ch u rcll. where O\'er 200 scbool

i1drelJ. with their leachers, and a Ilumber of people were awaiting him. 'I'he brass band preced<!d


the Archbishop's carriage aioug Notre Damc a\'enuc as far as the church. Theil the children wel­comed the' beloved father with a hymn of welcome, and by waving of il1lHlluerable flags.

After dinner, an' immense cession conducted his Grace and the clergy from the Presbytery to the cburch, for benediction of the Most B1e&s!:d Sacramcnt"and aftcr­wards to the' cemetery, where hi~

Grace Offered lip specia~ prayers for the departed, and then blessed the

, , I

cemeterr. ,Rtlllrning to the church his Grace then rec"eh'ed the 1II0ther~

- ...... ~ ••••••••••••••• : ',p •••••••••••••••••••• Rath well Locals : :!

~.:.-II-.t.:...r-•• -ti'-'IIIr-It-"m-• .:..a-bo.:..n:::.t.:..p.:..eo.:..r..:..I • .:..II-.-d.:..E-v.':"'! 1:1 Old Reliable o.t. In Rothwell Bod D .trlot. • 41 I'

••••••••••••••••••••••••• : 41 ~._'~~~ ____ ~ _______ ~~~~ ____ ~~~ __ =m __ ~~ __ __

• • James Walker relurned from the

city on !\Ionday. ,

Fred Stockdalc returned from hJs visit to Winnipeg- on Saturday. 41

i'llrs. P~t~r 'McKeown, of Willlli- ; peg, is visiting friends in Rnthw~l1. I :

~Irs .. '1'. M. Ward and Nurse • Emery returned from tbeir visit to 41 the coast on Satllrday. : .

Baptiste Vnignier lJas sold his farm, the S. E. }( of Sec. ~3 and S, \V. }.( of Sec. 34, 7 8, to Arthur Bonny {or ;\Iss ( o.


Misses Alicc Forbes, Edith

,Maple ,Leal '.;l!;Irand This is the best brand of paint on the market. Jt is gl1aranteed by the maktrs to wear longer, and will leave a brighter and sl)lOother s\ll'facc

.than any other paint on the market to-day. •

Prism Brand, I have some of this stock on hand and, to clean it off OUI- shelves I will give a good reduction off by. taking all of an)' one color.

• Shepherd and Qneenie Emery left on Wedllcs~ny .. for Winnipeg, where they will take all examinat­ion in Illusic.

J I· 41 ------------------------------------41 : 41

Adam Forbe~ .. '. .;)

Tile· uniform success that has attended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­edy has made It a favourite el1ery­where. It can always he depended upon. For sale by dealers every-



where. . ,


Charles Arbez and familv, of ~t. Claude, were ill tOWII all Sunday last.

The Rev. Father Dom Moquct, C. R.1. C., from Rome,' Italy, who hns been \'i~iting hero for a few days, left for Quebec ell roUte

Europe. lnst ::;u[urdn)'. The Re". Fnttier Antoine ChalullIeun, C. R. I C., accompanied him as f~r as Winuipeg.

are being'

'10 .. ~.~~~.~~~~~~~~~.~.~ ~~~ •• ~~~.~~ •••• ~i.

, -

New Jewel Gang

Built entir,ely of steel and malleable irOIl, it has great STRENGTH. Removablc, dust proof bearings, heav)' shares and triple plate 1ll0tLldboards give it great LASTING QUALITIES. Direct draft and the manner of carrying the sidc pressure 011 the furrow wlleels make LIGHT DRA".· The peerless foot lift, automatic steerilJg c011ncction an cl adjustment of furrow wheelmakc EASY HAN DUNG. 'l'he set of shares ami \ shape fof lhe mottlclboards insure per­fect work and make the COCKSHUTT NEW JEWEL the ~DER IN ITS CLASS. Call and look it over •

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