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Page 1: Volunteering can make one happier!


Page 2: Volunteering can make one happier!

Live and Learn is your partner, set up with the aim of

harnessing the value of diversified pathways to learning.

In keeping with the global emphasis on learning and its

many facets, the team at Live and Learn believes that

exposure to varied work environments, classroom

learning enriched with socially and economically relevant

work situations and mid career opportunities to engage

with learning opportunities for alternative skill

formation leads to more productive individuals and a

more creative, dynamic and evolving society.

Page 3: Volunteering can make one happier!

Live and Learn comprises of an experienced team of

professionals from India's premier learning institutes

with decades of experience in different work domains.

The organization works with a vast network of partners

in sectors of education, corporate entities, non

government organizations, associations, independent

professionals and artists. With growing interest in India

as an economy and its traditional treasure trove of

history, culture and arts, 'Live and Learn' can be your

perfect partner for designing your perfect window to

India and all it offers to live and to learn.

Page 4: Volunteering can make one happier!

Volunteering is one of the best ways in which normal

people that have their own lives to tend to, can give back

to the society. Volunteering allows people to help those in

need of help and at the same time feel themselves as part

of the larger community. Volunteering is considered a

sacred act which teaches one a lot of values and lessons

about life and its hardship. After volunteering you

develop feelings like kindness, humility and compassion.

It gives you a good feeling and makes you happy inside.

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Page 6: Volunteering can make one happier!

Across the globe there are millions of people who are need of our

help; these people by the virtue of their ill fate have been born in

conditions so stressing and crude that they are left at times with

no other choice but to leave through them. Such people, who

have been abandoned by their governments at times, are destined

to be hopeless as nobody comes up to them to lend a helping

hand. But today there are number of social organizations that

provide a helping hand to these people so that they can stand for

themselves and work their way out of this vicious cycle of

poverty and humbleness. Volunteering provides you with an easy

way of showing your concern and doing your share to fight this

fight for the people who can’t do it for themselves.

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Page 8: Volunteering can make one happier!

Volunteering has a long and illustrious history which

dates back to the time the first civilizations were formed.

Its earliest traces can be found in the Indus-Valley and

the Vedic Civilization. Volunteering has been carried

forward for centuries by monks, students and common

people as an act of reverence for god and a genuine need

to help the needy. The monks in Christianity and the

Gurudwara system are two most prominent examples of

community volunteer for the poor and needy. In India,

this act is given a lot of importance and is considered


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Page 11: Volunteering can make one happier!

Volunteer tourism refers to the activity where you

combine the two ideas of volunteering and vacationing.

The idea is to volunteer and side by side enjoy your

vacations so that you volunteer in a place that has high

tourism value and volunteering opportunities.

Volunteering tourism is a recent phenomenon which has

gained a lot of fans in people who are really geared on

contributing to the society and since it is difficult to

find time for anything now a days, vacations are being

utilized for the purpose.

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Page 13: Volunteering can make one happier!

India is one of the worlds most visited tourist destinations due to

its cultural diversity, history, people and the hospitality it

provides to the world. It is the epitome of culture in the world. It

is true that India is one of the fastest developing countries in the

world but it also true that one third of its population s crippled

by the curse of poverty and are struggling to even get two square

meals a day. In this regard volunteering in India has great

potential and there are more than 450,000 NGOs which are

working in diverse issues who can be great resort for any sort of

volunteering work.

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Page 15: Volunteering can make one happier!

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