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  • 8/7/2019 Volume I: Chapter 1.2



    Chapter 1: the unexpected visitor

    Hurry up Naozumi, before she wakes up. Said Naoki to his ten year old twin brother

    carefully placing the worm on the tip of Yuries nose while she fell asleep under the tree while

    waiting for the fish to eat the bait, Yuries younger brother had always put a small prank on her;

    Naozumi and Naoki were both secretly giggling and imagining how their eldest sister

    would react when she finds out as soon as she opened her eyes that the worm that she put as bait

    for the fish has already been placed on top of her nose. As soon as the two heard their mother

    asked their sleepy head sister to catch a fish that they have evaded doing, it was once again a

    perfect timing to make fun of her, since she easily get all crazy. And a day wouldnt be fun

    without pestering her.

    Yes! Naoki and Naozumi made a high-five and slowly crawled back to hide in one of

    the trees just in case their eldest sister screams. But what these two didnt know was that their

    mother, Noami noticed on the window that the twins were giggling and she had a feeling that

    something was up.

    Meanwhile, Yurie was in deep sleep, dreaming of herself on a stage dancing gracefully at

    Tschaikovskys Swan Lake. Yurie saw herself dressed in a most beautiful white color swan

    dress and was being surrounded by other dancers just like the ballet performance of Swan Lake

    that she first saw when she was ten years old. And since then, she had asked her father to let her

    study ballet because she had never seen anyone who could look so graceful and so light on stage

    as if they have no gravity at all. And then in her dream, she saw herself dancing with her

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    handsome prince. He was dashing, looking at her with his loving eyes and lifting her up in the air

    like a leaf. And when the prince in her dreams slowly puts her down, she made her turn to look

    up at his prince and what she saw was the face of her twin brother smiling mischievously at her,

    YAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Yurie woke up and open her eyes unaware that a

    small worm was starting to move on the tip of her nose, suddenly her nose started to twitch and

    when her vision cleared up, she realized that a small worm was moving on the tip of her nose,

    she began to screamed so loud, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gotcha!!!! said the twins Noaki and Naozumi, laughing their brains out. Unfortunately,

    what they didnt know was that their mother was already standing behind them, watching their

    devious plan become successful.

    Hurry, get a picture! insisted Naoki to Noazumi, The other twin, Noazumi turn around

    and saw that their mother was gazing down at them, her eyes and nose were flaring up, Noazumi

    gulped at the sight of their very angry mother as he turned pale and lost his voice to tell his other

    twin brother that theyve been caught red handed by their own mother.

    Naozumi, I said take a picture of Onii---he turn around and his face turned white and

    before they knew it, both of their ears were pinched up very hard back to their house to face the

    full wrath of their mothers anger and Oniisan.

    And the twins were both right.

    I dont know what else to do with the two of you. Said their mother with a steel note in

    her voice as both Naoki and Naozumi were kneeling in front of their mother who was sitting on a

    chair in the living room. While Yurie was fuming with madness at her two naughty brothers who

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    had a gash on her left brow that she immediately placed a band aid and her pants were half wet

    because she fell on the water when she panicked at the sight of the worm sliding slowly on her


    I should have strangled the two of your when you were still a baby. Threatened Yurie

    to her twin brothers who always seem to manage to make a worse day out of her,

    No wonder I couldnt catch any fish at all. You stole the bait! Yurie screamed.

    Eh, Oniisan wasnt fishing at all; you dont even know how to catch a fish. Said Naoki,

    then the other twin added.

    Thats right. You were sleeping instead of fishing. Said Naoki, who was the one who

    first saw her lazy sister not properly placing the bait worm on the fish hook and when he saw that

    the worm was crawling out of the hook and saw that Yurie was sleeping with her mouth open, he

    suddenly has the urge to put a practical joke on her once more.

    I wasnt sleeping you ungrateful kids! Yurie shouted angrily as he poked the heads of

    each one of her twin brothers.

    Thats enough! intervened by their mother, Naomi. Who stood up and shouted at the

    three of them, just them when she was about to ask Yurie why was she sleeping at the time that

    she asked her to go fishing for their food that night.

    And what about you Yurie, How many times do I have to tell you not to sleep when

    youre fishing?This time Noami turned her anger towards Yurie who was strangling the two

    with her right arms. Arrrrgh. Are you sure you wanted to be a ballet dancerarrrghhh

    losing breath from Yuries tight hold.

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    Stop it! Stop it! If only your father were still alive! their mother wailed at frustration

    while the twins continued to escape the tight hold of Yurie, Thats not a dancers leg, but

    octopus tentacles!

    What did you say? Is that so- then this what a beautiful octopus legs can do. Naoki was

    about to escape but Yuries flexible dancers leg caught up with him fast and tripped him over

    while Naozumi continued to get trap on Yuries right arm grip.

    Suddenly there was a knock on the door, but Yurie and the twins didnt bother to get the

    door, it was their mother who was still caught up with the chaos inside their house carelessly

    opened the door and was said,

    Who the---

    But stopped upon the sight of the person standing outside their door, she was tall, slender

    and very beautiful. Her blue eyes were like stars that sparkle in the night. Her black corporate

    suit with her blue silk shirt cautioned a dignified look. Her long blond hair was neatly tied into a

    French knot. All of them, including Yurie stopped upon hearing the voice of the lady with the

    pale white silky seen as if they were looking at a movie star. And all of their mouths gaped at the

    beautiful sight thats beholding them at that moment.

    Good evening. Is this the Hories residence? The beautiful woman asked kindly, her

    voice seems like a whiff of air that sends a musical tone in ones ear.

    It was Mrs. Hories who first cleared her throat, Yes it is.

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    The woman smiled, Good. Im sorry to bother you at this time of the night, but I am

    looking for Yurie Horie? a sudden thug was heard and when their mother looked back, it was

    Noaki and Naozumi gasping for air, while Yurie stood up and said, I am Yurie.

    The beautiful woman suddenly bowed at her, and the twins wondered what made that

    woman give her respect towards their Oniisan. Good Evening,Yurie-sama.

    Eh- who are you? shocked at the womans gesture.

    My apologies for being so late in coming here

    Yurie and the rest of her family were speechless. But Yuries curiosity was nonetheless

    rising at the amount of respect given to her.

    Young miss, but who are you? Noami interrupted

    I am very sorry. She smiled apologetically, she opened her bag and took something

    inside and then handed down a small card with a name printed in the middle. Quickly Yurie and

    the rest of her brothers came to look at the card that seems to feel like it was printed in an

    expensive paper.

    My name is Erika Kojima and I am here as a representative of Ms. Yurie Hories

    Grandfather. Quickly Yurie turned to look at her mother who suddenly turned pale and almost

    shake but quickly recovered.

    Mama, I thought you said that Grandfather has already passed away? Yurie asked

    puzzling over the fact that she doesnt know if its still true or not. Her mother moved away a bit

    and didnt speak; facing her back at Yurie, when she looked at Erika Kojima there was

    something in her eyes that reveals a message. A feeling that Yurie couldnt point out properly, as

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    if her mother was hiding something from her, her mother turn around and faced Erika but this

    time the worried look on her face disappeared. Please do tell Miss Kojima to come inside the


    Uh, oh-sorry, would you please come inside. Yurie went near the entryway and

    gestured the visitor to enter the house. Erika slightly bowed at her and smiled warmly and all

    proceeded to the living room. Her mother was facing Erika on the other side while she was

    sitting in the middle of the sofa.

    Miss Kojima, you are here to see my daughter, am I right? Noami asked formally at

    their visitor.

    Yes. That is right. Ive heard your circumstance. My condolences to your family and

    because of that, we were able to find out Ms. Hories whereabouts. Glancing at Yurie then

    looked again towards her mother.

    First my client wishes to extend his condolences to your family. And because of the

    circumstance that your family is undergoing, he wishes nothing more than to extend his

    assistance. Erika paused, waiting for Yurie who was listening quietly and her mother to react.

    But they were silent, so she continued. My client has been wishing more to let her grandchild

    know that if theres anything he could do in his power to help is give this help to his beloved


    Me! Why only me?- Yurie asked in confusion mixed with surprise while looking both

    ways at Erika and her mother.

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    Be quiet! Yurie. Let us hear what Ms.Kojima will have to say to us and to you Yurie.

    Yurie was surprise by the sudden snap from her mother. And wondered quietly was really going


    Yurie-sama, your grandfather wishes to help you by sending you to school. This time

    Erika was looking seriously at Yurie who was still in state of puzzlement over what was

    happening to her.

    But, Im already going to school. I dont need to change school. Yurie reasoned out.

    But Erika shook her head gently in disapproval, as if telling her that she wasnt getting what she

    needed to understand.

    We know. Your grandfather knows. But my client, your grandfather wishes nothing

    more than to give you the best. And when we say the best, going to the most prestigious school

    in this place- the Cross Academy; have you heard of that school, Yurie-sama?

    Eh! WHAT! Cross Academy!!!! Yurie stood up and couldnt believe what she heard.

    That is correct! Yurie-sama. Youre grandfather wishes for you to attend school at Cross

    Academy. And you all know that it is not easy to get in at Cross Academy, all the important

    young people in our society today wishes nothing more than to enter that school, for that school

    give the best education that one could ever have. And that is the dream of your grandfather,

    Yurieto give you the best of this world. Erika said seriously.

    But- why now? And what about my brothers, how come Im the only one to be given

    this chance; what about my brothers, arent they his grandchildren? Yurie told Erika.

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    I am sorry, Yurie. But the will only states only you other than that; I am not at liberty to

    say more for I do not hold the decisions of your grandfather. The twins upon hearing this

    wondered aloud, Yes thats right, why cant we also get in Cross Academy?

    Erika looked at the twins kindly and to their mother, as if wanting to assure them, I am

    sorry. But this concerns only Yurie. Noami continued to be silent while Yurie was in deep


    But I dont know him.- Yurie told.

    Ah, yes. I knew youd be curious about my clients identity. Your grandfathers name is

    Sojirou Nakayama. Erika said. As she saw how Naomi flinched at the sound of his name but for

    Yurie it was totally blank. He is one of the most important people that this society has ever had.

    He holds hundreds of corporation that our society looked up to. The respects that he has gotten

    from them were due to the fact that he has been revered due to his great contribution both of the

    political and the elite members of this society.

    What are you saying-? That my grandfather is rich. It was more like a statement rather

    than a question.

    If you want to put it that way that is how you ordinary people would say. There was a

    smeared confidence that was undeniable in his tone of voice; meanwhile Noami was trying to

    conceal her loath over the fact that Erika was revealing towards Yurie.

    But why only now that he has given his notice to us. He wasnt bothering to help me and

    my family at all. Yurie stated which surprises her because Erika looked directly at her mother

    and chuckled. When she saw her mother she turned pale again.

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    True. He wasnt bothering you at all with all this kind of help that I am now offering

    you, but you see- there was some circumstances that was unavoidable. And at that time, he was

    unable to give you that attention. Her voice trailed off and still looking towards her mother, who

    was eying Erika with a dagger look; which confuses Yurie even more.

    What circumstance are you talking about? I dont understand what youre saying.

    Yurie admitted with great confusion. Then she looked at Naomi, mother, do you know

    anything about this? asked Yurie. But instead of getting a calm response from Naomi, Yuries

    mother stood up and said with a steel voice, Its late! Ms. Kojima. Yurie was stunned by the

    sudden reaction of her mother. Yurie thought that this wasnt like her mother at all and to see her

    act this way made her think more if there was something she wasnt telling her about. But Erika

    wasnt even flinching by the display of anger that she was showing.

    Fixing her eye glasses, Erika took something inside her bag and lay down on the table

    clipped papers with bold letters that says AGREEMENT.

    Noami upon seeing the paper turned white, Erika spoke, I see- Mr. Nakayama has

    prepared for this moment. He was right after all. We know that eventually resistance from you

    will be normal. But you must understand, Yurie has a future that she must face, she cannot fulfill

    if she remain the way she is now. Her future is already set, you know that dont you but you act

    as if you want to deny her of that future that she must take.

    Yurie saw how her mother turned defenseless, it was shown all over her face, as if she

    was made to feel guilty. Yurie couldnt stand any longer, confusions and curiosity was building

    up stood up to face Erika, I dont want to be rude, but this is our house. I dont know if I should

    believe you or not. I dont know the person whom claimed to be my grandfather because

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    apparently he has ignored me for sixteen years. To be honest, Im not so sure if I wanted to know

    him at all.

    Yurie! Her mother spoke but she was interrupted by Erika, who appeared not to lose

    into this argumentation.

    Yurie-sama, you have no idea what you are talking about. If your grandfather could hear

    you speak about him this way, he would definitely be disappointed in you.

    I am so sorry, but he is a stranger to me.

    That is because you were lost to him. And he was looking for you. It is true that it took

    him years to find you. It was a difficult time for the family. Please, Yurie-sama, dont waste this

    opportunity. He has high hopes for you. And if you wanted to help your family now- this is the

    time to do that. Erika went to the table and took the papers and gave it to her.

    Everything has been written there, Read it and ask all the questions that you wish to be

    clarified at because this is your life as we speak. Yurie-sama, think of your grandfather, this is

    the time that you will be renewed to your real family. And upon hearing that, Yurie quickly

    looked at her stunned mother. There was a sly smile that Erika showed on her face, and Yuries

    heart began to beat in doubt and fear.

    Erika took her bag and was preparing to leave but looked back at them with an

    accomplished air on her back, I think what you need to learn more isnt just your grandfather

    Yuriesama butNaomi Horie has some explaining to do as well. She slowly walked to the door

    and turned around again, Please read it well and think about it hard. Not many people are given

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    this opportunity by your grandfather for he is an important person. Your mother knows this,

    dont you Noami. With that, Erika bowed at them especially to Yurie and left them in silence.

    That night, Yurie and her mother hardly ever spoken to each other, the whole riot meal

    each night that theyve been experiencing disappeared after the visit of Erika Kojima. And much

    to her fear, Yurie could hardly ever ask her mother the truth about her grandfather.

    In school, as usual, Yurie was late again during her math class. Their teacher was already

    explaining the formula for a mathematical problem. But she could hardly open her eyes towards

    the whole class. Until she fell into a dream, Yurie was being chased by some strange people

    asking about her identity, in fear she tried to run away but was caught, she tried to deny herself

    from them, Im not Yurie! Im not Yurie! Im not Yurie!!!! she screamed. She was waken up

    by her teacher, Mr. Toshiro who was glaring at her, while her best friend Ruka was trying to

    shake her to get hold of herself.

    And how may I ask, should I call you? Sleeping beauty?! When her consciousness

    finally took over, she almost fell into her chair and was scolded aloud by her math teacher once

    again. Yurie-chan, you have once again been sleeping in my class, REPORT TO ME THIS

    AFTERNOON!!!! Yurie gulped and almost pleaded, she cannot go in another detention again,

    for she has to attend her ballet practice.

    During break time, Ruka and Yurie went out to sit at the favorite spot in the school

    ground. OH NO!!!! I just cant possibly be doing another detention from Mr. Toshiro. Cried

    Yurie, while her friend looked at her helplessly, What about ballet practice? I cant make

    another excuse. The last time that I skip practice because of another detention; my ballet teacher

    told me never to return. How am I supposed to compete in the contest?

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    Two days ago, Yurie during their ballet practice, their ballet teacher, Madam Mitchiko

    spoke that there will be an annual grand competition for the junior and senior level for all the ten

    ballet schools in the region. And if they wanted to compete they have to have their own

    competition as well. The one chosen will be the representative of their ballet school towards the

    regional. Aside from that the award of cash prize and some ballet items that Yurie had been

    dreaming of having was so enticing.

    That is a problem indeed Yurie. Ruka spoke. As Yurie went to another state of

    daydreaming again, she was wearing her prized item in the competition set by their ballet teacher

    and she would be receiving admiration from all people.

    This is the third time that youve been scolded and held detention for our homeroom

    adviser, Yurie. I dont think you will be off the hook this easily. Since the last time you had

    detention with him, you mistakenly left the floor wet during our cleaning period. Dont you

    remember that he was hospitalized for a fracture spine because of that injury?

    Yurie suddenly had a flashback of that incident a few moths ago. And since then, their

    homeroom adviser dare not give her any more cleaning assignment.

    Oh, what should I do then, huh? Yurie asked Ruka worriedly.

    The only thing, you can do is to apologize. Ruka suggested.

    But do you think he will accept it after what had happened today? Yurie said helplessly

    as she look up to the heavens for mercy.

    No, I dont it if he will accept you apology. Yurie felt like a lightning bolt suddenly hit

    her from the heavens above. And she wanted to electrocute her friend who didnt hesitate to tell

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    her the truth. And the theory of Ruka thought seems close to what will happen to her this

    afternoon when she comes face to face with their teacher in the faculty lounge.

    But tell me, why you were dreaming about. You seemed so scared. You dont usually

    dream about things like that, most of the time it was food that you were thinking about. Yurie

    looked quickly at her friend Ruka who was enjoying her sandwich, and thought, Honestly,

    could she and I really be friends?

    So- what really did happen in your dream that you super scared about? Ruka asked


    Yurie gave a sigh. Well, last night someone came by the house. It was the first time that

    Ive ever met such a beautiful person in my entire life, as if I was looking at a model. She told

    me that my grandfather was claiming me now.

    GrandfatherRuka curiously asked, I thought that your grandfathers were already

    dead, Yurie. Said Ruka.

    Thats what I thought so too. But apparently, he wasnt and now, this lawyer that he

    sent, Erika Kojima told me that my grandfather was an important person in our society today and

    that he was looking for me and willing to help me with my education.

    I see. Ruka said introspectively. Then asked, You said he was looking for you, am I

    right? Yurie nodded, then added, Ms. Erika told me that my grandfather was looking for me

    for sixteen years and now that he has found me, hes willing to send me to this most prestigious

    school in this land, do you know Cross Academy?

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    Ruka stood up, CROSS ACADEMY?!!! Yurie almost fell into the ground when Ruka

    stood up quickly and lost the balance of their rickety wooden bench.

    Yurie, you got to be joking. Seriously, are you sure its Cross Academy that youre

    talking about?

    Yeah Why-? Yurie answered dryly, Unmindful of the twinkling reaction that her friend

    started showing. Whats with the Cross Academy anyway? Ruka grabbed Yuries collar

    unknowingly she was already blocking the air passage and Yurie losing breath.

    Arghcant breath, air. Pounding her friends face, who still has a dreamy face,

    Jezz. What was that about? still gasping for air while looking at her friends reaction.

    I dont thinkyou understand Yurie, to be able to enter Cross Academy is like entering a

    school only for the royal people. Ruka said dazedly as she imagining herself walking towards

    the threshold of the Cross Academy like a princess with her beautiful gown and lines of

    handsome prince waiting for her.

    Snap out it! Focus pleaseits me that were both worried about. Yurie reminding her

    friend with a little bit of irritation,

    Oh, yeah, right. Sorry. Yurie could still see the guilty pleasure all over her friends


    So youre saying that, your grandfather didnt know where to find you? But thats odd.

    Unless Rukas voice trailed off, as she begins to wonder in her thoughts this sudden

    appearance of Yuries grandfather claiming her all of a sudden.

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    What are you thinking about, tell me, I really have to know, Im doomed for the next

    couple of hours. If I dont arrive early at the dance studio they are going to kick me out. Yurie

    wailed. But before they could continue over their discussion the bell for the afternoon session of

    their class began. And still Yurie havent figure out what to do, while Ruka on the otherhand,

    began investigating in her mind Yuries story about her real grandfather.

    That afternoon, at the faculty while Yurie was almost sweaty as she took one more step

    towards the faculty where she awaits her death. But much to her surprise the Principal

    Yamaguchi was inside the room saw her peering through the side door.

    Yurie-chan, what are you doing. Students arent allowed at this time. Your classes are

    already over, what are you still doing here? His big figure surprised Yurie as she was too

    stunned at the sight of the head of their school.

    I-uh, ah.. suddenly, Mr. Toshiro appeared next in front of her, then she quickly

    bowed at the sight of her teacher and the Principal.

    Sensei, Im here to report for my detention. Deep inside, Yurie was wishing that some

    miracle might happen. If the Principal Yamaguchi learned of her detention, they might send her

    mother again, and hell would break lose if that happens again.

    Detention ..? Mr. Toshiro, please explain.

    Horie-chan was once again caught sleeping in my class. That is why I asked her to serve

    her detention today. Mr. Toshiro confidently answered.

    Is that true Ms. Horie? asked Principal Yamaguchi.

    Yes. She answered in a weak voice, while sweating profusely.

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    Thats too bad, Ms. Horie, isnt it last time you were also given detention by Sensei

    Toshiro, havent you learned your lesson well.

    Im so sorry Toshiro Sensei. It was my fault, please forgive me. Yurie pleaded, While

    Mr. Toshiro was plotting some crazy idea on how to expel Yurie from the school due to her


    Sorry, how many times do you plan to wreck havoc to this school. First you were the

    sole reason for the short but thank god minor blast during your lab time for science, and then I

    assigned you to clean the room but instead you left the floor wet and I was sent to the hospital to

    recuperate for a month! And now- now, you were sleeping on my class dreaming at the most!,

    you came late by the way.

    But Principal Yamaguchi gave a loud sigh, which interrupted Toshiro Senseis thought of

    revenge to Yurie. Toshiro Sensei, I have a meeting after this, please just what do you intend for

    her to do as sort of punishment because right now, you cannot waste my time standing here and

    you talking to your student wherein fact you should be sitting with the rest of the faculty because

    time is running out! So----what is it?

    I want her to be expelled from this school? Toshiro Sensei explains. But Principal

    Yamaguchi disapproves of the plan. But Principal Yamaguchi gave a loud laugh. And Yurie and

    Toshiro Sensei looked puzzled by the display of reaction.

    Hahaha! Toshiro Sensei if we do that then half of the schools student and including

    teachers should by all means leave; And when I say teachers that include you Toshiro sensei.

    His smiling face disappeared and what replaced by a look that only says youre an IDIOT!!! But

    Yurie remained where she was standing.

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    Miss Yurie-chan, may I remind you that schools are not your sleeping quarters. We are

    here to learn. But it seems you have a pretty good reason why you were sleeping during Toshiro

    Senseis time, have you? Principal Yamaguchi inquired kindly at her.

    Principal, shes a repeat offender; students like her shouldnt be given chances at all.

    But Principal Yamaguchi brushed him off. It is in ourobligation to disciple our students but

    more so, it is our power as teachers that we also encourage them to learn Sensei-Upon hearing

    this Toshiro Sensei looked ashamed, almost somewhat guilty of something. And with that,

    Principal Yamaguchi looked at Yurie kindly, almost fatherly like.

    Miss Horie, the teachers and I have an emergency faculty meeting today, and we need to

    deliberate on something. So if this is an issue that can be dealt with a simple Im sorry then

    please do accept the apology and let us go about our business today, what do you say Toshiro

    Sensei? asked Principal Yamaguchi.

    Uh, eh, eh. He looked awkward and bowed at Principal and accepted defeat over the

    ready punishment that shell be receiving from them.

    Please, sensei- I am really sorry. I promise you that it wont ever happen again. Yurie

    pleaded with bowing.

    From the look that Toshiro Sensei was giving that he has no other choice but to accept

    the apologies of Yurie. Aright, but may I remind you that this is the last time Horie chan. There

    will be no mercy next time.

    Upon hearing this, Yurie jumped up for joy after knowing that she was pardoned and

    wont be suffering much on this issue. When Yurie was about to say thank you to Toshiro

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    Sensei, he quickly left her and went inside the faculty room to attend the meeting of teachers, ans

    saw that Principal Yamaguchi winked at her and nodded then left her alone.

    Yurie was so happy that she could almost shout for joy after escaping her punishment.

    She was excited to go to her ballet lessons for which she did so unremarkably well, to be honest,

    even her teacher told her that she has never concentrated or focused much before. Yurie didnt

    want to waste the opportunity that she might be able to get the price for the completion. Looking

    at her worn out ballet shoes and her fading ballet suit, seems to be yelling for replacement, but

    her budget wasnt enough for her to buy something new and what she needs in order to survive.

    Yurie was about to leave the ballet studio and headed for home when all of a sudden, a

    black car stopped on the curve and to her surprise, it was Ms. Erika Kojima who waved at her

    after the window slid down from the back of the seat. And like the first time that she saw her,

    Yurie cannot help but be blown away by here beauty.

    Inside the ice cream parlor, Yurie and Erika were sitting inside as Erika awaits Yurie to

    make an order. When finally their order arrived, Please do help yourself. Urged Erika to Yurie,

    and without hesitation, Yurie not minding her companion forgotten herself and gobbled the ice

    cream in front of her, This is a very cozy place, Yurie. Do you often go here?

    Yes. My friends and I liked this place because we can talk and laugh as much as we

    want. And the ice creams just taste heavenly! She innocently beamed at her companion, who

    wasnt really touching her coffee at all but was looking everywhere. And my friends and I xwe

    tried to make games like guess whats flavor. And I always win!

    Erika smiled, For someone whod like dancing, you seem not to put on much weight.

    Yurie almost choked and thought howbad she mustve looked like if that ever happens and she

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    thought I hope it never did happen otherwise she wont stand the chance to compete for the


    I guess youre right. She smiled but her eyes were searching, Such place is good for

    meeting people that you wanted to talk to, special people. Yurie nodded in agreement when

    accidentally looked up to see how Erikas expression changed to seriousness. Yurie tried to hurru

    up eating the ice cream and failed to see that there were some left over near her chin which made

    Erika laughed a bit, and Yurie felt embarrassed that even until now, she couldnt eat ice cream

    without getting herself dirty or carelessly. Taking a tissue with her, Erika gently wiped the

    Somethings never changed with you Yurie sama. Even as you were still a little a girl Yurie

    once again felt some deep meaning to her words, As a child, what do you mean? I thought you

    said that Ive been lost in the family for many years?

    Thats right. Youve been missing from the family for many years. But your grandfather

    never stopped looking for you even as your father died. He asked me that time to be the one to

    head the search. We got a hint that the one who had taken you wouldnt be bringing you outside

    of this town, until we got a hint from some people whod help us find traces of you and when we

    were finally sure that it was really you and not some mistaken identity, we tried to gather these

    information and continued observing you and your family.

    So thats how you came in contact with me. Yurie said.

    Erika nodded. Its not like your grandfather abandoned you, he didnt want you to be

    shocked at knowing that you have your own real family. And since youve been brought up well,

    your grandfather opted to stay in the shadows for awhile until such time that you are ready

    enough to accept him and your family again, Yurie sama.

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    Yurie couldnt think of anything at that moment. All she could do was to listen to that

    person sitting in front of her telling her things she never knew;

    This is too much for me to understand. Yurie said aloud her thoughts,

    I know, but this is the truth Yurie sama and no matter how hard to deny or avoid this

    truth it will continue to nag you in the end. You are now at the age wherein you are old enough

    to accept this kind of drama in life, but more importantly, you are ready enough to hold your

    future and what it brings to you.

    Yurie looked up and saw that Erika was pulling out an large envelop on her suitcase, she

    placed the folder in front of her and saw the large insignia.

    Whats this? Yurie asked curiously. Not daring to touch the folder on the table.

    This is yourfuture now; the reason why I came to you today is to give your application

    form at Cross Acadaemy. I know that theres still three months left before you end this years

    semester in your old school. I wanted to give you this form alone so that you can think about it

    on your own and not listen to other peoples opinion.

    What do you mean- Are you talking about my mother? Yurie felt slight irritated at the

    person in front of her.

    Im sorry Yurie sama. I didnt mean to offend you. This is my mission, to accomplish

    this task and I am not going to back off just because you are having doubts due to Noamis and

    your present family. Erika bluntly stated and opened the folder without her permission and

    somehow what she said was slightly true. Even during the first time that Erika appeared before

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    them during her last visit. What she said and offered was something that she was worried about

    but could not state it because of fear of hurting the family that she loved so much.

    But I havent decided it yet Miss Erika Yurie said worriedly.

    I know. This is mainly the reason why I have to see you alone. Miss Yurie, you alone

    can decide on this. You are the key to your future and to your family on both sides. Think about

    it and decide. Your grandfather wanted nothing more but your happiness and a beautiful future.

    What if I decided not to accept this? Yurie said trying to see the side of the

    consequence of her decision.

    Yurie sama, if that will be the casethen, everything else will be forfeited. All that is

    bequeathed on your name and relation to your grandfather will be lost forever. If that happens,

    that will also be the death of your true familys heritage.

    Are you saying that I.Im the last?

    There was sadness that shadowed in the face of Erika that she hadnt seen before, some

    kind of pain or grief.

    That is correct. You are the last legacy. All profits and assets will be divided to the

    corporation that has been eyeing your grandfathers position ever since he got sick.

    Yurie felt a pang of guilt all of a sudden, Grandfathers sick?!

    Erika was hesitant to say more as if unsure whether she should give this information to the young

    girl in front of her, Please, Miss Erika, are you hiding something from me. Tell me the truth.

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    Erika saw a change of heart in the face of the young girl in front of her, and then smiled at how

    eager a young miss she appears to be ready to fly.

    Very well, Miss Yurisama, your grandfather is not in good condition at the moment.

    Why didnt you tell me this before? Yurie said angrily.

    Because thats precisely what your grandfather instructed me. Not to make you worry about

    him and go to him with the thought that you wanted to be part of his family again. He doesnt

    like to force you at all into making a decision that one day you will regret and eventually hate

    him in the end. Erika calmly explained.

    Yurie felt guilty once more, as if his grandfather knew her feeling even before she could

    react. She bowed her head in shame, and to think that last night while in bed, she was thinking

    altogether to refuse the offer and come hell or heaven she will not go back and be swayed into

    making a decision. But this changes everything.

    `How long has he been sick? Yurie asked.

    For awhile now, but it started right after your father and mothers death and worsen up his

    condition when he couldnt locate you for many years. Suddenly tears began to spill on her


    Yurie sama! Erika quickly got up and bowed at her, while Yurie was wiping away her


    This is my fault, Yurie sama dont cry in front of me, I I can never look into your

    grandfathers face if ever he finds out that you have shed tears or sadden by this news about him.

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    Please do not cry anymore. I am so sorry for having to say that information about your


    Erika said apologetically which puzzled Yurie, seeing that the most beautiful person she

    had ever seen in her entire life would be making a bow in front of her and of all people. Yurie

    had forgotten her own sorrow and turned red all over her face.

    EHHHH--- what are youyouuu doing, Miss Erika. Dont bow at me at all. Please

    dont do that.

    Waving her hand like cars wiper profusely, Erika straightened out and went back towards her

    seat while some people started staring at them at the ice cream parlor for that scene.

    Theres no need for that, I am nobody. Yurie said still embarrassed.

    You are an important person Miss Yurie sama, dont you ever say that. Now the

    nonchalant mood disappeared.

    Miss Yurie sama, I will leave you the folder to decide on this matter. Think about it and

    when you do decide to go ahead and be reunited with your grandfather, all you have to do is to

    sign into this form. And I will see you again to get your answer and process everything on behalf

    of your grandfather.

    Oh- I see. Then, I shall think about it.

    That will be great Yurie sama. Your grandfather will be pleased of your decision. Erika


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    Both of them parted ways almost near the gates of Yuries house and saw that black

    limousine disappear its way towards her sight. While walking towards the entrance of the house

    Yurie thought of the conversation that she had with Miss Erika and all the possibility of an

    unexpected future that this person had brought in her life.

    Yurie kept the folder inside her bag, Enough! slapping her face with both of her hands,

    I still have a few months left to decided, for now, I have this family to be thankful for and that

    is enough for now.

    Removing her shoes before going inside her house, Im back! she casually shouted

    knowing her mother would be at the kitchen cooking something for dinner. But deep inside there

    is this nagging feeling that sooner or later; despite her denial of who she really was will

    eventually give in to whats inevitable. For now, this is enough forher.

    During lunch break Yurie kept on yawning while Ruka continued eating her sandwich; Yurie

    hadnt been sleeping very well ever since Erika gave her the application form and to be honest,

    she never did opened it after that conversation with her.

    You know youre going to be in big trouble again after you continually slept the whole

    period and not to mention during Toshiro senseis class.

    I know, Yurie yawned a bit, she cant control herself, her eyes just keep on dropping

    off even though she doesnt want to get into trouble. But what can I do? Im really, really tired.

    She answered.

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    Ruka stopped eating her food and stared at her friend who was lying her head down onto the

    wooden table, Im really concerned at you; if youre that sleepy youvebeen thinking a lot

    havent you? But Yurie didnt answer

    Oh- I- Ah, Im exhausted because I havent thought about what to dance for the audition


    I dont buy it! Youre not telling me something and Im pretty sure it has something to

    do with that transfer.

    Oh, to be honest, I really dont know what to do anymore! Yurie said with a glum

    face. Im confused.

    Whats so confusing this time? Ruka looking worriedly at her friend, who was now

    playing with her food, Is there something that you havent told your mother about it, Yurie?

    Actually thats one of the problem, we havent talked really about that either, and this is

    just not some decision about transferring schools.

    What is it then?

    I recently found out that my grandfather is very ill from Erika san and it seems that there

    are those people in my grandfathers company who wants to take over. My grandfather didnt

    want me to know that he was ill, thats why Erika san wishes me to decide for the sake of


    I never thought that it would be this bad. Ruka said worriedly to Yurie, Then what

    happens if in case you couldnt make any decision?

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    Then all of it will be gone, grandfather will lose to those vultures and I- I will lose all

    my rights. Thats why Miss Erika was pleading for my answer. Yurie said helplessly, What

    should I do Ruka, Im so confused Yurie cried.

    Hmmm, this is not easy. This is what you call a win or lose situation. Almost thinking

    aloud, while Yurie decided to take her frustration towards the food that she was playing, when

    Ruka glanced all of her food where gone too, EHHHHH!!!!

    I thought you were depressed? looking at Yurie with a mean face. While her friend

    continued to chew her food.

    I am, this is me-being depressed

    Ruka thought, I shouldve eaten known. Depression works best with her. Then, sighed.

    Even as Yurie went to her ballet lessons, she was still anxious about the whole situation and the

    decision that she wasnt able to make until now. Yurie had already changed into her leotards all

    she has to do is to tie her shoes. Worse, she havent decided yet what to use for her audition,

    Yurie sighed.

    Is there something wrong? Someone asked. When she looked up, it was Kotoko Aori,

    one of the friendliest in the class.

    Ah.Uhm, Oh, its nothing. Yurie quipped a fake smiling, hiding behind all her

    sorrow. She doesnt want others to see her in trouble least of all the dancers in the studio. But it

    seems her problems are getting in the way of her concentration.

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    Are you sure Yurie? You dont look like youre well. Kotoko sincerely said,

    Oh, know- Im okay.Yurie continued to hide what she was feeling.

    It mustve been hard on you after the death of your father, I heard about it after I got

    back from my vacation last winter. Im sorry for your lose. Her cute little face smiled warmly at


    Oh, its alright. I heard that you got back from that nice vacation abroad.

    Yes, Itwas fun while it lasted. Id like to go back to Paris and visit some more places

    there and perhaps enroll in one of the famous dance school thre. Kotoko smiled happily at her.

    Thats great! Im sure that its not far from happening. Yurie said.

    Thank you for that vote of confidence. But I still have a long way to go with my

    techniques. Madame Michiko thinks that I need to polish my turns I have to keep on practicing

    others wise I cannot make mypirouette very well. She said worriedly. But Yurie, Ive seen

    you dance, and I really do admire how to make turns, youre one of the best dancers here.

    Yurie blushed at the thought, Thats not true. Im still lacking in many other things.

    That seems also true. When that said, Yurie almost fell on her chair, and she thought

    that shes the best dancer.

    But you know I like your arabesque, I think its beautiful.

    Thanks! Yurie turned red.

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    But you know what, whenever I feel down, I usually dance it out. I learned that from my

    cousin, she studied in Paris with the great prima ballerina.

    So if youre feeling down, I think dancing might help. She said smiling.

    Well I think I might do that later. Yurie

    Well I got to go now; I got to practice first before the start of the class. Bye!


    Alone this time, Yurie gathered up her things and placed it in her locker and left the room bute

    before she could continue with Miss Asato, the secretary of the dance studio called her towards

    the office administration. As soon as she sits on the chair, Miss Asato gave her a small paper and

    her eyes couldnt believe the numbers she was seeing.

    This is the latest account that you need to settle. Yurie gulped and turned pale at the

    amount that she needs to pay for the dance lesson.

    Im really sorry Yurie-chan, in order for you to continue with the lesson you have to pay

    at least this certain amount. If not.we cannot allow you to take more lessons, Yurie-chan, I

    hope you understand.

    Yurie saw the amount, and thought, where would I get this amount?

    I know its been hard lately, with your fathers death and all, but the studio only operates

    because of the tuition that all the students pay and as you know we also have to see to it the

    maintenance and the instructors fee. Miss Asato explained.

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    Oh, know, I understand. It would be inconvenient if I dont do my part of share like the

    other kids in this studio.

    Now thats clear, you shouldnt be late. You may now go to your class. The teachers

    waiting. Yurie nodded quietly.

    The whole lesson was a disaster; every movement that she was making at that time was a

    completely awful. Yuries mind kept coming back and forth to her problems and at last, she was

    able to do each step without mistake when she tried to calm down after kotoko approached her

    again and gave her confidence. As sort of punishment, she was asked to clean the dance studio

    by the teacher and that she came home late.

    The air was cold and the street was wet, she didnt notice that it rained the whole time

    that they were in the studio. She buttoned up her coat that didnt do much to keep her from

    keeping cold since it was quite old.

    Her thoughts went back to her conversation with Erika and how shes pressing her to

    decide now before its too late. The problem is, she and her mother hadnt been discussion or

    were avoiding discussing such matters in the house, and its usually whats happening in school

    and the next about the twins concern.

    I wish father was here, he used to give me the right advises for these things; but now, I

    guess I have to do it this time on my own. She sighed heavily not realizing that a car was


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    In the meantime, A few hours before that, at the airport, Mister Sasaki; the butler of one

    of the famous old families approached a tall young man, who appeared wearing a black overcoat.

    It is unmistakable that this young master is the great grandnephew of his master; who appeared at

    the exit door of the arrival area. As the handsome young man started walking towards Mister

    Sasaki, his blank face who seems to be getting stares from the women in the airport changed its

    expression into a more pleasant one.

    The butler stood in front of him and bowed before him.

    The young man smiled.

    Welcome back Young Master Chojirou.

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