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    Characteristics Of A Gentleman

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    The word gentleman has been coined in such a manner that it has become extremely difficult to

    define or even understand it properly. In todays world, this word is used on a casual or on an

    everyday basis, without people understanding the depth in its meaning. All audiences are addressed

    as ladies and gentlemen, when it is a known fact that all women are definitely ladies but not all

    men are gentlemen. It takes certain characteristics and a discerning eye to differentiate between an

    ordinary man and a nobleman. Only when we learn and comprehend the qualities of a gentleman,

    can we realize how imprecisely we use the word casually. There are definite principles that govern

    the qualities that a man must possess order to be labeled as a 'gentleman. Once upon a time, a

    gentleman was a nobleman who led the ladies, walked with tailcoats and dropped hats in respect for

    women or dignitaries. The question here is what defines a gentleman in modern times? Read on to

    gauge the characteristics of a modern-day gentleman, and how easy it is to transform into one with a

    few of these important features.


    Yes. Women love a bit off wooing, wheedling, pricey dinners, the opening of doors and definitelyexpect the typical ladies-first attitude from men. These are those few traits and characteristics that

    have remained unchanged from the yesteryears. A gentleman, on the basis of chivalry, is one who is

    devoted to making another individual, in this case, a wife, a girlfriend, a daughter or a sister, feel

    loved, beautiful, respected and secure. Chivalry has always been synonymous with being a

    gentleman, and women tend to appreciate and notice this trait as a primary differentiation between

    an ordinary man and a nobleman. Gentlemen, in this aspect, are those who travel that extra mile to

    make their ladies feel like the queens providing them with their matchless love, support and care.

    Loyalty and valor also make for an important part of chivalry. It takes a lot of work to be chivalrous,

    and this is one of the prime reasons as to why women prefer gentlemen over others.


    Gentlemen are associated with honourable values and rigid principles. Along with charm, values arealso synonymous to gentlemen. Being a gentleman is not important only when you are in the

    company of a gorgeous lady, it should be a personal development as a whole in general. Being

    articulate, and not profane, about worldly or personal issues is another important aspect. Along with

    chivalry, behaviour and values are important elements that women yearn for.

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    If you remember My fair lady or any of the other classics, gentlemen always have polished

    etiquettes when at home and in public. From not clinking cutlery to not picking noses, etiquettes are

    an important part of being a gentleman. So, if you are trying to impress a girl on your first date, then

    you might want to try and lower the tone of your voice, wear a pleasant smile and be sophisticated in

    your approach towards her. And that must not be a one-off incident. Gentlemen are well-mannered

    everywhere and in every situation.


    A gentleman is ambitious, usually hard working, diligent and contains a passion to succeed. These

    people are usually very hard to find in real life. Ambitious gentlemen are always considered

    attractive, so long as they strike the right balance between humility and the joust to stay at the top.Women always love an ambitious man, but one with a certain level of prudence, humility and


    Smooth Not Sleazy

    Gentlemen are the ones who can knock your socks off and still be smooth and sharp about it. Blunt

    men in tuxedos with a fussy approach cannot be labeled gentlemen. T he trick here is to be smooth,

    not sleazy. Healthy tactics, with a decent and confident approach, characterize gentlemen; it does

    not depend on the social standing of the individual, nor does it depend on the number of tuxedos he

    has in his wardrobe. A person who is stable, with a sense of gratitude and a respectful demeanor, is

    considered to be a gentleman.


    No matter what the situation is, gentlemen are the ones who stand tall, and stand true to their

    opinions. Along with the idea of gentlemen being sexy and emotionally appealing, honesty is another

    virtue that defines a true gentleman. To be able to play the part of the perfect gentleman, it is

    necessary to be graceful and honest about life.


    Last but not the least, women expect gentlemen to be charming. In all aspects, a man who respects

    himself will be better able to respect others mentally and physically, emitting a sort of grace and

    charm about him. In order to be charming, a man has to strike the perfect balance between

    etiquette, hygiene, ambition and chivalry. Women always look for charming men who are easy to be

    with and, above all, who do not take undue advantage of their power and status.

    From walking a lady to the doorstep to meeting a humble man to even being someone who is simply

    well dressed, we all meet men with certain characteristics all the time. But the question to tackle

    here is, how many gentlemen have we met? In a world with ample quantity of men, it is very difficult

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    to come across or meet men with real quality. Therefore, it is every mans prerogative to learn and

    understand the different aspects of being a gentleman, and if you are not a woman, you might wantto reflect on how many real gentlemen you have come across in your life

    pes of Personality Traits

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    Given a particular situation, the way you think and how your sibling thinks may vary greatly. This

    reveals the difference in the personality traits that both of you possess despite coming from the

    same family and background. In order to assess the personality of a person, experts classify

    personality traits as types A, B and C. Human personality is way too complex and cannot be

    described based on one theory. For instance, a person with Type A traits might also have features

    of a Type B personality also. The way people react when they encounter certain situations can

    either be similar or very different from each other. It wholly depends on various factors such asupbringing, social circle and also on the influence of friends and dear ones. Factors such as

    education, environment, social status and intellect are also important in determining the similarities

    and differences among people. Scroll further to read more about the different personality types.

    Type A Personality

    Type A people are seen as more competitive, great achievers and tend to develop a high sense

    of urgency towards their work. It is because of these traits that they are always busy and remain

    at the top of their game.

    Sometimes, however, they start feeling insecure and subsequently become adamant and

    resistant to change. They even end up fighting such circumstances rather than embracing or

    adapting to them.

    In order to stride towards the desired goal, they work hard towards achievements and that too,

    as fast as possible. In doing so, they fight their insecurities rather than ignoring them


    Type A people do not relax or take their work for granted; even if they do, they tend to feel guilty

    for the same.

    Type A personalities are over achievers and they deal with various unrelated subjects and

    perform well in everything.

    The problem that these personalities face is that they are stressed frequently due to the number

    of tasks they undertake. Their expectations of perfection from other people also add to the


    These people are highly competitive and possess an aggressive challenging spirit.

    Such people are generally ideal for sports, finance and any job that offers ample growth and

    requires focused efforts. They arent really cut out for teamwork; they perform best alone.

    Type B Personality

    This type of personality is considered to be just opposite to that of type A. Though they are not as competitive as type A, type B personalities can be better achievers and

    do not get stressed easily.

    They tend to approach problems with a more relaxed and laid back point of view.

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    There is a tendency in these personalities to delay work and give results at the eleventh hour.

    Obviously, procrastination is quite the mantra for type B people while that is one thing that typeA subjects cannot even think of.

    These personalities are not in a hurry to finish work and do not have a sense of urgency all the

    time. They work at their own sweet pace and deliver appreciable results too.

    Type B people like relaxing and they dont mind taking time off from work to sit idle and/or


    Such people are ideal for marketing, sales and any job that comes with targets and semi-

    flexible deadlines and involves people interaction.

    Type C Personality

    People who belong to this category are more interested to know the minute details of everything

    and dont mind spending time trying to figure them out.

    These types of people are more suitable for technical jobs.

    They know very well to control their emotions and desire even in cases of extreme discomfort

    and that makes them ideal for teamwork.

    The problem with this type is mostly lack of confidence that leads to stress and even

    depression. Type C personalities are more prone to depression than the other types.

    The people who belong to these personality traits are thoughtful and deep thinkers and seek

    answers for the questions as to what, why and how.

    They are more patient but find trouble expressing their emotions openly and hence, tend to be


    They have an inherent ability to please people around them.

    Type C personalities are prone to diseases such as asthma, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

    They are best suited for technical and back end jobs that require high caliber without much


    Type D Personality

    The D in the type D personality stands for distressed as such people tend to develop a

    pessimistic and negative outlook towards life.

    They fear rejection which is the reason why they tend to deflect social life despite their interest

    to be among people.

    They are sensitive and even a small event that the type Bs wont even notice, can trigger a

    typical type D day.

    They can easily suppress their emotions and are very vulnerable and easily depressed.

    People with Type D traits are characterized as irritable, gloomy and worrisome. They do not

    share their emotions with others and this tendency increases their depressing attitude towards


    They are not very adventurous and prefer the same routine; they are resistant to change and

    are not very adjustable with people and circumstances.

    Such people often suffer from heart related problems and stress and are susceptible tocoronary diseases.

    These people are generally seen as boring and have very limited social life.

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    Now, you might know your personality type. So you can easily identify your flaws and change them

    to your advantage. That sure will be one good step towards self-improvement.

    Self Improvement Tips

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    The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement ~ Unknown Author.

    Self improvement calls for a positive change in oneself. You dont have to be compared to anyone or

    anything to be a better person; it is just how you make yourself feel. If you have the ability to work

    towards bettering yourself, you can naturally see a change and will definitely stand out in a crowd.

    Your well being is not just about handling stress or managing your time but it is also about how well

    you can do it. It is not about finishing a task off quickly and getting an appraisal for it, it is about thatlasting success you achieve. The basic aims of self improvement should be: productivity, positivity,

    good habits, happiness, confidence and leadership qualities and most importantly taking charge of

    your life. All this sounds a bit too complex to be attained by one person, doesnt it? Think again. You

    can achieve all these things, by simply following some self improvement tips.

    Self Improvement Ideas

    Meditation gives you that inner peace like nothing else can. Initially, it is a little hard to

    concentrate and there will be plenty of distractions. Let these distractions be a part of the

    learning process. After some time, you will notice that all negativity will be removed and you

    become happier.

    Sleep gives you a sense of calm and freshness when you wake up. But, try a reverse approach.

    Wake up about 30minutes earlier than normal and see how many more things you can do.Extra time gives you that extra edge to better yourself.

    It takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown! So you know what you should be doing. Smiles

    make such a big difference, and when someone around you is happy, it sends out positive

    vibes. Accept compliments with a smile and thank people for them. Be kind to yourself and

    everyone will do the same.

    Principles are important in a school, college, at work and at home. They are equally important in

    you. Principles must be set in a realistic way. It can be as simple as not wasting food or as

    complex as saving paper. Rules are not meant to be broken. So if you keep your principles on,

    youve obviously becoming a better person.

    Have complaints about everything? Stop this. It is an extremely irritating habit. Stay around

    people who dont give you a chance to give in to complaints, distract yourself and send out

    good signals which will increase your people power.

    Find a mentor or a role model who youd like to be like. You dont have to become this personmentally and physically, you could implement their way of life into yours. Setting goals is what

    differentiates a person with good behavioral and mental skills compared to one that has no aim

    in life.

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    Remove unwanted people and things from your life. You are better without them. Go to your

    room, remove all unwanted letters, posters and make more space for new things. If someonehas been bothering you, cut him/her from your life for a while. Lay low till you think you can deal

    with them. Its about how you feel. Now, you will have a clear and creative mind for the new

    things to come.

    Television is for the utterly bored! It is junk for the mind and body. If you feel like you need

    entertainment desperately, then watch something educative for about 30 minutes or so but dont

    drown in the idiot box.

    These are some self help tips that could be helpful or simply follow personalitytutor.comfor more self

    improvement tips.. Use your mind and body into trying to channel positivity into the world!

    How To Be Yourself

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    Youre only a drop in the ocean but every drop counts. However, unlike tiny water drops, we as

    respectful individuals are unique beings in so many diverse aspects. To be yourself, you need to

    discover yourself! By impersonating the latest movie star or the most popular kid in school, you are

    being a disgrace to none another than yourself. When you find yourself and learn to be yourself, one

    fine day you will fall madly in love with yourself and then, nobody in the whole world can ever let you

    down. Remember how miserable you felt while sporting that mini skirt at the high school ball? Al l you

    wanted was to jump into your track pants and play football with the boys. Yes, youre not just another

    sheep in the flock! Youre the rainbow colored one that stands out in the crowd! On seeing

    somebody else prosper and triumph in all, we assume that by emulating him, we are paving our way

    to success! One may say that a mask of gold hides all deformities but do note that no mask remains!

    The faade will soon be revealed. So dont waste your time masquerading as strangers when we

    can invest the given time in developing a pure and genuine personality.

    Tips For Being Yourself

    So you might be compelled to conform to societal or esoteric norms to be granted certain privileges

    and bask in the sense of belonging. You ought to connect with your inner self and liberate yourself

    from all bondages created by society. Discovering the real you is the gradual but therapeutic

    process which is going to be worth your time.

    Who Are You?

    Theres no possible way you can be yourself without knowing who you really are . You pretend to

    idolize football player David Beckham because your neighbor does and you want to gain his

    approval. Soon enough you will realize that you dont know what interests you because youve been

    whiling away time with what least interests you. Understand yourself, figure out where your deepest

    passion lies and be proud of your qualities. Contemplate your life and the choices youve made.
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    Take personality tests and you will eventually disentangle the buried mesh of what had been your

    true interests and hobbies all along! Accept it with pride!

    Forget The World!

    So what if the person besides you passed a nasty comment on your outfit. As long as youre

    comfortable, does it really make a difference to your welfare? Or do you hesitate to raise your hand

    in class to ask the question thats persistently been pestering you simply because you fear your

    classmates might find it silly and doubt your intelligence. Why is their opinion even worth it? You

    should feel stupid for putting their opinions before your clarity on the subject! Forget the world, live

    your life and be yourself. Happiness will be right behind you!

    Breathe & Be Honest

    Why do you want to live through the rest of your life safeguarding your sticky web of lies? Life is

    never rosy for anybody. Maybe at the beginning, you might not be as fortunate as certain other

    coveted beings. Nevertheless, if you hold your breath and take each day as it comes, lifes delicate

    balance will soon manifest itself. There is no good reason to be ashamed of who you are. Whether

    its a physical or mental shortcoming, the most trusted way to overcoming it is by acknowledging it

    with courage. We are all blighted with flaws and by hiding them, we are only adding to that list!

    Express Your Individuality

    The moment self-confidence is on your side, a beautiful and unique personality will blossom!

    Standing out isnt easy but it usually comes from within. It might be a skill, or a manner of speaking

    or infectious charisma. Build up on a character that singles you out from everybody in your planet.

    Be yourself. Even oddly colored slippers might accentuate your eccentric character after which you

    might garner admiration from different sides. Dont be a prototype, be a proud unique individual.

    Believe In Yourself

    Take off that hideous mask and unleash the beauty hidden underneath its eternal ugliness! If you try

    to be what youre not, youre going to be unhappy through the remainder of your fake life. Thrive on

    solitude, engage in soul searching and you will soon be well acquainted with your new best friend-

    The Real You. Life will soon turn into a elongated party interspersed with memorable episodes of

    sadness, joy, laughter, bitterness and all the emotions experienced in the life that is worth living!

    See, theres no reason to fear being yourself! We will all be adored for who we really are but it has to

    start with us accepting ourselves! Good Luck

    How Not To Argue

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    Each relation in our life holds a great importance whether its with your mother, father, siblings,

    spouse, etc. We love them dearly and want a perfect healthy relationship with them. But sometimes,

    intentionally or unintentionally, we start arguing with them on petty issues. Also, in between the daily

    conversation, we involve ourselves in an argument. While healthy argument helps take important

    decision and makes people look at the other side of the coin (here situation), problem arises when

    the argument takes shape of a big fight. It brings to an end the peace and tranquility of the house.

    Also, unhealthy or aggressive argument spoils the sweetness of the relationship between the two.

    As such, all of us should indulge in ways wherein we can avoid arguing. However, this does not

    mean not voicing your opinion. It simply means that stating your view point in a decent manner and

    respecting others set beliefs and thoughts. Absence of argument makes way to happiness and

    peace. It also promotes healthy relationship. While generation gap is a major reason for argument,

    the cause of argument varies from relation to relation. To avoid the unpleasantness and nasty

    goings-on that argument brings along with it, each of us should try not to argue. In the following

    lines, we have listed ways that would help you in learning the art of how not to argue.

    Ways Of How Not To Argue

    Enhance your listening skills. It will make you less defensive and allow you to analyze the

    statement of other person deeply. You should listen to the other person with patience and give

    a logical approach to the same. Let the other person complete what he/she wants to say. Once

    he/she is done, give your feedback. This would allow both of you to lay forward your view point.

    However, make sure that whatever is said is logical and pertains to the present situation.

    Never think that you are always right. If people have been correcting you time and again, know

    that there is some problem which lies inside you. Accept that you have a problem of arguing on

    small issues and work on it to exclude the same from your behavior. Accepting your weakness

    will strengthen your relationship. Also, ask them to help you come out of the problem.

    Inculcate understanding in yourself. Instead of thinking about your own issues, try to understand

    the other persons views, feelings, state of mind, etc. This will hel p you to talk calmly and makethe relationship a strong one. After understanding the other person, your approach will not be

    illogical or defensive. The feedback will be based on the feelings of both the people and not

    only yours.

    Introspect yourself and increase your self control power. Also, be aware of the place and people

    around before heading towards an argument. A couple must never involve in the argument in

    front of their children. It may have a bad impact on them. Respect each other to share great

    relationship. Similarly, indulging in a heated argument in a public place such as a mall or

    cinema hall would make people think of you as uncivilized.

    Be positive in your thinking. It will exclude negativity from inside and you will have a healthy

    approach towards any issue. If you have positive nature, you will never get involved in any kind

    of argument.

    Do not make excuses and be truthful. Improve yourself rather than giving explanation all the


    Now you know how not to involve in any argument. Grab these ways of how not to argue to

    experience a healthy, happy and loving relationship with each one in your life.

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    Calming Techniques1 0 StumbleUpon1

    Todays demanding times have left less time for us to live a stress -free life. With the unimaginable

    advances in all the fields, we all are required to pay the price through mental peace. This is evident

    from the different ailments that we are gripped with, like heart diseases, stress, anger and several

    others. In such cases, calming techniques enter and play their role in assisting us to overcome the

    stress, thereby improving our mental well being. By practicing just a few of these techniques for a

    few minutes, we can contribute towards reducing our tension and nervousness and leading a

    fulfilling and satisfying life. If you frequently face the problem of shooting anger, or anxiety outbursts,

    the following lines would come in handy. Given here are some calming techniques that will enable to

    bring down your stress, anger, hatred and anxiety to zero in no time. Check them out!

    How To Calm Down

    Breathe Deeply

    Though it is an old and repeated technique, nevertheless it really works well. Comfort yourself in a

    relaxing position and take a deep breath. Hold your breath and start releasing slowly. As your breath

    leaves you, assume as though you are breathing out fire. To feel the fire exiting from within you,

    place your hand underneath your nose.


    Exercising is, indeed, the best technique for calming down. Move out and indulge yourself into

    vigorous aerobic exercises for a longer duration than normal to release the pain and anger within

    you. Also, you can take up running as all it matters is finishing the run rather than worrying about the

    reasons for your stress. Push yourself against the barbell or the fitness equipment. This would help

    your mind to focus on nothing else, but finishing the exercise.

    Close Your Eyes

    Gently close your eyes and retreat from the present world going deeper and deeper. Let those drops

    moisten your eyelids helping you regain your equilibrium. You will gradually get back your balance

    and proper focus.

    Move Outdoors

    Whenever you are in an agitated mood, give yourself an hour to indulge into the beauty of the

    nature. Whether you are angry, opinionated, cynical or uptight, you will soon return home as a

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    relaxed person. Engage yourself into some activities, say walking, biking, running or swimming, in

    order to clam yourself down.

    Find Your Way To Water

    All you guys, who had assumed water to be only a thirst quencher, think again! The various healing

    and mood effects of water can do wonders to calm you quickly. So, the next time whenever you are

    over aroused, drink a big glass of water every hour. Besides, you can take a walk along the water,

    take a look at it or listen to it. If possible, throw yourself into it by going for a bath or swim.

    Step Back

    Take a step back and observe the world that you are living in. Lift your head up and look at the stars

    in the sky. Realize the number of stars filled with many planets just like one of ours. Compare yourproblem with one of those twinkling stars? Probably, it is just a fight between two ants. In the event

    of so many serious problems, yours would not seem as a big deal. All it requires is some framing of

    things and events here and there. And voila! Youll have the solution to your problem in a few


    Type B Personality

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    The history of personality theory goes back a long way. It reaches the point where it was established

    that the patterns of human behavior could determine their potential chances of suffering from

    coronary heart diseases. According to the personality traits, attitudes and ways of life, individuals

    can be categorized into their personality type- Type A or Type B. Type B personality is exactly theopposite of Type A. To know more about the Type B personality, we need to first know the Type A

    personality. Type A people are individuals who are workaholic, highly stressed, extremely ambitious

    and particularly rigid in their attitude. They have high chances of developing heart diseases.

    However, Type B personality, on the other hand, prevails in individuals who are calm and have an

    easy-going attitude. They are fun-loving and are relatively less competitive. They are also better at

    relaxing without feeling guilty and they work without getting anxious or agitated. Have a look at these

    Type B Personality traits and see if you are one.

    Traits Of Type B Person

    Stress Handling

    The Type B people usually do not get stressed easily even under acute circumstances. They are the

    happy-go-lucky individuals who do not entertain stress and anxiety while doing their tasks. However,

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    they still prove to be fairly productive. They remain carefree and cheerful most of the times and are

    fun to hang around with.

    Lack Of Urgency

    These people do not mind waiting in queues for getting their work done and do not get hyper if it

    takes too much time. They do not feel any sort of compulsion to meet deadlines. They have got no

    problems relaxing or sitting without doing anything unlike Type A individuals, who end up feeling

    guilty if they sat without doing anything constructive. At times, Type B individuals may delay their

    work to the last moment due to lack of sense of time urgency.


    These are the people who remain calm and relaxed most of the times. They believe in taking theirtime to stop and smell the roses instead of running the mad rat race. They take time to think and

    ponder before acting. Relaxation, enjoyment and fun come very naturally to them.

    Less Competitive

    Type B personalities are less competitive and their competitiveness is often productive with good

    intentions. They generally take their failures with a grain of salt and slough it off as merely an

    unpleasant experience. On the other hand, Type A individuals who are generally over-achievers, find

    it very hard to accept failures and end up developing low self-esteem.


    Patience is a virtue and Type Bs are born with it. They remain calm and patient even under stressful

    situations and have a lot of self-control. They are less likely to get frantic about things and generally

    swear by the old adage of Slow and steady wins the race. They are also very tolerant and flexible

    and can change in order to adapt to changes. You would hardly find them complaining or lamenting

    about anything.


    These individuals rarely tend to be aggressive or frustrated. Even if theres something against their

    will, they are not prone to lose their temper. They are more likely to handle the situation very subtly

    and patiently, without getting irked. They are hence said to have lesser chances of getting any heart

    diseases or complications caused due to stress.

    Socializing And Enjoying

    Type B personalities are normally laid back people who hold a relaxed, creative, imaginative, artistic

    and friendly approach towards life. They spend their free time in leisure activities like socializing,

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    shopping or having a good time. Due to their cheerful nature, these folks are surrounded by friends

    and lead a good social life.

    Emotional Bonding

    Their heart rules their head and hence they are very emotional and sensitive. They like expressing

    their feelings and are generally not indifferent towards others.

    ype A Personality

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    The term Type A personality, was first coined by two cardiologists who said that people in this

    category suffer with heart attacks. This term grew popular and came into public use. It was initiallysaid that people from this category have a higher degree of stress than others along with extreme

    anger or frustration, impatience and the need to attain perfectionism. A Type A personality was said

    to be examined by a 15 minutes test to determine whether it was a stressed or a rather relaxed

    personality. Different people define Type A personalities in different ways. Some people see them as

    angry people, others as workaholics and some others just as high strung people. Irrespective of

    these characteristics, there is still a debate on how you can classify various people in a similar

    category. After much research, it was seen that there are 2 types of Type A traits that a person can

    have time urgency and free floating hostility. To read more about the type A personality traits, read


    Traits Of Type A Personality

    Time or Time Urgency

    This is an extremely important part of a Type A personality because their work and activities

    completely depend on time. They hate being late under any circumstances. Traffic signals or any sort of queue irritates them

    and they consider it a waste of time. Interrupting people is a common trait too.

    They set deadlines and standards for themselves that they need to meet before moving


    They work hard towards achieving any goal put in front of them and will not be told what to do.

    Emotions or Free Floating Hostility

    Showing impatience, being rude and aggressive at people are some of the most obvious


    Getting upset over small matters and showing anger over trivial matters is also seen.

    Adapting to change is not one of their strongest points. Also, if they are upset or dislike the

    place or company they are with, the dislike would be clearly visible on their face.

    Money Money doesnt buy happiness but in the case of a Type A person, it does. For them, money

    buys everything including relationships.

    Money signifies power and security and this is how they would like to show it.

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    They also make mental notes of everything that is money related such as on what to spend,

    how to spend and on how much to spend!Relationships

    Type A people always have a superficial relationship with most others. Work is most important

    to them. If that is done, then there is no need to interact or be nice to others!

    They have high expectations and demands from most people and thus never seem to get along

    with them.

    Superiority complex is what makes them stand apart from the rest. They never enjoy any bodys

    company because of this and are always seen shying away from a big crowd and society as


    Physical Characteristics

    Tight lips, clenched jaws and obvious facial tension.

    Grinding of teeth and clicking of the tongue

    Dark circles under the eyes due to lack of sleep (probably due to stress!) Sweating on the forehead and upper lip.

    Consequences Of Type A Personalities

    Heart diseases


    Job Stress

    Social Isolation

    From the above traits and consequences, the negative traits of Type A personalities can be seen.

    But, sometimes, it can be considered a positive thing also because there is a high level of

    achievement and success that can be seen in these individuals. Perfectionists wont necessarily

    want you to be as perfect as them and may exhibit other good qualities.

    How To Be Charismatic

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    While the ones who dont really need to take too much pain to seem charismatic can be considered

    fortunate, this does not necessarily mean that a person looking to be charismatic cannot do so

    on one's own accord. Being charismatic is extremely subjective. What quality may seem charismatic

    to one person may not seem too charismatic to another. For example, one person may find another

    with a lot of confidence extremely charismatic, while another person may find an individual with

    undertones of confidence extremely charismatic. However, when you look at charisma from an

    extremely general angle, there are certain rules that everyone should play by. It is playing by these

    general rules that can make a person seem extremely charismatic. Go ahead and read on to unearth

    a handful of guidelines that can help you arrive at a plateau of charisma. When putting these ways of

    being charismatic to the test, try not to pay too much attention to detail. Learn to be still while trying

    to take it easy all the way to the top of your game.

    Being Charismatic

    Relax Your Way To The Top

    If you are looking to be charismatic, then the first and foremost thing that you have to do is to

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    actually learn to relax. Some people try too hard to be charismatic, but only end up making a fool of

    themselves. This is not something that you would want to do. So, in order to work on your charisma,learn from the mistakes of others and relax. When you master the art of relaxing in a social setting,

    you automatically exude charisma. Its a known fact that people love to be around people who are

    calm and composed. Learn to channelize peace and tranquility to everyone you know and meet.

    This will help you seem extremely calm and a lot more attractive. With a personality of this sort,

    apart from wanting to be with you, people may even aspire to be like you.

    Confidence Concerns

    While being confident can be easily mistaken for being charismatic, there is a very distinct difference

    between being confident and being charismatic. Charisma is that quality that makes you seem like

    you have an extremely attractive personality, and confidence is that quality that adds to your

    charisma. Appearing confident can make you seem extremely charismatic, because your confidence

    apart from acting like a magnet will also help put the others around you at ease and create in them a

    desire to be around you. Here, however, you will have to take a lot of care to stay away from going

    overboard, because while confidence is one thing, overconfidence is a different thing altogether and

    its that one quality that no one can really be fond of.

    Dish Out AttentionIn order to seem charismatic, it is important to listen and pay attention. When you manage to do this

    your charisma quotient automatically reaches new heights. You can pull off attention tactics by

    simply listening to what people have to tell you and talk as less as possible. However, when you

    actually do talk, make sure you talk sense and make sure the words that are coming out of your

    mouth are the kind of words that the other person would want to listen to. Make it a point to smile

    while you are talking. This will help add quite a lot of appeal to your personality.

    Be Considerate

    You are truly a considerate person when you treat others around you just the way you would want to

    be treated. You wouldnt want to be discriminated against under any grounds, so then there is no

    reason why you should treat one person differently from the other. Exercise this behavior pattern in

    your day-to-day life and watch how people are attracted to you like bees are to honey.

    How To Achieve Goals

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    What does the term goal really mean to you? Does it mean accomplishing something big in life, or

    just doing what you are supposed to do? Well, if you are a student, may be completing a particular

    part of your homework in a day is your goal, or scoring well in the term exam is your short term goal.

    If you are a professional, bagging a good job, owning the latest car, and filling your home with latest

    gadgets may be the only aim in life. Whatever it may be, it is essential to have goals in life in order to

    achieve success. If you do not have any goals in life, then you wouldnt know what to do with your

    life. You become aimless and purposeless. Therefore, it is of the essence to have goals.

    Nonetheless, just setting some goals is not enough. You should also know how to realize your goals

    as well. If you are looking for information on how to achieve goals, then here are some neat tips for

    you to mull over. Scroll down the following sections to learn more about them.

    Achieving Goals

    Set Goals

    First list down all the goals that you want to accomplish. If you are not sure what you want in life, you

    are just bound to receive the unexpected. Nevertheless, bear in mind that goals should always be

    sensible and should be accomplishable. Setting unrealistic goals are of no use. Write the most

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    important goals at the top of the list and number them accordingly. This will help you to focus more

    precisely. You can strike off each goal once it is accomplished. Writing down your goals will alsohelp you to realize your priorities.

    Develop Strategies To Achieve Goals

    Once you have listed your goals, you need to evaluate and develop strategies to complete your

    goals. For example, if your goal is to shed some extra pounds, your broad strategy should be dieting

    and exercises. Nothing can be achieved straightforwardly in life. So, you need a particular strategy

    and dedication to pull off your goals.

    Have Definite Action Plans

    Once your broad line of attack is determined, work on your definite action plans. For instance, if

    dieting and exercising are your broad strategies to your weight loss goal, then your action plan

    should consist of a healthy diet chart; a healthy way of life, and an appropriate workout routine.

    Believe In Yourself

    If you want to accomplish your goals and become successful in life, you have to believe in yourself.

    All successful men and women today are doing well because they believed in themselves and were

    confident about their capabilities. If you believe in yourself, then you can accomplish the goals you

    have set for yourself.Review Your Progress

    Make sure you are making progress. Review your progress every week to analyze how far you have

    reached in accomplishing your goals. If you find you are lagging behind, hire a coach, look for help

    from family and friends, and above all, try to recognize why your goal is not being met. Find a

    solution to accomplish your goal.

    Be Self Motivated

    Self motivation is a must to achieve goals and success in life. Motivational books and CDs are great

    ways to keep you motivated and will help you to stay focused towards your goals. The more self

    motivated you are, the easier it is to work towards your objectives.

    How To Become Smarter

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    We all are inherited with a smart mind. But improving it a step forward towards a smarter mind is

    what we have to work on. For a mind not kept active will become less alert and lose its brilliance and

    intelligence in due course of time. Just like a broken arm, when freed from the sling after a couple

    of weeks, takes time to get back to its original functionality, the same is the case with your brain. The

    kind of exercise you provide to your physical body, your mind demands the same implementation

    and training. When left aside and idle for a while, your brain tends to become inactive and less

    energetic. Thus, to become smarter than the smart and the smartest, you have to pep up your mind

    in the right route. After all, its not the same as wearing the best clothes or portraying a know -it-all

    kind of image. Find tips on how to become a smarter person by glancing through the tips listed


    How To Get Smarter

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    Exercise Your Brain

    Just like you workout to build and strengthen your muscles, your brain, too, requires proper

    exercises to sharpen itself. Often, it is assumed to be a useless body part, but this is not true. As

    such, whenever you are engaging yourself in some activities, you are exercising your brain.

    Consider practicing activities, such as puzzles, crafts, reading, painting, gardening, and other

    recreational activities that will refresh and rejuvenate you and your mind, in particular.

    Read Quality Books

    Most of us love reading. But we often end up reading fiction, suspense, or romantic books. However,

    these books do not mentally stimulate us. So, if you really want to improve your thinking and writing

    skills, pick up books that force you to really focus. Read a classic novel that changes your

    perspective towards this world and exposes you to precise, elegant English. Do not feel shy to pick

    up new words and find their meanings. This, in turn, will make you smarter with a more

    comprehensive vocabulary. Make reading fun as well as useful.

    Avoid The Idiot Box

    What do we do after a long tiring working day? Pick up a bag of chips and a can of cola only to land

    up in front of the television. Though there is no problem with refreshing yourself while watching a

    reality or a talk show, it doesnt really put your mental capacity into use. Further, watching television

    continuously does not relax you, instead, it exhausts you. Hence, pick up a book or magazine when

    you want to relax. Or, switch off the idiot box when you have friends or acquaintances around and

    indulge in a conversation instead.

    Learn A Foreign Language

    Researches indicate that learning an unknown foreign language boosts brain power. Quite smart,

    indeed, right! Learning and understanding the foreign culture through the language induces your

    brain to implement its muscles.

    Identify Your Qualities

    All of us have had our share of several idols and dream jobs during childhood. A scientist, a social

    worker, an airhostess, a 40-wheel lorry driver, an astronaut, or even a rock star! But, in reality, how

    many of us are really able to convert our childhood dreams into a reality? Probably, just one out of

    hundred. Thats because to move onto their paths, we need to understand the values, commitment,

    and endless efforts to meet the requirements and achieve our goals. However, this should not be

    mixed with our idols. For if we try to imitate our idols, we will only land up making a fool out of

    ourselves and not creating a niche amongst the rest. Hence, it is important to identify your qualities

    and be yourself rather than being others.

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    How To Learn To Love Yourself0 0 StumbleUpon0

    Remember Whitney Houstons popular song learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all?

    Very true, isnt it? There is, apparently, no relationship more real and valuable in the world than the

    one you have with yourself. Love is an unconditional need demanded and required by each one of

    us. But how is it possible to find love in others when we cant love our own self? And when we are at

    our worst, we consider ourselves to be our own worst enemy, often called out by names, like

    Stupid, Jerk, or Loser. However, you need to understand that this isnt the right way to treat

    yourself. Though it seems to be a very difficult task, learning to love yourself is not an impossible job.

    So, roll up your sleeves and sweep that guilt and hatred attitude away. Find ways to learn to love

    yourself by glancing through the tips listed herein. Take a look!

    Learning To Love Yourself

    Accept Your Personality

    Your life has not ended yet. You still have plenty of years to live. Hence, its never too late to

    improve or develop yourself throughout your life. However, it is best if you accept yourself for whom

    you are. Be happy and celebrate your unique qualities and characteristics. After all, you are a unique

    individual created from Gods own hands.

    Be Happy With Your Body Size

    Both men and women are often too conscious about their physical appearance, especially when

    they see a well-toned and figured person crossing their way. In case of women, some feel that thei r

    breasts are just too small, while there are others who feel they have heavy butt. Men, on the other

    hand, feel inferior to those who are well built or have a great muscular body. For all such gentlemen

    and ladies, remember that we are not produced from a single factory. Each one of us is different;

    hence, it is better if you accept, or rather love, your physical appearance.

    Built Confidence

    No person is born with natural confidence. It is the upbringing and your surroundings that help you

    develop poise and self-confidence. Children who are taught to become self independent from an

    early age have greater level of confidence than those who look up to their parents for every knick

    and knack. Start revealing a positive attitude and a feeling of self assurance and see how confidence

    comes natural to you in no time.

    Find Out Your Good Qualities And Achievements

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    Looking out for some good qualities in yourself? Were you not able to find any? Does that make you

    hate yourself further? Why? Arent you a homosapien? Just like every person has some negativeattributes, so does he have positive characteristics as well. It is good to criticize your self but then do

    not be over critical. Accept your flaws and try to come over them. As for your positives, just keep on

    bettering them and who knows you might be able to love yourself all the more.

    Stop Regretting On Your Mistakes

    So, you have committed a mistake? So what? Its just a mistake. No one is going to beat or punish

    you to death. Making mistakes is natural to any human being. So stop beating or cursing yourself

    over and over again. Instead, sit down and analyze your mistakes. Take positive lessons from them

    and find out what different you can do next time to avoid these stupid and silly errors. Forget the past

    and plan the future.

    Dont Let Others Dominate You

    Sad but true, often people treat you like a doormat simply because you allow them to do so. Its your

    life and no one has the right to control or rule it, except you. So stop being too kind and generous

    when a friend constantly borrows money from you with no promises of repaying it back. Stand up

    and dump that guy who calls and looks up to you only for sex and nothing else. Remember, do not

    let anyone treat you badly because you deserve better than being only used or criticized.

    ow To Find Yourself

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    The journey that we call life is so full of diversions and obstacles that surmounting those takes muchof our time and energy, invariably making us lose track of our own self. With life becoming more and

    more chaotic and busy, we have come to accept despair and pessimism as a part of our life.

    Importance is given more to the physical aspect rather than to the spiritual. As a result, though we

    have become physically and materially robust, morally we still are unsatisfied. Nowadays, we tend to

    seek enlightenment of the body, rather than that of the mind. Result - we lose on the spiritually part.

    And one day we realize how wrong our quest had been and at that time, we scramble backwards to

    find our self. But just as you know, it is easy to lose a thing but very difficult to find it back. When you

    are trying to discover yourself, the scenario isnt any different. To start, you will have to peel off, like

    the layers of an onion, all the years of high strung hedonistic lifestyle. This wont prove to be easy,

    but if you stick to your task with steely determinism and patience, then you can find success and

    yourself. Remember, to find and discover yourself requires proper guidance and to guide you in the

    proper path, this article will be an immense help. Read further for various instructions on how you

    can find yourself.

    Finding Yourself

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    Put your needs above everything else. However, this doesnt mean that you become self

    centered. To put your needs ahead of everything else simple means you should put aside otherunimportant things or those that you thought were more important than you and concentrate on

    your needs every day. Also, differentiate between your needs and your wants. Concentrating

    only on your wants will always leave you dissatisfied. The same is not the case with your needs.

    You can never seek to find yourself if you dont spend time with yourself. Therefore, as often as

    possible, take a break and spend a quiet time alone. When spending time alone, you should

    focus only on yourself and discard any thoughts of work and family. The point here is to leave

    all your stressful thoughts behind and think only about your life.

    When you are alone with yourself, think about the major goals in your life and think of how

    these goals will influence your outlook in life. It is better if you write down the goals and all the

    mistakes that you have made. Then, analyze these and write down the positive experiences

    that you have imbibed from these. See how your mistakes and negative experiences have

    taught you valuable lessons in life.

    Dont dwell on what others think of you. Always remember that you cant please everyone. So

    try to be what you are and not what others think of what you are. Dont try to look at yourselffrom the perspective of others. Rather, see what you really are and work towards cultivating that

    personality. Most people lose sense of their self, trying to be what others want them to be.

    Ask yourself how much of your life is controlled by your own will power. Contemplate on how

    much, if at all, do you listen to your soul. Find out which motives run your life and what meaning

    and purpose do you wish to give to your life. Find answers to all these questions and you will

    have a strong sense of who you are.

    Give your life a moral dimension. For this, you will have to explore and describe yourself. Know

    your mind as this will help in developing a moral outlook. And you must try in every way to stick

    to that moral life.

    ersonal Goal Setting

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    Everyone sets goals for themselves, however, only very few manage to go all the way and actually

    achieve the goals they set for themselves. It is these achievements that make these people winners

    and it is the lack of achievement that makes the rest of the lot losers. Life, after all, even though

    most people may not choose to admit it, is all about winning and losing. When you set a goal for

    yourself and actually do realize it, you become a winner. On the other hand, when you set a goal for

    yourself and fail to shift the paradigms from dreams to reality, you become the loser. However,

    losing does not mean that it is the end of the road for you. It only means that you have failed in your

    approach to meet your goals and dreams. It means that you will have to learn from your mistakes

    and make all the right moves to get the better of them. If you are looking to set a few personal goals,

    but are clueless on how to go about it, read on for expert-level guidance on how to set personal


    How To Set Personal GoalsGet Specific

    When you are setting personal goals, it is important to be specific. You cannot be vague when

    looking to set personal goals. This is because the more vague you are with your goals, the less

    focused you will be, and when you are less focused, achieving your goals are as good as

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    impossibilities. For example, if you tell yourself, I want to lose weight; you really are not going to get

    far with that goal. However, if you tell yourself, I need to lose two pounds in two weeks, then yes;achieving the goal becomes that much easier. So you see how being specific helps you in the

    setting of your goals.

    Stay Practical

    Most people, who fail at achieving their goals, mostly fail because they set unrealistic goals for

    themselves. For example, if a very fat man sets a goal to look all young and athletic in a months

    time, he is probably going to fail. Why is he going to fail? Simply because when you are very fat,

    getting to look all young and athletic in a months time is going to be as good as impossible. To

    prevent such an avoidable predicament in your life, you can take all the right steps to ensure your

    goals stay realistic and extremely achievable.

    Set Deadlines

    If your job has deadlines, then why not your goals and your life in g eneral? Its a funny concept, but

    somehow, a man can only work and give anything his best shot when he is presented with

    deadlines. When you apply the concept of deadlines to the desire to set and achieve goals, pulling

    off the same becomes that much easier. For example, if you sit yourself down and tell yourself that

    you are going to learn to master the basic techniques of the guitar in three months, you will find itthat much easier to do so. When you set deadlines and serious ones at that, you will find yourself

    driven to achieve what you want to. However, make it a point not to set meaningless deadlines and

    make life unnecessarily difficult for yourself.

    Write Your Way To The Top

    This does not mean you have to aspire to become the best writer in the world, when you hardly care

    about writing and writers. It, instead, means writing your goals on a piece of paper. Here, its best to

    maintain a dairy. You can write down your goal and follow this up by writing down details on the

    steps you actually take to achieve your goals. You may not realize how writing down details on your

    goals can help, but you can take it for granted that writing down of the same will help you achieve


    ersonal Development Goals

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    Discipline is one of the most important mantra in life. And for a disciplined life, it is very necessary

    that you develop certain personal development goals in all the facets of your life such as health,

    relationship, spirituality, career, and the like. This is very necessary as no one is born perfect.

    Everyone must strive as hard as they can to reach at least a semblance of perfection. This is where

    your personal development goals come in. When setting up goals, it is imperative that you approach

    it with a determined mentality or your personal development goals will be another set of instructions

    in your notebook. You should strive to achieve those goals with a passion that should come from

    deep within yourself. Ultimately, you need to realize that the goals that you select are for your own

    development and that you cannot expect anyone to force them on you. Set your personal

    development goals and stick to them, until the time you achieve your target. Read the article given

    below to learn how you can set your own personal development goals.

    How To Set Personal Development Goals

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    First find out all that you consider to be the most important aspect that you should have in life.

    Naturally, you cannot do this in an instant. So you should sit down and brainstorm. Jot down allwhat you wish to accomplish in your life.

    Set a time period, say for a period of six months or one year. Write down a list of personal goals

    that you would like to adopt in that period. These goals may include your development in the

    areas of finance, health, society, career or spirituality. Jot down what you would like to achieve

    regarding personal development in that period.

    From the list separate your short term and long term goals. Also, strike out any goals that you

    feel will require more time and patience for you to achieve. Select only those personal

    development goals that you can achieve in that time period.

    You can also work on developing personal development goals regarding the job you are

    holding. Note down the various key areas in which you would like to set up the goals and

    achieve them.

    Try to blend your personal goals with your work goals. You should find a relationship between

    your goals, so that those areas keep you highly motivated.

    Jot down the activities that can help you to attain the goals. In this, you should first select those

    activities that help you in achieving the most important goals that you have mentioned in the list.

    Segregate the activities so that when one goal is achieved you can move on the next goal of

    another activity.

    Rewrite the goals after every couple of months. This is to help you to figure in any changes that

    you may consider regarding your goals. Also, the list of activities that you must do should also

    be revised every once in a while, so that you can select the activities that help you the most in

    achieving your goal. Strike out the activities that you find are less helpful in achieving your


    Be determined. Focus on what you want to accomplish. When you know what you want, you

    can also choose what you want to do and what not to do.

    Your success in life is dependent upon your realization of your goals. Remember that the

    journey to your goal is as important as achieving your goals.

    How To Become Popular

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    When I grow up, I want to be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies Pussycat Dolls.

    You dont need to be rich or wealthy or a celebrity to be popular. You can be popular in own way,

    with your own sense of style and personality. Popularity is relative to that of others. People are just

    born popular or they acquire them through the days. There is one thing you need to be popular, to

    believe in yourself and decide that it doesnt matter what it takes for you to get there. Nobody will

    admit to hating the attention for whatever the reason maybe they look good, or they have anattractive smile or they dress well or seen in the famous nightclubs. But if you have none of these

    qualities and are sick of being ignored, then its time you pull up your socks and read about some the

    tips you could use to raise your popularity one level higher!

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    Becoming Popular

    Be polite. Dont act like a bully and try to interact with everyone. Everyones decisions are

    important. Also, use less violent actions while eating, drinking, laughing etc. Dont brag about

    yourself. No one cares that much! Stop making annoying noises and irritating people with your

    fake actions.

    Observe people who youd like to be as popular as. It could be your friend or a famous person.

    Either way, watch how they move about and interact with others and what they say. If you like

    how a celebrity dresses then cut out their photos then incorporate this kind of wardrobe into

    your own. You dont have to wear the exact same thing if youre not comfortable in it, but

    something of that kind would do wonders.

    Step out of your comfort zone. Learn a little about the people you are going to meet, bring a few

    jokes to entertain the crowd and generally make conversation with people around you. Most

    importantly listen to the other person, as youd like them to listen to you. A bold approach will be

    your best try!

    Help anyone you see. Being popular is not so much about looking good, as it is about feeling

    good. When walking down the road, if someone drops something, be the first one to help them.

    At a club, if someone is talking to you about their problems l isten and try to find a resolve. It

    could just be a small thought that counts.

    More adventurous? Date someone popular in school. Suggest you go on a nice romantic movie

    and maybe itll turn out to be a long lasting relationship after all. So you wouldve got what you

    wanted (popular!) and you will be totally in love!

    Use your common sense while you dress up! Dress like you mean it - uncomfortable clothes

    only make people laugh at you. It doesnt matter what kind of dress youre wearing, make sure

    you are comfortable. Wearing short clothes in the cold winter is not going to make you or

    anyone around you feel better.

    Approach a gathering with a casual attitude. Try not to involve yourself in controversies and

    dont make small talk behind someones back. No one thinks thats cool especially if theyvetrusted you to act differently.

    At the end of all this, be yourself. Dont lose that special quality about you. Have the courtesy to

    smile at others and look confident even if you are not. The rest will automatically follow.

    Alpha Male

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    There are quite a few definitions for an alpha male, the most common being a cute and popular

    person who is lucky with females and is generally muscle bearing and good looking. A beta male is

    the exact opposite, which means that such males do not have the courage in front of a woman and

    they participate in less male activities. This is why most girls think that beta males are less

    attractive than their alpha counterparts. Alpha males are natural leaders and feel that they are better

    than beta males. But it is not necessary that all attractive guys are alpha males. The ones that are

    masculine or macho are called alpha males. To become an alpha male from a beta male is not an

    overnight job. One must get rid of the beta male characteristics and start seeing women more often.

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    To be an alpha male, one must possess confidence, money and must be attractive. To know as to

    what are the typical alpha male traits, read further.

    Alpha Male Traits


    An alpha male shows utmost decorum and perfect behaviour when at a public place or in a crowd.

    He stands up tall and is a smart and strong individual. He has a controlled behaviour and acts and

    talks very confidently.


    An alpha male is very courageous in all situations and even when he is frightened, he does not show

    it. He generally has the ability to tackle any problem and find the solution, before anyone else does.

    Hard Working

    An alpha male is very determined and focused in life, even though there are several obstacles on his

    way. If there is something that he needs to achieve, he will not sleep until it is finished. He uses his

    power of control in matters of business, friends and relationships. One important thing that is worth

    mentioning is that an alpha male is not overly manipulative and will achieve goals by the right

    methods only.

    Body Form

    From physical appearance it can be seen how an alpha male differs from a beta male. An alpha

    male is muscular and his movements are done with utmost ease. His strides are taken with

    confidence and he physically stands upright. He does not get bothered with rumours and

    inconveniences. He has his own power, but is friendly in nature.


    This is a very important trait of an alpha male - he is always the leader in any situation. He will

    always be the person who is organizing and makes sure that he does all the hard work in calling up

    people. Suppose there is a party, an alpha male makes all the arrangements that need to be done

    and everybody follows this person. He allots work to his juniors in a disciplined fashion.

    Love For Women

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    This is precisely what differentiates beta males from alpha males. Alpha males love women and

    respect them. They dont hurt women and treat them with care, which is why they are popular amongthe female folks.

    Thus all beta males who want to become alpha males must try to behave in an orderly, masculine

    fashion and must treat women respectfully. With this write up it is clear why only some guys have all

    the luck with women!

    How To Make Yourself Happy

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    If you dont have a plan for pleasure, you will have pain. - Anthony Robbins. We all go throughstress and challenges in our day to day lives. While it is easy to cope with minor challenges like a

    bounced check, an argument with a friend, or a bad day at work, it is often difficult to face some

    serious stresses like heartbreaks, a divorce, or death of a loved one. Happiness is a state of mind

    and is a relative term. Different people have different perspective about happiness. While a good

    book, movie or even a good meal can make a person happy, some may find happiness among

    family and friends and by indulging in certain activities. Again, some consider wealth as the only

    source of happiness. If you wish to train yourself to stay happy, here are a few tips for you to

    consider. Read the following section to learn more about them.

    How To Be Happy

    Learn to forget and forgive even if you are cheated, betrayed, taunted, or hit by someone.

    Unless you can forget and forgive, grudge, anger, and frustration will envelope you, thus

    making you very unhappy. Rehashing old stories only reinforces the pain and misery.

    Do not expect much from people and from life. If your expectation is not met, it will make youunhappy.

    Never compare yourself with others. Every person has his or her own ability and limitations.

    Learn to appreciate things you are presently have, instead of complaining about things you

    dont have.

    Show love, care, and respect to people around you.

    Be a social worker. Help people who are in distress. This will give you immense joy and a sense

    of contentment.

    Learn to be self affirming and find ways to be good to yourself.

    Learn to praise yourself. Pat yourself if you cooked a good meal, or if you have painted a nice


    Give some time to yourself. Do things you love to do the most. Read a good book, watch some

    movies, or just pamper yourself with a lavish spa treatment. This will definitely rejuvenate you

    and most importantly, will make you feel joyful.

    Explore your spiritual side and learn the effect of spiritual healing.

    Spirituality is a great source of emotional support especially during hard times. It has the ability

    to make you mentally strong and help you focus on life.

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    Enjoy life to the fullest. Learn to keep aside tension and anxiety and relax peacefully.

    Close your eyes and remember all those beautiful moments that make you feel happy. Goodmemories will bring a smile to your face.

    Always wear a smile and dress nicely.

    Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Learn to stay fit and keep yourself healthy.

    Greet people with a sweet smile.

    Get enough rest. Avoid overworking. It is absolutely okay to mollycoddle yourself some times.

    Treat yourself often! Go for a good show, dine in a chic restaurant, or let your shopping spree

    take over you. However, be sure to keep it within your ability to afford it.

    Dont allow negative thoughts to dwell in your mind. Forgetting unhappy events is a great way to

    stay happy.

    Love people around you. Bringing a smile to the face of a loved one will make you happy too.

    Do not slave yourself for money

    How To Get A Life

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    There is a very thin line between living and existing. Existing is when you have the years in your life,

    but living is when you have the life in your years. After all, as someone has rightly said - "life is not

    measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." People somehow

    manage to find themselves trapped in a vicious circle that hardly gives them time to enjoy their

    otherwise meaningless lives. Of what use is a life, if you are not willing to live it? If you believe you

    need a life or at least need to get one back, help for you has finally arrived. Take your step and read

    on to gain access to valuable insight or pearls of wisdom on how you can get the life back in your

    years. Remember, what you do in the now and the here will echo right into the voids of eternity.

    Make that decision to stop existing and start living!

    Ways To Get A Life

    Work-Life Balance

    Most of the people who dont have a life dont really have one because they are almost always stuck

    at work, or with work. How can you expect to enjoy the intricacies and pleasures of life if you spend

    most of your waking hours holed up in a cubicle? This is exactly why it is important to strike a

    balance between work and your life. Work is something you do for eight to nine hours of the day.

    However, what you do with the rest of your day will determine the course of your life. Its as simple

    as this. When you are at work, you work as hard as you can, but once you are done with work, you

    make your moves and live your life like you have never lived before. Hit the gym, go partying, catch

    a movie, or just indulge in any other activity that can come under the greater wingspan of what can

    be best described as fun.

    Find Friends

    What can life be without friends? Can it even amount to anything without the presence of friends,

    family and loved ones? Well, going by the parameters of how to get a life, it most definitely cant.Finding friends here, however, doesnt mean you go on a manhunt just to zero in on a few friends. It

    only means that you will need to get back in touch with the people you used to once call friends. Get

    them back in your life and watch it take a U-turn and head from absolute boredom to absolute bliss.

    However, if you have never had friends in your life, you may as well go on that manhunt to find

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    friends. This may not be as difficult as you may think it is, because there really are a lot of friendly

    people out there!Face Your Fears

    Facing your fears, believe it or not, can help you get a life, or at least get it back on track. How this

    works is pretty simple. When you face your fear or fears, you are getting a huge load off of your

    shoulders. With the doing away of this load, you tend to feel a lot more confident about yourself and

    feel a lot happier too. If happiness is a measure of how much of a life you have and if you are a

    happier person after facing your fears, then you sure do have a life.


    If you are truly, madly and deeply yearning for a life, it is important to have a dream, the dream to

    achieve something, or the dream to make it big on your own terms. If you dont have a dream, you

    really dont have a life because your existence in this world is as good as pointless. So, take the time

    to figure out what you want out of life, work towards achieving it and before you know it, your life will

    be handed to you on a glimmering silver platter!

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    Personality Development by Swami Vivekananda in Telugu - Part 1
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    wami Vivekananda - Personality Development Techniques in Telugu - Part

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