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10 Ways to Ditch "Status Quo" Content

Well Planned Web, LLC | 813.863.1486 |

2 0 1 2 ACTION I T E M

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INTRODUCTIONOnline marketers have lived by a new creed in recent years: “Content is King.”

Why? Research and statistics show that more content means more visits from Google, higher search rankings and a more dynamic website. Hurray!

But, what about the leads? Despite what many traditional Content and Search Engine Marketing agencies claim, online content is not a magic marketing bullet. The mere act of publishing content does not deliver leads on a silver platter. Yet, the recent rush to “just write something” has misled many well-intentioned marketers into producing plenty of volume ...but very little value.

This approach has become the status quo — resulting in lukewarm lead generation.

Today’s content has to work harder.

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D ITCHING THE “STATUS QUO”This Action Item Report was designed to help you and your team shift your collective mindset around online content development. The landscape has changed. Time to catch up.

Today, in order for content to generate leads, it must literally lock eyes with prospects as they search for help, answers and information about the problems they’re trying to solve — the very same problems you tackle for your clients and customers every day.

Here are 10 ways to start ditching the "status quo"...

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#1: ACCEPT THAT CONTENT HAS EVOLVEDToday's Content Marketing brings an entirely new set of rules to the table. It’s imperative that your organization’s leaders embrace this — otherwise you’re headed for another Status Quo Content kind of year.

Content is no longer about gaming Google or injecting short-term boosts in traffic to impress the CEO in next week's report.

Forget traffic. Go for leads. We’ll get into that more as we move through the list.

Content Works When It Provides ValueContent Marketing is about helping prospects make decisions through each phase of the research and buying process. It's that simple.

For those companies engaging in effective Content Marketing, it seems to be working. So much so that 60% of B2B Content Marketers indicate that they plan to increase their content marketing budgets over the next 12 months. (Source: B2B Content Marketing: 2012 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends). Let's jump into tactics for a second. While B2B Content Marketers are singing the praises of Case Studies, Events, White Papers and Blogs, they place Social Media at the bottom of the list. Why? B2B Content Marketers still recognize Social Media as a valuable tool — but they've gotten over the hype and see it as just one part of the mix.

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#2: DON'T JUST PUBLISH. L ISTEN.Thought leaders often get trapped in the mindset that selling their expertise means sharing a bunch of content that prospects will flock to, digest and love. Some even go so far as to call their content a free “gift” for their audience. Reverse that thinking.

Shift to a servant mindset — that you can always do more to help. Ask customers what other information they need. Find out if the content was helpful. Ask loyal clients for feedback. After all, they know your product but also know your audience. Don’t overlook such a tremendous resource!

Remember, listening doesn’t mean passively waiting for comments to appear on your blog. Proactively seek feedback from specific people…whether it be on the networks, through email or in person.

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#3: DON'T JUST L ISTEN. RESPOND.So, you've gathered feedback, questions and insights from customers. Now what? Take action.

You may have a question to pass along to your sales team. Or, perhaps you’ve learned something from customers that you need to tell your engineering department. It’s important to translate any new information into a response.

The response may also be deeper content.Here’s an example:

A technical services company released a carefully researched white paper. The response was terrific. But, customers and prospects were so enlightened by the cost efficiency portion of the paper that they wanted to immediately calculate what their own savings would be. Chances are the majority of them weren't quite ready for a one-on-one sales call. Because the content producer knew this particular audience well, she also knew they likely wanted to do the math themselves to begin making their case internally. The response? An online calculator and worksheet that allowed them to pull together the numbers to begin building their argument. The leads followed.

A calculator as content? You betcha!

Taking content cues from customers is what differentiates thoughtful experts from arrogant know-it-alls.

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Be willing to learn from your customers.

It not only makes for good content. — it makes for good business, too.

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#4: IF CONTENT ISN’T RELEVANT, DON'T USE IT.Producing content can be SO darn fun! But, if you're truly committed to  "locking eyes" with your customers, you've got to be willing to walk away from that irrelevant content that you're dying to publish.

Does this mean you must abandon all creativity? Heck no! 

This means  virtually  every piece of content your team produces must map directly to a specific audience need, dilemma or pain point (which can still be fun!). Content that is published solely for a team member's personal satisfaction or to appease a high-level executive will erode your audience's trust and appreciation.

Adopt a "tough love" checks-and-balances policy: Just because it's something you want to say, doesn't mean it needs to be heard.

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#5: BE PART OF THE CUSTOMERS’ JOURNEYIf you’ve already invested in understanding your audience through Audience Profiles and Buyer Personas, you’re likely ahead of your competition — or at least many in your industry. But to ditch Status Quo content, get ready to dive even deeper.

New lead-nurturing technology like Eloqua, Marketo and SilverPop make it possible to segment your audience by type — and to communicate with them based on where they are in the buying cycle. After all, that prospect who just became aware of your service yesterday has a completely different level of knowledge than the prospect who has devoured four white papers, read your blog and engaged in three emails with your sales team. We can't forget about those who are so engaged that they want more!

Best of all, segmentation challenges us to communicate with those who are our best sources for new business — our current clients and customers. Examine ways to include content for those who are already your greatest advocates.

Be willing to let go of the broadcast mentality and talk directly to segments, sub segments and sub-sub-segments. It’s not as easy as a single email blast to your list. But, talk about relevant!

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The Customer Journey. Who is Your Content Speaking To?

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#6: "GET REAL" W ITHOUT GETTING LAZYJon Steinberg, of BuzzFeed recently stated in Ad Age that "No One Wants Polish, They Want Real." In other words, people no longer want overly produced, overly branded content that's overly art-directed. It's true. Especially for Consumers. But, in the business world, it's important to try out the "real" waters while still remaining professional. Revisit your Voice and Tone in 2012. Can you inject more of your team's personality into your content? Try on new headlines, new styles, new transitions and new quotes. Add some reality with a little less polish.

But, don't mistake "real" for lazy. Invest in professional graphics. Insist on a clean, professional blog design. Be sure your production team uses a tripod and microphone. Proof your work.

Just because consumers lean towards "real" content, doesn't mean you should risk credibility and clout with your business customers.

Get real. Not sloppy. There's a difference.

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#7: DON'T ABANDON YOUR WEBSITEWith the plethora of Content Marketing tactics and channels available today, it's easy to forget about that little thing called your website. Although there is no longer a single path to gaining a lead, chances are any serious prospect will eventually take a visit to your home base — your website. After all, buyers eventually reach a point where they’re ready for your online "elevator pitch" — the neatly organized "brochure" that tells them who you are, what you do and why you matter.

Straighten up your navigation, showcase your best content and create a welcoming and professional experience.

Clean up your house before inviting visitors in!

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#8: G IVE THE KEYWORDS A RESTWith B2B and complex sales, exact keywords are often elusive. And, remember, different audience segments will now search for different terms. Sure, SEO still matters. But, it's no longer in charge. An outdated content strategy built to "game Google" may draw high traffic but those visitors won't necessarily be the most qualified. 

With each new algorithm, Google makes it clear: meaningful, updated, helpful content wins. There will always be those who try to outsmart Google. Sure, they’ll get a “sugar rush” of traffic. But, it’s those companies who focus on the prospect and customer that will win the leads.

When it comes to lead generation: Meaningful content trumps keyword-rich content every time.

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#9: ADOPT A "NO LEAD LEFT BEHIND" POLICYCEOs and CMOs: Listen up! Marketing teams in recent years have been expected to produce evidence of high website traffic, thousands of "Likes," low bounce rates and, ultimately, oodles of incoming leads.

But how many of those leads were actually acted on?

Did your Sales team and Content Marketing teams collaborate to ensure every lead was investigated? Reprogram your team by that every lead be scored, nurtured and acted on (even if that means dismissing the lead).

We're talking zero tolerance here. If content brought in a highly qualified lead, for Pete's sake do not let your sales team drop the ball. Today's lead scoring, lead nurturing and lead generation tools make it possible to turn your CRM into a lead intelligence system. But, it doesn't stop there. Your sales team should connect with leads on LinkedIn, subscribe to their newsletters, find them on Twitter and go where they go. Email is simply no longer the only option. This is not about being the old-school “stalker” salesperson. It’s about staying connected long-term.

This is where content and sales become two sides of the same coin. When the salesperson is well connected to prospects, he brings valuable information that makes for more relevant content.

Your sales team should also know your content library better than anyone. That way, they can share relevant content at a moment’s notice, ask related questions and understand where a lead is in the buying cycle.

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Limbo is no place for a lead.

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#10: H IRE THE R IGHT TEAMContent Marketing is becoming an increasingly challenging role for companies to take on in-house. Which is why more and more companies are turning to outside expertise for content strategy, development or both.

When evaluating Content Marketing agencies or resources, be sure you find a team that understands the ever-changing content marketing and online marketing landscape.

But, can an outside group really capture your expertise and knowledge? It can if it has a solid approach and process for becoming one with your subject matter experts. Hiring a team of writers is not the answer. Hiring a team of true content marketers is a better choice.

Stay tuned for another Action Item Report which outlines the top things to look for in a Content Marketing partner.

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ABOUT THE AUTHORDeana Goldasich has built content strategies for multi-million dollar retailers, high-profile brands and influential government and health agencies for over 15 years. Today, Deana’s focus and passion is in Content Marketing – winning customers through information, education and thought leadership.

Deana founded Well Planned Web in 2009 to help “trailblazing” businesses embrace a content-focused approach in their marketing efforts.

Today, the Well Planned Web team specializes in:

• Website Planning and specifications built around “Mission Critical” content • Content Strategy• Content Marketing• Content Creation • Content Distribution and Social networkingWell Planned Web’s current clients include national B2B companies, professional services, medical leaders and specialty e-commerce.

Deana speaks often to audiences about effective web content and was part of the New Media Special Interest Group for the American Marketing Association. She was also chosen to speak as the “Blogging Pro” at the 2010 National Speakers Association Convention.

Prior to Well Planned Web, Deana served as Director of Content and Production for—the e-commerce arm of the Home Shopping Network. Deana led the company’s aggressive marketing and content strategies for merchandising campaigns, celebrity showcase events, storefront launches, video on demand, and interactive shopping guides. She and her team crafted online content initiatives for hundreds of HSN celebrities and brands such as Wolfgang Puck, Sephora, Bob Vila, Gateway, Kodak, Suzanne Somers, Susan Lucci and Joy Mangano.

Before HSN, Deana was a consultant with Sapient Corporation, specializing in User Experience (UX) and Content Strategy. During that time, she focused on user-centered web content for clients such as the American Cancer Society, Kodak, Conoco, Janus and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

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“Buyers  and  customers  no  longer  want  to  be  ‘marketed  to.’  

Today’s  content  must  solve  a  problem,  not  sell  a  product.”

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