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Video Marketing Cheat Sheet For Hair Loss Specialist!!I have been dealing with Hair Loss Specialist for several years now. It’s amazing to see that although they do not personally know one another — they all share the same problem. Their lead funnels are out dated and simply do not work anymore. !!Chances are you and I have never spoken before. If you were one of the Hair Loss Specialists that I have spoken to, you would already know this information. !!Here’s The Mistake Your Currently Making!!You are spending money on the following to generate leads: !!• Magazine ads!• PPC campaigns!• SEO/Internet Marketing!• and Commercials!!Those are the most common methods used to get prospects to your website e.g. this is considered the top of your sales funnel. Once the prospect reaches your site you expect them to sign up for a free consultation. This is what you consider to be a lead. !!I am just going to apologize right here and now. What I am about to say next will probably hurt your feelings, but, it needs to be said. !!Your prospects will do business with whoever they feel has best served them - PERIOD!!!Lets take your exact sales funnel and apply it to another scenario so that you can see for yourself how it looks to others. !!Lets say you and I are sitting at a local Starbucks having a friendly discussion about a new car you were thinking about buying. What do you know… The guy next to us invites himself over to our table, and starts in:!!“Hello, I couldn’t help but overhear that you were


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interested in buying a new car. I am the number one car sales person in our local area. I sale the best cars in the world. I offer the best prices, I am better than my competitors — blah, blah, blah.”!!This goes on, and on for several minutes. !!You tell me… Is this someone you would do business with? Of course not! Chances are you would either tell this guy to move on, or you would politely excuse yourself and leave. !!

3 Indisputable Facts That’s Killing Your Leads!!FACT: Your prospects can careless about you or your business.!FACT: Your competition continues to grow each year.FACT: Your marketing costs continue to increase while your results are decreasing.!!Those three facts are killing your business. Throwing more money into a black-hole will not save your business. You need to separate yourself from the rest of the herd. The days of sitting back waiting for the prospect to come to you are over. It’s all about name branding — PERIOD!!!

How To Use Video Marketing !To Create An Automated Lead Funnel!!

To get started you will need a list of long tail geo targeted keyword phrases e.g.: !!• Best Laser Hair Treatments in Virginia Beach Virginia!• Best Hair Transplant Surgery in Virginia Beach Virginia!• Best Hair Loss Clinics In Virginia Beach Virginia!• Best Hair Restoration Doctor in Virginia Beach Virginia!• Hair Treatments in Virginia Beach Virginia!• Hair Transplant Surgery in Virginia Beach Virginia!• Hair Loss Clinics In Virginia Beach Virginia!• Hair Restoration Doctor In Virginia Beach Virginia!• Hair Treatments in Virginia!• Hair Transplantat Surgery in Virginia!• Hair Loss Clinics In Virginia!• Hair Restoration Doctor In Virginia!!You will want to create a video for each of your keyword phrases. Just imagine how many cities are in the state that you currently live in. Now imagine the different variations you could create using combination words with your keyword phrases e.g. Virginia, VA, best, review, local, etc. !!!


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!START HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

!!!!!!!Ok, the race is about to start. It’s time to roll up your sleeves, the gloves are about to come off — ok, ok, enough of the bad word play. Let’s dive in and get started. !!Step 1:!!You are going to need a list of keyword phrases. Google’s Keyword Planner tool will allow you to do a little keyword research for free. You can access the tool by visiting the following URL:!!!!You will need a google account if you do not already have one. If you do have one, make sure your logged in. The start screen should look like this:!!!!!!!!!


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!Click on the link “Search for new keyword and ad group ideas”.!!!Step 2:!!Once you have clicked on the link above you will be taken to the screen where you enter your seed keyword phrase. !!!!!!!!!!


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Try entering something as simple as “hair loss”. !

!Click the “Get Ideas” button to be taken to Step 3.!!!!!!!!!


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Step 3:!



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Notice that the search term “hair loss” receives and average monthly search of 49,500, with “high” competition. Keywords with one or two word phrases are extremely hard to rank for. This is why I recommend using long tail keyword phrases. Taking from the screen shot above I would use the following phrases:!!1. hair loss treatment!2. hair loss in women!3. female hair loss!4. hair loss causes!5. how to stop hair loss!6. hair loss help!7. stop hair loss!8. hair loss treatments

You can expand on the list above by adding combination words.!

9. hair loss treatments in Virginia Beach Virginia!10. hair loss treatment review!11. best hair loss treatments!12. hair loss treatment reviews!13. best hair loss in women doctors!14. causes of hair loss in women!15. cures for hair loss in women!16. female hair loss treatment!17. female hair loss clinics!18. female hair loss clinics in Virginia Beach Virginia!19. female hair loss doctor!20. female hair loss doctors in Virginia Beach Virginia!!Can you see how easily you can create a nice list of keyword phrases in no time?!


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DO NOT CONTINUE UNTIL YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE FOLLOWING TASK!!I know “exactly” how you are feeling right now. You want to dive right in and see if this stuff really works, am I right? Instead of creating a huge list of keyword phrases lets start of with a list of a dozen that are geo-targeted.!!Please… Do not keep reading without completing this task. This is your foundation. Words cannot explain how important it is that you get this part right. Choose the right keyword phrases your videos will rank well in both YouTube and Google. !!I recommend that you take the time to build a keyword list of 25 or more geo-targeted keyword phrases. !!


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!!Step 4:!!I highly recommend that you start with a “new” YouTube account. Once things get to rolling, you will be uploading a large number of videos. YouTube is finicky to say the least. Not to mention the dirty tricks that your competitors “are” going to play. !!I manage multiple accounts, because I know upfront, that YouTube is going to ban a few of them. I’m not saying that YouTube is going to ban me or you for that matter for doing anything wrong. I have had accounts banned for uploading to many videos to a new account in a short amount of time. Sabotage will play a big roll in getting some of your accounts banned. !!Once you start dominating several of the top positions in YouTube your competitors will notice. They “are not” going to sit back and let you crush their business without a fight. I have seen this happen time-and-time again. So, be prepared. !!At this point you should have set up a new YouTube account. DO NOT attempt to expand on this strategy with your own personal account. !!Once you are ready it is time to move on to step 5. !!!!!!!


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Step 5:!!Now it’s time to upload your video. Simply follow the steps below.!


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Step 6:!!The screenshot below is shows where you upload your video. You can do so by simply dragging and dropping your video. !!

Before uploading your video make sure you have the keyword phrase as the title of your video. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�11

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Step 7:!!On this screen we have the title, description, tags, and video thumbnail options!!

!The title should be your keyword phrase, in this example I used “Best Hair Loss Clinics In Virginia Beach Virginia”!!In the description field make sure that you include your keyword phrase followed by your websites URL, then whatever copy you choose to use. Sprinkle your keyword phrase throughout your YouTube description. !!You should also add a few keyword phrases in the tags section.!!CLICK PUBLISH!!!!!!!!!!!


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It was getting late after I published my video, and it takes a little time for the video to get indexed by Google. However when I woke up in the morning I checked it and it was ranked on the first page. !!

Notice that their are 11 paid ads on the front page. That keyword phrase is costing the advertisers anywhere between $1.50 per click to $5.00 per click. All though my listing is in the 5th position on the first page, the other 4 organic listings are not hair loss clinics. The user will bounce out and continue down the list. !!


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If you wanted to move your rankings up even higher you could build backlinks to your YouTube video and take the number one spot. Heres a quick tip to help you get your videos ranked extremely fast:!!Step 8:!!Copy the URL to your YouTube video and visit Once there, paste your YouTube URL in the big box that says list URL’s and click the “Start Pinging” button.!

Once you have clicked the Start Pinging button you can just sit back and let the program do its thing. However, you cannot refresh the page, or navigate away while the program is working. !!Normally I would wait until I have all of my videos done then add all of the URL’s at once. !!A FEW MORE PINGING OPTIONS!!1.!


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2.!3. (for blogs)!!Step 9:!!You have your video(s) up and running, they should be ranking in the search engines, now it is time to get the word out. Chances are your social media accounts have been collecting dust. Most people start out with the heart of a lion and end up with the heart of a mouse when it comes to maintaining their social media accounts. !!Post your video to your all of your accounts along with a call to action, e.g.!!Let us help you with your hair loss - call today for a free consultation - 555-555-5555!!



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Is Your Website A Sinking Ship?!!Your website and social media are the corner stone of your online presence. The internet can make or break your business. It doesn’t matter how much you post to Facebook, or you interact with your Twitter following if your foundation is weak nothing else will matter. You foundation is your website — thats where it all begins. !!Most hair loss specialist will post the basics to their website e.g. About, Contact, Gallery Photos, and a Consultation form. For the most part that is all most hair loss clinics will do. The truth is that strategy may have worked at one time, but in today’s online world it isn’t enough.!!Make your foundation is strong by giving your website a checkup (valued at $97) for free. Visit us online for more information about our in depth website checkups. Your going to be extremely impressed, and it is guaranteed to help you get your website/foundation back on the right track.! !!!I know what you are thinking… I am giving away this report in an effort to sell you something. !!The truth… No!!!I believe that business is all about building relationships. Me offering you this report is my way of extending the olive branch. You are in no way obligated to anything. So, the olive branch is extended, and you have the opportunity for an in-depth report that will help you improve your websites exposure, with no strings attached.!!What to do once you have signed up to get your free website checkup report?!!




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Answering the following questions:!!• Is the cost of PPC increasing, and becoming less effective?!• SEO not working for you anymore?!• Social media not living up to all the hype?!• Traditional marketing such as television, radio, and the newspaper not as effective as it use

to be?!• Are you tired of sales/marketing people making you promises that they never keep?!!

My Grandmother Use To Always Say…!“If You Want Something Done Right !

You Have To Do It Yourself!”!

Buy It On Amazon!!Smashwords!!

Barnes and Nobles (Book Nook)!!Apple’s iBooks!!!

This report was written by and distributed Tim Beachum & Chris Beachum ( • Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved. If you have any questions please give us a call at 757-271-5605.!!


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