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Development of Guidance and Counselling Instruments in Vocational Education


Choose the answer that you represent.

Rate by 1 DA responses and 0 points NO answers.

Finally, gather points. What you get? ___________________

• I am trying hard to correct my imperfections. Yes No

• It often bothers me that things are not as they should . Yes No

• I hate wasting time. Yes No

• I often blame myself when things go wrong. Yes No

• Often, the smallest mistake can ruin everything for me. Yes No

• I find it hard to relax and to be playful. Yes No

• I often feel that I run out of time and I still have many things to do. Yes No

•Unfair things bother me very much. Yes No

• I get really upset if somebody is not punished for his bad actions. Yes No

•I usually see things in either black or white. Yes No

• Many people rely on my help and my generosity. Yes No

• I am very proud of the services I provided to others. Yes No

• I like to be an important person in the lives of the others.I like it

when people need me. Yes No

• It seems that I have a personal „radar”that detects others’moods

and preferences . Yes No

• Each of my friend reveals different aspects of my personality . Yes No

• I don not think I have too many needs. Yes No

• When I have free time, I usually spend it helping others. Yes No

•It is very important for me to have the sense of personal freedom. Yes No

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Development of Guidance and Counselling Instruments in Vocational Education


Fill in ribbon above what you want to become. Fill quadrants mind the recommendations listed below for each quadrant. After analyzing the text with counselor, mention in the ribbon bottom the new options you have.Quadrant 1: Strengths - Think about what qualities, skills, talents you have, what you love to do! Quadrant 2: Weaknesses / areas for improvement - Think about what you do not have , what you do not know to do and what would prevent you from achieving what you desire! Quadrant 3: Opportunity - Think about what you have and can help you achieve your "dream"! Quadrant 4: Threat - Think about what can prevent you from fulfilling "dream"!

I WANT TO BECOME ________________________

NOW I HAVE MORE OPTIONS ____________________________________

1 2


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Development of Guidance and Counselling Instruments in Vocational Education



The theory of multiple intelligence has strong implications in the process of learning and self- development, giving us a new perspective through which to analyze our lifestyle, hobbies and future career.

Mark the sentences that are true for you and circle the indicated number !

1. I hear the words in my mind before I read, pronounce or write them 12. Books are very important for me 13. I memorize more from listening to radio/audio cassete/CD or a movie 14. I like games like Scrabble, anagrams,etc 15. I like to entertain myself and others with jokes, rhymes, etc 16. Colleagues often ask me to explain the meaning of the words I use 17. I learn easily English, human sciences than mathematics 18. When I drive the car , I pay more attention to the road signs than to landscapes 19. I recently wrote something that I am really proud of /or it has been appreciated by others 110. During a conversation I use information I heard or read about it 111. I feel better when things are measured, analyzed, classified, cuantified 212. I like to find logical errors in what others say or do 213. I can count easily in my mind 214. Mathemathics, physycs,chemistry are my favorite subjects 215. I like games that require logical thinking 216. I like to do small experiments with substances,plants or animals 217. My mind always looks for logical structures, rules, sequences in everything I do 218. I think everything has a logical explanation 219. I am interested in science breakthroughs 220. Sometimes I think in clear,abstract concepts that I do not express in words 221. I like books and magazines with many illustrations 322. When I close my eyes, I can see clearly images 323. I can easily imagine how something would look like seen from above 324. I am sensitive at colors 325. I like to take photos or to record what I see around me 326. I like visual games like puzzles, mazes,etc 327. I dream a lot when I sleep 328. I know how get directions in a new location 329. I like to draw ,paint ,etc 330. Geometry seems easier for me than algebra 331. I need to practice to develop a habit , It is not enough just to read or to watch a demonstration 432. I think I have a good motor coordination 433. I like sport activities 434. I find it hard not to move for a long period 435. The best ideas come to my mind when I walk or do sports 436. I like handmade activities 437. I need to touch objects to learn more about them 4

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38. I prefer to spend my free time in nature 439. I usually use gestures or other forms of body language when I talk to others 440. I like « Montagne russe » (roller coaster) and other similar experiences 441. I have a nice voice 542. I always detect a Falsee note 543. I usually beat the rhythm or sing a song while doing or learning something new 544. I know many songs 545. If I listen to a song 1-2 times I can reproduce it clearly 546. I can keep the pace with a percussion instrument when song is sung 547. I frequently listen to music 548. Sometimes I find myself walking down the street and singing 549. I play a musical instrument 550. My life would be poorer if there was no music 551. Colleagues often come to me to ask for my advice 652. When I have a problem,I seek the help of the others rather than trying to solve it by myself 653. I prefer team sports to those that can be practiced individually 654. I have at least three close friends 655. I prefer to spend my evenings with friends than to stand home alone 656. I consider myself a leader or others have told me that I am a leader 657. I prefer Monopoly or bridge rather than video games or other games that I have to play by myself 658. I like to teach others what I know 659. I like activities where I can collaborate with others 660. I feel good in the crowd, but I also like to meditate at my own problems when I can 661. I like to build things out of wood or to assemble parts 762. I know how to fix various defects at home or in the car 763. I am passionate about rallies and cars in general 764. I would like to be an owner or to have my own business 765. I believe that I am strong and independent 766. I understand the way a machine operates 767. I would rather spend my time playing computer games 768. If I had a car,I would spend most of the time driving 769. I would like to repair the car on my own 770. At school I like to learn from practical acrivities rather than from what is written in notebooks 771. I like to be surrounded by plants 872. I often play with animals 873. I like plant/animals experiments 874. When I work I like to categorize things according to their importance 875. I like to wear clothes made of natural materials 876. I feel good in the forest 877. Weekeds are great to be spent out in nature 878. I believe I am a good cook 879. In my room has to be at least one plant 880. I love to find out new information about animals and plants 8

Sums up how many times you circled / marked each number (1-8) and complete the sum obtained to the corresponding number! Write how much of one you circled? But 2? etc..!

1 ______ 2______ 3 _____ 4_____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 ______

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Development of Guidance and Counselling Instruments in Vocational Education


QUESTIONS ABOUT TYPES OF JOBS AND PROFESSIONS 1. What type of job do you prefer? Mark with an “ x”, the one that you prefer.

To work outdoors To work indoorsPhysical work Intellectual work To work in office To work in production To do the same work all the time To do different work all the time To work alone To work in a teamI want to be a manager To be an employeeI want to work with people I want to work with objects , animals

2. What kind of qualities from the left column do you think are needed for the professions mentioned in the middle column. Fill in the last column as in the given example.

Qualities Jobs Chosen Qualities1 Dexterity Doctor 1-2-3-4-7-8-12-13-14-162 Balanced nervous system Teacher3 Patience Informatician4 Attention Saleperson5 Physical power Hairdresser6 Sharp hearing Electrician7 Good memory Farmer8 Good eyesight Soldier9 Creativity Artist (actor, singer)10 Oratorical ability Driver11 Sociability Priest12 Punctuality Turner/ Metal lathe

operator13 Discipline Secretary14 Persuasion Fashion model15 High level of cultural knowledge Mechanic16 Accurate language TV reporter17 Beauty, balanced body

3. Write 10 occupations which you think you know best. Rate then from 1,2,3 .. 10 the order in which you would like to choose a particular occupation in the blue column.


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Development of Guidance and Counselling Instruments in Vocational Education

5678910Motivate your choice using one of the following sentences:

I like it. It’s interesting. I have enough knowledge about it. It’s well paid. I have the right skills. It is

fashionable. It’s my parents’ choice/desire.It can make me well-known. I wish. My friends want the same


4. Write an essay entitled: "A day of work after 10 years."

Describe exactly what do you do, what do you work and how do you feel.










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Development of Guidance and Counselling Instruments in Vocational Education

TEST 5Check True or Falsee guiding you the way you react in most cases, not just in some cases. Count how many answers are affirmative on each section.

Section A


1. I like to build or fix things True False2. I like to work with with tools and technical equipment

True False

3. I like practical activities True False4. I am preoccupied about the way in which things work

True False

5. I like to understand how things happen. True False6. I like to create handmade things True False7. I like to work with equipment. True False

Section B


1. I feel happy when I am surrounded by people. True False2. I like to help True False3. People ask me frequently to help them solving their problems.

True False

4. I like to give advice. True False5. I pay attention when someone speaks. True False6. I am not nervous when I have to speak in public.

True False

7. I think I am able to teach people different things. True False

Section C


1.I like to make decisions and to assume responsibility for them.

True False

2. I like to take the initiative True False3. I have a lot of original ideas. True False4. I like puzzles and crosswords True False5. I like contradictory discussions True False6. In competitions I am not satisfied only with the gained experience, I usually want to win.

True False

7. I like to convince people that I am right True False

Section D


1. I spend or I would like to spend most of my free time outdoors.

True False

2. I would like to work outside in nature True False3. I like to read True False4. I like to express myself in writing True False5. I have always liked to collect objects. True False6. I like to create special things. True False7. I like to spend my time outdoors regardless the weather.

True False

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Development of Guidance and Counselling Instruments in Vocational Education


Test 1

If you collect between 0-5 points. Lower limit is not exactly what you want to say about your personality. Even if you have not thought about it before, it is important to be a jovial person, but assumed the responsibility for his actions. Qualities such as respect for justice and freedom will help you to integrate more easily into the group of friends and future colleagues in the work. If you collect between 6-11 points. You probably are a balanced person who can make the difference between what is a right choice for themselves and for others. Seeks to do things right, you like to help others, but as far as possible. You don’t despair when you're wrong and you have no exaggerated claims from others. If you collect between 12-17 points. If you approach the limit of 17 points you tend to be a perfectionist. You need to do things to be perfect and expect the same from others. In principle this is not a negative thing, but do not overdo it. It is possible that others may not be as meticulous and principled as you and this could disappoint you.

Test 2

Explain to students, giving them one example, what to note in each of the four quadrants. Complete in:Ribbon 1: what the student wants to become when filling test Ribbon 2: after self-discovery, the student may decide that originally chosen profession, not suits, but has sufficient quality for another job. For the final recommendation to be more suitable skills students it is necessary to require them to provide the most clear, more explicit about their strengths / weaknesses. Also, the information must reflect choice of profession mentioned in ribbon 1 Ex: students should not be encouraged to specify in quadrant 1 as as the ability to cook, where one band chosen profession is "lawyer", between the two as there no conditioning. After analyzing the text with counselor specify in the ribbon below the new options you have.

Test 3

Students will be encouraged to seek meaningful explanations related to the terms unclear.   Students will answer guided by their general behavior. (If it is "usually" in more than half of the cases) and not by the isolated On the basis of the answers the students give the questionnaire captures their skills for different domains of activity that reflect the forms of multiple intelligences.

1. Linguistic skillsIn this category we place the students oriented for humanist sciences, especially learning foreign languages, reading and psychology. In conversations these students tend to pay attention to the way the others manifest, analyze carefully other’s behaviors, and have a developed emotional intelligence and a developed playful spirit. Among them teachers and writers may distinguish themselves.

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2. Logical – mathematical skillsThe students that are interested in chemistry experiments or solving logical problems definitely have logical – mathematical skills. They are oriented to solving problems and look for scientific explanations for everything. The possible and the ideal are replaced, in their case, by the real and the tangible. For them everything is concrete and quantifiable. The jobs recommended for them are informatician and economist.

3. Artistic skills If they are drawn to colors, drawing, if in mathematics they are more interested of geometry than algebra or trigonometry, those students have definitely got artistic skills. Drawing, pictures or photography, everything related to the visual, is their passion. They look for details in every landscapes and surprise easily unique aspects around them. The most appropriate jobs are those of drawer, graphic designer or photographer.

4. Kinesthetic skillsThose who like the movement have kinesthetic skills. They like moving and handling objects. For them nothing is static, everything is in movement, dynamism which they feel to be a part of. They learn through the direct experience with the object or the action. They cannot sit still and the often use the communication specific to the non – verbal language (gestures, body posture, mimics, clothing). They are suitable for jobs related to practicing a sport, mimic or pantomimic.

5. Musical skillsBefore forbidding students to listen to music we should think if they are doing it out of boredom or passion. Some young people are enchanted by musical notes and songs. When they succeed to recognize and reproduce musical notes, when everything has a different rhythm from our own and even when they walk like dancing on the street it means they have musical skills. In this case, the jobs recommended are those of singer or composer.

6. Interpersonal skillsThe students that are asked for advice with every day problems by their colleagues are the ones that have skills as a counselor or a psychologist. They have the patience to listen to the others; they do not draw hasty conclusions and do not judge. They have the power to distinguish between the positive and the negative sides of a person and know how to encourage their colleagues to capitalize their skills. They can also work as psychologists, educators or therapists.

7. Technical skillsSome students love handling equipment for building or repairing. Some of them spend their time fixing different broken objects in the house. Others make an occupation from learning how a car functions. All these people have technical skills and are good at repairing everything. They are suitable for a job as a construction engineer, architect or auto mechanic.

8. Practical skillsThe people that cannot stay indoors too much must conduct outside activities. Either they analyze the flowers, they take care of them or are surrounded by animals, these people must be in constant contact with the nature. They are suitable for jobs such as farmer, researcher or agronomist engineer. Also, they are the ones who can grow their own fruit and vegetables in their garden.


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Question 1 Identification of the student of the type of job preferred.

Question 2 It analyzes student's ability to identify the qualities required of all trades mentioned, as well as those specific to each profession.

Question 3 Depending on the motivation chosen occupation the counselor will determine which option is personal and how much it is chosen properly.If reasons with number 1 scored are higher than those scored with 0 chosen profession can be a future option.

I like 1 It is fashionable 0It is interesting 1 My friends want to do the same thing 0I know enough about it 1 It is the desire of parents 0I have the right skills 1 I may be known 0I wish 1 They earn well 0

Question 4.Note:- What profession would like the student to practice in the future- To what extent it is aware of the activities that must be performed within the specified job- what saticfactions brings the profession chosen.

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Development of Guidance and Counselling Instruments in Vocational Education

Test 5Count how many answers are affirmative on each section. Mark the section with the most affirmative responses. The student will match the jobs listed in the third column corresponding section with the most affirmative responses.

Sectiunea A

1. I like to build or fix things2. I like to work with with tools and technical equipment3. I like practical activities4. I am preoccupied about the way in which things work5. I like to understand how things happen.6. I like to create handmade things7. I like to work with equipment.

Cook Electrician Carpenter Engineer Fireman Auto mechanic, locksmith Plumber Plasterers, painters, tilers Tailor, confectioner clothes

Sectiunea B

1. I feel happy when I am surrounded by people.2. I like to help3. People ask me frequently to help them solving their problems.4. I like to give advice.5. I pay attention when someone speaks.6. I am not nervous when I have to speak in public.7. I think I am able to teach people different things.

PsychologistCoachNurseSocial workerTrainerTeacherCouncillor psychopedagogue

Sectiunea C

1.I like to make decisions and to assume responsibility for them.2. I like to take the initiative3. I have a lot of original ideas.4. I like puzzles and crosswords5. I like contradictory discussions6. In competitions I am not satisfied only with the gained experience, I usually want to win.7. I like to convince people that I am right

Insurance agent Lawyer Manager Politician Commercial agent

Sectiunea D

1. I spend or I would like to spend most of my free time outdoors.2. I would like to work outside in nature3. I like to read4. I like to express myself in writing5. I have always liked to collect objects.6. I like to create special things.7. I like to spend my time outdoors regardless the weather.

Archaeologist Cook Governess Historical Politician Guide Sociologist Travel agent, Farmer

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