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Page 1: Vaccination Education
Page 2: Vaccination Education

VaccinesIMMUNIZATION • Immunization is defined as the procedure by which the body is prepared to fight against a specific disease. It is used to induce the immune resistance of the body to a specific disease. Immunization is of two types:

• 1. Passive immunization • 2. Active 

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Why aren’t more patients immunized?


Patients Providers Institutions Systems

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One of the most effective «weapons» in medicine

10th century in Central Asia Smallpox Africa - Europe 1798 Edward Jenner immunizes first time against smallpox 1885 Louis Pasteur prepares the 1st vaccine against Rabbies 1927 BCG (bacillus Galmette-Guerin) 1955 Salk vaccine against poliomyelitis 1960 MMR…..

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Every want to do everything possible to make sure their children are healthy and protected from preventable diseases. Vaccination is .the best way to do that

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Vaccination protects children from serious illness and complications of vaccine-preventable diseases which can include amputation of an arm or leg, paralysis of limbs, hearing loss, convulsions, brain damage, and death.

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Vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles, mumps, and whooping cough, are still a threat. They continue to infect children, resulting in hospitalizations and deaths every year.

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Though vaccination has led to a dramatic decline in the number of U.S. cases of several infectious diseases, some of these diseases are quite common in other countries and are brought to the U.S. by international travelers. If children are not vaccinated, they could easily get one of these diseases from a traveler or while traveling themselves.

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1. Outbreaks of preventable diseases occur when many peoples decide not to vaccinate their children.

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vaccination is safe and effective. All vaccines undergo long and careful review by scientists, doctors, make sure they are safe.

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If children aren’t vaccinated, they can spread disease to other children who are too young to be vaccinated or to people with weakened immune systems, such as transplant recipients and people with cancer. This could result in long-term complications and even death for these vulnerable people.

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How Vaccines Work

When disease germs enter your body, they start to reproduce. Your immune system recognizes these germs as foreign invaders and responds by making proteins called antibodies.

These antibodies’ first job is to help destroy the germs that are making you sick. They can’t act fast enough to prevent you from becoming sick, but by eliminating the attacking germs, antibodies help you to get well

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The antibodies’ second job is to protect you from future infections. They remain in your bloodstream, and if the same germs ever try to infect you again — even after many years — they will come to your defense. Only now that they are experienced at fighting these particular germs, they can destroy them before they have a chance to make you sick. This is immunity. It is why most people get diseases like measles or chickenpox only once, even though they might be exposed many times during their lifetime.

How Vaccines Work

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HPV vs DTP - POLIO - MMR……..

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The eight Millennium Development Goals By WHO

• G 1: To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

• G 2: To achieve universal primary education

• G 3: To promote gender equality and empower women

• G 4: To reduce child mortality

• G 5: To improve maternal health

• G 6: To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases

• G 7: To ensure environmental sustainability

• G 8: To develop a global partnership for development

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