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    HI GH uTFLEASANTS, Editor.JAS. A. COWARDIN, Proprietor.

    The DAILY DISPATCH is served to subscriberss;X ANO A qVARTKR Cf-NTS TER M EEK, payable tO

    the Carrier weekly. Price for mailing, year in\u2666dvunoo. The. Wleklv Disr atch u iwued" everyFrdar. and mailed to snbwHber*Kfl perannnm.

    BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, &c.fpO THE LADIES.?Just received a lot1 of xpry tine GAITER BOOTS, of various kiuda-Tut colorrd, with heel*.

    " " without "Black " with "

    " " w.thaot "" thick *ole " "" fox'd " " "" " thin eole. without heels

    an 24 PEMBERTON &. BRO.

    NEW GOODS. ? I have just retnrnedfrom the Nrth, where I have nelected withcreatcare, t.'ie largest and be,t assortment of BOOTS,SHOES. rRi'NKS. VALICES,CARPET BAOS, ke.,that has evtr been offered for Hale o« tins or theoth-er «i ie o! tLe Potomac. tyPrices low.ALEX. HILL,

    an IS No. 127 Main street.AI'LES' TAN COLORED GAITER.J BOOTS, at Si.soper pair.?Jaat received an a*.

    *or?ment of Ladies' fan colored GAITER BOOTS,with and without tips, which 1 am aeiliug at $1,50 aft.. Call soon at ALEX.HILL'SLadle," &n4 Gentlemen*' Fashionable Boot andfshomen's HATS and CAPS, to which 1 invite theattention of thepublic.


    Boots, shoes, trunks, ac.-i amnow receiving "itKail stock of BOOTS, SHOESTRI'NKS. CAKI'KT-B AGS and VALISES, from theit"*: celebrated manufacturer* in all the Northerncifce*. Pleeao call and examine.

    au 13 JOHN THOMPSON.IXATS AJTD BOOTS.?From fifteen toJI I twenty per cent aaved by buying from J. H.ANTHONY, Columbian Hotel Building, Richmond.»! '.-akin HATS, of best quality $3 50

    Do do second do 3 00?Drib Beaver 3 .50Fashionable SILK HATS 2 50Fine calfskin ccwed BOOTS, 3 50i" ngreaa Gaiter BOOTS 3 25

    Opinion of the Press.?( the Fincastle D --m«!;I : the J!. * and Warm Springs, each &> .'A>-, to theBtdth and Alum, $3.An extra Coach will be kept at the Jin: Vv jo wish to take rhio line wiil reme-' her to

    pa * through on the Central line only to Staunton.Fur sea: *, anply at WooUAalU*. Hole-', i; > . uritou.TH. GOODE.Hot Pfbings. Jnlv 12. 18S3. jy 14?2 m

    SAMUEL AVkKft, COMMISSION MER-chant, Itiihmond, Fa.?Pi.r'.icular ujkl peraon»liji'.d to the sale of ail iiiiiin of COUNTRY

    J'KOUl'f E. U furviniiM aud fiiliug orders. Ofliue,opposite Coluiub'aii Hotel* aulC?ta

    fiISEEN CITY HAMH.?jt:«t received,kumall lot of QueenCity IJAM3.

    HAllD.?Junt received, a lot of superior LAUD, putup inemail can*. luitabl* tor family um.

    »u li-liu' BASS k VVILIIKLM.

    E l ivL«K l.Hn^I?.(rLABBICAL SCHOOLresnectfiiHw I V Rom Dr. Hamaon, Chairman of the Faculty, L'ni-veraity of \ irgjma;

    I"ifivr.RsfTY or Virginia, >.. . B n , ~

    August 12, 1803. >ivir. J. B. Buowell has attended my lectures well-nigh two sessions, and has, in my judgment, §ucli ca-pacity and attainments a* should'make him a succeas-teacher. His excellent moral character and up-right deportment will jainhim the contidcnce of allthose who shallcome to know him..

    , GESSNER HARRISON.Refer farther to Rev. \V. If. McGtiffey. D. D. and.I-4 - P * Professor of Moral Philosophy, University ofVirginia; M. Scheie De V*re, LL. Professor ofModernLanguages;do.; Profensor William B. Roaers:Rev. J. 3. Bacon. D.D., President of Columbian Col-lege, I>. C.; Rev. Ro. Rviand. A. M., President ofRichmond College; Rev. R. B. C. HowelL D. D T Rev.J. B. Jeter, D. l>.. Rev. J. B. Taylor, W. Sands, Esq.,Editor Religions Herald.

    For farther particulars, see circular, auIS?lm*JOSEPH'S FEMALE ACADEMY,k? RICHMOND, Va?Conducted by the SISTERSOF CHARlTY'?corner of Marshall and 4th streets.This institution will resume studies on the 16thAu-gust.

    Boarders, for board, tuition, bed and bedding, wash-ingand mending, pav semi aunually inadvanccslloper annum. Doctor's fee $J.Day scholars, according to the branches they study,pay QUARTkrIyia advance, fram Si to per quar-ter.An extra is charged in the ornamental branches,as Music, Painting, French and Embroidery, fortuitionand use of instruments.Letters addressed to sister Rosalia Green. St. Jos.Academy, or toRt. Rev. Bishop McGill, wili meetprompt attention.Children of any religimis denomination are admit-ted, on condition of conforming to the general disci-pline of the school. au 3?lm*


    Grace Street, between Jt'nand 6th.?The exercises ofthe next Session will commence on the first Mondayin October, and close an the 15thof July following.

    The course of study will embrace ail thebranchesof a thorough English Education, together with An-cient and Modern Languages and Music.

    The School is supplied with Globes. Maps, Charts,and an extensive apparatus for the illustration of thephysical science.In addition to the Teachers of the last session, theservices of othercompetent assistants will be secured,as the wants of the institution may demand.Terms for the scholastic year, payable one-half inadvance, the baJance on the latot March.Board, includinu washing,lights and fuel, 8220 CO.Tuition in English branches $J0 to 640.Tuition in Ancieut and Modern Lansuazes, each.$20 00Music, $(il) 00. an25?10t*


    New and important books.?LyelPs Manual of Elementary Geology, illus-trated with tive hundred wood cuts, Svo? Si 75.

    The I 1 awn of the Pale Faces, or Two CenturiesAgo, by J. P. Brace, 12mo?cloth 75c. Paper 50c.Philosophy of Sir Win. Hamilton, Bart., arrangedand edited by O. W. Wight, 1 vol., Bvo?-Si 50.

    Don Quixote, arevised translation, with numerouscharacteristic illustrations, 3vo?Si 50.Psychomaucy?Spirit Rappiugsand Table TippingsExposed, by Prof. Charles G. Page, M. D.?2sc.The Romance of Abelard and Heloise, by O. W.Wight, 12mo?cloth 75c.Edgar Clifton, or Right and Wrong, a story ofSchool Life, by C. Adams, illustrated?7sc.

    Class Book of Physiology, for the use of schoolsand families, by B. M. Coiiiyngs, with twenty-fourplates, 12 mo?7sc.

    Cyrill, a Tale, by the authorof th« "Initials," 3vo?paper cover58c.

    Electro Physiology, a Scientific, Popular and Prac-tical Treatise"on Electricity as a curative agent, byDr. Gersham Huff, illustrated, 12mo?$1 25.

    For sale by JAMES WOODHOUSE,(Late Nash &. WoodhoUSE,) Eagle 30

    New music received by har-ROLD k MURRAY, Broad street-Dempster's Sacred Melodies, six in number?each38 cents.

    Deal Gentlywith the Motherless?23c.I'm a Merry Laughing Girl, music by Glover?2sc.Fond Hearts at Home,music byNew Orleau3 Sere-nades?2sc.De Old ChurchYard, music byChristy'sMinstrels?

    23 cents.Come buy my Spring Flowers, music by J. P.Knight?2sc.Melodies of Home, music by Glover?2sc.West Point Dream Waltz, with viguette?2sc.Echo of Mount Blanc, with vignette.?3Bc.La Belle Polka, arranged by Fox?l2ic.Guinea Polka, arranged by Mahr?l2|c.Woodland Scottisch, with vignette?2sc.Zig Zag Polka?2sc.Dances des Roses Polka, with beautiful vignette

    25 cents.Doubling Cape HornGallopade?2sc.Wedding Poika, arranged by Robertson?l2£ 31

    17ULOG1EIS OF CALHOUN, CLAYJLi ANI) WEBSTER.?The ArtistWife, and otherTales, by Mary Howitt?Paper 50c. Cloth 75c.The History and Rudiments of Architecture?em-bracing, 1. The orders of Architecture. 2. Architec-tural styles of various countries. 3. The nature andprinciplesof Design in Architecture; and 4. Anaccu-rate and complete Glossary of Architectural terms,for the use of Architects, Builders, Draughtsmen,Machinists, Engineers and Mechanics, edited by Jno.Bullock, Architect, Civil Engineer, 4cc., 12iuo?cloth75 cents.

    RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS, fee.INEY POINT LINE TO JBALTI-MORE.?ON MONDAY OF EACH WEEK-FARE #5 ONLY.?The publie *re hereby Informedthat th« comfortable and expedition,iteajwr POW-

    HATAN, Capt. Charles E. Mitthell, having been en-tirely retitted .eaiirjtd and improved in e»nry re-?prct, is now on the route between Richmaud andBaltimore, once wtekLy.Paaaengers by thi* agreeable and eeenomiral line,will leave Richmond by the mousingtrain on Stnoday

    of each week, at 7 o'clock, A. Bt, and reach Balti-more in the courie of the night, .probably by mid-night, tbu* a connection with the differentlines oit of Baltimore the followingmorning, in anydirection. Retuniio* patsenzers will leave Balti-more oathe afternoon of Weane.'Jay of every weekat o'clock, P. M.. ted connect at tneCreek oo thefollowing morning with the train of the Richmond,Fredericksburg and Potomac SKaiiroad Company,which arrives in Riclmoud on Tk vaday, at 3 o'clock

    Far? in either direction, §5; forward cabin ptiwen-gers .(including mealsv>®-l 50.Fare for tir»c ciaas passengers between Baltimore

    and Philadelphiaby the NewCastle and FrenclHownline, $2 50. For second class do. & 50. Makiig. thewhole tare from Richmond to Pisladelphia r«y thisagreeable line. $7 50 only for fir.* claas paaaengers,and $6 for second class do.

    For further particulars, or through tickets, apply atth« ofßee of the Richsond, Fredejicksbargand Poto-macRailroad Company.

    J. B. WINSTON, Ticket Agent.Office R. F. hi. P. R. S. Company,.)

    Richmond, March 29, 185cJ.*

    ) mh 29

    VIRGINIA CENTRAL RAILROAD ?SUMMER ARBANGEMENT.?Visitors to theSprings may expect more comfort by this route thanever before; ana if the cost of meals is considered, noother route offers lower fare. The road is open to thebase of the Bine Ridge, and the rails now being laidbetween Wayuesboiouah and Staunton, it will be inoperation this season.

    TheStage line is under the management of J. L.Heukell, so well known to the public.Cars leave Richmond daily at (i.J A. M., and theWestern terminusof the Railroad at 11V A. M.DALLY CONNECTION.'To Rockbridge Alttm Springs, fare.... ..87 50White Sulphnr, passing the Aium, Warmand Hot Springs 10 5#Bath Ainm 3 25

    Warm Spring*. .. 8 50Hot Springs.. ? S 50Lexington. 7 00Staunton 5 00CulpeperC.H 4-50

    Our STAGES arrive in Staunton at & o'clock P. 51.,and leave next morning by EXPRESS LINE, at 5 A.M.?spend the niglit at Woodward's Jackson RiverHotel, and reach "the White Sulphurat 10 A. M. se-cond day from Staunton.

    Chartered Coaches to travel as the party wishes,can be engaged atRichmond on the followingterms-The inside of the coach can be secured if 9 seats arepaid for. If 10 seats are paid for, it secures a.l theseats outside and inside; with the privilege of carry-ing the allowed baggage for the number of passen-gers paid for.

    For thefurther comfort of passengers, we shall runan accommodation line el Coac.lit s'which will leaveStaunton after breakfast, stop for the night at theBath Aium for Warm Springs, as they desire, andreach the White Sulphur next evening; guaranteeingthat, there shall be no night travel.

    We will also keep at the Warm and Hot Springseach, a coach to accommodate visitors going \V est orEast, who may not find seats in the regular line.WM. P. PARISH & CO.,by.). L. Heiskeil, Agent.

    TRI-WEEKLY CONNECTION.To Lynchburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,jpingup; fare §4 50Servants travelling without their masters, mustleave a pass with the Ticket Agent, and also shewanother to the Conductor.An extra charge will be made if passensers do notobtain tickets. E. H. GILL,

    Sup't Transportation.\\ ashingtonpassengers may go bythe Junctionand reach that city in 24 hours tro'.n Staun'on. takingthe night train of the Richmond, Fredericksburg anaPotomac Haiiroad Company.

    je 17 E. H. GILL, Sup't.

    1?ROM PETERSBURG AND RICHX MONO TO THE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGSTHROUGH IN TWO DAYS.?The Virginia andTennessee Railroad Company now present thequick-est, safest and cheapestroute, with increased facili-ties never before ottered byany line to the travellingpublic visiting the Virginia Spring3.Passengers leaving Richmond daily at 6 o'clock, P.M. (Sundays excepted) by Messrs. Boyd, EdaiondSl Co.'s line of Packets with experiencedcommand-ers?or the next morning at 7 o'clock, by the DanvilleRailroad, meeting passengers leaving Petersburg at 7o'clock, A. M., the same morning at the junctionoftheSouthside Railroad, will proceed to Rice's Station,where they willfind a line of new and superiorTroyCoaches, fine horses and experienced drivers, inreadi-ness to convey them with the most possible dispatch,willreach Lvnchburg early in the evening, tnrfuie toti&v,-a food night's rest and take the Cars .if the Vir-giniaand Tennessee Railroad at 7 o'clock, A. M., nextmorning to Bonsack's, a distance of 47 mile3, in twehours, inconnection with Farish it Co.'s old establishedine of Stages so well known to the travelling publicfor theirsafety and dispatch, well supplied with newCoaches, excellent horses, accommodating agents anddrivers ready to convey them to the MountainHouseto supper, and after a comfortable night's rest to theWhite Sulphur Springs before 10o'clock next morn-ing, the second day after leaving Lynchburg.

    Returning, passengers will leave the White Sul-phur Springs at 3 o'clock, P. M. daily, (Sundays ex-cepted) Red Sweet and Sweet Sprin :s at 6 o'clock,P. M. and arrive at the Mountain House to supper,leaving next morningat day light,breakfast atScott's,arrive at Bonsack's at 4i o'clock, P. M.?and Lynch-burg at 6J P. M. leave Lynchburg same evening byPacket at 8 o'clock, P. M. for Richmond, arriving thesecond morning, at 4 o'clock, A. M.?or by Stages at12£ A. M.?or from 2 to 4 o'clock in the morning,andSouthside Railroad to Petersburg and Danville Rail-road to Richmond,arrivinz same eveningat 5 o'clock.

    RATES OF FARE FROM RICHMOND ANDPETERSBURG.By Boyd St Edmond's Packets, from Richmondand \ irgmiaand Tennessee Railroad to WhiteSulphurSprings $9 00To Sweet Springs 3 ppI'y Danville Railroad from Richmond and'Southside Railroad from Petersburg andStages toVirginia and Tennessee Railroad to\u25a0\\ hite SulphurSprings- 10 50To Sweet Springs a

    THOMAS SHARP,jy ll?tf Sup't & Tena.R. R.

    Great northern mail route.NEW AND COMFORTABLE SCHEDULES.TWICE DAILY FROM RICHMOND TO NEWYORK. WITH TRANSFERS OF PASSENGERSAND BAGGAGE. THROUGH THE CITIES OFWASHINGTON, BALTIMORE AND PHILADEL-PHIA, FREE OF EXTRA CHARGE.?On and afterthe 15th of August, thefollowing quick and comforta-ble schedules will be run over the inland route be-tween Richmond and New York: Leave Richmond,daily, at7 o'clock, A. M., and 9o'clock, P. M.jarrive inNew York, daily, at 5 A. M., and 5 P. M.Fare to Washington, Ist class seats $5 50

    '? " 2d " " 4CO

    The Fawn of the Pale Faces, or Two CenturiesAgo, by J. P. Bruce?paper 50c.

    Dare-Devil Dick, or The Road and its Riders, beingthe romance adventures encountered by Dick Turpin,Claude Duval, and Sixteen-StringJack,"in theirdaringflight from London?2sc.

    The Matricide's Daughter, by Nevvtou M. Curtis?in raper 25c.The Wizard of the Wave, a Romance of the Deep

    Blue Sea and Indian Isles, by F. Robinson?2sc.Eulogies delivered in the Senate and House of Rep-resentatives of the United States, on the lite and cha-racter of Hon. John C. Calhoun of South Carolina.Hon. Henry Clay of Kentucky, and Hon. DanielWebster of Massachusetts, compiled from official Do-cuments, Bvo?cloth $1.For sale by G. M WEST,

    an 81 No. 5 and 6 Exchange PMce, 14th st.OOKS AND STATIONERY. ?J. W.RANDOLPH is prepared to supply Merchants,

    Teachers and others, with all they want in the Bookand Stationery line, on favorable terms.

    Ordersfrom the countryfor Books, Binding, Musicand Musical Instruments,will meet with prompt at-tention. if addressed to 121 Main St.

    W. R. has just published?Rutlin on Manures, sth edition;

    " Agricultural Education, 2d edition;Burke's VirginiaSprings, 3d edition;Williams onWater Cure, Bathing, 4cr;L'nde Robin in his Cabin inVirginia, and Tom with-

    outone in Boston, 2d edition;Virginia Criminal Cases, newedition: ,Cottom's Edition of Richardson's Virginia, Nf>rth

    Carolina, Maryland and District of Columbia Alma-nac, for 1&54.

    New Edition of Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, willbe ready Ist October. au 31ATEW BOOKS?For sale by JAMES 15.

    GIBBCncle Robin inhis Cabin in V irgima, nun Tom with-

    out onein Baston; by J.W. Page; muslin 1 vol., priceS>l o.Freedley's Practical Treatise in Business; tauolin,price Si o3. au 18?lm.COOKE HROTHEKS & CO., GEN-ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, San Fran-


    JOSEPH J. COOKE & CO., No. 13,Greenwichafreet, New York.Aleuts for the purchase and shipment of MER-CHANDISEfor the California and Oregon Market#.


    " " Baltimore, Ist " 600'? " Philadelphia, Ist " " 800

    Between Philadelphia and N. York (five times daily)at $2 and $3 each for Ist class passengers, and $1 oOand $2 for 2d do. do.For through tickets to Washington, Baltimore andor Philadelphia, or other information, apply at the

    ticket office.Besides the through and direct connection named

    above withthe main Northern route, through tickets,direct, can be obtained at the Depot of the Baltimoreand Ohio Railroad Company, in Washington, forWheelinz via the Relay House, at $9 50.

    P. S.?The Night Train will not stop totake up or,put dewu passengers, except at the following stations:Cottage, Taylorsville. Junction, Cbt stertieldj Miiford,GuineVs, Fredericksburg and Brooke's.

    N. B.?By order of the Postmaster General, notrain will be runbetween Richmond and Washingtonon Sundaynights.

    It is deemed proper, in addition, to state, for theinformation of passengers, that four daily lines are inoperation between Washington snd Baltimore, bymeans of which the traveller who, through businessor pleasure has been delayed in Washington, has italwaysin his power to proceed at a convenient hourdirecriy ou h:s journey to any poii.t north of thatplace.

    _S. RUTH,

    an 15 Agent of Transportation.

    (ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFAC-Jt Tt'J'ES.?Ladif* can always find at the "LA-DIES SALOON," GAITER BOOTa of our owemake, which arc in every respect superior to any ct'Northern manufacture, atns lou-, if notlower prices,t ban tli-v pay for theNorthernarticle; U.en wl.y buythe Northern Shoes? We presume it is bccause it isnotgenerallyknown thatwe make «uch Theobject of this advertisement. therefor**. Uto notTfyallwho ha\ e not been aware of the fact, thaiwe nuke abetter article of Gutter Boots, or*a" euaiiee . co-lors, a: than caa be bought of Northern x .ajtu-facture tor thesame price.

    It is hardlynecessity tosri.i tint Ladies will consultthf ir interest by c t'.litjat No 7U when in waut of apairof Gaiter Bout*.

    an3! WHITE k. i'AGE.

    CHILDREN'S GAITKE S ?Just re-ceived a beautiful lot of lilac GAITERS, verysuperior. Also, a handsome a?>oi;mtnt 01 black stunGAITERS.

    LADIES'SLIPS AND TIES? Victher lot of thosebeewmti &ior«.tv.i Sitgpers and 'ties, just receivedand will b« *old for the sutali sum of $1. i>vuiluamwalsh,Dsaler in Boot3. Sh'>ea, T.-uuks. Itc., 43 Main street,

    sija of the Boor. justbelow City Hotel, opposite\u25a0id**. au ol1>LACKhJI ITU'S T O O 1, A tresh1> stock of v. arran'ed SMITHS' BELLOWS, 23 toafiiDeh; STOCK arid DIES, j inchtoljinche::FILES

    and TOOLS of ailkinds; HORSESHOES and NAILSof all sizes, to hand and for sale low byBMITH k ROBERTS,

    »u 31-lw Maw at.




    United States llotki. >Saratoga, Aug. 27th, 1853*\There are »ow more thoiwands of visitersat thw place than there are hundreds in themountains ofVirginia. At the hotel at which

    I take my meals, there are it is said threethousand persons, who board in the hotel, orin its colonial establishments, for whilst sixhundred persona can be lodged in the hotel,there are rooms belonging to its proprietorsia half the houses of the village. With thisvast crowd in a small place like Saratoga,yoa may form some idea of the appearanceof its streets and places of pablic resort.The harvest is a golden and mout abundantone, and there are qpute enough reapers- inthe field, from news boys to faro-bank ti-ge»fi. If the people of nothingin the way of business during nine months ofthe year, they work with the most indomita-ble energy during the hot months of June,Julv and August.

    The money-making propensities of tkeworthy citizens of Saratoga are amazinglydeveloped dicing the three months that theirvillage is thronged with visiters. Men arenot content to pursue one avocation, but en-graft upon the main stock half a dozen othertemporary occupations. Doctors take inboarders, lawyers become agents for lines oftravel and express companies, whilst dentistsdeal in jewelry aiwi cutlery. In a fruit stallnear this hotel, you buy peaches and pocket-books, fiskiiig tackle and tomatoes. A bardworking harness-maker sells walking canesand umbrellas, whilst a literary market manadorns one side of his shop with pumpkinsand cabbages, whilst the current paste'boardliterature of the dayornaments the other side.The hackmen sell newspapers, and cry "hackSir," and "the last Herald Sir!" in the samebreath?whilst not a few ragged boys visitevery street and hotel with a bundle of" Tribunes" nnder one arm, and a basket ofpeaches on the other. The stores on theprincipal streets are the rarest omnium gath-crums that you can conceive of. Patentleather pumps and hand-saws, gold watches,and spades, white satin slippers, and coarselaborers boots, white kid gloves, and horse-collars, mantillas, and blanket overcoats, pen-cil casesandpin-cushions lieharmoniously to-gether. They areparadises of incongruities,where gentlemen in want of rat traps andmosaic bracelets can be supplied from thesame counter.

    Of the number and variety of boarding-houses a volume might be written. They arearranged on a sort of sliding scale of prices,from the United States Hotel, where you paytwo dollars and a half a day, and an -'extra'forevery wink from the officials and servants,down to the humble rough-built hovel, whereyou are fed on coarse diet, and devoured bvfat fleas, for-three dollars a week. The citi-zens of Saratoga expect, during the busyseason, to convert every spare inch ofhouse-room into money: and if they have a vacantcloset, and a stranger calls they ''take himin," but not strictly in the Scriptural sense.Hence the affluent do not alone come to thisplace. It is not exclusively the resort ofpleasure-seeking men and women?but herethe invalid, however poor, can crawl forthand quaff health at the modern pool of Bc-thesda. From the humble places of accom-modation, during the warm, sunny hours ofthe day, files of pale, emaciated creaturesmay be seen dragging their weary limbs toCongress Spring, taking with tremblinghandstheir regimen of the sparkling water, andthen returning to their rooms. What a con-trast do they present to the wealthy andhealthy buttt-rHioo «n or three ladies here, with in-teresting families, v.-ho were the young deli-cate bliuhing belles often years buck.?They now care nt tiding lor the glare andnt»L-«i of the ball room, and talk demurelyenough in their little parlors, with the musicand merry tri;» of many dancer#, audible andvisible from their window*. And their hus-bands, the handsomest ami nieeot youug menof 1-M, lbnd of waltzing, driving,drinkingand flirting, now amuke and read newspapersall dav in the piazzas, as indifferent to theprettv faces aroundthem as if they were car-ved out of wood. They are not quite as *limor as active as they were ten years ago?theyhave grown fat, and wear, with a porn-el m-ilitftrcnce to fashion, clothes ot a iriarveLous-ly antiquated cut. They now can young gen-tlemen, with mustuehoes, "puppun. Tenvears ago, thev sported the same capillaryattraction, and* would have knocked youdownhad you hinted that they resembled thedetestable"young animals, to whom dandiesare often compared. But, as we advance inlife, we invariably forget that we committed

    PRICE ONE CENT.ia youth the very absurdities which we censure inthe young.

    ?fr ® m ®k®choly to trace the his-tory °* tie silly butterflies who tea years ago,XTtT^r of Meless extravagance ex-j£H S? d a»w«nent of the morew k» they havegone»£ doK8- a,M * they now repent inpoverty the thousand* squandered in idle diaplay. Many a «ne bird of that gay flock haschanged her silken plumage to the coarseapparel of the work-house. Theearth of therotters field covers the bones of many aBroadway dandy, who gave wine and cham-paigns parties six times a week, at Con-gress Hall in 1943, and many a humbletrades-man who solicited his custom, is now herewith servants and equipage. These vicissi-tudes and changes of fortune are very appa-?t a wateringplace, where yo® meet with

    i 1""?' the frivolous, and the dissipated ofthe fashionable world. This rear, however,all of the places of fashionable resort havebeen crowded by people who have venturedout of their native States for the first timeto gaze wildly at the world. The Crystalwi

    Ce? a °f fire upon the back ofa phlegmatic tortoise?has put the most tor-pid people of the South in motion, and thereare. very many thousands who are now sight-seeing in a very solemn and sedate manner,iney indulge in no extravagance, pay theirboard and traveling expenses honestly, andwill return home with inexhaustiblestores ofinformation for their neighbors.Yours, Sekxx.

    Explosion and Loss or Li**.?The Wheelingiiitelligencer say* that onMonday afternoon, anex-plosion took place in that city, which resulted inloss of life and considerable dc3trbct ionof property:

    "it appears that a drayman had loaded twenty-of power on his dray, near the water lineot thewharf and started hii horse, at a brisk gait,up the wharf, when oneof the kegs, becoming dis-placed, tell onto the paving, ignited in some wayand exploded with a terrific report. Mr Wallas-ton Kimberly owner of the drays employed in mo-ving the powder, was instantly killed, having thetop ot his head blown oft; and his body literallyburnt to crisp. P. Schanley, a drayman near by atthe time, w&jblown into, or ran into the river, be-ing blinded by the powder. He is dreadfully,thoughwebelieve notfatally burnt, andreceived nointernal injuries. Severalotherpersons were blowndown by the force of the explosion, and receivedslight injuries. Thesteamboat Salem received con-siderable damage, her pilot house much shattered,and the siding of the forward cabin much broken'.Other boats near by, received alight injuries. Thebuildingson Water street almost entirely deprivedof glass, and in many of them, the windows, sashand nil, were blown in with a crash. The SpriggHouse, with its strong glass and sash, faredbut littlebetter than the rest. "The windows of houses onMonroe and Union, a3 far back as Market, and onMain street, were not execpted from the generalcrash. The presumption is, from the violence ofthe shock, that most of the kegs on the dray ignitedfrom the one that fell, and explodedalmost simul-taneously. Of the 29 kegs composing the load, butone had been found.

    Plain- Talking?Col. S. C. Pavair, of Camden,Tenn., who has recently been defeated as a Dem-ocratic candidate for Congress, writes a very bitterand racy letter which appears in the last NashvilleL'fcion. It seems according to his showing thathe has been for many years a strong party man;and spent time and money freely to advance thecause. But when he came up for office, it wasobjected, that he was a Hon of Temperance, andthe objection damaged his prospect4", and preventedhis election. We give the concluding paragraphof the Colonel's letter:

    The result of the whole is, that no man needraise his head that has ever belonged to the tem-perance reformation; each democrat is to be pro-scribed, it is immaterial what u the debt of grati-tude to him. It is one of the modern improve-ment", and their improved economy is, when obli-gationsbecome bnrthen3ome, with one ungratefulact they cancel all obligations, and each one makesa little. This is intended as a lessen in moderntlmcß. I wU!not repeat Cardinal Woolsey'* speech,for it has become quite common, but a stuhbornreality stares me in the face. I have to sell thelast vestige of property I have in the worth to paythe money I have spent for a whisky-drinking,ungratelulparty. Ifevery one is thus to be treat-ed, it is plain what will be theresult.

    SadFalling Off. ?Vermont is certainly gettingin a bad way. A correspondent of one of oprNorthern exchanges, gives the copy of a handbill,which he saw at Wells River, Vt., advertising a"Bull Fight and Trotting Match," which were tocome off at Bradford on the 22d. What does itmean? There is no State in the Union with whichwe arc more familiar. We have fished in its streamsand lakes, climbed its mountains, and visited al-most every corner from Berkshire and Edento Dorset and Bennington, and always found thepeople, as a whole, the most moral, siraight-lacedpuritantial folks imaginable. Their chief amuse-ments are catching trouts, join 1 to meetin,' eatin,mince and pumkin' pies, 'tendin' "singin-ekuls,'and "apple-parin'bees," and making love to thegals. Circuses, races, bull fights and everythingof the sort, are strictly "agin' the law." We canwell imagine how some of our acquaintances, andwe have hundreds of them in that beautiful littleState, must have been horrified. Where were the"Selectmen?" Where was the "Minister" and "Deacon" of Bradford, onthe 22d? We can't imagineWhat would the pious Ycrmonters say if a bullfisht should take place in the "benightedSouth ?"?Of course it would be mentioned as a specimen ofthe heathenism which, in their view, is always thecharacteristic of slave holders.

    The Lynchburg Express states that the testimo-ny in the case of Chuneo, the Italian killed at agraggery in Amherst, recently, goes to show thatIlill, who killed him, acted in self-defence.

    Liquor Law in Baltimobe.?The Temperancemen ofBaltimore, haveadopted a ticket, in whichall the candidates arepledged to support the MaineLiquor Law, Five are Whigs, and four Demo-crats.

    Quick Passage. ?The steamship James Adgermade the trip from New York to Charleston, arri-ving at the late port on Monday. In 49 hours. Thisis, we think,the quickest passage ever made. TheJames Adger broughtpapers one day iu advance ofthe mail.

    Serious Accident.?An tho 30th August, Mr.David E. Small,oneof the owners of the (team plan-ing mill of Henry Small &. Sou*, at York, Pa., whilestanding uear tlje moving works, was caught inthe machinery, and hU right arm crushed ineuch amanner as to render amputation above the elbow,

    Too following racy lines lyCongreve, describewell a not uncommon female fault:

    "Ccquotte and coy at once her air.Both studied, thoughboth seemed neglected,

    Artlees she seems with artful care,Averting to be unafrctad."


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    OT" Ten Linn or less make a sqimee; longer?dvertisemrnu charted in exact proportion, and payable in advance.

    Spirit of the Press.Yesterday's JtHKf rent*rft* vpmtha relative

    strength of parties in tiie approaching Congress. Itis sapposed, it says, that in the House, parties willstand 160 Democrats, 70 H'kigt, and that the Senatewill be chanced but little from that of the last Coo*grass. The Democrats, it says, hare fall sway, aa&will hare it in their power to give the country allthe Hearings they promise shall flow from Deno*cratic supremacy. The other paragraph*on the trouble about the Freach Miasion and th»President's position on the Pacific railroad; the lat-ter speculating upon the view the friends of thatmeasure will take of bis backing out from it

    The Enquirer, in anarticle oa thePacific railroad,passes a eulogy upon the Polk Administration forits good faith to the strict construction doctrines ofthe Democrats in itscoarse apon Internal Improve-meata. With regard to the coarse of Gen. Pierce,the Enquirer hears "from those who oaght toknow, that he does notbold himself bound by anything that ha» escaped from any member of bincabinet." The Enquirer, in another article, warm-ly advocates an increase of the naval force of theUnited States.

    The Tim-t alludes to the speculations about thecourse of the President on thePacific railroad, «majorityof which, seem to lean to the conclusionthat jhewill not recommend the roadin his message. "It k betrae," says the Times, "thatthe administration has been iorced into aa aban.donment of this scheme by Sourishing th0."96 reso-lution* in terrorm over its head, we congratulatethem heartily on their triumph."

    Lewis 11. Putnam states in the New York Even-ingPoet, that a plan has been formed for the settle-went of thirty-one rural districts in the territoryof therepublic of Liberia, by the thirty-one States\u25a0t the American Union. It is proposed to settle-three hundred families in each district, each familyhaving a farm of its own, making, in all, an aggre-gate of nine thousand three hundred farms, andabout forty-six thousand five hundred inhabitant*.It is proposed that each State shall undertake thesettlement of one of these districts, and for thispurpose the executive of such State shall appointa board of commissioners to supply every familyof emigrants with the means of earning its supportin compliance with the principles embodied in theplan. The communication above spoken of is nowpublished, to ask the co-operation of the severalStates of the Union in this great work. $25,000 re-mitted to the governmentof Liberia will enable itto organize a board of commissioners to begin thework of supplyingemigrants with farms. An ex-periment has alreadybeen made bythe New YorkColonization Society and the Liberia AgricslturalAssociation to establish pixty farms on a plansimi-lar to the above, and with perfect success.

    Virginia, as our readers are aware, appropriated$200,000 for this purpose, at the last session of theLegislature, and if her exampleis followed byotherStates, a vast amount ol good win result to the co.loredrace. We hope the plan may succeed.

    Douglas Jekjiold, the wit and humorist whohas fallen to a largershare of the mantle of Hoodthan any otherEnglishman, it is said, is coming tothis country, and we hope he will be well receivedif he does. Wo meanrespectfully andwithout lionizing and toadyism. He is, we believe>a very liberal manin his principles, and he U cer-tainly a philanthropist. The New Orleans Deltastates that at a public dinner, some years agowhere Jerrold was a distingue, it was amazed tohear him deliver a speech, in which he declaredthat the American revolution of 1776 was the mostglorious event in history, and that no people, whshad a spark ot manhood in them, would oonsentto beruled over by a crazy king with a Dutch-roofhead.

    Our excellent and worthy triend, the editor Ofthe Charlattesvllle Jeffersoslan, recently gave aspirted account of his visit to the tunnel, andsayathe temporary track over the mountain will becompleted "in all November;" thatsoo additionalhands are to be employed immediately, and thatthe cars are expected tojrcach Staunton by Christ-mas.

    He also says that he penetrated 1375 feet into thgtunnel. Why didn't he penetrate through, weshould like to know. He would have laid everyman and womanin Virginia uader lasting obliga-tions.

    The Lexington Gazette gives a somewhat differ-ent version of the affair near Panther Osp, betweenHays and Vowlea, from that published by theStaunton Spectator. Vowlea suspected Hays ofhavingrobbed him and went to his boarding houseand charged him with it. Haya advanced uponVowlea to resent it, when the latter drew a re-volver loaded with shot, and fired it several time*,wounding Haya in the neck and face. Hays andanother man were arrested and put in jail oncharge of the theft; but Hays died afterwards oflockjaw. Vowles who delivered himself up onthe occurence of the shooting?was discharged;but upon tho death of Hays he waa required togive bail for his appearance at the next court

    Relief fob New*s.?The editor of theCharleston Courier acknowledges the receipt at hi*office, up to Monday evening, of #6494.30 in aidof the sufferer* at New Orleans.

    Mr. John M. Humphreys, who lives near Green-ville, Augusta, had a horse, saddle and bridlestolen on the night of the 23d ult. Horse valnadat $125.

    Hundreds of people were crowding the dock atthe foot of Murray street, New York, onto look at the charred remains of the steamshipCherokee. The hull is still afloat, and the machi-nery is said to be in tolerably good condition-Workmen are busy in the endeavor to save someof the cargo, by lUhingit up from the water lawhich it is swamped. They have succeeded ingettingout a few packages of dry goods ao far, butnothing else.

    A Pleasant Summer in New Bacmwicr.?The St. John (N. B.) Times, «[>eaking of a tele-graphic despatch from New York, announcingthatjt had been intensely hot there, says:

    "We have notpositively had bat one kMiSt. John this summer?that is, the thermometer liasnerer jfone up to ninety?not more than three day*ha* it been over eighty?the averageran*ehasbeeofrom *ix:y to seventy?at night ftityeighL The*®baa been no occa*iou to dispense wkh nannels taw .rammer, l'eoule dying from the *|it? Ifthe word 'cold'had been used it would has**been more like the thin?."

    Staunton, we arc gladjto learn, u improving rap-idly. The Spectator mentions several evidencesot this. It «»}'* that Round Hill, which was thefavorite spot tor the Capitol cf the State when thequestion of the removal of the wat of Governincut to Staunton was agitated, is nearly coveredwith improvements. There will be no room forthe Capitol unless it Is hurried up, «ay» the Spec-tator. Can't our friends wait a dale?

    The degree of Doctor of Philosophy

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