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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Ultrasonic Inspection


    A brief overview of ultrasonic inspection

    principles, applications, & techniques.

    Presented by Superior SignalCompany, Inc.

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    Copy righ t 2000, Superior Sig nal Company, Inc.

    Not to be reproduced in any way with out wri t ten permission from Superior Signal Company, Inc.

  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    What is Ultrasound?

    Sound frequencies above 20kHzare

    considered Ultrasonic. These are frequencies

    above the human range of hearing.

    It doesnt matter how loud, or how strong the

    amplitude of a particular ultrasound, our unaided

    human ear can NOT hear it

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    High Frequency Ultrasound

    Comes from...

    F riction

    A rcingT urbulenceAlthough there are frequently sonic sounds also associated

    with faults/leaks, we can not simply use our ears to hearthem because they are masked by high ambient noise levels.

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    (In moving equipment)

    (In electrical connections)

    (In leaking systems)

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Important Characteristics of Ultrasound

    It Does not travel as far as sonic sound.

    Sounds waves are more localized, easier to trace to their source.

    It Does not bend or penetrate as easily.

    Sounds waves do not travel well around corners or through objects.

    It Does reflect (echo).

    Ultrasounds will bounce or reflect off surfaces, however reflections

    are lower in amplitude than the original signal.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Sound does not t ravel well f rom one

    medium to ano ther.(liquid to gas, gas to solid, etc.)

    Example;It is difficult for someone only a few

    inches underwater to hear what is going on at the


    This is the reason specific sensors are designed for

    detection within a particular medium. (Contact,

    Airborne or Liquid)

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Detection Methods

    Contact Sensor

    Airborne Sensor

    Pressure Leaks

    Vacuum LeaksExternal Valve Leaks

    External Hydraulic Leaks

    Electrical Arcing

    Defective Steam Traps

    Worn Bearings/Gears

    Internal Valve Leaks

    Internal Hydraulic Leaks

    REMEMBER: Sound does not travel well from one medium to another.(liquid togas, gas to solid, etc.) This is why different pick up devices, orsensors, are used for the

    specific job at hand.

    Use to detect sounds which are created within ai r, and travel thr ough the air.

    Use to detect sounds which are created withi n soli ds, and travel thr ough soli ds.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Ultrasonic Instruments Detect and Convert

    High (Ultrasonic)Frequency Sound

    To low (Sonic) Frequency


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    Sounds must be translated, or converted to lower /audible

    frequencies in order to be heard by the user, or analyzed.

  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    There are two electronic processes used

    in ultrasonic detectors to select and

    convert high frequency ultrasound tolower, audible frequencies.



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    The word is from the Greek, meaning Different Waves.

    This is an acronym for Dynamic Noise Discrimination.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Frequency Tuning (Heterodyne)

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    When using a heterodyne type detector you have a limited window of

    sound that you can hear at any one time. It is like a radio in a sense that

    you can only tune to, or hear one frequency (radio station) at a time.

    When using an instrument that allows you to tune, you are basically

    adjusting a vertical window up and down the detection range of theinstrument (left and right in the example above). The width of this window

    depends on the instrument, but it is generally not more than a few kHz

    wide. A disadvantage to heterodyning is that if a key signal is outside of

    this window, it will not be detected.

  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Frequency Selection (DND)

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    When adjusting the sensitivity of a DND type detector, think of it as moving a horizontal

    threshold up and down over the detection range of the instrument. As you lower the

    sensitivity only the signals of the greatest amplitude will be translated, while all sounds

    will be translated when using a high sensitivity setting.

    A detected sound will not trigger the translation process until the amplitude crosses this

    threshold. Once it does, it does not matter where the original frequency came from, it will

    be translated to an audible signal. This is the advantage to DND. No tuning is involved!


    Sensit iv i ty


    Sensit iv i ty

  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Technology Comparison


    HeterodyneClose to real sound translation

    Best for contact applications

    Best for using with analyzers

    Limited frequency rangeMay miss signals if not tuned properly

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    Automatic TuningBest for air leaks, especially in very loud areas.Very simple to use.

    Sound does not maintain true signatureCan not use with analyzer

  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Application; Air Leaks

    When a pressurized gas leaks

    from an orifice, it is forced into

    turbulence where the moleculescollide and rub into each other.

    It are these collisions that create

    ultrasonic tones which can be

    detected using an ultrasonic leak


    Photo reference; An Album of Fluid Motion.

    Van Dyke, Parabolic Press

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    n How much turbulence is present, which

    depends on...

    Size of leak Shape of leak

    Material composition of leak

    Flexible material will not produce as much turbulence as

    more solid material. Pressure behind the leak.

    Atmospheric Conditions

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    Finding leaks with ultrasound

    depends on...

  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Use Ultrasound to

    Minimize Leakage!

    Reduce power consumpt ion

    Save Money

    Reduce Chance o f Fai lure

    Do your compressors run

    between shifts?

    Do you have difficultymaintaining optimum pressures?

    Have you come to rely on a

    backup compressor for routine


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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Sound of an Air Leak

    Click t o hear.

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    This air leak was found on the main

    air outlet pipe of a noisy

    compressor. Listen to the

    difference between the background

    noise and the leak sound as theinstrument moves back and forth

    across the direction of the leak.

    Heterodyn e typedetector

    DND type detector

  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Air is NOT Free!Compressed Air Leaks at 100psi.

    Days left


    Number of



    orifice size

    SCF/day at

    100 psi.

    cost per

    day at

    .25/1000 scf


    dollar loss

    180 6 1/64 584.64 0.88 157.85$

    12 1/32 2332.8 7.00 1,259.71$

    12 1/16 9345.6 28.04 5,046.62$6 1/8 37440 56.16 10,108.80$

    2 1/4 149760 74.88 13,478.40$

    At 100 psi, your system has lost approximately. $30,051.39

    This chart estim ates the financial impact of 38 leaks of

    var ious sizes wi th in a 6 month p eriod.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Ultrasonic LeakDetection

    n Ultrasound is the only technology that will detect ANY

    type of gas, including systems under VACUUM!

    n Unlike gas sniffers It is not affected by wind,

    contaminants or concentrations of gas in the air.

    n Detect leaks in areas NOT pressurized (Using Sound


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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Application; Steam TrapsDetect ultrasonic frequency of internalturbulent flow.

    What is a steam trap?Simply stated, a steam trap is a mechanical device designed to remove

    condensate (water) from the system while retaining (trapping) the steam.

    Why are they needed? Efficiency; Keep system HOT, return water to boiler.

    Eliminate Waterhammer

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics



    Steam Traps Fail Open Pass live steam which is costly to produce.


    Condensate will collect.

    Why test them?Steam Traps are generally located at low points in the system,a natural collecting point for dirt, rust, and other contaminants.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    One Leaking Trap...

    Loses 27 lb/hr. or 226,800 lbs. of steam per year!

    (5/64 in.ori f ice @ 150psig)

    Ref: Assessing the Impact of Energy Losses in Steam Systems, Plant

    Engineering, July 10, 1995

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    12 tons of coal ($679.00)

    2,500 gal. of fuel oil ($1392.00) 314,000 cu. ft. of natural gas ($1272.00)

    Cost to p rodu ce? . . .

    A typical petrochemical plant wil l use 5000 steam traps. I n plants with no

    previous trap testing general ly 30% are leaking.

    How many traps are leaking in you r faci li ty?

  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Trap Sounds

    n Continuous flow type traps require more of a

    trained ear to detect leakage by listening

    only. Compare meter readings with a known

    good trap.

    n Intermittent purge traps (inverted bucket)

    usually fail open. Listen for rushing sound.

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    Good Inverted

    Bucket Trap

    Bad Inverted

    Bucket Trap

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Application; ValvesDetect ultrasonic frequency of

    internalturbulent flow.

    Why Test them?

    Case : A pipeline where the contents are various gases; oxygen, carbon dioxide,

    compressed air, and nitrogen. Pressure differential across the valves is approximately 60psi. Valve leakage causes non-conformance to the required purity standards, making the

    final product unusable.

    Solution: A monthly program of ultrasonic detection was successful in determining which

    valves were leaking and how extensive the leaks were. The test consisted of taking a

    reading upstream and downstream of the valve under test. Leaking valves showed higher

    ultrasound in the turbulent area downstream of the valve.

    Result:Maintenance time and costs formerly spent on rebuilding sound valves

    were saved and product purity was significantly improved.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Application; Electrical Discharge

    Use ultrasound to hear what you cant seein switchgear, breakers, distribution lines,

    insulators, and transformers.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Arcing / Corona

    n Detect problems which may be masked

    by ambient heat.

    n Onset of Corona does not cause

    temperature change.

    n Ultrasound does not require opening of

    electrical cabinets.

    n It is easy, fast and inexpensive.

    Ultrasound compliments


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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    n Lubrication break down

    n Impact

    n Scraping / Grinding

    n Friction

    Listen For...

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    As bearings and gears

    wear, ultrason ic

    s ignatures present


    Click to h ear.

    Application; Bearings & Gears

  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    There are two types of trending used

    with ultrasonic inspection.

    Comparat ive;

    Pump Motor#


    #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

    Compares to other simi lar machines.

    Examp le; If you have a group o f 5 pum p

    mo tors each performing the same job under

    the same cond i t ions, inconsis tent ly high

    ul trasonic reading s w i l l ind icate a defect, or

    the on set of fai lure.

    The condi t ion of mo tor #4 may be obvious, and

    possibly even diagnosed simp ly by l is tening.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics




    The other type of trending typically used

    with ultrasonic inspection is...

    Histor ical; Loo ks for inco nsis tenc ies ov er a per iod oftime Example; If you had looked specifically

    at reading s taken on p ump #4 (from the previous

    page), they m ay loo k l ike this ...

    The progressive increase in readings could be

    due to lubr icat ion breakdown, or wear.

    Lub ricate and retest. If readings are again

    elevated after a sho rt period of tim e, the

    bearing is on th e road to fai lure. Click when ready...

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Spectrum AnalysisInexpensive software packages are also available. Here the

    sounds were recorded with a cassette and played back into a PC.

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    This graph shows the low level

    of ultrasound from the motor

    side bearing of a high-speed

    overhung cantilever fan. The

    sou nd is barely audib le.

    This trace shows the fan side

    bearing, approximately one foot

    away, on the same fan. The

    excessive ultrasound was due

    to a bent fan shaft.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    What is the difference between

    Sound and Vibration?

    VIBRATION:Any mechanical oscillatory motion of a machine


    SOUND:Vibration of air molecules (airborne sound), or

    molecules in solids (solid borne sound).

    Sound is the precurso r to vibrat ion. It is

    vibrat ion that is too fast, and w ith an amp li tude

    too small to move large masses.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Why use Ultrasound on bearings?

    n As a compliment to vibration analysis.

    Test more points in less time.

    Little training needed, less equipment to carry. Allows you to perform PM on less critical equipment

    Increase window of prediction.

    May see elevated ultrasonic levels before changes in vibration

    are present.

    Effective at fault detection on slow speed equipment. Help determine lubrication intervals and amounts.

    Listen to sound levels decrease as lubricant is induced.

    n As a stand alone program.

    Capable of establishing basic trends and alarm levels.

    Use your ear andinstrument readings to confirm problems. Inexpensive, and easy to use; little training required.

    Excellent start for those implementing first PM program.

    Very versatile

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    AccuTrakUltrasonic Inspection Instruments

    n Model VPE-1000

    Low cost digital

    n Model VPE-2000

    Advanced Digital

    n Model VPX-WR

    The ultimate air leak detector

    featuring DND technology

    n Combo Package

    Offers the best of everything

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    Produc t l ine overview

    Superior Signal has been provid ing excellent products at affordable prices for o ver

    40 years. We are the only comp any offer ing true innovat ions in ul t rasonic inspect ion

    technology. To prove i t , we hold 4 of the mo st recent ly issued patents in the f ie ld.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics



    Model VPE-1000

    When powerfu l perform ance is needed and bu dgets are limi ted,

    ch oo se the versat i le VPE-1000. It is the first low c os t digital ultrason ic

    detector of fer ing extraordinary features at a fract ion of th e cost o fother ul trasonic instrum ents!

    Digi tal LED indicators (Alph anumeric and Bargraph)

    Digital Peak Hold

    Separate Volume & Sensit iv i ty

    Dual Senso rs (no changing heads)

    Perfect for hospitals, schools, hotels, and other large institutional or light

    industrial environments.

    Excellent for steam trap testing!Click when ready...

  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    AccuTrakModel VPE-2000

    First in dig ital ultrason ics th e VPE-2000 is rich in features,

    yet remains compact and easy to use. In addit ion to

    everythin g offered o n t he VPE-1000, the VPE-2000 also

    of fers selectable frequency mo des, including sonic m ode.

    Digi tal LED indicators (Alphanumeric and Bargraph)

    Digital Peak Hold

    Digi tal ly tuned for maximum repeatabi l i ty

    Separate Volume & Sensit iv i ty

    Dual Senso rs (no changing heads)

    5 sensor/ f requency modes, includin g SONIC

    Includ es var iety of accessor ies (prob e extension s & mo re)

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    AccuTrakCombo Offer

    Get the best of Both,

    Two units, One Great Price!

    Allows you to have two people, with two

    ins t ruments per forming numerous tasks. Combo

    offer includes o ne Model VPX-WR and o ne Model

    VPE-2000; Two s tate of the art instruments for the

    price of one analog gun type detector.

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  • 8/12/2019 USintro Ultrasonics


    Hit Escape to exit the program now.

    For more informat ion o n ul t rasonic inspect ion contact ...

    SuperiorSignal Company

    P.O. Box 96

    Spotswood, NJ 088841-800-945-TEST, or (732) 251-0800


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