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Produce a sequential series of images which express your theme, concerns and response to the urban landscape.

Utilise the techniques of depth of field, shutter speed, focus, angle of view, qualities of lighting, colour and composition etc.

Using slide (transparency) film create 10 slides for presentation in Week 9. You may wish to use a tripod, various lenses or a camera mounted flash.

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Choose one of the following approaches:

Beyond Reality The Human Condition

The Urban Machine

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I have always been drawn to representations of irony and tragedy in the urban environment. This image shows both as we balance the homeless man against the subtle inclusion of a comfortable 'commercialised' character. The use of a wide-angle allows the viewer to keep a comfortable distance from the homeless man in a similar vein to how one avoids these invisible characters on a daily basis.

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James Wakefield Graffiti Art comes in several forms and is undoubtedly embedded in urban culture, yet many see it as ugly and vandalistic. I personally see it in the same way as those who create it - beautiful and representative of existence - an art form in itself. Graffiti Art, to me, provides a momentous escape from the plethora of advertising and commercialism that usually shapes the images we see whilst in the urban environment. It uses ironic, subversive and aesthetic techniques to create works that communicate social or political commentary or criticism, much in the same way as I use my camera.

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Artist Statement of 250 words approx that explains: •  your approach: what theme are you using •  Concept behind the work •  Inspiration / influences •  Aesthetic concerns for the work •  Think about the order that you choose to present your images in.

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Page 47: Urban Landscape Examples
Page 48: Urban Landscape Examples
Page 49: Urban Landscape Examples Resources On Photography by Susan Sontag Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography by Roland Barthes

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