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Page 1: Unveiling of the new village plan/map

June 2012

Unveiling of the new

village plan/map

Sunday 10th June, 3.30pm

by the Millennium stone

Please come along and have a

look at this asset

to our village

The seats made by the Wood Carving Group

will also be in place in the Jubilee Garden

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June 2012 Page 2

Editor Nick Truscott

20 Green Way Sudbrooke LN2 2YA 01522 752911

[email protected]

July/August 2012

closing date for


20 June

Welcome to the June edition of

Sudbrooke News.

Every month it amazes me how it

looks as though the next edition of

Sudbrooke News is going to be “bare”, but ends up bursting

at the seams as the deadline for printing nears. This month

is no exception, lots of things going on. I hope you find this

edition of your magazine both interesting and informative.

Advertising. Space is available. If you wish to advertise or renew your ad-

vertisement in Sudbrooke News, please contact me. Rates are very competi-

tive and the magazine is delivered “free” of charge, ten times per year, to

every household in the parish. If you want a hand with “artwork”, please ask.

Distribution Lyn Etheridge 01522 750905

[email protected]

Advertising Nick Truscott

01522 752911 [email protected]


Fifth page 128 mm x 33 mm

or 61 mm x 70 mm

£8.00 per month


page 128 mm x 89 mm £16.00 per month

Full Page 128 mm x 185 mm £31.00 per month

Prices include Vat at 20%.

Adverts must be pre paid

To place an advertisement please contact Nick Truscott

on 01522 752911 or [email protected]

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June 2012 Page 3

Vicars Letter The Vicarage, Langworth

Tel. 01522 – 754233

After Trinity Sunday on 3rd June, we enter in the Church Calendar that long

summer period of Sundays “after Trinity”.

Being a Christian is not just about going to church – although that is important.

However, as important – or arguably more so – is maintaining a healthy spiri-

tual life and discipline. This is where one’s prayer life comes into play. It helps

to build a regular practice.

We can sometimes learn good habits from other Christian denominations. For

example, The Orthodox Church, rather like the old Celtic Church, have prayers

for just about everything we meet in daily life. It has been said that the ecu-

menical quest is above all else the mutual discovery of other’s ways of prayer.

As a start to building a regular daily prayer cycle, I offer below three Orthodox

prayers (for the Beginning of the Day, for Forgiveness, and for the End of the

Day), as a gentle and simple introduction to developing one’s personal prayer

discipline :-

Prayer for the Beginning of the Day

O Lord, grant me to greet the coming of the day in peace, help me in all things

to rely in upon Your holy will. In every hour of the day reveal Your will to me.

Bless my dealing with all who surround me. Teach me to treat all that comes to

me throughout the day with peace and with firm conviction that Your will gov-

erns all. In all my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and feelings. In un-

foreseen events let me not forget that all are sent by You. Teach me to act

firmly and wisely, without embittering and embarrassing others. Give me

strength to bear the fatigue of the coming day with all that it shall bring. Direct

my will, teach me to pray. And, Yourself, pray in me. Amen.

Prayer for Forgiveness

O Lord our God, if during this day I have sinned, whether in word or deed or

thought, forgive me all, for You are good and love mankind. Grant me peaceful

and undisturbed sleep, and deliver me from all influence and temptation of the

evil one. Raise me up again in proper time that I may glorify You; for You are

blessed with Your Only-begotten Son and Your All-holy Spirit, now and ever,

and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the End of the Day

O Christ our God, who at all times and in every hour, in heaven and on earth,

are worshipped and glorified; who are long-suffering, merciful and compassion-

ate; who love the just and show mercy upon the sinner; who call all to salva-

tion through the promise of blessings to come; O Lord, in this hour receive our

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Church Diary

supplications and direct our lives according to Your commandments. Sanctify

our souls, hallow our bodies, correct our thoughts, cleanse our minds; deliver

us from all tribulation, evil and distress. Encompass us with Your holy Angels

that, guided and guarded by them, we may attain to the unity of the faith and

to the knowledge of Your unapproachable glory, for You are blessed unto ages

of ages. Amen.

Then, there is what is called “The Jesus Prayer” which can be used at any time,

and as many times as needed, regularly during the day – said aloud or silently

(depending upon where one is, e.g., in a meeting). I have discovered it in

three forms :-

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”

“Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me”

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me,a sinner”

All three forms are echoes from the New Testament ,e.g. the prayer of the blind

man at Jericho (Luke 18:38) and the prayer of the publican (Luke 18:13)

Yours, in Christ, Robert Spaight


Sunday 3 Trinity Sunday

9.00 Communion St.John Stainton

10.30 Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke

6.00 Evening Prayer St.Hugh Langworth

Tuesday 5 10.30 Prayer Hour 36 Scothern Lane

Sunday 10 Trinity 1

9.00 BCP Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke

10.30 Family Service

+ Baptism St.Edward Sudbrooke

6.00 Communion St.Hugh Langworth

Tuesday 12 10.30 Home Group 36 Scothern Lane

Thursday 14 2.30 Tea Service 2 Chestnut Close

Sunday 17 Trinity 2

10.30 Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke

6.00 Evening Prayer St.Hugh Langworth

Tuesday 19 10.30 Home Group 36 Scothern Lane

Sunday 24 Trinity 3 / John the Baptist

9.00 Communion St.Edward Barlings

10.30 Communion St.Edward Sudbrooke

6.00 Communion St.Hugh Langworth

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Confirmation of dates of meetings can be made via the

Clerk to the Council, Mrs Chris Myers on 823802


Chairman – Martin Dickie - 754342

Vice Chairman – Peter Heath - 595061

Stuart Curtis - 751874

Rose Dobbs - 753060

Lyn Etheridge - 750905

Paul Rignall - 595736

Ian Russell - 754984

District Councillor Stuart Curtis – 751874

County Councillor – Sue Rawlins – 01673 885545

Treasurer to the Council – Bridget Solly –

01673 857580



Tuesday 26 7.30 Stainton PCC Hawthorn House

Wednesday 27 7.45 Family Service

Planning 50 Scothern Lane

Thursday 28 2.30 Tea Service 2 Chestnut Close

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Parish Council Minutes - April 2012 ABRIDGED VERSION OF THE









PRESENT: Councillor B Bartram

(Chairman), M Dickie, S Curtis, Mrs

L Etheridge, P Heath, P Rignall, I

Russell, PCSO Jackie Parker, Mrs B

Solly (Treasurer / acting Clerk)

50 members of the public

APOLOGIES: Councillor Miss R

Dobbs, Mrs C Myers (Clerk)


These items followed on from the An-

nual Parish Meeting as there was so

much to discuss.

It was brought to the Council’s atten-

tion that despite the litter pick within

12 hours more litter had been collected

by a resident, particularly around the

shop and park areas. The resident

stated that there is a problem with

litter in the village and requested that

children and teenagers take their litter

home / put it in a bin.

Residents expressed their distress

about the work that has been carried

out in Sudbrooke Woods by the new

owners. A suggestion was made to

form a sub-committee of residents to

apply for a DMMO via the Parish Coun-

cil. Cllr Dickie asked all residents who

walk in the woods to draw their route

on a map and hand them back to him

as the lead person. Mr Richard Drab-

ble told the Council he was happy to

be on a sub-committee and also take

in any maps from residents. Cllr

Dickie stated that more maps would be

copied for residents to have.

4 young residents attended the meet-

ing to ask for the Council to consider

doing something for the youngsters in

the village. They stated that they do

hang around the shop as there is no-

where else for them to go. They sug-

gested a Skate Board park, youth club,

shelter etc. PCSO Parker spoke in fa-

vour of this and praised the 4 young-

sters for attending the meeting. Cllr

Bartram also thanked them for attend-

ing the meeting, stating that the Coun-

cil had been considering a Youth Club

and a Skate Park and these would be

discussed as a later agenda item.

A resident had raised concern that

youths were gathering near to the

shop and in the play areas in the vil-

lage. He stated that he had reported

these incidents to the police but that in

his opinion, nothing had been done.


PCSO Jackie Parker reported as fol-


Reports of anti-social behaviour in the

village have been dealt with. The po-

lice are out every night both uniformed

and plain clothes.

A car had been stopped at the shop

and searched – drugs were found.

There had been an attempted burglary

on Poachers Lane – nothing was stolen

but thieves had attempted to take a


Scrap metal is still being stolen.

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There has been an increase in bike

thefts in the area this is by an organ-

ised gang.

Incidents MUST be reported at the

time so that they can be dealt with




Nothing reported.



DC Curtis stated that there were still

monies available in the WLDC Commu-

nity Action Fund – up to £250 available

for local groups.

DC Curtis stated that there had been

reports of breech in planning permis-

sions which had been investigated and

unfounded. DC Curtis stated that resi-

dents must make comments on plan-

ning permissions when they are given

the opportunity.


1st MARCH 2012

Proposed as a correct record by Coun-

cillor Peter Heath, seconded by Coun-

cillor Mrs Lyn Etheridge.



Skateboard Park – Cllr Curtis stated

that the Park would not be feasible in

Sudbrooke but that the opportunity to

join with Nettleham was going ahead.

There will be basic skateboard park

equipment to start with but this can be

added to over time. A grant applica-

tion has been made to WREN and the

committee will know the outcome of

that application in August. Cllr Curtis

stated that it would be a good idea if a

parent from Sudbrooke would go on

the committee to represent the views

of the youths in Sudbrooke.

Jubilee Celebrations – No firm date

or details had yet been set but it was

hoped the official naming of the Jubi-

lee area would take place once the

final name had been agreed.

Land fronting Beech Close / nam-

ing of area – Cllr Ian Russell ex-

pressed concern how the area was be-

ing developed – ‘As this was contrary

to which I believe was agreed at the

last site meeting I attended’. It was

agreed that Cllr I Russell would put

together a preliminary plan regarding

the area including further planting.

This would be used as a foundation

and would be built on. The Chairman

expressed concern that with further

planting the area would potentially go

back to the condition it was before.

Village Map / frame – This will be

officially unveiled at the celebration

event. Mrs Lisa Broadbent has advised

the first draft of the map will be avail-

able in approx. 2 weeks time. The

agreed production date is the 16th May


Tree planting in verge on Green-

way / junction of Windsor Close –

Cllr Russell had viewed the area and

agreed that it could support some

trees but nothing too big. He stated

that the maintenance implications

would need to be looked at and the

Clerk should write to BT and ascertain

details of the services going under the


Provision of dog bin, Greenway /

junction of Windsor Close – Cllr

Bartram stated WLDC had advised that

a dog bin could not be put in due to BT

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cabling and hard concrete under the

surface. Clerk to contact BT regarding

this as above. Cllr Dickie would discuss

the siting and colour of the bin with

local residents

Formation of Youth club – nothing

further. Cllr Curtis suggested that a

qualified parent could use the multi-

purpose sports area during the lighter

nights to organise something for the

youths in the village. PCSO Parker

stated that the neighbourhood policing

team would be happy to come and

help out as often as possible, 1 night a

week for 2 – 3 hours.

Neighbourhood Watch Signs – have

now been fitted.


a) Meeting with County Councillor

in charge of Highways – nothing to

report. It was agreed that the Clerk

write to Cllr Webb and cc the County

Councillor Rawlins to ask for an up-


b) Obstruction Church Lane - noth-

ing to report. As above.

153 Planning

Rustling End, 61 Wragby Road – TPO

work, Cllr Russell to view and com-



Nothing to report


The Chairman pointed out Sudbrooke

had been advised by District Councillor

Curtis that it may be beneficial to pro-

duce a formal Neighbourhood Plan

which would be beneficial to control

further development in the village. It

was agreed this would be discussed at

next meeting and Cllr Curtis would

look into WLDC giving further avice on

this matter.

Agenda items for the next meeting –

Sudbrooke Park / Woods, Plan for

Beech Close area, Neighbourhood Plan,

final name for Jubilee area.


Correspondence had been received

from Mr Mike Halliday regarding Sud-

brooke Sports Day 2012 – it was

agreed that this would be put on next

month’s agenda.

Correspondence had been received

from Mr G Ashley regarding the Scout

Community Week in May – it was

agreed that this would be put on next

month’s agenda.

Multiple correspondence had been re-

ceived from various parishioners re-

garding Sudbrooke Park.

Correspondence had been received

from a resident regarding teenagers

ringing door bells late in the evening –

the Chairman re-iterated the plea to

call 999 or 101 as the incident is hap-


Best Kept Village Competition – It was

agreed that the village be entered into

this competition.


10th May 2012 at 7.30pm.




Members agreed to this and the mem-

bers of the public left the meeting.

The meeting was closed at


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Scothern Kennels & Cattery Professional care for your pets


Stainton Lane, Scothern, Lincoln

An electronic version of Sudbrooke

News is available on request

[email protected]

Report of the Parish Council Meeting held on

10 May 2012

Resignation of Councillor Bernard

Bartram – Members were sorry to

receive Bernard’s resignation.

Thanks were extended to him for his

work whilst on the Parish Council.

The West Lindsey District Council Elec-

toral Registration Officer had been no-

tified and the vacancy is going through

the statutory advertisement period.

If an election is not called by 10 resi-

dents then the Parish Council will be

able to co-opt to the vacancy.

Appointment of Chairman and Vice

Chairman – Councillor Martin Dickie

was appointed Chairman and Council-

lor Peter Heath Vice Chairman

Area fronting Beech Close – The

area is looking good and the shrubs

have taken with all the wet weather!

The result of the poll on the web site

had been to call the area ‘Sudbrooke

Jubilee Garden’.

The plan/map of the village is now

complete and the frame is being made

at the Pelican Trust. This is a superb

piece of work carried out voluntarily by

Lisa Broadbent of St Edward’s Drive.

It is to be sited near to the footpath by

the Millennium Stone. It will be un-

veiled on Sunday 10th June at 3.30pm

Residents are welcome to come along

and have a look at it. The seats made

by the Wood Carving Group will also

be in place in the Jubilee Garden.

Sports Day – This will be held on

Sunday 15th July – note in diaries!

Children from Scothern and Langworth

will be welcome to join their friends at

Sudbrooke for a fun afternoon.

Date of next Parish Council meet-

ing – Thursday 7th June 2012 –

7.30pm – Village Hall.

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PRESENT: Councillor Bernard Bartram (Chairman), Mrs B Solly

(Treasurer/ Acting Clerk) 57 members of the public, PCSO Jackie


APOLOGIES: Councillor Miss R Dobbs, Mrs C Myers (Clerk), Mr Mike


1 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 7th APRIL 2011 – These had been cir-

culated and were signed as a correct record.


This has been my first year as Chairman and I have to say it’s been a interest-

ing year and a hard year with some difficult decisions to make but also a very

rewarding year.

We had our first “Meet the Council” evening, where we probably endured the

wettest night of the year but still had a good turnout. We will be having simi-

lar events in the future.

We have had some very successful litter picks with excellent support from West

Lindsey District Council Street Force Team but I wonder why we have to have

them at all/ I do appeal to all residents, both young and old to keep our village

neat and tidy.

However, we have finally got our own website off the ground thanks to Lincoln-

shire County Council and our webmaster Roy Summerfield. I have been over-

whelmed by the number of hits that have been recorded already and I am talk-

ing her of several hundred.

There is so much to see on the site with ever changing news both from the Par-

ish Council but also the numerous groups who have their own pages. We also

are able to have polls to get your views and also a forum for you to give us

feedback or ideas on issues that either concern you or excite you.

We see the website as a useful addition to our very successful village magazine

Sudbrooke News which has gone from strength to strength under the Editorship

of Nick Truscott.

One particular aspect has really excited me and that is the development of the

land between the Millennium Stone and Beech Close, to commemorate the

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. It really is beginning to look good, we hopefully will

soon have an official name for the area, this will be revealed (and I hope the

area will look spectacular) when we have the official opening event in June.

I am pleased to have the support of my Vice Chairman, Martin Dickie, and a

team of hard working (and unpaid) Parish Councillors plus our excellent Clerk,

Chris Myers, who keeps us all in line, our Treasurer Bridget Solly, who keeps

the finance in order, and our District Councillor Stuart Curtis and County Coun-

cillor Sue Rawlins.

I look forward to another successful year; I am sure we will have some obsta-

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cles to overcome but I am equally sure we can go forward and continue to de-

velop our village.


My apologies for not being able to be at this meeting.

There is nothing much different to report from last year in that my work contin-

ues to be busy, as are all the Councillors, as no matter what time I switch the

computer on emails come hurtling in! I work closely with the Chairman and

Treasurer and we are in daily contact about parish matters.

I personally would like to acknowledge the work of Eric Pitt, our Playground

Inspector and Village Handyman. Eric and I seldom see each other but if any-

thing needs attention I only have to send him a message and it is done with

haste. I just wish he worked for the Highways Department!

The Parish Council has commented on 19 planning applications during the last



The total balance in the bank accounts at the 31st March 2012 was as follows:


This includes £25,000 in the 12 month investment bond given to the Council by

developers to replace play equipment when it needs doing.

Monies set aside in the Northfield Park account and Fox Covert Account for re-

pairs and maintenance.

Monies set aside in the Sportsfield Account – again for any maintenance on the

sports grounds in the village.

This year has seen monies spent on the Christmas Tree event, village sports

day, production of Sudbrooke News, general administration and grass cutting.


During the last year I have been Vice-Chairman of West Lindsey Planning Com-

mittee. I have also continued to represent West Lindsey on the Central Lincoln-

shire Joint Strategic Planning Committee responsible for preparing the LDF.

This planning Committee is made up of representatives from City of Lincoln

Council, LCC, NE and WL District Councils planning together for future central

initiatives over the next 20 years. Formal consultations on the LDF document

with Parish Council’s and general public will start in the summer and although

major development will be centred around the urban areas of Lincoln, Gains-

borough and Sleaford residents will still have their say on what their local com-

munity needs. The Lincoln eastern by-pass is to go hasad at a total cost of

£97.8m and construction is due to commence in 2014.

Following pressure by Sudbrooke, Scothern and Nettleham Parish Councils the

Boundary Commission has now agreed that Sudbrooke and Nettleham wards

should both remain independent instead of their original intention to merge

both wards.

I received a number of complaints at the end of last year concerning the early

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withdrawal of Green Bins. I agree that this was a mistake by West Lindsey and

similar to other Councillors have requested that this year they are continued.

Under the District Council initiative fund I have so far this year sanctioned

grants to Sudbrooke Village Hall Committee and Scothern Players.

Finally although financial support from central Government has been reduced

from £8.2m to £5.7m West Lindsey has frozen your Council Tax for the next

fiscal year.

No report had been received by the County Councillor.


a) Village Hall Management Committee – Mrs Gill Rignall.

Officers for 2012 / 13 were elected at the recent AGM as follows:

Chairman: George Bingham

Treasurer: Hugh Thomson

Secretary: Gill Rignall

The hall remains a popular venue for family parties and other functions such as

quiz nights. It is in use every day by the Pre-school and local community


It is hoped that the planned kitchen refurbishment will be carried out within the

next year and we hope to attract a WREN grant for this work.

b) Gardening Club – Sent by Mr Mike Halliday

The gardening club is thriving at the present time. 7 new members have joined

in the past few months. We held 9 meetings during the past year.

The Spring and Autumn shows were held in the village hall and we well sup-

ported along with good input from juniors.

We had speakers at 2 meetings held in the Village Hall and 4 of the meetings

were held in member’s homes.

In July last year, club members and friends enjoyed a good day out at Nor-

manby Hall near Scunthorpe. The restored walled Victorian gardens are a joy

to see.

In Summer this year we have planned a private tour of Doddington House and


Finally, on a sad note, our only life member Vera Murdoch passed away last

year. Vera was a founder member of the gardening club and her unique contri-

butions are sadly missed.

c) LIVES First Responders – Mrs Gill Rignall

Sudbrooke LIVES First Responders offers emergency care and Basic Life Sup-

port in Stainton, Langworth, Scothern, Sudbrooke and the surrounding area. A

local responder can be with the patient within a few minutes of dialling 999 and

care can begin before the ambulance arrives.

Responders can only be called out by EMAS after a 999 call.

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We currently have 8 Responders and 2 in training.

Calls since August 2011:

Langworth – 6

Reepham – 2

Sudbrooke – 4

Scothern – 2

Anyone aged 18 or over and able to drive can apply.

Enquiries: Mike Johnson, Co-ordinator, on 01522 750878

d) Sudbrooke Walking Group – sent by Mike Halliday

The informal arrangements for the group seem to work well. We publish our

planned walks monthly in Sudbrooke News and anyone can join in the walk.

We have approx 20 regular walkers who meet at the village hall on the first

Saturday of each month for a 9:30am start. We take turns at leading the

walks and generally aim to be back in Sudbrooke around 1:30pm.

The walks vary in length between 6 and 8 miles. Occasionally a longer walk is

planned but good notice is given of this. In June last year 15 walkers enjoyed

a long weekend in glorious weather walking in the Derbyshire Peak District.

e) Sudbrooke Ladies Club – read by Gill Rignall

Sudbrooke has an active Ladies’ Club. Membership currently stands at 24.

We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 730 pm in the Bramham

Lounge at the Village Hall. We have a guest speaker at most meetings. Every-

one is welcome. Guests are asked to contribute £2. The programme for 2012

is very varied and has something to interest everyone.

16.02.12 ‘Financial Planning - 2008 and beyond’ –


15.03.12 ‘Lincs 2 Nepal’ –


19.04.12 ‘Related to the Famous - Bishop Edward


17.05.12 ‘The Eye and It's Myths’ - RUPERT HADLEY,


21.06.12 Sudbrooke Holme ‘Then & Now’ –




‘The Original Lincoln Ghosts’ -


18.10.12 ‘Marie Curie Care’ –


15.11.12 ‘Leafy Spaces’ –



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We have a book stall and small coin collection. The money raised is donated to

a local charity when it reaches £200.


A large number of residents raised concerns about what has been done to Sud-

brooke woods by the new owners, Wilkinson Brothers. Many residents ex-

pressed their outrage at the destruction of areas within the woods that have

been walked by many people for many years.

Some residents expressed concerns about being intimidated by men on quad

bikes in the woods.

Residents stated that some footpath signs have been moved and damaged by

the new land owners.

Cllr Peter Heath stated that if residents feel they are being intimidated they

should phone 101 immediately and the police will respond if the complaint is

within their remit.

PCSO Parker stated that the landowners are within their rights to do what they

are doing on their own land. PCSO Parker re-iterated Cllr Heath’s comment.

Cllr Bartram stated that existing paths as shown on current maps, copies of

which were made available to the meeting, should be used but that the land is


Residents agreed to form a committee to look into the footpath situation and it

was agreed this would be supported, wherever possible, by the Parish Council.

The meeting concluded at 7.30pm and was followed by refreshments.



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Monday 4th and 18th June, 16th July

We sing songs by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Beatles, Matt Redman,

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For more info please contact:-

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Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

After reading the part in Aprils Sudbrooke News about the woods, I’m actually

quite angry and I feel that there was no need to destroy the woods just to keep

residents from walking through there. After all we are meant to be a commu-

nity; if there are problems they’re better aired and solved in a way that is fair

for everyone, rather than jumping the gun and ruining things. Or maybe this is

just a ‘power’ thing between them? However I’m sure other concerned resi-

dents think this too?

Referring back to the letter that Jackie wrote regarding the wildlife, and de-

stroying their homes. Obviously the landowners haven’t given a thought to it

at all so therefore I conclude they don’t actually care about the woods. If any-

thing I will still carry on taking a walk there – what’s the worse they can do?

Throw me verbal abuse, or escort me off the premises. I wouldn’t be surprised

if in years to come there will be no more Sudbrooke woods instead new houses

– I get the picture it’s just money, greed and power with them. Sorry residents

somehow I don’t think we’ll win best village anymore, not after these disap-

pointing actions.

Sudbrooke Resident

(name and contact details withheld on request)

Nettleham Library, East St, Nettleham, Lincoln LN2 2SL

Thursday 7th June 10.00am-12.30pm


Holiday activities on a Viking theme

Make a sword or shield and a Viking long ship. Discover the secrets of the runic alphabet and

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There is no need to book, just drop in and join in the fun! For details please call Nettleham Library 01522 782010 or


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June 2012 Page 17

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Dear Editor

My name is Edward Simpson, I am 16 years old and live in Sudbrooke.

I, together with a number of other young people from William Farr Church Of

England School in Welton, have been given the opportunity to take part in the

Outlook expedition to Borneo in the summer of 2012.

Outlook expeditions offer young people the chance to experience new environ-

ments and understand different cultures. The aim is for pupils to develop lead-

ership skill, an awareness of accountability, and to develop an appreciation of

their environment. One key benefit of participating in the expedition program

is to develop and use entrepreneurial skills to raise the money to fund the ex-

pedition. The Borneo expedition will take us through the deep tropical rainforest

of Borneo where we will meet with local tribes and learn about their history and

lifestyle. We will also travel to the coast, where we will take part in a marine

biology environmental project which will include us cleaning up beaches and

taking underwater reef surveys .

With the help of my family I am growing hanging baskets to help with my fund-


Edward Simpson

Editor.... Put me down for a couple and good luck with your expedition. It

would be great if you would write and tell us how you got on when you return.


12 inch wicker hanging baskets filled with seasonal trailing plants

Lovingly prepared by local teenager fundraising for a

World Challenge expedition

Free delivery to Sudbrooke and Scothern. Cost £10.00 per basket.

Please call for more information – Eddie 01522 750892

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June 2012 Page 18

Dear Editor

Song of the thrush

In these days of miserable weather and economic gloom, I am moved to ex-

press my thanks to the song thrush.

I have been delighted and amazed by his singing in our garden.

For the last four weeks, literally from dawn to dusk, this bird has thrilled and

enthralled me. No opera singer could compete with his repertoire of diverse

sounds and trills.

I marvel at his stamina, I hope there is enough food to sustain such an out-

pouring of energy.

I think we take for granted the background presence of the wildlife in our gar-

dens, but the balance of nature and our control of pests is delicate. The inspira-

tional singing of the thrush this Spring reminded me how important it is to pro-

mote a bird friendly environment.

Catherine Dawson

Dear Editor

Browsing back through some 10 year old copies of Sudbrooke News I came

across one of the regular articles that appeared each month from a gentleman

named Mr Hughes who was an expert in bird watching. I am told he left the

village many years ago.

He gave readers the benefit of his observations of bird life in our village such as

the best locations to view and hear various species and when to expect to be

able to do so. Such as the time of the day and the time of year etc. This was

especially useful in knowing when migrant birds began to arrive from the far

flung parts of the world, often thousands of miles away.

To a person like me with little or no previous knowledge of ornithology I found

his articles of great help and encouragement which formed a lifelong interest

and hobby. If he named a breed or variety of bird I would look it up in my little

book which had pictures and other information and then go out of my way to

try to see and hear it with the help of his advice and directions. I was rarely

disappointed. He obviously knew his stuff.

His articles were always light hearted and very similar in style and content to

our present day popular contributor on gardening subjects "GP" in so much that

they usually contained what he had been up to himself and what could be ex-

pected in the following months. I always found them great reading and very

encouraging. I was very sad when they ceased.

I can't help wondering if amongst our midst there is a similar talented and

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June 2012 Page 19

knowledgeable person who could pick up the baton and contribute a similar

regular month by month short article on bird life in and around the village and

share their observations and knowledge. I often spot folks with binoculars cam-

eras and notebooks wandering about in the woods on the public footpaths and

bridleways. Perhaps one of them is just such a budding journalist willing to

share knowledge and experiences.

What about it Editor? Can you find one ?

Janet Duffet

Dear Editor

This is to inform everyone who feels as outraged as I do about the closing of

much loved paths and ways by the new owner in Sudbrooke Woods that a

Committee has now been formed to explore all lawful means possible to make

them available to public use once more. Because of the deadline for submit-

ting articles, I am not able to let you know the outcome of the first committee

meeting, due to be held on 24 May, but one of the committee members will

provide you with further information in July's Sudbrooke News.

I was heartened by the number of people who attended the Open Meeting on

26 April, where there was standing room only, and thank Pete and Elaine for

the time consuming task of printing the notices of the meeting as well as de-

livering them to numerous households in the village.

As many of you will be aware, there is a Petition in Sudbrooke Stores which

will be handed in to the Parish Council at its meeting on 7 June. I would

therefore urge all of you who feel as strongly as I do about the loss of such a

valuable village amenity to sign it before 7 June. I do know that the County

Council, who are the highway authority responsible for the preservation and

maintenance of public rights of way in Lincolnshire, take particular notice of

applications for Definitive Map Modification Orders [ the technical term for,

amongst other things, adding new rights of way to the Definitive Map held at

County Offices ] if they come from public bodies rather than private individu-

als. With over 140 applications pending we need to get our Sudbrooke

Woods application as high up the priority list as possible.

No decision has yet been made by the Parish Council as to whether or not to

support the Woods campaign and therefore it is important parishioners let

councillors know their feelings on the subject. It will be a major boost if the

Parish Council is designated as the applicant but I am sure a number of coun-

cillors need to be persuaded of the strength of our argument.

Finally, in order to add new rights of way to the Definitive Map we need evi-

dence. This can either be documentary or user evidence. The Committee

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June 2012 Page 20

For expert legal advice on individual and commercial matters

St Swithin's Court, 1 Flavian Road, Nettleham Road, Lincoln, LN2 4GR

Your contact: Phillip Hoskins Tel 01522 512123

Out of hours tel 07889 980058 email: [email protected]

therefore needs to hear from anyone who has walked these Woods preferably

for twenty years or more but shorter periods of ten plus years might also be

acceptable, and is prepared to complete a User Evidence Form to submit with

the Application Form to the County Council when the time comes. The more of

these forms we can submit the better.

I am conscious of the fact that a number of people who have enjoyed walking

in the woods for a good number of years do not live in the village anymore but

have moved away from the area or to surrounding villages. I can think of sev-

eral families in Scothern whose children grew up with mine who fall into this

category. It does not matter when the twenty years period is, for example, it

could be 1960-1980 or 1992-2012 as long as evidence can be shown that a

person has walked the paths for a continuous period, not challenged by any-

one, thinking they were doing so as of right and not because of the landowner's


Please therefore spread the word as we need to find people who are prepared

to come forward and help with this worthwhile cause. For the moment, until

committee members have accepted various roles, a point of contact is to me

via e mail.

[email protected]

Richard Drabble

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June 2012 Page 22

Sudbrooke Jubilee Sports Fun Day

Sunday 15th July from 2-15pm at village hall field It seems wholly appropriate that in this special Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and

Olympic year, we put on a sports fun day and invite our neighbours from

Scothern and Langworth parishes to join in.

I shall publish the full programme of events in the July issue of Sudbrooke

News but we plan to hold 32 events including:

Short sprints

Egg and spoon races

Tug- of- War

Sack races

Three- legged races

Wheel- barrow races


We shall cover all age groups from pre-school to veterans.

The aim is for everyone to have a bit of fun and enjoy the day.

We shall give prizes to winning contestants but it is taking part that really

counts as competitor or spectator.

Do please put the date in your diary.

As you would imagine there is fair amount of work to be done to run a sports

day and I shall need some help please.

There is the running track to mark out a couple of days before sports day.

On the day itself there are the competitors to organise and judge as well as

prize giving.

Up to 3 hours of a volunteer’s time is needed on sports day but any time of-

fered up would be helpful. We also need cover for first aid. Do please contact

me if you are willing to help. Similarly, if you are able to offer sponsorship of

any kind that would be most helpful and would be properly recognised.

If any other organisation would like to run an event alongside sports day, do

please contact me.

Mike Halliday

(on behalf of the Parish Council)

Tel 754686.

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June 2012 Page 23

Sudbrooke Gardening Club

May meeting

A cool but sunny evening allowed members

to enjoy the lovely gardens of our host

Jenny Williams.

Jenny has managed to achieve a good bal-

ance between hard landscaping and softer


Her lawns were immaculate with the grass

cut not too short.

There was plenty of colour around the gar-

dens but the more sheltered rear garden

was particularly impressive with the rhodo-

dendrons, azaleas and camellias in full col-

our. The winning team in a very testing quiz included Iris Whitaker, Sheila

Cannon, Pam Peace and Angela Gould.

Our thanks to Jenny for hosting the meeting.

An invitation to Doddington Hall

The club has arranged an outing to Doddington Hall on Wednesday 18th July

and would like to invite anyone interested in Doddington Hall to join us.

The outline programme is for tea/coffee and cakes on arrival at 10-30am fol-

lowed by a guided tour of the house that takes up to 90 minutes.

Lunch is then available in the restored coach house followed by free time to

wander around the gardens and other

attractions of the estate.

Our visit is on a non- public day and

the admission price including the

guided tour of the house is £9-

50.Refreshments are paid for sepa-


If you wish to join us, please phone

me as soon as possible and before 1st


Next meeting is Monday 11th June

Will be hosted by David and Sandy

Bowles at Stonebrooke House, 46,

Scothern Lane from 7-30pm.

Mike Halliday

Tel 754686.

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June 2012 Page 24

In our village I can't help noticing

the amount of caravans, motor

homes and tent trailers there are. I

am sure that the number has in-

creased greatly since the reduction

of interest rates on savings in the

past couple of years. Those of us

who over the years have put a

penny or so by for our old age now

see that it is foolish to leave it in

Banks and Building Societies with an interest of a mere .O5%. That doesn't

even keep up with inflation. So many of us have been spending our chil-

dren's inheritance and investing in holiday homes. We have become Silver

Surfers and are splashing our cash.

A report in the papers states that the sales of caravans, motor homes and

tents has risen dramatically recently and many of the big dealers have an-

nounced bumper sales. If you pass one of these main dealers in Newark you

will notice that it has grown dramatically over the past three years and is

now a huge site over several acres. A visit inside will reveal that it is

swarming with potential buyers who all seem to be well over OAP age,

spending large sums of money and almost all of it is in cash purchases. Af-

ter all, why get involved in loans or HP of around 6 or 7% and keep your

savings locked up and only earning a measly .O5 %.

Why am I writing this and what has it got to do with our village? Well,

the answer is that following the Annual Camping and Caravan Show at The

Lincolnshire Showground I boarded a train for London and

was surprised and delighted to find myself seated beside

David Bellamy, the Botanist and TV personality and lec-

turer. A delightful giant of a man. He told me he had

just attended the Show in his capacity as President of The

Camping and Caravan Club. A position he stated he was

very proud of and said he found very rewarding because

of the pleasure it brought into so many lives of families

and folks of all ages.

He told me that his current aim with regard to that club and with all mobile

holiday makers was to encourage people to change their current habits be-

fore setting off on holiday whereby they popped off the day before leaving

home and stocked up at the local supermarket with everything they were

intending to use on the holiday be it wine, spirits, food etc. He pointed out

that most caravaners left with their cupboards and fridges bursting. It

struck a nerve with me I have been as guilty as anyone of doing just that.

He wanted to encourage folks to delay stocking up with these purchases

until they reached close to their destinations and do their shopping there

thus providing jobs and much needed trade for the rural population and

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June 2012 Page 25

economy. The benefit for the holiday maker was in being able to converse

and mix with the locals and become welcome visitors and take part in the

local life by visiting village shops and markets and really getting a feel of

local country life. It made sense to me and I will try to do as he suggests.

It may cost a bit more but feel I will be doing good and contributing to my

enjoyment of the local life. My reward will be in sampling all the local spe-

cialties and traditional fare, not to mention their local Ales, Pies and Sau-

sages etc..

As he gazed out of the train he then told me that recently he had changed

his mind about something that he had been passionate about for many

years. He told me that even though he had once stood for Parliament he

would never have made a good politician as he was able to change his mind

about things and was not afraid to admit he had been wrong. Not a thing

that many current politicians seemed to be capable of he said. He told me

that he had previously always leaped to support the myriad of

"Nimby" (Not in my backyard) and tree hugger groups that instantly

formed whenever a bye pass or road or rail improvement or diversion was

proposed. Even when it would make the lives of thousands of people better

by being built in the countryside and away from homes. Thus reducing ac-

cidents and pollution. Many of the objections were that it would interfere

with the flora and fauna and there always seemed to be a lesser spotted

three legged one eared ant or similar creature that would be rendered ex-

tinct if the plans succeeded. He had now realised that in many cases he

had been misguided and wrong. He had promised himself that he would be

more selective in the choice of causes to support in future.

He said he had noticed the amount of land which surrounded new roads and

bypasses with all the slip roads and huge roundabouts often leaving vast

acres of land left completely fallow and allowing nature to claim it with

sometimes a little hand from man in the planting of trees and flowers. Flora

and Fiona could flourish there with no fear that nests and eggs would ever

be stolen disturbed, trodden on or sprayed with insecticides. Nature was

quick to teach Mother Rabbit that her babies could not cross the M1 motor-

way at 5pm and should stay close to home. If you haven't been aware of

just how much wildlife exists in these forgotten strips and huge chunks of

land look upwards and see the number of hawks, and birds of prey that cir-

cle over them. They know where their food is and are sure signs that there

is wildlife there. So think about these facts before you leap to stop

progress he asked me. I promised I would. I found him a truly sin-

cere and friendly man who was not afraid to speak his mind and

waxed lyrical on all sorts of other subjects. He certainly brightened

my journey up and made it a great experience. It was a pleasure and

an honour to meet him.

The Old Codger

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June 2012 Page 26

Country Walks

May walk

14 walkers turned out for the walk around

Ingham of just over 9 miles.

Apart from a couple of showers the

weather was bright with sunny intervals

but it was fairly soggy underfoot.

The extra distance to St. Edith’s church at

Coates-By-Stowe was well worth the ef-


A church existed at Coates before the Nor-

man Conquest but the evidence suggests

the present church was begun in the late

12th century. It is comparatively little changed since medieval times having

escaped the ravages of religious change because of its remote location. Read-

ers should note the church is accessible by car and a delight to visit.

Next walk is Saturday 2nd June

The walk starts from the Seal Sanctuary at the northern end of Mablethorpe.

The first half of the walk is along the seashore and the return journey is

through dunes and a nature reserve.

The distance is approx. 7 miles with an extra mile each way to a fish restaurant

in Mablethorpe where we plan to have tea.

The journey to the fish restaurant may be taken by car if necessary.

Walkers should meet at the village

hall at 9-30am.

Walkers are advised to take a water-

proof coat, use suitable footwear and,

on this occasion, bring a packed


If you wish to walk and need a lift,

please turn up at the village hall.

Everyone is welcome to join in this

free and healthy activity.

Future walk is Saturday 7th July

The venue has yet to be arranged.

Walkers should meet at the village

hall at 9-30am.

Mike Halliday

Tel 754686.

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June 2012 Page 27


First 5 Lessons JUST £50

Call today

01522 804819

0771 447 6970

GP is unable to contribute this month but hopes to be back for the next


In the meantime he wishes all his readers

“happy gardening”.

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June 2012 Page 28

SUDBROOKE VILLAGE HALL Registered Charity no. 504153

Sudbrooke Village Hall, the Bramham Lounge and bar are available for hire. The hall is

situated next to the village playing field and play area, making it a very pleasant venue

for children’s parties, wedding, christening and birthday parties.

Lettings for eighteenth birthdays include compulsory security staff for additional

safety. The well stocked bar with draught beers can be booked with either the main hall

or the lounge. The Bramham Lounge is suitable for smaller groups and meetings.

Further information: Sudbrooke Parish Council website:

Enquiries: Booking Secretary - Stuart Curtis: 01522 751874

At our May meeting local resident Rupert Hadley gave us a

talk about his professional life as an optometrist/optician.

This was interesting and informative and appreciated by


Future meetings:

Thursday 21st June 2012: ‘Sudbrooke Holme-then and

now’ –Stuart Curtis.

Thursday 19th July: Summer Lunch.

The June meeting may be of general interest and you are most welcome to join

us for the evening. Guests are asked to contribute £2.

We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 730 pm in the Bramham

Lounge at the Village Hall. We have a guest speaker at most meetings.

We continue our book stall and small coin collection. The money raised is do-

nated to a local charity when it reaches £200.

Please see the Parish Council website for more information. http://

Further information: 01522-595736

Gill Rignall

Sudbrooke Ladies Club

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June 2012 Page 29

New Clinical Computer System

The date of the move to the new clinical computer system is 23rd May 2012.

Online booking of appointments & online ordering of prescriptions will

be unavailable from 7th May until 11th June. Appointments and prescriptions can

still be obtained in person or by phone, however.

Repeat prescriptions – please where possible allow longer for repeat pre-

scriptions which are ordered between 23rd May - 8th June.

Whilst we shall try and make the migration as smooth as possible, there will

inevitably be some disruption whilst staff and GPs become fully trained in the

new system. Please be patient with all departments and staff during the first

few weeks as they become totally familiar with the new system.

Green Issues

The practice has been enthusiastically looking at ways to increase recycling and

therefore reduce its carbon footprint. We already have in place a company that

securely shreds all of our waste paper and then recycles it. However, from April

2012, we are now also recycling as much of our other waste as we can.

You may have seen our sun tubes in use in the waiting room at Nettleham and,

to complement these, we have also installed solar panels which produce elec-

tricity which is used by the practice during the week and any residual electricity

is sent to the National Grid.

Monthly Early Closures for Training 2012

In order to enable our doctors and staff to be kept up to date Nettleham sur-

gery will be closed for training at 1pm on 19th June. Emergency help is still

available by calling 111.

Contact Details – Nettleham 01522 751717

When the surgery is closed ring freephone 111

Website –

Practice Manager – Helen Lunn

Nettleham Medical Practice

Incorporating Cherry Willingham Surgery

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June 2012 Page 30

Patient Participation Group


Voluntary Driver Scheme

· · · Sadly we have recently said goodbye to one of our long standing members of

the PPG, Fred Thompson. On behalf of everyone at the practice we would like to

say a huge thank you to Fred for all his hard work whilst he has been a PPG


Our first local Participation report is now available to read on our website. The

results of the survey and the report have led to us changing our appointment

system. A summary of the new system is below.

The way we book routine appointments to see a doctor is changing on

Wednesday 9th May

Currently, most appointments are offered on the same day, regardless of ur-

gency. Following our recent survey of over 300 patients, we have agreed to

make the following changes:

We will be offering more appointments a few days ahead of when you phone.

This should make it easier to see a doctor of your choice for routine matters.

However, it will inevitably lead to fewer appointments being offered several

weeks ahead (the survey indicated only 3% of patients require this ability).

You will no longer need to ring at 8.30am on the day to be seen for routine

matters and there will be a greater choice of appointments online.

Hopefully these changes will help us use

the existing appointments more efficiently.

Meg Rawden – PPG Chairperson

Alan Price – VDS Co-ordinator

RECYCLING Great Northern Terrace

Open -

Monday - Sunday

Hours - 9am - 4pm

Nettleham Medical Practice

Incorporating Cherry Willingham Surgery

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June 2012 Page 31

SUDBROOKE LIVES FIRST RESPONDERS Registered Charity no. 1098364

Sudbrooke LIVES First Responders group offers emergency care and Basic Life Support

in Stainton, Langworth, Scothern, Sudbrooke and the surrounding area. A local re-

sponder can be with you within a few minutes of dialling 999 and care can begin before

the ambulance arrives.

Thanks go to Lakeside at Langworth for allowing us to use a room for our meetings.

We are grateful to local businesses who have our collecting boxes. This is an important

part of our fund raising for essential training and equipment.

You can apply to become a Responder if you are aged 18 or over and able to drive. We

also need support members to help with fund raising. Why not come and see us at Sco-

thern Pageant on Sunday 3rd June?

If you feel able to support the group in any way please contact Mike Johnson, Coordina-

tor, on 01522 750878.

Further details on Sudbrooke Parish Council website:

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June 2012 Page 32

Hi Folks,

This month:


It is imperative that you keep your PC

or laptop updated with Windows and

driver updates.

As you’re probably aware, the Win-

dows operating system is a very large

and complex piece of coding. Unfortu-

nately, there are people out there who

like to try and prove they are better than

the original programmers and they try

to exploit any loophole in the original

coding to gain access to your personal

data, like bank account or credit card

details, so they can grab your hard earn-

ings, for instance. Microsoft program-

mers work very quickly to close these

loopholes when they are found and they

transmit the revised code to all Users

very regularly by means of Windows


All you have to do is ensure that Win-

dows Update settings (Start/Control

Panel/Windows Updates/Settings) are

set to Install Updates Automatically, the

recommended setting. You will barely

notice updates are happening but it will

keep your device safe.

You may be asking why Apple devices

don’t need updates. Well, they do but

any program or application for Apple

devices goes through Apple before re-

lease to the world-wide public via

iTunes. This ensures that only genuine

tested code is used by the end-User.

Microsoft, on the other hand, allows

anyone to integrate their software with

the operating system so there is no

‘originator’ control over what you buy

or download as Apple does and you

may, therefore, end up with a virus or

malware on your device. Apple do re-

lease new operating system updates on

a far less regular basis than Microsoft.

Device drivers are computer programs

that enable the hardware in your PC or

laptop to communicate with the operat-

ing system and other software, just like


As new hardware is released, new driv-

ers are released to ensure compatibility.

This is why you need to keep your com-

puting devices updated.

Next month: Upgrading your PC

The Computer Guy


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June 2012 Page 33

Welton & District Patients

And Doctors Association

Welton Family Health Centre

The much awaited computer system is now finally installed in the Practice and

we are working hard to get to grips with all the changes this has brought. It is

proving to be quite a challenge for all the staff to continue providing the day to

day services whilst dealing with the inevitable teething problems and we thank

you for your patience during the changeover period.

The Practice will be closed during the Jubilee Bank Holiday celebrations from

6.30pm Friday 1st June through to 8.00am Wed 6th June – as always, please

ring 0844 477 3072 to be put through to the emergency service or dial 111

( free phone number ) where appropriate for advice during this time.

Dispensary staff have asked that we remind patients that the box containing

unused sample bottles near the dispensary is NOT to be used for leaving sam-

ples for testing - there is a container on the wall for this purpose. Please also

ensure all samples left are clearly labelled with the name of the sample pro-


We are hoping to run another survey in June in relation to our appointment sys-

tem – if you would like to be involved please let us know and we will add your

address or email to our mailing list. As a result of the recent survey earlier this

year re: our telephone system we are looking to make changes as soon as

practically possible and will keep patients informed of all developments.

Finally we wish a very Happy Retirement to our Respiratory Nurse, Rosemary

Cox who leaves the Practice after many years of service and also to our Secre-

tary, Bridget Holmes, and wish her all the very best in her golf competitions !

We are also delighted to report that Dr Gomez gave birth early to a beautiful

baby girl in April, mother and baby doing well.

Sallie Stead

As I write this for the June copy of the magazine we finally have a warm sunny

day. Doesn’t a bit of sun make you feel better? I know it raises my spirits!

The Spring Lunch on 20th April was a huge success both in terms of a social

event and also financially for the PDA funds. 88 tickets were sold and I’m sure

everyone who was there on the day will agree that the room looked lovely with

yellow and green napkins and spring flowers on each table. The raffle was a

great success raising £216 and the cake stall was well supported raising over

£120. The total proceeds were £661 after deduction of expenses and a huge

thank you must go to everyone who helped to make this event so successful

including the cake bakers, those who prepared vegetables, the lady who made

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June 2012 Page 34

Card Making 5 Week Course

Langworth Memorial Hall


Wednesday 9th May 7:00 - 9:00

£25 for the 5 weeks

£20 Concession Price

This course will show you a variety of techniques including stamping, iris fold-

ing, spriella, decoupage and teabag folding. If you have any card making kits

and don’t know how to get started, bring them along and be shown what to

do. Suitable for all levels. A large range of crafting equipment will be available

for you to use at a cost of approximately £2 per session payable to the tutor.

To book you place on this course or for more information contact

Jacki Myers or Shane Ward on

01522 585580, 07944 432 400 or

[email protected]

‘Working with Community Facilities’

the table decorations, everyone who donated raffle prizes, cakes, books etc,

those who made trifles, the men (and ladies) who helped to set up the room for

the lunch, those who manned the stalls, the waiters and all who helped in the

kitchen. (Washing up for 88 plus people is no mean feat so thank you Jean and

helpers!) If I have missed anyone out I apologise!!

Preparations for the Autumn Fayre, to be held on Saturday 13th October, are

now well under way. Raffle and tombola items are already being received so

keep them coming. Bric a brac and books will be collected nearer the time

unless you really haven’t the space to keep it in which case give me a call

(862570) My garage resembles a warehouse at the moment but I do still have

a small space to get the lawn mower out!

If anyone would like to hire a table, for their own sales, at the Autumn Fayre

there will be a limited number available at a hire charge of £5 per table. Please

contact myself (862570) or Roy Minnitt (860980) to register your interest. We

will contact you nearer the time once we know what response we have.

Raffle tickets will be on sale from the end of June and further details will be in

the July edition of this magazine.

Janet Goddard

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June 2012 Page 35


Bulk Oil Buying


Community Lincs launched its Bulk

Oil Buying Scheme for domestic

heating oil in January this year. The

scheme aims to save members

money by bringing communities

together to make the most of their

joint buying power so reducing the

price of oil and passing the benefit

on to the scheme’s members. The scheme is open to households, businesses and community

organisations that use oil to heat their premises.

The scheme is already helping Lincolnshire people cut the cost of their domestic heating

bills. Having just negotiated the third months oil purchase members have saved an average

of just over 5.75p per litre. This gives an average saving of £28.90 on 500 litres and £57.80 on

a 1000 litres. Members pay the same low price whether buying a 1000 litres or just ordering

the minimum 500 litres.

Only three months since its launch and the scheme has already signed up Co-ordinators

in 13 communities. The scheme has generated a lot of interest with nearly 2000 web- page

views. One of the commonly asked questions is ‘How much will my oil cost?’ and as our

new members will tell you the price varies from day to day but with the benefit of collective

bulk ordering our buyer follows the market and negotiates the keenest prices

There are two ways you can become involved in the Oil Buying scheme. One is by signing

up as a member and gaining the best possible price for your heating oil. For this benefit you

will need to complete a registration form and pay a small annual membership fee

(Individual households £20, Community buildings £30 and Businesses £100). These forms

can be obtained from the links below

New members are eligible to place an order in the same month they join the scheme, as

long as they submit their application form and pay their membership fee two weeks before

the ordering deadline. Although the minimum quantity that can be ordered is 500 litres we

charge the same as we would for any other quantity

For further information

or: 01529 302466

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Hi Everyone, firstly I would like to give you all a reminder, possibly aimed at

the older members of the community but something for everyone to think

about! Recently I lost an Uncle he died in April and as things are being sorted

out there has been a number of old photographs found, well many old photo-

graphs. Why do I mention this? Well there is about 6 with a bit of writing on the

back that tells us who the picture is and around 100 that could be the Queen of

Sheba for all we know! The sad part about it is that the pictures might as well

go in the bin as no one will ever know are in the pictures. SO make sure you

get those old photographs out and on the back IN PENCIL not pen put who is in

the picture, the date if known, the place and any info that is relevant. Don’t

lose family history it’s bad enough that people don’t print pictures like they

used to all they do is download them onto their computer, and what will happen

to an electrical item in a few years? Yes it will be in a bin somewhere along with

your treasured memories. Anyway I hope that some of you will take the hint

and get some of those photographs looked at and get some names on the back

you never know it might refresh some old memories from days gone by! If any-

one wants help with storing digital images please get in touch.

Just a couple of meetings in June, our first is on the 7th June which will be a

club competition “It’s a small world” and on the 21st June we will have a work-

shop night where all of the members will be able to ask, show and get tuition

from other members of the club on anything photographic.

All meetings start at 7.30 so come along and join us.

Grahame Dunkin

[email protected] (note new email address!)

01673 860469

Dunholme WI

There will be no meeting in June as the members are having a meal out.

The next meeting will therefore be on Wednesday 11th July.

We meet monthly in the Jubilee room of the Dunholme village hall


Bingo will be played at the Dunholme Old School Centre on Tuesday 4th

June. Eyes down will be at 1.45pm. Although held straight after the Age

Concern Luncheon Club dinner the bingo sessions are open to everyone.

There will not be any bingo on June 5th due to the Bank Holiday

Janice Ritchie 01673861172

Dunholme Camera Club

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If you are on Facebook or


and would like to keep up to

date with what the Nettleham

Police Team are doing then

please add them:




tell advertisers

you saw their

Advert in

Sudbrooke News !!

Groove Time for ages 2 - 4

A new dance class for children aged 2 – 4 is

launching this month with classes in Lang-

worth. Groove Time is a dance and play class

for children aged 2 – 4 years of age and in-

cludes a variety of dance styles and techniques.

Boys and girls aged 2 – 4 and their parents or

guardians are invited to try a taster session for

only £1 on 28th May with a five week course then running from 11th June. The

classes run from 9:15 – 10:15 in Langworth

Lisa Hurst, Groove Leader, said: “The sessions will offer the opportunity for

boys and girls to learn and try different dance styles through play and fun. They

will be really interactive and help children to develop confidence, balance, co-

ordinaton and social skills while having a great time.”

The classes encourage parents and carers to join in the fun at the start of every

week and then sit back and enjoy a drink while the children keep moving.

Places are limited on each class to maximise enjoyment.

To book your place on the taster session call Shane on 01522 585580, 07940

954140 or e-mail: [email protected]. Alternatively check out

our facebook page for more details.

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Emergency Services Emergency 999 Police 0300 111 0300 Fire & Rescue 01522 582222 Ambulance Service 08450 450 422 West Lindsey District Council Main Number 01427 676676 Out of hours 01427 613960 Environment Agency Flood line 0845 9881188 Incident Hotline 0800 807060 Lincolnshire County Council Main Number 01522 552222 Emergency Planning 01522 582220 Doctors Nettleham Health Centre 01522 751717 Welton Health Centre 08444773072 Schools Ellison Boulters 01673 862392 William Farr 01673 866900 Cherry Willingham 01522 751040 Scothern After School Kid’s Club 07944 709024 Utility Companies Electricity Central Networks 0800 0568090 Gas – National Grid 0800 111999 Anglian Water 08457 145145 Severn Trent Water 0800 7834444 Yorkshire Water 0800 1573553 Baby Sitting Amy Bouwer 750864 Lydia Bowman 751834 Paige Carr 753592 Hannah Graham 752007 Cassie Hanley-Ball 750847 Abbie Mullen 750198 Stephanie Scrimshaw 753860 Sophie Truscott 752911 What’s on in Sudbrooke Sudbrooke Toddlers 750719 Whist 751023 Mah-Jong 595157 Pre-School Group 753225 1st Sudbrooke/Scothern Brownies 01673 862102 Kickboxing 750198

25th Lincoln Scouts—753689 Sudbrooke Seniors – 750852 Ladies’ Club 595736 Sudbrooke Parish Council Clerk to the Council Mrs C M Myers 12 Ash Tree Avenue Nettleham LN2 2TQ 823802 Chairman Martin Dickie 754342 Vice Chairman Peter Heath 595061 Stuart Curtis 751874 Rose Dobbs 753060 Lyn Etheridge 750905 Paul Rignall 595736 Ian Russell 754984 District Councillor Stuart Curtis 751874 County Councillor Sue Rawlins 01673 885545 Badgers Holt Friesthorpe Road Buslingthorpe LN3 5AQ [email protected] Treasurer to the Council Bridget Solly 01673 857580 Member of Parliament Edward Leigh MP 01673 849003 23 Queen Street Market Rasen Lincolnshire LN8 3EN [email protected] Sudbrooke Village Hall Hire Lyn or Stuart Curtis 751874 Reverend Robert G Spaight The Vicarage Station Road Langworth 01522 754233 Nettleham Library Opening Times 01522 782010 Tuesday 10.00 – 1pm Wednesday 2 – 7pm Friday 2 – 7pm Sat 10.00 – 1.00 pm

Sudbrooke Information Page

Date of next

Parish Council meeting Thursday 7th June 2012

7.30pm Village Hall

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