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Page 1: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014
Page 2: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

Founded by Thomas JeFFerson in 1819, the university of Virginia school of Law is a

world-renowned training ground for distinguished lawyers and public servants. Located in Charlottesville, just two hours

southwest of Washington, d.C., the Law school offers students a unique environment

in which to study law.

WiTh more Than 21,000 sTudenTs and 2,700 faculty members, the university

of Virginia has been ranked first or second among the nation’s public universities

since 1984. The university’s diverse intellectual life is open to law students: up

to 12 credits from other departments may be counted toward the J.d. degree.

Page 3: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

“JusTiCe is The

FundamenTaL LaW

oF soCieTy”—Thomas JeFFerson To Pierre samueL du PonT de nemours, 1816

Page 4: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

LaW aT VirGinia

Page 5: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

LaW sChooL shouLd be abouT more than going to class,

reading cases and writing briefs.

it should include collaborative problem-solving,

a lively exchange of ideas and a commitment to

working as part of a team — the same skills

required in the legal profession.

at Virginia, law students share their experiences

in a cooperative spirit, both in and out of the

classroom, and build a network that lasts

well beyond their three years here.

1,078 students

11:1 student-faculty ratio

10 academic journals

20 clinics

67 student organizations

The Class of 2015 attended 150 undergraduate institutions and come from

43 states, the district of Columbia and three foreign countries

21 percent of the Class of 2015 identify themselves as minority students

66 percent have work experience after college

Page 6: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

sTudenTs PuT LeGaL Theory

.inTo PraCTiCe.

The moLLy PiTCher ProJeCT — [top, from left] heLen o’beirne, ProFessor anne CouGhLin, arieL LineT, rebeCCa Cohn and KyLe maLLinaK — challenged the ban on women in combat. Coughlin [right] also co-organized a conference on the subject, “Women in Combat: The Way Forward,” in Washington, d.C. Cohn and mallinak [bottom left] attended the event, which was sponsored by sponsored by siPri north america, the service Women’s action network, Women in international security, and the university of Virginia school of Law.

Page 7: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

ProFessor anne CouGhLin had been teaching

students about the u.s. military policy excluding

women from combat positions for 20 years, but it

wasn’t until 2011 that some of her students decided

to act. heLen o’beirne, arieL LineT, rebeCCa Cohn

and KyLe maLLinaK — small-section classmates who

would graduate in 2013 — approached Coughlin

with the idea to design a strategy to challenge

the policy in court, through an independent

class led by Coughlin. “nobody, least of all the

government, should be telling women you can’t do

something simply because of your sex, regardless

of how qualified you might be,” Linet said.

The group formed what they called the

moLLy PiTCher ProJeCT, after the folk

tale — based on real accounts — of a woman

in the revolutionary War who took her

husband’s place in firing a cannon on british

forces. They began to lay the groundwork

for a possible federal lawsuit challenging the

rule as unlawful discrimination, including

identifying potential plaintiffs and

lawyers who would take on the case.

VirGinia oFFers 20 CLiniCs that provide students

access to real-world cases, contact with clients and

experience that gives them a head start as attorneys.

Programs such as those offered in law and business,

international law, environmental law and human

rights make legal study come to life. students

also benefit from skill-building courses in public

speaking, professional ethics and legal writing.

LaW sTudenTs practice their trial advocacy skills

in a mock courtroom.

soon after, two plaintiffs filed the first

lawsuit against the policy in may 2012, while the

Pitcher Project served as advisers. by January

2013, then-secretary of defense Leon Panetta

announced that he was lifting the longstanding

direct ground-combat exclusion rule for

female service members and eliminating all

unnecessary gender-based barriers to service.

The molly Pitcher Project and the lawsuit

it helped initiate may have been the critical

tipping point that led to the military’s

overturning of the combat exclusion policy,

one student involved in the project said.

“so much work had already been done on the

issue, so many women had been in combat [and]

died in combat. The lawsuit was maybe the straw

that broke the camel’s back,” o’beirne said.

WaTCh Coughlin describe the journey of the Pitcher Project on youTube:

Page 8: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014


advocacy for the elderly

appellate Litigation

Capital Post-Conviction

Child advocacyCriminal defenseemployment Lawenvironmental Law

and ConservationFamily mediationFirst amendment

Lawimmigration Lawinnocence Projectinternational

human rightsLitigation and

housing Lawmental health Lawnonprofit LawPatent and

Licensing iPatent and

Licensing iiProsecutionsupreme Court

LitigationTransactional Law

CurriCuLar ProGrams

The John W. Glynn, Jr. Law & business Program

Program in Law and Public service

international LawLegal and

Constitutional history

Criminal Lawhuman rightsCenter for the

study of race and Law

environmental and Land use Law

immigration Lawintellectual

Propertyhealth LawProgram in Law

& humanities animal LawPublic Policy and


insTiTuTes and CenTers

institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy

John m. olin Program in Law and economics

Center for oceans Law and Policy

Center for national security Law

Center for the study of race and Law

Page 9: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

The ChiLd adVoCaCy CLiniC released a

report raising awareness of the estimated 7,000

children in Virginia exempt from mandatory

school attendance due to their families’

religious beliefs. Virginia is the only state in the

nation that does not require any educational alternatives for children who receive such exemptions.

“This is a law that potentially allows a large number of children to receive no education,”

said andreW bLoCK, associate professor and director of the Child advocacy Clinic. “as

a public policy matter, it’s in everyone’s interest to figure out how it’s operating.

ChrisTine TsChiderer ’12, who worked on the report, added, “The report raises so many

questions about whether this is the best way to do things, and we think that warrants further study.

We’re not sure what the best solution is, but we’d like that thoughtful examination to occur.”

after students in the innoCenCe ProJeCT CLiniC

helped exonerate bennett barbour, a man proven

innocent of rape by dna testing, they learned

their client would not be able to vote in the 2012

election unless he paid more than $1,000 in court

fees unrelated to the overturned conviction.

Clinic student aLexandra meador ’13

[left, with barbour and his family] led an online

fundraising effort that helped barbour vote for

the first time, and also drove him to the polls. “i

hope that people who take their right to vote for

granted look to mr. barbour for inspiration,” meador

said. “Voting is more than just expressing your

preference for a particular candidate or a particular

issue. it’s one of the fundamental ways we engage

as active members of society.” barbour was gravely

ill at the time he voted, and died just months later. “it was like a miracle

that he was able to get out there. he was so determined to go, but it was a

struggle,” she said. “i was so glad that i got to be there to witness that. it was

probably one of the best experiences of my life, being able to see him vote.”

The supreme Court recently agreed to hear the 10th case from the suPreme CourT LiTiGaTion CLiniC

since the clinic began in 2006. in Rosemund v. United States, the clinic will argue on behalf of a Texas man

who is appealing his 2010 federal firearms conviction. a number of uVa Law students who graduated in

may 2013 were involved in preparing the opening petition in the case. sCoTT GaLLisdorFer found the

case and brought it to the clinic’s attention and ryan moWery, arChiTh ramKumar, LeVi sWanK,

daVid ParKer, GaLen basCom and JonaThan uriCK all contributed to preparing the petition. “i am

thrilled the court granted cert,” urick said. “it’s

quite fulfilling to know that our work with the clinic

is making a difference. Rosemond is a particularly

fascinating case. it raises some great questions

of criminal law and statutory interpretation.”

Page 10: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

aT VirGinia LaW,

sTudenTs desiGn

Their LeGaL eduCaTion and Their

inTeLLeCTuaL LiFe.

Page 11: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

Course ConCenTraTionsbusiness organization

and FinanceCommercial LawCommunications

and media LawConstitutional LawCriminal Justiceemployment and

Labor Lawenvironmental and

Land use LawFamily Lawhealth Lawhuman rights and

Civil Libertiesintellectual Property international and

national security LawJurisprudence and

Comparative LawLegal historyLitigation and Procedure Public Policy and

regulation race and LawTax Law

FirsT-year Courses fall

Civil Procedure Contracts Criminal Law Legal Writing Torts spring

Constitutional LawPropertyLegal Writing5-7 hours of electives

deGree ProGramsJuris doctor (J.d.)master of Laws (LL.m.) doctor of Juridical

science (s.J.d.)

duaL-deGree ProGramsJ.d.-master of arts in

english, foreign affairs, government, history or philosophy

J.d.-master of business administration

J.d.-master of urban and environmental Planning

J.d.-master of Public healthJ.d.-master of Public PolicyJ.d.-master of science

in accounting J.d.-master of Public affairs,

through the Woodrow Wilson school of Public and international affairs, Princeton university

J.d.-master of arts in Law and diplomacy, through the Fletcher school of Law and diplomacy, Tufts university

J.d.-m.a. in international relations, through the Johns hopkins university school of advanced international studies

sTudy abroadbucerius Law school,

hamburg, Germanyinstituto de empressa,

madrid, spainmelbourne Law

school, australia seoul national university,

south KoreaTel aviv university Law

school, israeluniversity of auckland,

new Zealanduniversity of sydney,

australiaWaseda university, Tokyo

students may create their own study abroad program and spend one semester studying law in a foreign university law school or law department.

The Law school also offers January term courses in Paris and israel.

VirGinia oFFers more

Than 250 Courses

and seminars each year. students

pursuing interdisciplinary ideas

benefit from an environment where

nearly half of all law faculty also hold

advanced degrees in fields such as

psychology, economics, philosophy,

history, medicine and theology.

each first-year student takes one

“small-section” class consisting of 30

students during the first semester,

which helps bond classmates from the

start. outside the classroom, students

plan and program many of the

conferences, lectures and panels that

enrich the school’s intellectual life.

hana nah ’13 interned with

financial services companies during

her college years at new york

university, including in 2008 when

the financial

crisis began.

“i worked

in both the

financial and

compliance parts of the business

and became fascinated by the

intersection between law and

business,” she said. nah continued

that interest in law school, where

she became vice president of the

Jd/mba society and volunteered

with the Volunteer income Tax

association. “i liked classes that

reinforced practical skills. i took

Persuasion, and that forced me

to improve my public speaking

skills. i also really enjoyed short

courses — one example being the

class on dodd-Frank taught by

Citigroup executive ned KeLLy ’81.

Page 12: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

business orGaniZaTion and FinanCe

Courses and seminars

A Brief Introduction to the Capital Markets (11)

Accounting: Understanding and Analyzing Financial Statements (11,12,13)

Advising the Board of Directors in a Mergers and Acquisitions World (11,12,13)

Agency and Partnership (11,12,13)

Airline Industry and Aviation Law (12,13)

Antitrust (11,12,13)Antitrust in the Global

Economy (11,12,13)Antitrust Practice (11,12,13)Antitrust Review of Mergers in

a Global Environment (12,13)Applied Problem Solving

(11,12,13)Bankruptcy (11,12,13)Bankruptcy (Law & Business)

(11,12,13)Business Reorganization Under

Chapter 11 (11,12,13)Class Actions and Complex

Litigation (11,12)Corporate Finance (11,12,13)Corporate Law Policy (12,13)Corporate Strategy (11,12)Corporations (11,12,13)Corporations (Law & Business)

(11,12,13)Current Issues in Corporate

Law and Governance (12,13)Current Issues in International

Financial Regulation (11)Emerging Growth Companies

and Venture Capital Financing: Principles and Practice (11,12,13)

Emerging Markets: Principles and Practice (11,12,13)

Energy Businesses and Transactions (13)

Ethics and Integrity for Law Firm Lawyers and Their Clients (11,12,13)

Finance of Small Enterprises (11,12,13)

Franchise Law (11,12,13)Governance and Control of

the Multinational Business Enterprise (11,12)

Hedge Funds: Contract and Regulation (12,13)

International Business Transactions (11,12,13)

Law and Business Management

in the Health Care Sector (12)Law and Economics

Colloquium (11,12,13)Law and Game Theory (12)Law Firm as a Business

Organization (11,12,13)Leadership and Team

Management (11,12,13)Mergers and Acquisitions (11)Nonprofit Organizations

(11,12,13)Private Equity and Hedge

Funds (13)Private Equity Deals and Firms

(11,12)Pro Bono at Large Law Firms

(11,12)Quantitative Methods (11,12)Real Estate Transactions:

Principles and Practice (11,12,13)

Responses to the Financial Crisis (11,12,13)

SEC and Class Action Enforcement of the Federal Securities Laws (13)

Secured Transactions (11,12,13)Secured Transactions (Law &

Business) (11,12)Securities Regulation (11,12,13)Startup of a Biotech Company

(11,12,13)Structure of Enterprise (13)Thinking Strategically in Law,

Business, Poker and War (11)Topics in Corporate

Governance (11)Transactional Approach to

Mergers and Acquisitions (11,12,13)CLiniCs

Nonprofit Clinic (11,12,13)Transactional Law Clinic (12,13) CommerCiaL LaW

Courses and seminars Banking and Financial

Institutions (11,12,13)Bankruptcy (11,12,13)Bankruptcy (Law & Business)

(11,12,13)Business Reorganization Under

Chapter 11 (11,12,13)Class Actions and Complex

Litigation (11,12,13)Commercial Real Estate

Transactions (11,12,13)Construction Law (11,12,13)Consumer Law (13)Contracts II (11,12)Copyright Law (11,12,13)Current Issues in International

Financial Regulation (11)

Finance of Small Enterprises (11,12,13)

Franchise Law (11,12,13)Insurance (11,12,13)International Investment Law

(11,12,13)International Patent Law and

Policy (11,12,13)International Trade Regulation

(13)Law and Game Theory (12)Patent Law (11,12,13)Real Estate Finance Law (12,13)Real Estate Transactions:

Principles and Practice (11,12,13)

Secured Transactions (11,12,13)Secured Transactions (Law &

Business) (11,12)Selected Topics in Consumer

Bankruptcy (11,13)Sovereign Debt Crises (12)Survey of Patent, Copyright,

Trademark (12)Trade Secrets: History, Theory

and Practice (11,12,13)

CommuniCaTions and media LaW

Courses and seminars

Antitrust in the Global Economy (11,12,13)

Communications Law (11,12)Constitutional Law II: Freedom

of Speech and Press (12)Copyright and Literary Culture

in the Digital Age (11)Copyright Law (11,12,13)Emerging Growth Companies

and Venture Capital Financing: Principles and Practice (11,12,13)

First Amendment Freedoms (11)

International Patent Law and Policy (11,12,13)

Issues in International and Digital Media (11)

Media and the Court (12)Survey of Patent, Copyright,

Trademark (12)CLiniC

First Amendment Clinic (11,12) ConsTiTuTionaL LaW

Courses and seminars

Advanced Campaign Finance (12)

Advanced Topics in the First Amendment (Religion Clauses) (11,12,13)

American Social and Legal

History (12)Analysis of the Military

Criminal Legal System (JAG) (11)

Citizenship and Group Identity (12,13)

Civil Liberties (11,12,13)Civil Liberties Survey (12,13)Civil Rights Litigation (11,12,13)Comparative Constitutional

Design (12,13)Comparative Constitutional

Law (11,12,13)Constitutional History I:

American Revolution to 1865 (12)

Constitutional History II: The 20th Century (12)

Constitutional Issues in Higher Education (12)

Constitutional Law II: Law and Theory of Equal Protection (12)

Constitutional Law II: Religious Liberty (11,12,13)

Constitutional Law II: Freedom of Speech and Press (12)

Constitutional Rights of Corporations (13)

Constitutional Structure (12)Constitutional Theory (12,13)Constitutionalism: History and

Jurisprudence (11,12,13)Criminal Law in the Supreme

Court (11,12,13) Criminal Procedure Survey

(11,12,13) Defamation (11,12)Direct Democracy (11,12) Disability Law (12) Education Law, Policy and

Inequality (11,12) Emerging Growth Companies

and Venture Capital Financing: Principles and

Practice (11,12,13)Environmental Law and

Federalism (11,12,13)Federal Lawyer (11,12,13)Federal Sentencing (11,12,13) First Amendment Freedoms

(11)First Amendment Theory

(11,12)Government Finance: Debt,

Budgets and Power (12)Habeas Corpus (11,13)International Agreements

(JAG) (11)Issues in Poverty Law (11,12)Judicial Decision-Making:

Judicial Modesty (12)Judicial Review (13)Judicial Role in American

History (11,12)Law and Education (11) Law and Higher Education

(11,12,13)Law of Politics (11,12)Law of War (11,12,13)Law of the Police (12,13)Lawyers and the Civil Rights

Movement (11)Local Government Law (11,12) Lochner Era (11)Media and the Courts (12)Monetary Constitution (13)Money and Rights (12)

ConCenTraTionsVirGinia LaW oFFered The FoLLoWinG Courses during the past three

academic years. several courses appear in more than one concentration.

numbers in parentheses indicate which year: 2010-11 is coded (11), 2011-12 is (12)

and 2012-13 is (13). Courses marked (JaG) are offered by the Judge advocate

General’s Legal Center and school, located next door to the Law school.

Page 13: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

Poverty and the Constitution (12)

Presidential Powers (11,12,13)Privacy and Surveillance (12)Profiling (13)Property, Economic Rights and

the Constitution (11)Punishment in Law and

Culture (11)Race and Law (11,12,13)Race and the Constitution in

American History (11)Regulating Public Space in

Historical and Theoretical Perspective (12)

Regulation of the Political Process (11,13)

Religion, Democracy and Law (11,12)

Right to Education in U.S.: Real or Hollow? (12,13)

Rule of Law: Controlling Government (11,12)

Sovereign Debt Crises (12)Special Education Law (11)Supreme Court Decision-

Making: A Case Study (13)Supreme Court from Warren to

Roberts (11,12,13)Supreme Court Justices and the

Art of Judging (11,12,13)Supreme Court: October Term

(11)Textualism and Its Critics

(11,12)Virginia and the Constitution

(11,12,13)What Lawyers Can Learn from

the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King: Looking Back; Looking Forward (11)

Wrongful Convictions (11)CLiniCs

First Amendment Clinic (11,12,13)

Supreme Court Litigation Clinic (11,12,13)

CriminaL JusTiCe

Courses and seminars

Analysis of the Military Criminal Legal System (JAG) (11)

Causation in the Law (11)

Contemporary Debates in Criminal Law (11,13)

Crime and Punishment in American History (13)

Criminal Adjudication (11,12,13)

Criminal Investigation (11,12,13)Criminal Law and Regulation

of Vice (11)Criminal Law in the Supreme

Court (11,12,13)Criminal Procedure (11,12,13)Criminal Procedure Survey

(11,12,13)Criminology (11,12,13)Cybercrime (12,13)Death Penalty: An

International Perspective (11)Federal Criminal Law (12,13)Federal Sentencing (11,12,13)Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Survey: History, Policy and Practice Behind U.S. Efforts (11)

Habeas Corpus (11,13)Innocence Cases: How Much Is

Enough? (12,13)International Criminal Law

(12,13)International Criminal Justice:

Its Successes, Failures and Future Prospects (13)

International Financial Crimes (11,12)

Issues in Criminal Law Theory (12)

Law of the Police (12,13)Mental Health Issues in

Juvenile Justice (12,13)Plea Bargaining (11,13)Profiling (13)Psychiatry and Criminal Law

(11,12,13)Punishment in Law and

Culture (11)Social Science in Law (11,12,13)Supreme Court Decision-

Making: A Case Study (13)Topics in Federal Criminal

Law: Fraud, Corruption, Group Criminality (12,13)

Trials of the Century: Literary and Legal Representations of Great Criminal Trials (11)

War Crimes (JAG) (11)White-Collar Crime (11,12,13)Wrongful Convictions (11)


Capital Post-Conviction Clinic (11,12,13)

Criminal Defense Clinic (11,12,13)

Innocence Project Clinic (11,12,13)

Prosecution Clinic (11,12,13)

emPLoymenT and Labor LaW

Courses and seminars

Class Actions and Complex Litigation (11,12)

Disability Law (12)Employment Discrimination

(11,12,13)Employment Law: Contracts,

Torts and Statutes (11,12,13)Employment Law: Health and

Safety (13)Employment Law: Principles

and Practice (11,12,13)Law of Work (11,12,13)Law of the Police (12,13)Professional Sports and the

Law (11,12,13)Retirement Security (11,12,13)Sports Law (11,13)


Employment Law Clinic (11,12,13)

enVironmenTaL and Land use LaW

Courses and seminars

Climate Change: Science, Policy and Law (12,13)

Energy Regulation and Policy (12,13)

Environmental Law (11,12,13)Environmental Law and

Federalism (11,12,13)Environmental Law,

Environmental Ethics (12)Federal Land, Energy and

Natural Resource Law (11,13)Foundations of Climate

Change Law and Policy (11)International Environmental

Law (12)

Land Use Law (11,13)Legislation (11,12,13)Literature, Law and the

Environment (12)Local Government Law (11,12)Natural Resource Law and

Policy (11)Property II (12)Property Theory (12,13)Regulation of Hazardous

Substances (13)Regulation of Toxic Substances

and Hazardous Waste (11)Science and Policy of

Biodiversity Conservation (12,13)

Sites and Systems: Science, Planning and Law (11)

Urban Law and Policy (11,13)Water Law (11)


Environmental Law and Conservation Clinic (11,12)

FamiLy LaW

Courses and seminars

Aging and the Law (11,12,13)Children and the Law (13)Estate Planning: Principles and

Practice (11,12,13)Estate Planning, Will Drafting

and Taxation (JAG) (11)Family Law (11,12,13)Federal Taxation of Gratuitous

Transfers (11,12,13)Income Taxation of Trusts and

Estates (11)Juvenile Justice Reform (13) Law, Literature and the Family

(11,13)Mental Health Issues in

Juvenile Justice (12,13)Poverty, Child Health and

Medical-Legal Partnerships (13)

Trusts and Estates (11,12,13) CLiniCs

Advocacy Clinic for the Elderly (11,12,13)

Child Advocacy Clinic (11,12,13)Family Mediation Clinic


Page 14: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

heaLTh LaWCourses and seminars

Advance Directives in Health Care: Innovation and Impediments (13)

Aging and the Law (11,12,13)Bioethics and the Law (11,12,13)Drug Product Liability

Litigation: Principles and Practice (11,12,13)

Food and Drug Law (11,12)Genetics and the Law (11,12,13)Germs, Guns and Lead: Public

Health Law and Policy (11,13)Global Health Law and Policy

(11,12,13)Health Care Marketplace:

Competition, Regulation and Reform (12,13)

Health Care Structure and Financing (11)

Health Law Survey (11,12,13)Israeli Health Law and

Bioethics (12,13)Law and Business Management

in the Healthcare Sector (12,13)

Law and Ethics of Human Subject Research (13)

Law of Reproduction (11,13)Legal Issues at the End of Life

(11,13)Medical Malpractice and

Health Care Quality (11,12,13)

Mental Health Issues in Juvenile Justice (12,13)

Mental Health Law (11,12,13)Moral Dimensions of

Policymaking in the United States (11,13)

New Frontiers in Clinical Ethics and Law (13)

Psychiatry and Criminal Law (11,12,13)

Themes in Biomedicine (11)CLiniCs

Advocacy Clinic for the Elderly (11,12,13)

Mental Health Law Clinic (11,12,13)

human riGhTs and CiViL LiberTies

Courses and seminars

Advanced Topics in the First Amendment (Religion Clauses) (11,13)

Citizenship and Group Identity (12,13)

Civil Liberties (11,12,13)Civil Liberties Survey (12,13)Civil Rights Litigation (11,12,13)Comparative Antiterrorism

Law (11)Comparative Human Rights

Law (12)Constitutional Law II: Freedom

of Speech and Press (12)Death Penalty: An

International Perspective (11)Ethical Issues in Foreign Policy

(11)First Amendment Freedoms (11)Human Rights, Public

International Law and the Scholarly Process (13)

Immigration Law (11,12,13)International Human Rights

Law (11,12,13)International Human Rights

(JAG) (11) Law of War (11,12,13)Laws of War: Contemporary

Debates (13) Lawyers and the Civil Rights

Movement (11,13)Native American Law (12)Poverty, Inequity and Human

Rights in Education (11)Privacy and Surveillance (12)Punishment in Law and

Culture (11)Race and Law (11,12,13)Refugee Law and Policy (12)Rights and Revolutions in

North Africa and the Arab Middle East (12)

Sexuality and the Law (13)What Lawyers Can Learn from

the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King: Looking Back; Looking Forward (11)CLiniCs

First Amendment Clinic (11,12,13)

Immigration Law Clinic (11,12,13)

International Human Rights Law Clinic (11,12,13)

inTeLLeCTuaL ProPerTy

Courses and seminars

Advanced Patent Law (13) Bioethics and the Law (11,12,13)Communications Law (11,12)Copyright and Literary Culture

in the Digital Age (11)Copyright Law (11,12,13)Cybercrime (12,13)Economic Foundations of

Intellectual Property (11,12)Emerging Growth Companies

and Venture Capital Financing: Principles and Practice (11,12,13)

Intellectual Property: A Speakers’ Workshop (11)

International Patent Law and Policy (11,12,13)

Patent Law (11,12,13)Patent Prosecution (11)Patent Reform Act of 2011 (12)Privacy and Surveillance (12)Property II (12)Survey of Patent, Copyright,

Trademark (12)Trademark Law (11,12)Trade Secrets: History, Theory

and Practice (11,12,13)CLiniCs

Patent and Licensing Clinic I (11,12,13)

Patent and Licensing Clinic II (11,12,13)

inTernaTionaL and naTionaL seCuriTy LaW

Courses and seminars

Admiralty (11,12,13)Advanced Topics in the Law of

War (JAG) (11,12)An American Half-Century

(12,13)Antiterrorism, Law and the

Role of Intelligence (11,12,13)Antitrust in the Global

Economy (11,12,13)Citizenship and Group Identity

(12,13)Climate Change: Science,

Markets and Policy (12,13)Comparative Antiterrorism

Law (11)Comparative Constitutional

Design (12,13)Current Issues in International

Financial Regulation (11)Death Penalty: An

International Perspective (11)Developing Countries in

International Economic Law (13)

Dispute Settlement in International Trade and Investment (13)

Ethical Issues in Foreign Policy (11)

European Legal Systems (11,12)European Union Law (11,12,13)Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Survey: History, Policy and Practice Behind U.S. Efforts (11)

Foreign Relations Law (11,12,13)Foundations of Climate

Change Law and Policy (11)French Public and Private Law

(11,12,13)Global Health Law and Policy

(11,12,13)Globalization and

International Civil Litigation (11,12,13)

Page 15: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

Human Rights, Public International Law and the Scholarly Process (13)

Immigration Law (11,12,13)Intelligence Law Reform

(11,12,13)International Agreements

(JAG) (11)International and Foreign

Legal Research (11,12,13)International Banking

Transactions (11,12,13)International Business

Transactions (11,12,13)International Criminal Justice:

Its Successes, Failures and Future Prospects (13)

International Criminal Law (12,13)

International Environmental Law (12)

International Financial Crimes (11,12)

International Human Rights Law (11,12,13)

International Human Rights (JAG) (11)

International Ifs in the Long 19th Century (11,12)

International Ifs in the Mid-20th Century (11)

International Investment Law (11,12,13)

International Law (11,12,13)International Law and Global

Economy Colloquium (12)International Law and

International Relations (11,12)

International Law and the Use of Force (13)

International Patent Law and Policy (11,12,13)

International Taxation (11,12)International Tax Policy (12)International Trade Law and

Policy (12)International Trade Regulation


Israeli Health Law and Bioethics (12,13)

Issues in International and Digital Media (11)

Law and Ethics of Human Subject Research (13)

Law of Sea, Air and Space Operations (JAG) (11,13)

Law of War (11,12,13)Laws of War: Contemporary

Debates (13) Legal and Policy Issues of the

Indochina War (11,13)National Security Detention

(11)National Security Law (11,12,13)Oceans Law and Policy

(11,12,13)Presidential Powers (11,12,13)Refugee Law and Policy (12)Rights and Revolution in

North Africa and the Arab Middle East (12)

Sovereign Debt Crises (12)War and Peace (12)War Crimes (JAG) (11)


Immigration Law Clinic (11,12,13)

International Human Rights Law Clinic (11,12,13)

JurisPrudenCe and ComParaTiVe LaW

Courses and seminars

Advanced Topics in the First Amendment (Religion Clauses) (11,13)

American Legal Realism (13) Causation in the Law (11)Civil Rights Litigation (11,12,13)Common Law (13) Comparative Antiterrorism

Law (11)Comparative Constitutional

Design (12,13)Comparative Constitutional

Law (11,12,13)Comparative Education Law

and Policy (13) Comparative Human Rights

Law (12)Constitutional Law II:

Religious Liberty (11,12,13)Constitutional Law II: Freedom

of Speech and Press (12)Constitutional Theory (12,13)Constitutionalism: History and

Jurisprudence (11,12,13)Contemporary Political Theory

(12,13)Duty to Obey (11)Economic Analysis of Public

Law (13)European Legal Systems (11,12)Federal Judicial Process (13) First Amendment Freedoms

(11)French Public and Private Law

(11,12,13)Gender and Legal Theory

(11,12)International Law and Global

Economy Colloquium (12)Introduction to the Civil Law

Tradition (13) Islamic Law (11,13)Israeli Health Law and

Bioethics (12,13)Issues in Criminal Law Theory

(12)Judicial Decision-Making:

Judicial Modesty (12,13)Judicial Philosophy in Theory

and Practice (13) Jurisprudence (11,12,13)Law and Economics (11,13)Law and Economics

Colloquium (11,12,13)Law and Game Theory (12,13)Law and Literature (11,13)Law and the Humanities (11,13)Legal Process: Basic Problems

(13)Legal Theory (13)Legal Theory in Europe

and the United States: A Comparative Analysis (11,13)

Moral Dimensions of Policymaking in the United States (11,13)

Public and Private Rights in American Law (11,12)

Punishment in Law and Culture (11)

Rescue, Charity and Justice (13)Rights (11)Rule of Law: Controlling

Government (11,12)Rule of Law (JAG) (11)Seminar in Ethical Values

(11,12,13)Social Science in Law (11,12,13)Tort Theory (11,12,13)

LeGaL hisToryCourses and seminars

American Legal History (11,12)American Legal Realism (13) American Social and Legal

History (12)An American Half-Century

(12,13)Analysis of the Military

Criminal Legal System (JAG) (11)

Constitutional History I: American Revolution to 1865 (12,13)

Constitutional History II: The 20th Century (12)

Crime and Punishment in American History (13)

Criminal Law and Regulation of Vice (11)

European Legal Systems (11,12)Judicial Role in American

History (11,12,13)Lawyers and the Civil Rights

Movement (11,13)Legal History: Transnational

and Imperial Contexts to 1850 (11,13)

Legal History Colloquium (11)Lochner Era (11,13)Regulating Public Space in

Historical and Theoretical Perspective (12)

Virginia and the Constitution (11,12,13)

LiTiGaTion and ProCedure

Courses and seminars

Advanced Legal Research (11,12,13)

Advanced Verbal Persuasion (11,12,13)

Alternative Dispute Resolution (11,12,13)

Causation in the Law (11)Civil Rights Litigation (11,12,13) Class Actions and Aggregate

Litigation (13) Class Actions and Complex

Litigation (11,12)Conflict of Laws (11,12)Construction Law (11,12,13)Criminal Law in the Supreme

Court (11,12,13)Drug Product Liability

Litigation: Principles and Practice (11,12,13)

Ethics and Integrity for Law Firm Lawyers and Their Clients (11,12,13)

Evidence (11,12,13)Evidence Law: Psychological

Bases (12)Expertise, Science and the Law

of Evidence (11)Federal Civil Litigation (12)Federal Courts (11,12,13)Federal Judicial Process (13) Federal Lawyer (11,12,13)Globalization and

International Civil Litigation (11,12,13)

Habeas Corpus (11,13)Hallmarks of Distinguished

Advocacy (11,12,13)Judging (11,12,13)Legal Process: Basic Problems

(13)Legislation (11,12,13)Medical Malpractice and

Health Care Quality (11,12,13)

Negotiation Institute (11,12,13)Oral Presentations Outside the

Courtroom (11,12,13)Personal Injury Law (11,12)Persuasion for Advocates

(11,12,13)Plea Bargaining (11,13)Practical Overview of

Litigation in Federal District Courts (11,12)

Practical Trial Evidence: Principles and Practice (11,12,13)

Pretrial Litigation Skills (12)Professional Responsibility

(11,12,13)Professional Responsibility in

Public Interest Law Practice (11,12,13)

Public Interest Law and Advocacy Skills (11,12,13)

Quantitative Methods (11,12)Remedies (11,12,13)Remedies II (13)Restitution and Unjust

Enrichment (11)Rhetoric (11,12,13)SEC and Class Action

Enforcement of the Federal Securities Laws (13)

Strategy in Civil Litigation: Pleading and Procedure (11,12)

Tax Practice and Procedure (11,12,13)

Torts II (11)

Page 16: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

Trade Secrets: History, Theory and Practice (11,12,13)

Trial Advocacy (11,12,13)Trial Advocacy College

(11,12,13)Trials of the Century: Literary

and Legal Representations of Great Criminal Trials (11)

Virginia Practice and Procedure (11,12,13)

Wrongful Convictions (11)CLiniCs

Appellate Litigation Clinic (11,12,13)

Capital Post-Conviction Clinic (11,12,13)

Family Mediation Clinic (11,12,13)

Innocence Project Clinic (11,12,13)

Supreme Court Litigation Clinic (11,12,13)

PubLiC PoLiCy and reGuLaTion

Courses and seminars

Administrative Law (11,12,13)Advance Directives in Health

Care: Innovation and Impediments (13)

Advanced Campaign Finance (12)

Advanced Topics in the First Amendment (Religion Clauses) (11,13)

Advising the Board of Directors in a Mergers and Acquisitions World (11,12,13)

Airline Industry and Aviation Law (12,13)

Animal Law (11,12,13)Antitrust (11,12,13)Antitrust Practice (11,12,13)Antitrust Review of Mergers in

a Global Environment (12,13)Applied Problem Solving

(11,12,13)Banking and Financial

Institutions (11,12,13)Baseball (11,12,13)Children and the Law (13)Citizenship and Group Identity

(12,13)Class Actions and Complex

Litigation (11,12)Climate Change: Science,

Markets and Policy (12,13)Comparative Education Law

and Policy (13) Constitutional Issues in Higher

Education (12)Consumer Law (13) Criminal Law and Regulation

of Vice (11)Criminology (11,12,13)Direct Democracy (11,12)Education Law, Policy and

Inequality (11,12) Employment Law: Health and

Safety (13)Energy Regulation and Policy

(12,13)Environmental Law (11,12,13)Federal Income Tax (11,12,13)Federal Land, Energy and

Natural Resource Law (11,13)Federal Lawyer (11,12,13)Food and Drug Law (11,12)Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Survey: History, Policy and Practice Behind U.S. Efforts (11)

Foundations of Climate Change Law and Policy (11)

Gender, Status and Economics (13)

Government Ethics: Conflicts of Interest, Lobbying and Campaign Finance (11,12,13)

Government Finance: Debt, Budgets and Power (12)

Health Care Marketplace: Competition, Regulation and Reform (12,13)

Health Care Structure and Financing (11)

Historic Preservation Law (11,12,13)

Immigration Law (11,12,13)International Environmental

Law (12)

VirGinia LaW’s CurriCuLum is complemented by academic conferences, lectures and a range of related events organized by students and faculty. students meet and network with prominent attorneys in a variety of fields, including former homeland security secretary JaneT naPoLiTano ’83, who has spoken at the Law school several times in recent years.

CharLoTTesViLLe PoLiCe K-9 oFFiCer Lynn ChiLders and Leo, a 4-year-old belgian malinois, visited Professor anne CouGhLin’s Criminal investigation class recently to give students a firsthand look at police dog procedures. “To understand the value of Fourth amendmentjurisprudence, it’s essential to pay close attention to how the police interpret and deploy it on a daily basis out there in the places where they work,” Coughlin said. “officer Childers brings this body of law to life in the classroom, and she does so brilliantly.”

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International Trade Law and Policy (12)

Issues in Poverty Law (11,12)Juvenile Justice Reform (13) Land Use Law (11,13)Law and Business Management

in the Health Care Sector (12,13)

Law and Education (11,13)Law and Ethics of Human

Subject Research (13)Law and Policy of Watershed

Management (12,13)Law and Public Service

(11,12,13)Law of Politics (11,12,13)Law of Reproduction (11,13)Law of the Police (12,13)Legal Issues at the End of Life

(11,13)Legislation (11,12,13)Legislative Drafting and Public

Policy (11,12,13) Money and Rights (12)Monetary Constitution (13) Moral Dimensions of

Policymaking in the United States (11,13)

National Security Detention (11)

Native American Law (12)New Frontiers in Clinical

Ethics and Law (13) Poverty, Child Health and

Medical-Legal Partnerships (13)

Poverty, Inequity and Human Rights in Education (11)

Property Theory (12,13)Public Interest Law and

Advocacy Skills (11,12,13)Quantitative Methods (11,12)Refugee Law and Policy (12)Regulating Public Space in

Historical and Theoretical Perspective (12)

Regulation of U.S. Industries (11,12,13)

Regulation of Hazardous Substances (13)

Regulation of Toxic Substances and Hazardous Waste (11)

Religion, Democracy and Law (11,12)

Right to Education in U.S.: Real or Hollow? (12,13)

Science and Policy of Biodiversity Conservation (12,13)

Social Work of Law (12)Special Education Law (11,12)Tax Policy and Reform (11)Themes in Biomedicine (11)Topics in Law and Economics

(11)Transactional Approach to

Mergers and Acquisitions (11,12,13)

Urban Law and Policy (11,13) Water Law (11)


Environmental Law and Conservation Clinic (11,12,13)

Immigration Law Clinic (11,12,13)

Litigation and Housing Law Clinic (11,12,13)

raCe and LaWCourses and seminars

African-American Lawyers from the Civil War to the Present (11,12,13)

American Legal History (11,12)American Social and Legal

History (12) Civil Rights Litigation (11,12,13)Constitutional History I:

American Revolution to 1865 (12,13)

Constitutional History II: The 20th Century (12)

Criminal Adjudication (11,12,13)

Criminal Investigation (11,12,13)

Criminal Procedure Survey (11,12,13)

Education Law, Policy and Inequality (11,12)

Employment Discrimination (11,12,13)

Family Law (11,12,13)Immigration Law (11,12,13)International Human Rights

Law (11,12,13)Judicial Role in American

History (11,12,13)Juvenile Justice Reform (13) Land Use Law (11,13)Law and Education (11,13)Lawyers and the Civil Rights

Movement (11,13)Local Government Law

(11,12,13)Native American Law (12)Profiling (13)Race and Law (11,12,13)Race and the Constitution in

American History (11)Refugee Law and Policy (12)Rule of Law: Controlling

Government (11,12)Social Science in Law (11,12,13)Special Education Law (11,12)Urban Law and Policy (11,13)What Lawyers Can Learn from

the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King: Looking Back; Looking Forward (11)CLiniCs

Immigration Law Clinic (11,12,13)

International Human Rights Law Clinic (11,12,13)

Tax LaWCourses and seminars

Accounting: Understanding and Analyzing Financial Statements (11,12,13)

Corporate Tax (11,12,13)Estate Planning: Principles and

Practice (11,12,13)Estate Planning, Will Drafting

and Taxation (JAG) (11) Federal Income Tax (11,12,13)Federal Income Tax: Advanced

Topics (12,13)Federal Taxation of Gratuitous

Transfers (11,12,13)Gender, Status and Economics

(13) Government Finance: Debt,

Budgets and Power (12)Income Taxation of Trusts and

Estates (11)International Taxation (11,12)International Tax Policy (12)Issues in State and Local

Taxation and Fiscal Policy (11,12,13)

Nonprofit Organizations (11,13)Partnership Tax (11,12,13)Private Equity and Hedge

Funds (13)Quantitative Methods (11,12)Real Estate Transactions:

Principles and Practice (11,12,13)

Retirement Security (11,12,13)Tax Policy and Reform (11)Tax Practice and Procedure

(11,12,13)Tax Shelters: Law and Policy

(11) Taxation and Economic

Development (11,13)CLiniC

Nonprofit Clinic (11,12,13)

ThrouGh a neW ParTnershiP between the naTionaL Fish and WiLdLiFe FoundaTion and the university of Virginia, six interdisciplinary teams of uVa students — including law students — recently presented potential solutions to some of the nation’s most vexing conservation challenges. The partnership — which is a collaboration among the nFWF, the Law school and uVa’s environmental sciences and biology departments — includes summer internships for uVa students at nFWF project sites, a new master’s degree program in conservation biology, and courses taught jointly by foundation staff and uVa faculty members. To mark the conclusion of the first course, students presented their research [above] to an audience that included professors and nFWF officials. “This class forces students in both fields to team up and communicate on real conservation issues,” said program participant sTaCee Karras ’12. “it provides insight into what these types of relationships will be like in the real world. it also gives students the opportunity to make a real impact on the issues nFWF has identified as priority initiatives.”

Page 18: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

VirGinia’s ProFessors buiLd reLaTionshiPs WiTh sTudenTs.

They are leaders in the intellectual life of the community,

organizing and speaking at lectures and other events, working

with student organizations, volunteering for pro bono service and

fostering new academic programs when they find student interest.

They also join students in creating a community outside

the classroom by contributing to efforts to raise money for

public service grants or other student-run projects.

ProFessor riChard bonnie is a leading voice on issues relating to gun control, violence and

the mentally ill. he recently met with Vice President Joe biden and other top federal officials for a

discussion on gun violence in the wake of the newtown, Conn., elementary school shooting. bonnie

previously chaired the Commission on mental health Law reform, which

recommended changes to state laws following the Virginia Tech shooting

in april 2007. bonnie said Virginia’s Commission on mental health Law

reform was able to forge consensus across political parties in 2008 when

the Virginia General assembly moved to adopt recommendations from

the commission’s report. “We formulated and enacted a very strong legal foundation for helping

to transform a public mental health services system in ways that will get people the treatment they

need when they need it, before things spiral out of control and terrible things happen,” he said.

Page 19: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

FaCuLTy CommiT

To more Than JusT

LeadinG CLasses.

False confessions, invalid forensic analysis, eyewitness misidentifications

and other flaws in the criminal justice system contributed to the

wrongful conviction of the first 250 people exonerated by dna tests,

ProFessor brandon GarreTT writes in his book, “Convicting

the innocent: Where Criminal Prosecutions Go Wrong.”

“The goal was to see what patterns there are,” Garrett said. “The

errors that repeated over and over again across the 250 cases

were the result of bad barrels, and not a few bad apples. They

resulted from unsound but systemic practices that allowed well-

intentioned people to contribute to convicting the innocent.”

ProFessor marGo baGLey takes

students from her Patent and international

Patent Law classes on a field trip each

fall to the u.s. Court of appeals for the

Federal Circuit, where they meet Chief

Judge randall rader in his chambers.

rader and his clerks brief the students

on the morning’s cases, after which

they hear the oral arguments. Finally, rader debriefs the class.

“This is something that i would have loved to be able to do as a student,

so i’m glad to be able to arrange it for my students,” bagley said.

Page 20: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

dean PauL G. mahoney has lunch with first-year students throughout the fall semester.

ProFessor miLa VersTeeG and ProFessor deena hurWiTZ [far left] helped arrange an informal meeting between students and richard Goldstone, a former chief prosecutor of the international Criminal Tribunal for the former yugoslavia, at a local coffee shop.

Page 21: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

aLex KrueGer-Wyman ’13 [below] worked as

a research assistant to ProFessor saiKrishna

PraKash [left], focusing primarily on editing

his forthcoming book on presidential powers.

“not only did i learn more about a fascinating

area of the law, but i had the opportunity to do

so by working privately with one of the foremost

luminaries in the field,” Krueger-Wyman

said. “more importantly, however, working

as a research assistant to Professor Prakash

was a terrific personal experience. Professor

Prakash has become a wonderful mentor and

friend to me, and he went above and beyond in

helping me secure my federal clerkship. i have

no doubt we will

remain in touch.”


also assisted


a. e. diCK hoWard with a law review article and helped prepare him to moderate the

Fourth Circuit Judicial Conference. “not only did i learn a great deal about supreme Court

jurisprudence, i actually visited the supreme Court twice with Professor howard to hear oral

argument and personally meet Justice [samuel] alito and Justice [anthony] Kennedy.”

students have the

opportunity to take

one-credit seminars

in eThiCaL VaLues,

which are usually taught

from the professors’

homes and resemble

a book or film club.

eVe aGuiLar ’13 [below]

and PrisCiLLa arThus ’13

took a seminar offered by ProFessors risa GoLuboFF and riCh sChraGGer, who are

married. The course included material on being a lawyer and balancing work-life issues. “Taking

a seminar in ethical Values was a great way to connect with professors outside of the classroom,”

aguilar said. arthus added, “The literature provided for eye-opening discussions covering a wide

spectrum of challenges that women (and to some extent men) still face in the workplace, the

type of lives we would like to have, and some strategies we could implement on the homefront

to facilitate a successful, balanced work life.” holding sessions at the

professors’ home, where dinner was provided “created a congenial

atmosphere and made the class all that more enjoyable,” arthus said.

readinG LisT:

“i don’t Know how she does it” by aLLison Pearson“Get to Work” by Linda hirsChman“Lean in” by sheryL sandberG“striking a balance: Work, Family, Life” by roberT draGo “The end of men and the rise of Women” by hannah rosin

Page 22: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

GraduaTes are ready For Their Careers

aFTer LaW sChooL, Virginia graduates join law firms across

the country, clerk for federal and state courts and work in a

range of public interest jobs, from government to legal aid.

our alumni are leaders in their fields: Virginia ranked second in

the number of associates promoted to partner among the national

Law Journal’s top 250 firms in 2011, and in a recent study by

stanford Graduate school of business professors, Virginia ranked

fifth in the number of lawyers at the top 300 u.s. law firms.

Lauren WiLLard ’11 [left]

and rebeCCa GanTT ’11

clerked for the u.s. supreme

Court during the 2012-13

term. Virginia is fourth

among law schools in placing

clerks on the u.s. supreme

Court from 2005-12.

Thirteen alumni from

the classes of 2008-11

have clerked for the court.

Page 23: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

VirGinia ranKs seCond aFTer harVard in the number of chief legal officers at the

nation’s top 500 companies, according to a 2010 report in Corporate Counsel magazine.

VirGinia is FourTh in The number oF ParTners in the national

Law Journal’s top 100 firms, according to a paper published in

the Journal of Legal education in 2011.

VirGinia has GraduaTes in 99 of the american Lawyer

top 100 firms (as of may 2013).

PhiLiP WiLLiamson ’13, a batesville, ark., native,

studied philosophy, theology and political science

as an undergraduate. after law school he will clerk

for Judge Lavenski r. smith on the 8th u.s. Circuit

Court of appeals and for Judge ray Kethledge on

the 6th Circuit, with a long-term goal of entering

politics. “Virginia is a great place to go to law school.

The environment is open and supportive. Professors

mean it when they say, ‘my door is always open,’”

Williamson said. “uVa

has given me a broader

perspective on the

world, and the tools to

make it a better place.”

raVi aGarWaL ’09 works in the mergers and acquisitions

group at the law firm simpson

Thacher, and anna shearer ’07 is a vice president at barclays Capital

in new york City.

on day one.

Page 24: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

Joy Guo ’14 worked

for davis Polk in new york

during her second summer.

ToP Job LoCaTions,CLasses oF 2010-12

district of Columbia (253)Virginia (172)new york (171)California (60)Texas (55)Georgia (35)massachusetts (30)Pennsylvania (28)Florida (27)maryland (26)north Carolina (25)illinois (23)

LaW Firms

64% with firms in american Lawyer’s top 100 by gross revenue

12% with firms ranked between 101-200

23% with smaller firms

CLerKshiPs (including alumni clerkships 2010-12)

5 u.s. supreme Court60 u.s. Circuit Courts

of appeal100 u.s. district Courts

and other federal courts60 state courts

PubLiC inTeresT Jobs (including 159 postgraduate fellowships)

64 federal government50 state and local

government21 military105 public interest groups

CamPus reCruiTinGFaLL 2012

more than 650 officesover 6,000 on-campus

interviews of second-year students

averaged more than 18 interviews per participating second-year student

FirsT-year summer Jobs Class of 2014 (summer 2012)

34% public sector 22% judicial 22% law firm 19% academic 4% corporate


(434) [email protected]/ career

Where GraduaTes

Go, 2010-12

Firm: 57% (625)

PubLiC inTeresT: 22% (244) PosTGraduaTe FeLLoWshiPs (159)

CLerKshiP: 16% (180)

CorPoraTe: 3% (36)

aCademiC: 1% (8)

Page 25: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

We beLieVe LaWyers haVe an obLiGaTion To serVe.VirGinia uPhoLds Thomas JeFFerson’s ConViCTion

that lawyers have a special obligation to serve the public

interest. many students at Virginia volunteer their legal services,

work in public service jobs over the summer and pursue public

interest careers after graduating. Virginia supports these

students through the Virginia Loan Forgiveness Program, the

mortimer Caplin Public service Center, the Pro bono Program,

fellowships and the Program in Law and Public service.

The VirGinia Loan ForGiVeness ProGram helps repay the loans of

graduates earning less than $75,000 annually in public service jobs.

Those earning less than $55,000 receive benefits covering

100 percent of their qualifying law school loans.

The morTimer CaPLin PubLiC serViCe CenTer provides individual counseling and

sponsors events focused on educating students about working in the public sector.

The Pro bono ProGram is a voluntary program encouraging all students to complete at least

75 hours of pro bono service during their three years of law school. opportunities are available

locally and nationwide. The program also organizes pro bono projects that focus on areas

such as child advocacy, immigration law and veterans’ disability claims.

Page 26: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

ProGram in LaW and PubLiC serViCeThe Program in Law and Public service offers a select group of students the chance to receive specialized training that will prepare them for careers in public service, including in

prosecution, public defense, government, legal aid, international human rights and other nonprofit organizations. each year, up to 20 first-year students are admitted to the program, along with up to five second-year students. The program aims to

prepare students for a career in public service that they can start on day one after they graduate or finish a clerkship. adiTi GoeL ’12, a member of the first class in the program, said it helped her obtain a summer position with The defender association in

seattle. “i got to do three jury trials that summer, all misdemeanor cases — assault, [a] minor in possession of alcohol, and property destruction,” she said. “This experience was necessary when it came to finding a job post-graduation.”

The morTimer CaPLin PubLiC serViCe CenTer helps

students applying for internships and postgraduate fellowships,

and provides a number of awards to students. The Law

school’s own Powell Fellowship and robert F. Kennedy ’51

Public service Fellowships provide salaries to graduating

students working in public service positions.

The Public interest Law association distributed

more than $484,000 in 2013 to law students who

accepted low-paying or unpaid public service

internships during the summer.

PubLiC serViCe 2012-13

more than $484,000 awarded to 109 students working in public interest jobs over the summer

16,615 pro bono hours logged by law students

93 Class of 2013 graduates completed at least 75 hours of pro bono while in law school

30 students participated in the alternative spring break Pro bono Program with eight different organizations


(434) 924-3883 publicservicelaw@


durinG Tax season,

university of Virginia law

students help qualifying

community members file

their federal and state tax returns

for free.

Page 27: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

LaW sTudenTs volunteer for a

week each year to help legal

aid clients and in government

offices across the country through an

alternative spring break program, a

tradition begun in 2009 by the Public interest

Law association.

GabrieL hiPPoLyTe ’13, a graduate of Johns hopkins university who

was born in haiti, will work as a prosecutor in the manhattan district

attorney’s office after law school. “my passion for prosecution and

public service comes from a desire to be an advocate for my community.

Virginia Law assisted me in fulfilling that desire through their Prosecution

Clinic and Pro bono Program, which provided me with opportunities to work on a diverse

array of legal issues that have a direct impact on people’s lives,” hippolyte said. “Through

Virginia Law’s Prosecution Clinic, i gained invaluable field experience by prosecuting petty

offense cases on behalf of the u.s. attorney’s office for the eastern district of Virginia.

These opportunities, coupled with the guidance of the Public service Center, prepared

me for a career in prosecution and helped me gain my current job as a prosecutor.”

The LaW sChooL and the student-run Public interest Law association provided more than

$484,000 to 109 students working nationwide and internationally in public service jobs

during the summer of 2013. The grant helped fund the internship of shannon ParKer ’14,

who worked at the support Center for Child advocates in Philadelphia,

an organization that helps children in the foster care system by pairing

attorneys and social workers together to provide the child with a holistic

approach to representation. Parker, who majored in elementary education

in college, said the PiLa grant will help her take a key step toward her

longstanding goal of working with children. “during my time as a student teacher, i realized

that the children that i really wanted to work with were those children who didn’t have anyone

in their corner — particularly children with difficult issues at home,” she said. “When i came to

law school, this quickly evolved into a desire to work with children in the foster care system.”

Page 28: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

you’LL Find a home here.

Page 29: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

aCCess To 10 aCademiC JournaLs and 67 student

organizations, from social clubs to legal aid groups, ensures

that students explore the world outside law school and expand

their legal experiences while leading well-rounded lives.

Page 30: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

sTudenT orGaniZaTions

a Cappellate opinionsaction for a better

Living environment advocates for Life

at Virginia Lawamerican Constitution

society for Law and PolicyThe aristotle societyasian Pacific american Law

students association black Law students

association Child advocacy research

& education

Conference on Public service and the Law

domestic Violence Project extramural moot CourtFederalist societyFeminist Legal ForumFirst year Council Graduate Law students

association health Law associationhuman rights study

Project, Cowan FellowsJd/mba societyJewish Law students

association John bassett moore society

of international Law Korean american Law

student associationLambda Law allianceLatin american Law

organization Law Christian Fellowship Law school Football

LeagueLaw student

advocacy ProjectLegal advisory Workshops

for undergraduate students

The Libel showmigrant Farmworker Project

moot Court boardnational Lawyers Guild national Trial

advocacy Teamnative american Law

students association north Grounds

softball League outdoors at Va LawPeer advisor ProgramPhi alpha deltaPhi delta PhiPhilip C. Jessup

international moot Court Team


members oF The bLaCK LaW sTudenTs assoCiaTion recently traveled to sierra Leone to volunteer with Timap for Justice. The students taught paralegals contracts, torts and criminal law, and also studied how foreign companies mine the nation’s abundant natural resources.

Page 31: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

assistance Project Public interest Law

association rex e. Lee Law societyrivanna investments secular Legal societyst. Thomas more societystreet Lawstudent bar association student Legal Forum students for sensible

drug PolicyVirginia animal Law society Virginia employment and

Labor Law association Virginia entrepreneurial

societyVirginia environmental

Law Forum Virginia Law &

business societyVirginia Law democratsVirginia Law FamiliesVirginia Law and

Graduate republicansVirginia Law rod

& Gun Club Virginia Law students for

reproductive JusticeVirginia Law VeteransVirginia Law Weekly Virginia Law Women

Virginia society of Law & Technology

Virginia sports Law societyVolunteer income

Tax association West Coast WahoosWomen of Color

aCademiC PubLiCaTions

Journal of Law & PoliticsVirginia environmental

Law Journal Virginia Journal of

Criminal Law

Virginia Journal of international Law

Virginia Journal of Law & Technology

Virginia Journal of social Policy & the Law

Virginia Law & business review

Virginia Law reviewVirginia sports and

entertainment Law Journal

Virginia Tax review

an indiana university graduate, Chase CooPer ’13 will be working at Jones day in dallas after law

school. “i was the editor-in-chief of the Virginia Journal of Law & Technology and the president of

the Lambda Law alliance. i also did pro bono work for the Legal aid Justice

Center and the uVa Law human rights Program. but the highlight of my

extracurricular involvement was probably being the problem author for the

semifinal and final rounds of the William minor Lile moot Court Competition,”

he said. “i wrote a fictional state supreme Court opinion involving the extent

of constitutional religious protections, and the moot Court competitors argued the case in front

of real federal judges as if it were on appeal at the u.s. supreme Court. it was a lot of fun to hear

my problem argued by very skilled advocates and to meet some really cool federal judges.”

Page 32: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014



Page 33: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

CharLoTTesViLLe’s PLeasures abound. nestled in the

foothills of the blue ridge mountains just two hours southwest

of Washington, d.C., Charlottesville is a picturesque and

thriving metropolitan area of more than 200,000.

Charlottesville’s nightclubs, music venues and festivals

create an exceptionally vibrant live music scene.

area restaurants are featured in publications such as

Gourmet magazine and The new york Times.

Theater, opera and music are community fixtures; each year the

city hosts the nationally acclaimed Virginia Film Festival and

gathers literary luminaries for the Virginia Festival of the book.

Law students seeking a community in which they can relax, find

plentiful entertainment and appreciate abundant natural beauty to

balance the rigors of law study will find a home in Charlottesville.

no. 1 CiTy in ameriCa—Frommer’s “Cities ranked and rated,” 2004

no. 4 CiTy in ameriCa—Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, 2009

Page 34: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

uVa’s John PauL Jones arena: named Pollstar’s “best new major Concert Venue of 2006,” the arena

has already featured such acts as Lady Gaga, muse, Jay-Z, bruce springsteen, the blue man Group, eric

Clapton and Carrie underwood. in addition to hosting uVa basketball games, the arena has become

the area’s premier venue for concerts, comedy acts (including “daily show” host Jon stewart)

and family fare, such as Cirque du soleil and sesame street Live.

sCoTT sTadium: home to uVa’s football games, scott stadium has also hosted The rolling stones, u2 and dave matthews band.

Page 35: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

LaW sTudenTs can take advantage of

the university’s arts and entertainment scene,

from sporting events to concerts

and theatrical performances.

Page 36: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

The ParamounT: reopened in 2004, Charlottesville’s historic Paramount Theater offers an intimate environment for concerts, theater and classic movies.

VirGinia FiLm FesTiVaL: recent featured guests have included morgan Freeman, Liev schreiber, sandra bullock, director Curtis hanson, nicolas Cage and anthony hopkins.

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iVy r



aLderman road

u.s. 250 WesT (business)

u.s. 29/2

50 byPass



The uVa Grounds

Page 39: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014

ProduCTion CrediTs


Mary Wood

assisTanT ediTors

Warren Craghead

Brian McNeill

Eric Williamson

arT direCTion, desiGn

Bill Womack, Helios, Inc.


Dan Addison/UVA Public Affairs

Ian Bradshaw

Jason Clay/UVA Public Affairs

Tom Cogill

Jane Haley/UVA Public Affairs

Sam Hollenshead

Robert Llewellyn

Jack Looney

Brian McNeill

Rob Seal

Andrew Shurtleff

Eric Williamson

PrinTed in u.s.a.


Carter Printing

FsC CerTiFied Paper contains

50% post-consumer waste

© 2013




9/emmeT s


iVy r





n b











6 uVa VisiTor inFormaTion

FraLin museum oF arT

John PauL Jones arena

uVa heaLTh sCienCes CenTer

darden sChooL oF business

sCoTT sTadium

norTh Grounds reCreaTion CenTer7


The sChooL oF LaW

massie road

The roTunda and The LaWn

uniVersiTy aV


Page 40: University of Virginia School of Law J.D. Catalog, 2013-2014 massie road

Charlottesville, Virginia 22903-1738reCePTion: 434.924.7354

Fax: 434.924.7536

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