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I. Lead-in Questions

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1.1. Faith, hope and charity are traditionally Faith, hope and charity are traditionally grouped together as three important virtues. grouped together as three important virtues. Which do you think is the most important?Which do you think is the most important?

2. Describe a story that you heard or saw 2. Describe a story that you heard or saw about charity.about charity.

3. How to understand the proverb “Charity 3. How to understand the proverb “Charity begins at home, but should not end there.”? begins at home, but should not end there.”?

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II. Cultural Notes

1. O. Henry1. O. Henry

2. "We Are the World"2. "We Are the World"

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O. HenryO. Henry: :

O. Henry (1862~1910): It is the pseudonym of William Sydney Porter, American writer of short stories, best known for his ironic plot twists and surprise endings. O. Henry did not write professionally until he reached his mid-30s. In 1894 he founded a short-lived weekly humor magazine, The Rolling Stone.

Released from prison he moved to New York City in 1901 and began writing full time.

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In his stories he made substantial use of his knowledge of Texas, Central America, and life in prison, He also became fascinated by New York street life, which provided a setting for many of his later stories. During the last ten years of his life, he became one of the most popular writers in America, publishing over 500 short stories in dozens of widely read periodicals.

O. Henry’s most famous stories, such as “The Gift of magi,” “The Furnished Room,” and “The Ransom of Red Chief”. His style of storytelling

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became a model not only for short fiction, but

also for American motion pictures and

television programs.

Writing at the rate of more than one story per

week, O. Henry published ten collections of

stories during a career that barely spanned a

decade. In 1919 the O. Henry memorial Awards

for the best American short stories published

each year were founded by the society of Arts

and Science.

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"We Are the World""We Are the World": :

Michael Jackson cowrote the song, which was performed by a group of more than 40 popular musicians, with all profits from audio and video sales donated to alleviate world hunger.

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III. Language Points

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1. joint

a. held or done by two or more persons together 共有的 , 共同的

e.g. She had taken the money out of the joint account she had with her husband.


Mr Jones and his two sons are the joint owners of the business.


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WordsWords n. a thing used for making a join; a place where things

join 连接物 , 连接处 , 骨节

e.g. Our arms and legs bend at the joints — the elbows and knees.


joint-cutting 切缝

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out of joint: ( of the joint of the body) out of the proper position 脱臼

put someone’s nose out of joint: to make someone jealous by taking his place as the center of attraction. 取代某人成为注意中心 , 因而使这人眼红 .

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2. stalk

vt. 1> (of an evil force) move through (a place) in a threatening way; move quietly and cautiously in order to get near. 可怕地蔓延或游荡 ;潜行 ,偷偷接近 .

e.g. When night falls, danger stalks the streets of the city.


Polar bears prefer to hunt seals on land or ice but may stalk them from under water.北极熊喜欢猎捕陆地或者冰上的海豹,但是从水下偷偷接近

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2> walk stiffly, proudly, or with long steps

昂首阔步 , 迈大步

e.g. stalked off in a huff.


stalk out of the room


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3. scarce

adj. not easily obtained and much less than is needed, not plentiful 稀少的 , 难得的 , 不足的

e.g. Good fruit is scarce just now and costs a lot.


That bird has become scarce in this country.


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WordsWords4. subtract

v. take (a number, quantity) away from. (followed by from) 减去 , 扣除

e.g. 6 subtracted from 9 gives 3.

9 减 6 得 3 。

That subtracts nothing from his merit.


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【词缀】sub- 1) under + tact: pull

subconscious( 下意识的 ), submarine (水下的) , subzero (零度以下的)


Subarctic (亚北地区的)

3) less important or powerful than; smaller than

subeditor (副主编) , subdivide (再分)

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WordsWords5. cure

v. 1> to bring health to a person in place of disease or illness 治愈 , 治好 , 纠正

e.g. This medicine cured me of my cold.

这种药治好了我的感冒 .

Parents try to cure their children of bad habits.

父母努力纠正孩子们的不良习惯 .

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WordsWords2> to make a disease, illness etc. go away esp. by medical treatment 治疗 , 医治

e.g. The only way to cure backache is to rest


Government action to cure unemployment


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WordsWordsn. 1> a medicine that cures an illness, disease, etc.( 治疗某种疾病的 ) 药

e.g. There is still no cure for the common cold.


A rest in the mountain is the best curative for breathing difficulties 。


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WordsWords2> a course of medical treatment 疗程 , 医治 , 治疗

e.g. He went for a cure at a famous hospital.

他到一家有名的医院去就医 .

take a cure


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WordsWords3> a return to health after illness. 痊愈 , 治好

e.g. This drug should bring about a cure.


His cure took only a few weeks.


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WordsWords6. bare

adj. 1> without covering, clothing, or decoration


e.g. Don't walk on that broken glass with bare feet.


bare walls. 没有装饰的墙

the bare facts. 这些不加渲染的事实

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WordsWordsv. uncover ; reveal 展现,显示,揭示,暴露

e.g. The animal bared its teeth in anger.


The man bared his head.


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【辨析】Bare 指局部的裸。

Naked 指全部的裸,光身的,即可指全身又可指半身的裸。

Uncovered 指无遮盖的桌上无桌布的。

Nude 指全然裸体的,尤指美术品的全然裸露。

Unclothed 指不穿衣服。

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WordsWords7. dreary

adj. dull ; gloomy; causing low spirits


e.g. By the time they had waited five hours for their delayed flight, everyone looked dreary.

他们等待延迟的飞机已经等了五个小时 , 每个人看上去都很忧郁

She had spent a dreary day in the dormitory writing the term paper.


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WordsWords8. fierce

adj. 1> violent and angry 残忍的 , 凶猛的

e.g. The famous boxer killed a fierce wolf with his bare hands.


We wanted to offer help, but the fierce glare on his face stopped us.

我们想提出帮助他 ,但是他那种凶狠瞪视的目光使我们望而却步。

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WordsWords2> intense; strong 狂热的 , 强烈的

e.g. There is a vivid description of a fierce bayonet charge in the novel.


In the fierce fighting the lightly wounded refused to leave the front line.


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WordsWords9. mock

v. ridicule; make fun of (used in the pattern: mock (at )sb./sth.) )嘲笑;嘲弄

e.g. Although he failed in the maths test, it was wrong to mock his efforts.

虽然他的数学没有考及格 ,但是嘲笑他的努力是不对的。

He made the boys laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke.


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n. 1> power of the mind to imagine (esp. unreal things) 想象力

e.g. Children usually have a lively fancy.


I have a fancy that it's going to rain.


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WordsWords2> sth. imagined; unfounded opinion or belief 想象,幻想

e.g. The forecasts in his book were not wild fancies.


I think the story is a mixture of fact and fancy.


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WordsWords3> desire; liking 爱好,偏爱

e.g. He took a great fancy to his new teacher.


I've taken a fancy to that silly hat.


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WordsWordsadj. 1> brightly colored 色彩夺目的,花哨的

e.g. I like the pattern, but the color is too fancy.


fancy goods 花哨的小商品

fancy cakes 花式糕点

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WordsWords2> not plain or ordinary; unusual 奇特的 ; 异样的e.g. These fancy fruits are too expensive.


fancy dress

(化妆舞会的 )化妆服饰

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WordsWordsv. 1> have a desire or wish for; want 喜欢,喜爱

e.g. I fancy the idea of having a picnic on the grass.


I don't fancy fish today.


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WordsWords2> imagine 设想;幻想

e.g. Can you fancy him talking such a thing?


Fancy having a fool like that for a husband!

试想找了这么一个傻瓜做丈夫 !

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WordsWords3> think or believe 认为

e.g. I don’t fancy your chances of getting a ticket at this late stage.


I fancy (that) he won't come.


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WordsWords11. persistent

adj. 1> continuing; occurring again and again

持续的 ; 不断的

e.g. The persistent growth of the population has been surprising.


a persistent ringing of the telephone.


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WordsWords2> refusing to give up

坚持的 , 百折不挠的 ; 固执的

e.g. She eventually married the most persistent of her admirers.


persistent efforts


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v. continue to do esp. in an obstinate and determined way and in spite of opposition, argument or failure. 坚持

persist in sth./ in doing sth.

persistence n.

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WordsWords12. mingle

v. mix (使 )混合

e.g. The king mingled with the people in the streets.


The two rivers mingle their waters when they join.


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mingle A with B/ mingle A and B (together): combine things together 使 A和 B混合


mix, blend

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WordsWords13. acute

adj. 1> (of diseases) coming quickly to the critical stage or dangerous stage 急性的

e.g. She was taken to the hospital suffering from acute appendicitis.


His disease is not acute but chronic.


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WordsWords2> severe,strong;deep 剧烈的 严重的

e.g. The company is said to be suffering from acute financial difficulties.


Food shortages in some African countries are becoming acute.


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WordsWords3> (of mind or the sense) able to notice differences; sharp敏锐的,灵敏的

e.g. The more acute observers in the west had foreseen this.


Dogs have an acute sense of smell.


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1. in tune: harmoniously( often followed by with; the opposite: out of tune 和谐地

e.g. His ideas are in tune with the times.

他的思想与时代一致 .

Her character is quite out of tune with her beauty.

她的性格与她的美貌不一致 .

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call the tune 发号施令

change one’s tune 改变自己的主张 , 决定

to the tune of 总共 , 达到

tune oneself to 调整自己以适应环境

tune in to 了解 , 熟悉人们的见解 , 感想等

tune up 调音

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2. in a whisper: in a low voice 低声地

e.g. He bent down and addressed her in a whisper.


I was awakened by hearing my own name spoken in a whisper.


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3. turn loose : allow (sth.) to be free of control

放手 , 放纵

e.g. The sick whale will be taken care of by the scientists before being turned loose.


The soldiers turned the prisoners loose one by one shortly after the city was conquered.


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let loose 释放,放开

on the loose 无拘束 ;( 尤指 ) 逍遥法外

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4. look the part :have an appearance for a particular job, role ,or position 看上去很像

e.g. I think he must be a captain----he certainly looks the part.


Despite looking the part, Michael was not an artist at all.


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in part 在某种程度上,部分地

on the part of 就…而言; 在…一边

part and parcel 重要 /必要 /基本的部分

take part in 参与;参加

the best part 最大 /最多的部分

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5. to excess : to an extreme degree 过度

e.g. His father never smoked or drank to excess.


Red meat, very high in fat and calories, is harmful to health if eaten to excess.


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6. cling to: 紧紧抓住;依附;依恋;忠实于

e.g. The baby monkey clung to its mother.


He was a person who clung to old ideas.


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IV. Comprehension IV. Comprehension


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1. 1. Text Organization Text Organization

Scenes Paragraphs Characters Events

1. Paras l—2 Sue ,Johnsy Sue’s roommate Johnsy caught pneumonia

2. Paras 3—8 the doctor, Sue

The doctor told Sue that

Johnsy needed a strong

will to live on.

3. Paras 9—17 Johnsy, Sue Johnsy decided that she would die when the last ivy leaf fell.

4. Paras18—21 Behrman, Sue

Sue told Behrman about Johnsy’s fancy.

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5. Paras 22—33

Sue ,Johnsy As Johnsy was encouraged

by the last leaf that wouldn’t

give in to the weather, her will

to live returned.

6. Paras 33—37

the doctor, Sue

The doctor told Sue that

Johnsy would recover, but

Behrman caught pneumonia

himself and his case was


7. Paras 38—39

Sue ,Johnsy Sue told Johnsy that

Behrman had performed

a kind deed without any

thought of self.

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2. Main Idea2. Main Idea


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Sue’s roommate Johnsy caught pneumonia, Johnsy decided that she would die when the last ivy leaf fell. Their neighbor, Behrman, in order to save her life, drew the last leaf on the wall, which is regarded as his masterpiece.

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3. 3. Paraphase Paraphase .

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1) November a cold, unseen stranger, whom the doctors called pneumonia,

stalked about the district, touching one here and there with his icy fingers

In November pneumonia attacked the district, and many people fell ill.

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2) For the rest he was a fierce little old man, who mocked terribly at softness in

any one, and who regarded himself as guard dog to the two young artists in the

studio above. As for other matters, he was a little old

man with a quick temper. He laughed a lot at those who lacked determination, and he was always ready to help and protect the two girls in the studio upstairs.

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3) In one corner was a blank canvas on an easel that had been waiting there for

twenty-five years to receive the first line of the masterpiece.

There was a blank canvas on an easel in one corner of his studio. Behrman put it there twenty-five years ago in order to paint his masterpiece. Yet he had never started it.

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4) She told him of Johnsy’s fancy, and how she feared she would, indeed, light and fragile as a leaf herself, float away, when her slight hold upon the world grew

weaker. She told him about Jonsy’s strange

idea. She said Johnsy was very weak, just like a leaf. Sue was afraid Johnsy might eventually die if her last hope for life went with the last leaf.

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5) But, Lo! After the beating rain and fierce wind that had endure through the

night, there yet stood out against the brick wall one ivy leaf.

But after a whole night’s hard rain and strong wind, one ivy leaf supported by the wall could be easily and clearly seen.

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4. Grammar 4. Grammar .

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The order of adjectives before a noun: When more than one adjective is used before a noun, the usual order is as follows: qualitative adj.—size/age/style adj.—color adj.—origin adj.—material adj.—purpose adj.

e.g. a fierce little old man

his old blue shirt

the wonderfully cool exhibition hall

a beautiful old French mahogany handmade cupboard

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5. 5. Rhetorical Device Rhetorical Device .

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1>. Personification It is to treat a thing or an idea as if it were

human or had human qualities. e.g. “In November a cold, unseen

stranger, whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked about the district, touching one here and there with his icy fingers. Johnsy was among his victims.”

In poetry personification is very common:

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e.g. Youth is hot and bold,

Age is weak and cold,

Youth is wild, and Age is tame.

-----William Shakespeare

In these lines Youth and Age are described

like two persons.

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2>. Simile It is a comparison between two distinctly

different things and the comparison is indicated by the word as or like:

e.g. “I want to turn loose my hold on everything, and go sailing down, down, just like one of those poor, tired leaves”

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6. Writing Technique6. Writing Technique


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The general-to-specific pattern From Unit Four, Book Two, you learned

that essays can use the specific-to-general organization. Here we would like to touch upon the general-to-specific pattern.

Essays using the general-to-specific pattern move from a general statement about the subject to a detailed discussion that provides specific evidence, examples, and analysis to support or elaborate upon the general statement. Suppose you want to write about your impressions of the

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stories of this unit. You may start your essay with a general statement like ‘I am deeply struck by what is called human love depicted in the stories of this unit ‘.Then you might go on to cite evidence and examples from the stories to expand on the general statement .Obviously, when using this organizational pattern, the writer places the thesis statement in the beginning, then proceeds to expand and support the thesis statement in the main body of the essay.

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V. Post-reading Discussions

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1. Which character in the story impresses you most? 1. Which character in the story impresses you most? Why?Why?

2. What is the essential message the writer wants to convey to his readers through the story? Is it of social significance ? Explain.

3. What do you think can support you in your moments of depression, despair or a setback?

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