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    Septimio Walsh


    Profesorado en Informtica

    Modalidad a Distancia


    Unidad 2

    Autora del Material: Zulema Abreg Actualizacin: Lic. Karina Cenzabella

    Prohibida su reproduccin total o parcial. Derechos reservados.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia



    La finalidad de esta asignatura es brindar a los alumnos los elementos para que

    puedan comprender, interpretar y traducir manuales, folletos y textos especficos de

    informtica del ingls al castellano, haciendo uso de conocimientos previos y de las

    experiencias en dichos temas.

    Para lograr este objetivo es importante el estudio comparativo de las gramtica de

    ambas lenguas y el correcto uso del diccionario bilinge.

    El material ha sido organizado en un orden de complejidad creciente a fin de que los

    alumnos encuentren la menor cantidad de dificultades para el logro de los objetivos

    propuestos por la docente.

    Es por ello que, si bien un mdulo corresponde al bloque nominal y el otro al bloque

    verbal, se incluyeron en el primer mdulo elementos que corresponden al segundo a fin

    de que cuenten con algunos elementos necesarios para la tarea.

    Requisitos para aprobar la materia:

    Un trabajo prctico aprobado.

    Un parcial domiciliario.

    Examen final escrito presencial.

    En todos los casos se podr consultar el diccionario, los glosarios de trminos informticos y

    los apuntes sobre gramtica.


    Para lograr un buen aprendizaje les aconsejo tener en cuenta:

    _ Cuando se realiza una traduccin lo que se transfiere de un idioma a otro son

    ideas y no palabras.

    _ Se debe ser fiel al original; dejar de lado lo superfluo, lo que nada agrega al

    texto, conservando lo sustancial; evitar la repeticin.

    _ Usar el diccionario: no dejarse llevar por la similitud de las palabras; buscar lo

    que no se sabe o lo que no se sabe bien.

    _ Antes de contestar las preguntas de la comprensin o de realizar la traduccin

    se tiene que leer todo el texto, an cuando haya palabras que desconozcan.

    Consulten sus dudas cada vez que sea necesario.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    UNIDAD 2: Bloque verbal

    El VERBO

    Clasificacin de los verbos

    De acuerdo con su contenido:

    1. Verbos que indican actividad

    to walk: caminar

    to eat: comer

    2. Verbos que indican condicin

    to sleep: dormir

    to live: vivir

    3. Verbos que indican cambio

    to turn: volver / convertirse

    to finish: acabar / terminar

    Segn su empleo algunos verbos pueden pertenecer a ms de una categora.


    They live in Paris. Viven en Pars. (indica condicin)

    I want to live. Quiero vivir. (indica actividad)

    De acuerdo con su funcin:

    1. Verbos principales: son aquellos que contienen todo el significado del


    She gave him a present. Le hizo un regalo.

    He can read. Sabe leer.

    2. Verbos auxiliares: son aquellos que se emplean para la formacin de los

    tiempos, modo, aspecto, voz y predicacin.

    The boy didnt tell the truth. El chico no dijo la verdad.

    They are leaving tomorrow. Se marchan maana

    She has updated the antivirus. Ella ha actualizado el antivirus.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    3. Verbos modales: Tienen significado propio; comparten caractersticas de los verbos auxiliares.

    She can swim very well. Sabe nadar muy bien

    May I open the window, please? Puedo abrir la ventana, por favor?

    De acuerdo con la forma:

    Los verbos ingleses basan su conjugacin en tres formas nicamente que

    representan el enunciado de un verbo. Son: infinitivo (to know), pretrito o

    pasado (knew) y participio pasado (known).

    Atendiendo a estos tres elementos bsicos, los verbos se clasifican en:

    Regulares: Toman la terminacin -ed de inflexin, aadida a la raz o infinitivo

    para formar el pretrito y el participio pasado.

    To play played played (jugar, interpretar)

    To study studied studied (estudiar)

    Irregulares: Son verbos que tienen las tres formas iguales, dos formas

    iguales y una desigual, las tres formas desiguales.

    To cut cut cut (cortar)

    To keep kept kept (guardar, conservar)

    To drink drank drunk (beber)

    To show showed shown (mostrar, ensear)

    De acuerdo con su formacin:

    Simples: Son aquellos que estn formados por una sola palabra.

    To think pensar

    To work trabajar

    Compuestos: Estn formados por ms de una palabra.

    To outdo aventajar

    To overcome vencer

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    Dentro de este grupo se encuentran tambin los verbos fraseolgicos

    (phrasal verbs) y los preposicionales (prepositional verbs).

    To look at mirar a / hacia (prepositional)

    To come in entrar (phrasal)

    Infinitivo s -ing pasado participio pasado go




















    Estas formas se combinan con los auxiliares y van a determinar los distintos tiempos

    verbales. Los fundamentales son cuatro:

    presente pasado futuro condicional o potencial

    Y cuatro son las formas en que estos tiempos se combinan, a saber:

    Los verbos auxiliares que empleamos en su formacin son:

    To be (ser o estar) To have (haber) Do/did/does Will

    Para formar los

    tiempos continuos.

    Para formar los

    tiempos perfectivos.

    Para formar el

    negativo e

    interrogativo del

    presente y pasado


    Para el

    tiempo futuro


    simple continuada perfectiva perfectiva continuada

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    Verbo To Be







    I am You are He is She is It is We are You are

    They are

    I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were

    I will be You will be He will be She will be It will be We will be You will be They will be

    Verbo To Have (haber - como auxiliar)

    Do - Does - Did (auxiliares para formar el negativo e interrogativo del Presente y

    Pasado Simples)

    Presente Simple Pasado Simple

    I do (not) I did (not)

    You do (not) You did (not)

    He does (not) He did (not)

    She does (not) She did (not)

    It does (not) It did (not)

    We do (not) We did (not)

    You do (not) You did (not)

    They do (not) They did (not)







    I have You have He has She has It has We have You have They have

    I had You had He had She had It had We had You had They had

    I will have You will have He will have She will have It will have We will have You will have They will have

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia



    Tiempos Simples

    Presente Simple:

    Este tiempo se utiliza para describir una accin habitual. Todas las personas

    tienen la misma forma con excepcin de las tercera persona del singular a la que

    se le agrega una s es de acuerdo a la terminacin del verbo.

    I sleep (yo) duermo

    You sleep (usted) duerme

    He sleeps (l ) duerme

    She sleeps (ella) duerme

    It sleeps (el gato-) duerme

    We sleep (nosotros/as) dormimos

    You sleep (ustedes) duermen

    They sleep (ellos/as) duermen

    Para preguntar se usa el auxiliar DO para todas las personas, salvo en las

    terceras personas del singular que llevan el auxiliar DOES

    Forma Afirmativa Forma Negativa Forma Interrogativa

    I work


    I do not work

    (no trabajo)

    Do I work?


    You work do not work Do you work?

    He works does not work Does he work?

    She works does not work Does she work?

    It works does not work Does it work?

    We work do not work Do we work?

    You work do not work Do you work?

    They work do not work Do they work?

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    En conversaciones es muy comn contraer do not y does not por dont y

    doesnt, respectivamente.

    Pasado Simple:

    Este tiempo verbal describe una accin pasada.

    En el pasado simple se usa el mismo verbo auxiliar para todas las personas.

    La forma negativa e interrogativa se forma con el

    auxiliar did + la forma base del verbo.

    Ej. :

    I did not (= didnt) listen to her. (No la escuch.)

    He did not study for the exam. (No estudi para el examen.)

    Did you understand the problem? (Entendi el problema?)

    Where did they go yesterday? (Adnde fueron ayer?)


    Consultar lista de verbos irregulares (pgina 22) * ............

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    Futuro Simple:

    Se forma con el auxiliar will seguido de la forma base del verbo principal; es igual

    para todas las personas.


    I will get the scholarship. (Obtendr la beca.)

    You will work in this office. ( Trabajar/s en esta oficina.)

    We will study it very carefully. (Lo estudiaremos cuidadosamente.)

    She will type the report. (Escribir el informe a mquina/en computadora.)

    Para formar el interrogativo, invertimos el orden del auxiliar y verbo principal:

    Will you finish the report soon? (Terminar el informe pronto?)

    Will they arrive on time? (Llegarn a tiempo?)

    Para formar el negativo se agrega "not "al auxiliar:

    I will not see you. (No lo ver.)

    We will not be here tomorrow. (No estaremos aqu maana.)

    Tiempos Continuos

    Todos los tiempos continuos se forman con el verbo "TO BE" y la forma "-ing"

    del verbo principal. Presente Continuo

    I am writing. (Estoy escribiendo.)

    They are studying. (Estn estudiando.)

    Is she working in the new department? (Est trabajando en la nueva


    He is not studying there. (No est estudiando all.)

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    Pasado Continuo

    She was studying for the exam. (Estaba estudiando para el examen.)

    They were repairing the computer. (Estaban arreglando la computadora.)

    Were they working? (Estaban trabajando?)

    He was not repairing the system. (No estaba arreglando el sistema.)

    Tiempos Perfectivos

    Se forman con el auxiliar "TO HAVE" y el participio pasado del verbo principal.

    Presente Perfecto

    have / has + participio pasado del verbo principal.

    En el caso de los verbos regulares, el participio pasado es igual al pasado

    simple, es decir, se agrega "-ed" o "-d". En el caso de los verbos irregulares, es la

    tercera columna.


    She has typed the report. (Ha escrito el informe a mquina/en computadora.)

    They have changed the computers. (Han cambiado las computadoras.)

    I have been here before. (He estado aqu antes.)

    La negacin se forma agregando "NOT" despus de HAVE / HAS, y la

    interrogacin invirtiendo el orden del auxiliar y el sujeto.

    I have not telephoned her. (No la llam por telfono/ No la he llamado

    por telfono.)

    She has not arrived yet. ( Todava no lleg/ No ha llegado todava.)

    Have you seen her today? (Hoy la vio?/ La ha visto hoy?.)

    Has he studied for the test? (Estudi para la prueba?/Ha estudiado

    para la prueba?)

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    Pasado Perfecto

    "had" + el participio pasado del verbo principal.

    El negativo se forma agregando "NOT" despus de "HAD", y el interrogativo

    invirtiendo el orden del auxiliar y el sujeto.

    When I arrived, the manager had left (Cuando llegu, el gerente se haba ido)

    When she left, I had eaten my sandwich. (Cuando se fue, me haba comido

    mi sandwich.)

    When he arrived, they had not finished the report. (Cuando lleg, no haban

    terminado el informe.)

    Had they remembered the meeting when he telephoned?. (Se haban acordado

    de la reunin cuando l llam?)


    FORMA "-ing"


    It is a device for controlling the cursor.

    Es un dispositivo para controlar el cursor.

    The flowchart shows the path the computer will follow in executing the


    El diagrama de flujo muestra la ruta que seguir la computadora al

    ejecutar el programa.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    BY + ING cuando indique la manera de realizar algo.

    With this program you can select hundreds of pictures simply by moving the


    Con este programa puede seleccionar cientos de dibujos simplemente moviendo el


    No traducimos la preposicin; el verbo se traduce con la terminacin "ando",


    Al comienzo de la oracin se traduce como sustantivo o infinitivo

    Programming is very interesting.

    La programacin es muy interesante.

    Programar es muy interesante.


    Programs are instructions telling the computer what operations have to be

    carried out.

    Los programas son instrucciones que le indican a la computadora que

    operaciones se deben realizar.


    I often listen to music after working.

    A menudo escucho msica despus de trabajar.

    INFINITIVO puede traducirse:


    I stopped for a few minutes to rest.

    Me detuve un momento a descansar.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia



    She went to England to know more about British culture.

    Fue a Inglaterra para conocer ms sobre la cultura britnica.


    He tried to forget the incident.

    Trat de olvidar el incidente.


    They don't permit people to smoke.

    No permiten que la gente fume.

    The rate of inflation is expected to rise.

    Se espera que aumente el ndice de inflacin.


    Afirmativo: Se forma con el infinitivo sin "to" colocado al comienzo de la oracin y

    sin el pronombre personal.

    Unplug electrical appliances before repairing them.

    Desenchufe los artefactos elctricos antes de arreglarlos.

    Negativo: Se comienza la oracin con do not / don't seguido por el infinitivo sin "to".

    Do not ( don't )press the return key.

    No presione la tecla "return".

    Imperativo con "LET": Se forma con "let's" (let us) seguido del infinitivo sin "to".

    Let's follow the instructions.

    Sigamos las instrucciones.

    Let's read the summary.

    Leamos el resumen.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia




    V. Pasiva: This house was built in 1486. Esta casa se construy en 1486.


    V. Activa: They built this house in 1486. Construyeron esta casa en 1486.


    La voz pasiva se utiliza cuando nos interesa enfatizar quin o qu recibe la accin

    del verbo, en lugar de quin o qu realiza la accin.

    La estructura de la voz pasiva es: VERBO "TO BE" + PARTICIPIO PASADO





    Presente Simple am/is/are + participio pasado English is spoken here.

    Presente Continuo am/is/are being + pp The house is being painted.

    Pasado Simple was/were + pp I wasn't invited, but I went.

    Pasado Continuo was/were being + pp I felt I was being watched.

    Presente Perfecto have/has been +pp Has Mary been told?

    Pasado Perfecto had been + pp I knew I had been forgotten.

    Futuro Simple will be + pp You will be told soon.

    Verbos modales

    (pgina 18)


    be + pp

    The car should be


    Cuando en la oracin pasiva no aparece "by", la traduccin es impersonal:


    The plan is called a flow chart. El plan se llama diagrama de flujo.

    Hundreds of megabytes of software can be recorded on one disk.

    Cientos de megabytes de software se pueden grabar en un disco.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    Cuando en la oracin pasiva aparece "by", la traduccin es literal:

    The telephone was invented by Graham Bell.

    El telfono fue inventado por Graham Bell.

    Manchester were beaten 3-0 by Liverpool yesterday.

    Ayer Manchester fue derrotado 3-0 por Liverpool.

    Cuando la voz pasiva va seguida de un infinitivo, se traduce:


    You are supposed to know the answer.

    Se supone que conoces la respuesta.

    Esta traduccin slo se realiza con verbos tales como: say, suppose, think,

    assume, consider, believe, etc.

    Cuando se utilizan otros verbos la traduccin se efecta de la siguiente manera:

    It is used to store information.

    Se utiliza para almacenar informacin.



    * Cuando deseamos enfatizar ideas presentes con intencin, seguridad o planes de

    que se cumplan en el futuro, utilizamos la construccin: BE + GOING TO + VERB

    Next year is going to be different. El ao prximo va a ser diferente.

    It is going to rain: look at those clouds.

    Va a llover: mire esas nubes.

    They were going to buy a ink-jet printer but finally they bought a laser one.

    Iban a comprar una impresora a chorro de tinta pero finalmente compraron

    una lser.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    * Como equivalente de "must" en la construccin: BE TO + VERBO

    You are to stop smoking or you will die.

    Debes dejar de fumar o te morirs.

    * Tambin puede traducirse "ir a" segn el contexto en que se emplee.

    She is to come tomorrow.

    Va a venir maana.

    * Se traduce "es probable que" en la siguiente construccin: BE LIKELY + VERBO

    It is likely to rain.

    Es probable que llueva.

    The virus is likely to damage data on the disk.

    Es probable que el virus dae los datos del disco. * Se traduce "haber " o "existir" en la construccin:

    THERE + BE There is no water on the moon.

    No hay agua en la luna.

    There were many children sleeping in the street.

    Haba muchos nios durmiendo en la calle.

    * Se traduce "tener" en casos como:

    She is fifteen years old. It is 50 cm wide.

    Tiene quince aos. Tiene 50 cm de ancho.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia



    * En la construccin:


    I had my watch repaired.

    Hice arreglar mi reloj.

    They will have their house decorated next week.

    Harn decorar su casa la prxima semana.

    * Se traduce como equivalente de "must" (obligacin) en la estructura:


    You have to pay in advance.

    Debe pagar por adelantado.

    They have to go to London for a meeting.

    Deben ir a una reunin en Londres.

    La diferencia entre el uso de "must" y "have to" reside en que en el caso de

    "must" la obligacin es sentida por el sujeto, mientras que en la expresin "have

    to" la obligacin viene desde afuera.

    I must stop smoking.

    Debo dejar de fumar. (es mi deseo)

    I have to stop smoking.

    Debo dejar de fumar. (por indicacin del mdico)

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia



    * Se utiliza para enfatizar el verbo y se traduce "ciertamente", "realmente", en la


    DO + VERBO

    I said I was going to win, and I did win.

    Dije que iba a ganar y ciertamente gan.

    I do feel ill!

    Realmente me siento enferma.



    * Se traduce: deber, debera, debiera

    People should drive more carefully.

    La gente debera manejar con ms cuidado.


    * Puede utilizarse con un significado similar a "should":

    We ought to discuss the problem.

    Debemos discutir el problema.


    * Se utiliza para rdenes, consejos u opiniones y se traduce "deber":

    Passengers must not speak to the driver.

    Los pasajeros no deben hablar con el conductor.

    He must realise that he is in trouble.

    Debe darse cuenta de que est en problemas.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia



    * Se traduce "poder" y se puede utilizar con el sentido de:

    a) habilidad b) permiso, requerimientos, ofrecimientos:

    She can speak English quite well.

    Puede hablar ingls bastante bien.(habilidad)

    You can't come into my room.

    No puedes entrar en mi cuarto.(permiso)

    Can you put the children to bed?

    Puede acostar a los nios?(requerimiento)


    * Se utiliza con el sentido b) de "can", pero es ms formal y menos frecuente:

    May I help you, sir?

    Puedo ayudarlo, seor?

    May I use your phone?

    Puedo usar su telfono? COULD

    * Se utiliza con el mismo sentido que "can" y se traduce "podra":

    Could I pay you tomorrow?

    Podra pagarle maana?


    * Se utiliza para indicar una posibilidad ms remota que usando "may" y

    tambin se traduce "podra":

    My mother might be at home now.

    Mi madre podra estar en casa ahora.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia



    Son palabras que tienen la misma forma en ingls y espaol pero distinto


    Ability: capacidad, destreza, aptitud

    Actual: verdadero, real

    Actually: en realidad

    Assume: suponer

    College: facultad

    Billion: mil millones

    Compass: brjula

    Consistent: constante, consecuente

    Eventually: finalmente

    Exit: salida

    File: archivo, fichero

    Implications: consecuencias, efectos, repercusiones

    Lecture: conferencia

    Library: biblioteca

    Notice: aviso

    Regular: habitual, normal

    Simple: sencillo, ordinario

    Por supuesto que esta lista es bastante ms amplia y estos "falsos amigos"

    pueden llevarnos a cometer graves errores no slo de traduccin sino de

    comprensin. Recordemos en estos casos que "las apariencias engaan".

    Concluimos aqu el estudio comparativo de la gramtica de ambas lenguas.

    El estudio no se agota en los temas que hemos visto pero, al menos, dichos

    temas permitirn que podamos cumplir con los objetivos que nos propusimos al

    comenzar esta asignatura.

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    Vocabulario especfico del rea informtica

    En los siguientes artculos encontrarn los verbos, adjetivos y adverbios ms utilizados

    en los textos tcnicos resaltados en color azul. Algunos de ellos son palabras

    transparentes, es decir, se ven igual o casi igual a su traduccin en castellano. Usen

    estos prrafos para crear su propia lista de verbos de referencia, para poder

    consultar en el futuro a modo de mini-diccionario.

    Software Maintenance

    In software engineering, software maintenance is the process of enhancing and

    optimizing deployed software (software release), as well as remedying defects.

    Software maintenance is one of the phases in the software development process,

    and follows deployment of the software into the field. The software

    maintenance phase involves changes to the software in order to correct

    defects and deficiencies found during field usage as well as the addition of new

    functionality to improve the software's usability and applicability.

    Software maintenance involves a number of specific techniques. One

    technique is static slicing, which is used to identify all the program codes that

    can modify some variable. It is generally useful in refactoring program codes and

    was specifically useful in assuring Y2K compliance. The software maintenance

    phase is an explicit part of the waterfall model of the software development

    process which was developed during the structured programming movement of

    computer programming. The other major model, the spiral model developed during

    the object oriented movement of software engineering, makes no explicit mention

    of a maintenance phase. Nevertheless, this activity is notable, considering the

    fact that two-thirds of a software system's lifetime cost involves maintenance.

    In a formal software development environment, the developing organization or team

    will have some mechanisms to document and track defects and deficiencies.

    Software just like most other products, is typically released with a known set of

    defects and deficiencies. The software is released with the issues because the

    development organization decides the utility and value of the software at a

    particular level of quality outweighs the impact of the known defects and


  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    The known issues are normally documented in a letter of operational considerations

    or release notes so that the users of the software will be able to work around the

    known issues and will know when the use of the software would be

    inappropriate for particular tasks.

    With the release of the software, other undocumented defects and deficiencies

    will be discovered by the users of the software. As these issues are reported to

    the development organization, they will be entered into the defect tracking system.

    The people involved in the software maintenance phase are expected to work on

    these known issues, address them, and prepare for a new release of the software,

    known as maintenance release, which will address the documented issues.

    LIST OF VERBS (Basic)

    Los verbos regulares forman el Simple Past y el Past Participle agregando -ed al infinitivo.

    Los verbos irregulares no siguen esta regla (se encuentran marcados con i ). *

    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Spanish

    answer answered answered responder

    arrive arrived arrived llegar

    ask asked asked preguntar

    be i was / were been ser

    borrow borrowed borrowed tomar prestado

    break i broke broken romper

    buy i bought bought comprar

    catch i caught caught atrapar

    clean cleaned cleaned limpiar

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    climb climbed climbed escalar

    collect collected collected coleccionar

    come i came come venir

    compose composed composed componer

    cook cooked cooked cocinar

    cut i cut cut cortar

    dance danced danced bailar

    describe described described describir

    discover discovered discovered descubrir

    do i did done hacer

    drink i drank drunk beber

    drive i drove driven conducir

    eat i ate eaten comer

    enjoy enjoyed enjoyed disfrutar

    fall i fell fallen caer

    feel i felt felt sentir

    find i found found encontrar

    fly i flew flown volar

    forget i forgot forgotten olvidar

    give i gave given dar

    go i went gone ir

    happen happened happened suceder

    have i had had tener

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    help helped helped ayudar

    hurt i hurt hurt herir, doler

    invent invented invented inventar

    invite invited invited invitar

    kill killed killed matar

    know i knew known saber

    lend i lent lent prestar

    leave i left left dejar

    lie i lay lain yacer

    like liked liked gustar

    live lived lived vivir

    look looked looked mirar

    love loved loved amar

    make i made made hacer

    meet i met met conocer, encontrar

    miss missed missed perder, extraar

    open opened opened abrir

    pack packed packed empacar

    pay i paid paid pagar

    phone phoned phoned llamar por telfono

    play played played jugar

    prefer preferred preferred preferir

    prepare prepared prepared preparar

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    push pushed pushed empujar

    put i put put poner

    rain rained rained llover

    read i read read leer

    remember remembered remembered recordar

    rent rented rented alquilar

    rescue rescued rescued rescatar

    return returned returned volver, devolver

    ring i rang rung llamar por telfono

    save saved saved ahorrar

    say i said said decir

    search searched searched buscar

    see i saw seen ver

    sell i sold sold vender

    sit i sat sat sentarse

    skate skated skated patinar

    ski skied skied esquiar

    sleep i slept slept dormir

    smell smelled smelled oler

    speak i spoke spoken hablar

    spend i spent spent gastar

    start started started comenzar

    stay stayed stayed quedarse

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    stop stopped stopped detener

    study studied studied estudiar

    survive survived survived sobrevivir

    swim i swam swum nadar

    take i took taken tomar

    talk talked talked hablar

    teach i taught taught ensear

    tell i told told decir

    think i thought thought pensar

    throw i threw thrown lanzar

    touch touched touched tocar

    try tried tried intentar

    use used used usar

    visit visited visited visitar

    wait waited waited esperar

    walk walked walked caminar

    want wanted wanted querer

    wash washed washed lavar

    watch watched watched mirar

    wear i wore worn llevar puesto

    work worked worked trabajar

    write i wrote written escribir

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    LIST OF VERBS (Advanced)

    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Spanish

    add added added agregar

    answer answered answered responder

    apologise apologised apologised disculparse

    arrest arrested arrested arrestar

    arrive arrived arrived llegar

    ask asked asked preguntar

    attack attacked attacked atacar

    be i was / were been ser

    become i became become convertirse

    begin i began begun comenzar

    believe believed believed creer

    boil boiled boiled hervir

    book booked booked reservar

    borrow borrowed borrowed tomar prestado

    break i broke broken romper

    bring i brought brought traer

    build i built built construir

    buy i bought bought comprar

    catch i caught caught atrapar

    carry carried carried llevar

    change changed changed cambiar

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    chop chopped chopped picar

    clean cleaned cleaned limpiar

    climb climbed climbed escalar

    collect collected collected colleccionar

    come i came come venir

    compose composed composed componer

    cook cooked cooked cocinar

    copy copied copied copiar

    cut i cut cut cortar

    dance danced danced bailar

    describe described described describir

    destroy destroyed destroyed destruir

    die died died morir

    discover discovered discovered descubrir

    discuss discussed discussed discutir

    do i did done hacer

    draw i drew drawn dibujar

    dream i dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed soar

    drink i drank drunk beber

    drive i drove driven conducir

    dye dyed dyed teir

    eat i ate eaten comer

    enjoy enjoyed enjoyed disfrutar

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    explode exploded exploded explotar

    extinguish extinguished extinguished extinguirse

    fall i fell fallen caer

    feed i fed fed alimentar

    feel i felt felt sentir

    fight i fought fought pelear

    find i found found encontrar

    fly i flew flown volar

    forget i forgot forgotten olvidar

    freeze i froze frozen congelar

    fry fried fried frer

    give i gave given dar

    go i went gone ir

    grow i grew grown crecer

    happen happened happened suceder

    hate hated hated odiar

    have i had had tener

    hear i heard heard or

    help helped helped ayudar

    hire hired hired alquilar

    hope hoped hoped esperar

    hunt hunted hunted cazar

    hurt i hurt hurt herir, doler

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    imagine imagined imagined imaginar

    invent invented invented inventar

    invite invited invited invitar

    jump jumped jumped saltar

    keep i kept kept guardar

    kill killed killed matar

    know i knew known saber

    leave i left left dejar

    lend i lent lent prestar

    lie i lay lain yacer

    lie lied lied mentir

    lift lifted lifted levantar

    like liked liked gustar

    listen listened listened escuchar

    live lived lived vivir

    look looked looked mirar

    lose i lost lost perder

    love loved loved amar

    make i made made hacer

    meet i met met conocer, encontrar

    miss missed missed perder, extraar

    offer offered offered ofrecer

    open opened opened abrir

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    pack packed packed empacar

    pass passed passed pasar, aprobar

    pay i paid paid pagar

    peel peeled peeled pelar

    phone phoned phoned llamar por telfono

    plan planned planned planificar

    play played played jugar

    pour poured poured verter

    prefer preferred preferred preferir

    prepare prepared prepared preparar

    push pushed pushed empujar

    put i put put poner

    rain rained rained llover

    read i read read leer

    reduce reduced reduced reducir

    remember remembered remembered recordar

    rent rented rented alquilar

    rescue rescued rescued rescatar

    return returned returned volver, devolver

    ring i rang rung llamar por telfono

    run i ran run correr

    save saved saved ahorrar

    say i said said decir

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    search searched searched buscar

    send i sent sent enviar

    scream screamed screamed gritar

    see i saw seen ver

    sell i sold sold vender

    shine i shone shone brillar

    shut i shut shut cerrar

    sing i sang sung cantar

    sit i sat sat sentarse

    skate skated skated patinar

    ski skied skied esquiar

    sleep i slept slept dormir

    smell smelled smelled oler

    snore snored snored roncar

    speak i spoke spoken hablar

    spend i spent spent gastar

    start started started comenzar

    stay stayed stayed quedarse

    steal i stole stolen robar

    stop stopped stopped detener

    study studied studied estudiar

    survive survived survived sobrevivir

    swim i swam swum nadar

  • Profesorado del CONSUDEC Materia: Ingls I

    Modalidad a Distancia


    take i took taken tomar

    talk talked talked hablar

    teach i taught taught ensear

    tell i told told decir

    thank thanked thanked agradecer

    think i thought thought pensar

    throw i threw thrown lanzar

    touch touched touched tocar

    try tried tried intentar

    use used used usar

    visit visited visited visitar

    wait waited waited esperar

    walk walked walked caminar

    want wanted wanted querer

    warn warned warned advertir

    wash washed washed lavar

    watch watched watched mirar

    wear i wore worn llevar puesto

    win i won won ganar

    work worked worked trabajar

    write i wrote written escribir

    With this program you can select hundreds of pictures simply by moving themouse.