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Y-PEER evisions young people to have meaningful participation in decision making related to their health in order to have equal access to information and services to live a healthy,

content life.


Y-PEER aims to promote a healthy life style through peer to peer approach and to empower young people to make responsible decisions.

Principle: (under revision)

Y-PEER promotes the equal access to opportunities and “defends the practice” of discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, serologic status, physical capacities

and disabilities, political and religious views, ethnic or national origins, disability or chronic illness.


Youth Peer Education Network Bylaws

General Regulations

Name of The Organization

The official name of the network is Youth Peer Education Network. The only official abbrevation is Y-PEER. The abreviation is always written in capital letters


The official language of Y-PEER International is English.


Y-PEER shall be governed by its bylaws.

An article in the Bylaws can be amanded only at Global Advisory Board meeting by at least votes of two third of the of the voters. This rule can never be changed by suggestion or voting of any Y-PEER body.

Amendments to Bylaws can only be submitted by FPCs, ICs, and Alumni at least one (1) month before the GAB meeting and will be reviewed by a Panel of the Alumni Board. Amendments submitted after the deadline would not be taken into consideration. At least 3 of the Alumni Board members should recognize the relevancy of the change/ amendment before the amendment is shared with the GAB members. However, all reviewed/ modified amendments should be shared at least one week before the GAB meeting with the GAB members (FPCs).The amendments will be discussed and/ or voted during the GAB meeting.


Y-PEER Network has one original logo which is the following


Y-PEER Network has various brandmarks variations. All these variations can be used by Y-PEER International and National Networks. This usage must be in line with the Y-PEER Branding Guidelines.

For National usage (Being discussed)

The official logo can only be used by Y-PEER International and National Networks members of the Network.


The official international Y-PEER website is


All printed material written in the name of Y-PEER, should be approved by Y-PEER International Coordinators before being distributed.

For materials not pre-approved by ICs, it is mandatory to put disclaimer in line with the Y-PEER logo.

The translation of publications to member national network languages can be possible only if there is a professional translator involved, which is proven by the necessary documentation. This resources should be revised by member country’s focal points.

Only if there is not available financial resources, the translation can be done by the national focal points and then revised by proof reader. This process should be proven by documentation as well.


Y-PEER International and National Networks

Y-PEER International takes no responsibility for national actions that are in conflict with Y-PEER Bylaws and local laws.


Global Advisory Board (GAB)

Global Advisory Board or GAB constitutes of the Focal Points in Charge of all the national networks. GAB members are divided into voting and non-voting members according to certain criteria specified below.

International coordinators (ICs)

International coordinators or ICs are the oficial representatives of Y-PEER at international level. ICs are coordinating the International Network and the execution of the anual action plan.

Alumni and Alumni Board (AB)

Alumni are previous International Coordinators that finished their term.

Alumni Board or the AB constitutes of previous ICs that finished their term (as ICs) maximum three years ago.

Focal Points In Charge (FPCs)

Focal Points in Charge or the FPCs are the representatives of their repective Y-PEER Country Networks at the GAB and towards the International Coordinators.

Operating Units

Operating Units are the physical places hosting the operating unit staff except the professional fundraising individual or company. It constitutes of:


Support Unit: that includes the Communication director, the advocacy and fundraising director. The support unit includes also a professional fundraising individual or company.

Programing Unit: that constitutes of two programing directors.

Network Country Members

Y-PEER representatives: are part of the national network structure that are representing their network towards their respective directors in the support unit.

Y-PEER national coordinator / coordination body: National Y-PEER networks may choose to have in

their structure a national coordinator / coordination body to run and coordinate the Y-Peer activities

at the national level. The national coordinator can be or not the same person than the FPC.

Y-PEER International Center (YIC)

PETRI is an entity consisteded of three parties: Y-PEER International Center (YIC), country hosting agency and country UNFPA CO where YIC is situated.

PETRI stands for Peer Education Training and Research Institute.

Y-PEER International Center (YIC) is the physical place/office that hosts the operating unit staffexcept the professional fundraising individual or company.

YIC is part of PETRI. Y-PEER International Coordinator in charge is supposed to work in YIC.

Country Hosting Agency is a institution (national or international one) in the country where YIC issituated and therefore is hosting that particular YIC.

The purpose of the Hosting Agency is not only to provide YIC a place but to provide expertise and technical assistance to YIC in that country and Y-PEER international in general.

Hosting agency is usually recognized at national and/or regional level as a credible agency for youth issues, health issues, reasearch, etc.

Supervisor of staff in YIC is coming from Hosting Agency of that country.

UNFPA Country Office is part of PETRI entity as a partner as well as logistical, technical and fundingrole.



The GAB constitutes of the focal points in charge from Y-PEER country networks.

The GAB voting members meet once annually. 75 % of the country networks are represented except if more countries fulfill the criteria fully. This condition doesn’t apply if more than 25 % of country networks are not fulfilling the criteria for 2 consecutive years. The criteria mentioned here refer to the ones in the National Network Evaluation Form.

The country networks are evaluated by the programming unit in accordance with Country Networks Evaluation Criteria (Annex 1).

All country networks will gain the right to be members of GAB Meeting when bylaws are significantly amended. International Coordinators and Alumni Board are the decision makers on whether the amendments were significant or not.

Country networks failing to fulfill the minimum criteria for one year will still be able to be GAB voting members and will get special attention from Regional and Support Units to motivate that network fulfill the criteria. This doesn’t apply if 75 % of the country networks are already represented.

Country networks failing to accomplish the criteria for 2 consecutive years won’t have the right to be GAB Voting Member for that year.

At least 2 alumni board members and 2 International Partners are invited to the GAB meeting. They do not have voting rights.

GAB Voting members are those eligible to attend the GAB Meeting for that year.

The GAB Meeting is chaired by the International Coordinators

Objection to the results of the selection of GAB voting members are directed to the Alumni Board.

A country network not fulfilling the participation criteria (getting enough scores for participating in GAB meeting) because of emergency situations, participation of this country network in GAB meeting will be assessed and decided by the Alumni Board.

GAB Voting Members elect 4 new ICs yearly among the FPCs that applied for this position and that are attending the GAB Meeting for the second time; or are attending GAB for the first time, but went through international fellowship as PETRI/PETRI-U fellow or as part of the UNFPA Special Youth Program (in this case, their nomination has to be supported with positive evaluation from their supervisors).


If less than six members of GAB attend for the second time at the GAB meeting, all GAB members are eligible to be elected as IC.

FPCs are eligible to nominate for IC position only if they are FPCs in the year of the nomination.

International Annual Action plan is submitted by the International Coordinators to FPCs 1 months before the GAB meeting. FPCs send their comments 2 weeks before meeting. Final action plan is submitted by ICs to FPCs 1 week before meeting.

The GAB voting members retain the right to approve or disapprove the action plan during the meeting with a quorum of 50 % + 1

If the international annual action plan is declined by GAB voting members during the GAB meeting, a closed session is held and ICs justify plan and modify it in accordance with GAB voting members; with facilitation of alumni members. If the plan is declined again, consensus is reached by the alumni, GAB voting members and ICs for the well being of the network.

International coordinators will send a call for application for those who wants to host the GAB meeting and countries willing to host the meeting will send applications with different items (budget, facilities, visa, etc). The call should be sent to country networks’ mailing lists 3 months after previous GAB meeting. InternationalCoordinators decide which country is going to host the next meeting, provided that one country is not allowed to host the meeting for two following years.

A call for inputs for the agenda from GAB voting members should be sent by ICs two months before the meeting. GAB voting members comment on the agenda and the final agenda should be ready one month prior to the meeting. Final agenda is sent by the ICs to the GAB members.

GAB voting members will divide in small groups discussing different topics in accordance with the network’s action plan. These discussions are followed up by these members throughout the following year.

GAB has rights to question International Coordinators about their decisions and ICsare obliged to answer in a satisfactory evidence based way. All questions should be raised at least 2 weeks before the GAB meeting.

Amendments on Bylaws should be submited by FPCs 1 month before the GAB meeting. Amendments submited after deadline would not be taken into consideration. The amandmants will be discussed and / or voted during the GAB meeting.



International Coordinators Body constitute of 6 members with equal rights and responsibilities.

IC are elected by voting GAB Members during GAB Meeting, according to the ICs Election Process. (being developed)

Minimum one IC and maximum 3 ICs should come from each of the 4 regions / +1 combined (Eastern Europe, Arab States, Central Asia and combined Asia-Pacific and sub-Saharan Africa), have to be elected by the GAB. However, it is advised optimally that each region is represented by 2 ICs (for the combined region: 1 from Asia Pacific and 1 from sub-Saharan Africa)

International coordinators work for 2 consecutive years, each year 3 members are rotated and the GAB voting members vote for the selection of the 3 new ICs each year, during GAB meeting.

ICs can neither be Focal Points in Charge, nor GAB voting members in the same term. ICs can stay in term for a maximum of 2 years, after that they become alumni. Nominees for International Coordinators apply at least one month before the Global

Advisory Board Meeting. Applicants after that are not eligible. International Coordinators cease to hold their posts in the following conditions:

After their 2 years term Resignation Decision by GAB by 2/3rd majority.

International Coordinators are paid a yearly honorarium. ICs develop annual action plans for the global network based upon countries needs and

international trends. ICs divide tasks between themselves according to the Task Division Plan (annex2). ICs

can make changes in the Task Division Plan to serve the needs of the Network. ICs should inform GAB Members about any changes made in the Task Division Plan.

ICs are coordinating the selection of the Focal Points in Charge and International directors in Units.

ICs ensure sharing information and transparency of the selection process of the FPCs, GAB members; on the policy and the governance, with the rest of the structure.

The duties and responsibilities of the ICs includes:Overview of the policy, Releasing combined annual report (received from directors/units), Allocating funds/resources, Coordinating communication among directors, Inviting alumni to question programs/directors, Requesting half yearly reports from directors who – in turn – receive reports from


national networks in different formats (monitor and evaluate), ICs recruit external consultants,ICs are the main responsible body for ICT (internet communication technology), management of the network (website management, list serve management, etc.), Conceptual agreement with partners, Searching for potential partners, Deciding alumni members to go to the countries that need suport,Selection of Y-PEER representatives at international events.

The International Coordinators in the second year of their term mentor the newly elected International coordinators.


Alumni constitutes of previous International Coordinators. Only the last 3 years’ International Coordinators constitute the Alumni Board and retain

the right of active participation in decision making. (9 members maximum in total) The Alumni Board is non voting member of the GAB. Alumni board has the final say if a national network objects to the results of the

selection process for the GAB meeting voting members. Alumni Board decides participation of a network in GAB meeting in case of emergency

situation in a specific country. If a country is not fulfilling the National Network Evaluation Criteria for 2 consecutive

years and this country requests assistance, the alumni board members closest to the country will provide technical assistance with the mentorship of ICs (Extended alumni board). Decision of which alumni member to go is taken by ICs.

At least two members of the alumni board (selected by the alumni board itself) will attend the GAB meeting as nonvoting member

Alumni Board provides feedback for annual action plans, reports and GAB Agenda. In case of decline of international action plan by GAB voting members, alumni board

members attending the meeting facilitate the session between GAB voting members and ICs as a mediator.

Alumni advise the ICs about potential partners and funders.



Operating Units members

Recruited by International Coordinators in a transparent process relying on applying for the post

Communication Director Qualifications

English speaking

Studying in University or Graduate

Age 20-30

Minimum 2 years experience relevant to the tasks of the subunit

Contract is for one year, renewable.

Duties and Responsibilities

Develop communication strategies (including tracking trends)

Analyze communication situation and needs

Follow up with conceptual partners and initiating communication with potential ones

Analyze the half yearly national reports for communication component; compile a report of key achievements and challenges with recommendations.

Assist national networks in implementing their communication strategies in coherence with international guidelines


Advocacy and Fundraising Director Qualifications

English speaking

Studying in University or Graduate

Age 20-35

Minimum 3 years experience relevant to the tasks of the subunit

Contract is for one year, renewable.

Fundraising and Advocacy Director Roles and Responsibilities

Develop unified core messages

Identify and analyze stakeholders based on programming unit assessments

Develop stakeholder specific tools and guidelines

Analyze the national half yearly reports for Advocacy component; compile a report of key achievements and challenges with recommendations.

Supporting Y-PEER representatives at conferences/meetings and receiving feedback from them

Releases monthly “Fundraising Tips and Opportunities” Newsletter.

Assist the national networks in their fundraising efforts

Conducting one day Fundraising session in Advanced ToTs.

Programming Directors Roles and Responsibilities

Programming directors have full time job, and work at International Centers.

Programming directors are responsible for three regions but the division of work is left to them to decide, however they have the same responsibilities and are equally questioned


Needs Assessment and analysis

Identify program priorities (assisting in the resource allocation)

Organize capacity building activities along with ICs on different issues

Assist national networks on developing programs and resources

by ICs and GAB.

Collecting and analyzing activity logs of focal points, trip reports and training reports of focal points

Receiving and assessing national network reports

Monitor and evaluate (ensure the implementation of the Y-PEER standards at the national network level)

Compile a regional report half yearly and present it to ICs.

Sending half yearly reports on their sub regions work to the International Coordinators

Programming Directors Qualifications

English speaking

Studying in University or Graduate

Age 20-35

Minimum 3 years experience relevant to the tasks of the subunit (Needs assessment, analysis, reporting, logistics, monitoring and evaluation and management skills)

Contract is for one year, renewable.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Projects at the international level need to have their monitoring and evaluation work plan and tools before the start of the project.


It is mandatory for the country networks to present the results of the M&E in the annual report.

Operating Units and International Coordinators monitor and evaluate the country networks through Activity logs, half-year report and annual reports.

Y-PEER Advanced ToTs must be supervised by alumni while conducted.

Previous focal points in charge mentor the new focal points in charge. Mentorship begins 3 months before term begins (During the mentorship period, the new FPC don’t have decision making rights).

Y-PEER ICs will yearly hire external Consultant who will prepare Annual Report on Y-PEER that is based on analysis of International Y-PEER Report (based on International Y-PEER Action Plan) and Regional Reports (submitted from Regional Directors) which will provide statistical overview, as well as impact of evidence of the International activities on Regionaland National level.

Y-PEER Advanced Trainers

Y-PEER International will issue certificates of participation for each trainee after the Advanced ToT. However, they are not certified as advanced trainers.

Y-PEER Passport is an official document that provides information about the International Y-PEER trainings this trainer attended and conducted.

To be certified as advanced trainers, the participant should get the Y-PEER visa. To get a Y-PEER visa, participant should facilitate or co-facilitate Y-PEER National training at

least once during the year following the Advanced ToT. Y-PEER visa includes following information:

o International Y-PEER Training this trainee participated in.o Topic of trainingo Date of issuance and expiry date of visa; initially the visa is issued for 3 years

In addition to the visa, Y-PEER trainers will receive a letter telling about conditions and validity of their title, as well as information on under what conditions this visa can be renewed.

If renewal is requested by trainer, the trainer has to conduct (take part) in an Advanced ToT, to get Y-PEER Visa for 3 more years.


The Y-PEER Representative Body in a country is a criteria of being part of the international network.


Y-PEER Representative Body consists of 4 members: Y-PEER Focal Point In Charge, Y-PEER National Representative of Communication, Y-PEER National Representative of Funding and Advocacy and Y-PEER National Representative of Programming.

Y-PEER Bylaws are totally respectful and confident of its member network countries’ internal decisions. The country networks have equal rights. The country networks have responsibilities towards the international network . These responsibilities are cited and defined below.

Country Networks should submit their Action Plan, 2 Half-year report and one Annual detailed report on stated deadlines. (annex 3)

Focal-Point-In-Charge (FPC) has the duty to collect the information needed for the reports, with the help of the focal points in the country.

FPC collects reports from national representatives according to templates provided by the Programming Unit and submits every 6 months (with additional events which are not under national representatives) to International Coordinators with copying national representatives, the Programming Unit and Support Unit.

Focal Points in charge (FPCs) are national representatives of their country networks (for elegible countries) at international level. This person can be different from National Coordinator of the network.

FPCs stay in term one year. Election process is facilitated by ICs prior to every GAB meeting. FPCs are elegible for one re-election (does not have to be 2 consecutive years).

A country network may have a National Coordinator or a National Coordinating body to run the national activities.

There are no international criteria for National Coordinators; it is up to the country’s own decision.

FPC elections are facilitated by the International Coordinators, based on their CV, motivation letter, advanced ToT evaluation (advised by the international trainers) submitted activity logs and inputs from UNFPA CO. It is mandatory for ICs to use their votes.

International Coordinators can not use their vote only if the candidate FPC is from the same country of the voting IC. In that case IC from that country should not vote.

National representatives communicate respectively with the national directing units. One person can be responsible for the work of two national directing units. (With justification to ICs).

The selection of the national representatives depends on the national network. Y-PEER strongly recommends the following qualifications as the minimum criteria on the selection of national representatives, to make the selection process transparent and accountable:

Fluency in English language.

Attending to at least a national ToT,


Interest in the subject and minimum experience

All FPCs will be invited for the Global Advisory Board Meeting, for only the first time after these bylaws are significantly amended. They will be introduced the new system and explained the criteria which they should meet to attend GAB Meeting the year after.

If a country wants to join the international network, a member has to apply for Advanced Training of trainers. The network activities are then assessed by the programming unit and international coordinators and the country is invited to join the GAB meeting for that year with no voting rights.

The regulations stated in this bylaws replace all previous regulations.




Annex1: National Networks evaluation

National Network Evaluation Form

Submitted by International Coordinators


Reporting on time

(2 Half-yearly Reports, 1 Annual report)

14 total (4 for each half yearly, 6for annual)

Submission of Annual Action Plan 2 points

Contribution to Y-PEER Newsletter, YNB 2 points max (0.5 per NL issue)

Replying to ICs and Units when “Reply requested”; general requests (happens 4 or 5 times a year)

1 point per reply

Peer of month award 1 extra point

Representing Y-PEER in international fellowship(UNFPA, PETRI and all Y-PEER partners)

1 extra point

Abstract accepted in International conference + Mission report

1 extra point

Getting funding from bodies other than UN Agencies 1 extra point


Annex2: Task Division Plan between ICs

Proposal for task division between ICs

1. IC in Charge- The IC in Charge is the IC present in PETRI- The responsibilities and duties of the IC in Charge are:- Consolidates the International Action Plan and ensures the follow-up of the

International Action Plan;- Facilitates the communication and ensures coordination between ICs, PETRI and UNFPA

HQ;- Signs and sends official letters on behalf of Y-PEER International- Supervise and mentors YIC & PETRI fellows

2. IC in charge of partnerships

The IC will be responsible for :

- With partners: identifying new partners according to the Network orientations and agenda, follow-up on programs and partnerships already running;

- Launch the network in other countries (along with Regional/Country Offices and HQ)- Coordinate representation of Y-PEER in international events- Monthly planning and report needed

3. IC in charge of fundraising

The IC will be responsible:

- (Coordinate)Project proposal development;- Identify potential donors;- Monitor fundraising activities within national networks;- Create initiatives/plan trainings of project proposals and fundraising

4. IC in charge of international programming


The IC will be responsible for:

- Follow up on international action plan’s implementation;- Organize/Schedule with PETRI, UNFPA HQ and Regional Offices trainings/workshops;- Coordinate M&E process (along with PETRI and UNFPA)

5. IC in charge of Branding

The IC will be responsible for:

- Branding and promotion;- Promotion of the component Strategic Media Communication ;- Coordination of website administration;- NL production coordination (along with PETRI);- Promotional materials production coordination; - Participate in the coordination of Y-PEER representation in partenrs/regional/international


6. IC in Charge of Y-PEER as a Foundation

- Explore and monitors the process of creating Y-PEER Foundation


Though there is a task division between ICs, it’s important to note that there are:

- Country Networks follow-up, support and monitoring- Common roles/tasks/responsibilities for all ICs- Internal communication rules

A. Country National Networks follow-up, support and monitoring

All the ICs divide among themselves equal numbers of national networks to follow-up, support and monitor whenever needed.This support includes the monitoring during FPC selection process, addressing specific concerns and giving technical support when requested for the country network in cooperation with UNFPA COs of respective countries. For ethical reasons, the IC is not allowed to be in charge of his own country network.

B. Common roles, tasks and responsibilities for all ICs

A.1. Quarterly reporting and planning


Every Y-PEER IC should provide the other ICs and other relevant counterparts (UNFPA, GAB Members…) a quarterly workplan along with a quaterly report.

A.2. Representation of Y-PEER

Y-PEER ICs are often called to represent Y-PEER in various events, workshops and high-level meetings. Travel reports should be shared systematically with GAB Members.

A.3. Involvement of Y-PEER FPCs and PETRI fellows

In every task, except the support for national networks, ICs should involve FPCs in order to initiate them to the duties and responibilities of ICs and ensure preparation of FPCs to their potential role as future ICs qnd Network leaders/managers/YIC fellows…

A.4. All ICs are responsible for the respect of Y-PEER code of ethics, bylaws, guidelines, transparency procedures; each in its task area and has the duty to notify the ICs responsible for a certain task area about any misbehavior/lack of respect is watched .

C. The tasks stated below are often interlinked and a systematic information sharing about different areas is highly recommanded.


Annex 3: National networks Reports

Half year report template

Half-year Y-PEER national Report


Submitted by Focal Point in charge:Submitted to:


Covering period: from ..... to .....


1. Introduction

2. Y-PEER network progress

PE session Nber of sessions


Target group

Topic Number of reached








(male to female)



(female to male)

Peer presentation

PE workshop



Counseling sessions

Number of sessions


Target group

Topic Number of counseled








(male to female)



(female to male)

Group counseling

Individual counseling

Help Line/

SoS line

Internet counseling


Promotional activities

Number of sessions


Target group

Topic Number of reached








(male to female)



(female to male)

Y-PEER presentations

Street actions

Parties, concerts…

Performance, theater

Media, Communication, Advocacy

Number of sessions


Topic Name of media Archive




Print media




3. Main Challenges

4. Lessons learned

5. Recommendation


o Any kind of documentation (pictures, quotes, materials developed, etc)

Promo materials Amount of produced materials

Target group Topic


Annual report Template

Annual Y-PEER national Report


Submitted by Focal Point in charge:Submitted to:



1. Introduction:i. Overview of the network, when was it launched, and the structure

ii. Number of Focal pointsiii. Number of NGO membersiv. Specific goals of the network

2. Y-PEER network progress vs. Action Plani. Major activities undertaken (Trainings conducted, meetings, campaigns, etc)

ii. Activities scheduled in the action plan and that weren’t accomplished. What are the reasons?

3. Main challenges

4. New partners joined (if any)

5. New donors (if any)

6. Lessons learnt

7. Recommendation

Report should be no longer than 2 pages, plus cover page, contents page and annexes.


o Any kind of documentation (pictures, quotes, materials developed, etc)


Annex: Training Reporting templates

General Training Report

Trainers Overall Report on the Training

Submitted by:

Submitted to:



Contents page

1. Background Information

2. Venue

3. Training Objectives

4. Training faculty

5. Information on participants:

o number of participants

o number of countries they are coming from

o gender

o age range

o participants profile, target group

o selection criteria

6. Summary of Training

7. Resources and promo material distributed

8. Evaluation (what kind of evaluation was used, overall?)

9. Follow up and action plans

10. Lessons learnt and Recommendations

Report should be approximately 2 pages, plus cover page, contents page and annexes.


1. Agenda of the training (including which trainers did which session and objective of activity)

2. Participants list

3. Evaluation analysis (summary of evaluation forms)


4. Visual documentation (pictures and/or video/radio records if available)

5. Other relevant material

Trainers Individual Feedback Form(Feedback on co-facilitators or any other comments)

Name: Training: Date:


What do you think is the best?

What were the challenges?

Lessons learned (What should be taken into consideration in the upcoming trainings?)

Other comments/suggestions


MISSION REPORT(Conference, Meeting, Workshop, Seminar, Training attended)

Name of the Conference:

Conference Place and Dates:

Submitted by:


Submitted to:

1. Contents page

2. Background information o About the conference/meeting/workshop/seminar/training o Objectives o Organizers o Topics

3. Summary of Participants' profile, including number of participants

4. List of materials distributed

5. Sessions, panels, events organized

6. Y-PEER contributions and roles

7. Conference Declaration or other Key Document with Conference Conclusions (Meeting Key conclusions)

8. Opportunities (means opportunities given to young people such as participation, presentation, etc)

9. Lessons learnt and recommendations

Conference report should be approx. 2 pages, plus cover page, contents page and annexes:


1. Photographs

2. Newspaper clippings, if available


3. Radio or TV records, if available

4. Other relevant materials

Related Documents