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Page 1: Understanding Your Options: The Non-Operative Treatment Guide for SPORTS … · 2019-03-01 · TREATMENT After you’ve decided on a reputable physician and had your injury evaluated,

Understanding Your Options: The Non-Operative Treatment Guide for


Page 2: Understanding Your Options: The Non-Operative Treatment Guide for SPORTS … · 2019-03-01 · TREATMENT After you’ve decided on a reputable physician and had your injury evaluated,




Table of ContentsIntroduction ...........................................................................3

Common Sports and Spine Injuries ........................................4

Understanding Non-Operative Treatment Options .................6

Non-Operative Musculoskeletal Physicians ...........................10

What to Know Before Receiving Non-Operative Treatment ..12

Conclusion ............................................................................13

Page 3: Understanding Your Options: The Non-Operative Treatment Guide for SPORTS … · 2019-03-01 · TREATMENT After you’ve decided on a reputable physician and had your injury evaluated, 3

Young athletes and older adults face sports and spine injuries that can affect their everyday lives and prevent them from participating in activities they enjoy. A sports or spine injury can greatly impact a person, making the simplest tasks difficult to complete and causing significant pain. You may think that the only option for pain relief is undergoing surgery, but there are many non-surgical methods of treatment available to patients.

Patients who suffer from sports or spine injuries can benefit from receiving multimodal non-operative care such as physical therapy, activity modifications, home exercises, medications, injections, and more advanced non-surgical, minimally invasive procedures to avoid surgery and lengthy recovery.

If you’re suffering from a sports- or spine-related injury, you may be a good candidate for advanced non-operative, minimally invasive treatments that can be performed in the comfort of a doctor’s office.

In this eBook, you’ll learn about non-surgical treatment options that are available if you’re suffering from a painful injury. You’ll discover the common types of sports and spine injuries, different conservative treatment methods, how to evaluate a physician when seeking treatment, and information about your non-operative and rehabilitation treatment plan.

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COMMON SPORTS AND SPINE INJURIESMost sports and spine injuries can be treated non-surgically. If surgery isn’t immediately needed, physicians will work with patients to understand their injuries and determine the best method of treatment. Sometimes, treatment may involve surgery, but if surgery isn’t required, the physicians will focus on other treatment methods, such as physical therapy.

Whether your injury is new or you’ve been dealing with it for months or even years, the pain you’re experiencing should be treated as soon as possible. The following injuries are commonly treated with conservative care, without the need to undergo surgery, and can get you back to your daily routine before you know it.

Acute InjuriesAcute sports injuries, such as a sprained ankle, fractured wrist, or pulled muscle, occur because of an isolated traumatic event. These injuries can be treated with physical therapy, home exercises, bracing, or medications. The physician may instruct a patient with an acute injury to rest and avoid using the area that’s painful for a few days or weeks.

Chronic Overuse Injuries Chronic overuse injuries stem from many months or years of repetitive motion of a certain body part from a sport or career, such as throwing a baseball or swinging a tennis racket. These injuries include rotator cuff tendinopathy and tennis elbow, and they can usually be treated without surgery. Medication, an appropriate physical therapy routine, and several weeks of modified activity can be beneficial for healing these types of injuries.

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Orthopedic Conditions of the SpineThe spine is made up of 26 bones, or vertebrae, that protect the spinal cord and allow you to stand up straight. The cushions between the vertebrae are known as discs. The discs act like shock absorbers and allow your spine to bend. These vital parts of the body provide a structural framework for functional activities, so it’s essential to keep the discs healthy and working properly. Whether you’re dealing with spine pain caused by injury or wear and tear degeneration, non-operative care could help you feel better. The following orthopaedic conditions of the spine can be treated with physical therapy, medication, osteopathic or chiropractic manipulations, or spinal injections:

• Lower back and neck pain • Arthritis of the joints in the spine • Degenerative disc disease • Spinal stenosis • Herniated discs • Sciatica • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction

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UNDERSTANDING NON-OPERATIVE TREATMENT OPTIONSNon-operative treatment options are non-invasive or minimally-invasive treatments that relieve pain and help restore your range of motion to its pre-injury state. For your convenience, most practices host a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in an outpatient setting.

When seeking non-operative options to treat your injury, you’ll need to consider many different treatments based on the location and severity of your injury. Be sure to evaluate which method you believe is the best course of action for you. For example, a common method of treatment is injecting the affected joint or injured structure with anti-inflammatory medication. But if you have a phobia of needles, you’ll want to avoid this treatment and look into another option.Some of the most common non-operative treatment methods include the following:

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Physical TherapyPhysical therapy can improve your strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, and biomechanics, which can result in decreased tissue irritation and therefore reduce the pain in your joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. This treatment method utilizes specialized exercises and stretches, strengthening routines, fitness machines, treadmills, whirlpools, and modalities such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation.

Osteopathic or Chiropractic ManipulationOsteopathic physicians and chiropractors are skilled in manually adjusting the spine to line up bones and restore balance in the body. This relieves tension, allows the body to function properly, and reduces the risk of injury. If you’re dealing with joint pain, manipulation can restore function by improving mobility, decreasing muscle spasm and inflammation, and helping the body to feel better overall.

AcupunctureAcupuncture is a 2,000-year-old practice originating in China that focuses on restoring the natural balance to the body to relieve pain and encourage healing. This procedure is done by inserting fine needles and applying heat or electrical stimulation at precise acupuncture points along special energy channels called meridians. These meridians are like rivers flowing through the body. An obstruction in the movement of these energy rivers is like a dam that backs up the flow, preventing the normal flow of energy in the body. Acupuncture can help unblock the obstructions at the dams and reestablish the regular flow of energy through the meridians relieving pain and dysfunction. The modern scientific explanation is that needling the acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain, which can change the experience of pain.

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ExerciseAs part of the aging process, our muscles lose strength and endurance and our joints stiffen. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week to maximize health. Simple daily exercises can improve cardiovascular fitness to help reduce pain and allow you to live a more active lifestyle. Your physician may determine that your injury can be treated with daily exercise such as walking or jogging. Even 30 minutes of exercise each day can help you feel better overall and decrease the risk of injury.

While treating your injury, your physician will inform you of ways to prevent future injury. It’s common for people to reinjure themselves, especially if they’re unsure of what caused the injury in the first place, so be sure to speak with your doctor to fully understand your injury. Some methods to prevent further injury that your doctor will discuss with you may include the following:

• Core strengthening and stability • Balance, coordination, and functional fitness training • Conditioning programs to make muscles stronger • Daily exercises and stretches • Warm-up before strenuous physical activity

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It’s also common for your physician to combine treatment methods in order to provide the best care. Medication is commonly prescribed to patients who are also participating in physical therapy to decrease pain during the exercises and stretches that are healing the injury over time. Additional treatment methods are listed below.

Advanced Minimally Invasive Treatments

Other Services

• Fluroscopically (X-ray) guided procedures for proper and safe needle placement • Epidural steroid injections • Facet joint and sacroiliac joint injections • Radiofrequency ablation for facet and sacroiliac joint pain • Hip and shoulder joint injections • Spinal cord stimulator trials • Discography • Ultrasound-guided peripheral joint, tendon, and nerve injections • Platelet-rich plasma injections • Prolotherapy • Fragmentation of calcific tendinopathy

• Osteoporosis treatment • Electrodiagnostic testing (testing nerve function) • Concussion testing and treatment (ImPACT) • Fracture care • Scoliosis management • Osteopathic manipulation

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NON-OPERATIVE MUSCULOSKELETAL PHYSICIANSYou should look for a non-operative musculoskeletal physician immediately after the first signs of pain. Choosing the right physician for you is of the utmost importance when relying on non-operative treatments. You want to be sure to find a reputable physician who’s qualified and experienced in providing care for patients with sports and spine injuries. Follow these tips when looking for a physician and start your treatment as soon as possible to relieve pain and reduce the risk of further injury:

EducationSports and spine injuries can be serious. It’s crucial to properly evaluate a physician to ensure you receive the best possible care. Determine whether the physician specializes in treating orthopaedic conditions of the spine, muscles, and joints. You may also want to consider any other specialties that the physician may practice and opt for someone who has a focus in the area of your injury.

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Make sure your physician has a medical degree and an up-to-date license, depending on the laws of your state. Furthermore, holding certification from the American Board of Medical Specialties is strongly encouraged. The areas of board certification for musculoskeletal medicine include sports medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and pain medicine.

Most reputable physicians are also members of one of the following non-operative sports and spine organizations:

ExperienceAnother important factor to consider when evaluating a physician is how long he or she has been practicing sports or spine medicine and how many patients he or she has treated. Speak with the physician directly or, if necessary, ask a nurse or other office staff member.

CommunityResearch the physician online or ask around the community to find out more information about him or her. Talk to patients who have received treatment from the physician to learn about his or her treatment methods and overall reputation.

• American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation • American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine • American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians • International Spine Intervention Society • North American Spine Society • American College of Sports Medicine • American Medical Society for Sports Medicine

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WHAT TO KNOW BEFORE RECEIVING NON-OPERATIVE TREATMENTAfter you’ve decided on a reputable physician and had your injury evaluated, it’s time to begin your treatment plan. Although your treatment will be significantly less invasive than undergoing a surgical procedure, it’s important to be informed and prepared so you know what to expect from them.

Your physician will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for your treatment. Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment and to spend approximately one hour at the doctor’s office. Avoid wearing any jewelry or uncomfortable clothing that could limit your movements.

If you’re scheduled for an interventional spinal procedure, you should arrange for someone to drive you home from the procedure. If your physician has instructed you to stop taking any medications, particularly blood-thinning medications, be sure to do so before you begin treatment. If you’ve received injections or acupuncture, the area where the needles were injected may be sore for the rest of the day. If this pain persists for several days, be sure to contact your doctor. It’s also common for physical therapy to cause soreness from the repetitive exercises. Your doctor may instruct you to ice the area to relieve pain.

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It’s also important to keep in mind that non-operative treatment methods aren’t suitable for every injury. There may be a time when these methods no longer work or you may find they haven’t benefited you at all. This may be an indication that your injury is particularly serious or has worsened. At this point, you may need to explore surgical options.

Since you’ve already chosen a knowledgeable, reputable physician, the practice your physician works at will be able to suggest the best orthopaedic surgeon for your specific condition. Though you should still research your surgeon, you can find comfort in knowing that he or she comes recommended by a good practice you’ve had experience with.

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CONCLUSIONNon-operative musculoskeletal care involves non-invasive and minimally invasive treatment methods that promote healing throughout the body. Many treatments improve back, neck, joint, and muscle pain effectively. These procedures can also help patients understand their injuries, diagnoses, and future options.

Injections, physical therapy, medication, manipulation and exercise allow your body to heal itself rather than relying on more complicated treatment methods.

If you or a loved one is dealing with a painful sports or spine injury, consider conservative care to avoid unnecessary surgery. Click here to contact Premier Orthopaedics or schedule a consultation with a non-operative sports or spine medicine physician.

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