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Uncertainty-Driven View Planning for Underwater Inspection

Geoffrey A. Hollinger, Brendan Englot, Franz Hover, Urbashi Mitra, and Gaurav S. Sukhatme

Abstract— We discuss the problem of inspecting an un-derwater structure, such as a submerged ship hull, with anautonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). In such scenarios, thegoal is to construct an accurate 3D model of the structure andto detect any anomalies (e.g., foreign objects or deformations).We propose a method for constructing 3D meshes from sonar-derived point clouds that provides watertight surfaces, andwe introduce uncertainty modeling through non-parametricBayesian regression. Uncertainty modeling provides novel costfunctions for planning the path of the AUV to minimize a metricof inspection performance. We draw connections between theresulting cost functions and submodular optimization, whichprovides insight into the formal properties of active perceptionproblems. In addition, we present experimental trials thatutilize profiling sonar data from ship hull inspection.

I. INTRODUCTIONThe increased capabilities of autonomous underwater ve-

hicles (AUVs) have led to their use in inspecting underwaterstructures and environments, such as docked ships, sub-marines, and the ocean floor. Since these tasks are often timecritical, and deployment time of AUVs is expensive, thereis significant motivation to improve the efficiency of theseautonomous inspection tasks. Coordinating the AUV in suchscenarios is an active perception problem, where the pathand sensor views must be planned to maximize informationgained about the surface [1], [2]. We will examine a subclassof active perception problems, which we refer to as activeinspection, where an autonomous vehicle is inspecting thesurface of a 3D structure represented by a closed mesh.

An important component of active inspection is the de-velopment of a measure of uncertainty on the surface ofthe mesh. To this end, we discuss methods for generatingclosed surfaces that are robust to data sparsity and noise,and we propose modeling uncertainty using non-parametricBayesian regression. Our method uses Gaussian ProcessImplicit Surfaces [3] with an augmented input vector [4].The input vector is augmented with the estimated surfacenormals found during mesh construction to yield higheruncertainty in areas of higher variability. We also employsparse approximation methods [5] to achieve scalability tolarge data sets.

G. Hollinger and G. Sukhatme are with the Department of ComputerScience, Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California,Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA, {gahollin,gaurav}

B. Englot and F. Hover are with the Center for Ocean Engineering, De-partment of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, MA 02139 USA, {benglot,hover}

U. Mitra is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Viterbi Schoolof Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089USA, [email protected]

This research has been funded in part by the following grants: ONRN00014-09-1-0700, ONR N00014-07-1-00738, ONR N00014-06-10043,NSF 0831728, NSF CCR-0120778 and NSF CNS-1035866.

Fig. 1. Visualization of an autonomous underwater vehicle inspecting aship hull using profiling sonar. We propose constructing a 3D mesh fromthe sonar range data and modeling the mesh surface using non-parametricBayesian regression, which provides a measure of uncertainty for planninginformative inspection paths.

The resulting uncertainty measures provide principledobjective functions for planning paths of an AUV for furtherinspection. We connect the related objective functions toproblems in submodular optimization, which provides insightinto the underlying structure of active perception problems.The key novelties of this paper are (1) the developmentof mesh construction methods for sparse, noisy acousticrange data, (2) the use of Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaceswith augmented input vectors to model uncertainty on meshsurfaces, and (3) the development of a probabilistic plannerthat maximizes uncertainty reduction while still providingcoverage of the mesh surface.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Wefirst discuss related work in active perception, mesh construc-tion, and informative path planning (Section II). We thenformulate the underwater inspection problem (Section III).Next, we propose methods for constructing closed 3D meshesfrom acoustic range data (Section IV), and we developtechniques to represent uncertainty on meshes by extendingGaussian Process (GP) modeling (Section V). We then dis-cuss theoretical properties, and we formulate a probabilisticpath planner for minimizing uncertainty (Section VI). Totest our approach, we utilize ship hull inspection data fromtwo data sets, and we show that the proposed path planningmethod successfully reduces uncertainty on the mesh surface(Section VII). Finally, we conclude and discuss avenues forfuture work (Section VIII).


The active perception problem, where the goal is toplan views that best examine the environment, has seenextensive treatment throughout the robotics and computervision communities (see Roy et al. [6] for a survey). Early

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work in active vision [7] and the next-best-view problem [1]were primarily concerned with geometric approaches fordetermining informative views. More recent research hasemployed probabilistic tools, such as information gain [8].Fewer active perception approaches have been applied toacoustic data, with a notable exception being work in medicalultrasound images [9]. While these prior works providea basis to understand the active inspection problem, theytypically do not consider uncertainty modeling or mobilityrestrictions in a manner appropriate to underwater inspectionwith an AUV.

In our prior work, we showed that an alternative for-mulation is to view active inspection as an instance ofinformative path planning [2], where a robot must gain themaximal amount of information relative to some performancemetric. Informative path planning has seen rigorous theo-retical analysis, utilizing the diminishing return property ofsubmodularity [10], [11], and performance guarantees havebeen shown for efficient algorithms [12]. Recent advances inactive learning have extended the property of submodularityto cases where the plan can be changed as new informationis incorporated. The property of adaptive submodularity wasintroduced by [13], which provides performance guaranteesin many domains that require in situ decision making.Analyzing the active inspection problem using these toolsprovides formal hardness results, as well as performancebounds for efficient algorithms. Thus, we gain additionalinsight into the nature of the active inspection problem.

Acoustic range sensing, essential in the inspection ofturbid-water environments, is used to produce 2D images and3D point clouds of underwater structures in harbor areas [14].Laser-based range sensing, ubiquitous in ground, air, andspace applications, can yield higher-resolution 3D pointclouds (typically of sub-millimeter rather than sub-decimeterresolution), and specialized algorithms have been designedto generate watertight 3D mesh models from these high-resolution point clouds [15], [16]. Recently, an increasingnumber of tools are being developed for processing laser-based point clouds containing gaps, noise, and outliers [17],[18]. The key challenges in constructing 3D models fromacoustic range data are dealing with noise and data sparsity.We extend tools previously used for laser-based modeling togenerate meshes from noisy, low-resolution acoustic rangedata. Consequently, we focus here on the uncertainties inthe mesh model rather than the navigation of the robot col-lecting the range data. The drift of both acoustic and inertialnavigation sensors has been mitigated in inspection scenariosusing localization based on sonar-frame registration [19].

To our knowledge, prior work has not considered theuse of probabilistic regression to model uncertainty on thesurface of a closed mesh. Similar problems, such as active 3Dmodel acquisition [20], [21], have been examined, primarilyusing geometric techniques. Gaussian Processes have beenused to define implicit surfaces for 2.5D surface estima-tion [5] and grasping tasks [3], [22], but these techniquesdo not actively plan to reduce uncertainty on the surface.A novelty of our approach is the use of surface normals

as part of an augmented input vector to provide a bettermeasure of surface uncertainty. The augmented input vectorapproach has been used to provide non-stationary kernelsfor Gaussian Processes [23], [4], though not in the contextof surface modeling or with surface normal estimates.


A number of active perception problems can be formulatedas the reduction of uncertainty regarding a hypothesis class.If we define a (possibly infinite) space of classes H ={h0, h1, . . .}, the goal is to determine which class is beinginspected. For a number of previously viewed measurementsZ , the uncertainty about the hypothesis space is defined byan objective function J(Z). In the general case, this objectivefunction relates to the entropy of the current distribution overthe space of hypotheses. For the case of surface inspection,the hypothesis space is that of all possible surfaces, aninfinite and high-dimensional space.

If the sensing path of the AUV is controlled, it canobserve the surface from possible locations in Rd, whered is the dimension of the space (typically 3D in underwaterapplications). There is a traversal cost of moving from loca-tion i to location j, which is determined by the kinematicsof the vehicle and the dynamics of both the vehicle andenvironment. In addition, there may be an observation costincurred when examining the surface at location i (e.g., thetime taken to perform a sonar scan). The goal of activeinspection is to reduce the uncertainty over the hypothesisspace while also minimizing the total cost of the inspection.We note that this problem formulation fits into the generalactive classification framework from our prior work, whichwas previously used for object recognition [2].


We first address the problem of building 3D models fromacoustic range data, which will later be used to derivea model of uncertainty for active inspection. We utilizedata gathered using the Bluefin-MIT Hovering AutonomousUnderwater Vehicle (HAUV), which was designed for au-tonomous surveillance and inspection of in-water ships [24].Complex 3D structures are frequently encountered duringhull inspections, particularly at the stern of the ship, whereshafts, propellers, and rudders protrude from the hull. TheHAUV uses a dual-frequency identification sonar (DID-SON) [25] with a concentrator lens to sample acoustic rangescans for 3D modeling of these complex ship structures. Thevehicle is shown in Fig. 2 along with its navigation andsensing components.

The DIDSON can perform low-resolution, long-rangesensing for detection of surrounding structures as wellas high-resolution, short-range sensing for identification ofmines and other anomalies on the surfaces of structures.When a prior model of a structure to be inspected isunavailable, a safe-distance detection survey is conducted tobuild a preliminary model. Using this model, a close-rangeidentification survey is planned to obtain coverage of thestructure at higher resolution. This survey will aid in the

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Fig. 2. Components of the Bluefin MIT-HAUV (left) and exampledeployment for inspection (right). The vehicle utilizes a dual-frequencyidentification sonar (DIDSON) to gather range scans of the ship hull.Localization is provided using a doppler velocity log (DVL) assisted by anIMU. The thrusters provide fully-actuated navigation and station-keepingcapabilities.

mission-specific identification task and will also improve theaccuracy of the model. Expressing uncertainty over a meshsurface will prove beneficial whenever a high-resolutionidentification survey must be designed using a low-resolutionmesh model from a detection survey, allowing the planner toprioritize high-uncertainty areas of the model.

To construct a 3D model from the detection survey, weutilize several point cloud processing and surface construc-tion tools from the field of laser-based modeling. All ofthe tools used to transform a fully dense point cloud intoa 3D reconstruction can be accessed within Meshlab [26].A fully dense point cloud of a ship hull is first obtainedby applying a simple outlier filter to the individual sonarframes collected over the course of an inspection mission.All pixels of intensity greater than a specified thresholdare introduced into the point cloud, and referenced usingthe HAUV’s seafloor-relative navigation. Areas containingobvious noise and second returns are cropped out of the pointcloud.

The fully dense point cloud is then sub-sampled (to about10% of the original quantity of points) and partitioned intoseparate component point clouds. The partitions are selectedbased on the likelihood that they will yield individuallywell-formed surface reconstructions. Objects such as rudders,shafts, and propellers are thin objects that may not becaptured in the final model without separate processing fromthe hull. Normal vectors are computed over the componentpoint clouds, and some flat surfaces, for which only oneof two sides was captured in the data, are duplicated. Bothsub-sampling and estimation of normals are key steps in theprocessing sequence, found in practice to significantly impactthe accuracy of the mesh [17]. Sub-sampling generates a low-density, evenly-distributed set of points, and normals aid indefining the curvature of the surface.

The Poisson surface reconstruction algorithm [27] is nextapplied to the oriented point clouds. Octree depth is selectedto capture the detail of the ship structures without includingexcess roughness or curvature due to noise in the data.The component surfaces are merged back together, and afinal Poisson surface reconstruction is computed over thecomponents. If the mesh is used as a basis for high-resolutioninspection planning, then it may be further subdivided to

Fig. 3. An example of the raw data, and subsequent result, of the surfaceconstruction procedure. Top: three range scans featuring the hull, propeller,and rudder of the Nantucket Lightship, a historic ship 45 meters in length.These scans were collected in sequence as the HAUV dove with the runninggear in view. Bottom: a 3D triangle mesh model from the complete surveyof the Nantucket Lightship.

ensure the triangulation suits the granularity of the inspectiontask.

Fig. 3 depicts several representative range scans of aship propeller, and the final 3D model of the ship’s sternproduced from the same survey. Evident in the sonar framesis the noise which makes this modeling task difficult incomparison to laser-based modeling, requiring human-in-the-loop processing to remove noise and false returns from thedata.


Given a mesh constructed from prior data, we proposemodeling uncertainty on the surface of the mesh usingnon-parametric Bayesian regression. Specifically, we applyGaussian process (GP) regression [28], though any formof regression that generates a mean and variance couldbe used in our framework. A GP models a noisy processzi = f(xi) + ε, where zi ∈ R, xi ∈ Rd, and ε is Gaussiannoise.

We are given some data of the form D =[(x1, z1), (x2, z2), . . . , (xn, zn)]. We will first formulate thecase of 2.5D surface reconstruction (i.e., the surface doesnot loop in on itself) and then relax this assumption in thefollowing section. In the 2.5D case, xi is a point in the 2Dplane (d = 2), and zi represents the height of the surface atthat point. We refer to the n× d matrix of xi vectors as Xand the vector of zi values as z.

The next step in defining a GP is to choose a covariance

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function to relate points in X. For surface reconstruction,the choice of the kernel is determined by the characteristicsof the surface. We employ the commonly used squaredexponential, which produces a smooth kernel that drops offwith distance:

k(xi,xj) = σ2f exp



wk(xik − xjk)2

). (1)

The hyperparameter σ2f represents the process noise, and

each hyperparameter wk represent a weighting for the di-mension k. Once the kernel has been defined, combiningthe covariance values for all points into an n× n matrix Kand adding a Gaussian observation noise hyperparameter σ2


yields cov(z) = K+σ2nI. We now wish to predict the mean

function value (surface height) f̄∗ and variance V[f∗] at aselected point x∗ given the measured data:

f̄∗ = kT∗ (K + σ2

nI)−1z, (2)

V[f∗] = k(x∗,x∗)− kT∗ (K + σ2

nI)−1k∗, (3)

where k∗ is the covariance vector between the selected pointx∗ and the training inputs X. This model provides a meanand variance at all points on the surface in R2. In this model,the variance gives a measure of uncertainty based on thesparsity of the data and the hyperparameters.

1) Gaussian process implicit surfaces: The GP formula-tion described above is limited to 2.5D surfaces (i.e., a 2Dinput vector with the third dimension as the output vector).Thus, it is not possible to represent closed surfaces, suchas a ship hull. To apply this type of uncertainty modelingto closed surfaces, we utilize Gaussian Process ImplicitSurfaces [3], [22]. The key idea is to represent the surfaceusing a function that specifies whether a point in space is onthe surface, outside the surface, or inside the surface. Theimplicit surface is defined as the 0-level set of the real-valuedfunction f , where

f : Rd → R; f(x)

= 0, x on surface> 0, x outside surface< 0, x inside surface


In this framework, a measurement in the point cloud ata location x = (x, y, z) has a value of z = 0. We canadd additional points outside the surface with z > 0 andpoints inside the surface with z < 0. The hyperparameterσf determines the tendency of the function to return to itsmean value, which is set to a number greater than zero (i.e.,outside the surface). This framework allows the represen-tation of any surface, regardless of its 3D complexity. Ingeneral, hyperparameters can be learned automatically fromthe data [28]. However, learning hyperparameters for implicitsurfaces requires the generation points inside and outside thesurface to provide a rich enough representation of the outputspace. We leave the generation of these points and improvedhyperparameter estimation as an avenue for future work.

2) Augmented input vectors: A limitation of the aboveframework is that it uses a stationary kernel, which de-termines correlation between points solely based on theirproximity in space. Thus, areas with dense data will be havelow uncertainty, and areas with sparse data will have highuncertainty. While data density is an important considerationwhen determining uncertainty, the amount of variability inan area should also be taken into account. For instance, thepropeller of a ship hull has very complex geometry and willrequire a dense point cloud to reconstruct accurately.

To model surface variability, we utilize the augmentedinput vector approach to achieve a non-stationary kernel [23],[4]. The idea is to modify the input vector by addingadditional terms that affect the correlations between the data.One measure of variability is the change in surface normalbetween points. From the mesh constructed in Section IV,we have an estimate of the surface normals at each pointon the surface. Using this information in the augmentedinput vector framework, we modify the input vector to bex′ = (x, y, z, n̄x, n̄y, n̄z), where n̄x, n̄y , and n̄z are the x,y, and z components of the surface normal of the mesh atthat point. We scale the surface normal to its unit vector,which reduces the possible values in the augmented inputspace to those between zero and one.

The weighting hyperparameters, denoted above as wk, canbe adjusted to modify the effect of spatial correlation andsurface normal correlation. By modifying these hyperparam-eters, the user can specify how much uncertainty is appliedfor variable surface normals versus sparse data. If the spatialcorrelations are weighted more, areas with sparse data willbecome more uncertain. Conversely, if the surface normalcorrelations are weighted more, areas with high surfacenormal variability will become more uncertain.

3) Local approximation: The final issue to address isscalability. The full Gaussian Process models requires O(n3)computation to calculate the function mean and variance,which becomes intractable for point clouds larger than a fewthousand points. To address this problem, we utilize a localapproximation method using KD-trees [5]. The idea is tostore all points in a KD-tree and then apply the GP locallyto a fixed number of points near the test point. This methodallows for scalability to large data sets.

The drawbacks of this approach are that a separate kernelmatrix must be computed for each input point, and the entirepoint cloud is not used for mean and variance estimation.However, depending on the length scale, far away pointsoften have low correlation and do not contribute significantlyto the final output. We note that in prior work, this approachwas not utilized in conjunction with implicit surfaces oraugmented input vectors.


A. Cost Functions

We now examine the problem of reducing the varianceof the resulting Gaussian Process Implicit Surface, whichwill provide a performance metric for inspection planning.We denote the GP derived from the point cloud as G. We

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(a) SS Curtis without augmented input vectors (b) SS Curtis with augmented input vectors

(c) Nantucket without augmented input vectors (d) Nantucket with augmented input vectors

Fig. 4. Comparison of normalized uncertainty on the surface of the SS Curtiss (top) and Nantucket Lightship (bottom) meshes using a squared exponentialkernel without augmented input vectors (left) and with augmented input vectors (right). Red areas are high uncertainty, and blue areas are low uncertainty.The areas of high variability have higher uncertainty when the augmented input vector is used. This figure is best viewed in color.

wish to observe additional points on the mesh surface thateffectively reduce the variance. Incorporating these pointswill yield an updated GP Gf . We define the following twometrics for evaluating the expected quality of Gf :

Javg(Gf ) =

∫XV[fx] dx, (5)

Jmax(Gf ) = maxX

V[fx]. (6)

If we choose sensing locations to minimize Equation 5,we are minimizing the average variance of the GP. We notethat variance reduction in GPs is a submodular optimizationproblem in most cases (see Das and Kempe [29]). Thus,performance guarantees from submodular function optimiza-tion can be directly applied [10]. In contrast, minimizing themaximum variance (Equation 6) is not submodular and mayrequire alternative algorithms to optimize efficiently [11]. Inour experiments, we examine the average variance reductionobjective.

B. Path Planning

To plan the path of the vehicle, we utilize the sampling-based redundant roadmap method proposed in our priorwork [30]. We sample a number of configurations fromwhich the vehicle can view the surface of the mesh, andwe ensure that these viewing locations are redundant (i.e.,each point on the mesh is viewed some minimum number oftimes). After sampling is complete, viewing locations fromthe roadmap are iteratively selected as waypoints for theinspection; they are chosen using one of three approachesdescribed in the following section. Waypoints are added until

a specified number of views has been reached or a thresholdon expected uncertainty reduction is acquired.

Once the set of waypoints has been selected, the Trav-eling Salesperson Problem (TSP) is approximated to finda low-cost tour which visits all of the designated viewinglocations. Initially, we assume that all point-to-point pathsare represented by the Euclidean distances between viewinglocations. The Christofides heuristic [31] is implemented toobtain an initial solution which, for the metric TSP, fallswithin three halves of the optimal solution cost. The chainedLin-Kernighan heuristic [32] is then applied to this solutionfor a designated period of time to reduce the length of thetour. All edges selected for the tour are collision-checkedusing the Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm,Euclidean distances are replaced with the costs of feasiblepoint-to-point paths, and the TSP is iteratively recomputeduntil the solution stabilizes (see [30] for more detail).

We assume that the vehicle does not collect data whilemoving between viewing locations; this is intended to ac-commodate the servoing precision of the HAUV. The vehiclecan stabilize at a waypoint with high precision, but theprecise execution of point-to-point paths in the presenceof ocean disturbances is harder to guarantee. We also notethat the HAUV is stable when it hovers in place, and thespeed of the vehicle is constant along the path, which furthermotivates this abstraction.


We test our proposed methods using ship hull inspectiondata from the Bluefin-MIT HAUV (see Section IV). Thissection examines two data sets: the Nantucket Lightship and

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the SS Curtiss, which first appeared in our prior conferencepaper [30]. The Nantucket data set is composed of 21,246points and was used to create a 42,088 triangle mesh witha bounding box of 6.3 m × 6.9 m × 4.4 m. The largerCurtiss data set contains 107,712 points and was used tocreate a 214,419 triangle mesh with a bounding box of7.9 m× 15.3 m× 8.7 m.

We first examine the effect of the augmented input vectorson the uncertainty estimates. The GP hyperparameters wereset to σf = 1.0 and σn = 0.1, based on the sensor noisemodel and the mesh shape prior. The weighting hyperpa-rameters were set to wk = 1 for all k, which providesequal weighting of data sparsity and surface variabilitycomponents in the kernel. Through the use of the KD-treelocal approximation with 100 adjacent points, computationwas completed in approximately 1 minute for the Nantucketdata set and 3 minutes for the Curtiss data set on a 3.2 GHzIntel i7 processor with 9 GB of RAM.

Fig. 4 shows a comparison of uncertainty on the surface ofthe two meshes with and without augmented input vectors.Utilizing the surface normals as part of an augmented inputvector incorporates surface variability into the uncertaintyprediction. As a result, areas with high variability requiredenser data to provide low uncertainty. For instance, partsof the propeller were incorrectly fused in the mesh recon-struction. The augmented input vector method shows highuncertainty at those locations, demonstrating the need forfurther inspection.

We now quantify the benefit of utilizing uncertainty whenplanning inspection paths for the HAUV. For comparison,we assume the following sensor model, which is based onthe inspection strategy for high-resolution surveying with theDIDSON. At each viewing location, which is defined bythe position (x, y, z) and the heading angle θ, the HAUVis assumed to sweep the DIDSON sonar through a full180 degrees in pitch. An individual DIDSON frame spansthirty degrees in vehicle-relative heading and has a tun-able minimum and maximum range. The total range of aDIDSON scan determines the resolution of the scan, andhigh-resolution surveying is possible when short ranges aresampled. Here we assume the DIDSON scan spans a rangeof 1− 4 m from the robot.

Viewing locations are generated by one of three methods:(1) coverage-biased: views are selected that maximize thenumber of new points observed, (2) uncertainty-biased: viewsare chosen to maximize the expected variance reductionon the surface, and (3) random selection: each point isselected uniformly. In all cases, viewing locations that havealready been selected are excluded from consideration. Thecoverage-biased method represents the state of the art ininspection planning as described in our prior work [30].For the uncertainty reduction method, it is too computa-tionally costly to calculate the exact variance reduction forall possible viewing locations. Instead, we approximate thiscalculation during planning using an exponential drop off ofexp(−v/α), where v is the number of times a location hasalready been viewed in the plan, and α is a length scale

parameter. The length scale parameter was estimated basedon test runs where the exact reduction was calculated.

The sampled points are then connected using the TSP/RRTmethod described in Section VI. This method generates acomplete inspection path that can be executed by the vehicle.The total mission time is calculated assuming that the AUVrequires 5 seconds to perform a scan from a viewing locationand moves between locations at a speed of 0.25 m/s.These numbers are taken directly from the experimental trialswith the Bluefin-MIT HAUV. To evaluate the quality ofthe inspection paths, simulated measurements are generatedby creating additional data points on the viewed parts ofthe mesh, and the surface normals of the new points areestimated from the original mesh. An estimate of expecteduncertainty is then calculated by re-running the GP anddetermining the reduction in variance on the original points.The expected uncertainty reduction is a unitless quantity,which incorporates both data sparsity and surface variability.

Fig. 5 shows a quantitative comparison of the three viewselection methods. We see that view selection based on un-certainty reduction leads to greater reduction in variance fora given mission time. The coverage-biased selection methodprovides competitive uncertainty reduction for shorter paths(i.e., good coverage implicitly leads to good uncertaintyreduction), but it does not allow for continued planningafter full coverage is achieved. The performance of therandom selection method improves (versus the uncertainty-biased method) as mission time increases, due to the amountof possible uncertainty reduction being finite. In the largermesh, random view selection does not perform as well,even with long mission times. This improvement is due toredundancy in viewing high uncertainty areas, which leadsto additional benefit. Fig. 6 shows example paths on eachdata set using the uncertainty-biased method.

It is expected that the method that takes into account un-certainty would lead to greater variance reduction; however,we may be sacrificing some surface coverage to achievethis additional uncertainty reduction. Fig. 7 shows a com-parison of the mission time vs. percent coverage for thethree view selection methods. We see that the uncertaintyreduction method converges quickly to greater than 99%coverage, and reaches 100% coverage long before randomsampling.1 Uncertainty-biased view selection gets to 99%coverage nearly as quickly as coverage-biased view selection,requiring only 41 seconds longer on the Nantucket meshand 31 seconds longer on the Curtiss mesh, and it does sowith a greater reduction in uncertainty. Thus, the uncertaintyreduction method provides both high levels of coverage andimproved uncertainty reduction for a given mission time.


We have shown that it is possible to construct closed 3Dmeshes from noisy, low-resolution acoustic ranging data,and we have proposed methods for modeling uncertainty

1We note that since variance reduction is monotonic, uncertainty-biasedview selection is guaranteed to achieve 100% coverage in the limit.

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100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 9000










Mission time (sec)








n (


Nantucket Lightship

Uncertainty−biased view selection

Coverage−biased view selection

Random view selection

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 22000









Mission time (sec)








n (


SS Curtiss

Uncertainty−biased view selection

Coverage−biased view selection

Random view selection

Fig. 5. Mission time versus expected uncertainty reduction for inspection simulations. Uncertainty-biased view selection provides improved uncertaintyreduction for a given mission time. Coverage-biased view selection does not allow for planning after full coverage is achieved, while the other methodscontinue to reduce uncertainty. Uncertainty reduction is a unitless quantity that takes into account data sparsity and surface variability; it is displayed as apercent reduction from its initial value.

(a) Nantucket Lightship (b) SS Curtiss

Fig. 6. Planned inspection paths on two ship hull mesh data sets. Uncertainty-biased view selection provides an inspection path that views areas withsparse data and high variability. This figure is best viewed in color.

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8000











Mission time (sec)




e (


Nantucket Lightship

Uncertainty−biased view selection

Coverage−biased view selection

Random view selection

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 22000











Mission time (sec)




e (


SS Curtiss

Uncertainty−biased view selection

Coverage−biased view selection

Random view selection

Fig. 7. Mission time versus percent coverage for inspection simulations. Plots are truncated after full coverage is achieved. Coverage-biased view selectionand uncertainty-biased view selection both converge to full coverage. Random view selection does not achieve full coverage on the SS Curtiss mesh.

on the surface of the mesh using an extension to GaussianProcesses. Our techniques utilize surface normals from the3D mesh to develop estimates of uncertainty that accountfor both data sparsity and high surface variability, and weachieve scalability to large environments through the useof local approximation methods. We have also shown that

probabilistic path planning can be used to generate views thateffectively reduce the uncertainty on the surface in an effi-cient manner. This research moves towards formal analysis ofactive sensing, through connections to submodular optimiza-tion. Such analysis allows us to gain better understanding ofthe problem domain and to design principled algorithms for

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coordinating the actions of autonomous underwater vehicles.An interesting avenue for future work is to examine alter-

native kernels for representing correlations between pointson the mesh surface. The neural network kernel has beenemployed in prior work and was shown to provide improvedperformance for modeling discontinuous surfaces [5]. How-ever, this kernel does not have a simple geometric interpreta-tion, and its direct application to the implicit surface modeldoes not produce reasonable uncertainty predictions. Theautomatic determination of hyperparameters for GaussianProcess Implicit Surfaces is another area for future work.Utilizing the 3D point cloud on its own does not providesufficient information to learn the observation noise andprocess noise hyperparameters. To learn these automatically,a method would need to be developed to generate points bothinside and outside the surface.

Additional open problems include further theoretical anal-ysis of performance guarantees, particularly in the case ofpath constraints. The algorithm utilized in this paper selectsviews based on uncertainty reduction and then connects themusing a TSP/RRT planner. A planner that utilizes the pathcosts when planning the view selection could potentiallyperform better, particularly in the case of a small numberof views. Finally, the analysis in this paper has applicationsbeyond underwater inspection. Tasks such as ecologicalmonitoring, reconnaissance, and surveillance are just a fewdomains that would benefit from active planning for the mostinformed views. Through better control of the informationwe receive, we can improve the understanding of the worldthat we gain from robotic perception.


The authors gratefully acknowledge Jonathan Binney,Jnaneshwar Das, Arvind Pereira, and Hordur Heidarsson atthe University of Southern California for their insightfulcomments. This work utilized a number of open sourcelibraries, including the Armadillo Linear Algebra Library,the Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL), the OpenScene Graph Library, and the Approximate Nearest Neighbor(ANN) Library.


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