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Page 2: udbhava - Christ University 13.pdf · and information technologies to ... many positive changes in the indus- ... WinCC platform and an ABB 800xA platform.


At Mindtree, the private cloud investment range from $300,000-400,000. It

also plans to maintain on-premise all that is core and also integrated with re-spect to platform strategy. However Lync, e-mail, or other peripheral applica-

tion such as learning management and talent acquisition would be moved to the cloud.




July 2013


Automation & Management

Automation and management specializes in

designing, developing, deploying and sustain-

ing multifarious information

Business Process Automation

Business Process Automation has become

integral part of the current business de-

velopment. It is the practice of analyzing,


News feed

Design for Assembly Software

supports lean manufacturing.

Genpact and Research Now Extend

Analytics Business Process Manage-

ment Partnership

Matrix Systems Strengthens Com-

pany-Wide Operations Through

Lean Process Implementation

Painting Robots Speed Production of Boe-

ing 777s

Industry buzz | MindTree Consulting



Automation & Management

Automation is the technique by which a link

between a software and hardware is estab-

lished so that it becomes a self-acting or a

Automated Warehouse Automated warehousing systems have

developed enormously over the last thirty

years. The pinnacle of warehouse auto-


Automated load Outstation System The role of the software is to control the

station in order to operate optimally within

the above specified……...

Test Automation Framework In today's business environment, expecta-

tions from the project teams are more in

terms of delivering higher quality systems


Lean Management

The evolution of production systems is

tightly linked to the story of Toyota Motor


Corporate exposure




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From The Editor’s Desk

Dear readers,

We are proud to present this new academic year’s first issue of our bimonthly magazine, Udbhava. The advent of new

year brings new crest in which we try to decode some more mysteries and explore new dimensions in the world of opera-

tions and systems.

In this edition we bring forward a different topic, “automation

and management”. In this growing emphasis on

‘automation’ in corporate, can the operations department

be far away from this. Udbhava also brings some good reads

in this issue with an insight into the corporate world.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Mr Sirish

Venkatagiri, faculty coordinator for udbhava without whose

support and guidance this magazine wouldn’t have been


To end this brief note, it’s important that we thank you, our

readers for your constant support and appreciation. Kindly

keep pouring in your suggestions and feedback to

[email protected] Prof. Sirish Venkatagiri

Faculty Coordinator | Udbhava

Happy reading!


Team Udbhava

Page 4: udbhava - Christ University 13.pdf · and information technologies to ... many positive changes in the indus- ... WinCC platform and an ABB 800xA platform.

Automation & Management By Santanu Das | MBA E

Automation and manage-

ment specializes in designing, de-

veloping, deploying and sustaining

multifarious information schemes

through the use of repeatable proc-

esses and a promise to uninter-

rupted quality improvement. Auto-

mation is basically the use of plants

and machineries, control systems

and information technologies to

optimize yield in the production of

commodities and delivery of ser-

vices. It is because of globalization

automation plays an increasingly

essential function in the world econ-

omy and in our day-to-day activi-

ties. Automation significantly de-

creases the need for human sensory

and rational requirements and at

the same time increases load ca-

pacity, speed of human brain. Now

the big question arises that how is

automation related to manage-

ment?. Employee performance

supervision is a primary business

process that too many organisations

fail to get right.

It is critical to realising the active

potential of individuals in maximising

their business performances. Here

comes the need of automation.

According to a research 98% of

‘best in class’ companies of the

world use an employee perform-

ance management process to cre-

ate proper competitive advantages

among its employees.

Despite the advantages of online

performance management systems

being well-known, some Human

Relation (HR) professionals have

been sluggish in responding and in

preferring to follow rather than to

lead. There is also been a subse-

quent dependence on off-the-shelf

automated system that actually

take into consideration software

vendors’ definitions of best prepara-

tion of any automated software.

Engineers can now have numerical

control above automated devices

that actually make their lives easy in

handling various managerial works.

The result has been a quickly

increasing series of application and

human activities that we see

around us. Thus we may say that

automation and management

process goes hand in hand. The

main advantages of automation in

management can be summarized

as increased productivity, increase

in the consistency of the desired

outputs and reduced human labour

and expenses in every field of work.

Managers install automation in their

works when high degree of accu-

racy and precision is needed. But

they have to look into some serious

security threats. Thus it can be well

said that in manufacturing, the pur-

pose of automation has transferred

to matters broader than productiv-

ity, cost, and time to various security

concerns; and managers can well

achieve that with their ideas of de-

cision making and planning.




Design for Assembly Software sup-

ports lean manufacturing .

Aiding engineers in creating struc-

turally efficient components, DFA

Product Simplification software v10

features DFA worksheet integrated

with structure chart, for seamless

toggling back and forth during

analysis. Times for common opera-

tions and part/tool acquisitions are

automatically estimated. Also, soft-

ware's operations library includes

test-view panel for developing cus-

tomized assembly operations. Undo

and redo features are also in-

cluded, as are tabular reports which

can be exported.

Page 5: udbhava - Christ University 13.pdf · and information technologies to ... many positive changes in the indus- ... WinCC platform and an ABB 800xA platform.

Industry Buzz | Mind Tree Consulting By Sindhu | LOS




With mobility and cloud drastically altering the way services are delivered,

IT companies of India are focusing on growing revenues without adding any

headcount to the same extent. A recent report from Nasscom said that

newer areas like mobility, social media, cloud and analytics have great

potential to cross $one trillion by the year 2020.

Cloud awareness was existed at MindTree for more than 3 years but

now the company began to make serious progress in cloud adoption. The

company initiated its cloud adoption journey by setting up a private cloud

from an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) point of view. It has complete

control on what software is deployed and whether it is using licensed soft-

ware or not. In terms of productivity, cloud has reduced the turnaround

time to four hours. Mindtree is attentively testing the SaaS apps as well. With

cloud, 400 Virtual Machines of the company today run on nearly 25 servers,

that in turn results in cost savings significantly in terms of cooling, energy and

Type Public

Industry IT

Founded 18th Aug 1999

People Subroto Bagchi


Krishna kumar


Net Income $62.5 million USD (2013)



Retrieved from

At Mindtree, the private cloud investment range from $300,000-400,000. It also

plans to maintain on-premise all that is core and also integrated with respect

to platform strategy. However Lync, e-mail, or other peripheral application

such as learning management and talent acquisition would be moved to the

cloud. This year, the company would be rolling out Lync, MS Office 365 and

Exchange completely over the cloud.

These efforts are for reshaping the company in order to drive faster

growth and to touch $one billion in revenues in 2014. (In 2012-13, its revenues

were $435 million.)

Page 6: udbhava - Christ University 13.pdf · and information technologies to ... many positive changes in the indus- ... WinCC platform and an ABB 800xA platform.

Automation & Management By Saurajith Malick | LOS

Automation is the technique by

which a link between a software

and hardware is established so that

it becomes a self-acting or a self-

regulating mechanism. The word

‘Automation’ is not only confined in

the field of the industry but has also

becoming a common word to our

daily life in households. Organiza-

tions are using automation not only

in the field of operations or supply

chain but in the field of manage-

ments it is been widely used now.

Though automation brings about

many positive changes in the indus-

try, it has some limitations which

should always be taken care of very

seriously. In the field of security and

risk management, automation may

not be always as perfect as in case

of the other fields of an organiza-

tion. Intelligence system has the

capabilities to learn from his past

experience which is missing in case

of automation. For example, email

spam filter is an automated system,

but sometimes a valid email ends

up going to spam folder and spam

one ends up in the inbox.

Benefit of using automation in the

management arena lead to in-

crease in the business value and

profitability. Effective use of auto-

mation in management system

should be accomplished minutely

and it must provide more value for

an organization than cost of pur-

chasing of the system, training to

the employee and implementation.



Automation can help management

system not only to provide support

within the organization activities but

also provide support for the com-

petitive companies to streamline

business activities and system. It has

A properly chosen and appropri-

ately used automation technique in

business management provides full

control over processes and opera-

tions. Automation in management

system also helps in superior cus-

tomer service, value addition, and

better efficiency and keeps staffs of

the organization accountable. In

competitive industries knowledge is

a powerful tool and access to infor-

mation, database can provide the

power. Through automation, real

time and up to date data can be

accessed along with the historical

data. the power to eliminate various

tedious jobs, time consuming jobs

and help in managing business

more effectively and efficiently.

The high output demands which are

placed on the ore or coal mining

operations, coupled with the ad-

vancements to rail infrastructure

and technologies, necessitate that

mines automate their loading sta-

tions with the latest control and

Automated Load

Out Station By Jinu R Thomas | LOS

automation technology. To provide

automation solution for the proprie-

tary design, System Automation and

Management (SAM) partnered with

Bateman Engineered Technologies.

This solution is neither a platform

specific programmable logic contr-

-oller nor a supervisory control and

data acquisition (PLC/SCADA) and

distributed control system (DCS).

SAM has in-house strategies and

software utilities to migrate it suc-

cessfully to end client specification

as long as the specified platform

Page 7: udbhava - Christ University 13.pdf · and information technologies to ... many positive changes in the indus- ... WinCC platform and an ABB 800xA platform.

complies with IEC 61131-3 stan-

dards. Thus, this solution has been

deployed successfully to Rockwell's

Control Logix/ Wonderware InTouch

platform, Siemen's Simatic Step 7/

WinCC platform and an ABB 800xA



The basic function of load-out sta-

tion is to uniformly load material into

a rail wagon and to gain a loading

accuracy of ±2.5% of the full load

capacity of the wagon. Also, the

total material loaded in the com-

plete train of wagons need to be

within ±1% of the full load capacity

of all the combined wagons. The

loaded material in the individual

wagons need to be profiled so as to

achieve a load differential of less

than four tons between the front

and rear wagon axels, and less than

three tons between the right and

left sides of the wagon. These re-

quirements need to be achieved

while the train moves through the

station at a constant speed of 0,3 to

0,6 kph.


The role of the software is to control

the station in order to operate opti-

mally within the above specified

parameters and also integrate with

the third party rail weighing systems,

either via an external SQL database

or through a RS232 ASCII serial inter-

face, to the PLC/DCS. The data

obtained from these weighing sys-

tems is then used to verify whether

the loading of the wagons are

within the permissible tolerances or

not. If they fail to be within the toler-

ances then, within the software,

there is an automatic correction

algorithm to manipulate the loading

front to rear loads distribution of the

wagons to be beyond the tolerance

limits. But, with the implementation

of more rail level infrared sensors

and employing a series of software

checks, this problem was resolved.


A complete automated load out

station operating at full efficiency is

truly an awe-inspiring sight, and

believable to the fact that with a

little imagination and sound engi-

neering practises, anything is possi-

ble. These improvement initiatives

are aimed not only to improve effi-

ciencies such as higher volume

output yields and faster turnaround

times, but also to comply with the

stricter wagon loading policies that

are enforced by Spoornet. If they

fail to load rail wagons according to

the industry-compliant parameters

then it can lead to non-

conformance based financial pen-

alties which is justified because un-

balanced loaded wagons can, and

have led to train derailments.

in order to apply corrective actions

for the failure. This data is also used

to generate production reports and

a weigh bill (utilised by the mines,

Spoornet and the ports for auditing

and billing purposes).

The human machine interface pro-

vides the operator with complete

control over the loading process, by

offering mode selection controls on

all the equipment. This helps the

operator in providing a high level of

intervention capacity, considering

that the maximum loading capacity

per wagon varies between sixty and

a hundred tons of material. These

features combined with stringent

safety controls, enables the system

to be quite robust and flexible.


During the phases of software de-

ployment and commissioning, the

major constraint encountered was

getting the loading responsive to

the speed fluctuations of the loco-

motives and the resultant effect of

the trailing wagons. Usually, the trig-

gering of the loading of the wagons

is compromised, thus, causing the



Reference En-


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Lean Management | The journey from

Toyota to Healthcare By Aneesh Kumar | LOS

The evolution of production systems

is tightly linked to the story of Toyota

Motor Company (TMC) that has its

roots around 1918. The term lean

was coined in 1990 following the

exploration of the Toyota model

that led to sustaining the concept

that manufacturing problems and

technologies are universal problems

faced by management and that

these concepts can be emulated in

all industry.

Lean is a multi-faceted concept

and requires organizations to exert

effort along several dimensions si-

multaneously some consider a suc-

cessful implementation either

achieving major strategic compo-

nents of lean, implementing prac-

tices to support operational aspects,

or providing evidence that the im-

provements are sustainable in the

long term.


Joseph Juran , one among the qual-

ity guru linked manufacturing and

the healthcare industry. He quoted

“as the health industry undertake

change, it is well advised to take

into account the experience of

other industries in order to under-

stand what worked and what has

not”. This is the reasoning that allows

the principles of lean production

and management to be applied in

healthcare, despite these being

originally developed for application

in other industries.

as patients being primary custom-

ers, emphasizing clinical and ser-

vices outcomes, using evidence-

based tools, and adopting rigorous

quality improvement methods may

be a phenomenal challenge. if it is

imposed at the macro strategic

levels. A different approach that

promulgates that lean implementa-

tion should begin at the micro level,

resistance to changes is driven in

most companies by lack of execu-

tive support. However, following a

bottom-to-top approach will rede-

fine the responsibility of the institu-

tion’s senior management. . There-

fore, in order to create cumulative

capabilities and value, managers at

all levels need to realize that their

job is not only improving the proc-

esses, but developing the depart-

mental job-force that ultimately is in

charge of the implementation.

It was suggested that in order to

implement lean in healthcare, the

patient has to be the center of the

initiative, while time and comfort

should be added as key perform-

ance measures in the system. It was

noticed that as implementation of

lean principles in healthcare be-

comes more popular in the USA and

Europe, a shift from manufacturing

like to organizational cases.


Challenges towards lean implemen-

tation in healthcare are related to

the concepts of value, metrics, and

evidence. Evidence shows that

healthcare in the USA lacks effi-

ciency, is not patient centered,

does not provide timely services,

and is not equitable (the last two

being related to many patients be-

ing under-insured). Redesigning

such a system around values such


Genpact and Research Now Extend Ana-

lytics Business Process Management Partner-


Genpact Limited, a global leader in

business process management and

technology services, today an-

nounced that it has extended its

partnership with Research Now, the

global leader in digital data collec-

tion. Genpact manages extensive

business process and analytics op-

erations for Research Now and has

helped improve customer satisfac-

tion by driving faster and better

delivery of services for Research

Now customers.

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1 Highly respected business school

6 A key part of success in business, involving integrity

and honesty

10 Slang name for a law that attempted to improve

business standard and accountability

11 Business plans and promises have to be based on

____ to succeed

12 In a direction

13 Dean of the Hankamer School of Business, Terry ____

15 It’s behind every start-up

16 A visit to this city is part of the Global Strategic Man

agement course

19 Earring

20 The name of Baylor’s new strategic vision (goes with

27 down)

21 Baylor students

26 Wide of the mark

28 Visiting other countries and their companies and

cultures, as part of the Executive MBA program, will

change your _____

32 It can get in the way of just doing the right thing

33 The numbers aka

34 Part of RPS

35 What we should stop doing, per advice covered in

the Principled Leadership class and the Bible

39 Religious basis for Baylor’s business school principles

40 Hankamer alum, Managing partner of WorkWise

LLC, ____ Schlabs

41 To truly lead you have to _____

42 Hankamer alum, now the Managing Director of Ac

centure, _____ Solomon


1 Empty exaggerated talk, the basis for failure in

business (2 words)

2 Associate professor who leads students through

his Principled Leadership classes, Mitchell _____

3 Large tree

4 St. Louis arch locale

5 _____ curricular activities

7 Synonym for educate

8 Resistance to change

9 Cry for help

14 Surprised expression

17 Polite address to a customer

18 Show flexibility, essential in the modern business


20 One type of strategy style

22 Have a power breakfast, for example

23 Visit

24 What we should start doing according to the

Principled Leadership class, and the Bible

25 A place to hang your hat

27 See 20 across

29 Now Beijing

30 Intimidate

31 Creative group, on the cutting edge

36 “I am the Alpha and the _____” Book of Revela

tion 1:8, 21:6 and 22:13

37 First-rate

38 Customer

39 Tax adviser

40 ____ an exam

Page 10: udbhava - Christ University 13.pdf · and information technologies to ... many positive changes in the indus- ... WinCC platform and an ABB 800xA platform.

What has been your organisations largest or most im-

portant projects and how have you managed them?



Mr Raja Sekharan is a visiting MBA faculty who currently teaches Management

strategy, Sales & Negotiations and Wealth Management in Christ University Insti-

tute of Management, Bangalore. He is a B. tech (chemical) engineer from Coim-

batore Institute of technology and a post graduate diploma in business manage-

ment, Marketing and Finance from XLRI, Jamshedpur. He worked as a senior vice

president at Keane and was managing Human resources and Administration func-

tions covering 7000 employees in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and NCR.He

worked in different industries such as SAP India, Ramco systems, SRF limited, Wipro

Corporate Exposure

InfoTech limited HCL infosystems Ltd. He currently is a visiting faculty and coordinator for incubator and a mentor to bud-

ding entrepreneurs, sharing with MBA students all that he has learnt in his 23 years of corporate experience in marketing,

HR, finance and corporate strategy. He has recently authored a book called “How to get rich and retire early”.

As a wealth management consultant

I have been a part of SAP India and was part of the

steering committee there and handled projects on SAP

implementations. There was a huge clientele like BHEL

and there were certain challenges like any other com-

pany faces, having its own boundaries and limitations.

These issues are part of the game the only thing which

matters the most is the tool has to be right. Even after

years the client should be able to reinvest in the com-


I take workshops on Wealth management for working

professionals, where these workshops focus on how

working professionals can get rich over time through

smart investing, by the end of the session, they under-

stand that the key to becoming rich is not how much

you earn ,but how you invest your savings

What challenges did you face in dealing a project?

There is always a challenge of getting customers consid-

ering the facts that there are competitors along with

your own product, There are product, price issues but

you always have to understand there requirements.

How has your management philosophy evolved over


You always have to be truthful to your customers be it

a good news or bad news they have to be involved. I

have changed several companies and my customers

have come along with me, should be able to build

value and trust and be more patient.

Tell us about your book

This is a book that shows you a way to “retire early” and

do things that you truly care about. Filled with practical

tips, this book will change the way you think about

money. It will help you to leave the rat race early so that

you can do the things that you always wanted to do.

The message you want to convey to the future busi-

ness analysts

Firstly, understand the customer requirement that goes

flat without saying that you have to be good listeners

by clearly conveying the business requirements to the

development team. Understanding and communica-

tion are very important along with logical reasoning.

Page 11: udbhava - Christ University 13.pdf · and information technologies to ... many positive changes in the indus- ... WinCC platform and an ABB 800xA platform.

By Vignesh V K | LOS

Automated Warehouse



Business Process Automation has

become integral part of the current

business development.

It is the practice of analyzing, docu-

menting, optimizing and then auto-

mating business processes (Pele-Sol

Engineered Solution, 2013). The busi-

ness process is the flow of informa-

tion, modified by value-added

tasks, that begins with the first con-

tact with a prospective customer

and continues through delivery of a

finished product. Well-developed

business processes can create a

seamless link from initial customer

interface through the supply chain.

Business Process Automation By Prashant Kumar | LOS

Automation of those processes im-

proves the accuracy of the informa-

tion transferred and ensures the

repeatability of the value added

tasks performed. Apart from saving

cost and time Business Process Auto-

mation also helps in increasing effi-

ciency. It helps in value additions at

all level in the business. There are

many success stories associated

with the implementation of Business

Process Automation. Lear Seating

Corporation, Bertlesman Chiroprac-

tic, Celsis Laboratory Group, Ameri-

can Poolplayers Association are

among such companies who have

been successfully able to use the

advantage of business process

automation. It not only improves the

internal process of the organization

but also helps them in giving com-

petitive edge over others.

With the scope of business now in-

creasing and with more and more

stakeholders groups to consider, it

has become essential for them to

improve the process. One of the

most integral part of the automation

is to understand the Business process

of the organization and document

it. After the clear understanding of

the process, critical business issues

are identified and determination of

key objectives of the process im-

provement activities is done. Once

the objectives are set next key task

is to identify the office automation

partner. After getting the quotes,

ROI needs to be carefully calcu-

lated. Once the partner has started

working there is a need to continu-

ously test throughout the implemen-

tation. As the initial plan may not be

always the best plan. Thus if the

implementation of the Business Proc-

ess Automation if done correctly

can bring good positive result.

Automated warehousing systems have developed enormously

over the last thirty years. The pinnacle of warehouse automa-

tion in the 80’s was a fully automated high bay pallet store

using stacker cranes and pallet conveyors, which dramatically

reduced the footprint and labour needed to store a given

volume of product. Whilst these benefits are still true today,

automated systems have been developed well beyond the

storage and retrieval of unit loads, and modern systems now

include sorting, picking and packing. To enable the

smaller unit loads such as totes, cartons and, in some

cases, individual pick items to be handled automati-

cally, there have been significant developments in

conveying systems, sorters, mini load cranes and stores,

commissioners and shuttle systems. Whilst the develop-

ment of the materials handling technology has been

one aspect of this area of growth, equally important


Matrix Systems Strengthens Com-


Matrix Systems, an access control

and security solutions provider with

a reputation built on service and

long-term customer relationships,

announced plans to implement

new strategies to increase efficiency

in manufacturing and R&D, and to

further improve customer service.

With demand for Matrix Systems’

access control and security man-

agement solutions growing at a

rapid pace, the incorporation of

Lean processes throughout its busi-

ness structure ensures continued

growth and success.

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Some of the milestones in these automating processes are as follows:-

Understand the characteristics of the future business of the company that the

system will handle.

Analyse current operations and model future scenarios

Develop a specification of business and user requirements

Develop the most appropriate concepts in each of the operational areas, tak-

ing account of factors such as throughput, inventory holding, seasonality, order

fulfilment times, accuracy, capital costs and labour savings

Identification of handling techniques that can meet the throughput a storage

requirements cost effectively

Definition of the operational requirements of the system- involving the opera-

tions teams

Specification of the software and interface requirement of the system develop

concept layouts, specifications and business cases for the proposed systems.



has been the development of the

equipment control systems and

warehouse control software. The

progression from controlling a stand-

alone automated storage system

into the areas of picking, packing

and despatch, increases the com-

plexity of the operation and soft-

ware many times. The splitting of

unit loads into pick quantities, the

different order profiles for different

product groups and channels to

market, and the need to consoli-

date consolidate orders picked in

different areas at different times,

puts enormous demand on the de-

sign and operation of the system

and software.

This brings the major point in the

design of automated systems - sys-

tem flexibility. In the warehousing

process, the design of the system

becomes more dependent upon

the type and number of customers

and the number of different prod-

ucts they order. Changes to the

numbers of lines per order and items

per line can affect the operation

and efficiency of an automated

system, and it is essential that these

changes are taken into account

during the planning stage. Almost

without exception automated sys-

tems are designed by technical

experts and then run by operational

The benefit of employing THE LOGISTICS BUSINESS to undertake this work is that it

will work as part of the client’s team. The main objective is to understand the

client’s requirements and develop the optimum solutions that meet their long

term business plans, regardless of technology or supplier




Multiplies capacity of building on the same footprint

Significantly reduces labour costs

Eliminates Forklifts And Humans From The Storage Area

Significantly reduces liability

Significantly reduces shrinkage of product

Energy Reduction

Improves Quality Control capacity


Retrieved from

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In today's business environment,

expectations from the project

teams are more in terms of deliver-

ing higher quality systems in lesser

time with fewer resources. IT systems

that don't solve real business prob-

lems or don't perform as promised,

impose an economic barrier on

business cost and results. More than

half of all software projects fail to

meet objectives or suffer significant

schedule and budget slippage be-

cause defects are discovered too

late. All these factors combined

result in a high percentage of

"Defect Leakage" in the production

line, resulting in poor customer satis-

faction and less ROI from the prod-


What needs to be done?

Dedicated focus - Find a solution to

the testing problems.

Find a long-term and cost-effective


Comprehensive coverage against


Follow a "common standard" across

the organization/product team/

project team.

All the above listed elements can

be addressed by a framework

called as ‘Test Automation Frame-



A test automation framework is a set

of assumptions, concepts and tools

that provide support for automated

software testing. The main advan-

tage of such a framework is the low

cost for maintenance.

Test Automation Framework By Harinarayanan S | LOS

Factors to be considered

Committed Management

Cost and budget


Dedicated resources

Realistic Expectations

Type of Test Automation Framework

Linear Framework – This is the most

basic framework where you write

your script AS IS. This framework en-

ables us to write all the steps one

after the other in a linear fashion.

Functional Decomposition Frame-

work – With this framework, we write

the entire code into different func-

tions and then you call these func-

tions wherever required. These func-

tions can be both reusable and non


Data Driven Framework-The data is

kept separate from the code, pref-

erable in excel files. This helps you

execute the same code for multiple

sets of data.

Keyword Driven Framework- In this

type of framework, one can create

different keywords and associate

different actions with these key-


Hybrid Framework – Hybrid frame-

work is a combination of one or

more frameworks discussed above.

Based upon our requirements, we

can combine the features of any of

the above frameworks. The resultant

framework would be a Hybrid


Business Process Testing (BPT)

Framework – In this Framework, we

can divide our test case flow into

multiple Business Components. We

can then re-use these components

as many times as required.


Painting Robots Speed Production of

Boeing 777s

Inside a sealed building in Boeing's

widebody-jet assembly plant, two

robotic machines glide along tracks

on either side of a 106-foot 777 wing

laid flat, their heads reaching out

like animatronic dinosaurs nibbling

at the giant wing. These new robot-

painting machines can wash, apply

solvent to remove dirt, rinse and

then spray two different paint types.

They reach even into complex

spaces inside the open wing root

that must be painted for corrosion

protection. Manually, it takes a

team of painters 4½ hours to do the

first coat. The robots do it in 24 min-

utes with perfect quality. Boeing

began using the machine in Febru-

ary. By midsummer, all 777 wings will

be painted this way.

Page 14: udbhava - Christ University 13.pdf · and information technologies to ... many positive changes in the indus- ... WinCC platform and an ABB 800xA platform.





udbhava TEAM














Page 15: udbhava - Christ University 13.pdf · and information technologies to ... many positive changes in the indus- ... WinCC platform and an ABB 800xA platform.

Udbhava is the official newsletter of Kenosys - the Lean

Operations and Systems club of Kengeri Campus.

It’s objective is to keep everyone up-to-date on the

latest happening in the worlds of

Lean Operations and Systems



(For private circulation only)


The word KENOSYS is derived from the Greek word Kenosis which means self-emptying of

one’s own will and becoming entirely receptive to God’s divine will, to eulogise the

benefit of the group than to self and to contribute to common good than to individual

goal. In our context it means to spread knowledge among our fellow LOS students. The

word was slightly modified from Kenosis to Kenosys so that it goes with Kengeri Operations





E-MAIL: [email protected]



KENOSYS—The Lean Operation & Systems Club,

Kengeri Campus

The Kenosys club is an initiative by the students of LOS (Lean Operations & Systems) of

Christ University Institute of Management, Kengeri. Kenosys stands for KENgeri Operations

and SYStems. Kenosys represents the Lean Operations and Systems (LOS) club of MBA stu-

dents at Kengeri campus of Christ University. The club is the brain child of 2010-12 batch

of MBA-LOS student.

Kenosys is a LOS student’s initiative which organises LOS related student activities so that

value addition happens to LOS students in addition to course curriculum. This is also a

platform for LOS students to showcase their talents in organising events. The regular ac-

tivities under Kenosys are Udbhava news letter, corporate interface, Workshops, panel

discussions etc. Under Kenosys platform, students are encouraged and supported for

their innovative and creative value addition exercises in the arena of Lean Operations

and Systems.

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