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Page 1: UCC1: New Course Transmittal Letter Grade 90 + A 86.7 – 89.9 A- 83.3 – 86.6 B+ 80.0 – 83.2 B 76.7 – 79.9 B- 73.3

UCC1: New Course Transmittal FormDepartment Name and Number

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Amount of Credit

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Degree Type (mark all that apply) Baccalaureate Graduate Other

Introductory Intermediate Advanced

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Rev. 10/10

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Page 2: UCC1: New Course Transmittal Letter Grade 90 + A 86.7 – 89.9 A- 83.3 – 86.6 B+ 80.0 – 83.2 B 76.7 – 79.9 B- 73.3

WST 4xxxC Practicum in Health Disparities

Instructor: Laura K. Guyer, PhD, RD Office: 304 Ustler Hall Phone: 352 – 273 – 0392

Office Hours: M, W, F from 9:30 – 11:30 am and by appointment Class: TBA Time at Agency: 9 hours/week Course Description: Capstone experience for seniors enrolled in the Health Disparities in Society minor. Students are matched with

preceptors from community agencies working with under-served and disadvantaged populations. Students will learn

about the agency and its organizational culture while applying concepts of cultural competence, linguistic

appropriateness and health disparities.

Course Credits: 3 Course Prerequisites: Enrollment in Health Disparities in Society minor, WST 2xxx Introduction to Health Disparities.

Course Goals: In this course students will:

1. Develop an understanding of the issues affecting agencies that serve at-risk populations. 2. Learn the challenges faced by individuals served by social service and health agencies. 3. Apply classroom knowledge to the practical work environment. 4. Develop skills and professionalism through practice and assignments. 5. Experience changes in attitude and behavior through guided reflection activities.

Course Readings:

S Kosoko-Lasaki, CT Cook, RL O’Brien. (2009). Cultural Proficiency in Addressing Health Disparities. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, LLC.

PR Rose. (2011). Cultural Competency for Health Administration and Public Health. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, LLC. M Yehieli, MA Grey. (2005). Health Matters: A Pocket Guide to Working with Diverse Cultures and Underserved Populations. Intercultural Press.

Supplemental Readings: Will be provided according to agency placement. Grading: Agency project 100 pts. Assignments (x4) 50 pts. ea. Guided reflection (x10) 5 pts. ea. Preceptor’s evaluation 100 pts. TOTAL 450 pts.

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Grade Scale:

% Letter Grade

90 + A

86.7 – 89.9 A-

83.3 – 86.6 B+

80.0 – 83.2 B

76.7 – 79.9 B-

73.3 – 76.6 C+

70.0 – 73.2 C

66.7 – 69.9 C-

63.3 – 66.6 D+

60.0 – 63.2 D

56.7 – 59.9 D-

<56.7 E Visit and for more information about UF’s Grading Policy.

In the practicum, students are matched with preceptors, i.e. sponsors or mentors, from community agencies. Student grades will be assigned by the instructor using, in part, the preceptor’s recommendation. Agency Project: Meet with assigned preceptor to identify a semester-long project that will improve the programs or services of the agency. Establish the rationale, goals, target audience, materials needed, and outcomes to be measured. Submit by the end of the first week in the agency. Submit the planned project to course instructor for final approval. Assignments: Before the first day at the assigned agency, students must complete the UF module on the Health Insurance Portability and Protection Act (HIPAA) the governs patient/client privacy. A copy of the HIPAA certificate must be presented to preceptors on the first day of the practicum or the student will not be permitted to begin the practicum.

Assignment 1: In a 3-5 page report, summarize the agency’s mission, history, goals, service area, funding source(s), programs and services, clientele served, role in the community, partnerships, technology usage and current threats/opportunities. Email to instructor. Assignment 2: Identify a disparities issue addressed by the agency (cultural competence, social determinants of health, limited access to care, health literacy, etc.). Identify 3 research articles related to the issues and ideally, your agency. Write a 1-2 page report that describes how each article applies to the health disparities issue and identify how your agency can adopt these recommendations to improve programs and services. Submit your brief with a copy of each article. Email to instructor. Assignment 3: Select an educational handout from the agency and evaluate the readability, cultural competence, and linguistic appropriateness. Does it meet the health literacy needs of the target audience? Revise to make it more effective. Email to instructor.

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Assignment 4: Prepare a 10-minute oral presentation that gives an overview of the practicum experience. Include relevant photos that show you at work and your contributions to the agency. Present in class for peer and instructor evaluation.

Guided Reflection: Beginning in Week 3, students will submit 2-3 page reflection assignments to the instructor. The Guided Reflections will promote the application of theory from assigned readings to the work environment. Each reflection must be dated, include the student’s name, and list the date/time worked at the agency. Submission of each reflection to the instructor is the student’s responsibility. Preceptor’s Evaluation: Preceptors will provide students with written formative evaluation of progress at the mid-point of the semester and written summative evaluation at the end. The grade points recommended by the preceptor will be considered by the instructor when assigning the final grade. Attendance and Absence Policy Attendance is mandatory. It is expected that each student will attend and be on time for work in the assigned agency and for class meetings. Excused absence will be awarded to students using the UF Policy, Examples of excused absences include medical illness, religious holidays, military obligation and twelve-day rule. Students seeking an excused absence are responsible for notifying the instructor within 24-hours of the event and providing documentation, if requested. Other forms of absence will be deemed as unexcused and each event will lower a student’s total grade points by 1%. If an emergency arises, notify the instructor within 48-hours of the event. Make-up Policy: It is expected that assignments will be completed on time. If unable to meet an assigned deadline, the student should notify the instructor at least 24 hours in advance or receive the grade of “0.” Extra time to complete the assignment will be awarded at the discretion of the instructor. Course Website: Visit the e-learning Support Services homepage ( and click on the Sakai System link. This site will be used to provide announcements and discussion topics. Classroom Policy: It is expected that each student will appear for class prepared and on time. Tardy students disrupt the learning of others and ongoing tardiness may lead to dismissal. Tardiness will not be tolerated at assigned agencies and more than 3 unexcused tardies will lead to dismissal from the course. Students with Disabilities: The Disability Resource Center coordinates the needed accommodations of students with disabilities. This includes registering disabilities, recommending academic accommodations within the classroom, accessing special adaptive computer equipment, providing interpretation services and mediating faculty-student disability related issues. For more information visit Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Disability Resource Center. DRC will provide documentation to the student who must then provide it to the Instructor when requesting accommodation.

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UF Honor Code: Violations of the Student Honor Code will not be tolerated. The students of the University of Florida recognize that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental values of the University community. Students who enroll at the University commit to holding themselves and their peers to the high standard of honor required by the Honor Code. Any individual who becomes aware of a violation of the Honor Code is bound by honor to take corrective action. Student and faculty support are crucial to the success of the Honor Code. The quality of a University of Florida education is dependent upon the community acceptance and enforcement of the Honor Code. Therefore, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity by abiding by the Honor Code. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:

"On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment." UF Policy Regarding Students as Research Subjects: Students and faculty are reminded that any use of students as subjects in research projects must receive clearance from the UF Institutional Review Board before beginning a project. This policy includes survey research. UF Policy Regarding Software Use: All faculty, staff, and students of the University of Florida are required and expected to obey the laws and legal agreements governing software use. Failure to do so can lead to monetary damages and/or criminal penalties for the individual violator. Because such violations are also against University policies and rules, disciplinary action will be taken as appropriate. Campus Helping Resources: Students experiencing crises or personal problems that interfere with their general well-being are encouraged to utilize the university’s counseling resources. Both the Counseling Center and Student Mental Health Services provide confidential counseling services at no cost for currently enrolled students. Visit the on-campus Counseling and Wellness Center at Resources are available on campus for students lacking clear career or academic goals that interfere with academic performance. The Career Resource Center provides free testing and career development assistance. Visit for more information.

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Course Schedule* Listed below are the weeks when classes meet or assignments are due

Week Topics Events


Class meeting

Course overview Patient privacy and confidentiality (HIPAA) Professionalism and ethics Health disparities

Complete HIPPA certification

Pre-agency reflection

UF module on-line, “HIPAA for General Awareness”




Agency assignment

Meet preceptor and orient to agency Choose topic for semester project Begin practicum




Practicum Reflection #1:Agency Orientation Rose, CH 1




Practicum Reflection #2: Professionalism and Ethics

Assignment 1:Agency Summary

Rose, CH 10




Practicum Reflection #3: Communication Kosoko-Lasaki, CH 14




Practicum Reflection #4: Decision-making Kosoko-Lasaki, CH 2




Practicum Reflection #5:Health Disparities

Mid-practicum evaluation with


Yehieli & Gray, Part 2 & 3




Practicum Reflection #6:Health Disparities

Assignment 2: Health Disparities report

Yehieli & Gray, Per agency





Practicum Reflection #7: Clientele Characteristics USDHHS. Centers for Disease Control and prevention. (2009). Simply Put.

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Practicum Reflection #8: Health Literacy – Role of


Institute of Education Sciences National Center for Education Statistics. (2009). Basic Reading Skills and the Literacy of America’s Least Literate Adults.




Practicum Reflection #9: Health Literacy – Role of


USDHHS Office of Minority Health. (2001). National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care.




Practicum Reflection #10: Health Literacy – Role of Professionals Final evaluation with preceptor Assignment #3: Educational Materials

USDHHS Office of Minority Health (2005). A Patient-Centered Guide to Implementing Language Access Services in healthcare Organizations.




The Need for Diversity

in Leadership

Post-agency Reflection

Email Agency project

Institute of Medicine National Academy of Science. (2004). In the Nation’s Compelling Interest: Ensuring Diversity in the Health Care Workforce.




Peer and instructor


Assignment #4: Agency presentations




Peer and instructor


Assignment #4: Agency presentations

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UCC: External Consultations

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External Consultation Results (departments with potential overlap or interest in proposed course, if any)

Department Name and Title

E-mailPhone Number


Department Name and Title

E-mailPhone Number


Department Name and Title

E-mailPhone Number


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UCC: External Consultations

Rev. 10/10

External Consultation Results (departments with potential overlap or interest in proposed course, if any)

Department Name and Title

E-mailPhone Number


Department Name and Title

E-mailPhone Number


Department Name and Title

E-mailPhone Number


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