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Page 1: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Francesco NoferiniBologna University

INFN – sez. BolognaALICE-TOF

Tuesday, May 16thVillasimius (Italy)


Page 2: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini



Results from RHIC on two particle correlation studies;

Quenching effect interpretation; Monte Carlo Simulation of quenching

effects (pythia, hijing); Prediction at LHC; Conclusions.

Page 3: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


STAR results on two particle correlationsPhys.Rev.Lett.91:072304,2003

[STAR Collaboration]arXiv:nucl-ex/0604018

Increasing the value of the pT trigger cut the back-to-back correlation is visible again.

In this pT range, only for central AA collisions, the back-to-back correlation is suppressed.

4 < pTtrig < 6 GeV/c

2 GeV/c < pTcorr <


Page 4: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Geometry of collision




• L1≠L2

• Strong dependence on the impact parameter (b)

• ΔEi enhancement with Li

Jet pair production

Page 5: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Quenching Mechanism

The quenching mechanism proposed by Wiedeman & Salgado is parameterized as follows (Quenching Weight):

2/Lq̂ω 2c





characteristic scale for the radiation

mean squared momentum for unity length

The spectrum emission of gluons depends only on

c and R :

C.A. Salgado and U.A. Wiedemann, Phys. Rev. D 588, 303 (2000)

The avarage energy loss in this prediction is proportional to L2 = path length squared through the medium.

Page 6: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Quenching in Aliroot

Quenching Weight (class in Aliroot framework) based on the Wiedemann-Salgado model, takes in account the Nuclear Geometry.

An effective transport coefficient is calculated starting from the formula:

0 BAeff ξd)b;ξ(TTkLq̂


nn ξd)b;ξ(q̂ξIIf we define:

Then: 1c Iω 021 I/I2R

01 I/I2L )2/(ˆ 120 IIq

depends on b

All information

Nuclear Geometry

Procedure is described in ref. A.Morsch J.Phys. G31 (2005) s597.

Page 7: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Energy loss and radiated gluons

In the code implementation (AliPythia::Quench method) the number of radiated gluons (multiple soft) are = 1 / (1-z*), in this way the energy of radiated gluons is always lower than that of the final leading parton.

*z = fraction of energy loss

ALICE PPR Vol. IIChapter 6

Page 8: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Some results expected from Jet Quenching

N. Borghini and U. A. Wiedemann, hep-ph/0506218 &ALICE PPR Vol. II, Chapter 6

Page 9: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Dependence of q from centrality

*A. Dainese, C. Loizides and G. Paic, Eur. Phys. J. C 38, 461-474 (2005)

Dainese, Loizides and Paic results show* that a good agreement with RHIC data is reached withq ~ 14 GeV2/fm for:^


Page 10: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Standard HIJING results at RHIC energy

Results for two particle correlation obtained from HIJING with the quenching model implemented in the original code.

The partial suppression affects both the peaks (near correlation, back correlation) so it is not fine when compared with RHIC data.

Energy loss in HIJING quenching model is proportional to L = path length through the medium.

Page 11: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Simulation strategy

Page 12: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


PYTHIA simulation @ 200 GeV<q>eff in central collisions ~ 5 GeV2/fm

Suppression vs. centrality qualitatively described by the model (factor 5 suppression wrt peripheral collisions, although the away side peak does not disappear completely).


Page 13: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Some parameters in HIJING simulation

Ngluon (emitted gluons) = 1 / (1-z); kT

lead leading parton momentum from the medium = ;

kTrad of the radiated gluons

= kTlead/sqrt(Ngluon);

Max. fraction of energy loss = 0.7,Ngluon

max = 4.


<q>eff in central collisions ~ 14 GeV2/fm ^ z = fraction of energy loss

Page 14: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Hijing also without background For statistics reasons some simulations are

obtained for events with a single Nucleon-Nucleon collision.However, the quenching effect is simulated assuming the Glauber geometry and the Quenching Weight scheme (as for full simulations).

Results with hijing are consistent with those from PYTHIA. The advantage in using HIJING is that is possible to simulate signal and background together.

Page 15: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


HIJING results @ 200 GeV

HIJING single collisionHIJING full event

Like in PYTHIA+quech. simulations the back side correlation is strongly suppressed.

The full HIJING+quench. simulations (preliminary results Ntrig = 2700) confirm this effect. Background doesn’t correspond exaclty to RHIC data but the Monte Carlo is not tuned yet.

Page 16: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


What happens at higher trigger pT?

Ntrig = 4493

HIJING single collision

Increasing the value of the pT trigger cut the back-to-back correlation is clearly visible again as in RHIC data.

Page 17: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Radiation effects at low pT

with radiation effects (WR)

without radiation effects (WoR)

Ntrig = 1713(WR)/150(WoR)

In the kinematic region of low pT, for central collisions, the contribution to back-to-back correlations could be due to the radiated gluons.

HIJING single collision

Page 18: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


HIJING simulation @ 5.5 TeV

HIJING single collisionHIJING full event

Simulation at LHC energy with the quenching strength used for the simulation @ 200 GeV shown a clear signal with this choice for pT cut.

It is possible to test the di-hadron correllation for different pT cuts.

5.5 TeV8 < pT

trig < 154 < pT

corr < 6

5.5 TeV8 < pT

trig < 154 < pT

corr < 6|η| < 1 |η| < 1

Page 19: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Conclusions Quenching Weight implementation in HIJING

seems to work in the kinematical regions investigated @ RHIC and it is more realistic than the standard quenching effect simulated in the HIJING original code;

In this way is possible to study the scenario could happen @ LHC for the observables presented herein;

Implementation of radiated gluons is still not complete but the analysis seems to be sensible at their contribution.

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Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini



Page 21: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Some results expected from Jet Quenching -II

A.Morsch J.Phys. G31 (2005) s597.

No quenchedQuenched

Energy distribution around a jet axis for a jet of 100 GeV.




Page 22: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Other plots from STAR

[STAR Collaboration]arXiv:nucl-ex/0604018

8 < pTtrig < 15 GeV/c

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Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


[PHENIX Collaboration]arXiv:nucl-ex/0511044

At lower value of pT some new effects come out.

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Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Impact Parameter vs. Centrality calculated in Glauber Geometry(class $ALICE/FASTGEN/AliFastGlauber.h)

Page 25: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Quenching Weights in HIJING Monte Carlo

THijing class




HIJING Monte Carlo Fortran

Call to HIJING code:• Generation of partons scattering

Quenching of the hard partons:• call to Quenching Weight class

Call to HIJING code:• Fragmentation

Page 26: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Pythia without quenching

Rate: 60k events over 10M nucleon-nucleon collisions

In the Transverse Plane (x,y)



Page 27: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Pythia + Quenching L (HIJING)

Rate: 5k events over 10M nucleon-nucleon collisions

b = 0 fmGeV200sNN


Eloss = 2 GeV/fm

Page 28: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Pythia + Quenching L2

Rate: 6k events over 10M nucleon-nucleon collisions

b = 0 fmGeV200sNN


q = 1.5 GeV2/fm^

Page 29: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Suppression vs. Impact Parameter (b)

Quenching L

Quenching L2

[suppression ΔΦ = π]

Page 30: Two particle correlations: from RHIC to LHC

Tuesday, May 16th Francesco Noferini


Region of jet production

External Region inCentral Collisions



b = 0 fm


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